! ; — ! : ' : : .


rjaAPTJC QXTELKIV. ) Sdltor and Proprietor. (" I>rjiW YORK, FLOWERS. S^TUHD^Y AUGrXJS I His lips -were white. 7, 1830. -No. (nomlrt ao. IO« THI nw TOM CLirpSB. could not lut.„ JPrloe Ten Cents. BY VABDTKS BBOWK. behind this sinister mask, rnlly avenged Jnaignerite had been ^Vbtoceeamatbrrant; Oo whmt tklr mora ' -"-tC*""?" Tb« places andotherSn5 o?hL"*J^;tP^5?n'^'?«Tl^«"«^«. ™*' evening last Winter at bama ororth to idont - -.=l2.1^4^^?*^o=J.'WcompaniedbyaDorter pape^-^^SSh I'^riii'd; arf wSu^tJtS'^ schoolgirls' reunion or somcthlSirVf Uit lirt ° , When tbe flowcn emms— J^j!^fi,°^°S' WaUaohlan, having piok- «t only a transient girlish timTiL ^ fortunate In anlvinir to- ooat;.seaixjhed hlB^SoEeto 0«nK<'«e«- Aiid.lf ita«glartai.ba«, nvht,='he *J°V°*" "J Perastedrand^BfooniSe known Mid ; "a little laterand ^,^JS^ To br'whatererainie found he woSd Lve J^^Pl^ef B»yl was channM is pnw^t Did Niton flDd. In no lodgtoK espeoiaUy pocketbooki very mild. Daring b«r Idle boon at thto hotel thi whence he extraotedthe bankbilte the recess we haS sumt.! (II ilattira crei knav IdJaoM). i "^seei season is OTersnSw by tlie Countess, with the doiterity sSJn-i*'™-- ™«™y oloi a Alexlnn. . professional as yon hSSS" ?S?°'!^"5. the hiS'dto: prestidlgifateur. Jfi'^/-.i5?""'J?- tarow to tdo paasport," he inin^^f^** continued, exam sDCgested her as a snhecltote- ah* enna-™'"" ertr?,?Ji^'*.P*'**='- then, no DOV- • Conotess dl^NanMy has In tba aimpla flowan thMt mtMadmn mt+k* couple, o„iy ^Ih^^"^^.- Ab. s«et would be tha ,nrre?i,''thU y'=~. h" dep^uro SSfSiftiJSS^- ?oU!^l^ri^ The lady can pass as a I with pSS« r^**""^ °l ,^««ra-it tall oj God'i KMon fcr • sole mix- TTe know, aclaut. urwrth of beauty. The husband Uiw Id ramloi iSchi5t.,I seal went to the Cur- Jlsaa anotbcAawanfaloonied- tameainW „J„n i^^"?^^^"™^^- Ana ago, br good annia plantud. aad inade his det>at thion^h^toiSK _Tli«alrof Edeo their bre&'Ji perftamed. dred one Sn- thousand francs t «» T?)er ware ak7 and mn, cbeak. Hp and flam*" EvarvhSo ^iT? th!?? they wefe wild BO , many sorrows, "And now " she nitrini And, tboocb baailiii man/ • qoaiot, tearing the fatal old name ! mlsellTinto tamnlnto a^d , To common ona ehann all aowera had-T comlort ^f£u-^-4rS£rb«^ To tba wearr and loothe tba aad. andta^4'.°"'°'^''*'°"*"*«>-™'0''«r Pau°°sllps 1 and the post no longer exists." Jtow, alto- tba oantmlaa roBad awar ""^S^"*". That cbaim la tbaln ' oorpee, and In turn lean- ai or old to-iSr' *^ Russian ed«rt over it as Wbo bu not marked Mnna magic bonr hJ^y'^fii^?. Rambler?" Oreffory baddone ThetarSMn Bt a fuled RM tbu atm haa power ^2.'?? tempered by efflnf Tha hldd«Ddeptbi "S?™rfLndanoff," or tba aoalto awar r answered the waiter "I around was crimson. IM mna^ odor bungs back azam The Countess aipneff ourboowTfrom P 01 bea»an Go I" "55 In iJIim ; Countess Bren toe sonllower, ^tlV^ ^ layoff itabtly seen *" gentleman mannet In which In his «ltow gimndeor leonine, goi-w^t/* ™m J'fi. the cS™t IJ At for tba canopy o{ a qneen The waiter retired. a living and Roaes are rosea arer the same. f^^SL'" double lure. ™>„?^fo"«*lob ttme of Dailowed to iDtensit •«« «>'ars wm bloom the day had passed awav. An^iut OWBtltaiyVoasbrtS? TimeTlSl'i{n!^!,ZiSA^^win Qoench Th« morning, wii — their thelrred heart's flame hS? K^2J5^ descended to the fiorton;lSS ' nopdali. There ^'* S^™2?"°*i''''"^o-sl»e whom be iMd loved srrt^'nM??^ay2?KiXS•^&^'he had ee- : t"bS;hV„'?;frj!'~ to frenzy, *°P™Ple»i'd lected tor her, and even to crime—she son had gold. Nb per- and whomho aSn passed sinoe momlng The openlDjr of cross-out where tlui.UKh the the Vall trade enti>i>nin_otSJnwhlih hiSi center. Asudden reflection sperscd with abruJuyStop^iJ^ beds of scariet-colored fra^i«t>t tending to the cross-cut existed a waU ninin^ pLOITDE SIBEN: w.U, two openings-one by other by a a gftettS 8ure?f/%?^t;n'i.S'nis?iirj;!fA'j?j^ smaU door, BehSS^tSs wm a weSl'°adC^*.'r^ pS^^ted^'.!^- fi,T!:«?r'*°°®4 growth, and snpnlled with .TIER DE NoSTd^p out with his Call the time the MONTEPOr. ^?^i5r^a"S.^ juto o'eine i^dS2^^*;?'*I^T¥«"«^«^'<^^ bSy^^fflS"***^ gardens ot the wealthy vflls^wTumi «f ^iherJHlMbtlght In "La rigm'" orPaifa Si^lfeoS^&l?-^^^^ tiS^''™'Sss'i:?{?'= »' StSSaL™ I " " oupm. '"^^ :.hla 01 ^.hlsvSinatn i„„^.n:, . ,^ J STOSjiohe Is gpilty-tfa infamnna • pHII T giBS .13 lorFnot to die. Whaice can I ^^>*"^^^«"te a^ to strike her ndbred summon oonr- " to extinguish or URCEY. those divine " pit St without I I feel It too _ Everything is possible save that—yes, aatisfledvltbmgSI^ everytblng, even forgiveness. Who knows? A 'Instead of ptsUSEfSEng his nar- generous pardon may bring her back." Onds that I have promptly De Nancey re-entered his room, closed his led to things?" door, and passed the remainder of the night a ing, burherregular feeAuree d times, yesl" exclaimed prev to agitation in a feverish, almost delirious able expression ot goodness your thousand francs—they condition. Dayligjit appeaAd. Paul had re- Icnce. She bad a sunshade In her sumed calmness, propornonatelyas approached Bat hasten I I am dying wltn Rarden-bonnet upon her head. She the for action. time He lookea at himself in wards the Interior ot tbe house, and while' thSKlass, ns lie had afewranmnnts leplled the young German, subsequently buttonlne her gloves said in Fraioh, a little " to his arrival, and found himself hldeou!i. and resuming his nanation. sharply, but by no means.lmpatlently : , "I frightful said fact, very little baggage am The to himself. "A gen- Dan Shelby, Manager and Ethiopian Comedian. "Alice, my ohUd, oome, then. It is already tleman cannot on the p nothing—only a dreeslng- go ground with this ban- late—dinner is near at hand—our promenade dit-appearance I FOB BIOQSAPHICAIi SKETCH SEE PAGE 13C. oned to the hotel all the Whether I kill or am killed, I will be too short Alice, my darling, hurry 1" of OS the dames 1 French dressmakers, to be shall be a i^eitleman to the last. Moreover, TO SX O0NliMUai>. ales ofthe dead man 1 likewise a tmnkmaicer, but should the sen me thus, I will horrUy hex." during the long boors or -the may 'nfinu&^Snr The lady made large pur- De Nancey rang his bell. He commanded she had experienced In anhsr weddad fSOP '-SL conid not it deal ot money. Hence she the hotel-barber, caused himself to be shaved, THE AOTDirSJOUiTRT-SUT. explain to henaU; she hodhMjtff^ stone-dead. Balls discharged pointblank rare- spend to the requirements ot his manly deter- bln<1«i whan Pniil's nttnntlon was diverted by speak of him In no nnceitaln teal bride yes, sir." opened his valise, and dressed himself in a cos- toam, ahaSd im? Uke a — ly epare, and Gregory felt himself lost This mlnatloh, imd that his Imme, so thoroughly an unexpecte 1 apparition, none the less eiiiga- wmiriMJi won, rnm www tobk CLfrrzB, Bome or his works with the Count. tume be ordinarily wore at Paris for bis early trntwanded sdmlraSaiLhiM^ n V marmured incontrovertible logic calmed suddenly the overtasked tor the past few days, was about to lar lu buuu a plttuu and at such a moment. The BT MIOBOIaAB NILEa personally he was unknown to her. momlng-ride. His pains and this toflet could wSTbin more, sir." Prmco's fury. He allowed his pistol to toll betray him at the very momnnt wheu the full- Count saw a female figure ot incomparable this bitterness over a dead stranger, tlluMrlouu not evidently change nts livid pallor, his sunken right—what should you know? upon the table whence he hod taken It, and the ness ot his atrenaith scarcely sufficed him to grace displaying itself among the troes at some Ob. when In SommVa tmralng' prime be mlgbt be f there." eyes or his blanched lips; nevertheless, they Yon look fbrbtm In Union aqnArei, The great city sent her noblest Count, at the same time, caused his revolver to combat victoriously an adversary ot Gregory's I'Oces from the spot where he stood. He fixed a Intending to nucat 'lU time and best to do operated a considerable transformation. Did honor at theobeequlsB, and Iiocettesmlled disappear. metal. The Count could not thinik at that point glance upon that form, and recognized Blanche. Be paid TOU bftcx that borrmved dime tbrausii he preserve the countenanc*' of it her tears as she beheld tbegnnd pntiUcdemoiistra^ -where you gleaned this In- a moribund, Expert In advantages, Oregory already con- ol employing solid nutriments, repulsive to a ".Kb \" exclaimed the Coiint with intense blt- Yoa lent Um when tale eaata wm ipaiv. was that of a dying gentleman. He U not there. tlon or respect paid to the deceased ftnow-oountrr- :el where these travelers pnt gtatiilated the olows he had re- contnioted stomach. He resolved upon gain- toroess, "onr duel must, then, have a witness. himself upon * man or her husband. She went home fisellns It struck ten In tne forenoon . Paul pulled on Ton TUt aD hit UTohtohsQDU. sad ceived, as they placed—as he at lenst Imagined ing, a ' flotitlouB strength throDgh a resoit to Were vou aware «1 it, sir?" and desolate, and days lengthened Into his gloves, emerged from his room, with a To which nioet fift he did repMr; wcekswlth- and another trump-card in his hand. stimulating spirits, and ordered to be served "I wjs aware of it," rarUed Gregory. oot bringing Philip. Bat the month firm step moved towards the extremity Ton ec«rch tfanmxta bear reeUannU. brenght Law- ot the "Tou have changed the situation. Count," he vMh a bottle ot mm. After having drained in "And, doubtless, apriov,id of it?" Aoooer hU etstcn, eoaalna, ennu. yer Onstave and a college dignitary. corridor. Explore imnn and lady have gone. This said in a husky, hissing tone or voice. "I now SQCoesalon two or three glosses of its contents, "Whether I approved or not, I could not pre- the nitendee with cue- "Executors." he said, "or the late ProftaorSTl- He U not there. o'clock, the notel-omnlbus took am the insulted patty, and have choice ot aims." he felt himself singularly reanimated, and, vent it" vanl, who bad I>eqaeathed to Mrs. Philip silver the HUSBAITD If to hU bawdlmr-hooee yoo go. sum or tO|000 In Oovernment secnritlea." ilnmd-depot—with real baggage CHAPTER XXX.— AND LOVES. "It Is Indifferent to me." taking with him his isplers and Bmall-Kwords "Ton desired to come here, madame," said The mUtreee meets roa with e etare. And the necessBfy docnments ware placed At the moment of De Nancey'shalt in front of "I select swords." la their leathern ease, he quitted the hotel, the Couiit, addreaslng the woman bearing his in the YoQ'reiooUoir for jour fHeodr Jojt0<^ lundBorthe SBtonlsbed woman. Tbe directions Paul, twisting his hands the door lettered No. 21. bis heart beat with left the directed where be 1> ahe'd Uke [Claimed "Bo It so. Have you youra?" gazed aroimd him, town, and name, "and you have 'jome to witness a death- And to know; therein were remarkably explicit ible fit ot iSKe. "Thns they have tumultuous throbs. Curious noises resounded bis footsteps towards the little wood wherein strugRle lietween your lover and yourhusband V BemarUnr. with u lojared nlr, "No." lie U not there. "It Is Btnnge, gentlemen," said Lneette. "that ,n. Gonel" he repeated, "and in his eara. and fantastlo lights danced before • to to gloat "I have mine—do you accept them?" the hostUe meeting was occur. Ton havo come your eyes upon blood- the ProlfesBor Hhoald bequeath ttila money to an bis eyes. He was about to knock, he poi • ; Ton find some others who would Uln when "I do. When do wo fight?'' The morning was splendid. The sun, at in- spilling or which you are the caupo 1" ^ entire stranger. Apart from bis repntaoon and celved the key In the look on the DUoorer how be went, and where; tbe iKwka this outside. - I have read. ThinklntT that detail might He "In an hour." 4 tervals veiled by vapory clouds. Inundated with "I have desired to como," replied Blanche, nu KOiag cMued bU t«Uor pain. I know nothUur of him opened, and foand fainBilf in and^ to knowledge, eleur, I went as far as the lallway- an antechsinber "It is well," quoth Gregory, "and I tnst to light the environs ot the Gamester's Paradise. "and I have come to see von die." And pnt one ehlitto nndoe etirnln. my I have never seen bim lii For tbe other he left lo bU waehwoman's my Uie." • . liave a friend employed there. I made conducting to two other rooms composing the chance for my seconds. Oh, the flist-cpmen, The stimulating odor of now-mown grass per- "HiBilotI" exclaimed Paul, carried away by car*. - ' suite parlor the right, And Btill *tli there. "Pardon me, my dear madam," said the The dark gentlemnn and blonde —a on a sleeping-chamber and I am with you." rM' vaded the atmosphere, beneath the Influence of wrath. eoorilr the left And ret no apprvbenelons need Gnstave; "I earnestly crave your pardon. iKitlait a coupe tor themselves all alone, on Paul hesitated between the two seconds?" sharply retunuM the which heavy-fromed Fritz unplatonlcollyclasp- "Greitory, you haar him; he Instdts me I "Ot what use Be had that be*e Tanlshed loin air. not remarkable that yoa Hbould hang the nottialt went to Hombouig, near Frankfort, Tou doors In uncertainty, when the sound of a piano in that normal oootdltlon ed tbe buxom waist ot Oretohen with the straw- Break the only obstecle separating us kill f Count. "Are wo — For hen In the pap^r one mar read of an entire stranger In snch close pnzimltr to "Lwell, s^—where they gamble. Ahl it determined him to advance, and to place his wherein conTenttonolitics assume the fdrce of oolored hair. Here and there more reflned.coa- that man r That Brown has rods, with all doe apeed. wtnt^ U undeniably an exact copy of To hU eoanliT-Met in Delaware, ye^- iwa Il-known place—and pretty, too, sir hand upon the knob of the right-bandaoor, combat will be mortal—at least tor ples. still no less in love, passed slowly, hand in "Uariotl" repeated the Count. law? The And he there 1 "Who Is there?'' asked U "That, sir," fV^y pay through the noee, as they say at ftom the inside Greg- one. That is all that Is wanted. Who wOl pnt hand.boneath tbe shade of covered walks. Paul "I love thee, Gregory I I love thee, and hate exclaimed Lncetto, rialna wttb'>Anch ory's voice. If Brown were rleh. to yonreeli joa ear. emotion—"that, sir. Is tbe UkeneBS or hlmselt out ot the way to-mo^^ow^ 'when observed all ot theM things, and soliloquized that men I Kill him." my hvatead. Or eoald borrow enoavti to pa/ hie tare Philip Silver, iry takes Blanche to Hombouig, a city Monsieur De Nancey did not understand this of on unknown "Thns It Is true! Beneath this magnificent Fury revived Pnnl's strength. He plied his whose rstum bome I am ameadir finding the corpse man? No DOT laland or Bockawar* awaiting." "^'•J ra and ot gaming? Thpn he has no In- question In the German tongue, the WaUaoblan knows my name, nnd you do n6t bear sky, amid Uiese balmy fields, there are men steel with on Impetuosity of which a few min- Twoold DO but nataral not to stay one here Tbe two gentlemen conversed apart Ibr ot rapidly crossing Germany, and of Imagining the visitor to be a hotel-waiter; but Justice in this counliyjkuve loving and beloved, who love and are not be- utes belore he appeared Incapable, and the In tha dty*! heat and dost and itUi«» a uln'ite your own. Should Tboogh 700 are there; or two. space between him and he divined Ite meaning, and replied, while open- to prosecute, trayed , who love and are not abandoned 1 Hap- Wallachian, not without astonishment, recog- , boundless the sensitive and endeavor whom will "My dear madam." said Bat odd it la that a chap like Brown. Ooiuve, "the nasa. 'd wife he has stolen," ing the door abruptly murderer will by that time are they, thrice happy I" nized that he was confronted by an antagonist whoso it pursue? The be py Wboae onlj eeat la a bench In tbe Squre, l>Unce InwonderiuUr striking, and we kmnr not Pe Nanoey said thus to himself, and felt al- "Pardeau 1 It Is 1 1 You did not expect mo?" afar. No, no, no seconds. Do you consent?? The infatuated man had forgotten Marguerite, he litle anticipated. Without being what Is Who coae to seed whenerer In town, yotir husband. Bad that gentleman anyarttflctal tbe terrible us , most consoled through absolute certainty of the At the Instant when Count, ns "Wailngly." • ;. chaste virgin, loving wife, betrayed by him, called a "blade of the first-class, one of those Showa BO, when the Bammer*a eon poore down. mark upon his person by which yon eotud IdenaCr^ To a coontij'Beat In Delaware, his body in tugtttvBS being imable to escape him much Banqno's ghost, appeared upon the threshold only remains to designate the field." abandoned t>y him, slain by him I He remem- swordsmen known and classified as such In ease of need?" "It anywhere 1 or "Tes: the letter "O.', over longer. This comparative calmness did not, ot this commonpL-ce parior, the wife, wrapped "Select It yourself." bered not that into his hands had been comtnit- soiZet Sarmea, De Nancey greatly excelled a the word 'Italia.' tat* tooed npon the in a momlng-gown, her magnlflcent head ot first ed bappineeii, the most perfect by Heaven's majority ot second-rate, fencera. Still, what ikln on the left side, over the hgffrBvej;«dmIt of procrastinating vengeance by "I am at Hombourg for the time, and heart" day. How many unforeseen Incidents hair floating over her shoulders, was playing on unacquainted. bounty accorded to mortal being, and that he Imported that to Oregpry, whose skill as a am A DUAL LIFE. Young Italy would have stamped these noon the ca]rti6iisplre I the piano. town are familiar had voluntarily flung It away. The miut was a bravo knew no rival? Besolved to leave noth- within a single day "The subuite ot the to me. heart ItaelT, could It have availed the Man <7canrL Gregory was writing, seated at a little table, blind idiot I He Invoked his acts the de- ing to chance, and to strike only a sure blow, "Within what time can I start?* asked the I can instruct you." by DEBUTANTE'S LEGACY. There were other qnestlons and other Interrtewa- Count. upon which could be seen, amid papera in dis- "Then do so." scent of thunder, and when came the bolt, the WaUachlan laid Us plan. It was simply papers and letters were examined and comnared- of pistols. WBimr rOB THE SEW TOBK CUTrSII- "KoDflleur will rest here to-night?" haz- order, a brace ebony-handled The "I know, a qnaiter ot a league henoe, ot a crushing him, he bewailed his sad fate 1 never to uncover himself, and to taUgne the the worthy priest teatlfled to having united the lady to bis ftfend the arded the waiter. "It will do him good; for Prince and the Countess simultaneously turned small wood, little frequented liy pedestrians. Paul reached the edge ot the little wood; .'. Count through parrying his thrusts, without PrDtesM>r, and the wtah re- "Deoldedly a Bucceaa. There is a grace, a daah —' tmly he does not look overwall.** their heads, and, recognizing De Nancey, com- Within tbe wood exiBts a cleanng','e6nvenlent making an assault To fatigue the Count! — or St Maiy^s eonlliDed him. ThS nai of Bplrit, stwnt ttilB lair joang debutante I have or Silver had been . an Paul prehended that some terrible deed was about t6 have fought CHAPTBB XXXL—THE SWOBD-tHBUST. . Alas 1 too eesywork. honored one in tlw eommu- made a demonstration of Impatience. for a host fie meeting. I atoefady never seen equaled since the days when Urs. Bow- nlty be enacted. The Wallachian arose, paler than Paul's astonishment was great upon per- A. few moments had scarcely elapsed after since the days ol PcntL but no nercantUe "Monsieur desires to go to HomtMuig?" re- there. We will not be distnrbod^jmd I doubt twtbam Rreced tbe Old Druiy." firm customary. Blanche rememtwred the tragedy ceiving Oregory, who had I>een the first to ai^ of employed a tnvellng aaleBinan io caned. Ber ^luned the the 1)0 found." . commenoament the combat before De Nan- obsequious Teuton, from whom if a better spot can "Lout, mon. ye're a'tegather wxang. Dinns t« Pblllp was never again iKard ot And tkan ' rive at the place of rendezvous, in waiting . for Ln- Connfs gesture took all desire for inalstance. of the Place Vlntlmllle. "Designate the way, then." i; cey materially weakened beneath the sword ot mind Lucy Walatelnt I tbocbt yeatemlght ehe eette nodeiMood him. seated upon a moimd ot grass, beneath' a wbTsbe had experienced such "Te»—to Homtwurg." "He will klU ns," thought she, and, obedient The (Urections were most simple. Gregory bis adveisaiy, and the glare—the Implacalde wor bock agin; ttao', of coarse, there ns ehlel o' bitter grief over the death or tree more than two centuries in age. looked the miknovn Fro- "I will run to consult the Indicator, so that to that instinct of heroism so often impregnatlne traced upon a sheet of letter-paper a sort of He pjare—ot Blanoha welgning him down In In- this day can bond a candle to ony o' old Bob May- lessor. athls watoh. wood's stock." .von will know precisely and return iUioo, as female hearts, she threw herself in front of moons of which De Nanoey could not tensity ot hate. Bodn the muscles ot his sword- That gentleman had died worth a plum map, by then there were ten minutes in which Ule. (•Hlwo) they say Gregory, desiring to make a buckler of her "Ah I yon are not I>ehlnd time, Connt,'? said arm relaxed; his bond no longer obeyed his And and alter tbe neceasary legal proccedtngs fSeOtml at Paris." go HStray. lost sight of amid booming body, an Marguerite had vainly endeavored to leaving. the-Wallachlan, arising. "I have walked faster wlU; his ean resoimded with singular noises, Lncettewas eulogies directed the whole amonnt to be pald~over to Ilie waiter reappeared almost immediately, "It is welV' sold the Count upon wondrous company whose orbits her and followed a more direct route. Tou perceive and before upon the per- who was now imlvetaaUy scknowUdged as "A train will leave in forty minutes," was the. save Bene. "In an hour I expect you dt the border ot the his eyes danced those sparidlng tbe dimmatlc flnnament of wlilcb the bis the spot to be charming. We will turn to the meated great widow. afraid I" said the Count, • scintillations, as in tbe servant's information, "and if monsieur will be "Madame, be not wood." Vv morning, when juepor- Scotch manager was the central light. And BO ends the " lelt, to be a trifle distant from that oountry resi- story or "The Dibotimtx's ready with a struigA laugh, fearfal to hear. "Tou will not keep you wnlUng," replied the inghimseU to open.Grego^s ohambor-door. "jrercf, gentleman. In wblch of the past een. LUACT." "I peroeptlble throu^jh the trees, thus Iota. plainly nee that my hands are empty." '-- dence and The moment awaited by the WaUachlan ar- turtea did tbia brilliant galaxy of talent appear? "Inm ready. Uy bill and a carriage quick!" WaUachlan. . FranKfora, rnaa.. July, 1880. — gala the clearing ot whtoh I made mention." "The hotel-omnibus will take monsieur to the The' tlrst moment ot amazement passed, Greg- Blanche, her cour.tenimce mora^pale than rived. Nothing longer prevented his bestowing Tbere Beems to have been no nennlae among uem." "Is the fltiwring far from here?" asked De langh wblch follows this sslly, and denoL Banhoff, say in German." ory assumed a bold demeanor. statue, liaJ listened, mote and mo- upon the duel the stamp ot oaaaselnatlon. He During the as they that ot a explanation, let us tirieay The "I pray yon, Blanche, stand aslde,''qaoth he, Interview. She Nancey. did so. The secret thrust, so laboriously com- the conseqtient describe .A. I@lcei»lii|g Gill. phvsIcaTphenomenon ot Inevitable sleep, tionless, to the extraotdlDAiy tbe interiocntora. resnltiiig gently repelling the Countess. "This Is a seri- door dosed "Seareely five bnndted paces." miinlcaled to Clev^and, came Into play. The from fatigue overpowering determlna- approached her lover as soon oa the Ifessta. Adams and Fleming were merchants, the ous business, to be settled "Five hundred pooes are a great deal," mat-> deployed aim ot Gregory, Arm and supple as latejt;;^ping girl" tioD, WHS reptodnced almost upon entering the among men." upon Paul, leaned both her hands upon his a one to the manor bom, the oueraackm or"Anld jm has Just turned up in in more elevated tered Fanl. upon whom the temporary excite- steel spring, suddenly straightened. the itoytl Free Hospital 'allway-carriage. Scarcely had DeNancey drop- Then a voice he addressed shouldere, and. fixing her beomlog eyes fuUy Thesword- Beekle." Prolonged bmlneas Intetcoune and London, Ens,, snd thb is ment produced through alcohol lessened In polnt the the way they awoke her: The girl ped Into a comer-seat than he fell into a slum- Paul: ot Gregory, said, lix a singular tone. stzack Paul fuU in breast, and Blmllari^ of tastes had crested a warm ftlend- haviiJr^M upon those bis flctitlouB strength consequently her passlre poslUon, a ber, broken "I underatand what you expect ot me, sir." her habltoal voice effect, and omened en the other side of his body above Bblp between them. Stalwart In pbyBlque, they grain or tartar mwST only upon the arrival ol the train at In no wise resembling rilmtniaiiail. einMrienca Iriaced on the back or her tongue, Frankfort. "Tou understand, sir?" said the Count, with will you not 7" "I some fatigue, and the shoulder. The Count dropped his weapon twR well the burden of tttree-score-and-llve wltn npon which she "Tou will kill that man, vensoon bean to show algaa the self-same ominous chuckle. "That Is In- " we can fight hare, should It please you." without the emission ot a groan, tottered and which Time hod thus Ikrlhvored them, and their ofTwaklna. aiS The short run from Frankfort to Homl>ourB; coolly replied the WaJiBnnian, touch- altilnff tip, endeavored "Tes ' 'fin this aroes-ont?" exclaimed Otegoiy. warm hearts bade.stnrdydeflance to the thoughta to"as8nasehertrmSirbr ^ms accomplished deed fortunate." his finger the cheeks on vriiich the tdl tipon his bock, his eyes open and his arms <^nghts ol in an hour and a It ine with "Whyncit? Thespotappeaistomeexoellent" and cares ot ImbecHe old age. On tbeir way down lukewarm water, and later to solace was "I need not add that I am at your ordera," left scarlet Impression. xgBSHed. with a uttie past mldnljdit when the Count arrived at Count's band had a to 'Change they tiad together dropped Into the brandy as weu." Whii the continued the WaUachlan. 1" "Bat it is a passage-way." The WaUachlan placed his hand upon the effectsor tte pneof thelargehotelsfrontingtheOnrsaaL No "Tes, I will kill him greenroom or the American to felicitate the man- Ont dose bad snbsMed, she reUp^ said ^on peroelve no one Is passing." braot ot the inanimate and, Into her state longer was hMrd the metnllio ring ol golden coin "I count upon it thoroughly," De Nancey "Are you sure ot It?" body, turning to ager upon the Bneceas of the ptevlauB nlglit ortoipor, bat In another twenty-fcnr 'Hiey aan'eome unexpectedly.^' BittMdie.Bald otuiken by the croupier's rake, nor the strains in adeeptone. while walklngtoOT^ry. "BtUl, "Pardleur The third was a yoang Florentine exile, who l'i227JS£f^!SK*'*~ wasrepeated with exactly slm- ^ ^Wbat jnatter, U they come not? Our oom- l^Oountaes, yon ore a vridow 1" Uar eflkcta. "She was much or ^orohestra directed by Johaim Strauss., all your blood will not suffice to wash out the "Are those pIstols.',ahaiged?" was fkat winning public bvor as a lingiial In- disgusted with the BTo- bat,-'mSat not to be Ulledi - ho ooeseca- 17, < , irith ffUpon your guard, then . dead body Is dlsonrered. blC "Oh, not" smiled the genial tbe^gUosopby of It no rest ot US'faee. A dark furrow eroesed his Did he fire, the Count woud at least make s re^ beSan^/Tetniiwdltoi]^ uninBsi i "That one can explain; tbe legto The two men Tvaie npon the point of oroseing b« revealed. Tourhnsband should gag la not played on these boards. forehecdL The flre of his eyes seemed extinct. turn—an uncertain boalniBBS, dU he not fair ftets are _ ; , ' » ' a K ; : ; . . .. " : .!

1 THE TsJ; E O I=L O August 7, IS^

tot iibown at a TILLER. 8amnr1-^Aa old and respected reridaito* I BcnnHiu T^oar Cu* mim .U^^nn^ t«. GVS HU.I1 AU. CI.im-S1VINGER8. E. P.. Bt. PknL-The last €art_ Tbe iffwvcBKCz of the ctr^ was TV had beat _- . off Urns lalaad, Boaoo Ranv.' J6lr>SI. onless by;'mnPH Philadelphia. I'a. For nearly »ls£r-«T» janbe Tbat«xee«dlnaly dever clu;>-i4wittger Ons. RIU cmli*^ truiop at aSttaSBr rope-walk In Eaaton, Pa., Jnlf2S. Tbe Ix^ em- imKata aurten In th BOVsj. TO impcacbHI^, lt»w lenge any with K R SnSe^^uSvw Jnbnsoo tna dreos canted it, while the rap»walk bad to close Briebton. U Jnly n M«d man In kh* world to swing Indian eluba Tbe grand aiatcb inoneurated last seaann at t.». lAPT. wmin Tnnan—An olo nptdfstoftUadlTia^ ATHtETIC. me n>r el^ar^llmCj^le, crnce, movementa. csduraaee. Grounds. Bngland, on the occasion ofthe 'i^-:^ r Orarr teiiVit opt . ; Juyl^ ' a prominent number of tbe XaaooSe arder-boa, executlonorcombiaaglonr. rort2S0tn (l.tOIaaide, dobs nial mauh, baa bean made an annual • onirai » t * .-/:'- '.'^r' -wa. m.i f ^=r£rj-;^it'.'' m _ .WARBimTOS B'TRSES. U|weirtii»ii)tC5B.. against year It Frovad.10 ' I will alap'.^aia.iiFSpo, be a cbwe contest, the "I'Odtr Thi.,' ' were tad to believe ^ Cecun.'<\ ^^63'' '^.^SlV^'Bu^iaf bas devlaed a mmdf mecbod of stop- *'»iSfrE8. OspUlD Jamn A miaent of^blladel- jny' people that the annoiraeed JMO that I swiBrpalr of lal^daba tar aim^acceaalveeceaalve etowbentlBB the •Over Thirty" team by two "Tiuatrieal ©i captain ta te n these sen was redly of rUDBorun, on phla. Pa., whobad aerrcd In tb<>-|^> haMaa ftniAt br the considerably ad wmrimAessed with the ISA. but not I'-sau f will bet saDagalost aUO tha —mes b. Oiaae- .../a b. Barlo' (hct^ wenany not, UccKnt crowd. Armv of the Potomae-rtlladelpMa. Joly.a «lt*d «»• Ueatbat.whettHr attketnpor tbe swing a heavier club than any man living To sh MidwiDter A 'riad«r-lC:> Tax Devu. la dead. At all erenta, he ku been .^l^TasiAtii^'ei»jifKw^iuantg 'weg' knowa artbt of^ m^'vtlng betwaelvtba.l»vatlomr.dlslnwo lunners waa c«r. V mean '«.--!..,. WHABTON, PbUlD -piilibotirM—A bannns, I leave a depoalt or IS In the I1 jwace M h, Orace balf a proaaalon In Patla produce ^ja^wnllilitDlDg •Jsoner to witness. A.—B In« b«caa>e of hi* ukaovMxment that A'* beaten In tbe second nee tbia year for tbe Kngl l ab la aecond ^ ttw ald,of«:ta4|ers]atb« ought Philadelphia. Pa- Ha bad stndled bU tain to .Sibdd b. Cra«».^. J3 n. Rhaw tli« the origmstoTK and a man- CoBsequenUy thfir paMrttalr. alfinti^r fifty cenu to Light and ilcQCai bat him. He fbot bin own hand oat apoo to be equal In 'u t j'.to emer- and Siewln), and was one o( beavyoimhinsiinn dob-swinging and Ju^lei, Sateac. andb,'tnaBK:...'S cPlnderb. Emnirt; I>erb7'. Tbe inyeatlgatlon aa to urhetber Bend Or waa aome ew i f. OAail' any T?;,«lso a nra- pass throogh tbe KSta. wllb a qnaater otra tor a seat on winner iH "" coodlUoa ibw A sliowm deocn. IIcmt-iofl that pa arwasnotTadeaatertomedwbollT oponaqnestlon gency—andU^^^^^^^^^^j"'--; •Idan and a composer of mosle-PhUadelphla. July S, tbe champion l>elt. Royle. run ont 4 b, Shaw 81. wtthoat a mnrmor: bnt a more dbsppolnled dancea vbea be uld be. held o°>I' dty, Jnly Veraoa b. Once .90 e. and b. Shaw held three *.C*'f: blazes. If Bend Or waa not Tadcaater, then no ttMronsbly dlspu«tcd body of people than they were and the ucood oofutned msajlDs annbtwatau awot of Bkacbe we don't bear much about tba doings *^^vbRLL. Harmon—A leading realdent of Amater- and Onnn h. Emmett U not nut they left the Inclo^arenerer fell victlmsto the tricks CONNOR'S BENEFIT. to poker •5™'!.'? been seen when the- ai^aient dan. K. T.-there. Jnly 28. . ' when Flowers, iwtnut 0 b. Bhaw Xt haixL The proper m«y pUi blaae ahonld Have , prolesalonal toChsrles Connor, miner and held.ff"A man on of tbe knights of tbe green clotb at On iashknpbie WARNER, Jdhn faadlBS lawys of Baltlmote, of not oTaacmpnlona pedeatrlanaand their I J?L J*".'""'fl.'f,' Pilling PInderb. Shaw.. 3 ont. t*m canla. and not talk aboat what U year went tbe H.—A Slan- c mn anateber of the flrat Derby this ' eompaalona. The ao-nllrd race waa atarted Jnst alter the grounds of the JfjL-VVIImlcitan,1M. . h?f .!?V.'A'-.r'U,**,''*f'*"»' c. . . e. aaTthalbabuldabntdeiicMwbenhebolda wsterlng-placcs. lie JnlyAagedjau _ . . Athletic Morley Ueara b Shaw. 4 Wild b. Grace >r*elal tbe other band, BeniM'r ?sa WABBEM.ETertaK-B tfat i K ary ofTae aimf^l^mt- halffiast ?..iA° Byes, 4; leg-byea, S » B, U; |.b.3; w, wlD br ahowtnc ten. beoAn «h*r<»u wlnnlns-poat. It on 4.30 r. >l. 'flger-keepera are Idle. On the coptniy, they are Bj i toftk tbe lead, which he held, with Warbunon sl- enmmendng at mlulDicbimtoiDlieallhiaowBbaad: fuy of BuOklOh M. T.r-rrott Omiiot, Mlrb , Ja^A aged uf Ttal SCiiS" '«5«?"»iS. thea Maze had to be^eeen; uidone t^fadlng on his hrell^ until the tbIrMap octhe fiitb Tadcaster, • ' uuat ToUl 1W Total that MTinlu a pUyer to aay In pm dobug • nle«, quiet bnalneaa, ImrhUflftbe sbanger the Englishman ran past him st the club- handicap; one-quarter^ Snoa, neit all abont Bend Or swore, M/KNZEU Adnlpb S.—A wammoCT «aUt iit'ai'"nnlU- mnJwer "-J^'S^, tsce of the taorae ttat tbe close of the sixth lap of this mile *" "I^n-e*""''"""" ooe-bair-mlle run, aMW tbatHe aaw a blaze tai Uie for semal yMnytaDd wBatwiia alactail to the Aaaembly- tbadLrcalt. At fnr ihil?^?^.'? : Parlow e. Vernon b. Morlay 3 e- PUIlog b. den." In liitweek'a paper. That stopped, and. amid tbe Jeers and 7*" have never b«t*n 1 mInntesandJOaeconds Jforler" Bobeit ,^e Calllrooo. N. TiTSly and O- " Rnnea aoddsnly Oscrnlt Plllmg b. Stodd 6 and b. dictated thla qoemloSTSw''' polled the Derbfont of the lire when , A J"/"' c c Flowera »»,S:f„i?K,'°'to(lot CUUmlncfliStS' tmole-'appUuie ol tbe veetaton. walked tlironab the, ^""""'n : om^nille walk, kandieap: three- that . man bora la thj DUtna of Colombia, ZUN.qEV. Emkaeh—A HsBgaiia> sdeniist and Judge miu^T I.ockwood b. Barooa-' ftl b. Flowers • stewards tbe Sroijeer yards stra%hi; and m^ostd tbe »t»ps to the' ',''? beaten at minutes DerU' was a( his heels. The of oirwooD~wasagm^^cej^^f^^^ of tbe gaprRDe CoorWaly U,ai«d<> hundred Sii •m^lS^SH.""!" W. UeatD riiuog b. Hor- Warbortonwastbeulwentr-flreyatdaabesd, ••'''•Jon to the foreeolnc. lhrr«-wlll c seeoadDert^-dtil^ iBZnglaiid. eInbAoasa Sh« a.mit^^"2^ ley 9 b. Flowers CInb, who were the Judges of the bonas If'Lormn^toiiiiign'.aimtber another Isp he to walk, but wsa match race, one-half mile, snd P. J. McDonsld. andafter doing dnppad a ex- mnett b. Midwinter 4 runout nnnniinnnaiy decided that Ainerlcaii, Blcbard start on a ran again, i^ileh he krpi an until '='"'"? <"'. Kt™ an FihlbltlOD tto^mne inn. year, have nerettlkeleag Ten Broedc, la'aBiljiAdlr BOt In Induced to y?!?"; J. 6. Russell c Bootlon covered fire miles and three laps, when he ftll are slw announced and as by the chest- the be Is ha had tbesportthe In'i'i'^^iiVlljprotnis-rd ^'liLI*^ : b. Morley 0 c Temon b. Morley •the tirst Derby of thla year was won dumps—thou^ being earriedQifUhe Ihmt A^yATie. walk. He coirplain(>d thnt the ashes trom the Iscnod (s nnmberof pmounent sthlrtea Into a Selbrc Bate* b. Morley... 2 not out of ihe that the owners of woraed Into his sboesnd hurt bin foot- A halt and the benVflclary aesrrrlng. - eSSdlitote '"r tl.eo'mw oi Prw*d«ii nat colt Bend Or. It la probable by English hoiaee, and not by AmcMlipL^gs, as trmck had Hi. wild h. Midwinter 7 ran out ""Iter » opiwsiie the stand while an aiteodanr unlaced *** " the gronndbne.vtSaltir- protest mainly npon Tnas HnxsD&UB rboatta. was made day Finder e. Royle b. Morley.. 13 c. PllUng b. Morlpy Robert the Devil based their was his aole ambition a quarter ofa oebtiii7 ago. removed the fine dndi-rs c^mplalnvd of. Our correspondent at Hinsdale, Hlcb., forwarda ti>f» shoe and Sbaw, not out 3 b Morley bare to conralt^tbe Ote. tbe mlachlevotia or yengefol gabble of aome ostler While he * as ihusengaeed tbe Irishman emerge from ^^SUSoMSm -yrttitoaU the following account of the regatta, open to all Byes, 9; leg-byca, 4 13 Byes. 7; IeS'byes,3. tlUT day. aa "after the Poland inrCTU- CoiniTBT PBOPLB who have no ruial lesoits to tbe rlah-liousc. and, com! ig onto tbe track again, re- 'WARBITRTOW TO THB WOmjt. ofSShoSSS day or other stableman discharged from the service of amateurs, Bawbeeae Lake, that place, n je:iS: ba»e no «!• held at last sunied work with burst of speed which seemed to Indi- '"'"wE. Warburtnn nl nisckhutn, Su2?.S!5. minr : We U™*J» resort to find their recreation and Lan- ToUl m Total read of late tbj«batb of Bend Or. Bmnaementln cate that he Intended msklnga genuine .-ace; but this sp- '• '<""ar« at ihls olllce In KTSooMooe of t&MC bettorl baa the owner Tr thi I*.",*'''' support I'mplrti s Farvanda and Pnc«. al- elTort In the rl-lit dirr><*tlAn was short-lived, of tbe challenge which itMHSenbaTe to naud, and poaalbly be baa Men 'Visiting the' varlona moral circoaB* 'iidw going HIITSDALB, July 28. 1880. ptrent appears iK'low Morley took nine wicketa (br 118 rans and sfter running six laps and a balf. he heat an Craceaw ta| ISdS5ii«totliateff«t. Wemarhav»»e«nthe«amo Haptt EzccBaiON'isra.—In order to incrsaae the EurroK New Tobk Curpzn.—Orar Sir: The as. eight lor ll7runs, Sbaw-takingtaklfirslsrurS4.six fur 64. dtcldiog tbe bet through tbe Sutes. Any parent ri^jfim^^ to give Inglonons retreat up the club-house steps. Watbnr- SSte. trat tbat wonU not hmUJ n» In weather to-day was all that conld be desired. vl™?.*.«'L'"'1*''T''^-?"': bIipb dSfirouJJ^fe. «xtiaeta eliber patronage of one of oar latest watering-places. It The ran easily on until he reached the home straight f.oel'.nd, ot Tbeatuonenu mar be lalw. and the hla fiunlly a blow-out at the circus :!is not recog- ton ini^^Ji,"^ "i'lT" arranglnt a match With tbenuelrs lake was still and smooth, not a ripple disturbing the serentb Ian ol the aevenib mile, when ST. TS. iartiledorwhoUrmuiobctiunL Tbe papen la from the Connecticnt on ? k7.£1* '"L'^f ""^Inc long-distance mnneiaof Amer- 6BURGK 8TATBH ISLAJiD bet- proposed to nin a feny nized by tbe reat of tha «v»tninnnlly, the calm surlice of old Bawbeese. The op, walked aceoas Che aeorv aod disponed ?A Soold be fanncked. and It U aa .obHEatury opon one :1^^': races be slackened Mt Si. iV'^^'' anrnian In the world to run a The return game between the bome-guard pisra*.., lllaa can Increase the but. being urced to continue, resumed, monlne a the above tor a* men tbe other to make tbe aeardi The ahoie to Oyster Bay, L. L This wonld stvted from between the two large grand-stands, lo stop, '"'ntJito Any miles, tor ss mach as one elnba. captained respectively by Mewn llSJ walking ones roimd the circuit, and. after tbouwindilpllsrsaslde,rwaJLJ??! onbablT be foond atthe A>tor Llbnit7. Island Soiudontof compialns-.tbat and were seven-elgbtha of a mile and letum. Tbe Isp. then dang atsuch time and place aa mar and Houghton, look place on July 31, on which onuS ' coeaat that It dangehtoftnTellDgon Long The CABLE ^^JdnSTsbowed laps more on the mn, stopped. There was no neces- hand the St. Oeorgo team tablea lS?TrBl5wSSVuie.-U B Uaea. I? he flnt race of the afternoon waa for Junior aingle- two SSiUtS'^''^'' •"S:?"':- ' you a dSp!.alt " fifty had the tnrned nnuo tia? rente, and signs of unatesdlneas" aa a fbr- sity for his cninc ahead, as Byrnes had gone thmagh the hope that someone speedily owing to tne aoceaslon of E. Kessler did not weKfa eaaaly IMS., or thatlt «l«''«i""<'".«5i!2 all proportion to the need ol ancb a abooterai^taat.tbe acullera, one-mile and return. In tbiarace rIII.„J^.*'"'f»""*'r may to the iSs aayao. What be reallybel waa Fred form of annonodng that he would not go on the track sppolnta time to meet st yoor omee and team's ranks, he being a brother of Mr. Krssler lllaX.b«nSc«qolredlo would Intertere with the regular tiafflc east eign riflemen. In their desire to on sign2t™„Lf°'' oral at« leavn- w^iAsKftblng Connor of BlUadalCObas; O0le-ot-|taishal, and A. still It would have been more to his credit and articles. Respectfully, SUten laland eleven - thatltdMnotvelKbaamncbaa that Z Too again; but J. E. Wabburto.v. of 187*, and a fine all-round r' the Rcord u boaien alter Tua Ai.- and wesc Foga have the right of - way on the earth, the Americans should not oltiolj^mget their A- 'Oalfraes of Wyandotte atarted. 'QblltiMa got have giren the whole affair a mora genuine appearmnce, Just out IVom BnglaniL wherv he has aoeclallv at& ML^^Weeo at least hslf.way gnlshed iu3a?in«d. When the record la bMt«n, TB; Cup. Connecticnt waur flrat, but Connor aoon passed him 'Otd as well as afforded satisfaction to TornirAiiEST.—The himselfat Manchester. lie scored the lop wai cjaomcle the p«- Sonnd, and It wonld be wiser for the logic How Is It possible', fbr a maii'r .'to be steady those who had parted with their money and got ,4.U-I^5'-}"*. Park Garden, Provi- of the day's plav, fielded finely, and also StiiiJSSairomwoek tx.mtfk ' gained a lead, all ateering very well. dence. R. I.. Is tbis howe.l b* long Connor '> week the scene of one of J. H. Kaver- goiid copleaof Uiat»ort L E. Myera' Atlantic Ooean off ^-'i nothing worth seeing In exchange, bad he listened bowler. The following la tha acorn loraaneca. a. Hohai people who wish to bathe in the and Rockwell at the sami.tliner turned flrst leisurely, having the ly's pedestrian entertainments. The principsi of the Perklna' one-mile time U the bat- and ronnd race the' advlco of those who wsntad bim to give an event is play which decided the matcli poruitlinot In It. 4. laland ahore to take the Kew Tork and in bis own hanOs, 'winning In l4mlD. the sttempt t)t Edward Payson Weston to cetlpse fe best the I puBisHMZNTS loilow _ine&0otnj(j>p the Oulgues was second. In 14m. Msec, and Cole was of condition as an excnse lor deleaL seeing that It nnsford sLMotire iKHoogh' Mooie "t'lTarDenTer.—L The New Haven BaUroad and the estaUlahed feny mainder of the tournament will consist of runs and walks b. Hoeran all execotln and JudlcUl third. waa hla boalneas to get tboraughly flt. and b< will ton 23 M. b. Eenaian. OoncRUmeo, and torf In Cleveland, unless the iiiljktiifp.iiiiiiii mi to Oarsmen pronounce Connor a good one ranglncai^m one 10 flitvmlln. Em Moeran.... Indlrldnal at Thlrty-fonrtb street. East River. < Kavlgatots up sympatliy trm those who. npon the Manyol the prominent Giles Jr. h. Donald Dnlttd States or any not get ronch 0 Kessler b. Moeran. . . oSena of eithar tbe for a boy .Next waa a six-oared tnrge- pedestrians ot the country have entered for the various sopport tbe Conatttntlon of the be a pacer. On the trotters the'liid^B,.iet up, but score of nationality or his prvTlous record, or both, bet Moenn c and b. Kessler. .21 Irvlngr. Waller b. Sutaateaboboond to and down the Sound wonld feel all the safer were tace, the Hiiladale and Bawbeese crewa enter- events, and the atcslr, under tlie management of Klcliui that thla blndlnff may be done either their moner. more or less bard-eamed. upon him. In the F J En Tslhntb. Houghton 8 sin CnliadStatea. bat their on tne paceia they seem to comejfbnr'bs heavily ing. It close race, gelhsrdt. pronilaes to be a great success. . It aba prondta that no there no happy ezcnrslonlsts crossing' path waa a very and a Rreat belief that he would be all right an tbe day and would mn Amonsthewalk. Richardson. 1. b. w. b. Webster or apon afflrmatlon. era b. Moeran. ". br oath of note whohave entered are Ed. Ilolske, T. ahall ever be teqaired aa a qoalUlcatlon to as tnrf law permits. All Is not foiil that goes npon deal of interest was manifested. Tbe Bawbeese to win. Despite lack of condition. It was quite ap- B. Arm. Houghton 3 J. Byre e. idlitooa teat over a route ten miles long. Thoe should be a Dsnlels. O. Rlchardua k pobllc tnut onder tbe Cnlted utuea- r In- won by about one boat-length in em. parent to us that neither man did the best he could, rn5"«- ^'S? 'V'-J'"'?/- ^-7 A. DrliSll W. Ruthenurd c. Kessler Satller "aroBlaeor four legs, apparently. ' 24M8.; and M. J. Ennis. and the list of runners indudes alflrmatlon, Initrail of takiotf an check somewbere to the ambition of people who and thsVs Just the resson why the su^vtatora In J. B. b. U,.aghton Rankin e. ivneU eonld make an Hlllsdalcs' time, em. 32 Ka Tlie next race was wsrhurton Charlos Free. John Ralne. RIchsrUAOQ general wore so Indignant over what they with al- .Vorman Taylor, Ssdier e. Waller b. bolid Summer hotels and sell batfalngB-aulta over forjunlor John Hourlhan, .M. Hongb- Moeran donble-acullera. Tbe Goguacs and nilla- J. O'Toole, John Powera and .11. J. J. F.—Ed. Hanlan bu not been "ruled off any most one accord denounced as a u -wnrtgbt awlndio, Ilap' ton. Donald hit wicki D. back. As A0AIN8T a locomotive, a bonie ought to have dalcs started, the former getting the lead, turning peny. eonne." Hoaerer, a few daysanbacqaently tu tbe anneal and over again without once buying them giitlcn up for tbe purposo of filling the pockets of Hemck b. Houghton... Waolston c: Mot Pounh-ol-Jaly recatu at Rotton. Maaa., In U77. the epm- a start of lour feet In attempUng^to etbaa tbe_nUI- flrst, and winning In l2m. uw. The Hllladalee s few more or less Impectinlonslndlrlduals st the expense WiLLiAMSinrRC ATiiLBTtr OirB.-Thls dub win hold Gulon b. Rankin ler handicap mittaa and Jndiiea who oSclared thereat held a mcetinK, came In In 12m. MKs. These were two new Hillsdale of the iiiuch-hnmboozled public. Under tbese clrenm- games on their grounds Aug. 23. st 4 r. the B. Eyre, not out Wsller, not oat TBE OBELISK Is lu hard luck, besides being In road track before the Iron-hotae c<)^e8 up; but nillnwing othtfthiogs recommended that he be debarred sunees the victory carries no glory with It, while the events being open to all amateurs: A. Eyre b. Rankin aad among men. who had only once before pulled s double- 100,220 and Houghton b. Sadler. . future rwatta bald under the ahall reckless drivers ask no odds . of^ier steamer, and c*iarAclernf the sffslr cannot creat1.v sHd to the repnta- 440 yanis nina half-mile run lSi>.yards limit). Byes, wide, 1 Com paiucipailon lo any the North River. Kow that it U here. What scull boat. A pleaanre-boatraceandswlmmlng- I-mlle run, 4; Byes, 22; Lb., 2; w., 1 oaplcaa of the Cit; Government. Banian wrote a letter tinn nf the prlncliwla. We hellcre that Warhurtoa could * ^P-r*"!' hurdle-race IIO hurdlea 2li. 6ln wedowlthltt Ought we to vlMtltt It bad no push right straight on, reganllesr4>f the possibili- race finished to-day's proitramme when the cham- high),li^J tanladetenae. expUnliiff hla poaltlon. and any disability ar the time the late aereement waa entered Into, and can ^mllo bicyclr-race and tug-iil-war (In unirnrm. Totol Total aodervtalcb he may hare labored waa remored by those sooner got here than one of the Park Commlaslon- ties of a coUlalpn. _ pion Hillsdale fbur rowed over the course on ex- now, be backed against any man In the world to run from "'lowed: weight lim: FALL OF WICKETS. IfS°."''ii''il""U",i."'''i"."""'"J«"itfd to.Wlb Gold medals la aotliortty Chen. hibition amid tbe deafUiUi 'aKiiBiisc of the many tweniy to filly miles, lor a big slake; but it doea not ap- to flnt and second In each Suten Island.. . 3$ 79 108 122 I3n 110 148 14.4 era, were expected to take it up carefblly, game, W 172^ 1. Theage Is not tranaCcrred, onlen who '•^- . ex-snldler hss men and a gold medal to each member ol St. George a_ -'W ,. rP; H- Lawrence.— apectatoia. ' '--rr-.'^''' nenr th.il toe behind bIm who winning tuc- 51 37 6D 74 81 V. KKipBT-TEMPLAB, the thie^^^Id who began . 90 91 sT^ Dlaythatway. 2. Ifthapartlesknow •urticlenc confidence In hla ability to lor of-warleim. Entrance lee. M cents for each Umpires, Allworth and Lane. Itbaabeanacreedto cany It tenderly, and lay It down gently in Cen- ' BniCBDAi.^ Jotv 2». hsre auke came- tuj- Is no danner of ail paaalng alter the season by lowering tbe tiua|^ijjart«r-mUe run- _ o'-wsr tesnis. S2. The rules of In the bowling, kow to plaj poker, there - The weather to-day waa all that ennld lie desired, belnit hiro In a genuine match with the Englishman. Byrnes theN'stlonal A'socistlon Moeran took twickeu for a ran<_ 9L Stnigbia bare tba tral Park, spoke of it dladalnltilly as an old atone^ "n'w- ease for theisansspasaea oat ot tbe game. nlDg record, has come to a'l&e halt, and the warm, with a allebt bieeze. Tho water waa al>a In very IS R heavily-bulU man, with a splendid, roomy rlieat, and "!!! l?^?T In of storm competitors Sadler 4 33 on tbe 8l Geonp; side, Houghton taklai lo In some co- will be Informed when games will for Mme^nloe In stralsbtpokar a< dnv. not worth carttng through the streets. It Is a lon^ line cnadltlon Tlie streels of HlUadalP hare been rarrly e%l'tently great lung aa well as leg power: buthlssetton take place. Enirles 2U rana—the best average 01 the day, ' will three-ol-a-klne^4battered. Hav- rljvje 12 p. M. Batnrday «Kia a straight beat ao crowded aa they were to-day. Ereiy train to.blffht Is ungraceful and seems too slognr. tTsrburton Is a Aog 21. Addniss seeretary play It shonld be Lane that has no turning, and now that Conunlo-; wiuiam«bnni Athletic win beat bat two-pair. Before brslnnioir ing sprung a tendon, he has hail^^to'be retired braght In lante numbeni ol neiaons, and th* finely -shaped sihlete. Is a vnry e[a>tlc, gmcefUl run- Club, 11 South Tenth street, Brook- also Oom Erand- lyn, PROFESSIONALS wa. AMATfiCRS. . straight shall coont. and It most * E. D., New Tork. Ktead whether the sloneris doing penace In sackcloth and aebea.' stands ware packed lo an alarming rxtant. A lboogh not ner, and can probably down'' Byrnes lo a real race it shall beaL the tnrt A match la on the tapla to he played In Phlladrlplns bo agreed aatojust what ennonrased, tbert was more p'X>l-seIllDr on ntcen st any diatsnee. The record of time of the leader at J. MrOiBBOir ilefented C. Orshsm In il Bat the monolith remains in the stream all the the than the second game of Fall In which eleven a7c_ PliUaileivhiA.—Any pen on who hu onmpctfd lor thee* the Ciiy tlic end of OMcli mile, pofsr as kept, won as fdllowa: Ono, their bome-and bome anoit-match. English proteaaionala ol etu_ prize was at Bay mntta. The champion lour for tieo. plaved at the American clubs are to pla.v or against a pruiesslOLSl Itr a of against eleven amateurs t>r • a money-pnze same. Is there no one to welcome it with hos-. A oBCSASE against cats is tUSixiitit In this vUj, (Hntadalea) wri« barred In all racra, and only Brmes, .1m. !C.'i«.; two. Byrnes. Ilm. HMr.; Ihree, Ahhey Arme. London, Eng., July l». a. roved an The enndltloos were Quaker City. contemporary in any kliid, whether to gamra conllned to one club or open Rvrnes, 17m. 21 '4S.; four. Byrnes, 2im. 3*'4ii.; five, to play two A commenting on ik to its new; and, If what a crew sold of the^ depredations •xblhltlotL Theflr>traceot the nfternoon wa^ ihn srnlor War- games ol sixty-nne points, Graham to receive match refera to an, would n *t be dlaible to cmpcte at ibe sports of pliable hands home? 'WhatisBamum on to It as one between prolesslonal and "an. alngle-scnra In thU r^re Fre<4 Connor of Hillsdale, Fred burton, S9m. 39s. ; six, 37m. S2s. ten points In eai-n game, with ouolts not to clnbs recognize the amaiear •tm- excreil gtjin tirmen'* playera This term "genUrmen players" lia any elob or bi.dy oi who doing, or going to do r He and Yanderbllt could, their steamboat Is correct, th'e'wvement shall have BoKs of Port Wayna, Oeo. Gaiael Kew Votk and John in diameter, st 18yds. At the conclusion nf nlUon.aa adopted by tbe national As-ociaiJons of Ama- the game In Enullsh technicality and la out nf place here, where a EoU« or Fort Wayne i^iarted. Kelley p>t tlie water flrst, Sontlaiid. Grsbsm led by seven points; this, - irthsfpctawereknowu. toe utilize It as tbe comer-stone of their new Uadlaon- OUT' hearty support. In the vianguage of Sbak^' MEN vs. H0RSE:S. added to hla cricketers on supposed to be gentlemen, tbe only teur Athletes and Oanmeo. bat. naliel aoon collared aod- 'paraed him, keeplnir start of ten. ciinaed him to be n strong a or pr'>t^-iiinL After having been envngeU In running oppoiilllnn farnrltv, 6 to 4 be- tinctlon being pmltisalonala and amateurs, all players eo^ of such panon would be refusid Garden and Hnseum.' npcare: "Tabby or not Tabby, ^t la the question." tboraoelnblson-n bands nil the rest of enier- ing oirerew play au Eastos Hies the pennant. Thla la tbe bapUsmal "Coke Into the garden, Uaiild." Hlckok, driver Fred Kngplbardt as iniinsgrr, llip.v will be )nlot prr^prlc- out of form era: Giles of SL George Oltib, Kew York: Lane of&u tbIslsoombUilnit. Connor and Galicl turned togeihrr, bntb and he was bea'eo by a score s((>erlDit vrll. of 61 to 42. Lsland .N'orley of Manhattan, Brooklyn Breirtter ace on Chat pile and call It *'Bbt-*' Technically, this would Oalaal' tnrs ol luture pedestrlsn. athletic and Klinllflr tourna. ; ; of I name of the carrier-pigeon that last week flapped and part owner ofSL Jallen, 'WlIl trot him againat woo Id 13m. 2^: KePey luwi^nd. In 12m. A rom-noi-R GO-ss-TOr-rLiusK crsnn; llallls ot be bnihllng—that Is. adding to a plie alreau^ made by ments. commcnelog with the Inien-stlng one-hundred- rack took placo at tho Newark; Bromhead 01 Germanp 3!;^a- ; ' Connor third. In Um. 969.; BoUx fuurtb bsll'gniundi'. Bndfnrd. Pa.. Friday, July Philntlelphia; player cumLlnes, und bis oppo- off miles, trlfle-TDbTe possibly Maud S. for either Ave or ten thouaand doUataa and-flfly-Klx-lioiirs' co'ss-yoii-plpasc contest. Intended Zlundcr the mnn- Tyen ol Chestnut Hill, FhUadelphia: ( someone e-aa. Tbua one 476 a or somewhat The next r^c^ was between the Junior fnur-nsr*-d crews. as nent biDlda. TTie player who cumblne* cin nererDuUd a tmt race of the relation endiiniiir pnw«.-rs of men and sircmrnt of Frank^Goodrlch, for a purse of $ICD. dl\-lded. Wricht ijf Loogwood, Boston; Sbaw of Boaton; Bi^aja less, in '28h. som. elapaed time. An allowance lor aide. : If Hand will not come in, any other horse In Ibis were the Zephyrs of Detroit, the Excvlclora ' on of De- Al arge eomblnatlon nnlcaa an opponent bki liailt upon iL linraea, n hlch Ik to ta-e place at Chicago, ri., Aug. 29 to onraber were In attendance, and there were slx- 01 Girard. Philadelphia; Oldham of BalUmoie: Maito oo that tro't snd four picked men from the BDUdale Olub. The lopn aurters. - ' The rollntvlng is the anmmsrv: Trenton. N. J. Toronto.—I. It 19 abiMit a mile and three quar- the night intervening would reduce this consider- the turf can forage on St. Jollen'a rich paatore, f^fpr. 'I. Tbe prlce-lli^tncgrecHtes ronr thimsand dollars, John Cox. w;G. D:, Hlllidkles took the water flmtand led off, turning ilotal, Chambrn streec to flrat and 31) miles 4 laps: .1. nnrty. 29 miles 6)ilapa; Wm. Lane 39 tan ftom the Cosmopolitan wlnniuc In Ilm. ExcrlKlora and onlysix horses will ho Hllowed to enter, the horses to " ably. Unhappily, . It la not known 'how long or s'cnnd, lo 12m. miles 6 Inns: w. M. Bennot. 20 miles -FDorteani^ street and Broadway. Union aqnare. Z. Itis Zephyrs trsrel on a different track fVoni tbst used by the men. 1 lap. The contost CRICKET NOTES. SoicE of the chickens tisMl as lUnatrations 11K>- ; third. TheExeelslors clalme I a foul, and' for iu>cond place bet<\'een Lane and nUttlaover tvu nuli*s and a quarter irum tbe same part of sUort this porticolar night was made by Easton, br Full particulars regarding eniry-prire, where to enter, llurty was einse and The English tour ol the Canadian crickelera, the empire rvserred hla decision till the dme of the re- exciting. Managor Oooilnch Intends unsucceo- KOaiie to tie nth-arenue euinnce to the neotinl political papers need II etc., will be Ibund In an advertlf>einent In this Issue, snd giving a series ol fill thmu' hiiui, has terminated, Ibe and therelbre the caloolatlon that tbeactnal flying- trlmmtiQi;. a^_s>terprls- gatta The next race was for senior double-seuUs, be- races and the team hare » Park. &' Thcie are about nine hundred and thirty acres brliiw we presi-nt the racing laws and special rules which during tJin latter part of August. »4irned to thla country. The enterprise was Ing engraver would get up a decent cut of a tween tbe nillsdalas and Oocuscs- Tbe latter got ih'e Aomtheflrvt lalbaCaotnl Park. waa aeventeen bonra Is not worth much more game- will gorom the contest ArcoRPlNn vo Thn UanehfMtcr Sport Ino Chronicle, a luzarduiio one. and Its IhUure can cnuio little ^ . . , dme better surt. bnt sieered a liule wild, and by so doing the surprise 011X18.-1. The dealer, ornperly. aboald discard before roostier, he conld sell 1. No coaching will be allowed. match In which "Ohoppy" Warburton has Abe Bradsbaw, mjn nt tbe veteran than the calcDlatlon thai the distance was 476 a goodinany copies to those allowed the Hlllsdidea to collar them. Bolh pulled well undertaken professional ta ba asi!ta at>ybat:y. 2. It not called, he who opena a Jsck- 2. No Joiitllng or any Interference whaterer will te per- to run thirty miles In three hours, for S-VS) a side. Is going that name, now living at Lesvonworlh. Kas., papers whose motto is to I" aft«r this and they made the torn together, wbrn tbe ondwbu vai show only enouiih to justiiy hla baring tipened. miles. Thla is not the Ihult of the bird, however. "De&h grants mitted. on all right on the other side of thn Atlanilr. the predeceasiir of Hurry Wricht at Cincinnati, rtiinad miudalea picked up and quickly lea the Ootnscs In tbe each side O., Mia It ought not 10 be a "iierMch''^at aneen ball pool If the 3. Any competitor strivlne for the lead mn«t ta^e the huvlng posted S125. John Llovd of the Victoria l.'US t • 1862, was the chlefHOrer In calue It is man, and not the bird, that does the timing, r<«r, crossing the lino first In lltn. iZ'^s. Tbe Goguaca' Hotel, a recently niayetl atruerplay* with an object^ ^-alL As hi) can galo nothlns outside, wlilinut cmwiling tlinae eotltletl to the pole, and Rochdale mad. Msnchestor, finda the money for st Cumilen. N. J The team the I/mg«-ood Let US not look npon ciuigrmen as bright and; time waa 13m. This waa a fine race and waa enjoyed Warbur- Club wiO br It, be utaould Ime notning etcepl tbe itnke thu^ wastetL should things liner. must have a lend of at least ten feet (hofse, 3 lengtlia) be- ton, and Harry Lynch, also of Cottonopalm, tnke with them to Mni^treal nn Aug. Is follows: and man have an soch down sblnlng by all The cnbnpions nexrt rawed over the coarse on stomds be- 7 as Out. B. IL; Jersey City.—The inn pier at Coney bland Is esamples while tlie^^;ue taking their vaca- fore he lias a rlclit tn cross over to tbe pole. hind FailierTline. tr,n, Farley, Fay. Bixhy, Kimball, Hubboid, rickmni. exhibltinn and made verr fart Ume. crm«lng the flnlsli- l.cCDit, In lengtb, ftartioi; from higb-watar mark. Tne tion i. A competitor following a leader must be cnreflil to Miser, <°aton, 'Tyler and Peabody. Mr. Uaughton. St at the seaside or ln^i one mot(t deservlnB 01 mention taking . covei-lne IS.f miles 120 ^'Wa!..'K»triJ Chase, where tha local club waa defeat* lit; ism. aw'Mftr iL. — ^*Sr. o-.Nelll an/ Mtm .'"'^^^''''^•'h the totals' jjjw^ '"1 ho-* , ^ m^'^ hr.Ki.1.' ^Tm. 12s., c'.5la; if_--w.»._Bf54^,u».__«o« l&cotton- "Times, Cutis'^ Ui.\T», ilereated er a-™ ) ftil tho to take heing: 8berwood,rH place mi twl t oenial, loi '?EBtt»P8 yon haf I'-,ih.2in.4 acored isT, thi t^ntidoed how atat"t"i;f'>fP".""'i?»«^«T»tbe ^,rJJ""8'f'"r?^lJ^* Isney Island the days are mnch shorter led "T^i-rtde"rV";r,'\^=.^J,Ji<>^«»2^ Manalon Bouse,Bouae, Bu^a.Bufli_„ I *'4oO'Leary now I h^ groom, allowed wUb •"<" «"o were six weeks ago. be Mch bone"bn''t'on'!;*.'"'' -^iJSollars "to the' The nlgbta, on permitted on the tnek or ofitflrfi *15)'.5°« P'raon will the c ..M5r^"hVd7.S'J}?,?.f^?,U°'n'£5'"K"'«^^ l^riSth';'j2sJ,'2:s.^^>rSiay««1 the ^Hre longer. "rto or tho L«u«low-Sr, in i .SSSS! ^wwi.,. "^e the "iry f w,?,cS.ttrn;£»;'Tn'''"-. •''•' ^tTLa. pwvose two flyeiB — littlee wind 10lo cairr ilief was tnm looib to Like a leaky — I?."! car??Vn""i3S'A^,t"the MK?r^|£HeS« 110, wnich vesseliDt^ I and I Under er conUnues >n the bowIinga7ef;5Si in the manageis. In water. The to take i^"^' fleet and tS. -tS?""^- TPihe"S witerjeltm W ^ Which to break he ^uT^ ,|-JiIl«_^:'j?L""."..<^uboT'cincin" his listUMag tbaj o^S-T^^K^ " "«°°''' Of - ?L'!'« fl.'??'''* boats iie: FtSt '''r^.?' Isdge . •'•™«tO thirff" «"^" »W I Walker.wSker^'lS:'^N.Ta, ^J*^ SmTl4r:T??ndc1SS»=""''''«i^ "P* street and Wytbe avenut b^l-i'LTO"',?'' »' Wt^^t^rlJM- Tire TIME Is ihst bcfw«n "•'"«. itpproachliir when~hi„ i. Honr. ^',Bea"'?„'K'Sf ^^L' f' N. a, recently pampklns and squashes 3b°11,riSrf«ri?S^ei:£^^ wuS np about L"s'pL'clal S SHyda, in Jmm. u^ecT '"""er won by

•"'week "5- attempted ".H^'l^wflM^nleis^'than fh' ''''!X.*1 lo I J. WriRht: « «ha the . STRAT SHttTH 1 vIce-commtSSrTri^Sf?''2,'*'^'™wn millamshuri It! I V'''c*S;,M»^. Jt ^ont^S' "•"ttcrTiSbS.S^tSS? «8m. ^H^SirtSlSffiL'SS- Batb tiincles captain. N. Oreen; fleet- SOa. to do Ave mUes. '!">" alter taking onTSfe'STuT^is'^ro-f/b't that before the next nriio,,. a WaSonV^SS.^'^^A l""f«^'- Wa°i^'^h'?S'oSt^S^-»^^^^^^^ 4 Hutch- he wiu drive Mands in -12 or S^^IJ^^**/ Sf£"jrh^;on«S^^-d.«l^„^^'sS'^£"^ llPryiSa^mikVrhllTril^ffKW "^wowed upon s^'v. .12 better. It Is barely W E sryeri^KfA'S-^lT'-'ir^ possible. Flnal^heat: Bmllb, In L j'r.iliH.'fi'r, ^"'^{^5^™;;: aia.».~i^'5'n»nl''.!?.-*-^^ whue tbe n^^ Zn^ °' iifc7oi5-~Be^rnV5?nteii.*„"?'lf''f «»»ot IK* WOOT.D It be in good taste £2™"'«e*--A-'E. wTtot he cannot «nalir to cau the aiTso-. „ .. aTOn''*in^j2;"^S»'<>w; hSS lo«M for StS^^,"'"*" flsht -^"enstna rl?^S'"''~'^7.i"'5?.';'^r"Hn''A"''"'"I. " W. waa held tostaatnrdsy ' ^- Wilkinson. WInsor and A.'T., 2, In Rm. • H. McAnascy, nnje?the mollsh the Idea tbiibj wonid be to le- ''another ^ 0. auwfiSfof'Stl"'' »id i SiSatati"" Si«mLh ontraget" rS^SS^:?»frnS?s ofthe Branawick *> other ever t »l calling the race or * BaTkrcSm..«?",^'*"«'»» th^.:s™ir-;2dS-^rt^-^^^^^ , a,^,^^^,^^^^ conteatsnuaro acarcelv ktSSSK^'- "•mea. DEATH'S ^^i^^^^-^^^.j^ coist playera of mirt iid^i!i? fS,Si " "«»• of DOISGS. ohlSfp.rnl!!?po^^.?lw'°EV^.\.4"-pJLr t.. j5dTom^tn'e^^U»«V'-S2«Vrf champion scnner who l« «!?«2ri Anatr^Uan .aa-Terr:u and tte S.rn?'?.!!.'?^?"" Hanlan on the leth wl"> ""I"" 5VS»<».r. Putnam of ".ISS"!*?' BBMi'ABaaeg - la kntnrn to ygn don •frtved A, C. ; J. -' 5>"'«"t»Si tbSlM^-ySt^S^^V^s' rather qneer acknowledgment x*romInoxtt at on Monday nlffht n. wS?*" In Lon- KienC E C A e .-i S' barelv ™.-™.nrt.auiBxu,makef^SSkx™ He1T> Intends "i.~«P'- « looks »«mar«'.K»— — know ^^^^l^^^J-^'^^^^^r'^^^. I o, coHPiLZD to remain q^'t welL Canada, baa axraassLT fob recovers foJVrlSPJf^"^ Ri?^h^.o;i:',~TO^-;g^^^ »«W TOMt ClIPPiB. tnm the toUraa of hi. S'^ be - WUUttn Jano, ADAMS, then probably battle betawn orVSblSwSlaiSr^SuiJdmS,",,""'"' ""«»omber Lieutenant Prank T-yir .v ~ - SleTgi?i°on'the5»Pn^T'll aresometlme^Si51bSttMb3J^/W.S!^ Estimates T>«?hj2;';SI?S?2^^^^^ mle-V- w«ll.|(noTra .fj.'''*',"^?i'.Mn?tbe'r»qutrS F. Adama. in&Jt«r uivi'Jt!^!5L* a.^-* trainer ftnd •« cah!MJ,j,«;im'j,5?S^*«hbl«h(» 01 cipaa- Amailcan A C. M o fim.TK"'H,'» («™tcb), ssged in a ra?e on a. (121, T. English, to pay on thei;i: £jg«.«-d. th?D?rawaS. i£Ii?IS'J'''> Empire ( ty * to other iSrdZ It iX" P.ny?;s'ti?..srt'».?sj-j^^of A C Sl John J. tniiaSg""" May Marahall, John ""X^ Si!S !?.??ester Island red bnoV Oddyand Jl K., Buflislo.—We Watsrwo^ta-wba^^VtS^^ Thomas ted-- • c. the «5:t,^ j'T5;!;'.e?An^-'""- courts, which havV bmwv? Jt„ **!^ t<™1 THE TURF. whether pUving p6o*\r^m^'}^:i'iS^ '^iV ot — » too wasDuutiniBji.nndthai wno to^hmond Naw Tort BlAT In Ittra ^'•""'^ I alreaJvKuiB.fc """P" have'^^* I icon after 1^^^ "aSSSSr'Sal.'S?'^, there comTuiktSTta^ race, two ™?^5^{fi?i„»gSgt^uW°„'i?" »»'«• • ""•"•"PUB being made toiSke t^»„„. v mllea-EddIo SolnirnSr.^i V'A iL- R'Hei- it-^^^^^ np with ^"•-TLEifeei-i-^^*^^ I wlS'^-Vb^an^ o^'SnlJ?'S=:./?!??B"1.'e ''lSfJi««?»!!U«?^ifOnaaaofiVMriSnJ ^I" "or dediion the heart Cone rea«Li.v^r"*l'**' Bood In 5,"-^°io'5?:e'^-^^-^^^ a beach maV y^Z^^^t.^^^y""^^ ^ 2;-'S?'*er-,ln r-celni of |- for rood are a: crirannJIV-^ i-. altogeuier too lon^ second and third. ^''''i'l'J borween b& ?'2Jr,«f«l>lnB,Li It was fniTi. ?:.•fe23S.-u^twT^nn£k'^^.d'^'lnn^ng^ «,d A retired London. not that they woSd The PBOPLK <» U^v-T _ »^I,S. igsdaT ""Whantmerchant 61 tWaaty-hare, #S?wEn???^irSr^^^^^ ^^^^^^ Wish to j^-iyMiddi«on (iw>. i»«ih in uii;dtr ' ;W!«?lP«g-L See «»- - I nn,: nw^TsInniS:??;''?,"''* NeiSi^a .«i*=?i ""^A^iiSiiu ib.«iino^'^rS^^rsho?ra'2^«'»„«»""»- 1 more afloat on «^fe..?^„•;^..«a•i^'H"&tS"P^ ''"'"ce. One thVwa^«, or.Lachlne,„rr i?"™'*' weakl, '^?Sl5»,E:*S?n"n to?.5S2 hundred talk of a reantta aa . and CaL.Aug.I agedS: t.«..ndexUlbluiL'^SrcrpIliS^b*.%'J5i?i^L'"««'° "* » means™1 of v..T?550CTo»-"-A draSSt ml-.,. ... —^ . /*f°™ brinmnir bim f«. »<«<». Bedford:MSs:;yiy:iS'. ^^v^"^°'«*°^^^fturtS'^tt? ^aaa, I ham-hr '*'''^''^<''^'<>^^^"^n,!^\«^\^^^^^'^ the match be OBthaaaaia ™" hecbooaea toslart day in ^^^^^^^^ Kd'Ch ^a*^'^- toSndslnahSTssiiS. looght tw.^ -engthe^vlicrru^^"- ^C. A. W,. Pblla.-L »J3V"--.-A centenarJb-ilSn' Ed. J.mea. , addi»s» is . »lli*»«nclyo?"-^ 1?^^.7''^^S ad- IbrSileeBta. jl Itii ?Sjri2S- of Sporting Bale."

-.5. Kmrnalia. • - vn l^tUB VD July \l - - Z I 1 *"l>I»r. Is the aupe. I «T'pTuiS.?bi^^Sfi^,'i!^L^„K^ 'i^it^'k^h^^^iv^XSf^',a'd?'h.'?SSft iSSZ.'^' I Ji-i^ff rui.tinuieiy, tne *^'^*'l''''*' '""y i thne matter ban been I S « Mie« Ott^^ the bet was .«:rr " Jnaalta Ada ~ k*i;r^»JiR*pr'SSS?e??i"S"""»»"»«d«^ £j?':»^'.?-.Ni •mve thisViiit ".orS^^!?i^i!SiSS'''' erohably »''«SiW hVatrB°b^j1;,,Sn'"l- 5^^ ^V!^'^«'»'"'e Uwym N. s., who =^~-.-.7;,.bu.hvdin ""^ I a^W nfmSS^&^ti: JC'r?ln»o« d5?7.",i1-'?°.H?J"" Blwkbn ;- -?SKS'^'"H'iS- ItisweUtotaowtSlfthis. :.' the' tattSh^T'ti ««il pool tha agetio. 5fiSa« lM«»ad . TW»ter be ta ao Indited? ofiho up. l^^iT5?€e1illF3?lcS^^^ neeia '"nice to the othera at the nan kV:.'' ahowedowed her tooo^ha&ot the'i;rThi.iSM."''^',!"«'Ms laec. million dollariL -^t^f^^*^ Buda-Pestb. genera] flnanceZ oa"ld. »ewd to give of the three JuinVVi^ jf" •Cwdtotfvelttohli'"'-It to him. mora all cash, either, h" i.^.jl^"''°«*"0'want BEACOX. BetOamS-A^ hlmnei^;M,'heTa5er"'£5,",ii'« I*'* ""'""'i **<»,'««• ^^nm'i Be Uyrmiag — -ntenarjan-BraxIl. to^S I t _^£i?5!l!«%;=Th« Start ol S' to accept 3irar;d Hi' — * Ind., a part of Jul, •I'os.A- OorhanallkVdf.Jr„ti^..^^«'C2J^onbyel,ht l?n?S «> 1" I tbrESIfSt'^Srud Rs.T2h''&.Ml=I/'sra K^him^'^ A. Cdcieatedteam 'fJ^J""; "So" Lorts J32S:/"'j.M;?w'ri?vV?'SS5%,5' very bigii^^j:;:-! ^ar^ffif-SSJJJ{?n»^"--T^-haT.v;; - - . that the 1 pien-e LorlUsrd GiTord, can b Baney,I,A.11^^?^ f ^";r'i. .\. PA*• A-A 1 1 A.C,2. Time. llhi. A., I W. T. :n%eT.'rS,Vr"'4*i "^"^'^ li,.'^- «£W^I4»V mSSlS^'" Haya iS",£5*suie In 1378 t"h^^°l"°"."?-«>on«nUde --nnerS.a^~S^-^^fe^^^^other r'.;).r.*:.rT'h:ts.?d'Ti';°«^S THETRI66EI?. au^4:'-°'"°"''^-n»l'«tUvnhIIf ...r...._ ---..bis year... „ JDONAHOE TO CARROT » puywa. notrts" Uie at Saratoga. KL'5' On Monday, •» . ./l'?".'**'''!., The comin, . ^'T' . Ju'- ' III , wheie-he for at a picole inj&Jk ""•"ra-John Swlatonthe wonld, give to I at jonmallstt la now the^^enS^r s^S."''"''''^"'''-^ timeste afS^^.S^lI^SmernN. .^^^^ memh^ofth.llli/oS'SSSllSJSi^^^ Co... akin to °° Importance Jul.r ' tL'J .'h'iC.OCk * that attacblmr to. ased. ; iL^^i^f.^ ^^^^^^'^"^^^ Ci'l-'JI 'y^;'^ii"S; .o .h. ^L^*' --—- laland | an •' ei mile heats -^e «f f.ur- Lr AS DON, Rev. Seymour— nf.v a, ^eepXl, Ir Ons =^™d—The count at X * a ' ertbhage laI six fbr 1. 1, Jnly THisUappBgrcsslveage, Bw£iJ^'Jctofl;i'7'r'°,"«„"»'. troulng," la and which *30 to second; *-'"> "f , 2:I23f, by 11 lav-A. . wii njit^ .Sti"£i','"'r the former four aealtosatlsfriL ants. The flrst el^'n contest- We"f."h?A' fK'-lfP'*^* mssed lUnmlMtlng the to awiSi ?he ^ea^i/.«!l "•''I and a lew months ago. vLrin . , «meuSi1,?S whoattheon«rter-nnIew;ai^»J/;.Vi.9?.?*illa Lilian rpsi. klllld*kltlpii oii."V»Ifc""iY; (!• W. Durkloz and mclty 13 the totest '""^ S25a'!2J5Ai!Ki!Y ^kII^ S'c°.J?'i>'lc C. tvin«rr, bit of ^ns^ Zeiler. 1. Colter, H. koock'etPivefSvfa'^iec?- T- KeUe« Jtmrnmotm. *°***""<«»bywhlchtoanawi «hst have won bad atrlirt^iBii..>l!r'°f Donahoe would am PrepsiSd to bS' MiSf.S?*.? ""I* "«» stale I r^y^hl thi rSlv^^ry^HJggrani mu to «rrM3. i«^i."'**..*'L "<"'•'">« agi n»t Mr Car meyo'r EdlsThSinev^li^^ir"never been Which >«-.„-.iSn??J-r,^^^^ V:t^^m^^^lni"^^n^-V I'ZTJ bom. Irwin's K«?yea4 I Salem ifwiKi;B.Tr?oiK?aDi::ihei:?oriS's..??r^^^^BeWo°K?l£,V«:'ih't,^:lii?J''?.t»°- I n*^?*' Wilder, 200. «» ttme mad. get better than third «o ''^T?^^-?SS?Sv^!iSS^ 'SB PiBsr porttloo wJI?VjT:i?'''S« ""^ "^."'e Maiden Clob defeated Stazb to L, -"^ '"^ log most or tbe time, lid 0» K?iro^,S?JI*ff transmit to fituo I *l atidir V taManma pre- belniSt.?!!^!:' ? Bnrean the Censns P^aS, Ji" TFSr K""Pl_^™'^*>lne flags—iSSlSS;ana Anm Ik. mna by Brown.'a ^11*0^^"''^? ilrff."'U''i'"'""i««er Club In a match at 100 AS^^ijaS^ISX*™"*^-'"- a bS 'ML'loarter SSS; balla at Boston. A handicap nnrdle-raS «S nf^i'.v I^*- Mass.. July alSttre. B «4ftivSS!^iSJ-'™=»« aad.Tanke. s,m, •so to tbiri a mlle^ !S,««>»d snti "^"^ lattleRhody iSli nJi-".'?,*? tMRTahftiri; . last race ol the day. and hid i™?™!!!. •""''«!. "as the Tog loartaenUi ASon-a Jndltb Mi IJ?mrt abennlortnnaaly to b.T^5SiC^«2iaS tbe Jobs ifB hltSe St htSSS ^JTW? S""" "hen <««rre^b^^"^«««» matte™? throwing her om orh«Ii»JS.!57i5L?" 't* homeatioteh. maa'arfctliator *^^r ">* I«ad toEnoS^ month to BttaW^.IL^'" to oSiSiS «<« flhs «Seuc' ?h5;2"v?;'sr%''" • liaB waa before. «!« bad tho yea, b«nuMriL^i5i7SLvi«~ 5? ' haniller of heavr —— — aeoond, and Jndltb third la» f^f^ be can come to f^tSa7^S^Jt^^*^ .tor BSSott »SffJ^l'' beaV AlthoMttNro tovfS22!?l.?*"3*P«'' Wrectoiy." ^^^t^^^l^,^^ •pectalHea at tK "m",^^'^ hav. nee ^ Sprlnstlmen .«o »; wTnu*","" 2"* *V book woTOSroi? '^"»«>W»»UT»lBttoHBl«btf^; I at-oaanemare, PraBogBT_What -or thla 2SdtotlS''i2I21'iii-:i-"S^''H?' •sedta dty™ WarnWanaa f&nlth.amiti, oiS?£iil*?L.r=>?>"- i.>tor %*^e»4nn»a thraiunr aeawmt A ISjti_ 5lJ"~ ' eooDlnTrnuTLki naopciMd-..., II.S, and evoy raaddlataBc/^ . . — . - ; — 1 — *

August 7, 1880. O X-i 155

KASSAS cnrr topbka. Stay f*^>l***^: ^VltnapvIToaLaB Utoretmnflrom Bnrilnctan,yL, .—Banr Enochs' day and moonlight Toirr DBMm's PAXronMB Tbodpb wiu next ABERLE's MAjmoTB MiNSTBELS commeoo^^helc The Wc*;era* •• Topeka, Kaa., Tislted Kanu> City, and llB GASEBALL. eelred flm prodocaon on snj ns^at -ae: (oUseiittue on tbe SbrewnlMiiT Blver, N. Jl, AnK. S. ptaicnic, whichtivfts1 to have taken place at hla Oak season present^^bealdea the popular trlck.clown season at Aberle's Tbeatre Ang. la. Bngbcv played wtth tbe local club on July il,,th games 21 and 22 VHymple.Tliestre, CUcsgo, IIL, July 10« and don-, IHmnTBPBoaMAK 18 to be the inailatter on th« Groi Adams, introduce a comic Billy vei« closely CDOtested. althoogh the <.lnb >ve Cottage,' Monument road, July 22, was Ceoige H. who wUI Dougherty. Payette Welsh, Btyant. Ben ClI- Kansaa City tlnuea tne tUD of tbat wxsek. oomspondent^ artists: TO BE FIiATBD. were twlee Ttctotlooa by the ropeeilTe aeoree of to Oar mad for tbe lUdlnon-flqiun TBeatre CompanT. postponed on aceonnt of a severe rminstorm tUl novelty—the following tivorlta specialty folL Bobby Newcooib. Sater and Unghea, Watson eAMEB 3 4 and in St the LEAGCE. II too. A thud i^me waa played at Topeka on JiUrS, -wtio w time of tbe prodnctfoB. now le- Tarn ABKES Wallace-Villa Cokbinatiok, la: ZT. wben It cane off with great eJnt. There irere The BamireEes—Josept, champion mandoUnlat; and Levanlon, the Cnmmlns Brothers, and the n"*"—- lOK. 3> Si 7, BOMOD « Chlcsiin. mt BoMon. wba the Citys anlo won, although their onpo- Tlews Uu foUows: elmUng manr ibnner Avorttcs nnd new aceo. are tngtog, dandig, and all kinds of tan. Baechoa Mile. Hortense, guitarist and •opnno Toealist; Mornocos are engaged wlih the company. The AOS. X a, 7. Prtivid«neen. dcTcluul, AtPniTldeiice. nenui bad beat strengthened by the attdlura ot Kes-ier U la In flr« acu. and btlelly nUtei the itorr or .OM Bob- to eonunenee tbelr next tonr Aug. It in Port Jerrls, and OambrlnM ocenpted Itont seats and were aod anUlenno, styled the little wonder vocalist managerial staiT inclntles Jas. Aherle, manager; j. inz. S, ft, 7, Woraatcr n. Bgiriln, at Woroeiter. and 0*Ked ot Brooklyn andO'CotUMr and Kent, lata ol the crt]li]e«.vtH> udok. flndHlvaUnm pacucvofBODeT • IT. T. A can for rebearsal sppeara In tbia lune. devoutly wonhlped, and the large nnmber of and insinunentelist; Little Todd In his Ifeats of V. Craven, business-manager; and Joa. X.. McDon- 3. 6. n. ClDdmutl, >t Troy. DnboquesL j0ftoataldeth«nreUi tb* 4 Totals 34 I 24 17 2 aod tbe plar le erldentlf Ideas nvm old Aog. 8, Knlckeftneker Ta CalUoniU. at Eaa PraodicaL 6 eoDatmcted tnm ist and character isas City 0-3 drmmaa. arv house erected on the site, will be Interested tolean danseose: LlxEle Reynolds, liard ft Demott's ClRua. See card. Atv> Natlooal tc. Bochcatcr, at Corner laland. UUUOOOSO Tbam asrcral eSeOtre altaaiiou aod Indltrerent. main tiie pertormanoe was Between that the lias been commenoed. actress and vocalist; Cooke, AMBCBoa ft Co.'s West« 00000001 0—1 tableaux, notaolf tba mecbaDieal ooe at the doae of the w«rk ol demolition Roelna panto- Van Menagerie and CireuR third acts Jnd Colgao, a local Plrst haaeon m i IS Kanaaa city. 3: Western. 4. Two- foartn act, efaowinc the rlalnc of the wmttr about the second and come- ....FrAnk Lewis, motto-singer, has been spending mlmlst, vocalist and dansease;and Lotta, "the is due In Princeton, Ind., Ang. 2. Peterebnrg S. base THE UBIAOXTK CBABmoSBBOP. biia-GrUBo, West and Keot. Three hoae hit—O'Con- the old milL It la a piece that kdcb admirably with dian or decided talent, gave comic rediatlons hlsvacatlen in PtiiladelpMa; be opens at the The. quadrupedal langh-provoker." These artlata will Jasper A May's Lick &. Paola «, Mitchell T, BradfoM tbe nor. Sirack I Western, y' Balls caUed tbe fcallcncx. The toilowiag home, Lau Saunlar'* pla/ In the League araoa ended out—Kansaa aty, ; wma the fbll caft: Bobert WlU E, English is now at giving his en* aoe Comlqne, Waablngion, Aug, 2, for two weeks appear in the new version of "Humpty Dnmp- 9, Owensboro lo. Bloomfleld ll. Freedom 13, Gas- third moBth or the aeaaoD, and It la la otder to rcrlev tbe —Bowe,e7; O'KleLlltl. Strikes called—Bowe, 16; 0'»il, Mllea, Bobert BJgbtOB. Flanlcan and Tom Apnle- tbe Um tire personal actenuon to eompIeUon of his —'As lang ago annonneed. Miller's Winter Garden tv," entitled Tickled, or Hnmpty Dtunpty port Martinabnrg 14, MoresvUle 16, fljvtihree montha* work ot the canpalan of UBO to lee 4l Doable plays-.Cory and Ubby, Kesjder aod Pbelan, cate. Edward Arnou; Edward XolEooner. the **8plder,*f 13, and Dan- theatre. Tbe bonding Is nearly nnder roof. win of ISSO-'Sl Ang. l«, Tbe Newly Hatched," which Scott bow It eompaRa wttb that or lins and UTS, aa It U eslr by PhelaoandBlz Passed hsJIs— Kessler, 1; Knowdell, I. Bridget PiDoUEaa and a Chkuo BootbTert-. Dickie reopen for the aearon Marble, assisted by ville IT, beneflt to Kra. H. More Is talked ot. She Is cer- tacb a companaoB tliat we can note the ImproTeiscnt WDd pitches—O'MeL Z Umpire, Ward BurUnEpune. Llonrd : Ivmel CaTeodUh and Tomaao VeeehL B. A hone is now (King thoroughly cleaned, renovated, George H. Adams, bas constructed, and also in the FoREPAFOH's CiBCtm Is to exhibit In Chicago, tainly dsserring of a big one." made lo the came each year. Foorchibt now In tbe arena Time.lL 40in. _ J. Bacil^r; Patrick MnUrtMDey, Boland Beed; John teiwiimi and npapered tbronghonL The front new fteatnre ol 'the grand comic rehearsal" of an ni., for one week, commencing Ang. la. There- had team! In Iha field In 1878 and 18^9, tU., the Boitnn, R. Baldwin, W. I. Hurlfy: Capt Budcaatlc. J. W. Habbt O. Bioaxond is in Cincinnati arranging ol the. building Is also to be newly painted amateur pantomime, which will precede the pan- after it proceeds to Fort Wayne. Ind., and Mnnele, Pnivldeiice. CTilrago, and dndnnatl ; aod MTen of the HHubold: If^r Tom Hall. en Spurt, I^TEH BASEBAIjIi NOTES. w. a Clemm ; hla company for the Fall campaign, wtdch opens and otherwise improved. The executive of the tomime proper, William P. Nunn will be leader of Ind.; thence Into the sate of Ohio, and there re- tuaa. now haTlDjc In tbe race of Will 8. Oiwper; Kent; Aoto- teams In the field Cook fart At St. iMola, Ifo., OD Jnly 23, Ihe Beds again defmed Jim Ollhen. Charles attheCo1lBeamlnttiatclt7Anir.23. replaced nlo Bplrz, Booen Chmriem lU<«a: estaUshment will be: Proprietor. Henry Miller; orchestra, and F. Nunn leader of band. Tony Den- mains for six weelu, vlaidng all the principal IKS. tbeSmoue team or lam year belui bj tbe the Browns, the aeore thla ilma being 6 to 2 in tbelr laror. Buckmtnaier: Janip for the Browns The Kdm U<*re: JaDltor. John Bncen: Plor- S. and Baldwin, playod tbe past week in Bntte Citr, If. T,, UrM-naned dnrlnc Ifay, Jane and July lor 1878, 1879, and Katlooals of waablngton rlslted Orange, Mass., on July vnce Flora NVvton: HriL Ulle4. Mrs LktAy- and are Qcasncer, Dan Fox; doorkeepere, Maurice Netr, bnslness-agent; F. D. Hlldretb. treasDKr: Lonis E. E. Elliott, agent and contractor, wlio has la ai tollows: Mte; Glnraana Vecchl, Liule Ran- doe In Deer Aog. for a like USO 8, and defeated thn Fiankllas by a score ot 6 to 2. The EDza Rnfen; BrldKet. Lodge X period. They FredJInty and Heni7Meinle;leader of orchestra Filber. master of transportation; Wm. Hassen. Ju!>t closed his eng1^Rment with Cole's Cirens. is ter^....Tlie Olj-mpie haa been the only theatre open down- City lO, for one rain Interfered with the ganie. and only sereo Innings are to retun to Bocte week, and to (elgBTjileces), Frank Schaefler; staoe-carpcnter. fnitz, propertT-man; and John E, Lewis, program- at liberty. See addreiis in another COlmDn. were played. town tlie pant week, and, the nlghta areraglDfc cool and (Irstead of Sept. a, as Tiualr. Tenney. late of the Brown Cnlrersity nine. Helena 30 pievionaiv re- Isaac W. Sill: special officer, Frank Welble: 8npe^ mer. The ladles and gentlemen engaged arc re- Locia Nichols, -batcher, bis Ibot i Kaw. TDfuIa. inur club* nieaaaot. a rerrsood aueodaooe baa bfen the reflulL a candy bad 8Itched Ibr tbe Prankllns The Baatcni ported),' to dedicate Wing's Opera-hoaee. The intcndtnt of beverage Hasiert quested to assemble 1S7S. w. IT. L. w. L. tr. The bill bait becQ William Ottomore'a play ^Thn FatAl department. Lonis In Chicago. Dl., Aug. 23. for crashed July 21 In Benton, nL. bythe railroad-- L. L. W. L. cfeated thar W«Mcra opponents In the League cbam. company Indndee Ada tAwrenee, Minnie Castle, 4 10 3 24 ID 41 Step. orOitiF a Dreftm," )d AreUbleaor. It has Ita root Oommon Councilman Wm. Gallagher has »» rehearsal, etc. For further partlculare In regard train used for pnlilng Thornton's Clrena over the Boeon C 3 8 19 ploujiblp gamea played on July 29 Barry Arundel, ' In ine old German rclnteetbe Agnes Kennicott, Elsie Lawrence, Charles '" " Clnannail ... II 9 4 8 7 7 St IS 37 a a well-known Pblladelphlaplicner, la DOW flUlns ihst po- drama "Step bj Step." and Coon. the lease and proprietorship of tbe OiandQi to this popniar organization read the advertise- road. Amputation was at fltvt thooght nacassary, Ktorr or the eirl benitatioe between the H. A. Ferris, J. Jay Slmms, Flint ' PmrMeoce... 3 b 6 6 8 6 17 17 27 sition lorthe Nine spots or Plndlay, Micb . The Jiu. Mary Oaborne, Kennicott, e! Theatre, and has retained J. uu- ment. but hopes of saving the foot are now enlertalned. lore or the poor tout lifWof Wm. CUicapp 4 9 10 3 u 3 28 u 30 39 tbrd Maas.) Club haTe disbanded The Pioneers de- honmt Tom WIrvtoo aod a Howard and Frank HonlK. U. O'Reardon is the eilded InJCamy. and whoTaUR eBleepatthecJnwcltbeflret manager John F. Betz, tbe brew THE BEMODELiso Of Crone's Ganlen Theatre, The Sells Bbotbbbs recently pareliaaed of 1^. feated the EoglewoodA at Eiidewood, N. J , on July 21. by tie also gives bia mDRtcal-dlrector, and tamuerom- owns Concordia Hall, Callowhlll street IndlanapollB. Charles Kelche ft thor- ProTldence... 10 6 9 i 10 8 29 18 19 2S a score ot 20 to 7 The Ohio and Belmont Clubs played act. The eecAnd, third and foonh acta atcw the down- Ind., will be begun this week. Onr Brother flfteen Kntncky ward fft«p» rvmilta con performances. ith, BnrtOD 7 8 8 « » 6 27 20 St 3D at £L ClalraTiUe, O., Jnly 24, when the former wnn by a of denradetlon and abame, aa the contemplates modernizing It into a conespondentsays: -The roof win be raised and onghbrcdn and the cynocephalua "Zaio." which of havlnj; Mason A Moboan's "Uncle Tom's Cabim" I ChJoi^ni.- 1< 1 9 8 It 8 31 12 46 33 score of4 10 2 A close and exciting game was plaredat become the mlstreaA of the Const Ei:bert, end- Cox- theatre. Should ihis be done, several a gallery added to the auditorium, considerably were delivered in Oneonrn, N. T,, July 2Z. ing In ralclde. Tbe fltrh actH nhowii the awakening; and BCATioK is to be Ui Geneva, IlL, Aug. ClncloDati ... 8 7 S 8 11 7 22 21 43 37 Holllatcr. CaL, on July IP. t»etfr«en tbe P* mix Club ol 2, Sycamore are anxious to rent it for a variety ahow. increasing tbe Beating capacity. It Is designed to The Allen Show, which collap.-cd in Oneonto, tbe wlw aecepUncc ofTom Wini^toa*A hand. The pley ba* Oregon a, that locality aod the Old MImIods >it San Joan. The oon. 3, De Kalb 4, Rochell S, Forreston T. jBtticissA.Ti, O., onr correspondent tbe sides been rcrr crudely bfta of wrote BO arrange of the building that for Snm- N. Y., July 21, was bodgUl liy A. 0. Lewla of that Cblcaca l« i 1C 1 II 6 <1 9 len was lor the champlonidifp of Oui Benito County and wntteo, and, while there are A. 8. Pemmoteb bas been re-engaged as tteaatinu bnslness- Jnly .5, '"The People's Theatre haa been closed mer occupancy ihe ventilation will town for (4.000 ca.«h. ProTiotnee 8 7 11 6 9 8 28 21 an elegant sIlTer-monoted i\«ewood bau The score stood diaJo(rii«t. It U la tbe main a hndae-porlKC ofna- be thorough. agent of Rice's "Evangeline" Company, and next this traek. The lie Bonon 7 S 9 8 7 10 23 27 a tie at tbe end of tbr ««vcoth Inning. Ihe Plioenlx finally iboHaod rough bum<>r. £. J. Buckley plared Tom Win new people advertised tailed to The stage win set with entirely new scenery, Harry DEcawrra writes from Carbondale, 111., MAD In amnniy. season will lie his foarth with that organlatlon. materialize, CinclDUttl.. 4 11 2 13 S U 11 se winning by a score of 9 to 5 Tbe Albanys hare been Tisoroua manner, and delivered hlellDei and boaluess flattened ont The and many other minor tmprovements and addl- that business is One with Thornton's St. Loals Clr- with fine Katik PvTKAit and company were reomnized. aod will present a nine selected from Crlich- tntCL Boland Reed extracted much tun oot or to have com- Volks' Theatre, it is reported, will reopen next tiODS made to the place, COS. Tbe record tor the three thernleof which will be reopened flm montbsof the ley. Uigtisro, Rmllev. Mack, Shoape. Rocsp. Dlckl-raon, FredSlln;;er; nnd Mlaa Alice HartlngKably w menced a six nl^ts' season in Bane. if.T., JdIv 20. (this) week Brand's Mnslc Hall contlnncs to 01 the data Jd the nce» im mm KiHowi: onded bin effbrta Aog. 30 cilmore's Zoo continues to do a re- The BESi dents of Cleveland.o:; have never known Kuidonn. Troy. Harbldge and other well-koowu players. aa Jenny Bnrt; Mlu Florence Webiiter Mrs. H. Clat fobd. ne" Blanche Chapman.'Ella be liberally patronized, made fairly effective the Mary Osborne; R. though running a light munerative business, with the exception of Sage as much advcraalnglnlngdon; there in one week WIU White's Wber died at Cntnlog. T., > s a 13 4 27 IH 46 S moQoted with silver with combloa' lona Manager Ualztel la form- Goodwin appeared In day of e.Thlbltlon to be Dickerson has been engaaed by Jeak HossfEB win be disengaged alter Ang. is. Budworttis Business ban Iwen Cbleaco 14 1 9 3 11 8 34 12 48 fna a burlpb<|iie company for next neaaon fair at the Eldo- Dntcb eccentricities, and later as 'The Tramp;' Gal- announced shortly. Forepangh'n agent arrived S Ibe Buffalo Club The Nationals of waablngton. D. She pnblishes her address In another colomn. rado, Cincinnati 8 7 3 9 II 7 22 73 41 37 C, OB Jaly 31 grsot44 an hODOrmbIa BarerlyM Theatre, now In tbe hands or the painters and na new people 2Swere Frank and BlUy Sheri- lagher and West Indnlged In break-neck songs-and- herv abont Jnly is, and covered all the bllMxMilila relesso to their deooratora. reouena CBABLES McGnois and company played ClrTCIand 3 12 » 7 e 12 14 31 27 U manager. Jsmes H. Giffnrd. and be has returned to bis Aub:. 2. lo renewed fflory, wllli tbe In Bnc- dan in Aorth Insh songs-and-donceB and Ada Adair dances; Julia Walcott slnga aerlo-comic songs in the city with his paper, the show to appear Aug. Troy 4 11 6 C 14 12 31 19 96 at Colambas, Unlon-t-quare Company In '•French Flata." Tbe com- tonobe, K. B.. Jnly 26. 27, Shedlac 28. in boms O. George Derby, tbe ricbt-nelder ol 29. Sommer- change songg-and-dancen. Departares: Dick pleaslnily; and Pauline Ames was neat and grace- s. a. The London men, after seeing this, announced Syracaae 8 7 3 10 12 17 29 U 48 the Nationals, will flu tbe vacant posirlnn during the re. pany playing "Lucrrtia Borgia" at the National tbe paAt slde. P. E. L, 31, Ang. 2. week prcM-Dtthn Harris and Tommy Cassldy. Opening Ang. 2: ful in sonirs-Bnd dances. tbelr exhibition to take'place Sept. s. Both shown malndTroltheKeaaon. white Ormood U. Butler, iormerlr HMiue piece the oomlnir we»k at tbe The Cecilla James Cooilwin and Gal- The record for the three montba for U8D la aa followa; Cbisp Covbinatiom is to lesnme Dick Mack and LuclUe Renfivw John desirous well. known so atbeatrlcal sgeni, will alieud to tbe buM- Ualned-KirvctOpera-honiv At the National the Mor. lagher and West close, going to Cincinnati; Julia are of finding ont who will spend the otnilne traveling Aog, 7. At the close or tbelr recent toor rlssey, stage-manaser of tbe nest nignagcracDt, and Is St present in this city making week a colored iiiloHtrel troupe appear Bncklngbam Palace, Walcott, 10 Grand Rapids; Pauline Ames and J. most for advertising. Every store-window, ex- JfOF. Jic July. I Totalg C. I I Met icker'n and Hooiey*H, re- Cecilia Crisp (Mis. Edwin Stnnrt) was presented Louisville, Kv., is srrsngrmenla for Uie club on the polo crwunds and at oow undenfulns extenaWe by In the city. His theatre p'lens Leach, no date. New Aug, a: Tne Mortons, Marr precs-wagon, dray, omnibus, street-car or boot- W.'l. W' W. L. IT. h. pair*, boih becln thf-lr her with gold watch Coney Island Cocswell. first.huemsn nfUie Trorfi, Koaauna Auij. 0 The ACAd* hnBband a and chain valned Ang. 23.. —Lew Clark of tbe Clark Brothera is in Bros., and the Qulnette black display* rhicajio 14 16 II 41 9 emr will fihow Children Grace Car an advertisement or either cirena. has permanently retired irom the ball-field, and Tobln. many Inipnivementa. Ita seamn becme ic Is said, at «12S. town; he bas lieen selected Cicreland 9 9 28 19 4orll as Btage.maiiuger of the land and Jnlla walcott flll a fbnr weeks' engage- They are also parading the streets with bands and formerly of the Albsnys and lale with the Worcecteia, Sept- Tbeipkod workcoei«bni.TelyonhC Ilamlin'n A SECOND LOW -coMEDiAK and Several ProTldenee 8 II 38 21 Hua Fox's. 1-hey botli ntlllty peo- Metropolitan, Lonlsvllle, which opens Aug. la, ment at Grand BapIdH, after they ilinmlnatlng-wagons, and Forepangh in haa been enimged to flu the racancy In the Truy nine open ntmr the flrkt of Sept AU ple are which Join tbe giving Worcenter 9 7 24 24 Utc theatrra will be In wanted by J. B. Ashton, who advertises. Lou Looke of this city Is to be business-manager. siereopucou exhibinoiu In a game at Kansas City 00 July 16, between the local new drejia tbe ciiming whsod Zera a Troupe Ko important changes at the irom the Weddvll Honae Botfton 7 9 Z3 zr E. J. Buckley Tbe Pathpindbbs. whose entertainment Both leave 4 for Louisville club and the Westerns ot Topeka. Stockwell of tlie and Boland Reed take a benefit at tbe entitled Manager Snel- Adelptal. The show has deteriorated into one of balcony. Troy 7 S S 23 UlymnlcAnf. 6 Roland Alice HaAtlORn "Scraps" is Ihmillar to the tiaker Vine-street latter team made a safe tut each of tbe four times he Reed and ko amasemenMovliig ofthe Opera-bouse Is In tbe city. light dImenslonB At the Vaudeville Theatre Dr. Jas. L. Thayer's CiRcrs Is Buffalo s S 17 S with OnlJElern Burle-ique Company until Nor. 8 .w, announced lo went to the hst. Including two horae.nins The pnbllc, bave filled their time to Feb. IS IBSI. A Thb) tbeatre opens 21. It bus not yet been reno- the only fresh appearances 2a were John give performances sliemoou and doelnnatl 4 2 II 36 Eclipse ofLAnlsTlUe pla.red with F. Bradbury baa been hereihe pajst week enpgtInK mu* press Cannon, DlgntofAug. 0 gamea tbe Lone stars or and contracting agent, a lender of orchcsr vatedni^Tbe remodeling of tbe Collsenm Is about Is veiv the vacant New Orleans on July 25 •icul people for a tour of the Northw^Ht Rutfaln Bill who clever In Irishisms and a burlesque on lot at Eighth and Nurria streebi, By reference lo ttaeae lablea It wlU be uan that Chicago and 26. ths former winning by the tra who can arrange, and a Ikclal artist are IHiiBhedr'and baabeon In town en mute to New Vnrk Ilavcrly>, wan't^ the dresa-clrcle snd parquet are speech, and Hen. Mobley in black-fkce specialties, PbUadelpbla. after which date 11 wlU haa bad tbe lead at the end of July for three euoceuLve respective scores of 8 to 7 and 3 to 1. Alter tbe second ea,MeVlcker*BandFo.x'a Theatre nnll prevent new complete the organization. See J, s. nent- being dlled with handsome foldlng-cbaira It Ko changes." exhibit at various other Tvara, and yet In two of thew three aeaaoni tbcy fell off ao game, Fred Prelfrrofthe Eclipse and Pellz had a throw- places In and around that contest, drop-cunalnK next seajioo. ft'ow's address on anotber page. U reported that James Douglass is to bully that they came In fnortb each year dp to ISSDi In ing which was won hy the termer by about thirty manage Wold- SUITH, Waldron, Cronin AND Mabtin, Consti- city fur a week or more. fbeL diarance was not Boston, Mabs., amasemetits op to Auir. 1 are VSii, with a lead ol 28 to Boaton'a 21 at tbe endoi Joly, they The thrown measured Bosa man'snieatreJnNewark, N. J,, the comlugEeason. tuting the Big Four, are arranging time fbr next THB CiRcoa OCTKAGE.—A fhrthfr hearing in the ended theaeaMW witb bat SDto Baeun'a4L InbSS, wliha Barnes Is located at Kansas city, where be praposes em* tbus reviewed by cor regular corresponUcnt: "Tbe John E. McDonoogh and wife (Lillian "lelr case of Ibe Into business >n78ICAl<. season, Crat open date being Oct. 2S. Tbcy showmen charged with ontragiDgSyl- Ie>dor34toProTldeoce*B 29attbeeadol jDly, tbe Pron* hojklDg Joe JIlllBr. seeond-bssemsn of ptat week witneased a great Improvement In Summer Tra via) are engaged for tbe stock at tbe the lodlaoapolbi Club In U7u and of the tbeatrlcala, the weather, nave Philadelphia Notes.—Chas, Odeon, state In . jelr card elsewhere ttuit they have no con- vain Bnrkett was bad in (ireensburg. Pa., July 27, deoce team doted tbe leajoa wItb 64 to Cbicaco^a 46w Tbto SL Paul Bed Caps In one nluht, belUK all that Eanomao, who Baltimore, In 1877, Is now prtiprletor of hotel at cootd be deiured. nnlv tbe coming eeason Frank M. nection with any minstrel Tbe girl, who was present, has olinost year Cblcaao cloaca Jnly wttb a lead of41 to dereland'a 29L a White Bear Lake, The ebaoce to be noied was the re- has been engaged as mnslcal director at the New organlzailon. Mr. entirely re- 12 miles from St. Panl. Minn., Clark's .'Excursionists' played the latter clab belnc eeeood in tbe race, owing to fever de and la doing wolL His vival of 'I'lnalore' at Onkland Garden. Tbe trim vewiel Chestnnt-streec Opeia-honse, will condnct in Nicholasville, Smith and Ma«ter Martin will therefore not be in covered, both physically and mentally. Her testi- Irlends In an or- ftata. Tbe tiUlng-onofClDClnnatl since 1878 la noteworthy. msny the profc3>ioa sill no doubt bo glad to waa andtored In tbe inke. tbe action taklDfc pUc« lo tbe chestra Ky.. week of Jnly 2«, and are to open for a week the Big Konr Minstrel mony did not diiri'r materlallv of ten pieces, composed as follows : Chas. Company, as has been an from that prevtoas. Troy baaBhO' learn of bis pmpediy Weston D. rirler, at one open air, exceptlne 2T, when tbe oper«tU dnrlng the Iklr in aslsalM tbatoTBolIiilo atoce 1879: wbUe . waa auncr ]n tbe Eanffman, director and llist-vlolin Harrodsborg. Ky., Ang, 2. nonnaed. ly given by her. She slated that twelve men bad marked ImproTcment her re»rd. But Clereland "lakes time thought to be the best grnr-rml player In the pavilion. Great aucceaa wa.1 arhlevcd hiat : John Mey- to yvar by er, repetiteor; G, Kappes, There were two proresslonai dlvorce-suTu in onr Hallen a Hart's "PlnalbR in Fifteen Minutes" asaanlKMlher In Sbanksville, and Ave in the woodn Ihecake'* In the way of aa Improremeut since 1879, aa tbe country, has abandoned basehall, and now derotei Ihla novel treatment of a familiar Kuiject. and the eecond-vlolln ; Lonis Telle, viola Common Pleas Court the past week. Josle Welsh and "Penzance Pirates in a Nutshell" at Jenncr Crossroads, In company abore ublea plaluly abow. Boston baa tuien oil; aa also bis attention to cricket Snvder has not been bnnlDfw ao far done baa been excelleut, the laiize. natural ; Edward Schnltz, double bass : Fred will be tbe with the IMs- CDKSged by tbe Bostuna, the vocalist was decreed a divorce hrom her hns- features in their trlct-uttoraoy she passed ban PrOTldencc, ilace 1879. nor baa Sntton been re. auditorium being almoat full at each of tbe eitrbt repre- Schmidt, clarionet : Henry Schnltz, comet; Mr. next sesson's repetoir. round among the prison- leasecl, nocwlthslandlns statenenta busband, John Welsh, a Tbe fbll record to Aug. lis aa follows, tbe names of the to tbe eonttary aentatlonaglveo. Wm. Forrerter, Fercy J. J. Cooper, Jan. Felthansen, flnto William ' song-and-dance man, and Lsa Vampizrs—Jean, Ella and Jnllan—grotesque era and Idcntlfled the following. In the order given, spread broadcast ; Fabrman, tromtK>ne cloln) telng glTen in tbe order ot their position. The Globe and Intrepid Clubs of A. Gilbert. HarT>- UaaVeU and Geraldloe L*lBfr HMORtbe Jean Koeck, dmms, xylophone, D. Ballentync was divorced (torn his wlft, prolies- dancere, contortlonbitB and lofty-klckere, who have aa having outraged her; D. 0. Melville, Philadelphia. Pa., played a game on the former'H grounds Admiral, Captain Cnrcoran, etc Zlmmer' M. L Mor- Dick DeMileye, BUI Bnbatay man'sOriglnal sloiully known as Addle Morrell, on ground of ati- been playing Bncce8.sfUlly In the West for ton, James Parsons, Jeff. Bsker, July 29, restdtlng In a rlctory for the Globes by a score of and Jnaepblne. aa before; Juvenile-opera Co, plays "Plnafbie" the_past Dick Barton Scott Jamea E. Ctmlv, E. S. Tuttle. 8enc^ Be la lather of Georgle Vincent The season, are closing Furaeson, I2C01. Tbe lotreplds. althoogh strengthened by O'Brien W. E. Freeman, Flora £. Barry and Rove at the Permanent Exblbluon afternoon of Aug. 4 now engagements for the East. Wm. WUson, Jen". Barton, Jolin Mav- £#elKbtnn ap- NatioDal Theatre is now being used as a tobacco ofthe Athletics, were anable to make a solitary safe hit pearlog aa Ralph Rackatraw, Bob Beckett, Tom Bowhn and T At the Mcnnerchor Uarden the pro- See card, DArd. Philip Boyer, Frank Penniman and Janen Is Wearer's storehouse The Melrose Sistcra are on pitching Troy, the second.basemsn of Buttercup and Hebe. The opera waa evenly aunjt grammes for the past week bave twen voir varted, playing at Thb Gband Central Theatre, Philadelphia, Harrington. The te^ilmuny of the girl could not .IS the Dubuqnes, has returned to tbU city, Grnhman'a." baring been ooti- throuehoot, and ot tbe newer repreaentatlvea Un. Barry a complete cliange being made nightly. will open for the Fall and Winter ses-oon Aug. 28, be shaken on her crotiu-examlnatloD. Her Ihther Oed of the serious lUnesa of his brother. It la One ofthe Cblcafo .... "43 doobtltal U entitled to pralae for* clear and brlUUot vocalization most noteworthy THE NOTXLTv Trbatbb, Bradford, Pa., cloned Its and flntmlaas specialty artists other lestlfled aa to bis experience during his if he will return to Dubuque. la TLe Athletics of and merllonooB acting. This lady nnmbers was Mozart's Jnpiter and perform, flve-daya* Clereland .. 66 Introduced into the dooraJnIy 24, financial embarrassment being the era search for his child, Philadelphia wlU \islt Cnney Islsnd tbe latter part of this aecond act a lullaby by Doctor SymphoDf, which was snperbly played. Nlgbt ot desiring engagements are requested to apply and several ahowmen corrob- ProTldence. 36 Sulllran, which waa much Snnclpaleanse. Our correspondent says: month and pbres1howlnBtlila pisyed sgaln on the following day, Indianapolis, Ind. Our correspondent stage-manager; Hairy by Harn Miner, to whose care he directs all com- iMcn in any manner connected therewith. pretty plainly. The Polytechnics de- when the East secured Foreat Garden during tbe week, and bida fair to lie equally says: "Mrs, another victory Wheeler, leader of orchestra; Tom Hamilton, prop- munications to be ROBERT STIOkNEY'n letled tbePofnams bynto 10^ in a wren-lnulnga g>me; by a score of S to 2. The fine fielding of popular during the foarth week of Ita mn, commencing Segnin hod been stopping at Catonsvillc, near Bal- addressed. IMPERIAL CIRCUS IS hiaM the defratetf Troy at second base erties; and tbe following company: Nellie Watera, to in Namelcaa the lAlayotte by 19 to 4.I0 a ttre- was the chief feature of the two con- Aug. 2. Thla company make tbelr Arat appearance lu timore, for some tlmo past, at the home of Engene Aleadeb op orchestra, mnslclans, specialty Show Hagentown, Md., Aug, 4, Innlngsgame: and the Commercials 16 to TomI uifana EmeEffle DeDeRock,Rock, Devlin, TraceyTrace] Murray, w. the Stars by 6, aacred concert Aug. 1, and Harry E. DIxey takes a beneflt Carrlngton. and this gentleman acted as master and aitlsts, etc,, are wanted for a traveling company. o. CoTP'B CsnzD Shows are due In Fred* in a MTen-lnnlngs eontesc. The titan bad tbe better of It 6 Halieck'H Alhambrm, alloated nhlie Sbsnley, Emll Grandln. O. erlck City, by the sad se^'wavea of ceremonies on the above occasion. The wedding Tom Brlen ApplytoTaylcure'sdramatlcagency.asadvertlsec'. Md., Aug. 9. Ilageratown 10. Carlisle. UDtU tbe sixth Inning. Tbe record to date Is aa follows: ofSouih Boaton Point, witnessed (be final Ben aodge, LoDlse Bliss and Morgan EnclDE or A BOXKR.—A letter hearing d.tte July 22. perJomaBceanl was a very aalet affair, aod Hullin." THE Phillips Combination, t>eeu Pa., 11, Chambereburg 12, Maitlnsbnrg, *Tb« Plratea of Penzance* during and attended princlpallr by who bave Va,. u! wrluen to Martin Neary iynm Birmingham, Eng.. Ktntcs the week ending July 31. KoTEmr nAUS, comhinitlons and variety art- performing the Tbe Q Tooy Paoior and company open her best frrends in Baltimore and vicinity. Mr. during season in tbe Southern EmBaBOW.pRiviLEOE with rulTuum ft HBm< 1 ? that a niiietl festher-wolgbt hoxrr, known as •Taller," Aog. 2. for a week. Is's deBjflng time at Harry WiUlams' Academy lllon'a Soma Wallace Is of States, are now engaged at the Show la advertised Ibr sale by who fousht Enoch Bretlle, Matcbett and Annie Ward TlOaoy In "The Cnlld atemter" wlU be a aub- a son of ex-Governor Wallace of Indiana Apollo Garden, St. H. R. Jacoha. others, rccpotlv Moalc, nttsbnig. Pa., are requested to address the who also Inquiry ' 1 1 Drawn. committed suicide by throwing blmiMilf ai-fiuenc a< traction The prizea to the threiTeondactora and a brother of Gen. Lew Wallace, The couple Joseph. Mo. A long list of testimonials aa to their makes for Ham. Norman. 3 from tbe upser managenas per advertisement. Specialty artists p" 9 corridor of an Institution in of the South Boston Railroad wlllntr tbe laqtisst number left for New York the same day, with abllliy from managere and tbe press Is publlstied The Obbin Bboibicb6 can be ad'ireased Moor streeL many good are also cueot,-»^"- of tickets to the Albambra doriog the post tbr^e weeks wishes for their happiness." wanted for the opening week, Sept. e, and In our buslne.os department They can be address- thlaoniG«. Cunnierclal 0 2 I 0 2 2 ~T I have been awarded to tbe oniai wtio tmld 67a, tfS aod 317 for the -TpetB of 13 and 20; also a flrst-clasa Ethi- Eatoo-katch.—Two Trojans A TiousiST, who also plays the piano. ed care of this ofllce. . A Nauow EsCAPB.-«ar readers mar »4cdli««C NamelcM 'i 0 .1 1 1 2 6 0 dealmns ot isme In glut- respectively. The rawards were S2S. SI5 and BIO stKclaltv opian comedian for tony had a three days' rating-match Tbe artists, etc., three weeks, commencing 6. William and Lo.n HATi.Eare that at the termination of the nnauccesaiUI Polyt«hmc 0 'i I 1 1 S 0 Id Troy, N. Y., the wtaulenuuberof tickets sold on the road was 2,716 are wanted by Sanlord ± Co., us *^per spending the Sum- aeaaca '0 last week In July. Eilward ALBEOHB'a APOLLO TOEATRB, EVBOSVllIe, Ind,, at Canton, N. Y, of the American Daunueaa. 0 0 2 1 2 s I Eanewon tbestakes, 823, liav- E. R. Bryam of the Park Theatre baa been quite ill card. mer They open at ibe nowaru Baclng Aasociatlon In Oadan- ng gained ihlrteen the isreportflftas having PotBVD ponnds In weight during the . . done a good baElneas the past borg, N. ie7», I I 1 0 I i 5 0 coniesL paat week. . John Sietaon of ths Ulobe aoon visits the Cahpaion ucsic can be purchased Athenenro, Boston, Mass.. Sept. a. Y.,la Geo. w. De ilaven, the iSn< Etar "6 Hlscompetltorgained nine pounds. of Prof. Rowe week Chas. A. 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 White - Mountains Treasurer George WB Gardner, Nick Norton, Fred PERFORHERf: ager, waa setlonsly slabbed '6 w: Blatchford uf who advertises that he tms Just published -Gar- are Wanted at ihe Hall Royal Palace, by a canvaanian niameA I.A&Tett« 0 0 0 0 0 0 u the Boston Museum, who la summering at Cnpe McAvoy.K C. Murphy, Johnny Reese, Wm. Dngnn, Jack Callalian, Ann. fleld'B Graod March," composed by A. E. Warren, New OrlenuB, La. Engagements begin Sept. IB. who baa Just been releaaed ITom & Oameslost.. Tbe Eaotcio aschbrt associatio:! will paid Bosu>n a visit 31 Mary W. CaryandW. H.Bay Hay SmllLAda Mortimer, MUlle Lafont 2| 2| 31 3| 41 6| 9 II 29 | bold tbelr Will Lavakb, and Aimle See Manager John P. Becker's canL long imprisonment lorthe act. A correspondent i ward join forces next aeaaon, borltone vocalist and fitst olto- fSHHif tournament on he Charles Blver plateau, at Bldxe aod avpear In a new play MeAvoyJIiomIng Aug. 2: Blakely and Swann. writes: '^The mil Farm. Wellealey. Mass.. oiled 'An Unexpected Pleasure,* In which hom player, late of Haverly's Mastodon Minstrels, Tony Pastor's Tbatelino Company Is due In Forepangh Show lately exhibited ia Sept. I, 2, 1, Ur. Say- SPECiJaB' ABTisTS are wanted for the opening Saratoga, Pteacott, Canada, ward will give his tmthtVtl Imltgilona ol popolar oct^ advertises th%t he can be engaged for next season N. Y., Aug, a, 10, Albany 11. Blngharatiin opposite Ogdensburg, and Calla> of the NllBji^ntionai Theatre. Bowery, this cir ban ^mss IHLAlHUfHL Hfcl 12._Elmlra 13. Jamestovm 14. BraiUtard. Pa.. 16 waa tnere engaged by one of tlie bosses of tha -___/iiecnredanea«yTlctor7. The game waa revldentof Sunth Borton. ao^a^acqoLl or the jiith Inning, DRAMATIC. .A Mare. •"cloMlf contested .up to the laft half the mbslDg raansper Fred Sllnaoo, met that gentleman maptir'tad CW!' utlehl him runs, and tbe lead thua Oontinitfa from vno' 1M. Rentz-Santley Novelty Company th% coming its. ati when tbeCleTebtodaaeored lour at the Eastern Hotel. Machla*. Me.i morning of Jul.v19. the eoEfort of performers, retained tbroughnut, good National) tlie lined fbr the flrst time waa At the Xatiosal ((brmerly New wbt re he bad registered as Mr. Bracdon ofKew York. The season^ He can be addressed In care uf thlE ofllce. pBOP. Pabeeb, who now has two troupes of A PAKTSeR't^' do E and AuttoD eoabllDC three nitlngand errors by Jones ImproTements are pronreaslDE rapidly. As The lannlord. Mr. Stoddard, waa Informed that t-he gentleman MvsiciiKS are wanted for the band with Sells trained dogs before the public, desires that it shall wanted by Frank r>i mure men to cross the plate. The Bortonj Mxnrrd their tbe theatrical manager. On oelngqnt^- Clippeb described tne«e at length several moDtha waa Mr BtlU!zc«rs assamea the post of hotel-keener tbe Rents Fot^anglt, ia It was, the Tab ei2hth. Hanloo attempted to malte a bome-run on a bit tliat Lawrence Honroe bap terentcd lu shlppln?. and took Ibe aiaire for MachlaH- Blaisdell's Merrt-maxeri! were In Jlelcna, M. departures July 31 were Pause and Ltllle Le Petre, Miss Susie Vv i« not engaged for Bcvcufcu.wuKeerenib, butwas escape." oVerover James 0-Bonrke'sO'Konrse's beadneso min wethe -M puthuv 1^8966 and manager, and that Thos. F. Kelly, who pon Chan. A. Stevenson and Wife (Ksle C1axUin)are T,, July 1», 16, 17, Butts City 1», 20, Hi,.' DbHIlltUir to St. Joseph, Mo. Billed for Aug, 1: Keoskleta, Company this season, as haa ueeu erroneously were hit hsrd snd A DBLsaATioK Of the cltlzena of Three Biven^ out at the bome-pbite. Both pitchers formerly held It, remains as business-manager, crulf>lDg In Usasarhuseits waten on board their yacht Is reported large, as'tbey are the flrst concert coni' Leona, Drew, Jennie Hay and Emma statetL and Botaimgexceuingin handling the bat our. ktnae-manager the Boston LilUe Ned Mich., recently waited on Adam Forepangh and .irsely. Boidock cSntlnne a.s lessee and manager. gprey William Seym of pony which has visltecl tliat section of conntry. GEOROIB MELNOTTB and Frank and CTaro Mara Wnbeam. will superintend the production of bis new ma- Wella. held out extraordinary inducements fbr aim to rL«nLA.wD. T.it.iB.ro.A... -nielocalpTesslsaJsoatailitlnBtatJiigUiatanew The troupe Includes W. B, Hlalsdell, WUlle Hlals were the only emvals at \he Odeon, Baltimore. '"'SlSio'^'^^if.iS.LT.Bosro^.anmoTt. x.».i».ru.a.F._ „ alcal comedy 'Long Branch* at HaDeck*s Athambr* 16. it Mabbied.—Hugh McNanuv and Nellie Neville vlBlt their tbUvlDg city. Accordingly, a date wafl Doolap, 2b.. 6 jrop-cnrtaln Is being painted for the theatre by written for Alice Osies Mr. dell, Miss Julia Peak. Miss Belie Tucker. Eddie S. Md., the past week. Buslnees Improved consider- RIch'ond.as 5 having been specially were united In marriage In the at. Elmo Theatre, made for Jnly 28, and, to add ecfalt to the, occaalon, Joaes,l 1... 4 Shaffer, r.C 4 Wra. J. Fettera. It Ih being painted by E, H. Cbaso. operatic manager, baa offered tbe committee of Peak, "Clayton," ProL Aug. Metz, Tom E. McMeans. ably with cool weather. Closed 8l: Kitty Gardner Hens, the Omaha, Neb., July 28, by the Rev. Mr. Steloburg, a large arch waa erected stiannlDg the principal Burdock. 2b. 4 HOUIlDg,C.f. 4 To THE IXPBOVZME^TS at Wood's Unseum, Pbll- tbe celebration ofthe clty^i settlement. Which occurs Bept. John E, Monger, Chas. A. Boyle, Cbaa. Blair, and J. and Wells and Sylvan, no dale. To open Aug. 2: Hanlon, L .4 parapbenalla of tbe New >tiiB..'Nellle Nugent acting as bridesmaid and John street in the heart of the town. From the apex or JatBourkcrf 4 adelpbla, described at length in tbese colnoiiis 17, the nse ofthe coatnmesand E. Mnnger. They are billed to pUy in Tilglnia Fannie Bernard, Carrie Herbert and Prot, Pharazyn, 6ntion,3b..- 4 genoedy,c.. 4 OrleanaMaxdlGrasforthesoogsnmoftlOtOOO During o. Nugent as best man. the arch waa anspended n mammoth portrait ol several weeWa ago, a tolIet-room for ladles bas eity.Nev., Ang. 16. JOHNNY ALLBN, after tbe conclusion of bis en- MorrULlb... 4 PhUl]oa,lb.. 4 the second week of tbe season at the Bceton Moaenm a TONY PASTOB and company appeared at ttae- Mr. F., bearing tbe legend Welcome." Tha man- 4 been added. It occupies a portion of tbe lobby J, M. Waddt, basso, is going to West Virginia for in Boston, Mass., is to prodnce '-Tbe JnoRo'ke,c.l 4 Hank'^ti,Sb new vendon of Vletorlen Ssrdou's play <*A Pangemus Academy of Music, Cleveland. O., Jnly 2fl, 27, to gasement ni^r appreciated the compliment, and appeared In Bond, p 4 M'Ccrmlck.p 4 to tbe left as yon enter. wUl'be acted. The late A: W. Tnoog's adaputlon Rackdrlver" in Philadelphia; thence to BnOklo, Game** lane buBlness Edwin French and Lester the street-procession in Ma private baronche. . Trait, c 4 0 IX Glasacock,a.s 4 PnrrcBABD, who Is snrnmering at bis played here Oct fl» 1887. Boae Eytlnge Geo, C. Dobson's banjos and gnltars are adver- yocalibt la wanted by Geo, K. Spenceb was oriKioaUy and Allen were up for a beneOtai Elvlroand A banjoibt and The OBBIN BBOTHEBi>> ROYAL SPANISH CDiODS home In Fblladelphia, will be John A. Stevens' may loin the oomponj for a part of the aeasDn The tised Inthlsissae. Vincent ft Co., as per canC"' 10 24 16 II TOtols.. 37 7 10 27 17 2 LlBle I, o. are In town. can t>e secured -by managere of gardens or fhaattes Totals.. .37 2 principal support next season, and will have a Gaiety Theatre, after beloa redeooated, newly painted "Since Dats op Childhood" is the BovLSTOK Mosnnr, Boston, Has*., had a week of 0-2 the Happy Is wanted by Tax still They have an- Bosujn 00000011 and carpeted, opena tbe aeaaon Aug. SOL tinder the con* Minstbel and tabiety talent aS, only new additions for a Itw dates open. Played -7 moneyed interest In another combination. title of a new song and chorus Jost pablished by fair buslneiui commencing Jnly Ihe Clcvelsnd. 0 0 0 0 D 4 2 1 manaeemest of Jasnu Wentwoith. wtth tt« reap- Oarle ft Johnson, who advertise, Lix- gagemente in this country at the Forest aardeaa, Two-haso bits— "DBDESSA."—At the Salem (Mass.) WlUow Park Unued Zanenvllle, O. to the company bcinc John F. Feuton, cfoa-dancer; Esmed mna-CteTaUnd, 2: Boston, i pearance In thla country of Mr. and Vra. George 8. Knight ProL Rowe, can And enoagementsat the Vande- vocalists; Decaer, Mass., ond ot Brighton Beach, Coney- O'Boorke. rdock. the Siege of Paris build- >f Performers ile Lanning and Annie Worley, and AL Boston, Botallug, XcCormIck, Shaffer, James B- Amphitheatre (formerly In *otto,* for two weeks. The Tile Gob art due Oct. 4, COLOBED xcsiciAKS Are wanted by A. B. C, who the occasion of a testlmnnlsl beneflt 28 to HoTTUl,Bardock. Flist bueon there vtlle Tbeatre, IndlanapoUB, Ind., by addressing comedtsQ. On Island. Tbelr season In Havana, Cuba, opena Three-tuM htts-Bsnlon, ing), Pisnlc Wright director ol amnaements. and the other attractions will be Professor Henmann. An- advertises. J. Nlekeraiin atago-caiventer, there appeared aa vol. First-base on errors—Clereland, 3; Manager All Olbson. A. early In November. Performers and noveldes are balls—PhllUpa, Trott. will be presented Aug. 2 and thereafter, for the nie Ward Tiffany In *rr^odlee.* I^aavltM. Specialty A coBSBi^PLATER. who Is also a singer, wants unteer* John D. Onffln, wslier Mack, wlniam ArtioM. Boston. L Sirack oot-CIereUnd, 4; Boston. 4. Balls Troupe, Goawmiama in the reoooBtnict«dr,H>iirGermsn The Theatre Comiqdb. Providence, R. I,, opens always wanteil by tbe manugement, who can be ad* caIled-*cCor- flrst times on any stage, a romantic and spectacu- an engagement. See WlUlam Graham's card. Maicolmsnd Duffy andJImmleBylvteandJohnBieMoran. cclled-UcCorrPick, 98; Bond. m. Stnkea Senator,* UltcbelPs Pleasant Party. Tony Denier and hla Ang, SO, and the new National Theatre, Banford, faces Aog. 2: Delia Turner, Joe and Annie dressed care nf this oQlce. Kennedy, Trott, I. lar four-act drama called Dmei>sa,a Faliy Tale," Max VoaaicB, tbe Hongarlan pianist, who has l-oxera. New mlck, 40; Bond. 48. Passe* balls— 1; new 'Hnmpiy Dnmpty,* Nell Burgros ai'.^lie WUow Ct,, Sept. 13. Managere Ilopkine ft Morrow adver* Rurgesa. Malcolm and Dulfr, Andy Garland and the Four CiiAH, Henoi.er, manager of Hcngler's Cireus, 2h. Um. written by C. Wbodbory Doble, a Boston scenlc- by tbn Criterion Oom^ condnded a tour with August Wllhelml, pro- Umpire, OoKher Time, " Bedott, 'Otir Wlvoa* Oipiedy Just tlsa for artists to appear at the above places. Emeralds Csptsln F- P. Buckley, a veteran ot the England, advertiwa for equestrians und otA'elilefc rlt original" music by Ferd. Ton OIker. Opera Troope Vanacef John piano-recital in Newport, R. L,' artist, wfth naoy, and the BUon poses giving a at the Obbmobnx Pavilion, Philadelphia, 28ih Ma»>nichnsetts Reglmeot and special officer of this by Mr, Doble and George P. Evans, cos- fitetson. alter expending nearly if not ^«|dte - CniapO in August. Allted Beaven will be tap busi- duty ap to Jaly 16, died at his resldewo TROT wa. BUFPAIjO. scenerr early dnrlng the week ending Jnly 31, the show waa boose, who was on at by Cbarles De Forest and in renovatlns the Globe Thaatre. will cammaoce Ibe In thst elty a, a' the age of forty- three years. anscELLAitEors. aboTe-namcd cluba on July 30 tomes and mechanism ness-manager. I The came between tbe about Sept. 6 with Aldrlch aod. Dsnloe In given to moderate bnslness'by the people named ai Btsge- the well-known ageiitand adver- "by an eidtlng finlab. Tbe Troys George Lntber, and Jamea Sanlord baUet-master. campnleo Thb LATEST HFSic far variety pciformere can Iw His hmeral took place mnrelne of J.J, Showles, Troy, S.Y.,Jr. Y.. was marked Partner,* followed by Bobaon and Craae In tbe In last week's Clippeb. The Mexican Aggrega- by flr« In thla city when the nini Innlns wss com- oDrnessa" employs one01 hundred 'My >' manaeer Tony WlUlams lost tiser, would Ilk: to engage « Ith a Cr>t-elass com- were lour mns ahesd Jjug gay. netreraddttlnuB to their repertory, tbe Strakosen^gtlsh- ulofHardlDg, aspercard, v Hovey, the three said to hevslucd at VOi the Bn&io line tion, conslatlng of Harvey and 27 a plclareofhla wife, pany for tbe Fall and Winter. Address as per ad- menctd. Keenan, In the cast, but those given a on beaded by Marie Rose,. tbe^ Bcnma Staccxto Notes.—In Boston, Masa., orxan ^ooneertS' gfliii^i'Srth a t^i peiformera PPlwra Company,_ bttiera, opens Ang. 2, The ring to had basln«-s and a 'ark ot raplisl. th- bottom ba»eonodledhan%and Brterbrook lonc^^ Korman. Cbarles were given dally lu tbe Music Halltbe past week :...He» Monoayo Brothera, and O vertisemenL ... ga„ .ibbott Opirm. Troupe, GMnie Rooquest andipanto- fell out of the Ocean Garden, and on 2S a aelnre was nude Ooodwln'. FnUiina, paMibir tor BerUoi's new composition, 'Romeo and Juliet," will ha entertainment is announced to consist of all the MAOiciAN's orrFrr anda wardrote, wltbaoiiaa Howaifl. John WatsoS,^ John Ready Sam. E. mlmo company. N. C. ud by a Rherlir, who ei< aned ont the whole eaubllsbmrnt; A t:!^'£r^nb&^^'^<^^^^r:mi^- Partr. and tbe new opera Ollbectand given for the flrst time in this country the comins scuon^- leatnres usually found in a circas except riding. sus- twolauer making two-bag- Ryan, deorpe Murray, Jam«i Sanford. and the RIce'8 Surprise by consnjuentlr performancra have been pennanentiv and sketehes, are advertised fur sale by CbaxlcH B. iSlS" wibiFiLfei^the SnIIIVBn. Tbs KIrsliy Brothera tr* to reproduce "Bn- under the dlrectlun of B. J. Lanf at oneofourmnslo halut' One of the Moncayos la to make a tight-rope ascen- b<-w summer tlieatra. Mitnalcd at Blraw- were scored by the vIsi-ot, Eflle Johns, Josle Rothbom, Susie Snmmer- Knded A GrltDn, ceia. and fire unearned nins jilssea 'Black ' Banb . -...The new or^an which istebeusedlntbereooDSlmot^' cbsDiment' ud do tbelr new Venn, sion In front of the canvas prior to each permrm- rry HilL Botton (Mass.) Ilsrbor, wHl be llnlshed and is to be l>allt in Denlson, Texao, thuspiseing them one ahead. Tbe »r<>yfc Weverjman- Summerfleld, OerUe Gcry and Xelly for Tremoot Temple Is being l>ut In position, work bavliHr An OFERA-nODaG F-ergoMin flgid, Maggie HKmhardt opens Dec. 0 two week*, ud tbeVokea eJ opened Aug. 2. when Clia-les Beach and Ada La Selle. win sooting two rana on "biglBS by July 2B. T. p. Rydrr win b« the flnt ance. and itis thought thatitwIU be completed by OoL l. and to by "Orion.MnWon Pamllrare lo appear Ute In the Spring Among the been commenceu man.flsh and wat^r queen, commence a series ot exhibi- Cssklns, hsje on called halta, a passed ball Md a to Albanft>ia< PhUtjel- Depot, Zanas- Sd a oftbe TonrUts, Joins lUce's attnutlonH to be preMDted at tbe Bo«ton Tbeatre tbe oinnlBt. UuficAl •nUrialnments are be given daring BBmiNO brightly at the tions. Lat^r In the Mason Mr. Reach will attempt Ihe PROP. Howe's Orchestra and Band fielding o' IlAT LmxaSTOK,1atc Bacrlfice.bltr The '»%<^°S«™l'°"^h^2 «eR^on will be Jamea A. Rema'a JBeartl of the season bvthe local directors Sarah Barton ana phia, last week, were McPherson andO'Nell,Em. le«t from scsifoldinc elected vlile. O., Is advertised In another column. Innlnga.' Fergnaon s batting waa Evaneellne" Companv next season, comlDir leat of divlnit one bundled a good dnrUig the flrst eight ' Annie PIsley In 'M'llss,* and Laura Gchlnner have been enes«ed byStrakoivh A Ress her Oak P. f^. Chaorhiu. ma Bretto. who dressed elegantly and sang well; In tbe open water At the IU(v*ro Reach The. E.D. iBTiKBlgtbe geaetal llllposter at Macon, left rmiadelpbiafor Som- . he chief leatnre. . • LiLLiB HisTON has BurleFqne Company, Tenlon of for Ihelr next season. They open at tbe Globe Theatn Not. _ _ A.S. Lc-nvUt'e EDRllsb A Phoenix, Antonio, Geo. Edwards, Carrie aire during the week nl July 2£ the New Orleans Mlustrels BrrrALO. t. ii.lapo.A.B.|_ Tbot. T. R. lB.ro. vacation, and Is batUlnR In the surf at Atlantic a yonoK English pianist. Is to giTS a Walter May Ga. " mer The Children uf CaptnIn Grant' will be the holiday U Oliver Kind, Bryant, Ed- put In an appearance, the orgHnlZJ.llon heme comno«cd oi OlCmplwell, lb. 9 fuvxvrvlUK i Herbert, Chas« A, Loder, w. T.-. Lon— -——-z a. C. NoBMAN, ticket-seller, treasurer or agent, Crowley, r. f 6 I 1 0 d City, K. J. Sne will ylBlt Mncara Falls and Sara- •ttnctlon. In which wUl appear Mile. Ariel, the fly- SCneS 01 CODCens me next BPO aiwxam nwi W. H. Citsce, Charles H. Ysle, Walter Mack, tllsnche 1 0 QlUeople. Lr. 6 harpist, I Blancbe Cleveland, Buai- address auoiher coluiitDi en- Bieb'iion,3b. 3 2 0 a'week or two in Kew Tort to visit tbe Inc-daoeer. Mnplef^n and Blonche BooMTelt will nr- Madame Cbaf.ertau-Bohrer,'theEnKlish batbeen wards, Chas, Young, and Sladerand Lester and Monork. Ang. 2 the Ideal "Cncle whose And In can be 0lKersitiion,2b & toga, Btop ,. V—1— ^ will111^.. Bowe. c. f . . . 5 Z 3 0 and native muBic Oils A. Skinner and Mary In town the i-astweek Annie Louise Gary atog gaoo. New bees Aug. 2: The Three Vidocs, with Ram Lucas, who haa been gaged. CUKldy, e. L S theatres there, and return home In time to com- nl"b Italbn Tom'sCshln"C,impsny, Boipitmg, L f 3 0 1 0 0 be additiona to the stock oompaoy The with Mapleaon's Itallan.opera Company next season, as a Morris, GUfoll, as L'ncle sided by 3b. at Weed's Mnseum Sept. e. Skloner will Mods. Ventlnl and Andy Ben Emma lu constant demand this Summer, Tom, An experienced, energctlcandrtriionslble bnsl- Keenan. c... 4 0 S 2 oU^nnora, 5 mence an engagement for preliminary season Aug. dispatch received yesterday. July 31, rerlfles Miss Stuart others. S Park Theatre reopens a 33, Homnan and Fanny Piratlge, Bl'-nrhe Rherwoud. Lous Burke. Cyrus and ncKa-manngcr, with capital to coniiuct the bnal- E9t-btook,Ib 4 2 U 1 l|Oukln.,>.«. The opbkino attraction at Wood's UuReam, In Therese Adams, whose debut lo Boston last Winter was with Edonin A Saucer's new Snarka company. 'Dreams, Aug. 2, W.ILDXAXS'B MCLSBRRT-CTREKT THSATRE, SewaTk, Force, 4 2 S 6 iIRthds, r. f.. 4 tbe season onsBO-i sails tor Europe the present weeic to perfect TuE adelphi, Buoaio, will open ncFH of a lady-maiil Han and slluhi-of-haud per- 2b Pblladelr h'a which commences Fun In a Photograph Gallery.* lo be followed by Jar- suooeaaAil, N. J., dill a fair business the past week. Mme. Marie 2 S olWelcb. p.... 4 or Edooaxd Helmeodahl; lately (race-week). matinees wiu be former. Is adverttaed for by Mlsa Klngsland. Latham, a. a 4 0 6 be " Henrj Danbar," which wlU be Rice's 'Fnn on the Bristol,' theLawn Tennis party, heraelf In Tocallzaunn for one week Two FHicbon Frank Geonte's Comhlnstlun r.-mMln another 0 Holbcit, c, 4 Ang. wUl reu A Quintet Club, con- A Drlscou, p... 4 0 0 0 7 sabseqnent performance of the Clata Morris and other stars heretelore mentioned, su'l flrat-iiolliilst Of the Mendelssohn has given, and the following talent is. engaged: Man- week, with the sddltion ol the Gorman Brothera. AlrLaw. GiLHEATH'a OPkHA-Hui.'.<>ii, GrcenviiK), H. C, la given at evetr himself with the Chicago Musical CoUe^ 3 perhaps Mlas Litton and her Drury-lane company, Emily noted chester and Jennings, Ormlston Dixon, Barker vm. Lon ArllnctoD, Lubi Edwards, aid Turn Seahrook*. oflbred by tbe management to all ISntt-cIaaa conn Tottls. . .42 7 14 27 12 week. third TOUIS. . .40 1 1 ai 20 ll aad troupe." • ••rBBBoBOpeRA CoxrAKV'beKlnthe we^ofa happily received; which formerly orna- Soldriie and Alm« and Doyle, the Whltlugs, Love Slstere, Lottie Win- Ned Walmbold and Ftt« Mny were panics. The buose seata ;oo people, and la fOr-i Three immekse hibrobs. (Mich.) OrERA-BOrsB will he opened for soooaMttd season at the Rnchy Point Collsenm, vnear In their Duuh busloera 1=7 TUG Dbtroit Sisters, Jessie Boyd, and Fanni;: also J. B. Wills aod May Adami modern iuiprovemenis. 9' i card. ISSf^o 0 4 0 ? 8 5 of tbe Bakery 2. 'Floarnre" will receive alter, nett, EtzelUne nlshrd with 8 S mented the restanrant Vienna on season Sepi- 6. wllh Rohson and Crane In 'Sharps and Providence, R. L, AUR. Frank WttU In The .M;sirrl«a or Newsrk'' proved u> be Buir.io,i. Two-ba.. >?"*t«'rorEit«Kr'»t*on^t^Batr,^o.I^T^ purchased Diiadcye, Gus Kamuierlee; Ralph, at house -SsklnsTBlihanlson. foldlnir-chslra substituted, old scenery overhaBled J. H:''iCnntaomsry; 'Cleveland, 0.; Dick Baker and Genie Harnngton, eompanv for next sssson at Waldroano*" Opera- Opera-houses In Rokoino and Tiplon, Ind. A 2; Troy. 2. Left on bases— Gtreet Opera-noose. One brought $2J>o, and tbe and W. Tuttie: Joeepbinis slock errorfr-BolWo. : so tbat everyihlns wlU mwrst- w. B.' Fetaenden; Bobttay, W. ^BtMaon Troy, S. snd new sets painted he to Pittsburg, Fa.; and LllUe Graham, to Tona- h IS aa follows: James Douilsrs. stSKe-manafter; leader and small orchestra are advertised Ibr. HnlfilJi 7- TrovS. Stmck oot^Suttalo. 2; others $m apiece. Mrs, B. D. 11. Carter; Buttercup, Lu£le Bnxtun; and Blrh« Scutt Davis, chiss order fhrth-ensolnc season. wanda, N. Y. To open Aug. 2: The Sheridan ft James Branlor^l, J. J. Londcn, J. W. k. coRiosmBs and attractions of various kJnda PSKIi'iiiuI-HSiblrt. i: Wu. }, Fettebs, tbe well-known scenic artist, Spares Company, playing the Hebe, May diet Van Ruren, Mr*. W. O. Jonet, LuCCue ,K<1g"»iHli„ii''i«Drlscou, IBS.''strike Willie Edootn s In Carl Zewartz, Grace Coyle, A I>o Mond. Anna by K, Jacobs, who ailveniscn. Welch. I Ballscalled—Welch, ra: A. Stevens to accept ATT8B Pabk Oabpen, Prorldcnce, R. I., "Plnafots Belly Combination— are wanted H. Bradley. Time, has been solicited by John a conceit, by NaL Childs and Wiuie Edouln, Adams, and Irene Ackerman. She5l-WeSi. 34;DtlscuU,iii Umpire, two-act China" has attracted nood audiences. The cast latho BnU Sisters, and Minnie Clark Tony Pastor's C...the Pedanto, tranoonlst, advertises In tbin losne. next season's engagement at the WInilsor, Kew "Dreams, or Fun In a Phntograph-gallery,'' Amyaoidon, AT THB Thkatkb Comal's, Wsshlngton. D. Zb. Sia. entitled same as tbat of last year, excepting HIn Company played to a very large audience 28 in the app.-star ces the past week werr Foreniao and lyiid Walteb Wible desires an engagement aa ad- , York. He IS considering the matter, and mean- Frank W. Sanger, Jaciiues excellent skill and fresh Inclndes Willie Edouln. who sluRS and acta Josephine with and (ieo. C. Charjea and hilly fur a company traveling Sontb. Beo is stoekiDg tbe stage of (he Grand central 'n Academy ofMuBtc. In ncsr- sooss-aad-dancea. iai;ce-o;ent "WOBCESTEK CINCIRSA'TI. while Oeo. I5Doi%hVm.rked Wflrst VPef^nteBS K. S., Jnly 24. Oar corre- Tax BxDPAVH Boahell and J. w. contested throngb- my of Unslc, HalU^, their season in the Park Theatre, Bo.stoD, Aug, Concert Company for next season, and It oovstanda: ii?t battlni. The game was closely begin ored announced for Auu . - Kitty L - .. who poorly Storey nUyed spondent says: "An incident happened dnrlng the Opera-honse, Tork, SO. WaUace K'?feten«J4r..>JllU«ma, iSfihiigii bo£mne« «elded ^thence to the BIJou New Sr?e^8SSI:«pt£?: tie Forest, Maad Xee andAllle Smith. Eugenia 2: Beynolds and WaJllog. Wood aod BeaiJey, Prank advertlaes. A Ikt woman can fecore an encase- tSty Btoy of the tronpe ttiat might have cost oneoflU Lewis Brown, basso: J. H. Btlndlil,,viollDUt; hue,„^ °«*«,.»l5a SL.?JSSiuV BtaTttS 'in a row-boaV ^'24 27, Reynoldsvilie (retnm) 28; thence to lalr-siied andlenca Aug. I, "d an bUIed 20 aon^servlee to a typhoid fever. He was born In Wisconsin, and AuT. 30, imdcr the new manager, MMax The Collsenm A TENT, an oTsan and paintings are for sale at RelUy' Miss Meyer was tendered a ben- a. Greenwood 3, Jasper 4, wSodWU Blklajd, h^MM biToraTanditwIn. and C. Brookvllie, where lu egtn its season been repainted and newly inrniahed, and the hooaa CiscunuTi. r. «.lj.»o-». assistance arrived, when he was llsbed oaC. The W. Reeves, W. P. Granger, buhstkeijST. Stovey, lb,.. 5 Lester J. H.Thome, Bnthers for their New Tork MastodouBhow. Ho «ut«» ATWALKBB'a Theatbe CoMiQCE, Cairo, IlL, the insoRO Is oOkred on renting or sharing terma. Bee ad- PuTcdl, p.- s 1 » 0 ? company opened in Windsor 2a for three nights W. A. LaveDe, Walter Rosser, IB Wanted St the Opera- - Irwin, a. a... 6 Charles McDonald. «w> he win play a number of new cornet-solos this seaaoa. new people July 28 were Eugene F. Gorman, Billy A MINSTBEL TBODPE vertlsemenL .e..... 6 thenae to Trnro nntll 31, when they retnm and Thome. Ky., for thtr-week, beginning Whitney, Sb. 4 AmoB Albert and Mark and Uille McOnllum and Jennie Montagne. Clos- house, Richmond, SroTKB'a Opeba-hodsk. Marengo, la,, Is adver. > . s in HalUaz for a three weeks' season. E. T. EHgnon, c t. 4 open Wm, H. Daly of the Ohestnu^street Burt Stowe and tbe Aug. 10. , Bee Manager A. C. Green's advertlaemcnt. a.' a 4 Manaobb lug 31: Dan and Lizzie Lake, tised to rent. It la anew house, and haa the ne- 8ay, Rlos«Q,LC. 4 CP- Fawcett's engagements for next season as, as some Coleman atage-manager. PerTormera Creamer, 2h. 4 Owen "Our Goblins" Aug. SO, and not of thn chan!^ with the Theatre Comlque, Padncah, Ky., week, can address Howard Spear, agent, aa per ad- eard. CBellly,e.c 4 are as follow: He is to open In Haverly's Theatre, stated; Clara Mor- local nanere have erroneoosly THKATBB, Leadvlllo, and pertbmiera can secure engagemenu of from vertisement, Matilda EBICSSON made a Ualloon-aacensloB T0t»H...a8 « 12 27 18 10 Ctilcago, lU., with the Unlon-aanare company, and his MWTilay of -Edge- **Ar 'l«B GBAND CBNTBAL seems to have made qnlte S 8 2» 19 7 , ris; Soil Smith Bntaell in orUsta, four to all weeks by aildressing Harry Walker, R. M, Hall, banlolst, from Ridgway Park, Philadelphia. Jaly 31, attn«t- Is to are oOtred to Ant-dass ' aftertne termination of that engagement he ;" Dudley Back's BngllBh-opera Com- CoL; engagementa at St. James' Hall, London, Eng., inowngJudging gnelnmU ? S 5 woiid Folks proprietor, Thoa. Kemp. B. Fltz- manager of the Cairo bonse. a.hit ,„ ,^,£,8 attendance. There waa also tke } g g J ? U Passepartont in ''Around the World" in Kli>- composer's new opera aBperiSidof the extract from lya-awhleb la published • hit filay nanv in that weU-known Charles and Jennie—and Irvln T, irom SD concert by Carl Benin's Band on oc> • 1 • 1. Two-baae In this city. TBx'BB8^s^— JJ*^ Ihe»~ w;- '£"**F' •"Tr....tI> l>I>^^ AN OBUmO TZHT la JU both the dramitle and the varl- oaTeach horse aportinga ' Peters, «. 9 . 4 PsBFOKMEBS On lesnme her profession next Fall, of the Home) they gave a tree entertain- Kelly, r. f... 4 wiU & able to fihiaiinaon lei ^ mander applying to iMCripflonT^ony^^atotf.InJeflmMn | James H!^my*eclevCTMdnM^^^ AUaaoiL Ward. p... . 4 can secure engagements by Gertrade in nnmbeilng 8*0. Tbe mlnstiela Boraa, A i. etr stage being engaged for the role of Batfiett S vialting liae. a new repertory of met..ment to_ the tnmatea, PANOBAiCA and a nnmber of fbldinc-aitiln Ut Cr06», . 4 native TrbjaAla jig and reel lUlKMiannouncea A t Davlsft Co., who advertise elisewheie, Messenger from Jh^s Sec- "waUv nice, a Hamilton a. ub. advertised addieaa. DoTcan. r. f. 4 CurconOi P- BarSy Haacaley'a "A tor aale at Jac Aberla'a FUnUc. .... KDMBBB OF PBOFLE OTC WSUted for the Minnie also sosialn the priaetealpaitln Head^?S5^o'^-li:nLnbra ^rnTZiSTSS^Zti^T^f^^^^.toi^ Tork. I. t ... 4 A tion." Bhe win lamob vABimr of rnakei Is »t .m» at qoeat, 2b Combination. See C. E. Dobson's card, ftdelDiila. and iru formerly ft ^bcAiiitt and come* I Ilu copyrlgtLtcd A s Bradley, 3b.. 4 Wallace play whichjlr. Maeaoley wUl ^ndnee somB may appropri- 1 Alnm flprlnga*. adverilsed addreaa. coMPAKY are billed at the a new but neariv lost hlseyeelgftt anexploilon tecthlaproperty-^-—- those-,t-,who a *• Fiazer'a ^ .. Bdpfalo Bnx AMD diaiL npwattrac comes the newB that A. J. 1 u : iBtPBiA Bdauams-PBaraf Totals.. .33 4 «» 11 * I time dnrlDSahB aeaaon. Firraura Annai. thsWsa% Totals.. ii 1 827U 8 MlnnMpolK Mlnn.; ScpL AremWtahonc two,e«. commi nnssA«y.a, ^ 0 0 0-4 AMdemy of Music 3^ owner of the Cheatnnt- SS^SoanU^red I BninineratllH nOinC l InjHon city achBrtlmV«r«ln aad wUI 0-0 1 S 0 joesv^»^9Miuian. ,11 ( g?^t^-«5S*£lSVeXS'en't? ""i^Xi I Cblouro ,0 - - HAMYBAiNKiBTH and wfe have been engajjed par- , aeaaon with eStinBe/vedsyalliafcUo^rrogjJai^ - , 0.• ''tlV>Iioiiae..riilladdpbia,'. recently J^K^f^^^^'i^^^U^,^^city, naa enogni fcr next 0 0n 0o I1 u0 "tli Sir next season. 1 in tnat _ ODaii|tllW''ft Bona the van large and very I^w^LL AMD Dmi mn3lSj;%arietT and Hvde ft Behman ofWTotts' Garden, Bropki™, S'«2S? «mJf^-an?Lo5?Su£?a h!Sm5,S BAICDBL FLEICHEB chandelier whlcl exhibited the Olymplo ThestieL Alhahy. N-J-.^ie I - wlD open aiwnt Aug. ao; that Bng&ey ""'-SSSicfi^oTT^rttoce. line tmSmi tber Maj^Jmong^^*J?55= aketch arttsta,! HSKiffTt^tnre ot thefrcom- where he »^'SiSS?'i^:SS^i^Tr^ T^SSSS^ on t..j~.-—— i- Foster and Hughea.llarkjMnrphy, Stocnm are aiimng a I ASfon. 1. Fim bw — eaUed— agentfopB.Macanler. ^^ba Oeatennial; Sksawliieli eUdued mndi admln- iiSSaloardlng-honse." Datea I Dougherty and E. N. ora p^„Mr,ete.,ara«aBtadBc i^ ran thlua' HaaJnlw j another week. Tne t>iare;'*-'ne'pHea"'Mld la not known, bnt Kr. and Emma Eice. who pfcjs l.aDrew..a.per Coreoran. Ward. la Strikes <0OB 3l/to New Tort JJose to 88: »iSr!K2«Sban--ipasieaDau •5'hSS»." 'iTu^S? tTbffl eaintiiiiB aiatta tbatltcost |S,600 to manniaetare flrst aireo closed July ^iSSSi^jSW^ ~S*S,{«J2S^'SS'5?J"^^ Ward, SfJKwble-pUT-Qnejt and Anson. ^ne^l^ aiA Bojd, Maggio I* ^T\m*,B. ttachaaddieE. |t will onamenttlM aaiiiedC the open Ang. 2 are Haley Eldon-wlth their S^madng; and that lottl T. iJonnelU haa been m,TuAanit. , aafl nint,L 1}mf ^ r • R«an, Minnie West, ^Ue Vro«»«Lti»-B*nr •¥Mp"'SDD'!MSdfi^ ^ti,'\i-?SamBM tm ~—— - .-v--« '^^ Iby IbnhaU, Dan fc >i€nrtlieatiK-'f Vi...... ^ ^ th?pSi^?^!St£Sg!5i^MiSZ mmaw" <>f OSBOBNB BBd Oiay.NelUe Eoberta,^nd weaver. Willie, Bar- diSSX^SSifltS^i^-Blxthweekoftheir Mj?«i«S2'.,'ffi5l°^^^^ sojaoj figsMt ISLAl«D.-Tho iS'Si^SSs.-HBmY at I which company dnilna Ita coming fBonssioxAU AI CoiET " •^i'iamrliak and ^Aimle .''Ftniiin'B opoiiiig play andtoHfiSiinittOi ^eSt St iSdvme^WL They annnani» atrels, ikVu.ti^.iT^llAelieaifr Clubs are '- the eeaaon Aug; 2L rett, Daisy Palmer *h' ** t^SriJHsSSSiiir.; I will progoM conSiny begin _ JtKarBark TbeBtiB;rFtinaddphia, An^ ia,wa be im at the Bleventh-saeet Openrhouae "J^gg,^ eiB are advertised toi^^^rs^^^ tmrlesqaea, among them one by E. >• IDT BDO- several new Beheabsals.—The perfuhuuv fngaced haa beea la-esgaged as atage-man- Tbb Cl»o Cm ot cindnnati wiU break the lee Dm tha modeled naerajUyTg Barton. the pro- Slocnm—who It. snd MldOaton, Voaday. WadneaUy and Friday - baker ft Benton'a Halestla combination are a«a- ^lii^^^if^f^^^ipS^.or PaiZmv net In Lodlow. Kr.. Abe. taere. Ibey_,.„._ara. auy.™ „ APltLEllAl(PAUi94AB"Iiegln ager—on "Boccaccio." drama tha ABB. 9—ihanir-dafsor thoi»««» miBTODBISIB IN nedlnthecard elseBJ^exa-lIiftlclieanalawlu be- eompanv B. InbothpUeas ttey win pw"^ » new Polo OKxmd In this dt? ^fTUMdag, engagementalthe WaIniit«oreel: Tbeatre^ FbQa- 'The Mwwawa ofMma. BciltZ's HlDftrel tvpi •sotted • rows'. FenT," said toba vasr d*- i^lmrSlS?2i ner on •trtr- on gin Ang. is. »M'Ilia» " In which case or pUy ^ Atig.23n>rTcBearBai.aa ad- eluo u .a iM ' TbSXjiSsSBalnnlayi. ^'"^""f^JST SSSSSS^vSe^caon nj Maiy Andeiaoit so I arorequeftcdtomeet Ms Ne delpUarsept': U, IhUowed jtotfhjrWata. - wlib the Hatlon^Tn Aini llcDONALtfittisk . iiSroSSSrSina OBMSOBFP vertiaed by Clarke. . torae&tethacoiBlogaeaaoobTi — — Manager Kit . . .. SmFiH, « It * by u» wiib. in' who bave been plying in tiieweat, are DOW rca^ ^ Ciob, and wfcl e';<£~*°«»>b>lr i. YmL'fe"'fo£pS5"^?'^^*'''b"ro£oS5n?fST.^^;^>" 1 pnaeMed Opera-hoiue leader of orebestA BBa Dana or tha Davenport ofj^feffiSSaSJJP'«>Iis?'2?~ e! owbm «- ANAQEBa BALunBEBfl' Of PikB*s D«e Am gmntaMuia • Qye rinaaH •^wUl make a bc^ib«rtBBln« to the revlvsl I^S 1 '*'5L,SiS2rrS ^tli a daughter July to accept engaaefflenta in the XutasBtMCtk imaa mBaffii w's ra haaaabOa . OcLI Olncln- ai9 wanted by J. It., odvertlaeB. Nationals, wo are toU. San polUaa of Brack's have rettmed M ' who rfhrSLflie ^JlSJj ftan5!?£2t^',J5i2ito laS^ncan be UdieSWdbuiuvhkw and adrertlBemeat,'. ' ABWctatlon. and are Otft???" OUMZMB, lnvenll6_ja<*^, Ai^iidXanSHatiBBS'asiioS^4m thSwatlflBal ULLIB. . nao. rnii^S^^ the rSaMPt, Oielr rivals belBgtheba)Ch- 88 PCT CUlL ar 1 eogafementS ; ' 1 r; . - A . . . —- '

August 7, 1880.

BRIOBTOir BEACH &ACBS. were won by Lucy In 3:I8)( and Sor- '' 2U6V, 3:19H; vtoteons wib twelve, and stin her mistress* ben -tad not rung.4 ^';'' ' rainy day and a heavy track were the difllcul- rel Dan was third and Sleepy Tom Willi the sconles of on InpaeribiT DAN SHELBY, A VdeU's was WITH A CLAM. she parted np with a Uitleatelek .unirue, and Iv^^^,, THE TURF. the Brighton Beach Bodng Assocl- fourth Id tho flist two in A- FEW WORDS of romlshed us wltJi the principal HaUmes tles with wblcb heats and tbiid each otthe inthelastvotome to reeon^ na iqatalra in a most arOeaslylinnoceiit and otton hod to contend on tbe flRb dtr of their sec- three CoUowlng The doslns noe of the meei- TosK SSStStiwtettier Ms prol^onal Uto, waa bom Jan. U, lsaa,jon WKw curm. ovCTpowertng tbe vU- dpHvaUngway. IntfaebaBsIiemltllr.Lawdon,- i TBE SAKATOSA BACKS. ond Summer meedog, Tuesday, July 27, but, ing was between trotterabeloiiglng to tlie 2:26cla.oodwood. Eng., commenced on !Crt thfla denoadentwheo tte ate inbildeB. aid tled & Dayton, O. In 18*7 bis started, viz., Bureb's Colond Spiagne Mnlkey's Bnnbeam "Ids at least me to nature," someone else ammonthe of a poUceman and have the door- conccUy a bolf dozen (911b), NelTOU's Keber (100), Taesdoy, Jnlr ZT, and tbe lesnlts, with slight aSratbiabvmterT opened. a widow and 4lve chUdren, or, more nS) Franklin (111), Caldwell's Mary An- was par. struck in. "whereas tbe telldtous snap is not." not bom until six Bell's (100) and Chase's OoDvemenr (100). Snnlieam tlcniara, of the principal events then decided silence speaking.' lbox, as one wus Cronse's Dawn (M). Eeene's Mieer third place. Clora are Open and •liBt mi»c ba a veuy immt— "Yes. but the general reader does not admire Then the oeeretol tlie was revealed. Upon his last deison (01) the lovorite, but coold only get cabled. The Goodwood Stokes, two miles months after its lather's demise. During Jim (lOZ). Colonel and a KaoWet tboa ao other t mtoial, tbe divine William to the con- Oie table lay the remains of sapper, with wine and 189) and Grinstead's A. led from the signal until neoring the finish, half, hod nine anytblng Illness be caUed Daniel to bis bedside and said to with tbe held contestanto. W. 8. Crawlbrd had Bin no BolaKoa ilster, dingtiter, dime, notwithstanding," aaotber speaker answer- glBsaes, Irat tbe mistress was in neither the bondoir BDiagne vras off lead, wbleh woe when Reber mode o grond effort ond succeeded in entered Bay trny oldest, my boy, and as you Archer and Edelweiss, and he ili?. «. 'Orhar44bell Dr9therr tbe bedctuunlwr. Instead, him: "You are tue by him. Franklin (tbe favorite) ond the post, six lengtba in ed, as the whole company seemed gradually to nor upon one of the anil brotnerB"—an In turn making a dead beat on clared to win with the former, bat the satin;coYered np think of vonr sisters ultimately landing tbe race by a next race couies; ran in ; lnU> discussion. lounges In the onter apaitment, lay Eow Miser the former front of Sunbeam. Time, 1K>« The proved tbe Dort imlle eootaBtadwbeD tbe wana dim UK jonetlon which 'Mr. Shelbynow feels prood ol, FrankUn, wbo waa a lengtb be- purpose for which tbe declaration -wuv "And in a midtltnde of connselora there Is tbenody of a man stabbed lo tbe heart. of age half length from was for maiden three-year-olds, $800. of which $60 made, as Boy Archer having faltbfUUy ctieerved. when ten years tbe latter a half length before mode strong running for biv Caan «tn u-a tbr elim-abdl wub a jara or siui> fnntiwr luiacloiis theory," the novelist TO BB commiED. fore Anderson, to second and $26 to third, o mile and a fDriong. stable companion. Edelweiss, wisdom Is Daniel went to work on a tum for two doUara per The third event was the who wss, however Old Uldla-nibbar r langb. "I am more at sea as to my Dawn. tlme.3:«x Eight ran, viz.. Daly's Kate Clark (107), Evans' ultimately beaten short md. with » month, and received In payment for his services for two-year-olds, $100 each, half by a head by Jardln's Rev- ever. II the ladles wui do me tbe Saratoga Stakes, Jerry (107), Daly's Frank McLaughlin (I09s), Little- teliatbelotofclama, Ifnot aarred np t>7 cook* seooeltbsn buckwheat Instead of cash. Subsequently be was three- eler. Bay Archer -was third, and he would prott. accept their verdict as cFOD GOES TO ATLANTIC Cnj?." fortelt. STOO added, second to receive $200, field's Polonaise (107). St James' Shadow Dance In platfli and dJabea honor to decide, I will Fenows, a tailor; but, not ably have won hod the hopes of the stable centred apprenticed to James of a mUc. The storiere were Bowie's Oairney's CiUpp (107), Hit nuw la »«» ladles said laugtalngly. Criekmore and Cottanach A Son's CaUer On (107). Daly's en- Aa In case." one of the service bis mother's consent, asked Htraigbt, where be was beaten and finished sixti: he with By-the-way (ioi<. Reed's Hermit (llO) McOrath's pools, and one of them, "sniniose we resolve oorselvea Into a committee of Jane Ann an' meself have a'mostbeen which wss ac- tries sold blgtarst in the The betting on the race wos 3 to 1 against tboa, not ndi iibaU be tb7 bte. In lioiilIB for a release Iram bis indentures, (110) and Clobangh's Potomoc aw). Reveler at aa te leave it to our hostess." this Calvcanthus Kate Clark, won cleveriy by ten lengths from to SbcU«r.a|»et. one. and two or three times week bekase I wlnt time tbe PhUUps House, in 11 2 against Thorio, 0 to 1 against Edelweltk i> nway corded blm. At that Hermit Jumped away In advance, and kept there Jerry, three lengths before tbe other, Mc- am. The coming Ude await— This seems to be regularly beinzlBg the ques- down tlU Atlantic City on Winsday lasbvatt the completed. Daniel ot>- who was to 1 eacb against Bay Aroher and Rochampton thee fteel Dayton, was atrant being nast the balf-mUe pole, bnt going aroand the lower remainder coming heme in the 9 Tben. btialie, ito tn tion," Estelle answered llgbtly. "Why not adhere av I think the nrst Loughlln, the to I agalust 12 to I against "KlUgtlts Bmmagen," tbey caJlM^in. talned a situation as beUboy , and answered Brambaletta forged ahead, Criekmore also Advance, Riiioi- closely to nature, and leave it to chance r tbe turn order named above. Time. 2K)2J^ A mlie- to, 100 stlU more I stopped inOll WolUam John Given's bolK-on bellmngin that hotel after it was opened to all along the home- to 6 against Butchery, and 20 to 1 taking coin naasdns Hermit A fine race and-a-quoner dosb, $300, winner to be sold at "A bargain " tbe novellRt said, a Marlborough Bthreet,on Monday lasbt, an' tuddn' tbe guests soon after was a well- Criekmore against LortUard^ Wallenstein. The -winner was pubUc Among Rtretcli resnlted in a victory , for auction, followed, with the following starters: ILi ILi from his pocket. "It shall be done In the most wnd do Wnlliam John bud I mnstpioniue tOlGOme Including Sam WeUs, BUly backed for an immense stoke. He is a verv 3B3 E , known minstrel tronpe. one length, Brambaletta four lengths ahead of Lilian Goltuey's Hit S E by Mor- T Chase'B Lucky (84). It tie, Hiss EEielle r (87), primitive style. 'Wbat shall down tin Atlantic Clrv wnth thlm. Birch, "Yonng Dan Emmen" (Harry Bnntington). above. Time. good-looking horse, by Brown Bread Eleven Br-the-wsy, tho others as 1:17K rison's Speculation (ill). Brown Lloyd's Round Heads or tolls t" "Bad,"8ez I tUlblm,8ez I,"WnIUomJ< Johnny Adams, Dick A numbera were hoisted for the Richmond Stakes, OF STA2L ~ Master Harks (B. H. CarroU), races were concluded with a dash OB IBS LOVE A eagerness that The afternoon's Dance (102;^), Ackermon A Co.'s Surge (107), Mc- EsteUe leaned forward with an Inkln' out for an office, an' I'm afeered. Moore and others, in return for getting some ssnd $I0, sell- for two-ycor-olde. three-quariera of a mUe. or ofo mile and o fhrlong. for $3S0, entrance Mohon's NeUle D. nOO). O'Connell's Ike Bonham snrprisedevenierseir. ens I tUl love the town for fear tbat some for Master Msrks to use whUe dondng. and for stariers courae, Mr. Leigh's Sir Charles, Prince Soltv- ing allowances, for which the were Dwyer 'Virglllan Nellie dashed THE ASD SOCIETI "Beads, they will be reconciled," she said, more tbe bulge on In regyords till and big coUor (96), and Daly's (113). D. knirs scobell, ^ STOKT OF STAGE get me It." carrying BUly BIreh's stoge-shlrt WarHeldaOB). Bell's Dan K. (103), Burch's and Lord Falmouth's Dal Gal a't- eoniestly than tbe subject seemed to call for. "Oh, nnver fear," 'VTulUam was given a Brothers' away ahead of the Tot, but at the stand wos third, tracted sez John; nrom the woshierwoman's to the haU, he (106), and Paiyear & Co.'s Dan- the most attention, although It was saiii drift apart anddle in wretch- " (Jovemor Hampton tbe lead having been secured by Lucky Hit, who WmiiULJI torn TBB SKW TOBK CUITO, "Talis, and they wiu be no harmm in lavln' for wan day; on* IVee pass to tbe show, the witnessing of which be- lovorile. Warfleld, won with the that Colonel Ingram had In Rosic a good Ally; ami despair." lcbefr(ll2). The retained It until otter entering upon the home- BT BUBBBT H. DDTAB. edness and "there 'wnU be a ginte dole ov yonr o came a tnmlng-polnt in blsUfe. Bis yoathM im- tie- tbat this was to a certatu extent correct wav greatest ease by five lengths, Don K. a length stretch, Lilian, The tone of ber voice and the eagerness with at It; bud phot office Is It tliat ye're the desire to become a where who bad been pressing him proved the result, sa she wss third to agination waa fired with fore Hampton, wbo led Danlobelf twelve lengths. by Loni Fal. bentlorward to learn the result caused sez be. In qnest of sd- closely, rushed to tbe fore and won a good race by CHAPTER IV.—DBtTXN TO BAT. which she mlnstreL and he started from home Wednesday, 2S, was another "extra" day (which, mouth's Bsl Gol. ridden by Archer, and Prince the Count 'Valdimir to glance at her In utter stir- "It's tin lie tbe Crowner," Orleoiu, La., 0 scout half lengtb from Lucky Hit -rhe latter was A week or two passeo, doilnK whleb time tbe sez L venture. He wandered as fer as Mew by the way, are quite as numerous as the "regu- SoltrkolTs ScobeU, Jockey Rosslter, of whom thv pilse. Perhaps some vatfue suspicion bad suiung "Ky !" sez be, "bud ye're the fooUdge moi even Italy heroine It was her own she was deciding. "D'ye think wnU I notr' sez L "Phars Richmond, Ind., where be Joined an ama- which $60 to second, and the competing hoives backed. vnts ionrtb Oaoi over • eufer Is seldom leen, in went to loB.1 tbe monogement. Tbe flrat race was a Lorillord's Pow Paw fOvoriie "Blessed are the peacemakers. Miss Estelle," sonf' however, contained to were West's Wrangler QOO), Usee A UoU's xirXirU, and comes to staid, eober Jolm Bnll bat teur minstrel company; which, tbree-quarter-mlle spin, $300, of wblcb $60 to sec- at 8 to 1 against her, but she ran ttadly. Sir said the author as the corn fell npon the table. sez he, "there's grate Wertcr (13), McHabon's Governor Shevltn (06), ones ortwlce In a centniy. Tetwitat tiapplnem "Bekase," a mony tbaCs a two proftaslonals—George WllUoms,^ ond, and tbe starteni were Snedlker's GIrofle, Charles waa not placed. The winner was bred by "Heads have won, and yon have the thanks ol two grate dale ferder forred nor vou ore, poloUcolly, ^"^^Vm- Mnlkey's Belle of tbe West (82), Strauss A Co.'s ber she bos dldbertnnmidi brlDKbert Bbe dally grew more Bnrnbam's Brambaletto (72), (Hoover's Leoming. present owner, and numerous eu- happy." In 18»3, Momentum (109), Bobcock A Cx>.'8 Rachel (110), It seemed ber tbat more hearts made ^ , that ore cocksure av It. I beor," sez be, "thai Paris— Tbe race for palASBd baoaid-looklDic. to gelding (89), and Rollins' Autopsy (92). Girnfie gagementH against ber name a looking at her, was pnzzled by ' " the ton Son's Spar- the Count, It this .v 1 occupied Smith's Dora Doon (100). Cottonoch A abebad beenfiom imder a cnrse. Ttie pnbllc. In- Again Tarn Powers as gude as bos mlnn ie.g . J the sweepstakes of 10 sovs. each, three quorieis of a her lOce. Shevas silent for a went away ntst. but at balf-mile pole Bramba- Wiley deed, bad made ber tbetr Idol; bat tbe man ber tlwezpresslon of "I don't belove It," sez I; "for there's Uscthot's tombonrine-endln pabUc FromthlsBtorting-polnt tan (109), Kane's Gen. (106), StanclU'sNotille mile. wa.e bettber for nnder tbe management ot Joe KeUy, banjolst, who 1:48. Shevlln was tbinl by a half lengtb. Stakea, three-quanera of a mile, for which the the clocks warned them tbat It was time to de- 1 :19X . • • • A free handicap, one mile and live b&ndred treated her as he wonld an ordlnaiy acquaint- tsn have It come out In tbe papen; tbat 'phln Hc- said to blm: "Yonr name, Hacber, does not look There was a great chanj^ In the weather on the startlfag borsea were Connt Lagrange's Phenix. P. bB hostess good-night, they yards, $460, of which SlOO to second, -was the next part. Bidding their one Fodwor notlflcaile (88), wbo was three lengths In front of competitors. These were Curils' Canace nisib), side I -wish to speak with yon." llnlsh. Jnanlta being second, a length in front of i».t«m mail gbe leit that, If the extortion did not me. feel Uke Uftin' yer lUt at the dancin," sez he. La., organization. Mr. Sbelby first ployed on the Daly's Hermit (87). Time, l:V!)i Tbe second Duke or Westminster's I^nce Regent (122), Orel- More completely taken snrprlEe than if She Phillips. Time. 2:16 The third event was tbe cease, she wonld lose ber reafloo. bv "Well, I'U go ye onyway,"'flez I, "tbe more ru variety stage In Esber's Palace Theatre, Cincin- race was over a mile and an eighth, for $300, Of ton's Isola Madre. (iao>, Connt P. De Lagrange'i: had suddenly leveled a pistol at his heart, InsUence Tumble's 'Varieties, Pltte- Amateor SwecpMsKcs, $26 each, p. p., SSOO '1 eumot endure it any longer," she told him hove grate goln'aonont avJane Ann av she wor nati, 0-, going thence to which $60 to second and $26 to third. It hod seven Marie Therese (II8), Leftevre'a St Firmin (1221, and she desired. added, of which $100 to second, the third to one oar, when, letamlDS from lebeanal as usual, he crossed the room and did as tiu and out that I wor great wmb onj otber wee- bnrg. Pa.; to Jacob BeUer'a, Detroit, Mich.; and stortere, thelOvorite belogGaOney'sDemocratiSO), Lorlllard's Iroquois Iroquois, despite his ex- the flcd- save his stake; to be ridden by amateure, wel- (128). tbe ftrand bin waiting m her diawlog-ioom. "It "TonheaidmydeclBionto-nlgbtasto min down tbere." sez L George Lea's Uelodeon, on Broadway, in this wbo took tbe lead when he felt IncUned, and traonlinary running at Sondovni, was o great fa- she said, laying her ter-weights, three-quarters nf a mUe. This ^ould need a gold mine to keep yon provided. tlons hnsband and -wlfet" "Well," sez WulUam John, "ye have no ciU tUI city. The following Summer he traveled with won by a half dozen lengths In 1:69, half vorite, 13 to Sbelnglold on blm, and 6 to 1, bar], imoke. had five xtarterp, viz.. Nelson's Lady Middle- Only yesterday fgave you fUty poonds, and to-day hand solUy upon his arm as ahe let on yerseir onytblng about It,^' sez be. Yankee Robinson's Circus, and In tbe Fall that distance between the second horae. Ack- being oObierefto. It was gone." and you loved me once. Try more be rayson av the bEid weather. So on ber of engagements In Western includ- mon (91). wbo wos never oRerwords headed, beat- In o canter by half a lengtb. Conoce three length.>i bardsblp for from Kingcraft, the othere coming In in tbe order *Bnt what am I to dot" she pleaded. "I cannot me to love you, and I will endure any momin' I ras bright on' airly, on' sez I tiu Jane ing Ctiicago, and playing onother Summer with ing the ibvorite, Eogeman'a Bayard (104), by eight oir, third. Lorillord's Geraldlne the at>ove named. Time, l:18;^. A. B. Pnrdy rodethe bay miy won ligrever Importnnlog the manager for money. yonr sake; but live on as I am dolngnow I cannot, Ann, sez I: Yankee Robinson's Clrous, he returned to this lengths, the latter a neck tiefore Morrison's Specu- ap on winner Tbe last was a seUlng-race, $3M, of LavontStakeslBstyesr. Jeffrey rode tbe winner... Be' has not rcfbsed me aa yet, but every time I ask for it wUl km me." "Rise np, Jane Ann, an' get me some bread, but- city. He was then engaged by T. Brlgham Bishop lation (Ibe). Time, 2:10 Tiie day's sport term- There were twenty-eight mnnerellk' the Stewards' of which $S0 to second, one nlle. and the following him be appesis more sniprlsed." She might as well have appealed to a man tber, toy and eggs, as fast as ye can, fbr me biak- for bla circuit., in Chattanooga, Tenn., Knoxrllle inated with o hurdle-race, o mile and o half, $360, three-qnarters or a mUe, for which Lard Hast- or horses started: Dwyer Bro.'s Charley Gorbam (III), Cnp, '. '•Tcs,''1Se responded; '-.t must seem somewhat bronze, for any feeling of remorse for --Us acts ihst for I'm for the road airly, for," sez I, "the and Atlonto, Go., where tbe audiences were com- of which $60 to second and $26 to third, six har- ings' Hackthorpe, ridden by Archer, retained his bis heart, Hart's Redman (109). Hall's Eonlce iios), Davis' jingniaT to him. Bowever, depend opon It^be will Slty for her that it awakened in caUoiu 'airly bum in the hand wnll beat a Ansh,' as tbe posed chiefly of soldiers nnder GeiL Tbomos' com- dies. Eogeman'B Ventilator (I37| was tbe ikvorite, position of favorite to the ifnisb. Elf King and Sun Cbariey Ross (109). Scbwariz's Mark L. (io9). Uc- not refine for some time yet, at any ntte. Ton ore tiu. in spite of hiioBeif, he was not intenslble to onid sayin' is," sez I, sthrlvln' tlU be pleasant wutb mand. Alter completing this engagement, be not and when tbe race was about bolf over he took the of York tielng most in demand of tbe otbetB. The Elweel'SGo Forih (90), Hownrd'e^srleqnln (100). Mc- hj too good a card to run the risk of loalog ber beanty of Ikce and lonn, and tbe genius that her, be the way tbat tbere wnd be no 'kick' pbln Dan Shelby's Minstrels on the road foe the nrst lead, easily retained it to tbe flnlsb, and won by well, bnt again proved tbat five fur- lu Gratb's Observanda pbat's takln' yeontav yer bed In tbe mid ends, Eddie Fox was the leader of the orchestra, lengths before Daly's Lizzie D. (131). Time, 2:63;;. . "Sntliavejoa no, consideration for my feelings over 0 -winner, he compounded ot the finish and (921. A full half honr was wasted before tbe horses at an^no spark ofpny In your heartr Cannot yoa that she was a great actress, and that he had die av the night t Is It takln' lave ov the Uttle wnt and among the company were Bob Bart, Dick The flrat race on the 29tb. when the weather was was Just beaten by Crawtnrd's Elf King, ridden by were sent away, and tben Redman had a little the iwiaytwa my dally nomillatlcn at having to aik It? driven her to despeiatlon. He remembered only ye have," sez she, "that ye're rlsln' st this Ume ov Parker, and KeUy and Keegan. clog-tlancers. The nnseosonsbly cool and the track in admirable Fordham, R. Ten Broeck's Veto being third beet of It. Be wasfonrlengtbs ahead at the drat -:-ln having th^ reason for which I so speculated tbat she had never belore stooped to plead witn tbemomlnT' sezshe. career of the tronpe was brlet; and terminated Just order, was o mile dash. $300, oU ages, entrance $16 do qaarter-mlle, and at the half had the same advan- Iroquois wss again pnUedontfor the Flndon Staken, ondmlsconatruedr' bim. He imagined she was weakening to his "I must go away down till Atlantic Cl^ tOl see aner the assassination of President Lincoln. Mr. each, to go to second, for which those who an- for two-year-olds, three-ouarieraofomlle.lnwhich upon tage, Cbariey Gorbam having In the meantime ex- ' "How, tUUa mra,'' he replied, '^on really are will, and was ^ad of tbe mood that, woiked still tbe Governor," sez I, "for UU get a final answer out Sbelby then accepted a season's engagement at swered tbe storter'R can were Oofmey's Democrat was opposed by Chaplin's Wandering Kun. Jar- changed for second place with Charley Roes. be I not drive nmher upon, wonld make her subservient and the ov blm, yes or no, wutber I'm tlU be tbe Crowner Chadwlck's Dearborn-street Theatre, Chicago, ni., (96), Bevlos' Emily F. (92), Babcock A Co.'s Janet dlue's Ishmsel, Logrange's Albion and Lo- too severe upon me. do you lo the Gorbam now commenced to overhaul tbe leader, Cotmt I doubt It most for tool ol his base designs. or not," sez I. where he opened in a sketcb called "The Three Murray (111), Chase's Bowstring (108), Engeman'e Worthing. appeared good thing Conrie. have no be bard yon to and at the three-quarter pole bad bis non: In front, der's The race o not apply to ol "Tbe feud was not of my making, EsteUe," he "Hould yer gob, ye ould ajlt," eez sly^ "Sure O'clock Train," In which be made so marked o bit Claudia (106), and Dnoy's New York Weekly (111). for tbe American colt, the bookmokera-freely ask. ynj do yon some your which sligh t advantage he Increased ttrlde after but jHendsr" said In a tone of simulated tendemecs. Hylove the Governor don't know tbat there's ony such a that it was played neorly tbe entire seoson. In the Democrat was lorgely the lOvorite, and, after allow- ofrered6to4on the Add; and they were Jnsttfled '< until the goal reached for you has never died, and my acts, which now as yon aUve, so be don't," sez she. Summer of ISST he traveled with stride, when was he was ing York Weekly and Janet Murray to alter- . t" mon Maglnley A Car- New in canter ..ftWhat do you mean two good lengths In advance of Kedmon, who was by the result, as Wandering Nun won a * tBahC'A'woman of your attiactlons what fill me with remorse, were tbe result of weaknecs "D've think does he not," sez J; "tben it's bigh roU's ClRna, and In the Fall and Winter hehi maU' nately lead past the quarter-pole, he went in front, third. atklng donble that distance ahead of Eunice, the latter a by three lengths: Iroqnols second and Albion Imcaai. There Is Lord Claveis, for Instance. Bis against the force of clrcomstances and tbe need of time, be beavensl that he wor getUn' ocqoainted aged theAtheneenm, Colnmbns, O., for CoL Geary, stayed there, and won by o length from Emily F.; The Drawing-room (or tbree-year-old neck In front of Charley Ross, the order In which the Stakes, itent-roU is one of tbe largest In England. A few money." wutb me," sez J. "Bo give tis no more av^er ould meeting with saccess. In the foUowlng Spring, in Janet Murray third. Time. lM)i A race lor colts and allies, a mile and a quarter, was won by ' otheranmsbed being ss above noted, Tlme.l:45)^. tfumsands sucli aa I should need wonld be but a The tone of regret that vibrated in bis voice chat, bnt away an' get the bnkfest, for sv' I loss copartnerehlp with Charles B. Reynolds, he storied maiden three-year-olds, $800, of wblcb $60 to chestnut colt beat air was chilly on the afternoon ol the29tb, Prince SdtykolTB Mask, who - bnt Estelle yer The tragitfTTf, and never missed.'' >. would have deceived most women, this office be layson ov beln' tardy, it wnU be a company on the nod; bnt, as it rained lor six second, a mile and a half, was the second event, P. fiUy the mae another large turnout. first LoriUard's bay Nereid. Mask made nu- ' it was but feigned. She knew his beart was feoit, sn' it wall not betelUn' ye, mind tbon, now," when tbere was The seven, viz., Jerry . For smomcnt or two she snrveyed him In silence knew consecutive weeks, the troasniy became so depleted and the atartera numbered Evans' nlng, bnt chauenged by Nereid at thedbiunep- race oii the cord was atbree-qaaricr-mile scramble, was ' that, like herself he wltli a look or such withering seem that his eyes evil as ever It had teen, and sez I. that "tbe ascension" took place in o smoU town in 1107), Daly'B Frank McLaughlin (I07), Davis' Ylnlta poie, from wblcb point It was a good race. Mask heneu; she could $300, for all ages, and it was participated In b.7 Ucoopedliencath ber gaze. was bnt acting a part. Spite of So I bmsbey of wine. eez she. named resigned the management after tbe foUoW' made away whn wnn by ^ , «lll ft ~ tb^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ rH , snpilae. "Uany hUn, when l am already' yonr "Drink with me, Paul," she sold, "to cement our "Nnver mind, Jane Ann," sez end took thgtof thi ~ |j|^y_ j}ff and on eighth, o«*tir....;.The ' pair all very appearaiisf?ti222;J5S^ wliBr» leconclUatlon." ther Tannerovi p,*^ aoes, $300, tho entranoe-money $lff apiece (wiunur _JiH^^^^B^B^E^«lda7aso encb, p. with — of tbe July Stakes at 'NewmoKetanTVe J of $lso —to go to second. A number of breakaways 4ilMiii 16 tindlev, tSTO. $700 added, which to second and $60 to Richmond stakes the present meeting) for the "-•Jlanlfljiin'iiM'1 Hud- occurred belore tbe horses got oir, GaAiey's iSbeievensed. At piesent he visits yon, 1 being yoi Pendy and Devere ondWm. Hevwqpd. At tbfrd, a mile and three-quarters. The runnera Rous Memorial Stakes, three-quarten of o mile - " were Babcock A Co.'s Femclltr(]23), Mamie Fields (97) at once toklng the lead, pleas- i disciple Bros.' frightened — -'enlehoulddo myself tbe i neiuuBggT 'BaTfldc. wnd be a nnrifir to Uvoon'. 10lS,EO the their staitlng&om Chicago, Dwyer owoy oil opposition hut SovUe's ^ ., j time of nL, three which, Ma- Ellas Lowrence (113). however, she resigned, after passing the — klta.* nber. Paul," she soidt eoazlnaly, ye' wnd. Troth, I wud lek weH dU I > ye at it. An' other companies left within two doys—J. Uaverly, Oouse's Dawn (losi, ami zurka. Lord Falmonth's flUy won in o confer. stand, to -Daly's VUgilian (lOOj. Regaining the at you met met Iwaswalklsg be me sowl, ov ye don't come on sol "iln' tlU do with ArUngton's Minstrels, Shorpfey A Cotton's Nelson's Clarendon (113), It was not thooght tnat The race for the Goodwood Cnp, two miles Femclltr position OS they ran along the tmckstrelch, Mamie Bt. Prancla, and yon came riding {>urty soon It wnll ston' ye In bom practize and KcUy A Leon's. The following Spring he could give Lawrence ten poonds and o and o hall, was reduced to o match between C. was o length before Ferris' Startle aoi) at the half, young lord of the chateau t" lvln< on wund; for, be heavens I" 5e, "I'm Joined Fred WUeou's Minstrels In their Opera- beating, and the latter won occcrdlngly InstaUed Perkins' Dresden China (1191b) and Lord Brad- mile pole. A lively race around tho turn, past the sde OB affirmative reply. All sosplctons. ofeerd tbat ye wnU come tlU It," sez stfe.' nouEe, St. Louis, Mu., and from 'there Ihvorlce. Down was flrat to show in front, which ford's Cblppendsle n22). Although Dresden Chino Vot some gentle animal went to three-qnarter-pole and along the homestretch term- If he had liatbored any, bad vanished, and be -. "Oh. wdl," sez I, "it's on old «ayln'¥>ot 'It's Deagle's Theatre for.asesson. He ne.tt embarked position was soon taken In tnm by Femclur and Is one of the best-looking mares that ever raced I and turning at bay Its inated in the success of Startle by half a length upon watched her curiously. It was a new study to blm time enongb UU bid tbe DivU gnde-moml -Ba«seesfBn^ a mony's tbe day. An' I'm aare itbare two—to take hia company on a brief tonr. Asdnr- two goal. Time, 3.-09K— by P. Loruiard's Paw Paw. The second place was e 01 tbe blood. You look surprised at my fouyera the fastest ever made over this distance was held last week, commencing July 27, -with o CHAPTER 'VI.—THB KZZT KomnMG. wor no av Doother Tanner In tbon cnnM, tng those trips he purposely abstained from vlBlt- time by a secured by the Duke 01 Westminster's Meteora, ledge of this fkct, yet yon cannot deny It. tolerably good ottendonce, and o track somewhot 1 Her bands clasped wildly to her forehead, and a for the atln' an' dhrlnkln' wor post conjoctyer.- Indisnapolls for o period tbree.year-old at these weights. Dawn was four and the thirdplaee by Craven's Capuchin; Bfr P. wm ten Um the story ofhow you worked upon tbe .Ing of four yeore, when heavy from the rain of the previous night The very whirlwind of mingled Ikiut and trlnmnh An* olong In the ofthernoon Sam Ourrle med me be did return there hefoimd tbot the Acodemy of lengths behind Lawrence, whUe Clarendon woe Jotmstone's Chelsea and C. J. Otirtis' Eaib also ran. luiuauuc nmdes of a girl of fonrteen, then pnpil fLtiy opening event was for horses thot hod never trot- a sweeping through ber bresst, EsteUe rose Irom be- acquainted wutb a very line lady, on* her an'me- MtiBlo was noable to occommodate one-half yards In the rear Adoshofomlle ond ofar- Tbe betting Just before the race was 6 to 1 ogalnst in tlie convent of SL ocello, nntll yon Induced ber oi the ted Ihster than 2:27, puise $1,000, divided, tisual side tbe tmcoDsclous man. For a moment or.two xelr tnk a walk along tbe bache, on' I consoted oppUed for admission, the receipts long, $300 to first and $100 to second, for horses that Paw Paw, 10 to 3 against Meteora, 6 to 4 against to dope with yon. I wlU bold nothing back. peojde who be- conditions, and the -winner was Thomas' Daisy He It seemed to her aa If vrltb the reaction of ber that she wor tbe holghth ov the quality, bekase la had not won a race ot this meeting, was the Oanuchin, 8 to l against Cnielsea and 8 to I ogolnst bos wealth, he Influence^ ing tnt, which beUeved to be tbe largest amount Dale, who took eveiy heat, in S.'IBV. 2:23, has I wlU teU him I pent-up feeUngs ahe most feint. there worse mony men tbat knew ber, on' I third event and It was competed for by Burch's Eire. Copucbln and Chelsea run side to Only the thought cud ever received there for similar periormances. TTie Abrams' John Grant wos second. SsiBent's by side win not only liecome his mistress, but bis meiUal bear the remarks passeJ. As I Governor Hampton (112), Hort's Redman (107), Dan the distonce.pole, where that as yet she had bnt partlaUy triumphed ras- wlnt along wan Buffalo Ooarur of July T, 1880, says of Mr. Sbelby: Smltb third, Paw Paw came to the slave. If he win rescue me from the power of the D tnontha, and ntim trom tbfi manuement, Daly's Audax (101), and Davis' Omega (96). Audoz won flnt Chesterfield Cnp, a and both her vital and mental force Bud heat by two lengths mUe a quarter, waa won of tier passion. The man waited a moment or two av coorse half av thlm never to retuna It, m aU probability. Tbe Adalphl bu wos'in the lead by a very little os tbey passed tbe from Homer's WIU Cody, and byH. Bragg's become from tbe long-snstalned stialn upon them wor Jealous wutb me. Bud was second Ylctor Emannel, Lord Bredtbrd's belbre be answered: almost I nnver saw a woman- wuch such fallen Into good bands, but ot tbIs more it another time. stand at the end of a forlong, with Terror a third to the latter In eacb of tbe three fol- Sword Dance that she repented ol what she baddone. or an appetite for Jutpov w« bare to deal wltb Mr. second ond the Duke of HomUton's "Suppose that, knovring your intentton, I am l>e- atln' an' dhrlnkln'. Ice-crame Shelbr, and We bare to of length behind Redman, and the fOvorite, lowing. Palmer A Wells' Lucy third. Time. 2Mii. wbat avail had been the degradation and tbe socrl- an' oiom-eonp on' onr sorrow at bla a Exmouth third. DorehOBd 'with yon; that I Inform Lord Clavers of expiea Incera ratlriiir. He bu been 2:31X. 2:2S>£, 2:St)i A two-mile-heat race nce she vTas about to moke t To relinquish watbermnlllon an' beer. An' at the latter end she nunaaer or tbe for nearly ten Hamptol^ closing up. These four made a fine race aU the Adelpbl yean, and In all 2:26 class, $1,000, brought the sport to tbe some stary to a certain extent, merely coloring hod for wanted me for tin take her in tbat dine be baa ttaown blnielt enteipniilDg, until past tbe tbree-qnarier pole, wheo Hampton a dose for feme she won tbe privilege of going ont tin bathe, on' I Indastnons tbe day. Goldsmith's Two TROTTiNO-ifATcaxs Were decided ot the a few ttelB to suit myself; that I ten hlinthat, when toidd taerthflt tho doctheis forbid -and boaeat. He haa ralnacd to cater to depraved taatea, obtained the leod, and, holding It ogalnst the de- Unslsla -wlimlng in two alone again to a hand-to-hand straggle with the me bttthln' ; bad, Gentlemen's Driving Park, Morrlsania,N.Y., Jolv Imetyon first, yoa were in rags In tbe slumsof -even wbUe It mlgtat have praredproStable. and trom tba straight heote in 6K>2, 4:68, Thomas' Mistletoe sec- world for a bore existence. Wonldlt not hove be heavens I I wor afeerd I wud get the dye wash- termined efforts of Bedmon to dispossess hiro, be 29. flrat start ol bla career among be lifted ond in each beot. Green's The was between W. s. Brooks' Ashland nris, where chastity even in ctilldhoad u s thing been better to hove once ed off me whnsker, an' tbon wud give ns tbe norelty sugs won bj o scant length from the latter, wbo was Anno H. third, and Hit>- more stood before me away, [from an ^caedtnfclj dftaraded poiUtlon to a ftandanl bard's Pet and W. Weeks' John HeniY, $200, mile heatv, unknown; that, struck by the beauty of your Ikce, bodly. I tnk her of lengths before Terror. Time, Tekousbo securing foorth place. tbe audience, ond, with their ploudlts sUU in her So back to Som CuiTle again on* ezedleacenottanfliaHduittalacoantrT. Aad bla laflaesee ibur 1:69^ three In five, I placed you in Uie care of the Bisters ol St. Cece- The weather was more pleasant and tbe track in harness, and was won by theformerin eats and the Incense of their odmlrotlon around I wlnt np tbe lengtb ov Major McCuen's, on' tb4 liai been fer-ieacbing for good, Inumncta as his example The racing -wss termlnoted by o free handicap three lia; that 1 to love you, and wonld better condition on the second day, straight heats in 2:**, 2-A1)i, ZM. Tbe sec- grew have made her, thate hove died Uke tbe ne'WB wor there tnat Tarn Powers bai been felt lo aU lbs large dties where vanety pei^ steeplechase over tbo fbU course, two mUes and 28. while the teaching voluptnons Egyptian wor appointed lovera of equine sport ond wos lor $100, mile beots, three in five, end yoa my wile, only the and habits of your queen, even In death trlampbontt for Crowner. lananeea are eneouaged. Mr. Bbelby retina ttom three-quarters, $700, of which $100 to second, mustered in loiser numbers. trotting wos won by W. Weeks' MiUer's Domsel (in har- previous life could not be eradicated; that even "Uh. well," sez I tin the major, "tbe a'-.baalncaa wbleh baa alwara been prosperoos, and for which tbe loUowIng horses started: Doly's Pom- Tbe was resumed with a contest between A weaker woman than she might even then hove thing Is nerer more so ness), after losing the second beat to W. s. Brookn' now yon have more than one lover In secret. ' Sup- than last aetion; and be doe* to horaea belonging to tbe 3:86 doss, $1,000. Six com- done so, but the shadow of a great, vague bope re- comln' pnr^ near tiU me now, as Tarn la from the kpmnut close eroy (161), Reed's Disturbance (166), and Welsh's Bl^y^Borefoot (to pose I do tlilB. and, asserting tnat yon are only my oooflnemeot to baslness and an al- ?:tcd, and a very IntereBdng race was witnessed, wagon). Time. 2:30X, 2:36,2MH, Bttalneo her. Until aU hope is dead otur mortal simo ward wnth me. on' it snrely must come my most cootlnaona Indoor Ure were la«t ondermlomg Ma {Captain Franklin (187). The two former sold even mlftfcaa, challenae yon to prove yon are my wife." earick's Gipsy Boy won tbe flrat heat in 2:28, bodies cannot die. and It was for the sake of this turn pur^ soon," sez I. bealtb. HU pbyslelans presented tbe alteinatlTe ol qolt- In the pools, and at tbe signal Pomeroy sprang wos Bhecangbtatthe last snggeidon eagerly, as a second in the next, and was distanced in tbe sixtb. The nomlnatiouR for tbe Derby and Oak Stakes shadow of a bope she Uved. She loved Lord Clov- "Yes," sez the major, "ye kem as near tui it this tia^ tbe bosinesa or a complete breakdown, and he at away with tbe lead, remolnlng In front until the drownlBS man catches at a straw, once resolved tbat tbe better Green's Prospect Mold won tbe second and flfth of 1882 were published (n England July 16, and the ers, and It was for the thought that some day this time as tbe woman did tUl hovln' twnns." wisdom Is part ofTalor.^ Mr. last jump but one had been taken, when Dlstnrb- "men I am not lawltaUy your wUer' Sbdbr la able to retire; bat It Is altO)ntl girwaiu to the snpper with anything but pleasure. Belgravla. The number Is on this card. Take this same bnzneas wnth' meself clone 1^ the crib- Oe last mrlong, and finlabed in this order, irith muB, Turner's Edwin Thome, Rush's Diamond. Lu- Nona. stone. Tho^ yooT little daiUnCa blind. EraytWag hod erased giving her ony hopplnegs there early to.morrow morning, and give It Into no fflonn a length ahead and Spragne fbnr lengths be- cas' Centeila, and Davis' Rosewood. Tbe flist- OMToftl. b. w.b.CLStndd.10 Plowexa b. Clarke 21 " _ under the welgtat of ber cruel destiny. If ahe bod one's hands but bis own." "Well." sezltiu meseIC"thls ^oookflgbt- IslireatanA SOBiOden. Time, 2a4AHO -wo. An'Isthorted tlU look np'-ldiiieir : -JtiMlwbailwalkouont^asaeteTarva™^oTBry day won by a MngUi In BTATBM WmUOM. leUy ' dlgnUed parties that the orthodox world It was nearly Plrebum, tOl tha three on honr loter before the same : Tba gtrl* passing by yon bear thiee-onarterB 30, when two of races programmed were Island Club flnlstiM Us o«»i«/:«.- them all sayI of a mUe, $8001 The Btaten tour dawn - get the partlcolere, on' see eiijlT'ittt some that: " twwnt to set np as the pattern ofaoclalenjoy- penetrated tbe fog and smoke that polnterB ^aonu.—X am a maaber, ] contested, and the brooded orvUek |M to aeoond. aelllng allowanoea, stnbbomly spectatora. who were on Jnly 23, 24, at Hamilton. Tbe home-team won by menL' on tbepreaent occasion tbe Uke some gigantic bird av there's goln' tin be ony ebnigm^ bad I'm affeerd. MongaUtbapn wastbe company were with outstretched wings .ouuajliila In the los!t event of the aaemoon, nnmeroos, received the full value of their money. thanks to tbe ezoeUent - ond tboae wbo rcapond- ten wickets, battlns vtA.B. Alntboadal^yTi., I nq(, MB befote, stdcuy limited to the dratnoUe above Loodon, na tbe streets began to be beavensl tbat bucttaafMMit?ln the ould ting Ibe idiu oaay— sport commenced with trot resonnd Patilek XCalmey, ed.to tbe summons -were MoOiatii's dBervoiida The a between horses Hope, B. b:. Bope, Kennedy and sinimonda tor with the footsteps are goln' tin be downed nopgS^' I anaoswaei. profession; and,thoogh tbe majority were on the ot in busy mlOlons aa they hnr of the 9:38 class, $1,600, fbr which five competed, scores of to begin a Bud I wor no aUe UU earagriUster (M),8sdarB0tQltajVZ),Davls> Charley BosaflOT), their respective ao, U. IT and 10. Laae btSMa or oonnecfed with the press, almost every ried new day's work. It was twolionre Plrebnm— My I ml m il' exetflad: nie.flnt Iieat and second, money were ^r^ltmmpisjioi). VoonK-a Bosw^ (•»), and won by and Moore alone made donble fignreo tor the vlalt- denortment of the arts was represented. Besldea and more later when - Hodemolselle Plnette Idas ond I 'presbume for the rtViin.' that be wor takln' My bava of the line that" rajtpenei, Brao&ead's Kentucky Wilkes in 22B, the second blab- water panti ttiOTi A|i;m«av^n^av^). nttUfa led nntll tbe Uiree ore, tbe former batting remarkably well for 2$ In thfttirte or four professional ladles, there were a EsteUe Hordonnt's mold, arose, and. proceedlog to time by- the footloek, aaA$n)r .'«nlertalnln' Colond Mr "be gawkastan, beataBd Iburtb place by Beordon'sKtt^ Botes in " iday t Ticreima, obartey Boaa tbe second Inning. 'ortwo, a popular novelist, a celebrated ber mistress' boudoir, was sarprtsed to Hldethecooper wnth '-OfelMi uuHance of Mlsther "Tapalr, third And the SAjfi^tbe beot and money by Knauber's rtntlaalBK. BrAns Isujin Seeond Innli«. camposer, a rising young poet, ond more than doorlocked Jeems riii liiiiii In |MT%<)">'*a, BoaweU fifth, and tbe J. Eyre b. Kennedy.^. .iBposalble that the conveisatlon could be gnests of tbe previous For tbon rayaeailksnrAe grate piajaare in lay- decldon iniera Ave start' Tb-Fem* « dlKuss tbe evening's eun- tevoitts Ia« of an. Time, lAex. report of the ed waa a arrived at wen ^ngne c. Hope b, Fenla. I eat - and if there waa a good deal of "abim" eommendUK aW^,iHMJHelNim to the gndeeaees A ran o Alpbonsa niot. . cTicr. racing Satoday -win era, and Uwlliat heat won In 2:I8)< by Pate's ning per wttb M. Oe who, on be. was b. Kennedy. > u in tba world for Ibnnd on another page. 7 lua cot...... avtheiiewjtto^>VMaa& . . s yoans tban'waa at least BQlBclant variety to save If . yoongaa jetytiad geiiliis,:andwaa8iire toTlse in Kittle Hunter, wbo was third In the next beat, and Byre, ran oat . 4 b. Wctfvaten. weartsoBie. wooHBtodolatolock naeoMeiaea tte Bi^tlme Blognam b. MeoBlag protissaloiL ' tblrd -was distanced for fbnl driving. Felrts.... , a b. Weolvirton nls Blia r fllrfl 1 nntlii a^alH^alll^n» In tbe The l»^lg«J^^^^m | ffjfm Fihner, ran oat «k»laaaI»wtDllniab my new Bteiy,"tte ^EvldenUylfadeoieiaelle Flnette Ibnnd us con- U . anoBOB S., owned by 8. D. Carter, and valned at second beat was a dead beat between Key's L-ncy . 0 aatoet ea a boy-walktbrMigb'a yon dont thliik so, liatcii aitt Ftarber. not oal ng with tbe bostess' yonng lady of yonr Imrst blxmd-veasd . 0 ta.Pimls. generous versation more tbon nsnally entertaining on that; tuo, a and droimed deod os be and Kewbro's Sorrel Dan In 2:UJtf. Tba third t-nd - . ^ ^J' eUtiUng the KBeB,-Be Is war. aeqnaintanee who Isjataot to leaUs ae pecnllar Ltfbyea , sr to say. "I have filled two^Iumes putlcnlor momlngi lor, when ibe dock Rratt; rtWladUBt^aita «aa passing nnder the wire in a trot a^jsysacotMrstlc llltb beats were carried off by Forth'sBowdyBo, In iiinisel£ Ion. Moao. Jnlyaa. PBlk'io^n, 2:16 and Z:IT, and tbe foorth, slztb and aeventn Total,, ..7$ . . . « . , y . S — —

AUGUST 7, 1880. 3sr 157

HUOLTO TBE GAME IS CAUV Pbobuoc TooBaBT BiroRT.—We an Indebted to oar ' VolTdtoD. moot Pftriu iiiii ovt* Tbe Knlckertrnkera itttateq the CaUfomlaa on esBBttaiar L D. J. Sweet for the report ot pi aaii— ol BoMckooreb.Lana. ae EUrrey b. Bpr AQUATIC. I4-8TOP ORGANS, JL * Joly isatSanFtandscointhe presenoe of nearly thapteUesa eommlttee of the SAh American Cbaaa Con. SUB llmui b. Lane. nsaa ; aatf vben tbe chess world Is reminded that Jlesoa sooopeople. The Calltoralas, wao lat s« uted .Mast, BASS Sia^,SS?-5i^* 8liiowI»LliLw.b.Lm« IiOOlaiASA BVATK AJIATEVK OMk. Waaarbwyand CarpeBterwcn the eommlues^ no t9A:ao «udapwaids gS Hope-niD ont^ U late of the defonet Bay dtya, and.F. Smith, led op BOWUa htebar sent oo trial Cmi B. ABttOCIAVlOIV. ^araaly of soond and Jut eondoaloBa can ba AddiTi DAwrgL p. KEATrr. Waabiastna. EwtDjam c Bisgtaam b. to the eli^ith inning, when errors IvF. Smith and oalM or given. A. CTlUea] of the vtiols Tbie annaal icgattk of the above'AaoctatloB examlaaUoa Laoe 0 Blakuton. fbUowed by J. Smith's boiiie-iiiii,BTB was oOMpaUtlQO giTea the foUowInf reanmeand award, inb- Knned; c nb. h. Luc 17 held on the conne at the West-end, Bsw Orleans, taet 10 eDnarmaUon ditya Kcond three mns and the victory to the KnlckeibocSen. or rcctiacallon within thirty CAMPAIGN BADGES. BamUUB* tasiOK—Woolrertoii, not oat, 2; jnmplng- la., July 36, 27. Tbe weather on both days waa FUty-flTe ennrlea: or these, two were Inellnble, thlity- not ost, &. ToULT. P. Smith made a brilliant one-handed (br mall How, fine, the water excellent, the racing Rnr thrown oat absolniely nnaonnd membera. and firs W« MDd bf ona doceo of the i catcb of a sharp liner. intereaUng, and the aasfmt>lage of spectatorslar^ Thevarlons dtsearded lor the presenoe of^aopardonable dnala, leaving a>ccBta(n«aDM«U9). Bead far Uhm_ _. Flnt InnuE S 13 M 27 27 18 31 H 42 KSICU'K'B.T. B. lB.ro.iL.K. CaUFoasiA T. roarteaa real eonlestanta. Of tbeae. Uto were aoon laid Campaign Goods. clubs beloDglng to the Association showed that PBCC A I gcoond IimtDg 10 II S 43 «s WUIl|cn>d.ct 4 3 I I 0- I Ta]rlor, p— 4 I 1 aside as not up tu priie staadard. so that In reality 10-tf IM - - - r BUDUUm « 94S7S7eB9XU0U9 CorpBtein,u 4 1 0 Btce,>,a,r.t. 4 1 3 they were fhUy alive to the importance of tbe oc- there ware oaly nine competlton to choose ftOD. On J. Rninb, lb. 4 7 1 Dallaa,2db. * I 4 cadon, entiles being nnmeroos and rivalry strong. these a moat nsld semtiny waa bronsht to bear, which j.wiiimey.p 4 HamIItan,Sb 4 D 0 U 12 The results of the dulfereni races wlU be ioimd (»- ROlfd la pladnc them—first (SIOO.', "Pa' atptra at 2 1 ilIakUton,lb 3 I IS low the distance In all tbe events being two miles aicra," B. : lecond tawi, "Sub hoc tifmo rlmat: third SPORTING. ISamie, 2b.. 4 2 1 l(aat.L t.... 3 0 1 rtSi, "Taileuea;'' lonnh 'Mr. Ueriben'a coUecUon In BASEBALL. Ananii, with a torn: L f. . 4 1 0 Stewart, & t 3 0 0 ItlaeralooJ. "Snmmer la Orer;" and The T>trf Jteta BaileT,r. Junior stnolf-acuU tttfOs—r. r.. 4 I 0 F.8'ltb,rr.,sa 3 0 I Powers, Hope Clnb, aad rarm't speoal pnis (SB) for the one bestproblcm -n. J. Dolan, c.. 4 12 4 GlUett, c... 3 1 3 COIjLifiNDBB KATIOVAXi CBICAOO. 0 1. in Um. 8>^s.; R. n. Keene, Perseverance. to NuhIe.seuDsheiZ»-Penieverance Club: J. Keegan Played between Messrs. Kplllcr and Forbea of fool play on the part of one of the Chlca«os,and when the Ragles secured on easy victory over the and w. onUiam, I. in I3m. 6Sb.: Hope: J. Tonng OEPIAMCE tlie lagt man. by the way, whom one would gngpect Renoo. Tbe eontestwas close and exciting IS hit, stole second, and In attempting to score on Eagles at the finish forging fhr ahead. Valentine liOtu^eeiOfUttngle-*cuathfas—B.Foiej, Allantle a to 19 a., a toll 30 10 3 3.. 9 14 37 2} Lyneh's saerlflce-lly was. It is allegied, purposely pitched with great enecUveness, bat two safe hits Clnb. 1. In 16m. tan.; R. B. Keen, Perseverance, 16.. 7 lU 18 2, 3.. 8 II 72 being made off him. Irwin's clever catching in 18 17.. IS 17 B 31 WARBROOMB; 7S BBOADWAT. NEW TORK;taad>a4 prevented ftom doing so by Williamson, who held kept 16m. 21a. The winner led from end to end. 4.. IS ZI 36 9 18.. the 17 21(C) IS 14 STATK ST.. C_HICAGp_:.17 SOUTH FIFTH STREBT. ST. him on third base, and this palpable obetmction oi down Eagles' score considerably. &n(0r siniTleanias—J. O'Donaell. Neptune Clob, 6.. S 14 B a U..10 17 21 14 LOUla JOHN Agent. ContlnentBl Hold, a base-mnner was allowed to pass onnotlced by ElCLE. T- R.1B.FO.A.X. BECO. .1B.PO.A.V. 1, in Um. 4is.; P. Powers, Hope Clob, 2, In 14m. «.. C 9(0) 23 n a)..22 26 14 9 Fhiladelphla. t.tt FerTler,lstb6 1 the nmplie on the plea that he "didn't see IL" The 010 U 0 Flon.Sd b... 4 10222 48s.; E. Waterman, Pelican, 0. 7.. 9 U 21 20(6) 21.. 31 37 34 Jonea, r. i... 6 1 0 0 0 0 Lamb,c.r..4 '2 S..I1 IS s: 27 22.. 3 only puallel case that of in /tonr-onred (nrpes— Hope l^ub: M. Brennan 7(4) 9 6 we know was an Ath- U>Te«. c... 5 1 0 17 4 I Uarea, Iitb. 4 s 9.. 15 24 19 3. .31 27 19 THE MOST EXTENSIVE (bow), J. McNoltT, J. Jolty. M. Oarey 11 (e) letic-Boston game some seasons ago, when Anson Talentinc, p 6 I 3 0 IS I Irwin, c 4 7 (stroke), P. 10.. 4 8 2! 18 24.. II IS 23 14 ?revented Bantea from making the winning mn. Ni>gle,3db.. 4 0 0 0 2 1 O'Brien, 3b. 3 3 Bradbury (cox.), 1, In I4111. 288.: Eclipse: C. Bosen II.. I 6 IS 9 23..27 3Z 24 19 be Nationals, however, made the winning mn in Brown, 1. 1.. 4 I I 0 U OiSfcEenna,Lt 3 0 (bow), F. Perry, D. Clatter, P. Selso (stroke), 13.. 6 14 a- 22 2S..33 27 14 9 6IUMD MilFlPrVRERS Ii'CIotk'y,2b 4 0 2 0 1 1 Mitchell, 3 2 13.. 14 the twelfth Inning on Powell's two-baser to rlgtit aa. (coxswain), 2, In 14m. aia.; Atlantic: J. Foley 14 17 a n.. 7 11 if) 6 I Frodabam,ct 4 I I 0 0 0 Brown, r. r. . 3 2 14.. 10 26 31 22 27 24 Black wlna. Held, (Duowed by Snyder's hit (bow), D. Ryan, D. Klrby, If. Donnelly (stroke). R. over Corcomn's Bwanton,aa 4 1 I 0 1 U Bionlan, p.. 3 0 Nona FOR 8Ti7i»njvTa. bt tsb EnrroR.—»i"j of Lyncb and Snyder were the chief Eaale 01 001 0 03 2-7 P. Seller (coxswain), 0. Alter a brief struggle with Wblto nlay S to IS, the game la lost for Black. See Beoo 10002000 0-3 tbe Eclipse fonr at the beginning of the race, the "Wofld'a ine^oer-book." Variation A (ci Tbla advanced lieatniea. Baaea on balla—Finn, Jonea Doabla-playa—O'Brien, nope crew gained the lead, man threatens mlaehlet an Whlte'a nme Is weak on tbe CauAoa r. a. lB.n.i.x. Katioxil. t. B.lB.n>. a-c Hayea. Two-baae hits—MotHoakey, Valentine. Left on which they were never D*lI^pla.LI rlRht Sank. (d> Tothepolnt—Whlt«Isqnllebelpl( S 0 0 3 10 IPCIenaii,aa .10' 2 14 1 8. Baaea afterwards In danger of losing. Second poslUon hasea—Reno, I: Eagle, on enota—Bano. 3; Insenlons, bnt lualesa (ft This settles it. Kelly.e ,S 0-0 ISO ]Ubwi1,L <. S 0 3 Eacle, a. Btmck oat—Bono, 13; Baale, 2. Paased bills was held In tun by each of the other crews, WirBiaim.ab s o 1 1 3 0 MonlMr, Sb S 1 3 Irwin. 3. WUd pitch-Valentme, I. Umpire, wnilam though the Perseverance boys held it for a short AiiMii,latbL ff 0 3U 0 0 DOTbr, r. C. S 0 3 Praocn. Time, Si. SDm. HolnUoB or Poaltion IVo. SO, Vol. as. rootman, p. S 0 0 0 4 0 OaxlaaTdt. 3t» 6 1 S time only, being dlstanoed at the finish. The The Athletics administered thesecond sncoesslve BT J. D. BAajnm. Bona, a a. S010333 ZIPOWKll. lb.. 1 10 Eclipses and Atlantlcs had a capital contest for the - defeat to the Knlckertmckers on Joly 17 at San White. Black, I White. canmBitt a 0 0 3 0 1 aDTda-. c I 10 place right up to the end, It being anybody's luce Black. THE MONARCH l..32to>7 I r/V... » 1 I 3 I 0 Baker, c I. 3 I Francisco. Boyle opened the second Innliig with a 31 to 34 4. .13 to 9 30to23 nlo^ atanT tune. 3.. Quea.2db..a 0 16 3 1 Lyncb. p... I 2 long hit to left field, on which he made a home- 14 10 7 14 6.. 9 II Wbltewlna. StTiole-acuUwhtTTUa—A. H. Stein, Howard Club, 3..30 26 31 mil, and errors bv 0. Whitney, Angna Corp- 30 THE Js M. BRTJNSWICK and 1. in ISm. 36)ie.; J. Tonng. Hope, 2. In 16m. 3ea.; Tatala...4S I C 33 IS 4 Totala....43 2 IS 36 22 C stein, together with a two-bagger by Taylor and a AMD .... 0 0-1 K. Twick, Neptnne, 3; II. Ralier^. Howard. O; J. Chltaao. 0000010000 single by Boyle, yielded fonr more mns to the Ath- viSmal....O 0001000000 1—2 Sullivan, West-end, 0; P. Gallagher, Riverside. 0. SolBtloB of EBlgm* No. 10, Vol. its. ' letlcs. The Knickerbockers were to hit BALKE COMPANY. Btnnd nroa—National, 2. Two-baae bita—Morrliey, unable Had Tonng not ceased pnmng wtien near the fin- BTC. B. XOLTENICB. Flint. Devlin's pitching, Black. While. Black. 734 BROADWAY, NSWTORK. CtibMx^t, PowelL Snyder, Bona, Pint base on bnt the nmplre Ihvored them I White. ish and In the lead, he could hanlly have lost. CINCntNATI. CUICAOO. ST. LOUIR. balj#—HumI], wmlamaon. Anaon. Pint base on er- with loor tiases on balls, Insteadof calling ont the l..I8toa 27 to II 4..l3toI7 21 to 14 BAN fOur-oarfU sAeOs—Eclipse Clnb: F. BUlbardt Sand lor Dlnsbated Cataloms and Friea-llst nfS-RitiDna]. 3; Cblcajo, 6l Straek oot-Cblcago. 7: Na- batsmen strikes, 3.. 16 7 34 U 3..30 U 31 23 on and two mns were conseonent- J. caDed—Lyneli. KB: Foonnan, 96. (bow), Rlebanl, E. BlUhardt, C. Ruben (stroke), 3. . 7 10 14 7 I 6. .25 IS Black wins. ilooal, 3. BaDa Strikes ly made. ^^_Lyneb, 20; Foonnan. 17. DoableHPlay—Flint and 1, In 13m. 12;is.; Hope: C. Wilson (bow), M. Pow- ATHLETIC T. n. laro.A.E. E>ICK'B'KER.T. R.IS.r0.a.B. luan. Faaaed ban—Soyder. Cmpue, Clapp of tbe Cm- ers. W. Tswzley, H. Lightly (stroke), 2, In 13m. T»m»,2lL2»in. Rweeney.r. 1. 6 I 1 WUllgrod.ct. 6 1 I Ealgma So. 20, Vol. Ut). HEADQUARTERS dooatu. Neptane: L. J. Callen, Taylor, 1. t.. 6 3 1 Corpstaln.sa. 4 0 0 WHO.; Huntsman (bow). J. BT C B. 1>. For all artlelea used In Oamas of Ohaiiaa. AdraataM Carey, a. a.. 4 I 2 Smith. lb... 4 2 Fnlton, J. W. Tnrley (stroke), 3. The Hopes were 17 (Frem "eleven odd poaldona'^J Caida. Dloe, Reno Seta, Poker Checka and Catda, Banlai cI/Evkuaud BusTOir. Denny, 3d b. 4 1 0 J. Wbltney.p 4 the flnst to forge ahead, they led U 0 0 and to the tum- Black men on 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, IS, 18 and 23. Black Klnfs on Raid Prisiis. Cos Cards, Chach-boldKa.FBra OaidL Oa» seventh game between the above-named Boyle, r. . . 4 C.Wtney,3b. The a 2 1 4 STOVEY. Ing'^ukes. but lost their advantage on the turn IS and 26. Keepeia, Faro Layouta and Boxes. Oommased Ivory played on Joly 27 at Boston, Uass., and Devlin, 4 0 1 Bamle, 2b. . . 4 dabs was p and could not regain It. While men on 7, lOi II. 17,20, 21. 22, 26 and 31. White Checka. Cloths painted to order Ibr any ^ma. Piiea-Uaa l!eKln'an,Ib 4 0 14 Aagn^l. f... 4 will 1)0 ittiscted atwnt live hnndred niectstors. The llrst Above found theportralt of Harry D. markable games on record in Philadelphia. Tbe King on a and samplthaheet mailed tree. Addrvas Cunan, 3d.. 4 0 Bafley, r. r. . 4 settled the qnestion of victory in lavor of 3 Stovey.centre-flelderoftbeworceHterClub.andone included Anson, HInes, Barnes, Wblia to move and win. OAVIDBON CO.. Umlng Mannlncc. 4 0 4 Dolan, c 4 CblcagoR, who 1 teCTeveiands, and also ended the mn^ettlng. of the most promising yonng professloiiBis of the UcVey, Spalding, Peters, Eggler, Eden, and Brad- HARRY HILJL*B RESATTA. nixhlr Injienioua.—£n. »at TSWaasan street, .New Tort tbe day. Stovey, Is In his This annual event was sailed on Monday, Joly 26. The Clevelanda went ftfBt to Int, anofby dve Totals. ...88 6 8 27 23 9 Totals. ..37 2 6 27 17 7 who now twenty-second year. ley—a formidable combination of battug talent- Is Only six of the twenty boats entered stalled, tbae IF VOV TO WI.N AT OABDS. oft hits, inclndlng a two-bagger by Banlon, earned Athletic 0 2 0 D 0 0 0 3 0-6 a native of Philadelphia, Pa., and first figured on made bnt five elngle-basers off Stovey's pitching in Posltloa No. M, Vol. as. WANT Knickerbocker.. the being the Avalon and Nameless of the first-class, end rortbeSteret Helper. Aaoralhing. (bar mns, and a mulled fly by Foley yielded them OOIOOIOO 0—2 ball-field during the season of 1877 as the pitcher the eleven innings, and one of these hits was a finkc, BT a p. BARKBR. It win beat old sports. Addiasa H. ii. Earned ran—Athletic, 1. Home rnn-Boyle. Two-baao of the Excelsior, L. R. Prince and Peter O'Brien ot the inother mn. James O'Bonrke got first base on Defiance Club, tbe champion amateor organi- which won the game. By the above Instances It Salem, iTh. I»4t bit—Taylor. Tbree-casa bit—Denny. Btnck out—Ath- second, and the Tarantella of the catamaiu-olaaa. POKER. BBOWK, bans, and Jones followed with a single, both zation of that city. Stovey also played a brief en- will readily l>e seen that Stovey possexsed all the aled letic, 6 ; Knickerbocker. 6 First bue on ecxom—Athletic, gagement that The course was (Tom the end of the long dock in Miog enabled to scon mns for the Bostons by 8: Knickerbocker, C. Left on bases— season at WlUlamsport, Pa., filling needed qnallflcations to excel as a pitcher, and he Atbletie, 6: Knick- the front of Harry Hill's hotel, at tbe bead of Ftnshing Bicliniond's two-baser and two wild pitches. In erbocker, H. DonbI»-plaTs-BsUey,DolanandC. Whitney; positions of fltsi base, pitcher and second base might have proved a phenomenal ptaver in that po- at Bay, around the siakeboat anchored off.OoUege tbe fonrth Inning, Richmond, while trying to make Manning, McRinnon and Curran. Passed tialla—Dolan, 2; vanons times with the local nine, which then In- sltuiiL Like Knight, howeverv.be abandoned tbe Hannlntr, L wild pitches—Whitney, 2. Point, aronnd Rlker's Ishud, tnming a stakeboat tbiee bases on his long hit, collided with Olasscock, Bases on balls— clnded Ward, now the pitcher of the Providence Sltcher's post alter his first season and took to out- Knickerbocker. 4. Umpire. J. K. DelaTeaa. Time, lb. anchored one mile east of the dock on the ratara, god thlslost the Bostons a chance of maUnganother 46m. Club. He returned to PhiUdelphIa in Jnly, 1877, eldlng. F. 0. Banetoft, who Is one of the most BENEDICT The third championship game between the Stars the course being sailed over twice. Commodore nm. Three of the Clevelands were canght napping and slniallzed his reappearance with the Defiances shrewil Judges of professional players, soon singled and Benos was played at Oakland on July IT, HIU's yacht, the Avalon, wsa the leader at the start; itSretbise. Richmond alone did any batting for when by defeating tbe prorcsslonal Pblladelphlas, with ont Stovey and engaged him for tbe New Bedford the latter won for the first time. Lamb made two but the Nameless was qnleklyon terms with her. tie Bostons, be making a safb hit each time he Ward B8 their pltctier. by a score of 3 to 0. The Clob, which the former managed In 1878. The New BILLUSD CO, rannlng-catehes in the ontfleld, and a neat the two making an interesting race nntu the TABLE irent to the bat, Inclodlng two two-basers. Don- SOOd firafesslonals were puzzled by Slovey'8 swllt pitch- Bedfoma that year participated in 130 ounes, tbe onble-iOay was eflfected by Hayes, Mitchell and Avalon, which bad already sprang her mast, strnck Itp'i second-base play and Trott's catching were ng, and made but two safe bits. The Defiances, greatest nnmbereverplayed by any club In one sea- STKACUSE. v. v. Irwin, the last-named doing the best batting. a rock soon after passing Rlker's Island, and It be- Dsieworthy points of the generally good lleldlng. flushed with their remarkable victory, met the son, and Stovey's remarkably good ontfielding am- BIIXIARD A.NO FOOL TaBLBB. — Bkxo. T. R. PO.A-Z. Star. R. PO.A.K. came necessary to withdraw her from the contest. Cunun. T. a. iB.Fo.a.x. Boen.x. T.B-'Is.po.a-x. Athletlca on the following day, when an extra- ply Justified his selection. He continued with the BtYVX. QUALITY AND ACTIUN ITMBZCBLLBD. Finn, Sd b.. 4 10 2 3 McDonald, 3d b. 6 13 2 1 resnlt of the race DDalip,2b.. 6 1 2 6 3 0 Foley, r. f... 4 0 0 ordinary struggle of fourteen Innings heading their The was as follows: First-class— flend for diealar. O'Brien, 2d b.. 4 2 Sharkey, 1st b.. 6 0 resulted in a Kew Bedfords during 1879, baaing ai^cr, r. r 4 3 3 JaaO*Bo'e,9b 4 0 0 Nameless. 2h. 14m. 67a Second-class—Excelsior, Irwin, c 4 8 Fr»n?h, c f..... 6 0 0 victory for the Athletics by a score of 3 to 2, only averages In championship contests and playing Hot^.e-f * I 1 Jones. L f . . 4 1 0 2h. 21m. 34s.; Peter O'Brien, 3h. 26m. 34s. St. 111 CSisu>otli. Lamb, c £ 4 2 Passelbach, c.. 4 1 10 six safe hits belngmade by the winners off Stovey^s first baseln fine form. When the New Bedfbrds dis- B«mBX Hiolon, L t. 4 1 I Burdock, Zb. 4 0 0 Mr. Fied'k Oraaham or bheffoid HcKenna, L I.. 4 0 Uathews, p.... 4 0 2 pitching. Being WHITE. Itniudir, e. 4 0 4 Richmond, Ba 4 4 2 without the services of a catcher, banded last Fall, Uanager Bancroft at once seoured pnie winner and bxeedar In Bnjt, hi Mitchell, a s... 4 2 Daniels,!, r... 4 0 0 Whita to move and win. pUSips. lb.. 4 2 ]D MorTUl,lb.. 4 0 10 be played left field for' the Defiances against the him for the Worcester Clnb, and he has continued THE irORWICH REGATTA. brood bltrhas and poppiaa from nla c itiats^^aDptons Hayer, Istb.... 4 6 WUUams, r. t... 4 0 I BlAlilB*DjSb 4 0 0 JnoO'Bo'ccf 3 1 3 Locnners in the deciding game for the ama- ever since with that organleatlon, doing excellent second aimoal regatta held under tbe aus- Monk, Abbeaa.Tba8Iiah, Oroavcnnr, sta, to dlspoaaef at Blordan, p*. . , ^ 4 7 Boyle. 2d b 4 1 2 Tbe T0orailek,p4 1 3 Bond, p 3 0 I raaaonahle pneca I»9t« W. Brown, r. t 3 0 MaidoGk,a s... teur cbamploDBhIp ol the t^oaker City, and made service this season In the ontfleld, besides leading pices of the Independent Hose Company of Nor- GUaoDckfU 4 2 1 Trott, e 3 Oil 4 I 1 some remarkable mnnlng-catches, besides throw- both in batting and mn-gettlng. In any position wich, C^.. attracted about six thousand persons to MISCELLANEOUS. Totals 36 7 27 12 6 ToUls 39 4 27 12 8 ing a man ont at the home-plate. Like Knight on the field hels a valnableman, and,althonghvBTy Thames Grove on Thursday. July 20. The three TriUla..«7 6 II 27 14 2 Tolall....33 2 S 27 17 2 Reno 0-7 OntllDd 50000000 0-6 20300002 —now of the Worcester Clnb, who also halls young, he has won for himself an enviable reputa- races resulted as follows: DoubIe.scnll working ElfLABOBaDddevelopany portion of the body by 6Ur 1 1 I 2 0 1 0 0 0 0—4 firom Philadelphia first TOOLS 0 0 0 0—2 Stovey prominent- tion as one the best general players FASO Ittta 0 3 0 0 — came of In the boats, two miles, tarn—P. A. Sherlden and Jerry •Teifsslona.'' Ptioejl, postpaid. Ballahia and aali Passed balls-Fasselbach. 1; Irwin, 1. Wild pitch— EmMd mna—Glerelaod, 4. Two-baae bits—Banlon, ly belore the public the pitcher of the ontry. Is very bitter drassDr. TanBolm.StTrsmont Bow, Boston. Msat. 1 Mathews. I. Two-baM hits — Murdock and Wllliama as once CO Although he a hard Mnrpby, 1. In 17m. 40s.; Michael Waldron and AT BEDUCED FBICEB. —^ PbUIlpa, Biciunond (2). Fliat base on balls— Donble-play—Bayes. bfltchell and Irwu. Umpire, E. lamons Athletics of that city. Knight had made and an exceedingly clever base-runner, he more Knoth, 3, by about a quarter of a mile. Amateur Jiatt O'Bonrke, Momll. Pint base on etrora—Clere- MANUAL. A COHPLBTE, FIUC- Fare Boxes, Layouta, Can Keepta, Jtagle. Time, Zh. 40m. his debut in tbe professional arena on Sept. particularly excels in the outfield, being an acen- single sculls, three miles, turn—J. C. Mnrpby, 1, In TICAL, PnfesDonal Oolda for all Standard and Fancy i haix Bonek out—ClarelandiS: Boston, 4. Balls eall- B d-leConnlck. 9<: Bond, 1X4. stnkea called—McCor- 4, 1876, when his eoecttve pitching helped the rate and strong thrower, a sure catch, and having 2tm. 33s.; A- Touabea. 2, by six lengths. Koies- Drtaka,ete.,Wcenta. JES8E HANET A CO., ChMk Baoki, Cue Carda. Card Athletics l»3t 119 Hassan street. York. ~ altk, 43: Bond, 46. Donbls-plar—Cleraland, 1. WUd TROT wa. nVWAlM. to defeat the Bostons; and it Is a curious the ability to cover a great deal of ground. Be slonal single sculls, three milM, turn—George H. New ~ gtnkea-IIeOormlck. X Umpire, Doacber. 2b. The Troys and coincidence first called for his side, Faro, Foker and Bankftte 7 Time, BnOhlos played at Troy, N. Y., on that Stovey's services were always plays and endeavors to make Hoamer. 1, In 20m. sss.; Geo. w. Lee, 2, in 21m.; ol Female BaautlaL lOcia. Bostons and Clevelands again 4n "PBOTOa Tbe met on the Jnly 27. when the home-nine won by their superior into requisition by the Athletics precisely two catches that other fielders wotild deem Impossible. James Ten Eyck, 3Jn 2lm. 3s. Fienchy Johnson, OV J poisla tree. J. DBITZ, Beading, Fa. l«tta, Frandi P*-*. tuner's ground July 29, when the resnlt of the batting at the outset. The contest was a ted Ions years afterwards, viz., Sept. 4, 1877, when his won- We can, in conclusion, only spare space fur a few Fred Plabrtco and Wm. Knoth did not flnlah. Hos- BOOKS AHD KOVELTIES. Catalofoa, Be. itnn game was reversed and the visitors were and nnlnteresting one, the only redeeming leature derfal pitching assisted the local nine to a victory Instances culled at random of bis ablU^ as a bats- was the favorite, and nearly PBUTOfl, mer waa always In A P. aD. TTOBBT""w AiXkiJKllalajeMt.aS*. Ohlaca.jr«aOhlcaaa tbikecL A change was made in the local nine, being the good batting of Cassldy. over the Chlcagos by a score of 6 to 6. He helped man: In a game between nines of New Bedford van, Plaisted being the qulokeat at tbe start. ^fflBujpH^I& ftentfraa. oi In the Held and in the batting order, and it eeem- Trot. r. r. la. po.a_x. BUFFAtO. T. R. lB.rO.A.X. the Athletics to still noteworthy Fall Bfver, Mass., Oct. 187B. he • -< - ctTT^THIUmilUBiailaaaaT. B Mb a more victory on and on 25, m 'tff*^^ C. Cooke. — - to Sntton CoaswelL lb 6 1 2 10 1 1 Crowley, r. L 4 0 10 0 OXlVjlvl RICH, wnuamsbnig. yew Tork. 1 (d work welL resppearw in his old- Sept. 10, 1877. in a contest with the St. Louis seven snccesalve sale nlta, IncIniVng-aiMBdM . aiUespleJ t. 6 2 2 0 3 RUih'dson,3b 4 3 3 2 0 ^ the nne position at third base, wtule James O'Bonrke Browns, the co-operative home-team of fonrpro- a thrce-bassF' and' tUee two-baggers.'' In | FerRnson,tb 6 I 4 3 1 Rows, e 4 2 9 0 1 ^• Horses Hade Fast and I not Foley's place In right field. Bond pitched JSaronals"and flTO'yonng"amatenr8 scor^^ ame J?ay 'il Jam, r 1 U'ani BnyeiB, (Oc Slow Caa8ldy,c. £60 3 0 0 Homanw,Lt. 4 14. , 0„ 0„ g .f^^ ^ ^^"''yj?^y/7(]'i5successively,ft?ij concluded to stay satlea of veiT Intel bits Bones Made Ikster." A Heir, and bat two eate were made off him, Coimora,3b. 5 I 3. 3 I Eslerbr'L lb 4 started were J. In T. LE) time, and . those who Instnettve articles"—Robert Bonner H. Mb In the eighth inning. The Bostons bnnched Casklns, as. 6 0 B. O: and O0B TBSTH ABBVAX, LoWndes, Derby R. O.; A, Jf«y?eJ*pBlsey IDC Honur '^„P2:j 0?^»S^jpS«»S ir by of their hits | tm JLhaJte, iaBEthiidttsiK-t>^Md Force, 2b.... 4 < considered Doj^tnlnlng, Holbeit,c... 4 2 6 4 1 the ftatemity as well as in social ciroles p/n and 0. O. White, London B. C. It was Innin^f^^-Se^beliig the lesnltof Glass- Sela^clnb scored in the eleventh Inning rowed dovrn and « 8 37 16 8 re- that be lias a brilliant Iliture before him. "a gift" for Lowndes, but he was mnflfed fily. Rain Totals. ..13 8 13 r 21 7 ToUls..^.38 winning ran of one of the most I84t FK[d throw and Shaffer's 0 0-8 solitary and settled at Barnes' Bridge, and Payne won easily in fi half honr in the Troy FREE FOR THE SPEEDY AHD Ed the gamefornearly an 0 0-6 34m. 8a.. the best time ever made In this llxtnre. pnON for the viatois, MBTC CVBjt OF COKBDMPTION. A>D Sning. "Dunlapfiewed finely ^"^^'.-^-^-LJij LJ0.1.' TwibaS. !.rtt-.fli AB8OCIATI0N Of Phlla- F PBUtAS envelope to self.addmsed | stop of a hot one baUs-BoMo, i THE PAIRMOCirr ROWINO NBRVOnsDliBBILITV. Bend .iMna in esped^D^ excoUent be?£ HolS^ BTriuDi, Vo^i;i BiSs 00 ground FORCE. Bos 869. Baltlmoia. Md. LIST baa»-^Bnr- with the Worcestere, on the ir-4f CT H. DE FAIR good for a base in- enora-Boffalo. 3; Troj, 4. Left on menoed July 1 Jones, which seemed Bausm will be i SSbT Ttot. «• .Do»bl^ forfeited it by ^elr refusal to any or stale and Conntr Fain O'Bonrke made a splendid nSo: Troy, 9. Stinck ont-Balialo, 6; that the latter clnb PBRPBOOIIBsttencOiens. enlaniea and developa tai of an out- James claim the Wprcesters Addiesalfr. Tan Tellable lUt KiSlJh'-iu-IG~riibTflerd,jSid BlcWnd play. In answer to this T^olthebodyrPtlceil. postpaid. oboat AnguBt 14tl». The onlj l^aSj^f-fe^fk??.'',*-™?^',^r°S.}S''caSS?r of the .amplro Boston, Kas. (Copynantan.i la-ia. short-Btop for the Bos- Boio*"'..'- n.i.^- at Umpire,nmnire. pr4ent the aflldavlt """J, The Bucceaaful HomuMTramortBow. sent ftee on reoalpt iSrsd remarkably well at Strikes called—Welch. Oalvln, 66. "Tlme^' and boats, and la offlcer- pabUaIied,aiid wUI be 96. ten mlnntes of rain he called "^uon OF RASE NOVELTIBB, Scla. Bradley. Time. _2b. 39m. continued for thlijr -mln- Pitanllent, James Farrell; CATAIA^ODB _ of atempa for peatase. T. B. lB.FO.A-K. game to after the storm had ?l'JlS.- Jaiiw ISlSfoUowB: lovaKn, read It. C. gPEEN.QtJEBN. Stonebam.Btonebam. Ma Bcsns. T. R. IR.TO.A.R. TbeSnflaios lost anotner cbamplonsmp Manager recording secretary, C. B. walBh; 2b. 4 0 0 4 6 0 Keenui, Inte ntes more he announced "No g»n«."- ^a^i-D'c Kdent. A. Colgan; 0 0 3 Dnnlap, th4TrtOTBonJnly» at Troy N^. RK and arpeosesto agania. Ontfittreia 84 Daaitwiit.CWeaao. -r. t. 4 "031 insist that it waa once tPTTT A TBAB MASON A CO., JiBa.Lf:.. 6 1 2 0 Shaffer. for tie visltorajnd han- Bancroft wlU also Ansnsla, Maine. n-VX Hotallnp, cr4 0 1-0 or tie ilbanys, caught disputed $7 7 7 Address P. O. TldgERY. ln*tt,2b. 6 I-l 4 in style. The Troys mutually agreed that this S^\,^oj^^, Hanloiu 1. 1. 3 0 0 0 dled Calvin's iellveiy good jMltfle,r.( 4 0 12 seventli Inn- playeJoff on A'W- Hltcl»*tid-klck— Kennedy, e. 3 14 0 bunched their hito in the second and be Jl-v;"V^n™^S^^^ kcCoUoch,'l: Charles Whlte.a. CBABLES S. CABTEB, 2 1 1 their runs. this season np to July » Ann Tacht Clob was organized July FbUUps, lb. . 3 0 12 0 all hnt two of lecelpta "po^^^nw 80. Sin.; »• C- The Cape n!! 4 2 2 12 inm when they made were $11,760, show- James Lynch, IV»\»->J?"^-?j*: offlcers: and ConnBelor-aWaw, Hankin>e,3b 3 0 0 0 andflel.llng. Crowley til 240, and the dlsburaaments Albert Johnwmit'Bace 29 at Gloucester, Mass., with the foUowIng Attoraey• VOBIC. kalotecl 4 0 12 BTOUs dld theftest hatting Includ- for boys—I. Hutchison. 1; ROOM 2», COOPER IKBTITUTE, KEW risk. Barmral huadiad M'Cormick.p 3 1 1 0 vlslt- The amount dlshnrsed Bennet Grinn: tIcb -commodore, SSJper hour without * 0 0 0 seemed to bat with any effect for the liiKal0B8or$S00. for lads nnder fourteen years, dlgtanctfj jwree- Commodore. Prompt atlentlon to legal matters. 17J tm^MO kr aslaaaaiy Ms aiasaeock, ss 3 0 3 2 alone ground, belp emUoyeJ Oaoney; neet-captaln, John mckford; csa pllrat oncfc 8«d 16 cants pcsuge M. c 4 1 1 3 on both sides was very poor, c^ ed^rent of mile—James Hutchison, l; Bmest mc- Frank U. Kew To*. S-W* • oii. The flclding printing. poUce^MplrMeea."Sinni^!^ tenths of a secretary, H. F. Sanford; Books, Photos, &c Sample ebart. CABLOa UB LsHngtca avanoa. 6 Latham, Connors and room, adveitlBtng, dance—James 0. Dickson tTt^aFure^. M. F. Parsons; SUABCE QOODS.— 14 1 Totals...30 0 2 S7 » peclaUy that of Esterbrook, gt^- Kenny, 2. Broadsword Chicago^ III. Mila..99 7 9 27 0-7 nnlfonns, balls and bata, tiavefiiBeipensea. Throwing the light hammer—p. measurer, Joseph HcCook. Catalogu^Sc Paris Book Ca, mm. ... 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 3 Casklns. to won toe prize. 9-»t» tbxatibb oh FBAoncaic 0-0 T. R. 1B.P0.A.E. and 60 per cent of 8ate-re«^ptA 88ft. 2ln. ault- tTRENBTH, SSad...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BurrALO. T. R.lB.ro. A.B. TEOT. ^tees C. Boss, nsfl. 4in.; JamesLynch, . HEALTH, O'Bonrke, lb. 6 g 11 p 0 a large w«>««« Emrt mns-BoBton, 4. Two-base bita-Jaa. Crowley, rf.U 5 0 3 3 0 0 Cogs'iweii, g clnbs, BCUarlea, and PJ^i ingwltl pole—laines Lynch, 8ft. 6«in.; John Con- Gluesple, LC 6 orgnnlzation of 1878 taSjoSo^Roorki PI"' »>»" Rlch'dBon,3b B 0 1 3 1 Muntor th5 roy, 8fL 4«iu. Highland-ning In costmne-J. C. 3;^CTeTdMd'>V"jS""lS?i1. fl^ Fenniflon,2b 6 grounds...i..The »a«lo°^ L IWlMeonetroia-Bosto^ Bowe, c-L.T.f too 1 1 nght and UUe to the Running long-Juinp—D. 0.'-.Bo9a, I8n. THE 6AaaE OF CHESS. Bond, MeConnlck, Csssldy, c. t. 6 in Dickson. «-43aT * 0 0 defeated the Chlcagos mee nan, prBpald, 60a. Doable-play HoroV.l' " "i 3b. S of WaSlngton have Ward, Kit. loin. Long-race, one mlle- By asaSSoUed-Bond, 23; McCormick, 34. Bst'b'k,ll>.,cl 4 0 0 6 0 Connors, lOln.: M. AOSBpatld 4 Sut of th^Sir games ttej J. Lucas, 2L Sflort lacc. THR PtJDLk TODBMT.—Tbla BBl^M BrOimKi •CMnd, L Umpire, Doseher. Time, 2h. ajm. Keenan. ci.. 4 0 I 6 6 Casklns, as. >'"«J3»J^'"„^J2S;jniy Jas. Lynch, 1, in 6mln.; old oplBtons that w» UAxni. or played at Bodle, cal.. on far outside the ruts and bed**. C | 2 Evans, r. f. . 4 .A game was l; M. Ward, 2. Tiuolte- SO Latham, as. 4 11 0 other 16&il8.-wllllam Smith, the priic-wlonots .to oar enlnmos, as addition DUMeBELL p.... 4 local clubs which, Iflthad no ' transfer L.S.L 1 7 Welch, is hit#e«itwo 2. OslTln. p.... 4 12 Ulchael Steadman, l; Kr. Jeffries, stock oi chess eiowso. FHOVIDKBCK va. CBICA430. » 3 Holbert,c... 4 ?S5.t at least loour vast AMD OLOB-BWIBOBB^B Force, 2d b.. 4 0 0 martrt fm«?. «*J'«"S,« flllh, when Dorgan •l'H»^|^ga putoatBllofthelT dnotof CA. Palmer, i867 prisea, total rmueace took the lead in the mftn and cai — — ^ HMrters dollars: halves, ona (fli dol- |.tl ClJPrBBBnlldlna.K assisted by was credited with neat in one-mila bioyc'le-raoe « Mo,"'ey J „„, etc. ^OMnU ucaeta. two to attnUtj hitsaieiy and scored rans, ralewlne ^ »V "JSSSESin?^ UifctmaUon apply to fined SS'itto^SirtrjMa.'v^'ciUedsports June 6, was caUed jntointo-qn^^^> lar. For fttll passed ball and Bines* two- ifI^^^*'JSL^*'^n^B^Ty"a^^•The story that Anson I athletio ^^^'^''^'P-'^^ST^^^^^Sti^Jii^;i'-:^?<^^^iJ^Su^b^m^ai^«aBUmnen,.eoiiecuv»iy ano m M. A. DADPHIK, Hew Orleana, La.. iBDil wild throw, a I . aneaatuns I «». ti> convey to those increased .*"5-r~l''-7;";_^7Si .rr V._.rAi.y.n_i>vn .naned noon the no tan, Tbe home-team stIU further Tune, 2h. 10m. or SU Broadway. New York. ^ WORK tar In the sixth and eighth Innlnsa, Qnest and not wear ont WELLING VREn ksd Ewr^pfefe^n^^^^^ ^^'^^-r^^SSS , baUs. which, with a wild throw CracraWA'TI, 1 Sold by watch- nlK two thrown WORCEOTRA place. TOe auBganuii waa aid reaahed me at a mmnenl ol sr«t per- Peters, Dorgan and JtUy 27, at MX ^ mnerooa makcn.Bymal], ^teeand singles by Ward, the Worcester-ClnclnnaU game Palmer, who malga^ dUtrets. and has alTea taunSSi""?* »™ wild in ««- qaestlon ''"^^piealiy and J. B. Birth A CcjjJSDgat.. MANUFAGTURINB COs, more nms. Peters' home-clnb won by tHe'r being I 30e.t r of new foods nes. •net yielded four WMcestor Mass., the ^•^KOTbrli /^s.^'aS^'SiSoSn yards, and apparently had^he gomfoh. with ^„'i''^^*:J'f^J^°A^^,S^ Ansave the Chlcagos their second and last ran. }5|»S?,5,M«onnther fAmnetltor to nsas have taken peraonaUy In the .matter, I remain, dear sir. bases be- York. IBbBson compleUng the circuit of the deUberate oauedjppn TttS. FACULTX. 261 Centre st, New pitched very etfectlve- the h^ having previously y Nabt TnnasA Bvasa" KECOMHENDED BT taUe bell was bond. Ward I Palmer, In ftjjT. l^^med to Memphis. indl cSm^Ttitor to "come on." TABBANT'8 KAJRIB. WIS finely supported. B^'Mey cSTppS^b^'^.l'^^^^ ;^nS-.;;.-kS'd"hL and gfa OF BJLLIABD, POOL and BAOATiaJJI BUJA "S? "ISJ?^nmeiy !«ugra denledln tow the whole of the charge, COMPOUKD EXTBACT " twos, POKBB OHBCSB. BLKSV*Birr- by two been out at the | flSlJE tw, tending home three men £i In hv fianrell Irwin wonld have ===== of Vatighton passing him .bajms EnlgSM Be. X.Jt33. CUBEBS AND COPAIBA. " AN-lVA-eA1£Ij. made beta on the race. I^erth*re- concentrated stale Uw medlea 1,3b 4 0 Creamer. The Wor- aiwDV WOKK half had Cobeba and a. a. . 4 Tobln and careftilly conildereytlie propertlea of the »b. 4 I PetcTK, f^i. M wnitnev Celtic AssoclaUon l^d a tlredL and the committee KEtS, ^ 4 ninth on Richmond's The mtmbera olthls QKtS.QBS, KB4, Copaiba. OasieeommeDdstloa iT.L t... 4 1 Ward, p «SereearSidl'^In the in support of the aPegatfas, at(17, evidence brought wsi, n"-E R7. thu prepartlon en)oya over an «a i.. 4 I Oroas, c 4 ^?"TP'Sf.™«.rw Bonnptt.'fl three-ba accused oompet- and also the deid;us_.n^eby^ Is lu neat, poriabis tonn, TBE ABT OF8KLB-DBrBl^^_^^. 2 gtooigan, r. f. 4 othen or tha 4 wio'd.'ti^ city, !Ei;.-uwM'55irat«ly resolved '-IJ^tO-.^ilS: pat up In pota; the mode In ^theraahlaowB *«.t. Honck, L f.. ".'*i?,,*Sn^ ^m'STeld'Tt'jSM? I W|}^'55^f|^ 3 0 comjjeUng at ^*rlB taken Is both ' Bradley, 3b.. 4 evening of Jnly 27. Tds iSer bo suspended ftom which It may h* tmna^ ' Brooklyn. I. I lb.. 3 1 V^S^e^^^r^^' ^A | k bems lA nnder^to sanction of the «BOg'?i«fJ, Eleasant and convmiant. bold "JiSl atbla4. atKBX paala. t ss lelw s. p.'tTaSibw^lBin^ calendar montts Bom ttadge 1 the form of a Fsnr.takBytm otto tor a period of three Eight cheasman give tety-twe mates. Impslrtha dlfsa- rke Da Kalb avaona ears, O-i atUano and does not ' OIOOOIOO In asoTrycon- conaennenceof his conduct at the old — BDdrtswere carrtcil on hei«oiriii tloD. Prepared only br nn 11 02103 »?P«%e lasses Harriers Club, hold on:lhe hli.-Hlne;u It' The lads and who SnorSSttelfoeeley Mo. tjoa. TABBAHI*60.,^_^ rTO-Ativldenf^Vf,Ti^^ E.J. navln's eaass that afflict mankind FOimo AT Ofcat ravlssd Ulosuated SffaSdtaUs in the SSr^m^were i,ur^438.; >^:J"=S.fi.'i'i;.?^!. The did nor n.ver cau core ^tavrSroSaaner thus giving Providence iDleraal medlclnea never stm ft^ in the next nSSinrDMEAiiB. wreriTNOwiappir, '^Kh thCTl^reSd OwnTKIdney Pad A» OiSCE. and b; ca»M_2' COCK# tbe KldMT*. le«fr maA <%GAME all aifectlona of B fimbles by VHiuunr Or«mea. It Is tSe onl}- treatment °wo "»?,S?J^ieCTJ<»gos made the centre of the bar to the wonnd, Trtnt yielded nvertms. The m^SedSrom called Mjis giv properly tested with a spirit-level. and that dlstreaalna complaint. Kuu finish, on a base on wSSwM I»Eai|I.iTY. the Hon^MdSfc^ champion walker, desires us to I^SSm ACHE.'* It will annually save many ^^^^ errors by Rn c HoLSEE. Ta-t^SShif^tb times lu east In medicines and Planers, wbtcnat ^^f^?\2S base-play and three remMka- mSe£iS?JfStJie£«t«.u^^^^^^^ SiatSng and Pjo^- mn- best give hot temporary relief. Boldtr laaigcatehSby Hlnes greaOy HelPe^ 33rt.; J. Stopleton, J jjjponaia, enter him for the game oraot^ mall on rvcelptof pric<>.BS. Oarboeic, over the com- cntdmATi. T. a. lR»O.A.A. run, ^^^^^p willv be obliged to those who hialotyof second victory — T.- B. IB.PO.A.B. . 1 S 0 ru»-mfle ; J. J- July 28, and he Life Waa iiaved." sivlng a -toSSe^lr WORCSaiBH. Porcell,p... 0 0 J^^JS-'^PTtaui ilil-Aim-—.128. Wood the pro- 'How a ^ - 49«8.; M. Carroll, A use of bis name on wUUB." isSje f*""?."' latovey. c. f. . 4 " 4 1 12 1 In 10m. made an unvwrantednmuiu^ ^^""* this new discovery and a nons. c carry jMnlt ' ilii tor It. r«oTm'5c«.T..vUi.p<».A. Irwin, s. s... 4 0 3 Vroanner calculated to tUlii iliiaaa twT lemaikahle cum. sent (tee. Writ* T. B.IAFO.AE. 3 g 2d b. 4 mmme m mnejul ToU^O. o. Blnes,c.f... 4 Whitney, 3b. 4 4 him in fUtnre, ^I»AX lUVBEV rJJ» CO, 0 0 9 g Say, s.s...^ ^ffiTlf^^co°8'>lt O-aeieow Start, 1st b 4 Richmond, p 4 3 Xln- pubUc,who are too often victim- Ctaase >,«33. 1 0 Carp'nter,^ Sullivan, 4411. . Wagner. Oie •. . 2d b. 4 BenDett.c... 4 „ ^aWui-H. M. ofSodrtiw _^ mattb-M.^ „ 0 1 FarreU. Mannlnr,r.L 3 jlunnfno broad-iump, Tba tmth gams of the nnssalHl Bnkertgt a.. 4 Wood, 1-f.,.- 4 ised In this way- . B. C. L.* Kb. 2 14 Peters, a J. Ballly, lb. 3 17ft. 3ln. _ «. BOYD, A. M., X. D., 4 r. f.. 4 Pastime A. C, Hesse, between M. OT^oteMd JOHH 0 1 Ward, p Corey, Mantel], L f. 3 i,y Joseph THB TBH-icni MATCH "•---"'"•Sis^^gfSSSjiABB. c. Tobm, 1st h. 4 1 13 3 ^pDlv^i 1 1 Groes, C. BelUy.c-f. J. : Whits,-, ZD. 4 1 2 ' The g g g Don|an, r.f.. 4 Creamer, E.'S*rarscMt?n7rS..fT. "r iS'fi^ffiith FSmiiSam. Maaa., Jnlr» ^BCM^.- Znkertoft. COraSELOB-AT-LAW, I.. 4 227 16 4 PtaQB3 BIBB* 1 Houck, L 2, In 8m. 6)i9; , « A«.^SC«TBE 0 6 .38 0-3 ossec), Frederickaitasllme SlLDT^ 3d b_4 Totals. . 0 ._H ^JL^S^^^^-^^J^:}S;^*i^- Q_B-bom«(d) C^^^ 1 1 2 Bradley, o-""S^fl "BWyoEKcnr^^ ^ Worcester VV'2' 1 0-2 Baiiey, KB XB omtadBtaus mostrated work on Bon, Black.i « in 2m. 8S.; W. T. Ed. Jamas' ...vy2.2.1 dndnnatt....' 0- - •FuStbii.o°nb^lls-8«m,»--^^ A. C.71, KtP X P(0 .ro^ffV'l^ 'fSSi5J;-hl.-Benn.^™^Two-base hi A. C, 2,lnan.ios. „ lohnston, 411.11111 K-B2(A ,FirstIrat base on •'"'SlTSSSSli sis called—Bletoond, B-K3I9) K-MS3(*) TERRIER OOGS^ETC JU^b-lhlt^^FsiT-L Pint ont-Woi«s- U; PurcaD, «Baa B-K Ktsq r-hitOurt' 'ui 'wSS^-rt-wSunond, 7. 62;i^'lSiSLPnrcell. EDMOMD B. FBICE, g.= ?iS'n'fc.TildelrT.me,2h. - B-B7-«-r -taBi3' - AT-IaAW BmZ^Bd fiEaS^mnffrom hS^jilcoi o^ Corcoran, M ~ H-tteS K B-Et 4 COUHSEIsOR J*a oESl-Waid. a; B-K3 KB-K2 1; Flint, 4. wnd pif 4» PMBdelpUa ij-^-^^ The AthletlfflWHSor ^ B-BflO B-93 fw CMtve nu. Hew Tortt CKy. strailcoc. Time, Sk 12m. contend^ n.rfor Boperioi gg o. onl-. g*» Pfcj ^jre .K^Xtaat P-aB4 Clvfl MdJJimteaL^geA^ .^li'SsESrsSi «TP — Norrlfltown, d. The vis I Id an tha CoBitA " club s B-gUS BPXP ot eiatanana anddenmwanaoaoBo. anaii luasawa iwwuh.pilcvUst. Address — latter erS'Ji'":„_ the 1 ui IS..QB-K3 9 tha frJlerTH— , ^. w v on inethe and Haguenume ioinji=(on "^*"rrk'.;^« Amiihltheatie . T^"%M~nf Mason M..V-SB4 aadotharl«al£» BIlJ 90CeB«r» Sf-t »• » ^".^So'SihlS^ibythe An^l».«i||„"ew^.C|^ Q B-B *9Ct K B X r f^ffKfj. 86 Strong I7..BPXP ;, Sik-u«).^«.^„%'?jrv^but proved I .SbxP BB-B4 + there the ISJ^den'SD^poriostoBqlD^. ba« between ia..QBxB . defeated ?»H?^2i,r^. MtTTCAl- T. B-IBJOAK '-"^Ts^ .K-hlsBS B-bls7.,„, 8 S to a closely contested W^jJ^JT-'sS ^°MrTf|l3~.t pltoffer.a a.. 6- I O 0 a)..2'taisB2 K-USB9 ^ - •Unnched hits, and, »"10 0 pntUng fey Heading/ ~B-Kt» KK-»7 Ittelr """Jf^lS Warr,I.f....» 8 2 i^S^it^^S^^^'^r^^^ J»»y -ffllng and Bnyder's jiSndls, — StrtckCT.c.. I I ' ? |:2.55sV BXP KBXB '"'"'."tSdmmwna^Ml" s 1 " J I 0 0 - BBXE_ pitched, and Caperoon. p. i lAtb.aa U .XKB , Ithevictory. Derby 0 3 Casey, I i. realan^ S.8- 8 0 S 3 2 0 S«?SilSS^^SSS^nS5SS^ KBx P, andZ. theKattoEAl^ea^ Bourke, Baxter,^ I J W right Sid ror Sd b. B 2 > i _ I 0 6 ''^P^^^SI^^iS^StoffiiandiSrorto of Jnar sl<*..McCTaian«" Fooser, 3 12 0 0 0 "^«!=5?Sw •Lynch, who was O'Brien, c... » 0 2 twn »<*«»!?*?L-??°e^Stng-«f-*«. n>rwhleli J^J^^SSS. arch^ I'^uiJ iisillnintlnn "f dimtrfflilKiili _ . FARlH(|ilO inole^<»^ I) 0 0 0 1 2 Idse^aPa^ « and credited wltt a t... 6 1... 4 0 m£i^]HS|>iiahta blnndartwhleb was Byan,r. 0 g 0 Jenfcs.c •eafe catching was hits. Clapp's J}^ 1 2 g game beween c. 1.^ This TOiThe second ponlson. KtXF.QBtoBt* »ei^apd Blacks- IlL e KaUonals won ^ ft CO, 8i SearboniSL'Clueago, having 1CAS02T of 10 to ^''aiSa. omcc «-.Bt to s T Abril n bv oBCOro J ;0'^i%^^S^StT<^ « I -nmpIRt jiBitfsctnien o( a loll tbo o< u Black's same; 1 AimeSTciSBrNo 7«irwiaangton st^ee^ I « ^Sig vSnS 1^ 20 ,n | anU WhBa I 1B.P0-A.B. City CTubofJlan^cmcu-^ V. K. The Bay Bo«oB.Ma«a._ lB.rO.A.B. 0 0 10 0 cablegram 1 !2S?iHiiS5d.'rtSot£B^? Pnrcell. e. f. 4 0 game vrtth^^B™<»^„,jaei9 ofthe .„.„„™r™._A BOOil iS^mTIJfil; 4 13 14 1' 1 12 afif their CLUB " 1 u s BtoB 1 by: ;.sn I 0 2 Srra:::| 2 1 _ weak K BP a. a...-. • ' •4x0 .0 3 Bay, 2 .P X P EXP b4 3rpant'r,Sb 4 0 1 B-Baq.wltl»| 0 1 0 0 1 JcAtt tasss »tBfis»ss»i^*»>.' U19 Mumog, r.l 4 0 . S4 todtavttWBBA" 0 3 .71 1 I _ walten, S'L'^f: 0 4 ^ BtaekeaM AO g 0 " 0 0 t aa 0 1 White, p.... » ^aadB.5«QA Tho beataeore by — - wtm to doMk [Thcpnols SIS rowBat««wlM«»«>-;? I nitbiaoihaUs-JI^ft from Llater..... 84 404 f City. theHoith n iVsS^&E ) ot Charles '^?^&°s2Src^to i^ contest com- stood that

7B-- ) ' _ — . .'

o AtJGUST 7, 1880. his stat^ That 'robbbt BDBim was correca »n •3? to man makM ?.0KMTL£HBM COOHSf PABApE." ttot^^mn's iSmmanltt the cll.r mSt Each SJ eentn. ProfeaalOTala tWUbk an. ji,;tfj tlie State KasBte and HeUte-inaOeJh^r^^wrH*- Ijne An*. nnaej^^ The men are now convlneed, the »n"»«i;?**J??SSI g?i'l"AtV'SiKg^^Bj£S;:.°:s>.,J Doey Ponj«enttMtr^tm« HaiTl«an ft Hart. take active of tbelr tBzea, SSSi JS^ln naverly'B S iSngth commenced to »«fP» tney openedlW we themfork over the som of «soo for eveiy year poet-mortem over tuem oe, whlcb was then JSySg^ex," audltoriom >J.2J5«Jrb3Sl2d, the decorations CltT. Away RECORD. r^ZSim Boar holdlait A Mirth. Mnrtc.Ws^WanflJB^J^ tovo managed a theatre In the Quaker THEATRISAL a "iledley of canietsanamaw^J^**"''*^^ Behearaalsof prleeSfflO; mid the other Reyela." teek on A^ia, 18«, the Leglflature o'^"^'" ""l^itaJiSS^f three, pr;^ nmch clearer than the entlUed -Balnbow Jl^W«- that mivcleir DUt nUTlt U wai«h SJ^ni^ now paased tn wt to the eireci P*i«L° prtcesso down iKar peo. them by aaniei '•^J'TS^ST^tKeSing S?-JS^r;i^or5l^'^«»«^"^^'the P'e«S_OL. iullv notoUie time of opening. ^a common. •'8i2S^ttom 8 to 10 feet lonj. r«u. S^S^'^SEaf^wcii IB for«d isdentld of Si6agS«»tl»atie or pobUc hall bi the neskatcti P'';JiJ™*5nr livltea his "nveniS^n In prolteSoMl coffers Of the Caleb BosBn. a •^^S^STHBCHUFTonooi™?fS5f tresitKi&onldpay annually into the JohB Brown tjliwe body llM that lf° iielSleves Has been the probable special State tax, independent of ^ whlS hrother'. ttree eWM«n to vWt Um^ circles lor so"««™f Per- sStetMO a« a prliUes. or«xamlnat^^o.^.^»Ba2EE^rBAT. Stn^rts^ Sm ^nhSdt here. local authorities This them to be bojs, *c S5SucSae*opaldtothe to be preaeotea tptheBtate « ""^^LfJ^Jmi UdlctC who SiSSaSon mly bJdSlved ttom amended. Flr8^on Maylf. jiTBonaevelt meet, >>« T«k. tSSTtoKMuaa U to nnd ttat they are K^Sf^^I Mt Swiw^n Wby not make a rtdesbow or «>rtS;^_^i°X lunSeurs, April 14, IBSI; but in BUbetan(>e it Hiitoilcal Society, have had aome stage iS: second, on ^veirtodyaehanec to see tbo «JP'",t°f7i,»«trlcal warU- the same as when llrst made a law. It^dttnBBtve SloB dtocovertnn Mrt« of (Whatever iTniAlnB n;j.d^d'eondl,l.n.^dd««^^^,,^JAC^ABERL^^ IB wluit a wag on the gnUect gtjB. Oj i^V'ufT ^°Sni^?S%5I^^'SfSnx.!S« iM>w Btanda, It applies only to theMres and WWBT robe in the honae, mMAS ASD A LEADER illiliw nsSiat a tiankerot London U to marry ^Jil?vXUJiSffepBBA-HorBB Is to be opened manogers have shrewd enourt „ -VTEDO-AJt rOR to marry and be, bavlng ovetbeart tff'' fiSr?;, them aa the Btar. ffiTsome band. Nine moniliK- (Bean. iStta. It seems Hat etervbody wants ^ve ^"*'.^«}witti''Frttr" Emmet aroid the law by having a close-in curtain painted nwrHESrAASDiRAaa probably, w*ata to btmkher Svokethealdof his UsWonJ* "'^'.^"l^uke to advertisement headed -TOe nrst to Bet totSi ThlB ban»er, OUver. JhepleM w^^^,,, •*S^J'.^o?-In the 'n flits instead of a dropHJUrtaln. ' aRolaadtoT their have been UBt. rattier tban benelt Vpiat do you thin* of Aflcendanl" it Bbonid was Robert Fox, that wide-awake iil^^ rSSr tiac« ot"TheViWa^ ..S2S!?fS2H'm reached bard-pan. as It were, snd, I Kanoleon Bobepplerre E°™P«A5»:J,'S^CT wSo'^heads hMn adead letttrftom the time of Its 3D-it> the Central about Folrt*. retSmSre^lS^e Mrt totSSeet on Ume. the HkM^Vo^^ibuSSmb^bs. Barney *'PSSiStkS^bMCombinanon, u». tendered o?hlS^enSS.lS>aked it up against him M KSSS?JVJS rallace -hlch was pre- SSSfe pay and all |o«oi{5>»- rtalUlpa, Amr S^nSStfmatlon •"nyfbin. but ch«^ ge^ma^^^^ Zi. r.„. .i^an aim and be was Ordered to jJ^^SSl tSj!u?iS'^ar « br JUL l.taI«)r.Aniita fe^' an?\'^m?.^ Bioad«ra I>mikcr.Oeoiste(S sented to her served on *^2Sk^ Rt- Charlea Hoiei^ y , Vor^ ariDseU. M««- which ««. ^dTlob?rtVhen"thT snSmSSi was BaldslB, AIM io' JJSi!ff51-«? So « theauthoritles SSo?SS!{3?^ «!bkt m;k:?i'{hiir^ilon m^^^ "1 hivi JJdropHrnmin," and -a^ " | aieiineaiiapriiua-auuin»,w-ri-i:-j^r«o«nt. U^- WOBKINC-AOEXT. F«n- hS KMT?- Joile between the two points, so 1 ^WrlKn^n^l'Sulfea and the drop-curtain, though, Bm-lilnitnin. BaMiuoo. abienci oflny Tallroad jM {^k'ab^kleau Hehada eurreaponJem, lus: Nonih Mnrpby, contractor and ocwapaper olotaj the return trip is Imprac- servant; »? 'rSiJ^^iiaMiiMj^^iSSSe •*'5S^'^?'^S£?«MoiK during a portion of the ever any^ close tSt^Wrig the UeB on aherolneotborJesQne. Md oneof the handsomest Ksns'i a. "Speelal-. w.th i-la loBtwhUe hope remains and. PrtnoessStella. effect'upo'n tje attend- p8lnttd,by the weU-knowTi ^^^^ p,^^.^ Brba SableTBut all Isnot Beatrix B^kl^e^fr^^^ paS^hiraStfl^al atre it having been Iri»h,K*Ul« Mends overthere, the latter lUwmacted riuu«— j of amusement then open. the Kew Ameilcan -The^ Not ahald of parte bucket and brtih. .SiJ»™ ^IteUlo ^SelioyB have many a nishins maiden of forty Sommere, •*^ifiiiy-'F»»r^"^S c-lnf„*37eTS"M"SrA% BK.<. w^jfM. Bin'"*- Jontan. Cbailotte be enabled to come back ""'SJ^i '^™^ff! a but alter that iitue^^^'JoruBn .oicbek. Mad- Buiil«7. STftiS the traveler may Scotch la^'e: WHS then managing; addteaa E B. ELLIOTT, have no desire to peach Tavfili, a ^l^Moe att« ^ibsMiss tax that drophejLrtaln not "Snapa," fromover there We Bon«-andMlanceartlstomebnrleBqueBttge. the fllS-haSreJ-doUar Kan>a« CItt. Mo. Suele, MolUe Xa- giT. io" preparM PupUi for th» out r^jut ^ew Ameri- iU-It* LaHalr. Ln-te-ro "i^*- MlchtU noon the lad, yet tmth and a wish to cmab the " unrolled. When the present tbe invat der- _ in Seine Stewart assumed 'i^fsl? Dart, w^"never into ~rrriE Original TOM COLLI.NS, Araertei^ Uewi*. Urn (ol*». _ ol Belflshnesa and meanneKS a pag, Changing, cWeUon-llke all For St. Elmo, E»a« Zverv Bemblaaee stance BuBkln; BlUy Topj can Theatre-now Harmonica-pbiyer. HU acta are orWnaL ttni tlienfc*s Con-Co.) to state that at noon on Thurs- ^/„f»p»^'y built to 1\0. Windham. Cl. . qb Opeta^ouM-was Lockboa MUU« Smith. Allis-O) miB office compel iHRton, an Australian the Chestnut-street datea, et&7 adJraM ant? LaantU, Joaaph-- for "Onr JIai" to attend *j!5l,,:''5nf,a Schmidt by fire, the drop- ^''^"* Gtaiile 'Hbanleya Sv last. havlDB^ bUBlneBS Daddleton, a young replace the one destroyed —* PARTNER to do horiioptaj.K^ LeoDard, high ond low; but the search was Fits 7*"'rt^iS<5wStt- sign -^tandlng-ropm (July" After their un- "TVAJ?^ ROSA. flonght him ' enUrely. *nii rlnpiL FRANK LA LeVotna, Ifaode Mia-Prw?- to we with clog-danclng and son^.?""- of SS^'aSra^UonTThe curtain was omitted fitlDioD. the root There aat the duplicate nights during the past week. Vox, the anthorl- AtlantleaTenua. Broolt lyii. X. T. UnUaa) , Jens" rilUere uiitU we reached dlmlayed two attempt to mulct ny. Annla pet. along-and^lanoe ™ nieces snccessmi LawTO.ie. Boia our presence, Just flnlBhlng was briSmlS^o'er flylng-aancers, ate attempts upon Oe CUrte, Doi»b EL. Waid She naa uaun « boj all uneonBcloBB of Prince Powdcrpuff.^ The piece aiaw- and -Arlei." ?leB made n5 detennlned balsbu? a Troub»dou»s. abBBketofTnwjIoni. pea*hea^ v^^ oli Mr^S^^- the celebrated English weeks ago, NEW ORLEa.\S.1jl f?nmini"Fiu vinccDt, helUa Webtterol the 'last palror th^ielecaousseierauu" were- r;,-c Conqueat Sr., the managers until a few (JoSekoVAL SThEET. Mar. Uta (ot Do- SSi'musIc,BIc, b?tnnt the r" of c?SSe nurses of olaoaaroall propotttajt Weittoa, lallla S?w in thlaW "^ne»'> is now notifled tKm all to wait up to the cap- FEMALE TALENr WANTBU; Jro-allliirt.) as paSwmfmlit S'SS thiv Ladlea ma« be young and eood too). ^an^^i Alio WOaon. XolUe ^n»e I of leflerson du Ohatelet. Paris, in me '° Male Perfoimera. SUikbaiD . Fulra* S?2{S rf''Lr,."(Sl^in"'Sf°{Sf ^ 5?^S'if'S^KW"-iSM;lbit SfJ^Tiri^iii tjie Theatre offlice and Bettle or be Pre^^J ,^^S Sin's famjum. Muds Wallaek, Mia-Pan- lad sneaked aw.^, ."luLaguU^r he had not seen or^Th?I)2JirsPllls." and "Ariel" is at managers merely smiled SSfaV The | &ted SS?S§e Sinsequences. But the I>bTWlii.Don nle . _ "Ifs only a guy." and ptir- SeBock, BOf • WUdmaa, Claim j3"^ri-^^^hoSi|jo^^^^ blandly Bang sweetly "^"'^ '"^ ... ^r&T^^riX^'^^^iri^si ^ss conunued to And now the 'yOHX p. DeWlB, Hhmle WeUcdar.WaTia 1 ^SSS'1'*"oi5SS''M.NSrBEt.3 BMd the even tenor of their way. BECBk Wallaoc-VlUa Co. before, Jim had declared audiences atNlblo's Garden dnr- his day tthigeneratton Mbriaccb!, Madi onlv the evening bmmtoS^ImS Atlorney g.'ueral. wiser In ])e(nier,lM»W. XanaRr Aenei htS'lntentlSn t^^emntate' the bright «amp^ as^«-.«'aje newr Among the treaheat features of Thesple, has brought suit Tb^lI?a?A®Y'fB^IB>S ,\VnBE WARnEOBE,!t wllaoo.aoUla on that Thurs- •The Bells." bn^ fS°tte^lS?week. King; than the children of Doctor Tanner, by commenciiw, «T«r''Saftv • Homer," sung by Wallace them Harrishurg, the caplt^ of the Wliuietl,LotUe foodot any Wnd for as the SS?ni? S istb. '5i'l\'-»°"'»°'''^'^.yAVMpFlX.^"i..1^ ])ancll,anc« .,uMb<.«-.AIbla..Iowa. ^Cfnatroaff BIOS. Parker. Lew laso "Law., lilea of dividing lli^ among a handred otJc^ nrotwhMt^^SSSm^Mfl towh, Infonns US ttut abou« dJSa Jaohe _ *-7n^i.?SL"i^dVl?5a'u"hli.pl.y«l and the was strongly Teralnlswnt '*ToioBA.NOER,who 18 lu due for past years, amew«lng .rofthe flgiT^h-rBults to the bitter end. It l»P™P«ied auhert. J. B. Jm.l Two,?' Oae^ InChl- coun- WAITED IIUnVtETDIATELY ^ -«-—»» I Toininy PaEa.fraalC tfie boas all the aame^tm mercuriauij, oiHj" -r- who open their season their Issnee and engage CIKCLS AND ME.N10- Oormlej * will carry auceoi „^ hervl Coiedv Company, Sfme of them to pool ^rl^HiLLIAIlD A DEJIOtfS imlnu. "btc") ni«rer,Ai„ Yom ftBo—If your vivid recollection Is pretty united Inter^ts. brotheracl, Tumblfra iiid Leai^ji, llama tnis department the anltar lalrly. an^Th. l.^fi-n -nia sel to defend their j_„„^. EKIE a Grmna« for Buk H. H. <2) stated m actively en. sends • and Sons-and ilance Ar.itt. Adami. rets Pallet, AuguBt 2, 1680. you back that li»r-we "lAkuil^ooL^ii.i.K. who will not be paibt.—Walter Prelier Dando Pie aUo Concart Peup;e nanson. MO^-I>A'T, bei^.ntofall^and TBE Ftvtso Cornel and Alu.. prtbtnd. Pilea, J. H. that when AdallnaPattt should profeBBlonal bnnlnesa UurlDg tUe season mechanical «Ppa««H ThiK who iSSid au Viand. Paaxor, Tony the third might B^ed in ns a run deflcrlpUon or tne dlai-atcL. «n or brTm Chaa--*!^ homestretch , and JuBt entering other charms, then we person MEXO.'Ul.NEIi, mS.. Uy BoblnaoB'a Olr.) Baxea, Bany On the loSe her voice and jhongh they will reside In this city. diagrams thereof b.v ^^blch o. AMweTu Paaaa, it Is Friends, word has Irish Sfi880-l. „,„„,« together with EST TEBMa. 51:^, BalloT. T..*h*™P" Blehanla. and laet month of the look high a and Matt UoufES IB enabled to perform tbe »•;, ^rYsaUey) Hill,— Mlp-and-TackCa) come to us from over the wide waste Of waters °)«° ^, nocy's best IrapersonaUons. ''jL°?!li°,Mr. DanUo iii •oQ'a manacari absentees begin to loot op their trafis with Inst Palmer Combination. Blr ThlB Invention waa patented by BoUar, Andy that Is on the dtfwnPJlde «hat her vol^ the World In patented Dave HalLdlnton accounts with roral iSatldd^e '^Sr^.TALpTs'^iduce Around BrttsTn in 1876. uSess it has been LON UAYLE BaRT. Roe. H. W. the view of closing out their wear «i<' " Prince be tol. Great no Ma- Hl3«T.J.«. shows signs of the 'ff' 5" scotch Este aid as P°J!S«IP°?„iS.{SI Eighty Day" In N'lblo'n Garden Aug. 30, to States, and of this we have ipendlogtlie Summer at SaflUo BlU's A. Blsney, Meatar with whom they have rtat'''Jl^dlaease has MNelHe. Aot^ "The in the United are HUUOao. . seaside landlords— snl^cted these with M "Black Venus." i ON.N. y. naoar Blckaby, John and been sue douMe eone-anrt-dance llbetai^nd lowidlowe b/'^Enchantment," Inowled^ anyl^rsoi who POB«s«s ^CA-N ^ Ii. Himt,GlofSalb;a for Ito <>wu, and that ere long evening wM Christmas next aeaMMi S»Pt- Biaoier, W. P. Bictamond. Jaa. very pleasant vacation—and preparing marked her mtervals during the revived for the the apparatus fas '? Open S..„ , _ Cliciia) •passed a of a once , .^;;j(^j,jr„eBtBharepflt._^^^ ^ bf manufacturing^ ATUEX^EUM. BO i^rOX. a»f Baldwin, Harry (31 _ iaoniC^wTliai) theatrical may be coming to us. the wreck going too much Into mlnnte j^j THE HOWABD BaBadlS,Lew HaHiaid.C. themselves for the duues of the coming naelt here Without KEARLV NEW^ BaTerly.Mr. RobaunACnuia SisrBBS aMved__.to,n Cincinnati describe tSe apparatus as f()llowB: '•-l-CTVX? Xi^OK SAIjE— BUta.BM«ia John (Of tiiey be when the 'S^I J^Ql^ bath she may and '"^^A.BBS SI^lB wt may all, complrie, $(5; Sea- Broa. EtablOBon, campaign; and right glad wlU Mbad but If she wUl try a mud£:^^X^^^ YndrvldusrammieB-^to of the Union-place Hotel Buspeniled by mi;?Lh^' make. atitUL, poka and Batlar, f. (o( Bnt- HORCn S'5l's7Mr O.. Aug. 2, and 'are guests IS a platform which can be Bruca). aud a Srtt-claa Baniam'aClr.) all play make Is what she wants. There "on'pSfnlTnV. liSlft^ (piloted by ler AI.aalai) Henri. HI (animal openfl, Tor no work and be cured. Seal mnd EuOENB TonrxiKS is in town. ol the theatre above tlie fly-^I- HaninBton.Fraoi» Boaa, Jaa. season o'r ^refl from t^e roof lllSi'd organ In^irtect XroBO, Aof. L as. flnancee, which are, at SJSa'15^'.52S^'Sp«^h?»UB5 has Canceled „f i,i»hr nr thn audtence.audience. There are a French CHARLES WREDE Howaid, Tbaa. .oalnar) Berious inroads upon their doubt that their success PAiJNT HoBAMT iVrr and out of sight of the Bond, O. t Byao. MattB. light weight. In a majori^ of ?SlnSM"tdiT, wedo not at the Boston MuBeum, and Is engw^ at D^^^ Great Keek. Loot Ii-laui), Sew TotL B. (01 (BiaDagerXn tte ^t,ot rather AJn> FAKCT FOCC9EUI. recess the ITont 20.lt* Batlar, , (of Boaa. J. H.^ tor the re- f>A«T wlilbeWired; Dnrlng the brief season. Rose Eyllnge may take aud tblBdlac rnuB — j^i ORCBES. Clrau) Bogan, Joa. And we may now begin tolook aaa. Theatre for next around Its lateraledges, ^ ^ 'ix' 1 F.-SlT-'aS. liEADER OF Bella' Robinson, O. ». Siea. H. TanderblH haa made overture* to Gye lor a P»»°'e<> (of SoaihemCoinJia) AUan'e ournTOfesslonfll friends Orom-sbroad, who W. rf thVthSSrhasbeen t^jL^'red Miss Morant's place in Bofton. guiding wires. Theireeendaottherubber iSi^ * W, BUer, J.(ot Sroof Covent-ffardeD Company daring the been painted bright red. noberta have. beenh..n nnontwo disc T^^2: ,^!&5JS5 -S'lS*ay. ^Cu^dABotAtti Hanuon.O. to set foot once more upon oa of open by the merons gas-pipes have MBS. J. J. PBiOB and Frank ijS^nached by hooks to a permanent (Vimpsny. AUdrffS care of CLIPPER. H. Clicna) Senodonbt longing eaWa-diapauh laid, and a newact^ron "gf," Bosnar, Mr. Barrej.J. — (man- Cnivaraal ExhlblUon In thla. city A vlilr MrnetahBve teen by Geo. HoUand during hU New York at one end of the platfoim, Handanon, Cta*- Bonaldo, thlSSe^liofAigSr^^^^^TH- .™= «,.. v. — . Switzerland has engaged JJ'g'i"^,;^, bracket Bi7aat,Fnd. In ooDaequence Magglora In mum- houaa.soo"' sconery. siaga. dtesflor Ctr.: aeipent) some with prospects a llttle chilled, chronldea ibe Ulneaa of Ole Boll, who reoPM^S^Mt S« end U.an api^p^B^ BKNOO laTNclv fOIBoblDaoa'a iioB^lasteduwvw The scenery dlB- 1 while at the oth« doonty "U. iwl ^^tfaMO" " .iimk* ytaarfa Ann lipan nnrwB .. . . . I . . ^^^^ utm a«.iiBK *nnwi.ment Oaa ban- ElSnSSSedbyWmVVoegtlln. Euro« iuly 3i, hsv- evJ5tb>>>r^comnlMa. Hi„aay,li«a-T." with light hearta andheavy pnrees. . - - to cuicel hie BwedUih emtwement •'ffi'c'Slpzu.EBar.e.lfor plyV^g'thcwittSctlTe effect SSii. Md Bait,Oea "aSSSaBiS^S)'Biunaatucuanui ""'^and a few Uaa had tasteful, and the attendance BTOBBB. Proprietor. aola Haiarly. J- H. — . i " ^iniuiii tSrISr as tbe .... BeblOerbund Sl^y^TSTneat bv SImmonds A Brown for MC' diameters—or, m S,"" MwS. M. W. Burton, W. — « week lust Closed was pleasant-sonleasant-so forty membera ofnrt>«the KewVorkKewVori Sd Ing been engaged conBlau of a dram having two HSndaSo. w.f.cn,Bi*;;2^ Hv,. The placM drtd and. one astened »Md.Prai* Babetta _^_«on was conceinei and the few earivnait of laatwojk In Buffalo and at Niagara Kee Rankin's Company. ^ ^ t.... a Urge drum and a small Vi-O >lAJNAGi^« Hanna,JohnB. iempcrature nienttha flrstof a series of Dav. Sthlr wort^ ^^^^^ Brnea.— (ahOW- '(clog-makefi) remained open aid faWy well- BnffJoa«oB»Tb..nrthadthamloeh«iBe....^ m'AkENA.-The WIU.IB YoDwo has been engaged by Fanny largest clrcnmferenwo^^^^^ ^iMTAWcat I of amusement that I^dJjL The of ?iS"be?.Aroundihe TOL'KO MAN WITBOfT BEAKS, palnter) P- (of Haverly's two thca^s— 8o»ham,hu asain be«n prono'in.od bnU-nghtS, after the manner gPf*"!,'* for next season. a smsJl cty-whwl A Haiila. J. (Ute^.^t^Bohbuon,1 Theae Included Manager ThJfhe-ithot E. A. enport drom la gesr-work Into which South Ibr the Winter, Booker.H. Yan Amboi^h^a the ?ong'^f:yi«er,,™thej«^^^^ attached by a book _ho must BP Frank N. n. Bober- siblo's and the Fourteenth-street house-and (having awinch) plays. A wire I^KB TO^^^^g BnUar, Olrcusi over s,;ssrS7^Wb^t:^^:i-^^^^^ to the inovable WOULD ^ g^una, Joan <»> the Fifth-avenue conUnued I a smaller drum is fastened Howorth, John ffadSjon-BQuare; ESIwsS4«&rhHnS male ^"Mir, to thT DRAMATIC, to the aUnded to cooD coMra-vT^ (painter) the previous week, but on Tuesday hope that a fy Of Se N«7„^^°f turning tbe winch above , _ Haywood. Tarn onenlghtftom Kindon wBrlRhtnn In the Sixth avenue, July 31."^^«eThe wrote disc, and by OoodieleTBneeg}'--—ven. —Addma BUtx, PnoeolaB. and its -people went out -A dliuatchf^S^'Vi^SSl.fromSan Fnn- atre atlietb street and Otjii sah Fbamoisco, Cal., correspondent are drawn (jut to their StTlcUj tempante. (minattat) Ite Ughts went out, uonea reatora hu healths... building recenUv Neilson. the India-rubber springs WALTER WIBLE. Newton. Kaaas. But, Sidney Unnn-ttOtlB open alr Pletcy a naw play, antlUad SSStSlnmfnt^k place In a July 15 aa under: "Since the departure of held in n-it* Haaanwlnkla'B same time. And so, with the annooncea that S. W. to hold l SlatiBt tension, and are then Baiton, StJle lecSWed «Ppn It. pro- lOr the purpose, and calculated have been remarkably dull, and at no Intothe ]>ram.Co«} halU and beer-garden dlspenssries, the 'JSaJuoi" ™ favoribly erected theatricala bolt which ihoott through a Btanchlon (aong- Imlth concert piople. attendance been bTa Jaa. time I dnctioi SSuTflv^ihonsaSd during the year past has the platform from ^^^^^^^^^^^ Haywood, iiiaSikaon, bfdlng his ~„ -"-i^^'SSlor ;t«»hte/«°VSf1SxM time leading to the stage or BaekwlthjHany Imllh. Obaa. SiblS;e.^iie3-5id tfua^AUSSiS.MiAd^^ea^.ii^Muj* . ITom here surmonnted by a of t»reB new plav drum. A wire, (manaflar) (2) 1 s.^^^m^ cled by tlere ot Beats meagre. At Baldwin's Belaaco's to the Bansatt, PiankSc. John A. the fell strength of the imuBlcal and the- paaa the remainder of Ihp f the centre more Which the JSlry Is to fly. Is attached Jarge loaner. Ban), (ol Starana. Xen Livenw' on .me She wU r— . the whole clrele, and In close imimtlon of 'The Dani- comnmnl.aU«. BamU.Blaha lor the enlight. 1 . McCnlloogh la to T^ng around 'Paul Amli' a rather wearsa sortof bsrneBS plaaa. a3la* Clieua) Bayera,Tom amcal forces shaU again show up Siin^ma'at thiLake"rcomo.....Jobn one hundred ftet in after drum. The performer, who Baraom, P- T. is the buU.Tlng, orarena. about cheOS,' has Ihiled to excite any Interest, and wire from the Clark BaTa«aj.P..F. amusement, of the sovereign people. LWetpool lor home onAng. ». .; atege-attlre. lasteuB the Ed. (care BUlyar, enment and leave .,vP«French opera in is surrounded by a fence 26 to permit the Snder her ant, Walter B. 3toq!,.T,(aKantlor< latest enterprise—the building byBeBeanplanloraaeaaou of cUamet^ Wlfa ring a week's run will be withdrawn the bolt above described Wing . ganiGolyer) Helfen. „ . . . .Bamum'B euwed Atco- there is a large drum to it, and, J,w.(3ark'a ban. site ^^STMunttv are to aall Irom Havre on OctS about five feet in betaht, beyond wWch nresentetlon of Dr. Callahan's new play 'Decep- cause the . Baoneaaey, fWoJ amnsement atmcture on the the aprlngs in contracting Gaiaon. Jr.,Klt of" a mammoth Ambralato begin aaeaam of leaving an intermediate alleyof cast, in which James wmidrewn, Mobby (of HenneaaarBroa.] la progressing tovor- Sil5SS"l!m^lhMme. similar boarding, tion,' with a very powerinl rapidly and the wire to coil Bronnd town. jClaik, E^aipley, F. (of of Madison-square Garden— that wmcorar all the laadlOB elUea of Depmark latter as a pla(» of retreat as Ade- dt^m to revolve Good ttaeaulcal ROCLP. Heyar, ClofWeleh ooSeeS ber,jeli. five feet inwldt\the 8. W. Pfercy, Fred De Belleville M in the air. L. GE Cola'a(Hnma> . aharpley AWeaU nrop<»a!s for erecting the same having been In addition to the leading iuprano O'Nell, the larger drum, ifftlng the Performer IBW Barry 1. ASand'aClrcna) ablv SdsWedenT toreroswho leapUie >nnef^nce Lilian Andrews and Mt»s Eva Ctaanftan, Btowa, Jobn:F. and It IB thought that the artlrta will coirprtae thacompaoi: Bma. for the i^?" line Stanhope, Mias the^fsiry in ml?-alr there Is a ~oE5 Barrla. Dtck SSveitiiSSltoriast week; thetoIiowlDg assaults of Uieir fonr- is In In order to sustain Oiapman, hank (ihow. Mile. LabUche. aopiano: U. TeechU they desire to escape tbe 'VTcBt will take part. 'An Orphan ol the State' close to the ^Tls SiaJd Val«.« Haoabaw. John frITtt. Will be commenced In the early Fall. The lAblache; Sntialto; r««eBa. Dn- rubber wheel running on a bracket OrSi^RD. "N^tf andeiUdl. man) work ' UttoTbultooe; and H«>t Bahrena. haAae. Otto opponents. ^He building >» preparation, and wlU doubtless follow De- com- M^llnceompanles. lectures, concerts Hall. B. B. . greatest show on earth" means JSSJFm tooted active in the Instant that drum dnu- sneiiiun. r.M enolneer of "the the company engaged for thla country by seats the stock Is stabled, and a at Bush atreet The- K^S^druiTwhlch. aa). Good stage, scenety John T. HayB(U^E^0.19c obelisk has a good dy. vf itBMlestaflon. From this point on the ex- the Notary. ^°l£5.!S?RJ. S. Cbosst of the BaidwIn Theatre, who wIU play ' eays he Is stIU nnable to ColUna, H. B.3c Eeatlna:, Joba SuAldlne'a Bell- ..- ^>,r .TO.ii.hr r.vaW"'B °°under Theatre, Philadelphia, (Shaa a. Klialiy Broa. SinsaraJIsnaeer certainty of Its payment and the snperior char- Edwhi Booth wUl retom to Londun la Septembi-r, Coon, flntf amQie^jiiDeement at the Aueinni, now to thcattv Kramer, John (of SCKvuu. which wlU be fonnd.nlm. Thus, there a spiritless charge now and then at his tormentore, Cfaateat, Ce& «iuH.(maH.(muarc- acter of the water and from go to Oerioanv, It la thought prob- •^liSlfflCAPP'^ I Clrcnai .dircctorr . only variety theatre In this city, where Holmes Oanttnwa on paot. ISS. ItI2t» P. O. (rape-walker) AUen*a unliftentlonally, has the fasting Tanner opened a able that ha will plnv In Rtrlln Edward Comp-> and the fastening of roaettos smeared with glue on B..aT" Jerwr Cliy. Caitia,Iaaae Kellmer, Aniust Sawyer,.ProL mn tun woa ni't left behind when AdrlHldi- N>ilaoD anil. bin the Bklllfbl Grover Jr. and Mav Ue Lome are nightly encored alcal^glaaaefl) new Channel for the development of American in- neck and bead by manceuvres of the Crlmmm, Mfke Keinz, Mark ed iroiu here Ut.t week CoL Haplesoa and hU by large and we)l-ple.°> Will S. Hayt, •ea; by Lltaent>en[cr,Jobn Gueblc,.lsaac V. atre. One night loac week tbe auditorium was bo for at different timiS, and went through this pro- ments Uaraball Woodward's GsTdens. Uyllyn Ciictla,.(niaa.(iop». wheel, TentUaUng purposes, haa bean put Into the col- T. B. Dixon, lie : "Don't Poiget a Pnend." aunc bj C. H. LeotOD, Frmok Smith, .vr. J.. they appears twice each week, alnging popular waUart cool that had to Pat the ice (used torefriger- lar of tbe Madlaon.sriuare Theatre H. C. JHTrrtt Is to gramme. SoT.e, being more iriBky thanotherH, af- Daooin. 40c; "Keep on de Ulddle Ob de Road." soog br _ (of Al- In wpite of mldsnmmer, Ccfita Braa.' bury's Troubadours Otst appeared tioibre an Eng- «Ua," In the which sixty p<^ple wU) flxure.: W. parently 'but on') object in view—to get out of that dances, Signer Roaa pos- hard." "My Ll'.tle Treasure," by Frsnk Dumout, dr.: Lowande,AberIar^ Stoat, Geo. L. E. ShHridttii will .•nrtt "The bunltes'* EXTRAOKDINAKY SL'I^CESf). Campannif' 'flIimoF lish audience at Liverpool they set 'em wild. party and sAllfor objectionable circle In ihe quickest way poBBlble. turing, etc, Profs. W. J. Payne and Lewis "Hannah, la Yoo Dar," Will 8. Ilaya, MSc; "Alat I .- John do Sc. Sheddan, John F. this COontry on Sept. 11 Fanny EXTKAORDIN'AKV BL'CCESS. CaaaaDI. set 'em wild, the audience — raven port haa Xavier in Ibats of modem magic and the cabinet Glad," by Frank T. BrUtnw.Uc.: "Little Log Cabin bv LawTenee, Geo. (of Theadoi«,'Cbaa. ['IPTW ortheTronba- to. risk BeveiiBl of them managed to lenp tlie Inner fence, ' > "If trying to make some* acrepted "Ao Amencan Gin," ajso by Mlsa ajgatn to th'e rtng. In which policemen's clubs and HAZEL KIRKE. . * 16-I3t.e.tt.w. *y _ Chfton Dlcklu- nati, O Ihmbar, O. W. Lytall. V.H. Tt^lenie, thing out or nothing Is hypocritical, then rm. a aoB Manaicvr Henitaraon of tbe Stand^id Tha- .eiKOtatom' nnlbrellao played a part, affbrded tbe leap for lltb, an act that always commands thon- HAZEL KIRKE. (Of LUley, Chaa. (lead- •ire la run Rose 20-11 IKwIey, U. h.vpocrite. Otherwise, the party of the ilrat part is lo Eytinn In tha New Ensland dere of applause, woodward's Garden la one of OPEN' ALL Sl'MJlER. Templeton, John district In .Septoraber lleople lots of'amuaement and drewrorth a fire ALTO.S, ILL. I'opulaiion ol City and suburbs, IMBO. oa Oootey A Ten. en and October. . . .Ii Is uui Imprubabla city, the same."] ."When the various show8:at.Coiiey ''i&arcastlc InqntrleR. The toreros were headed the features of the and the performnnces ILA-VEItUY'S C. t A., I. a St, L., aud Kt Louis A Kansaa City K. R.'a bniok) Lenox, Chaa. 0) that the Vokeaea will reappear m tblRc«.unO'ytiextsiH>cnn rOL'RlEE.NTli-iw,JIlka . two cents, and no return the White Mountains laai week, bnt it h*.ei, cIgi)ed.....TheBev. T. De WlttTalmoge, under the ' checkf^hen may they may have ktsot agility, in evading tbe bom-tbruats of the - igajcen capacity for AOO. Liberal advertising will hisnre ibj BobBDO. C. (01 LoUoitlne. Harry Ibompion, Fred •.tATXcU lor th^ porpoM „f contnullctina it Ctjtfa llor. of William W. Kelly of Carnival : lope to compete with the iree orclieacra*giiap steera. The others also did some lively work, manaitement TUE STEWAKT SltiTERS PInct-claaa Lamoert, Clay (orcule'a Clnuaj ria and bouaa. campanlea plaved on a nereaniage. Wsllice (Xmb.) in the veracious ta to Wgln an euaeoempot at the (Jnealnat-atref't Tlip. Dime, begins his eeaaon ol lectures at the Metro- AND MR. R. Then we saw chronlcics of the tbeir 4tilck, lithe movements were certain to , . . STEWART For particulars apply to LEVIS * DETRICH, Dodaon, Jr., BanF. LltUaUac Thompaon, John ati^ Philadelphia. Sept. u Rehrarrtir ot the dally press that the theatrical campanyfrom plays In politan Temple Ang. a Leaf by leaf the In their own specialty entsrialDinent nf Ig.iat Altoo, m. . W. (manager) Rot- DIM, iL A. LUey, C. A. which Bemhaidt la to appear In America have begim In put tum^n sate position eyery time their rainbow hbvels. ]>anlac, Tcmy (S) Lennox, Oao. (of rbe Amedcan A erdam had -"won golden opinions in London,'" we Paris. It Is aald that tbe supporting actors font-footed antagonlats made a charge. But roses ttll, and following In the footsteps oi (lead- have aU been mati^^ees wedslsdav an'd saturday. dDario, C. I.. (S) N. O. Mlnat.) Taylor, WiU ' irere honestly rejoiced. Not that have cbown with an eye to their atneaa, and that Jeffreys Lewis and Eleanor Carey, the pains- TICIUBUbu, MISS. we any pe. the manage it was', a bard task to work the Bteere to Monday. Aug. 9, lliat reprir overexbauated lierare their watebfnl Mend tiod ment has been oflfered her, her many friends and FOR t>iA.LiIO—A TBAINED DONKEY. »Oty, J- A. BcDonal^iBr C (of Taylor, Jim And to m them people oft^ fall to alnnloa. wmbanqnlred as little Ranoiys lOU PERFORMERS. 'At ENU.MEN, 3 MIDDLE-ME.N', In Prnu-Kron' and In t>ack their stalls. to the profession in general have tendered her a ben- A PEBFECT BEAUTY. MRB. OKI.NNELL. Oa«1a..E. (Ol Bella' Omdora A Be* Thornton. £haa. To Dlottlng, planning, sttlrlng, achemlng. chtiining. other playanf XUe. Bernhardt's them ordered to The aAlr got 4U FEMALE KI,NGER.S. CORPS OF SlfOLTERS, repertory, has als i bee" efit, to take place In the Theatre 31. 10. Ut aus Urrccr street. Hew YorkCity. taicaat. Donald) s. The white amblilnn*a tide la checked with not a dam. engaged.. TbeamalleativleslnalltheworkstabeDieaent. be decidedly monotonous before It was half over, In tbe Oreateat FIrat-part ever seen. Tbomaa, AfthnrG aeek to win tullffllced which occaafon will be memorable by the laat ap- EVERY EVENINd AND WEDNESDAY AND SATUR- Bularo, Cha^ Gome riches. ad. tne managrmeat nroralsea, win be eiiitiisied onlv to and tha spectatora had to fall back on themselves MontKomeiy.Ellaa And anme to rlae to Pame'a exaltad nichea, «tlaUo> acknoirledged ahillty. peanncea of Lew Uoirison, John Wilson, wiiile DAY MATI.NEES. a).It AT LIBBKTY KOR NEXT REAMIN, _ Tbe diSS^!f?oow !.£ for smnsemenU and they had It in moat sarcastic Borgan, Edward Tborton, Chaa. And Bome-to wpd an helreaa prond. the which la - log tor 'Phejlia.' MlSd AN.SETTI GALLKTTI, . Dlxon^ Oimlston made -Hemanl,' and 'Adrlenne Leeoo^ style. If the Bpanlsh performera could have ai>- Slmms, James TIgfae, Kate Denin, Jean Clara (of UcEntlre A Healh iSlmon Kenton) A le 4aon to the man who finds he'a got a abam. •nepr.' They will be modeled Staxkd .Aside lor t:Iie JBOBS I PREHIERE DANSEUHB ASaOLCTA. .J>lxon,..Fr*d. atrlcUy an«r the«2- pteclated the beauties of Engllah elang they would Walters, Eleanor Carey aud Uollle Ravel, who aL«o Bahn'aCa.) Maddam, Blchard Tndor, Joka But of all things alter which mankind Is stralnlnz, tnmes naed In the prodncUon of tboae great A Flrat-class Artist lur Opera, Pantomime and Specucn- Banaoer of Hearta Xbompaoo, Den Therw lanTAmie so richly worth attAiolnff c^uln doubt highly edified at the many wend their ways Eastward In aeareh of ISrae and lar Pieces. Direct Bohaon^Cbaa. B. of'tha Preneh ataoa at thi. Theatre Francalaa *• have been no NEW •Smetklk.H. ot Oak Co. manaon I Aa theae ^nlonaithey annonnca aa gaining to choice leitueats thrown out to them. In fbct, the foitnne....;.Fnortoher depannrelTom this city. ANNETTA OAXlETn. TnaUeaMms^todlng Bandmann. Ihe story now is ^yii..»t •Manager B" (4) Thompson, John to London by tha company from H'ttterilara. that aiSalem. Hiss Neilson presented stage-manager Eberle and _17.dt tl Walson street, Baltimore. Md. , 1,. J. ^ma. Oregon, he bad a mlaonderatandlnir with a whole anblr exclted.ridlcnle from the beginning to aaagar Cblld ol TbomuL P. J . * Toaav the which the facta do na embolden. nagerl Oelenid 'Uuodryman: and because the tragedian seized Harry Wtdmer with two pins, which the deluded IVO'X^ICJK BlAJTA.O£:itS. the Slate Co. Taylor, Wm. (p. o. For thongh opinlona the end. and a little prellmlDaiy gmmbllng Bt the TO jBiEn.J.a common are as olden, hUdotliesand attempted to march orf wltbrtheii he recipients at firat glance believed to be dia- W. N. VI VTOR, Mala Bopraoo aod 'Female Impentonalor, .Bmery. Will Kclntoah. T. (Ol mark, ^.""rt*^**. other ac*oTa «.rer found them golden, mobbed by Chinamen.. Thai..™.,, .v- -—..v."!"""™ want of good management In the auditorium. One Geo. monds! of the first water. Investigation com- NATIONAL THEATRE can ba aogaged for tbe aaaaon ot USD and 'ftl with flrst- • .(ol BavarUr'a Eng.) Bnt rather (we repeat tbeir words) might from this style of entertainment get a very ,Fox. .Jaa. K. worth nolerdam!* toiy awarded the Omt clsjis MlnstreL Burlesque Opera or Coocert Conipanr. Bliuu O) Wllaoo, Ja«k(aoan' 'Obserre tbattnl* la pelled them to accept tbe knowledge that tbe MICHAEL HENMANX...... Sole Proprietor Fox. A Ward) the language ol theactnr*—not onia. •opiano. This entitles her to he Iblnt Idea of ttve contests after the Spanish way. Addreaa 412 FItiy-elgtath York. I7-«1' John lo-artlati rccelrcdat theUnnil ARTIIt'R SrRAnUE .-Stace-muuger Weat atreet, Naw T»wler,.W. w. Myan, C. Our old friend, the only original Sojonmer No'VBL'ix Tbeatbe, formerly known aa the wholesale price was ten dollora per doz. Eb- UcKons, Ota. He Wsjoier, Cal Trb fewlar, HarrayW. Troth. on the Hloblgan lay, ptteo. Acable-dlapatchof JolySOatatea that erle has returned his gift to the donor to her COTJIVCIJL. BJLiUFFS, lO^WA. . — BUea, U. tor Bor- WaUack, Wj^ty U taiung to the Hicb> aU the Paris Boweiy Oardiq. was reopened on July 31. with tbe WILL OPEN F4)BTHE SEASON UF 1880 A NIXON'll IIOUSE has been reltted Jawer. J. W, Tork address Compton forgetting BLOOM OPEKA ton A Bllea) Wright. Frank E. Igandera at>ont the negrthexodos; and wherever k,"Kr?A''JSS^'»i^K'*^itei!''S»V.^5'"?^^^^ following coiqpany: Cronin and SnlUvan. Little New AND 'HI OS OR ADOUT OCT. 2. by ao axparleocad alage-carpanter and acenic artist wlt^ - —— • to bis bllU In this city, wad attached the BoiTU,Bllea Kemble gji Sands, pay on new drMSlng-ruoin* and nill aetol ninnlOEaceBciy. JCT.'^dladeaAar) Todd, the BrazElers, Keating and Thomas The niaRlliac«Di etllflce to hvmr the Above natne „. i BcDonougb, Thoo. Willlama, Gna (3) morning of hia departure, and the fair Neilson had Open for engaoementa Sept. i, itfiv. Addnr*.. orabnrit. — (of a(d Heeney, Rob. Y. Ferguson and BalUe Magon, DAW belDc erecttrd un tbe tlie of the "Old N'utlODal duT' B. Waaka, P. W. trouble OFERA-UOUSK Corner Comb.) wake. an^tbe Fonr Diamonds—Clark, Watson, Brevarde to liquidate to get him out of Madame lien." Non. IU4 tod IU6 Bowery. At aaeoonnouii expeunf, ALOOM 4 NIXONH Banrittloa, .Chaa. Warren, OuB - . . 19 -It* t»nncil BloHs, la. naaloan. B. D. upon .u„ vulj u.rtii. jjonn Jennie Boyer and Sam Fabian take a Joint benefit and wheo cumplvtMl It will Im TIIE OEM OF Pol- N.dead. , oy jius. Fimndln at ahtrsawteUe, THE HoW FailDir^(ofBi Baokle, Jaa. & Wood, W. departure for Australia The EKT. bavlDg A Unre. well-fctiicked Mue, with aJI Harry Do you believe thlE ? They say that the peo- f'*.Sl'"'^?';''" 7"^" pantomhne In a single seen 29, prior to their — modem nam aClccns) Hendal, en n 'The Belne de Katb-Hoktbosb was the recipient of a benefit uppnlnUueDie. lullable fur the production ol soytbiDK the WALKING UE.S'11i AND Boore, Cbaa.enier'aCo.) WUliama, H. ATB. They get up some cnrlnns ireaks of bv mv uT aiS.OCO per annum for It. HYAMS it FORD Manaceia nature over Egypt (steamer, on 28. . SPRAGL'E. Aug. . . ProL Weral? SVafnfi* matt, Sanford and Hark Sullivan. The new ARTHUR This lae t>een will he- femiiaii, > O. (of Hagce, <^em C2) Warburton, J. E. Fanny ho haa thoroogbly ranoTatcO. and there In New Jersey. The latest producUonMs a auu.In.Uw, Is leading t^a band at the Tbe "Cauforma TuRoron death Valley" ypoe but flret claM people need apply. • 20-lt< J7an AmboTBh'a Mlaeo,T. E Wlaner, Geo. W. Coney Wsnd It?; fSOBS uinouncttl Aug. 2 Include the Four Emeralds. ready for opening about Sept. 1. IbSD. Seatltig capacity, chicken—a real chicken—vrlth two sets of wings brought out Cobbinatiok has been on the road for five weeks, CUrcaa) BCAToy, Harry Wood, John i •'''.',l^ -iU^H'!J"*«?,'^Jf,.'» In Lbndoa LattT Tooley, Ned Barry, Charies McCarthy and T9U. Gooil Khow-umo. Will rant on reasonable terms, or legal la H« "The Bridal Tour," will ha In three Bucccf^s, Avritcs an occa.ilonal corre- ^iack, J. {,01 ToUy (agent) and Tbis wonderftil, even for Jersey; and act^ Insteadof thS and their share with flrst-claas combloatlona. FnUar, Hugh wigjnal fire. Mr. and Bra. thedrinnellB. Bona A Bad Wataon. Sam we are told that the enterprising Jer«eymen oet Constant tTit. pSSd ha? spondent, "has been far beyond tbeir moat san- T. J. LEATON. B1LLP03TEB. by Edward Aniott and Bose Cogblan, . The sbtzbb xulmebs of E. A. Sothem, which has BeldavALealle.O lta»an.Xatt (equestrian) two sets of prices for every chicken ol thlB per- wui n" ha sSJ guine expectations until tbcy reached Utah, where Add:«sa all communlcatloiu lo at aU at the Haymarket. where Bra/ caused to cancel all of his engagements In this DIOE John will him PARSER'S IS-Ui* FORD. Banly.C. A. Wltuam, Fred Wood BYAMS A Ikencn, Edwu 8uaBlou...... Why doesn't the proprietor of the walk In the alioes ol Effle toey met many oimisrlea placed In their way by Uplntoab, Tom Welby, Jake (ot Oermro m PaShi^oni: country next season, seriously Incommodes Han Qiavaa, C L. aquarium at Conev I.slnnd put and Linda Dlete will he entiijsSd " the Kormons, wbn used every means in their BcADdlla, J. N. 0. Minsk) In Home 'water- wl3t ttS^?the* role d[; Greeley. B. & snakea the heroine, created byfiteUaBonlS«L - - Ager Beniy E. Abbey of the Park Theatre, becauae production of tbe drama, of Plays, Wigs, BeardiL Colored F'lrea. Cork, etc, malUfd flsUsgherrJUke Momaaoy, John Waahbutn. L. W. and sea-serpente as snbstitates for the ¥ower to prevent the AMERICAN THEATRE bathe CDCcesuir of *1*''°''''I.°P?'', , season there'twith Iree. JAS. P. CBOBBES, 8 Latayette place. X. Y. I3-I3t* BalTlllc Fiauk WoolcottTE. U. RcentIy.eBcaped sea-Uunst Thev don't cost mnch, H 'j. MonGiSi'Tirth^hm*'^'*^ R^- *!!? '"'SLar hey have played it twice In Ogden and five times ORgoiy, C. F. H new comedy by W. S. ailbert, and his engage- THIRD AVE.Nt'E. BETWEEN' THIRTIETH RL1DE» OalTln, B. T. Nublia, BUton Wl«glna,T. A and they look veiy well in a tank The "conspir- In Salt Lake City under Uncle Sam's protection. J»lA.CiIt; - X.iAJ>4TlCr*r wanted. MH:dC'Uoterna and tilldea fur aale. lllustrat/ «3ioTOr, Laonaid Neacsmhe, Bobt Wimiuns acy" against Minnie Cnmmlngs culminated .*S"'*^,S. Ant They are to remain there a few nights more, and Beopeoa Aogunt Iti with tlie Great on Dalr'a con.paoy... .Dr. a. Au>it«n Peatco la - the of the Stew- eatalogne. ISO pp., and lecture. lOc TUEO. J. UARBACI GUbeit,W.J. (co- Newell, -"yank" WUaon, Burt W. to proiluce Tbe last week of engagement and the Colorado cir- Tueedsyevenlnglast. when the poorplayetsrefboed next saaauu hia V Balla then go to Cheyenne. Denver PAT ROONEY OB FUbertstrert. PhlUdelphla. Pa. li-SK* S. median) NilaaA Evaua WUUama, C. D. 'f"!l? Amert- arts . In Haverly 'B Fonrteenth-street Theatre wlU to caloe," the libretto of which be thelrway East, arriving In AND A ORASD COMPAN'Y. JO-Ittt aala^Gco.. (mlna. 0'NeU..Gea. Wooding. Kat walk tmtn they could llrst see tbe ghost walk. « OhMlSrBaraaia. n^T,i:,^^t cuit; thence tbey make ' Gounod la rewriting hia opera present No change wUI be made In the enter- TitA-VKLJNG S1AJ "ASffi New York City about September." conceded the Great Weatem Uaicl, I.S13 Market sc., Pti: IMi. ' T^ra." ..^Tbere la talnments. Caaney,.Biigh OrrinEroa. Waldnn, Blch'd was a thunder-storm just before this: nme prohSj,ll-ty tStfSfSltoS DHABA'rtc soisos In Columbus. O., are very dull, Det*ot- Il-ITl- and some say VDMaa wlUcomawill enma totA AmericaAmaHM on Jt""'?fT' OeobobAwnnnv HollandV and eomblnatton. acting delphia. Pa., oppnalte Wanaroaker a Grand ; OormJay A WU- Omn,U. P. ai there waa another Immediately prIvatiljJS doanaS "Onr both theatres being cloeed. ConiBtock'8 Opera- NOVELTY THEATRE, after.] Anil boalneas.. ..„At the penormance at the Gaiety. Gentlemen Frieads," are to be the opening attrac- llama Ooella.k.BiuilTan Watson. Jas. (ol e are told that LondSi. Improvements, new seenery now w the Bemhardt's new clothes, io aid ot J. Maddlaon Morton, the house Is undergoing Burlcaonea, LMoras, etc, written to order. . Gaylord. J. (ol Ovcnon. Julm Tluyer'a Oircnaj ag«d dnmatift. w 8 tion of the season at the Standard Theatre Aug. 14. -» • mamOetared expresrty lor her American tour dialloanlffM being painted and tne auditorium newly treBcoed BROOKIs-STT, E. D., J, g_ y^TH . Cole'a dagna) 3c Winoeit, Thoa. are <','"^JS?iLr°"¥,« r'f.^, amTenA whi to played "Woodcock's LItUe Ua^obb HenbtE/Abbet and wife mourn the I-tl in Heater street. New Tork. OUditone, 8. (ol O'Brleo, Tommy White, Chaa. O. cost aU the way from fifty to seventy-five thou- Game." Mm Robert Kcdev tbrongbouL Uanager Comstock inteniis opening MEW VOBK. «aine 'before the pnbllc deatlk'of their -youngeac child, which occurred Oalee made at the Grand ADDBESa a woman Siny. No Padlock, price new Improved Portable Patay-Btar, says that Bemhardt's H-averiy'a Fonr. will also be opened OOMMnWICATIONB t7; t9; XBBsraaa to cuaRKseoimiEiif charms would not be en- ""niS*&?i'dShJlf-.^"£:^F^«^ pera-bonse thla ecason—It ALL AB ABOVE. y.'t nev book on Puneh-anJ. Judy. 80 pages, U UhutraUoos, [With a Tlew of leUerlng the prassira upon onr ragolar hanced by any undress mlform A cireus Eiberon...... Ha- Branch residence Low binatlon, will Include John' F; •Awaenta. (Ancapondeau" eolamn, #a pnpoaa to In- cessedtD be last week because It hadn't taken in on Joly 29 Tbeie were many prT which Sheridan, pany, Ang, 10, 11. 12. TUle papers speak <>f ilENATOK PRANK BELL as follows: pase'l Catalogue. Addreaa W. J. JCSD, fcsskmala piwent Bra ^ , . Senator anbeieannpUaataqaaatloaa relating to amaaamenta Its runnfnff expenses. And yet It was started Finnnce BIce-Knoif Mte •Augustus J. Bruno, Hark Smith, Hynn Callce, Anma Maria (Icisn, whose ad1reB.i find In an- Frank Bell's speecb Is without a donbt tha beat 19.21* 131 Henry sL, New York. Bek^aartaaaa relate to otba mattetawlU anaweied Flurence Copleaton tbe pianist and A. P. that was ever delivered In tbIs city, being brand-new and be under livorable horse pieces [auspices] Burbank t3 Henry SavlUe, Wm. Conrtrlgfat. Frank TaimehllL Is at liberty for leading and general illUE—ONE jnooTjagnlaBoolninnai and ahaald be wrlnan on aepanu Some hnmprlit, are coitlolntly glvll« concerts at watering other column, tODcblDg on all topics of Interest. • • • • senaur WJ^T'ED TO OB TWO wealthy people complain of the 0ut of trade-dol- Kate CasUeton, Agnes Hanecc and Harion Flske. CIKOt'STENTB FOR TWO WEEKS. Address SMtis ul tiar^r ftran thfiaa asking inr InJbiinatlnn eoacasn- PI««« MUa Janet Ednfoo^, af5?ltndjto?ih™a bualncBS. , ... ^ ^ Frank Uell, who Is retained at the Knickerbocker thb lars, and decline to receive mr The engagemenlls lor three weeks. 19 at E. W. HEWITT, Box dW^tlanta. Ga laasmiirnrTTi-- .Mo anawar «,aU wlU be maA«OF. CAArPEXUBURir'TnEATRE.sn Booth J. H. Haverly bas Inst J^^.RS'""**"!^*'"- Jtlsmt«idedtUtS«tiJS Angnstln Daly '8 compaBT next aeasoiL comedian, a Jnvenlle-lady and a firat old woman with hia A, St. Loola, Mo. Egan Chris, engaged a new he will be connected wlththe bnsloess mansgeSiVntTfth? A Oropper. Propiietoia. primo basse proltando because of W. Hkndebbon, In addition to i««it»gin|r are wanted. See advertisement. ALTOMATON STKO Katbewa, stage-manager. Wanted—Plrst-cla» Specialty Standard Theatre during the coming season, De Touko, late of the Corlnne Jnveulle- and other lUoalona, can be engaged for Moaeoms and Attlata, male and female. All letiera anawered. l»-«c* To Omm ,Aa%hatlBed Cax«4jBOBiIeBt»> will Jt7T.(A Sldeshown by addreawlng present many strong attracttons In the New Eng- onera Company, has been engaged by John Rlcka- In the kttoTB please give an notea ahcal ol eomhia*. JOHN K. HOVItYorPBOF. FEGOEITER, OTT A 1VfT»AIOjr COXTSSI-r fAXIW . ^_-jylt« a in "Our German Senator." - — new street-cross- land'clreuit. byfor the part of Fanny JOIt* Oakland Garden, Boaton. Maaa. JLL. EICUBERil'SOPEBA-UALLte reotfortheweCK tlona sgoa wpiii utu jlnrs i trpara; Instaaf ot embeditas ing oppmite Abbey's with nneratlo ironpes. died saddenly Park theatre, Broadway. In PlasWDgTlZ L UavAOEB J. H. Hateblt Is to take posaession Ohablbs Gbates, a London comedian, sailed for Sept 20taSatSI2.Uper nlaht. Good company will d» 'them In lanoa, Flag-ralainglsaoingon all over July 30. He left a wUa and fonr children. Georn "Evangeline" Z MTKAJ.GIiT Compoaea Mualc to welL ym the city. iThev of the Fifth-avenue Theatre Sept. 1. His time tblsxonntry July 31, to Join Rice's Worda or Worda to Pleaae addreaa EICBBEBC BBOS., FawcaitRowe, whoatlastkdvleeawaa still la Ton Ice. la Mualc Alao Dramaa, Bttrlesones, have been doing nothing of the Wnd, and the old there'lB already filled lutll February, which eommences lis next seaflon in 19.4t Champalirn, ID. S. F.—It laOfesipeiuDCe ol eveiyk(Mly>vi£ there la t*t to sail lor thla oountry ahnntAng. a9....Mra.C!ol.a. Ah- USL Combination, Leetnrca, Gaga, etc Incloaeatamp, loawad.lL child flagstones are son doing duty there; but lying ston Brown arrived io. HAiniAN has left fbrAnstialla, 30. Topsy Venn, alBO an English XD.tl Bllrahetb atreet. Id TTAa .X qnaway Place the al g^o«! In aome lo- In at Uveipoa on July itia . via San Fran. New Tork Aug. m New Yort. CX'X' where this tmderband manner enables a ^ irentleman a «rtlIT ^»aeannotoeknown, and cautlua her against us to get £(inr a-atad that John BoCallomjh win next Hptlngact ii lLo" •cisto.CaL eonsln. will be a member of the same fTAXtK-KK'S TUEATBE COMWCB. _ PULTO.V. MO. Witeat allialon don, at TbtaoewbnlldlDg, now erection, win be Ibau u mt matter. It Is ont of theanaB4 toke and a new crosalng without any expense to Dmry-IaneTlHBUra. . . .Mme. KathI Lanner lading Party, who open In Philadelphia on the CaIBO, rr.T. locuorseof com- ilaBAaherto»^ea to duo persona. The Fnltoo CaHowar Cotmty Fair mnkaJkunBdantof .no donbt thank uaJ Ever since CoL Sellers Wl>e Pltchhnrg. Mass., Is to THEATRE COMIQCE, PADUCAB, KY. ttahead. mmlaiis' or otherwlae. of the ehnreh to Wolf Hopper waa married last «eek for the tegnlar season Aog. 16: bnt as "^Sr^intBA-HOtrsE.— will etnnmenee Aug. U. iSBO. Manacvn of combinations, which r.ripped In London, Billy Florenee has to Helen Oairiner. thatdate capable of C. W. LAXBDLV I... Proprietor beloBce«io«apai up telt badly . . . Whitney's— please Kulion. Mo. l»^t» yt^say nailaially i»;nAjicaltlan to .. .Sle. Liberatl bas been seenred for theCblcaco Ezhlbl^ thus on Sunday, an eirer has been made, 'which, have a new opera-house— Talent wanted ImmedlaieIr, especially addreaa to HBKBV BAUBB, aAeca aehool ihM woaU rally meet 7or fear hia "Hlgh^ Dollar" skoald stiare tbe tlon, beginning aboabthe or witli etandlng- ladies Can yonrViews, and who same middle ot SepiemberaiM keen. course, WlU be speedily recCUed. seating eleven hundred persons, plsy giiOd people from fonr to six weeks. at tbe gone time would be apt to poaaaes late. Let him rest In peace, for the mighty IdcupforsU weeka Bla guea anditoriuin wlU Addrea the.jBSoence dollar comet with hlm-TlTla esU- Fbane EmEKBPEBOEB, roomibr Ibur hundred more. The FlAMHY wXl.fiER. iralm.IlL 15^5^ for the tatiM of l«a Trained Docs, Aciobatle Bonf-anS- to preveotEnooewey or aoothar, ma-ed-hy cthle, ol coni*e-that agent Of the Grand CeU' needed those manl- t»fper Ihils And now another man turns up there were fiwahnniind with a gallery on tl«e danes stilt Pertnrmera that oao alng and talk ox which yon Juitly complain. pttnnna ptesentat the tral TheatR,Le8dTUle, CoL. Is In town. be forty by seventy feet, SfOit WAJ^Jh-, t Tenta. lU Paintloga. Men, High iba9tioaa ("He's not an acrobat. Jimmy, bat a balloonist." breakthaL tendered on?|]v30br thirty-a i feet Ofgaos. well, and ennoalilea and attraetloaa of aU kinda. Peop'a Delehatrand Baacler were theRovaae of Lome ALPBioH arrived dnrlng "desoTthebouse, tbe trJnt being etc. Wanted. Pnnek snd.Jndy men, jDaglani fir! T. d^—L notwhat Is ailed "Keif, don't dnb London toaoAaof theAmatlcan acfora the past week. and that play braaa In band praferred. Address WM. XA1.N, ar'cyma*"c songisnd dance balloonlsts turn up, too?"] :and pro- Jaibatclly. Barry Sullivan addition there are to be two smaller gaJ- cassises. Address W'' ttmvnnnttlw ja— ^ __aaa a.- _ the proacenlom waU to the ~ thereiOK, JobfllleCnBatien €I1IAI^ Mhorooghly extending IVom il-: renovated, will leria . One tent. 29(11 ' calked an lAair baad> and kneea," ThhiiB the man we've been looking inopinnrtunlty to mpond. Cuaries be re by «1L, (00, WAJHTJEir*— tioae mat aadpoBablv for ever since MinwaMonnrend middle of the house. The stage '» 'Yeh'y-*'"" •>/ complete. Monkeys, (ID each. Ivory tusk, ia aome very queer aomersanlts. It lor -Tiie American Newspaper Pma," * A CHAKACTEB-ACrOR liave tamed U not bkcly the htst Atlantic aerial adventure, which fsned at ChulM^Slckeui the opening twenty-eight by thlrty- »'' J. W. COUCH, Chicago, that thavAM "The Haw 'io«e»«"««"J'' tbeaunaswi propoaed the health of the AraertranSllnlrt?r, Boston Ideal tarty feet, and UL WHO KaB an BiirAULIBUEU BBPUTATIOK. the laet moment, owing to a rent In thebaDiran or whoSoke J i3^.f"55?^ wiu accommo- LamuBt and Dua-im have tor hinjiellj Com , . Fourteen (Ireaslng-rooms Such a one dMlrliul to BTAR a good DRAWING SEN- aathatln wkiidi done It. .Tks Bhortness of the miloon in and in behalf ot "Amerit^LiSSsra!?'' -!4lf,'S2"iS*»Banrt«**a Beebe; elghv ->».aJ«. ^ the amphitheatre Tent- In hy PIBST-CLASS MINBTBEL tSat hasoade bet can b» 4>aelded only by aomeoae wno haa aaan tiutk drased the Earl of Ouuravrn. JiiUan H^wtho^ Uaril delalde Phnippa. Heffira. Tom SATION DRAMA a hit can address lor eveoaiioha perwHou«ato«a"ln Sarah B«.-nhardt doe:lt» , CAJttgA JOBNSOK. want hv sjilm port daughter had the prS^ with Lexington. Ky. •SJ , Leader ol Orchcaia, VOnr Mtuldaa* ootslde play. wfaoae card the labor through which she goes. One Satur- to catch ^orUy. hartngtotheir ' no playa, thla dtv. Addresa Ed. Jaoea, sea In enceof i^d her bytha hajEr, and the Lil?8 Sef _to open the season of wn?^iSny tostart ont w^alStBS Ing required),, SneeiaUy Artists, OonMs Song-and-^ce to the other books, dasoilb- day recenily. after playing In an aftemoon and an aaeamabcoagbtasalstaooe. Iron amfl," adrraa- onradTaRlslBgaulamns,aa When broiutht to the ahor^ pber. repertoTrWdiamas "THa FOB IBE PALL AND WINTER SEABOIT. Men (bualneaa In black), and One Competent Female Ba:- lag by tnlnMnl laitraetlon boota, lar evening pegfbrmance, she rehearsed 'Fron-Fton' Mra Welsh was thought to be what voa DMa de^ ttS*tSiita£imS ilTom Airope . tIaSlon of Dumas' novel of "5*^. A good Juvenile Man, Heavy Man and Walking lad-alnger. AddreasTATLBUB^'BD^ICATIC AGENCY, onder that head. ftpn 12 p. M. nntu 6 o'clock the nnmwsrlona state lor about three Aof 1 In JSi Gent, Good aoas-boaks eaaldivriB be placed next morning."' bonra Jamea Cooke. •..brought a «enBtI(ml_Amert»n pitatelaM Comedian, PlaAbt, Soubniite, Old "Woman and eu Broadway. New Tortt. PUnbawOadlsngarranala thla dty Oaa that Wetead this Ibe elieiu.mans«er, was arrested with Dim a •Shadowed tm. DeatlL" Kr.— over thooghtftilly three tineiLtook In Sag Harbor tbe olhnr ftw good Utility People. Salaries perfonnances or laoar day opon the charge of grand larceoy , obe Ibr his troilesque Hl^^f^^AJ^^^ of pinaa." Tbe eo.wudve Bs off anr coat, sent James downstairs in having removed off the stage. 'The Black Crook" aad to tell th« two of his hoaseauit had Uaa Uarie BWi'J'P^V**'*' HELEN A SEboND LOW w«T»£aio«t doobled Igtboaowf J»m(«r to ton on the steam, and been attached fbrdebt. Kr Williams MAMB. 3*4 shawmot avenue, Boston, Maaa. ant* "Hnrnp^ Dnmpty." ^^riqne'* bad not ao many perfoem.. ln4m.Ste(tlie Ooek^explainedthathehadbeeannawaieol the aitacb- SpriggB-Gea Scott, Btella Leland^Aa^urWanrt, OOXEDIAN Aetest time on record) produced these W^AJt 1<£:]>-TlollsIst aneeaaa "Uncle Tom's tWln," nor so many as "Bompty • me^ and he was ralaaacd, white the horse* went with "oagdr «r the Areh-etreet ^Ldle Haiaon aiu 'ABle Bheppard. C^ViiLJ^ . who pUys Piano, Specialty Dampty"ontheIatter'a.'«»lvaL _ IHMOBTAL LINER 'r' thacoostabla. jugro* AitWaandAoobata to trayel. Stale terms. Expenses SOME UnUTT PEOPLE AT OUCh, Ibe Tlved Aug. a for .a tew Decker U the proprietor and manager, Salary Bernhardt nay tlilafc this latcsi '. P"t-:- moat be low. J. B. B., EL Loola—The beat way lor ynu to do Is to pro- stOK are amnglng dates 8ANFOBOACO.. reputable fietlbrthlnanewipBpKletter, ^agementa for the oomlng mbmdlKB^dnmatle' agents, MW BSEUxafceth street. New Yorfc aO.It^ J. B. ABHTOW, Edenbatg. Pi. core an Intradnetlon to aove taoaacerlnyosr ' Btidlelent to Ota • - cnv smuiAB.'F. fiir card- ferherJastlog glory, ' the coming tour. See dtr.aadtake hia advice IfTSu eaiuatget 1mm him an Bot we W-AJKTAiU OOOX> OOKIXET. cngigeneilL It would be Xif your iniereat to plaa the weWaod go hvans GatteL JtMtB A. icbad]^ Who Is to be the atase-maiiager R. U, HooLET and family of wosld like a situation with aome For ahe, alteraollngfwleelnadajr^ ^^iflTSoWell ihla.i^) as to hare of IL B. Leavltt's Bn(mab:«pera Bnrlwne Cmn-/ bdlah, Frank Chanftan. caUng at Lake UlnnttonKa, neu y, aCticasalan P1BST-CLA88 COMFAMt fatty ' WlHi an Interval «iily to sap. lady and a man to do slelght-oi-hand aod ertuderyonreye. - pany, am Lisa Weber/T^^lns the B^Ssantleyl vHuBdied Pnnch-aad-Jody. Addreaa KEATINO, A GOOD BnaBB, Began at midnlghtvebeandng a play. Wives" Com- JOUN Osa Tao JCsows Hib.—Oia to know to 2D.|ta - ifn««led, and Of Steady babiiB. BaveaOiagaurys-a MKVdUnotvut Andthei found rompiuy arrived 4nf'' OiaaMUfi-Sgnt Ang.li KevBda,'.' Fbedbick BBTTOMHaa Bfarted Eaat engage a . Care Washbtim's Show, nnlunrtlle. CL where ho wastaat Eptlob Bev^a then equeatilaa dl- havthay say. at aUnp. Baker -and Addreaa WILLIAM GEEKAHAMj^ TbM's all very wat w« know of Bom Enipand. t*"^n>oor dramatic company, and he will own Fence opeia- . rectorntDc Jamea L.Thayv's Bl.'ov, bnt that did not a tonow ' "W A. WTE rJ-FOTTB. OOUOXtSD »-lt» BelleTllle. Ontailn.rtn.Cana^. Who appeared on the Mage all day Maobicb 11. so. .' - - "cate hia wbeteaboot* la Joly, tier that. ha. Bad not De FBtf£ '.IS deeldcd Urxetam bonse, HInneapoIlB. Hlnn., An?, . MUSICIANS, who Can play brass snd slag la toaitat. Ad- ' South Fenyslage). In retirement. iA sad at midnight" mallow Ment of London. tour of • "Panz's" (J. K. new residence, netween dress A. B. C., J ^eUkest*aoeeanata>ay: BPn.** tfoin « \ the conntiy Emmet) earn CLIPPKR. m lt» JUTUOLB LAST. Zir, eelma.—L It can be predoeed with the aid or a jnd^ Trey Albany, Is being pnalied forwanl. Tat ^ Jlnd tbe oiAbt it waned, bet never his \^ Brown |u» and CAR BE EMOAOSD - —ene lamp. 2.- We know of on d.wlar In "gboat" power. completed, *- And he stepp^l not even to sap. fliBt BtoiT la np and the bam Is nEH OP ATTRACTIVKqUALJTIBS TO EXHIBIT IN tetha 'IhsrwoaldpiobahlyhaTBto tal.inadatD very severe ^ the CDeBt. atta?*< at Engaged or seaaosi And beatlofc-tne Bemhardt's time by an hour, Va«; KQb to be pn>dti«e;fSft, Bkbmrabdt'b date of opening MCSBUMS. by tne month ir satlalii» . 00] Tber.itniiid'hlra StseTen.npt symptoms of be fan. s, un. Addreaa, sWlag Mras^ «t«.| BABLOW. care of ^'OBtOTla.—J. B. Jrffeiy writes that Us "Anv» ; %Jn In HaTeriy'B Sour- et TUMtre, miadclpUs, will AOSBE8B uDma ...... The tnessree In ruiaaeipblB la moza waa sevei CUrrSB Office. »l;a 'tfe" Till be Issued saew b> SertcmbCir am ue trouble. ^ — • — " 1 . ' :

August 7, 1880. AMUSEMENTS. 159


HETWOOD BBOTHEBS' . SEW rOBK MASTODON SHOW -TOR TWELVE MO^BS. I WI>IH_TO FKIEHIM AXD TH&rOBUCINFOBX MT THE NATIONAL FAVORITES. THAT I SHAU. fI.ATTHB COMOIO SEASOK THE GREAT A imiBBB or HEW ooSI5rS)LOi SOIITiWESTEl CiCIHT SUCCESS PILING am J. A. CBEKSTTI.I.E. UPON SUCCESS. I-~hi-- THE RETURN VISIT VAKTED—ComMUa. ~^ Hc»^ I TO CLEVELAND, OHIO, AN OVATION nr« Old y«i. Ctm^ Ibn. m« wli"i,i7uy TONT SSS S lerrrt. a TeDor.dmnima- DENIER'S and THE mu Orcheto ili«duoSl RETURN VISfT TO BUFFALO, N. Y., A POPULAR DEMONSTRATWH OHAa. E. FROM THE , DO&ON. Muuccr, ATLANTIC TO THE PACIFIC ' ~ CBOWDS UNABLE TO OBTAIN SEEING-EOOM. BABITON>^S337^ I»nmstte Stan of UblHtr and Ayat^tiM^ ' Flnt-dui CmUBitlona and Spe. PAHTOMIME the ru> clalty TROUPE .aobeei Irtbts can secnre dates at times aU liith tteMbwlB^ aanasvre : D. P. rAULD-a Hoale-Mon, 20-ti LoQl imile. Kt- MiMBM THEME, PHiyDELPflU, STANDARD CQM" A TVrY i^:ew oomi>^ivy of FBED P OI»JEItA.-IIotjSEjfcr AXES, Manager. *JST> Tizt-fcJ >lch trade pnbmd. Addri!« A. KEBNAH, GREATEST P. T. MrOTEL. Knlionio. Proprietor and Manager. . InJ. ijAJXdr«-»Awi" .Ajx jj vt»«jA^x«-x~ V» ANTED TO TBAVEL OF ALL VAUDEVILLE with HATRE (lOMQDE, WJIHGTON, D. C, SHOWS ON EJUITH. TD«CEI>T8 ASTEBTISINO WAOON. _ TONY MTA. B Pvojpvtotor. Appir at ones b7 nun ti> BUDD & O'NEIL, Proprietors. GEO. H. S. WANDBBSON. OEO. E. JAKE BUDD, Manager. H. ADAMS Manager. l»-irj J. A. MNOESS. TIKCESr A CO . BBBlnegg'agrot. 3D-lt Cooeaaa tre, y. t. AJ.1> A FCLL A.\D EFFICTE.ST "A I.A BOKKK HErRE." IHK PHIDB At Ub«Ry lor nextext auMn. VllLLLm' itJDEIMY OR THE IRIBH, 81UNOB CABBELI^' Ballet. OF Wm, PITIMR6, niaAt«r, Dinctor Pi, PANTOMIME, H. W. WnJJAMS, Sole Proprietor and Manager. SPECIALTY JABKES HXSARNS, °"E*TEST . or ALL IfEAT IRISH VOCALISTS. IRISH JIO AXD ' ^ubSIP"Sii;5L^^£.r'*^A5H,"^" °" AGENT, COUSEDM THEME, DRAMATIC COMPANY, . « REEL DASCEBaDANCEBa • DETROIT, MICH., * PATTERN^^v, FOR ALL.aiui. IA \jj>rx gUf AddT«M JI L Clare COPT NO ONE.Uiic RESULT—A GRAND , W. Ta. OBQAKIZED iSFECIALLY FOB SUCCESS. "the CHAS. 0. WHITE, Manager. THE :^ER IDLE; ALWAYS FRODCCIMOPRODCCINQ SOSIRTBINO NEW EVERTK\-ERV idfs^^Bf'ss'Bfsaft;^:^"^-"^^ MEWuna. e«.«i«.«. SEASON8KASO'"'^- NEW DEPARTURE (COPTRiaHTEO), VILt WAVTED. o'SSi'Syiilf'•o' OLTHPIt _AdJreiu»reot_CLlPPEB.^^ THEITRE, CHICAGO, HI., ^^^^ ami pradairttoa of dramatic asd pantoK Z. W. SPBAGEE, Proprietor and Manager. ic abranlltr. ftiU ef rlb lklcllnc /r>inC7 — Ibe Ir»- Jf*"™- «Of "axB«S£5;/6rS7p»».?rtt*Jk. qnaljitMtarall CDactlta.^e ribearUlorOf ao MISS MINNIE amateur paotAmJiae. aud coadudlDc «l£h KECrTA-TIOMS I KS'piSh fJtW^fntor CVmIIIXOB at ne»- » "ROBERT EUMETT.or wncnrhen nextoei ' of -SUSPECTED." Vlll-mEET OPERA-HOUSE, Teraloo of th.~ aonlTemr, of hU execnlloo romei may there be hll £SI^;ftU5"'f.'''"'"- CWCINNiTI, 0., onrea tluu their cottafe-homea** (by OO. R. do Been) Like %rt t>«> In IrvUmL The aboTeWTC nnonBHSoon aid HeciiatloDAReeltatlooa *naix coc COL. T. E. SNELBACKEB, Proprietor and Manager. tlon,o. a. 1I will" Plne. JOHN MCBSISSET, - PrlollDiruiuiirpaiud. AldnuX. UHMJUf.asa w. Fonj-slxtb atrvel. New Assistant Manager. Tork. TICKLED, THE ATTRACTION FOB 1880-8L CROn THEATRE, n WAPOLIS, M, ^^^^^ JACOB CEOKE, Proprietor and Manager. HUHPIY DUMPTY THE IBON HAND COMBINATION. WITH TWO rowxarrL drahab. ' ITCHEll'S THEATRE COMIQCE, ST. lODIS, MO., Bim BifnTiitihfP^'?si*Tfi*fiwijnB wi« MEWiy HATCHED, WBITTEN EXPBES8LT PROVIDENCE, R. I., W. H. SMITH, Manager. FOR TOXT= 'i?>''.^'''SDENIER COMPAKY BT MB. SCOTT MARBLE. FBOM IDEAS FL'RMSUED BTBl OBO-UBU. H. AAAMSAFIAMrt FRO.M B13 OWK I.NNBB CONSCIOUaifESS. "THi HMD, OR THE WILL OPEN THE SEASON OF 1880-81 M CM OF COID," THEA1RE COIQIIG, KANSAS CM, MO., THE COMICAL HOROSCOPE. CAST BY THE GOBLINS OF QRIM: MONDAY, AUG. 30. TAL LOTE, Proprietor and Manager. GEO. WADBY DUMPS, fresh ftom school, and called by the boys Hompy Bampy, on ncooant of SHADOWED mi DEATH, hb white complexion, cansed by eating slate OR SAVED AT lAST." WOOD'S OFERA-HOIISE, pencils '^"•"»"'>'' «««•>«'<»adaptkia of Al£XAKDER LBADmE, COL, and chalk, afterwards CLOWN In the pantomime, th.^lS?,^ 2?j?o'*om' AUaAKDER DfDUMAB*HAB* eelehraledeclehraled ami«n,t COL. J. H. WOOD, Manager. ^ MB. OEO. H. ADAMS "rfSe a'/ho'lS"*™" ••OMIIooal. nsttolo- MCiDEMDK PABSOK.C, his tntellectnol dir. ctor-"Ch yes, yon know aU, MB" JOHN O. HALL CHAS. O. WHITE, or AUGUSTUS.^.f.?"**^""**'"^" HARTFORD, CT., W. H. SKITH, SPARKIKS, his sister's attachment, more of a Singer than a Sinclair House, corner Eighth street and Broadway, New York. EUMCE principal r^JTi'^*''®'' « cbaracten. and Ihelr namee are amiflaeht gnar- MONDAY, SEPT. 13. IV EG A.TIVJE1. I'OUISE BEBLIKBA, a beUe of the kitchen, constantly ringing In her Ideas •. Artists off ability wlnblni: <>D;;Beemenin at.. thD of tragedy, comedy ""*"* aboTO 20. U» and bnrlesqne, and chinning her Tocal accomplish- MAILiMnTrBO, -piacM vill mil'1r«B0 HOPKINS A MORRow. l^oprietora.l^upr MR. FKA.NK IR-VrPTO, LR'V Sma>w.rma FruTl(]CDc«,, B. I., or ihelr uuthorizcd annt.aireDt. hMH."r ments at all honrs of the clock MISS i»m. "WM. ti. Tor>T>. rrTZGERALl>. 216 Bowery. New TILLIE ANTONIO MR. GEO. SCOTT. York. iDclojie no SSUFFEB, AtAmpa or poetAl-c&rda, as alienee la a. polite Dentlve. the demon property-man CHAELKY MIH^ AMiELiIA. WA^TTOET, Write again. — SCHILLINO AKies eiA.i>iE HA.!^siorf, 20-lt MBS.auKs. SOPHROMABuruKUiiiA DUMPS,uujUTi, the oratorical mother MBS. LIZZIE BET^OLUS CAPTAIN J. W. DECKER, CLARINDA ni MPS, tiie meek and 3' »i"»'i Sole Proprietor and Manaser.* lowly skter MISS MATTIE AKTONIO For time applf tu manager, or - MRS. CAN TOOT, the IllnstratlreIllnstratlTe wife MISS AUCE COLEMAN UOON Ac WATKINS TOTTI.E, bmsqne and »-li- THORNDZKE. 5 demonstratlTe MB. JOHN SPABKS T4« Bioadwmr, New Tork Cltr. Ml MRS. TOTTLE, the sUeot wife Mfss virmniA wnnTii MISS VICfORIA NOBTH THE CAJiirFOIiWIA. TEAJW, MB. H.. E. Can TOOT, his own bngler MB. JOE SPABKS GRAND BILL WIRE, REOPENING a telegraph-boy LOUIS PILBER MASTERS ORNDORFF AND McDONALD. inunisi BEZY, a maiden forlorn hftTeJu.. M.iTw I. raclBc -...^t-'Tj^ EVEEYTHING •l?^,*^^*^ "J™ Coait. where ther hare miOUed —— montbi. — NEW INSIDE. Sl^M^'r^il-G.'J^iTf yarns! ^ Adelphi.-=.phi Theatre and one year at the B.lla l>aloo innniDa^ "'SS'VaS Thntre••uw. SanBan nanclMo.TMcS^l^ST^iiiZ^:and erea^ •llle_pn Aelr way Eart. the, open rtortly at m. JTlhTprindSlliriSVr the principal Ta>1eiTUm>m!£l.SJ^??„aIn tnU ^i^^Aeltj Tonkers, N- T. avit* M. iPlTZoJ PopuIattoD br city. 20,000. 3^^^ THE GRAIiD COMIC Sea:lnjr capftcitj of Hall. REHEARSAL 600. ^^n??^r-^--— Srttiutf capacity of gaUeiy. 200. piramalon* of ataee (between acentiy), IffxSSfteL iiBimrffi*'"'** Sc«n»jy, 14 piecca. "EIXCTED HaJl hrated by ntcam and Ughted _ OTHERS ARE sM.t.Ms*. f»AXFOir" /\ F O fT#Mtt t TW ^ * i by electricity, A AIl..S™TrS^r^:^S^^?l?oiS?ro;7?oTn.°u?r.7.tiT.JS^„St«Vri^^ IfOtlClD CLIPPER Forpaitlculan, addrens AGENT •erraot, COTERIE OF SPEOailTY °f °«It weekj Waahbom Bplidipg. Yon>er», W. Y. ~ BUOS. Jolm JACOB CRONE. ti^fiUKATED TKIO OF SfiMSH TBOUBADOUIKJ vit DAVIS & C0„,. SSSiSVAT10Ni5.^IOTEU INDIAWAFOLIB. ISD. JOSEPTPT BAMIBEZ. the Champion Mandttlli4 of the worid. SPORTINO. A rt^VT*"^utnaing chaUu of $l,00O to-prodnce b|s equal; ^| the wonderful gnltariWd ClaljM Collected Thronsh- MLLE. H0BTEN5E, soprano .irct. -Vrw Yo«». AflUMs of Tocaltot. «t«^ W-l? Addreaa 3W W. FlIty-MeonJ United St .tes. languages. out the dlBeri-nt "Z' OOUl UJ ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ — Tocallfit and THE OFFICE, No. I60VINE ST., All ^^^^_^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^» (iUILLERMO, the little wonder mniGntallst. AGNES , dHCIMTATI, 0. p. 0. Box 586, LITTLE ODJS wui .iudTarteiratam. Tbo« wlablog eniiajjemeDta GRAND CEfiTRAL THEATRE, «po,»«am.«.M«^^g-^ T/EA11VII.I.E. COLORADO. Ct^LXJMJN OJSOJLil>. CO., , Vlne_at^i;iDCHm«M „" iiil<].ue. S.U TI heatTlc^lAnen'PCTTTICM J*W^"—. IIP . . Proprietor. Tlie River. EOBINSON'S ViSsrTbeatro Weat of "tlie Missiaslppi KISS TILLlSkNTONIO, COMBIlVATIOIff eleotrlc cHansces of co4ne o-nd vooaUxation. of the W^, m her AU rech dclrlng to Tialt the MetropoU. ffjjSlffig.'afB^wg^WnrTort •HI be employed. S^RKS, Joe. Commence 13th Season OPERA-HOUSE Jolm. THE aeU..ato« ~AitFnr,E'S MAMHIOTH M1N8TRBL.S. TWO Y. A . ! rroprtotoT- ond ai»n»B«ir. T«E <^0^-^AlL^^^^^d^^V:^*^*'^^ JERVIS, N. CINCINNATI, 0. . . solo POBT /^.^M«ti^^^OTTR OF TBE UNITED STATES ON OR ABOUT AUGUST 16. For rent by tbe day or week. AT 10 A. M. )OLEMAN REBEABSAI. EnGEIHARDT, . . MlWIiGQi I foi MISS ALICE " FbEdJ. ot THE oox.E^^A«r^«^=«-.i^^^ AUG. 16. - i * MONDAY, Tork.»^*.-a - •treetLreet andana jroaowBroadway,j. Sew ^—— - =^ — oi^era. - house, SQILLING, AGRANDTESTRACE 'ooiL-xseum: :P«XTZ.BHf^MA^^^^ CHARLIE oarloatw or Musical "c-TWCrKWA.1-1, OHIO. „ DX.A.CK: UMBMGHT.^lx^ Wl WEST WASHINGTON STREW, Thl.'^".S.Y=Srt^;mp-e-o^.heleai.lma.edramaw^ pI&A^oTcOMEpY^MBINATm.N:^^ .,ar. or th. prore..lon. Dnunatlo Indianapolis^ J„?e^' MATTIE ANTONIO, GO-AS-YOU-PLEASE, C. E. FLAGG BinSS '^jjaoaf^er l}£«%'S?ed\V;iitto;i'boVhmVleindlVmal.^^ SECOND STARRING TOUR PROF. W. i POW, HORSES. I SOUBRETTEJmEHA^ English Aclress PLACE AT the Celebrated can I WILL TAKE Of .. .. uim. emotional acting, " whoring, well ;»«E"p:ri?':"lffmnV^ CHICAOOp lLJ"f EUl^CE, irom enuulUhetl itui. AdOreai ^.fCUITEB. Walnnt street alt)OTe Eighth, WM. 30-U du^raotenatlo Oo^^ea^l^ AUG. 29, 30, 31, PHTLADEIiPHIA. fS^^St^ . 5S5'Ss&di^'-,°rom^°£^^^^^ MISCEaANEOUS. 2, Sand 4, 1«80, BargeMaiiu.' SEPT. 1, tbe audience, of the Moore* -^^ IMPROVED ASD RE.N0- and uViMK-S WEES ENTIBELY NORTH, * i^';?a5?t.^jn5^T«s'7s>^^^ entbmilABtlc. •Pjf*" ^ SSffSS mSe aiTeitiaor- HAM.NO »EE.N.^=J5^,JYhr0D01I0UT, BCnSS VICTORlI FOB TTHICH tool Jin. Mary Allen, '••T.^,';"'*''^b-= K. COBUBN, Tde^ph or write ImmedUtely^^ obio. MAfiNIFICENT SCALE OF fj,^JJ,„, lortheFAIXAND WIKTER SEASO.N OF ISSMl on THE FOLLOWING O. UiLLf $250^0. PRIZES tS OFFERED Night, Aug. 2S. JOHN fcTfllNOOEMEMBER^ Saturday PantomJinJet an^ante'oon. ..gpeoiaXty Trfo. ^otor, Tie Orltflnal WANTED fuiid BI3SH and school IBTIN T. ARTISTS, RtTNOLDS, mmm BEESE, FIRST-CLASS SPECIALTY MRS. LIZZIE $4,0 JENNIE netmrneot. FUBSE, cms AND K'«Pj";««'5,";iK^ 7,riSS.. and .bowing "Ve th. coming ...«=, „a.\ -IffmVelin aU br^^^^^^^ .A.otawm and Wd«"i^«wor^^^V^ i'aVcbiSSiblUn'i.''^? t r- atlrattlv. h.rlng *.m. DIVIDED A» FOLLOWS OT.r«:... ,r 1 '»^,'«^ f/,7ona Yo?«^^^ C! Bas«>. ROSINA aod "^f^ ^^BH iKSJScalliit A_>-X> ORCHESTRA. ai OF KENTUCKY. FBEtST PBIZE, . $2^000 UUSICFOBTnE MILUON. Soniff rantomlmlat, VooaUst tor fhe-tige with orcheelral narta of •Tbe 50,000 TICKETS i .Vk'JwrruWUher Wd 03iLT SECOND PBIZE, 1,000 M»2> monthly paper. ( O^eraorBollMQa*. jJJ^ gt. Lonll, Jouraal,'' a W. HA$ONp AND I MR. BAND. -^m—mtlt^ta «>laTKlfMnlC 500 Pantoi PRIZES. THIRD PRIZE, . Sample oopien oi •ki u.--— > $250,000 IN a>.it. PRIZE, 250 Ttaltora Willi bU nolo. MISS LO FOR $10. FOURTH SBCOOO 150 Minstrels, WANTED, Opera-house ~ FOR $2. FIFTH PRIZE, Gilreath 1 0,000 Ime/Rentz's I $ CURIOSITIES, ODDITIES, 100 LIVING 8. C. TAKES PLACE | PRIZE, GREENVILLE, LONG ».tonl»lili»» eel- THE DBAWISO SIXTH ATIRACIIOKS. . ^'most AND SENSATIONIIL W. W. * BELT^N OILREATH -iSo,.^^^^^ «p>eltr. and ele- tlio riytnif In Airy. Yort atlUi. photo^. EcatioR ';f; SnVinly. addreM 4 -iBorse n™.v.t- KIT ITLAKftP. .1»n mc.._ ij-^i"h",„« H. SEPT. GEO. bis oarpet>'bflB Man? liovol oomlo encortalTi- . WltJA TOT nu n Dimni ui fm- Iminteii. J?ST bpT^c, SaW«"^o!;f In a new and bMO PwiEs Hofses }M. k UJ 0 and F''< and Bketon-boo; ]^il?J.^!'°S,.he^.5r.pa5J^»S«,^A.^r^^^ o, ,hc summer t 1 I rt l I X.1»T OF f»IZES COMIQUE. SECOSB ACT OF TIIE PESPOBM IDUCES ..9SO.OOO wj.l*ii;a»jB:o-w THEATRE THE 1 C.\PITAI. PRIZE O. ..Stacemaoager X PBIZE r Horses. TOLEDO. PRIZE xn.uoo Separate Track fo and ManaRtr : iJiioTTwenty- 1 UEA.VD , Proprietor PBIZE lO.oou \LE>"T u stiiK" n.«!n.ii*r Salary low, 1 GKAND \8yEPPARD ..•y^i^„V ffuoa A-TjG. 1». MARTIN SON, EACH.. lO.OMU JAMES . raiZEB, 8 »»««><» a- aho«. lO Al 'I Ji;n'i:.lS'i/r''nr.;m. SO-lt* Jli||igM PUIZM. BOO K EITHEB So • Voir, THE •AST. bebf* mmm tbanj^ ^^^-^^S^t wX.iir.- fr.z«. or mnwnm at AUantlc CHy. FlCTORlAL^^OCKjCCTSthan^^STOCK-«C-p h;5-oo Entries to be made o» wanted for the (ain. -ndand mrmrmnwnm IbIIvE more„.„ p,CTORIAL -«---:°:;:.l"rh:"d^^^ ACTOR, pi 21 irith * 1 BURLESQUE AT /B^^^^^ • WAKTieD FOR"TBB SEA-SON OF ISWand^U MENAoiaES EU^ L.l ^ w ^Mirtrrr of Orolifl.l i addliaaeo^ rSra-^xpi-TXM^crM^^^^ J. EIGELHtifflT. nmonleatlons of CUPPED office. FBED iEADEB' OP B 24?I£i§ - itf diclr own ^^pfr ^i!r^.^.«ia» a KINCSIiAND, ^^rTBASa AND 1 » JlyjEtE^S??^^"?.^^^^ to rwy THEATHB, MISS IN THE ^EoySSjsrar"-""' SMir i. HAVERI.Y*S t^or the o-^^jJJ^Siby'i FIBST A.\D OSLTjWBT-MAalCIA.V Uai TOIJ»'BOilAW>SIABCHfMOT» g^T-fric,. ,HE CHICACCIU.^ nOl Standard Theatre. , I T iirmtA an enncement at the OS. New ™ OlT«i an ^^^^^ACED MAILED aeen In thla connirr- CSRCUIiABS .T W t „ iMVSl. wltli THB OBIOIHAl. ^••S e'JMm'StrSS&adw'ne^r-: "l^U-.o-^um nniJt* S'SSntar BoberrH«U« ftr the enailnl e««H' S'W-i^S.diJ^e ^SSTrertoiia OBLEaS: TONY DENIER A^Mksm^^ MW[ ' APPIICATIOB. 2^\ir^LS:S?S£SflSir«njTob^ lltl-wryl*

°''°.l.S?«.2rhoS^«l2l»ndmStaLpjiyaic»i Addreaa manUeetaOona, Bom ^jgg kucoBLAMD, «M Second aTenne. New Tork Ctty. jj^,^ Sao —TffiW, ot prepM»to»rs Opening. ?elxearBal Ufs HenglerV Granl CiHiQe,! Tonrr ...... Proprietor Managv STtlisilsbtsiaD. ""JKiLi;™^ H.B. JACOBS. care or TXmUxi6t^^fllpt6omj^ TIES FOB 8»m. Addreai flSSlowaAwnafc traimch a ' ; . 1 r o — 1

August 7, 1880. I J/H- HAinERLY'S AMUSEMENT ENTERPRISES. HAVBBii'TS TBEATBB, CHIOiOO. eor. Devbon TMtottootawWehthejtrwMP^iy;*'^. liLlER & CRIUj^ SHANP, TOBK. HATBRLya trajTBD MASTOpOH MIK8^^ 338 and 340 BOWERT, ISEW RATERLY^ CUnRm-CBOIB UFEBA 00. jA» wovkmxbs. LASE, ]Iev TmIc rropri«e« »na MuUUCtr. BAVBRLrS jrVBNILE OPKRA OO.^^ Ho. 46 KAIDBS J. H. HAVBBI.T, HAVERLVn CX)lfBDT 00. HIBbO'S OABDSN THBATBB, Hew Tort "WIDOW BKDOTT leeenOj flirt *<^a»' Stu^TMsla, " Proprietor ud M»aM«r. J. H. HAVBRI.'rB ansd Athletlo and Pedouiu Bd. bv PaxU Del«tr. WM aoldtad8ilnrLaaa,IHn(m,B(iw«Iei, jThl HAVBM^, UrpiiH. EXUBLBAmjrriluianP obU^ PBBD. J. ' HAVXJU.T>8 BroalttTn Tbttrg. o»: J<>''?yi'J?*.*»?'' HAVERI.'nS lOnBTRSLa.* H«tt, Aoei ud ivm^sj. SUPPLY J^ H. HAVimLiT, Pr»pri«orjttd Mm OOLOBEO OBOBOIA THEATBIGAL iBgtoan. number ot LEAOtSO ATTItACTION^and alwrnjii reidjr to — 'go^mefiOood*. THE GRAND "aSo wtrSltoc. ttSun^^^^ additional nerxi. ctockof tlM TO COMPLETE A to te fivBDd aBTvkcn. ASSORTMENT OF EVERYTHING ^JKbertfiSa maependenee rose I? an M- OoedJt tao.D. FULL SfMwS. *Boilall«niwaii In tlie zmlth of Its >oi ibe oclipaml ezBCttonB knewi* boondB, ii itwiwHim m the master (or 'and erontbe King iitmaeU w»» not IHB MOST ELECAST LINB OP ' MUuans to tbe cluteaa of one of thoie bangbty THE MASTODOKS!!! SILKS. WORSTED, W^k^.^tO TWO STHMEBS NECBp FOB lr»«ouie, and who aecordlnslj aeto SgH^^Ltr*^""'Etc. ^tStKUV.Is wltb » LEOTARDS, TRUNKS, S> apeOTCourt of bis own, blnda iiU brow Be bad been to the era. BB0CABE9, YBLYCTS and PLPSHm. Sid'tf^Stf coronet. rtrU^ HBWEOT SHADES OP SIMS, SITISS, £^ i»^owlBK old In hla contempt for ilaverlj's lliei Nastolon lUrels. FEMALE, WH. FOOIX, Manager. Te«.jm»onhi»..3keblm^ FOB MALE AND J. H. HATEBLT, Proprietor. Iin- to W* , . t Parisian De- Mn Almerl or «P^<^^ eueeeaoioe to order A^^r^- beqneatb tbe rocceafflon lo "•"^SSiSim ^ont ehuKlnz »k feature,restore, eua ot Every i»esonptionM«ae Be tongjit to tbe Tema of -Xerm*. BjEAB THE FAMOUS BOLiti-CAliL. iiroird| In at Most Moderate bis title and to bis beavj be.ld..,hU Blsns 1«- 2,?:dd M^lKu. ft»i<>2fv«*^»eamlc OK APPLICATION. FOOTB. XAaaJter. BARRT EIKa, VrM. BBLKNAP, OBOBOB BABBOVB. ^l,TZZj:Mit mm* drtzliullCT. Boldes Ibe ^araJflroa A«D PBlCR-UgT. fflOIT ShXT^IKSI^t, oborob wo6d, JOHN H. MURPHT. OBOROB WIUTB. BILLT RMEBBON, PRANK WBST. • OBO. W. HDNTLBT, CHAS. BOSS. Of hearty pialae the t«t "-"HjaJJ* BTBATTON, PADL VBBNON^_ E. K. MAB8HALI.. ""^JSiJta^M ThieThI w»» BILLiT BICB. BUOBNB unr-ftDd-dsnceorJobneonaiidPowen.i1SlSiSoraol>n»oiiii4 Power*. DBVBHg. JOHN LEB, CHAtJNCT OLCOTT, UB. BROOKS, BsU." end. WM ejitTeme^ SAM FBANK CAJBBT, S. KATNB, ^be jRrkT ladodee i. W. X0ANDRBW8, JAMBS ADAMS, dsocM «lT«ii between e«eh veree _i _r T. B. DIXON. HABBT SHIRUT, R. L. RATMOND, taunsn ^ BU'LT WBUCH, SSfStfa po«lble to the ?SjJ??. BS. BROOKS, B. R. WALSH, -S32S. tt?poor iiSmre,wbom the anther Wranrai'i^fflt puns, ibd. oa., « DAM TBOMPBOS-, RARRT of divination that remind iiAbft?^ HHt FRED WALTH HARRT ROE. "SSSSedViapowerB BfflKsnKf aaUed on eteamer Canada, KaUonal Una. Wedneaday, Jnly 7, for London In "Ua Bargrave*" la al- BRANCH STOBXB IN OTBOPBt Fl^^Or XtXVISXO?) iHrce, ^S5*aEnliiimaim FOOTE. Manager. In chart*. SSnnowUnTatiant tbe cbatean,and this very WM. g»od ° ^iTidlSyncnwr of tbe motl^ baa a U)f percent. Dlieonnt to Profwrtonila. t CHAS. tbe plot rae do witli tbe progreaa of 14Un« to »n Jb:i> nvvm^MB3TS.-A«il« type m»«u«, rc-BXi 'vroRXiD-BEra'p Vija and'j.'MoNARMAitATAaelatM A({enta lMSt< -Bawn'a choice 1» onlj too "»«'J;J» ",'L.*?° lJ.13t« Cul^EB tbe flret omportnnl.^ »«oie no««»»»»5"2: ilSeri- to Cailn on fiE ShS.|iS3E3B cents per line, the nephew, whose taste Is aU for AdTertliementji nndOT the headol DUPREZ & BElSfEDIOT t^JTStt Toong SlSr OTMonlT. usmnd.Sport- who can see no MlMellanfO XlenS and^carnagc, and fSnamcST^Ucentoperllne; eKt MINSTRELS, TWBT.VTH OF THE POPOLAB AMU SUCCESSFUL ASCENDANT! a more eon- cStsperMlne-^ Jdojg FAMOUS YEAB AFRICO-AKERICA -SrttothS the alSrorblB crossbow £i Ad?irt«S»ti20 -ISnlal to bis own brutal natnie than hla elftmlnste FOURTH WEEK AND UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS OF THE OieANTIC The occasion Is not long wanting for decld- Son. deputation of Eoval~ Brass Band, NIBLO'S GARDEN THEA1RE. Imr the late ot both young men. A Military COLORED CARNIVAL AT SSlTO bonrgeolB come to protest to the Baron COMPAIVT. • IN ITS STUPENDOUS iJiiStthe inireasIngdepredaUonsandexactlonfl. to be p.id for AND MARVELING OVER MINSTRELSY MOST PROPORTIONS AffiCASlL-AilTertueineoi. out trarellne aboat the ntet week in September. NEW YORK of bis men-at-arms, and call on blm to come to OOB tISiMS mart conclude Wanted, the followiog talent tor the entire eeaaon: - city, which Is ready to , peaee^tb their of Sept on teruM tovorable to the Lord ONE eOOD nRST-VIOLINIST. «2.«heoSSn««aaon i^ well-known featured of the iwt coraec In the band. |[.nl«fl - :Baron Herbert bids Almerl and Garln pro- who can play alood, fiiB eeoond B-flat auUC an amnser. noance their opinions: the former nldeu with the It la not required he ihnaM be denntaUon and condemns the violence of the sol- FLUTE AND PICCDIO-PLATER advlneH ONE dlerv aealnst the people, while the latter who can play either Alto or Tenor In bias.. - CHABACTER VOCALISTS IN THIS COOTBY. the delegates back within their ONB OP THE BEST COMIC AND bis oncTe to hunt ONE E-FLAT URNETmT, - ieiilia»ie«sndtoconilnnehlB fend against them money by man. we can play a good Kcond B-flat comet In ocche^a. •andtbelrlBllMV-cltltenB more bitterly than ever. who B-flat '^:]'t^^^*^^^^^^''^^^iTriirt*? their lettem orpco- Also wanted, a aecond-vloUnlit, who playaagood BALLAPIST. BerbeTtr«co0Llnesln.these words tbe Inspiration -IS^^SlSoiimtTOsto IHB AOCOMPLISHED MEZZCVSOPRAKO Sanljc blood, and, while he ills- •of the' true Sept .jdie«.U commonlcatlon.^^.j^ ""'tWBTEAIIIIS of 80Ne-AND-DANCE MEN, . with menaces, adopts BREWSTER, mlssea the d^patatton qdZKN, whocandoaaneelogandnento^ aonirand-daoce. MuJt MR. O. W. banishes Almerl, to and rroBiistor, TBNTBILOQDIAL UUMOBIBT^ nailnsB bis Bnceessor. and Editor be of mfill""! aixe. ThoM who play braas preteneo. THE WOBLD-PAMODB :}«an>maiiliiienbyl)gbtljlg against the Saracens p. o. BoxS,aeD, or CUPPER Centra iON. ENOI^AND, * one Rood FAIVEOUS Tinr for iCTlolB atroni nrtced Alto, and one Tenpr^d GIFTXSD AMD 100 ~ n-lPPERil one hlsh. SOLOIST. lOO «iattan and dancers, led by an old Jew, comes Charing Or»«.w.c braaaprereiTBa. POPULAB AND AJITISTIC BASOPHONE tto AS.£tol.]&cll^.S9 spnmd. Bailtooe. Tlioee who cmi play THE to the castle. Ajdodit them 1r a yonng wo- c INBMAN,_ - captivating beauty, the eternal Eaa> ONE BAmiNS , man of , HOX^BTtOOIi:, In M. 20 Acqoalnted with, pUy brw in the bud and play a sood baA^o MR. ENDMEN. 8 are so weD who can 20 era Pilnceas w« THE CELEBRATED COBNET yiBTOOSO. Donll o who b*d l)een ravished from her parents dnr- AMUSEMENTS. a bani^trto^^ MIDDLE-MEN 3 L imr period of perpetnal r^lne and war. vtmSSn BABOABt MAN, L 3 etc. Onewbo canplaybraas In JUBILEE-SINGEES 40 Buon Herbert, whom Saladln conld not have THK SffiW YORK to take care dfbamse, O 40 FEMALE O glances of Alscha, cowed, is fascinated by the llery nood InMrnmenU and 4 like Alt tbe above talent mnrtbare pleaw addrew 4 CORPS OF SHOUTEBS, R - gipsy Princess U called, and, a one or more nlghta wUI , R ' avtbeVonng temperate and rellablein every „„,„.„_ waidiDbe, and be atiletly tSi^XSSS^S^i^^Mi^t^^^- "^^Sy^^ as he is, he immediately makes her binding fbr the season. A^i - . . FR£«1> JAWBONE CHOBUSES 2 E '/•mraUlman ra^^ AU engasemeau am BEBOBB. Contracting Ageat; O'EO. a. SAWIN, AdTertUlns Agent. 2 COBPS OF also U smitten by the ISIr one's SaliriM paid mreweokly, bot mnjt .be moderiM, tocor- HUax«y For . oto.. TV^T Hio-v-ee and Flatt>oatl snatches a crossbow married or aln.to. naUonjllty. w L.1L,I I»S B I t>»ke.brake, Barnyard, and. on -He S5. OO ont purpose. a«iJh?rt<- M tooany Us HI Uananer and Sole Proprietor. IB-st shaft throng bisnncle'i BE F*^ OF AUj NEWBDEALEBS AND CHAS: rt. PnVltBZ. In all the leading .b«.r«.f!h,SsU.e™BU.ejj^-wyU.^gJ^e^.„_uo;~. =-r [SO-Itl A««nt. '.from a BenUnsL sends a OAN WM-A-T•!==—MATr.A.O TIME RAPIDLY FILLING. ' soldier to prevent his tell- AGENTS. REA.I> lieaTt. and then kills the PBtLLIPa BROa, aODg-and- that had canght TO MANAOBRS-^e at my bouse, and Jbare found ing tales, nnder the pretence he BACH, halladlai; and^MIS.^ niumSftmn w««».weeka' enaagement rrXME ST'VT.T.-F.T* Ul? TO Alscha di.«l^it!? 1^ NTnI "!*!J2emengenu«u.vu both on and~ off tbe atage. and blm led-handed in bis crime. Garln and PRICE 15 CENTS. OBAOIK SHERWOOD, aUpplng-rope «tirt, hare Joel them ladlea and -t--'^-,^ Abel stlU remains absent tnla eatabllibmaot, MUSICAL ODDITY SCRAPS, .. are' mauled, and while same handsome colored clMed a verv auoceaafbl engagement at THE PATHFINDERS' nndlspnted lord oi Sept Banlx. But It appears in the th?BEOTPE£^BMERaeTer seen In tbla JASPER. MISS. JEAN MNTFMW^B^ HpjmKO, J._NJW^ H. Calh becomes M^fr^ J. BOWIiET,fitage-maniacer. embracluj the following artuita: MARIE cover as last year; nearly all the the pijaajuid publlu aa ; D. fiViri the WAijCiACKS." are never completed, whenbewoald lithographed OTTAWA, CANADA. city. They are endorsed by both ELD, i,,,^-,.^ ';5iS?iT'TnK'54S?pSwn ia"-l<7h?^^^ e.cel slmlfi^mbinaUon whUU^hM been herr *i»rha evidently forms a very poor opinion of him FEBOUBON. LIPS BR0TBBB8 are manager, and amquallflednquallfled pfof Judging a performera_abU;performer'aabll- ¥SoMA8VU,LE ?IMEl%a«h with oar oaaal oare. For terma and datea apply to JOHN that baa ever graced our buarda. Irrralatlbly comic hi ttelr ~ engagements - Conl,«tlngAgnt« A^jeyyesd^on^^a^^dMo hnshand, for the vision Is apparent to him grand Ope>a.bonae. Ottawa. amglng. MISS lUeaTrbe above gentlemen have played two „„d Proprletora. -as « a>-4t Bthluplan cbaisctetliatlona and aplendld cards that have appeareo base of a, N^ewedealers-vrlU please order thia seaaon, and ate tbe greatest silent part. she ihlls senseless at the | peerieaa aa a TfflttlUtt of the Baplda, Mich. «nly: and when NINA BACU, who atanda perfonneis, but periect Address J. RENTFBOW, 25T Baat Bridge street. Grand eyes, tbelr -w-bolc the daata- In this thestre- They are not only pinar, she has no Idea that, in the morderer'a tbeir supplies of Attiuctioi. hteher daaa, alao MISS ORACB SHERWOOD, ..AntLm.n slwAVB t*to anyanvplaceo I am The Bbeahst Hit ms Litest artlat, making tbem gentlemen. TheyTh.v ei'n'alw^s re'iumTetum the sune pinar is the ghost of the Baron enlacing sale agcezi'ta. lu aerlooomlc and aong-and.daiice ReapectfUly, ED, BANKER uara that haa ever Tlalted our city.—ST. »nnected with or manage.— the boMilooded little lady In Its icy arms. The Copies maJUed fimm tbls office the atranaeit * possession of JOSEPH HBBALD. „ Tu'l^TsS^'i-EW ORLEANS, LA.-The imforttmate Garin, thwarted In the receipt of price, IP oentg. OalTeaton. Texaa, June S3, UBO. '•vaDDEvSlE on LONDON THEATRE, BROS., MI88 NINA BAOH and ORAdE THEATO wild with rage. PHILLire CHICAGO tbe woman he loves, becomes DBEW8, TO MANAaBBS.-The PHILLIPS BROa, double Mng- Iba%e POX'S NEW AHD drawlng-cardR Palestine in tbe dlsgnlse LAWEli comedians, also MISS NINA SHERWOOD are Ibnr of tbe beat Almnl comes back tram SKETCH ARTISTS. anojoanwand-danoe artlaia and general OEOBOBOKOKOBWEi.iiB,WELIJ), rrnnnoior.Pmprletor. (LA.TE LYCEUM), ' TABIBTT AND irplayed.—laved.— as some other stage heroes have done MUSICAL, BACH, opetauCTOcallat,J^JjW™ ^ MISS ORACIB SHERWOOD, «f In tbelr immenacly fUdny afterolece, entitled OaiCA.<30, TIuT^ ' He has apparently profited by his FDBUSaER AND PROPBIEroB, MOLIWpN'S.BOABDIKO-HOUSE XkEC^PI^nVS STREET, _ light fbr any- 88 SO uentre street, New Tork. Foi datea experience, and is ready to and Time fllllDg rapidly. New ploiorial brlnung. tnst anyone. At the head of the citizens p. o. Hot 3.8«>. d C. DRBW8. he will inarch to do battle lor Philip "aoJ? 49 Baat Dlamond"atreet, 'Aiie8beny City. Pa. complete It wiU>.o - - which HAIXEN & HART'S doubled, and when . .^-w.«i a riNAFOBB IN U KINOTBa. «-lt» A-MUSJEMEISTT I»A.1L.A.CE OF AMERICA; THE 8Ai-xjRi>ii.Y. SEi-r\ 4, 1 seo. w-El pbsir^EEi S?S^oN asapnrs. - onwi. Address ROBBRT rvi. EVDOS," The Great ViGtorellis avif Arfi.t. nt RCkTtft .iMliml ahllllT.Jrrltf at

toake» 1money-It., i ^ , THEATRE, jBd beat boalneaa centnaawlMaai COLISEUM S^eabn,tnnl by tbe beat bollti ANTONIO, ira-honae. _ SAN ^SB&padnad.wblnh tnTsneatbe beeccoonaT, Wood'aOiOpei Monnet^ally as vfSSSt w'^ I^advllle. li H ii iw aa ac» worth aarthlnir In tbla luie. alxtb ^ eetl miCHIOAIV. HanbaDt as tbe Baron, Ule. Ufflhy as Aiseha. Addren H. 1CTOBBLLI, 'ROIT. HUe. FsTBrt as Almerl's mother, and Mile. Reich The '^Cliiic^o, Milwaukee and emberj; as K3\x. { -WANTED. St. Faiil Eailway Salsbubt's Tbodbadocbs made their first bow '™'S_TS5„-i£StJ^.SF'^I' IN BVKBT .PABTICDI.AB. Largest seating eapulty In COHPANIES AND BRASS BUD TRAVEBSDJOTHB yraaiS/^SisTmFrmt^ burners " "• ilTARY 't>eTore an Entcllsh andlence at the Royal Alexandra _ Telllt polntmentaailnav. Tbe OBBAT NOBTHWEST BT^^^HTW^ FI^KASB ADDBB3S renowned vlollnlat Theatre, Uverpool. Itae Season Commences Monday, Aug. 30. WILDBLMJ Igfaly praised the aeons- on Uonday, July 12, and met The only Northweetem IjOXTXS B~E1CK, tic quslillea- All sireet-car egnala oftbebeat. Ita•^S.iMfSrSia. PBOF. ilni centre In the Immediate -with a.most flattering welcome irom a large andl- wfalctaarethe Bros.' Great Rnr»ean «*• neighborhood. Terms low. Address Cblcacoand XUwankee are the beet In tlx Leader of Band. Bella Uniforms ence, who were creaUy amnsed and anplanded fte- wScfSMS Ind.. Aug. 9, Pem II, Fort Wayne llj U* 'O-ac J. H. SRHAEFER. and EqiM^ whole euulpment of the beat qoaUty and t—S'^f^™ Boote: AtUcn. 'qneiitly dnrlnic toe perfbnnance of "The Brook." Bates ai Ubenl aaB anya other Noclltweatem Une. FOR . Jambs UioDurON of the Boyal Orlslnal Marion- adTaatasea asply to TIM B. OHANDUBnB Addrru a^l communlatlons tatl|f COLISEIJU THEATRE, Oeirolt, Mich., end oblige respectlully •S; U-lncb Song-and-danee Shoes, SS: SAXE CHEAP. RICHMONDjlY. CHA8L H. TOWNSBW . ettes, and Ibr years In the theatrical proftaalon, Clark street.set, Chlgaso. nC; t. A. 8MTTH, SB Roadway, I OPERA-HOUSE, Dutch Clogs, (2.M; Fngbt Wigs, %i; MOt«>w* 24 Tcsey siiesL atwW died jmy • In England- New Tork:J.J. —RTHnaON, ks— WaahURten «net.. Beaton Burnt Cork, per box, 411c:; Pslse^ous- Tbs Coxsvs Tbeatbe, London, closed Jnly IT or A. V. IL CABPENTBB, General Paasengcr Agent^Mll- WAinm, GOOD HINSTBEL TBOtPE CH^S. O. WHITE, «taehes, 39c: Bosewood wankea, Wla. Chicago Depot, comer Caaal and We Bones, - r fiDc; Tsmbo, vltti Mme. Kodjeska's slxty-ihlrd consecntlve ap- ^ for Fair Week. brw^iQ. Ang. 10. on LIBBBAL Milng I. AMOS t' MadlBOn stteeta. In the heart of the dty. 1-3K Bsoloy t3; Triangle, ' terma. Addreas at onc«° B>-lt- V WASHINGTON p^iance In 'Heartsease." a. C. OBBBN, Manager. Americ Zither, The Flytno-danceb Ariel, who Is playlnz in I»BO»«. BOWS<8 oroat IIEADQUABTB the Sden Theatre, BmsselR, Is thns spoken or by 'Woaitem Orolaeflrtra'and tha. ceireipondent ol The (London) Bra: "On the llkNA8ERS@AGEIiTS JEWELRY BandI>epot, ZaneavUIet Dancing S^ade Easy, 2Sa ^Megro- .AAel, the tlylng.dancer, OF Mends , New petlema Joat «aa» eyenlnK made her O. Being centrally loeated, our Hlnatiel'a Golde, 23c. End men wigs, 9Z each. Bend stamp sncceas, In the West will to order through EN Tor our new Confide 'first appearance with great apparently C0HBI5ATI0RS YISITIKO THE WEST doweU EN ROUTE AND ROUTE for Prices ot MlnsMI and Magic Gooda. Musical Instni- ONLY lar, thishoose. contalnlDff erei ' noatlngln mld-alr. It Is said that this lady and ^ Bee notice In another menta, etc Remit by P. O- order or reglstereil letter to '' win (hid It to their Interest to call on oraddteo J. H. Send stamp tor catalogne. la the markat. B uer siner. Hiss .£nea; at the Chatelit, Paris, have MOUNTAIN, City Passenger Ajient CHIOAaO. BOCK ED. JAMBS, ClIppwBuUdlnjr, mention Confldsbt the sole right to perform this teat in Enrope, hav- ISLAND AND PACIFIC B.. No. I-tt aa and ao Ceo&e streetTNew Totfc. to a H Soeth CUric atnet, •^ATS'^EX* FOR TUB Stmtmen and i ing seenred patents In the varlons conntrles. At Chicago, lor reduced rata to Ban FnndsoOiDeBnr.Chey- " -- "f.rtwwi*!! { anyiate^the peTtbTmsnces of atlval entertainer enne, Oma>]nah% " BIuSl— Atchlun. Leavanwoith, HAIsIsEN Ac HA&TS jittheAWDhra have t>een atopped by an Inlnnc- City. DeaMolnea, Rock Island, Peocls- or aar point PENZANCE PIRATES IN A NDT-4BELL. JO-lt« TBB BOOK ISLAND BOVTE haa Eagle Palace Thoat CHAMPLIN'S Ariel's appearance takes tiallet moncoodahOir Uon. place In the towns on Its hne than any or Ita oompcttton. -'I.es Fatmes,* by O. Bletra, arranged by H. Eapln- BHAKESPEARE STRBBT, NBAR BBOADWlf PtTLLMAN PALACBBLEBPING CARS an attaded to I ' FBBDBBICK LOBUR Bolem osB^jtho was l)allet.master at Dmry-lane t:nder all Express Trains, and run throogfa between Chicago aal 3 ENGLISH'S OPfiKA-HODSE LIQUID PEA ALF. MILBS lES 3 NEW BUg»-'« VAMPIER8 Peoria, Sea Moinea, OonncU BlnOi, Kansas An unequaled loUet theE.T. Smith's management. The elltect of the CItr. Caana- INDIANAPOLIfl, prepsrmtion. Bdstoras worth and Atchison. THBODOHC^S alas fui hSwaan Openlnac Date, A.uc 30, nmiANA. and beaatifles tbe complexion. Used and r, . wbUa' gan^y costomes. designed by Orevln, espe- MUwaokee and Kansas CIt;1 wl^hont change Tla Uie "MU- Wnx E. EKQLISH Proprietor and Maiu«er. Mrs. Soilt Blddons. Clara Loolse KelloiK; 1 .' euaij when inamlnated by floats with red glasses, wankeeand Bock Island Short Una.''.'* Wo alao ran._ the_„ TAILiBl Tbla ffTUd baildLnflT, oow In coonie or erection, la tbe chek, and hundreds of others. Contains ' id plctnresqne; bnt the probability Is that, finest dhiing and reauorant cara IN ALL BRANCHB8 OP THE BUSINESS. centn ot ibe etor, vlu be oompleted br September will Injure the most delicate skin. Sold naed on anllioad, sod Srst-dass next In byi > IT tbe leenc were changed ttma Bmssels to Lon- Berremealatnmblll-of-ISreateeTenty-flTeceaueaeh. people need applr. Write at once _ muolflcent style, ud wlli be b/ far the flnent theatre In 60 cents per bottle. Beware ot ImitatJona. No FBBDBBICK LOEHB, don, the Lord Chamberlain woold Intervene." other route can giro aa good rates ana aceommodatlona. . „ . Inoiana, and one ot tbe flneat In the Untied States. It mteow CHAMWJN A CO.. Piopr'a. 1 »-m Bagle Palace Theatre. BalUmir AMEBICINB m.ABB0AD.—Charles E. Temer, snp- aucDXL A. Bsnr, JoBX SaaasruM, PzasT Oumw, mil be on the gTound'floor, with eleitant reUilng-rooma, Penn. Paaa. Agent, City Pass. Agent, Bo.BaatPBsa. Agt., Parisian Grotesque Daacefs, Contortionists and Lolly Kickers, apaelooa lobbies and promenadea, twelve proacenlum ' Dobaon'a New Patent Open-S The Famous ."ported t7 the Mlases Clara Henderson and Flor- IIS Market boxea, loarteen at, eOSMalnsL. UDNonb Hlgbat, Banjo; also New Book eleg&nt dreaauiff-rooina, aU wide exlta on WHITNEY'S OPERA- ^ < anoa Rlchmpnd and "a strong dramatic company t— bf Philadelphia, Pa. Kansas City, nrf— . . all aldea ol tbe aodltorlom. with oomfbrtaUle Mo. o. BANJO Methnd. SI For dicnlaxal Idtess aeata for - direct Itom America," were to have prodnecd "Dr. CLcnoMJoaxa, B. F. BioaaBMOK, W.'H.'JBnfCT, NOW PLATING 8VC0E88FUL BNOAGBMBNTS IN TBB WESTBBN CITIES, AND AFTER CLOSING AN CK- 2,000 people, perftet TentUauon, flnt-daaa atafe appolnt- ^8"^^HENRY C-C. POBSOn,D0B30N, 1,Z)7 Broadwar.proaowaT. n-wNow YvTkToi J •WHITNEV '-Cljde" In the Qneen's Operetta-honse, Liverpool, O^in tniT. ASnt, oii BaiiSSKi: Vn'&iSiAV^m. I PBECEDBNTED SNGAOBMENT AT THB BELLA UNION TUBATBB AND WOODWAKD'S OABDENS, SAN FRAN- mentj, aoene-room wltb capadty for elgfatr peira or flata, , OSCAR WILLIS CISCO. CAL., OP FOBTT-FITB CONBBCUTIVE WREKB- For open dates addreni fltace to rlgglnff floor ffl ftet blali, with »nfM^iiai. for drop- . Eng^Jaly 20, Slii^aceDea,an4 In tact nil tbe modern ImprorementA. .CJ^N ALLTHETEAJlEOimD. TETB MOl > - is^. _ Bbbnbabdt began an engagement in the ATBE SMUB 2011* a< and 48 s. CIstk street. Room 7. Chicago. IIL lanageia ot flnt>claaa oomblnatlona onlj, addreas aa OP THE PAB WEST. Wanted at an tl .'nrKTheana, Bmssels, Jnly 16, acting Fron-Fron. iHRRy MINER'S RE, ebor«. 8-lA* class SpeclsltyAitlsta. Good Serlo. annuo and! JOHN, HEWTH dance Ladles sXttft And Fabbon began their lltst engagement Council Oc&Tkt. and Paaa. J^t., Chlcaga wanted Immediately. Appply aa al In Liverpool, Eng., Jnly 20, In the Prince I-Ct " of Wales' ' Theaq«. NOS. les. ur and IS BOWERT, NBW TO _ 1880-81. FiTTIE AND BENNIE TO I.ET, ' BOLE PROPRIETOB AND MANAOBB- . .BABd ^ From India. OBAND BBOPBHINO MONDAY BTBNIHG,/^ <- ' ABSIIn, formerly of the ^ TBDIBUra YIBIEIJES TBE OOl.'-Ibe Ansun Brothen:, New Upper Gallery I NewOpera Boiaal " -sliBpsbooters, writes to thz Cufpbb fk'om Bom- New Orebeatr* and ranueiler I ^ 'l<4y,'in(tla.'Jnne' 26. that be has entirely recovered THE LAROhST VARIETTTHEATBBINTARlB riTTSBXTHQ, New Cnrtain and itom all the 111 effects of his having attempted Scenery, by Edward Slmmta Stage iDcIudlDg Bolei, Bar and BUUard-haU. and Uechanica] Effects, by^jools Bonfond- ANNIE WARD TIFFANY COMBINATION Will . to take his life while anfrerlng (torn 1 cheap. Inquire of JAMES P. a snn- FIBST-CLASS G H I N E QUINN, trujtae ot I IN N SPECIALTT ASTIBIB. LIVKI BIOSL BLUOTT DAWN'S SOOOBSSFUL COMEDT DRAMA r-«3«ke. Be- has lea Dave Carson's BORLBRQUE ABTITTS, ble e»ut>, 161 Finh ayenue. rornfr Qnotmna tronpe, and, TIBS, and NOTBLTIE.S of ALL DB8CBIF1 I apply SKETCH AND vaioed to' blBwlfe, has'been giving entertainments by latter to are open for eDga««nenta. Addm HABBT 1 HBS. A. ORIKNBIaU ^- -lb-aeOBlei>-Theatre there. He -was to have left Sole Proprietor an. „ 10-Ut care of his P. B.—Menageries will find good Winter CLIFPEB offlc«. To . jnne 28 to perfbrm feats before the King of Ee- qa Clrous dressing n me- - roda and his' obnit, by special command. has MISS AWJVIE ~WA»X> -TCIFFAXTX AJS NEMO miE A-CrTRISSS. Be tiO RBWABD wlU be psld Cor sneb InKniaU.1 engagements to petfotm befiiie eight Indian mRG.WilSBII!jm GREEN CoiapOt^y now orflra-nlzlnor. wbloli will be flrst^luHS In ever>- rocspoct. In hlfl sreat Mnatlon dmoA >™»| ri ea,'aBd these reqieotlvelj ; I^thOfrni'Bn'* and jpjRntlnir enentirely now. For daton, otc, oiAAxvhh CO rATEirr jgB e will occopy his I ttW GRIH OPERA cfntScs lights niesiiiS^^ Opera " Union square, 'ahonC , New York, or OEOBGE TAVLOB, 'dnttTtor three months. After their con- OXtEXSPTEl, X>A.WT«', Solel^ntand Maon) clnalonhe intends visiting China, Japan aodAns- Perforated, X3XjILiX01"r' Msnsgers- FAMOUS SPECIALTY TROUPE COUNTERFEIT, Plain : n««re*t i tralla, retnmlng hither- aj the way of AND San Fran- THE SnoOESS OF THE PAST SEASON- CIRCUS-LIOHTS cisco. confirms the , Foot Rett 18SO A-IWX» '81. nrtces He report in Mr. Arthnr's let- New and SSASON OF reduced, are the cheapest and moat dun /ter ofthe nptate In Dave Caison's mscnlfleent ptlnttng. Mr. AKLAK will coin, nClie SeautUvl and 'X'ft.lontcdl iinaf Enorllab A.ctreeiH Agent. GEO. company raeooe his scuon Sept. ax Hat Beat Se Yo DOUBLE VAUDEVILLE ORGANIZATION. TATLOB. a OoM stieet. New TciS ' •VTohn Wilson's Oirens has had a very prosperous ^BEBPONSIBLB managen wishing to arrange, time (ague. Made i ad- I season, and was to have left for Colombo. Oeylon, | Three nammotb and dutlnct ornnlaatlona cooaoUdated tCo., into one Moalcal. Terpalehorean - * Julyl The Stanley Opera Tronpe are In Bom- i. H. Andrei Honner and flpccincular W. T. MEIsVnXE, tandlBTWal supported by auuneihil company, composed of tbe following prominent and popular artists: Affgregatlon, embndnffflO Lyric end Dramatic Bean. -.bay,; Idle, owtog t9 — • the seyere Alness of Hiss MB. CHAa._J._PrFFE._ G.. W. H. J. BART PHANiCwBSTON. T. MR- cola. H. p H5- }iRi T^OLMERrOLML_ . HAMILTON, WOOD. Sole Proprietor. SMl jaij KaUa^il Qi,. C^DO 'U.Hostvr. Prtnthw OWagoJU. EDWIN TABBBT, MR. BALPB DKLMORB, MBS. J. MR- E- C COVLE, and Will bM[ln eeaaon on or aboat Aojc- liL 10 Bond at. rTork. M& W- BBUTONB. AT LIBERTr CXTmoiT->11>e dnma entitled 'OOunTEB. ^* MB. O. T. NICHOLS, MB. OLIYBB WREN, MISS J, TUTTLE, Wanted, a recognlied Prlmanlonna, capable of IS iDVAHCE-ACI • k*— »4»J LIZZIE MAT ULMEB, MR plAjInfr FBIT," tta scenes, etc*; I claim aa sole prooctetor. it bar. 19 Bond St., lArchai., In the original Bomantle Drama in four acts endUed in barlcaoae, U dealred. AddreM a> been wrtttan espeOally fbr me by Wm. vetahayjor Al- 'mjfiicAjt,. , New Tork. CLAUDE DB HAVEN, wny. It is lolly oopytlAted. and aliy Inftlncttnent ol BAKER, PRAn&COj Practical Bewspaper a one-act comlo open by- '65, 1 9 2f National PfImting Co., iUMonroe at., Chicago, lU . man, expedmued manager. ToBBASOB," mr rUita will be ylgtannaly praaeciiteI]V-A.ItY. of CLirPER- U^lt MISS ijoxrsssi tanses with Oanllne to InforrD her of all that has PENZANCE PIBATES IN A NUT 2D-lt< isrsci^ES). auka, Batlns, Vdrets, Tarletans, nnminated J Vt ' passed hetween her hnslnnd and tfte Caaoet by Lsoe Bbawla. Saeqm, Orerdcesaaa, »^sjrreL, oriirinai -wA.x^i>Ropr, THE ORIGINAL j means ot pteoonoerted airs on hla Bote. While etc. Gold aad BUrerr Armor CloOia, Bracadai^ Ftlnr TJ'&S. and. BfA.ST'Ell MISS ALICE enters by the door, Stan, Spanslea, Jewe]a,Fmbrcld«ls^ete., a HABSI80N, LOUIB HABBIBON, tlie ban-lifter Tracolln depans OBONTSr, M:A.»TrN, KISS CABBIB OAN.'aEL.<', wall to gain Information Cotton. Worked and Lisls-thresdSbiitsaiidTMita, r.„ want: Only 5vik _ over the of bis little MISS THEBEBB WOOD, WILLIAM TBOMPaON. And their new dings and French Ootton Tlgtats a ^edalty. Curaa and ennped both and I In Osb- three-act musical oomsdg games. Presently, while Don ffeinor Is reconntlng HAvlDfc Ton«r Ttmi OEp. GASTON. Leather BUppva, Oaitera, Sandals, Clqffs and IThceaot all ko«n. Wu. (tna only halls that amoant to (In the HBNBT WABBRN. what has passed at the meeting, his wUa bean the deseripUonSL Branthmg neceassirlar aenmpletevanl. ultnral onder tli« maoagameat ot MABTTN W. HANIiET. pre- OUR dty) for the week ot the Korthem WUooi _ PlaDtTATIOl ' ' ALBEBT E- • promised aks on tbe Hate, and, precendlnir to con- robs. -GOODS SEirr C- O- D. A DBPOaiT ECBOOIBBD eommenrloff 8epL U, lor tlx toll itoen- BEBNHABOT. Musical Director, FatTs aenting sn original mualcal =.ela4 sult the cards, tells blm Jast what he has been np ON ALL OBDBBS BT HAIL. I6-Ut« a flnt-claas Pantoinlme, Spec Mlnairel cocentrle comedT br »^MM",SlSaiP0Palar I flrst-dass B- E. WOOLP, Sole Muiacer.. ... _ - Troope, or aii7 other good atcncUon ) , . ta'and what she tblntB or him. to nisnner discom OPBIV FOR EnrCA&EIIIIElVTS author "Mighty " HOW of Dollar," "Mlllloiis," etc, entitled Braaa Band and Orchcecra, either on a y or snaring 'fltnre. HTEJW PRirt'X'J^G, I^IOTaOCrRAfBS. OX>£IK "PHOTOS." tenna, for the aboTe week. PUejw u umedlsiely, WEW FIRST I>A-TJe BO.MONDBABBOW;,NO«B^^ MR. E. C. DUNBAR. "T bnsuesa. OCX*, as. Bear lo mind we hare no coniiectlan with any other minstrel organization. Addreas all letters to 70 For time and terms plesse sjlaress and KtTe all p*nlenlara aa to companj s.s.m. ~ Prince aticet. New Tork city. ai-lt MARTIN W. UANLET. . VaBIBXY maa THE WOBLD-BBKOWNBD The t«rnu moBt be EBaaonable or nc I be taken IB-Uf Byan's Union-place Hotel. New Tork. CamxLo AMD BooKSB, their wives. And the of the offer. WUl occopj ooeof the _ I the week C. W. BARR-^ great B«n Ootton Company, three Lament Biatbeis sailed Irom Liverpool Jaly MELANIISE MZNSmEL with my STABBING TOUB ISO-USL AND ctemtattnction on the road xa. liWoL-'l IDlnals for America. other THE WORLD ON FIEE. EVERYBODY 18 In tlie steamship woold alao like to eogafce a flnc^claas bud tor that CRAZY. In " ' Thm BRaMANS SiSTBBS were to have .opened wedc. Pleasa-addxraa me eare PrlniIntUifC Com- We conldnt help It. We hare done it. irlU do It again. Sampson's Opera-house, AND HIS NEW DBAMA thanks proprietors ' We OP and i the Theatre, Manchestst, Jnly IS. managera lor their idnd olTen, Chicago, lU. [i»ftl FORBES. Oale^ senicee pany, had closed an engagement In the ^ hare beenaecnred by Tea aasnTAB HJIDIEB^ESO., for the season of 1880 and I8SL RONDOUT, N. Y., ROPED Ellen Theatre. Bmsaels. B. C. DnNBAR returns to America p« S. S ^Iseonnn. for rent or on shatva to flrst-daaa Comblnatlona- Man arriring on or abo'it Ang. 21. TEMPl£TON All FAY will eomaramcattosis to be HENDERSON & CRANE'S MAMMOTH DIME SHOW sgeta please apply for datea to aiMressed care ol H. MINBB, BSO. wblcb tak«a tfaB acmln on about 30. PUjad to the ever known the New England CI reult, RBORO milgTRKIAT. THE FIBBT OP THB I md iMgutbouws m and ncelTed eTerywbera the blgbeu enoomlamB of ibe prcaa. PHIL. SAMPSON, WbaiTbzt Think op oint Uinbtbbl Bots ik S^ BnUre flxst-dsas performsnfa tlatest l«»«^ . OFBBATIO AND DBAMAT^ J8SB8I PBOPBIBTOH. . -ENommw—BngUah newspapeiB are not prone to THIS SEASON ETERlTHIStt HEW. 82 PEOPLE A5D BBASS BiSft. K. B.—Artists, Opera-house Msl _ Jld otbe . _ SCHMIDT Sc lenew the peilormances or soangers with that UNO'S OPERA-HOUSE I TOmi rBockUi I BONa-AMD-DANRE dress to my Bummer place. Mostmc Co. WAJSrCTEXD—TVO.-..^GOOD .nr^nn KEN. thoae who play brasaprererred. ALSO MALE AND T¥IIjLiIJJIlS' twblohlsacharacterlsUc of AnMilean Jonr- N. ¥. ClBai«l EMPLB >N. FEMALE BPBCIALTT ABTISI8, TWO GOOD "«1DMBNBNDMBN whhwttil meclalUes, and M0SICIAN8 who play braas and ; ttenoe little had tieen said In 3Vut Bra con- TROY, W. Y., •tnng. MO BUHMBBS OB LUBBBBS WANTED. Halsflse- mtiat oe low, as tbey ace sure. All communications must cnmlng the merits of George Thatcher. Johnson be addreaed to po-It*] 1KB SMirB. Manager, ICCbardon street, Bcatoo, Masa. w«n for Beat or on Shares to FIrtt-dlaaa Ooratalnatloiu. Has •Bd Mwen, and E. K. who bad been playing affcn will picaae apply fbr datea to D0B9NB1 ' JBi suBie weehs with Moore & Bnigess' KIbsIrIs, NEW PA- |kT OPBN-! ATTICA, ' H. nntn Its Jssne or Joly is, when the ronowlng yer- G. RA]n>, .BANJO. Y. »nMsalng-rooma. heated . vdlotwaaieoorded: lO-gt* ProprlBtnr. Loekboi M. T>ny. w. r. BANJOCnCDtAB. .Tilt Jf" by steam and FOB lighted by gaa. Bcmea on flats, and all W»Il»dte. Moore, Walter Howard, and esreral of the i.Tir twsT. NewTw tBoaWnnue Im- TTF'.T.TnyA., aCOK'X'.AXC.A. TEBBTTOBT. proTcmenta. For rent orJiniiiaree ta Flcst-cUi^iS Sireet-men, maatpo^BTartinaat the Monte A Surgeaa mnstrela arc HARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY OF MUSIC, iia.^^ MANAaEBBwmpjp«,g,^^j^ dmtat IhaStandanl Theatre, an opportnnlty U ar- BOO-AJNIS «ii»t i a of St. MING'S OPERA-HOUjBjE BANJO MANOiL, ensbUngr :«>.tha lw -lt* J. BOOAN, 100 B. HouslOB OxttiS^^ ...... Manager. WiU be at Uberty for Pall ShnrCsASvuSS! TMl and Winter to JolAr tiM, Hotiona, etc.. »»—'-^t. mil ippeaie to Incnaae in cordialiiy with met appointed In Ihc wm cUher tent or compwy as agent and adremser. ai>4 allSiiSrCuSitf?SMieies. si has an ^UyeomlSaatlaBoroBoastamty. For icnns tddroa •WAJiTHD FOB Tlm^ n,^^' wholesale rates. dauSgSI^ pMnnaoea, K M. Hall made ntTaanUBair hit COMMENCES can addieaa called aut» PAUL O. SEASON, MONDA7, SEPT. 6. hla banlo-playlng. Be maybe ikepaguuni BUM. Agent UH LASALLE.STBEET, : Ibr nerar betbre hare we beard that V tMha4o, bstrn. jE2ata,t>UalMKi fiMTPH'S OPERA- „ . JTOVEJ/nr, srp.\SL», I .\ —ii-l -TirTr''-*— fai snch an anlstls style. Then Is rx .AJRririsa: I AAa a Had of tentastle poetry In the way Mr. Hall pU] ^daie Plttaburg;^^ FOBT ELGIN, BCA-ZTJLGEIEt Ibr coming i _ BBUCB 00 OMTARin ' loKinmcnt prodoee both Ox banta- R* makes the p. TOCH BROS., WASTED—.-ATTBAOnVZ BPBClALTIEfl FOB OHB WKBK BACR, BBPl. t, 13 AND 3) anaw-er effeeis of tbe most norel kind, am «» «nn'S,SS.'i7I5i?,"i,b», tkatia and hfmoffw • -_ M BOWEBT, BBW TOBK CITT, NOHB BUT THB BEST. ^i^^ in fell nslBClpal solo, a sort ot eariatnie of Thaltaetg' •OFFEB TO JCANAOEBS AND BCEMO-Aatms, A FIBST-^LABS BTmOFIAN COMEOIAK FOB THREE WZECSL OOXHERCIIIO SEPT S. r laiisiii^iMila iiiMnilsi 'iIiiIimTj ' nwwtTIniTii . nnnin thetr wvU-selectnd STOCK OP OOLOm. BBOsIeS, . ',WbH4ta]tndaeed seme of the most original paoagrs GUJES, Eu. whkh cannot be stttpaased la qnaUty, at 7'.. upon the ttanjo: or anyvtfeer tns^ OPERA-HOUSE, , iiMHweiwlMn] lownt market prices, GREENVIUL WSS. ac- -^r I USUI Ksaviag the melody all the tbne, be Blaytd an Ooods sent C. O. D. Pnce-Usu on applleaUjn. 'C15-13t« TBANBAOnXa-i '•-1 .^oMsaateeatcntliiaotbcrrtniKi^aadaoawugvaitetlon* ^•*{: ;;iliame«aas.lne,ecqBei7aisdaIl. iT-w -• aBL. a paswgrgigart lnc AND OUITAB LBiVoaB, BLSGAMT t .f JOHN (^fiLc^dS > Instinmente, terinn '-Boeka. Sheet- U 129 WEEKS, NK^ {. — - w.-A-F-Timtiy nuiiiiii, BMUO .mnslcete. aeadfir BdokorTeatlao. Sbo. a DOBsaii, ' BAZXEV iiM*»hlaft»tigwo<|>jsp|t^w»ta. U-ISt* .^AD eoRapaidaiee please addieaaOAKES BB(Wl, Dentnr, m, i.ni-»tnrf 177, £ .V andaneoft>e>a!y.s» »t( mcAPOBB nr -u Mmuns. Credits

Scanned from the microfilm collection of Q. David Bowers

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