! ; — ! : ' : : . I rjaAPTJC QXTELKIV. ) Sdltor and Proprietor. (" I>rjiW YORK, FLOWERS. S^TUHD^Y AUGrXJS I His lips -were white. 7, 1830. -No. (nomlrt ao. IO« THI nw TOM CLirpSB. could not lut.„ JPrloe Ten Cents. BY VABDTKS BBOWK. behind this sinister mask, rnlly avenged Jnaignerite had been ^Vbtoceeamatbrrant; Oo whmt tklr mora ' -"-tC*""?" Tb« places andotherSn5 o?hL"*J^;tP^5?n'^'?«Tl^«"«^«. ™*' evening last Winter at bama ororth to idont - -.=l2.1^4^^?*^o=J.'WcompaniedbyaDorter pape^-^^SSh I'^riii'd; arf wSu^tJtS'^ schoolgirls' reunion or somcthlSirVf Uit lirt ° , When tbe flowcn emms— J^j!^fi,°^°S' WaUaohlan, having piok- «t only a transient girlish timTiL ^ fortunate In anlvinir to- ooat;.seaixjhed hlB^SoEeto 0«nK<'«e«- Aiid.lf ita«glartai.ba«, nvht,='he *J°V°*" "J Perastedrand^BfooniSe known Mid ; "a little laterand ^,^JS^ To br'whatererainie found he woSd Lve J^^Pl^ef B»yl was channM is pnw^t Did Niton flDd. In no lodgtoK espeoiaUy pocketbooki very mild. Daring b«r Idle boon at thto hotel thi whence he extraotedthe bankbilte the recess we haS sumt.! (II ilattira crei knav IdJaoM). i "^seei season is OTersnSw by tlie Countess, with the doiterity sSJn-i*'™-- ™«™y oloi a Alexlnn. professional as yon hSSS" ?S?°'!^"5. the hiS'dto: prestidlgifateur. Jfi'^/-.i5?""'J?- tarow to tdo paasport," he inin^^f^** continued, exam sDCgested her as a snhecltote- ah* enna<fnte!i "»°<1 yon iS^ w°™' I?P«"' a rumpled sheetl Witnessed tbe reSSuiSt iliw..""*'"*^' 'andwritliv. my denrj^ ta, nmong other notabHldM a , rI^h'"?^'?'>-™'"" ertr?,?Ji^'*.P*'**='- then, no DOV- • Conotess dl^NanMy has In tba aimpla flowan thMt mtMadmn mt+k* couple, o„iy ^Ih^^"^^.- Ab. s«et would be tha ,nrre?i,''thU y'=~. h" dep^uro SSfSiftiJSS^- ?oU!^l^ri^ The lady can pass as a I with pSS« r^**""^ °l ,^««ra-it tall oj God'i KMon fcr • sole mix- TTe know, aclaut. urwrth of beauty. The husband Uiw Id ramloi iSchi5t.,I seal went to the Cur- Jlsaa anotbcAawanfaloonied- tameainW „J„n i^^"?^^^"™^^- Ana ago, br good annia plantud. aad inade his det>at thion^h^toiSK _Tli«alrof Edeo their bre&'Ji perftamed. dred one Sn- thousand francs t «» T?)er ware ak7 and mn, cbeak. Hp and flam*" EvarvhSo ^iT? th!?? they wefe wild BO , many sorrows, "And now " she nitrini And, tboocb baailiii man/ • qoaiot, tearing the fatal old name ! mlsellTinto tamnlnto a^d , To common ona ehann all aowera had-T comlort ^f£u-^-4rS£rb«^ To tba wearr and loothe tba aad. andta^4'.°"'°'^''*'°"*"*«>-™'0''«r Pau°°sllps 1 and the post no longer exists." Jtow, alto- tba oantmlaa roBad awar ""^S^"*". That cbaim la tbaln ' oorpee, and In turn lean- ai or old to-iSr' *^ Russian ed«rt over it as Wbo bu not marked Mnna magic bonr hJ^y'^fii^?. Rambler?" Oreffory baddone ThetarSMn Bt a fuled RM tbu atm haa power ^2.'?? tempered by efflnf Tha hldd«Ddeptbi "S?™rfLndanoff," or tba aoalto awar r answered the waiter "I around was crimson. IM mna^ odor bungs back azam The Countess aipneff ourboowTfrom P<w«e8sed the Tba old, old plearan;. the old, old iMln. 3rSL^5^l?„'^„"*'"*."'«"niB passport. art of brtnB?iS??n«ir?iS!L?°'*' AnaTenI<ttarlian<!ballow«r He comes from Paris with tha On tbe Tcnnm or relret leaf of life, ^ hip™n^ Tou Aod nolblncoo aaitb nball hare tha power SSfllT''"*""' TocBt It oat except Daatti'aknUe. ^ repeat, fatigue." ' »»' ( everafte^d^"?." ROMS are naes erer the same. I retire to let the gentleman sleep." Bo UttlelCmattenlC known br what name Wa do not tin ^""^ Ladanoff lo call tbem OTtr, this hotd?"""*"*- Inhabits mi'iSS^iSiiS^^ce Maiden Illy or ma^o nee, I "Let utteianoea of aObcaon. "Yes, slr-^n us go r said she, M^^t. e-f?!.*"^?,' »"nnM««one ttaatgrowa the same floor with the oentle- And,wlthoi pre«nceror Fall ot aunjtiloa or or lorer. jS?5,"'^^K*8'ance backwards, she PhCICr'aX^X-'ISJSS?' common flowan rMnixorf ' theBolniBrtan '''il!*'.?' are beat hlKhness ^?fh^!.n«**IS?°y*^«"»<»totown. InffllitoJroAd M^e% SSJSK That bsTe no Laan Bime^ I,T?S?-'^ to-morrow that a per auel-it tal m Fellpo Ojlvanl's The flowoa that an not oranlmed of his acquaintance arrived it be possible thus season MnSSsMtoSi SJTlS?: IJke women, to-niRhtr to^n wore on, brtngin»eTer%Sh uS5S?^ £S wbov hot Ilpa hare praaaed Jto nowise. I do not T.H^iJfj"*'°y?i*,:'~°'«t_the two accom- bldatbeirshaiaer^ know the Count." ttrirblU rS!i??°'''','." The genUemnn would be and packed th"lr •I Kl^it'. 'Wld that Ilea pleased I think to SJ^^^^,"^*™jK8. quitted Bombong, ii^eJWillh the swamp, have me take charge of to the neat dnnlr "'«'• from aad dear I prite I his pMspiS?" S^'*??!'' the nhort Thejlolet, modest, dainty, tree,* to-morrow. g}U> 01 bea»an Go I" "55 In iJIim ; Countess Bren toe sonllower, ^tlV^ ^ layoff itabtly seen *" gentleman mannet In which In his «ltow gimndeor leonine, goi-w^t/* ™m J'fi. the cS™t IJ At for tba canopy o{ a qneen The waiter retired. a living and Roaes are rosea arer the same. f^^SL'" double lure. ™>„?^fo"«*lob ttme of Dailowed to iDtensit •«« «>'ars wm bloom the day had passed awav. An^iut OWBtltaiyVoasbrtS? TimeTlSl'i{n!^!,ZiSA^^win Qoench Th« morning, wii — their thelrred heart's flame hS? K^2J5^ descended to the fiorton;lSS ' nopdali. There ^'* S^™2?"°*i''''"^o-sl»e whom be iMd loved srrt^'nM??^ay2?KiXS•^&^'he had ee- : t"bS;hV„'?;frj!'~ to frenzy, *°P™Ple»i'd lected tor her, and even to crime—she son had gold. Nb per- and whomho aSn passed sinoe momlng The openlDjr of cross-out where tlui.UKh the the Vall trade enti>i>nin_<ii. lute blighted lay Paal's InaSLote^" hopes that hayeMossomed In To enjoy hta rain ^ent ^hIJ^^T thS ?Sn^ £«ii??*J?°^°.'''8"™m'»r7v<'na4anep what prevented? The length of a5orrld^«^ebSreS luK-ln of adoor whoro number he knew^thcrto ~aan^ P«ur^SLtte?S^^e5SJ^^?: STlm epactres ol lieatli and Decav ready^^ to'^ecute laraln-eir who rnsu"^"""!? ^•^'^ ^i^Ko of iWoouid bl^Vo; ihaU daor rather imsgined. the toob ""nlstari ate not come and ot a oounSr^ "tS?l5frtP!?!?«" It I. to diet the inclosnres ot sirast "volver in house; gniden his rl^ht hand very simple, sflU«|«SrtlnTteSmnUoltlr vvas within 1^ tatta fraoanee whieb andtS^^^l'^?^:'^'^^^ U^ttwlthhlslefthSd composed of a mainlaiflM of two miauteiMjStof they ihSt darted into the corridor. UvlstoriM that tlS^— He did notbro^ wondroo*con>otSJnwhlih hiSi center. Asudden reflection sperscd with abruJuyStop^iJ^ beds of scariet-colored fra^i«t>t tending to the cross-cut existed a waU ninin^ pLOITDE SIBEN: w.U, two openings-one by other by a a gftettS 8ure?f/%?^t;n'i.S'nis?iirj;!fA'j?j^ smaU door, BehSS^tSs wm a weSl'°adC^*.'r^ pS^^ted^'.!^- fi,T!:«?r'*°°®4 growth, and snpnlled with .TIER DE NoSTd^p out with his Call the time the MONTEPOr. ^?^i5r^a"S.^ juto o'eine i^dS2^^*;?'*I^T¥«"«^«^'<^^ bSy^^fflS"***^ gardens ot the wealthy vflls^wTumi «f ^iherJHlMbtlght In "La rigm'" orPaifa Si^lfeoS^&l?-^^^^ tiS^''™'Sss'i:?{?'= »' StSSaL™ I " " oupm. '"^^ :.hla 01 ^.hlsvSinatn i„„^.n:, . ,^ J STOSjiohe Is gpilty-tfa infamnna • pHII T giBS .13 lorFnot to die. Whaice can I ^^>*"^^^«"te a^ to strike her ndbred summon oonr- " to extinguish or URCEY. those divine " pit St without I I feel It too _ Everything is possible save that—yes, aatisfledvltbmgSI^ everytblng, even forgiveness. Who knows? A 'Instead of ptsUSEfSEng his nar- generous pardon may bring her back." Onds that I have promptly De Nancey re-entered his room, closed his led to things?" door, and passed the remainder of the night a ing, burherregular feeAuree d times, yesl" exclaimed prev to agitation in a feverish, almost delirious able expression ot goodness your thousand francs—they condition. Dayligjit appeaAd. Paul had re- Icnce. She bad a sunshade In her sumed calmness, propornonatelyas approached Bat hasten I I am dying wltn Rarden-bonnet upon her head. She the for action. time He lookea at himself in wards the Interior ot tbe house, and while' thSKlass, ns lie had afewranmnnts leplled the young German, subsequently buttonlne her gloves said in Fraioh, a little " to his arrival, and found himself hldeou!i. and resuming his nanation. sharply, but by no means.lmpatlently : , "I frightful said fact, very little baggage am The to himself. "A gen- Dan Shelby, Manager and Ethiopian Comedian. "Alice, my ohUd, oome, then. It is already tleman cannot on the p nothing—only a dreeslng- go ground with this ban- late—dinner is near at hand—our promenade dit-appearance I FOB BIOQSAPHICAIi SKETCH SEE PAGE 13C. oned to the hotel all the Whether I kill or am killed, I will be too short Alice, my darling, hurry 1" of OS the dames 1 French dressmakers, to be shall be a i^eitleman to the last. Moreover, TO SX O0NliMUai>. ales ofthe dead man 1 likewise a tmnkmaicer, but should the sen me thus, I will horrUy hex." during the long boors or -the may 'nfinu&^Snr The lady made large pur- De Nancey rang his bell. He commanded she had experienced In anhsr weddad fSOP '-SL conid not it deal ot money. Hence she the hotel-barber, caused himself to be shaved, THE AOTDirSJOUiTRT-SUT. explain to henaU; she hodhMjtff^ stone-dead. Balls discharged pointblank rare- spend to the requirements ot his manly deter- bln<1«i whan Pniil's nttnntlon was diverted by speak of him In no nnceitaln teal bride yes, sir." opened his valise, and dressed himself in a cos- toam, ahaSd im? Uke a — ly epare, and Gregory felt himself lost This mlnatloh, imd that his Imme, so thoroughly an unexpecte 1 apparition, none the less eiiiga- wmiriMJi won, rnm www tobk CLfrrzB, Bome or his works with the Count.
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