Bc12 Report.Pdf
Soils of the Fort Nelson Area of British Columbia K.W. G. VALENTINE Canada Department of Agriculture, Vancouver, B.C. REPORT No. 12 British Columbia Soi1 Survey Research Branch - Canada Department of Agriculture. 1971 3 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to acknowledge the help of Mr. L. Farstad, Canada Depart- ment of Agriculture, Vancouver, and Mr. P. N. Sprout, British Columbia Depart- ment of Agriculture, Kelowna, who initiated the project and gave constructive advice during various parts of the field and office work. Mr. D. Hodgson helped with the field work in the summer of 1967. Soi1 analyses were carried out by Mr. S. K. Chan and Miss M. E. Turnbull. Mr. J. M. Wallace, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, Water Resources Branch, Vancouver, B.C., provided valuable information on the seasonal flood levels of the Muskwa and Fort Nelson rivers., Mr. R. A. Nemeth, pipeline engineer, Westcoast Transmission CO. Ltd., Van- couver, gave permission for information from his company’s Yoyo pipeline muskeg survey to be used in Fig. 5. Dr. H. Vaartnou, Research Station, Canada Department of Agriculture, Beaverlodge, Alta., identified many of the plant specimens that were collected during the survey. Mr. G. W. Robertson, Agrometeorology Section, Canada Department of Agri- culture, Ottawa, supplied estimates of agroclimatic normals based on the Hopkins regression formulas. Mr. R. Marshall, Agroclimatology, British Columbia Depart- ment of Agriculture, also supplied much climatic data. The soi1 map and Fig. l-5, 11, 13, 15, and 16 were prepared by the Cartogra- phy Section, Soi1 Research Institute, Canada Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. Messrs.
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