Book Preview: End Section
and elaborating on older uses of queer camp per- personal, and political and cultural arenas that formance, the film contains a much greater came to underscore the very phenomenon of gay degree of sentimentality about, and admiration liberation. Evoking a spirit of ‘stranger sociabil- for, the many things it stages and indeed dresses. ity’, to borrow a term from Michael Warner, the Much more extensively developed as a form of film advances the construction of new kinds of live theatre, camp performance in the late ’60s social formation, by elaborating on experiences BIBLIOGRAPHY and early ’70s was very much about bringing par- and feelings that many male-desiring men had in ticipants into the fold of new kinds of social, cul- common, though could not always easily share in tural and political spaces, where the values a collective context due to the prohibitions and assigned to things in everyday life could be inven- anxieties of a repressive society. !' tively challenged and given new life and meaning Just as the film potently and provocatively through their re-configuration. addresses the audience through its complex Camp in Pink Narcissus is also an integral combination of the sexually direct and the polit- part of what might be described as the film’s ically sharp, it also, more simply, offers audi- world-making ethos. The film repeatedly uses ences the sheer pleasure of viewing, for its own camp to garner a feeling for the pleasure of sake, a glistening, endlessly unfolding display of gay male experiences of socialising, if not col- light, colour, texture and movement.
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