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r VO i t {, CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, CHICO '" Faculty Senate 0 may do away with L1 • credit/no credit option' by Jennifer L. Cunan Editor Students at Chico State may have to take all their general studies courses for a letter grade if the Faculty Senate passes a proposition tomorrow to abolish the CreditlN0 Credit gyading option. ..( Currently, undergraduate students may elect to be graded CINC in I courses normally graded on an A to F scale.. ,. This option applies to all courses except those 10 a student s maJor. If passed, the new grading policy will restrict studen~s from taking classes in their major and minor, as well as general st.udies, for a CINC .. ci!'ade. 0 0 • • - 0 • ,i . 'This will leave ve~' few. courses that you can take Cr~dit/N 0 Credit, (f· said Faculty SenateChrol'man. Gary Francis, "but departments .;an ". " still designate courses credit/no credit."· H.owever. a cre-.lit will st~l1 f transfer as a C grade, and a no credit as an F 1f a student later enrolls 10 a masters program. Francis said the proposal was made to "eliminate game playing" in required general studies c~~rses. ;:It will put a little mor~ teeth in the general studies programs, he sald. Ted Wendt, cha:rman. of. the educational policies committee said there are two maln obJectives behind t.he proposal. "The motivation is first to upgrade the standards of the univel'sity, and second to send a message to students that general The idea was discussed by the committee which Elrod and two other studies is as important as the major." students, Phoebe Austin and Mike Johnson are on.
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