increased statistical efficiency of association OPINION analysis of complex diseases and the biologi- cal understanding of the phenotype, tissues, genes and proteins that are likely to be Candidate-gene approaches for involved in the disease. In spite of their promise, candidate-gene studying complex genetic traits: studies have been subject to two important criticisms. First, the significant findings of practical considerations association in many candidate-gene studies have not been replicated when followed up in subsequent association studies. Second, Holly K. Tabor, Neil J. Risch and Richard M. Myers because candidate-gene studies are based on the ability to predict functional candidate Association studies with candidate genes Because of these features, researchers genes and variants, some critics argue that have been widely used for the study of have begun to apply other approaches to current knowledge is insufficient to make complex diseases. However, this approach identify genes that are involved in complex these predictions. These critics believe that has been criticized because of non- diseases. For example, an association study ‘hypothesis-driven’ genetic approaches are replication of results and limits on its ability using a candidate-gene approach looks for a therefore less likely to yield results than to include all possible causative genes and statistical correlation between specific ‘anonymous’ approaches, which use markers polymorphisms. These challenges have led genetic variants and a disease. Association throughout the and do not depend to pessimism about the candidate-gene studies are likely to be more effective tools on the ability to select biologically plausible approach and about the genetic analysis of than linkage studies for studying complex candidates. complex diseases in general. We believe traits because they can have greater statisti- In this article, we argue that the pessimism that these criticisms can be usefully cal power to detect several genes of small that is sometimes aimed at the candidate- countered with an appeal to the principles of effect1. The candidate-gene approach can be gene approach is perhaps too extreme. We epidemiological investigation. defined as the study of the genetic influences suggest that application of the rigorous prin- on a complex trait by: generating hypotheses ciples that are used in epidemiology might In the past two decades, many genes that were about, and identifying candidate genes that help respond to some of the criticisms and implicated in simple (Mendelian) diseases might have a role in, the aetiology of the dis- improve the chances of successfully elucidat- have been identified by using ease; identifying variants in or near those ing genetic components of complex diseases. and positional cloning methods. Although genes that might either cause a change in the Although the intersection between candi- these methods have been remarkably success- protein or its expression, or be in LINKAGE date-gene and epidemiological approaches ful in identifying high RELATIVE RISK genes, they DISEQUILIBRIUM with functional changes; geno- has been addressed by other authors, particu- have not been successful in identifying genes typing the variants in a population; and by larly in relation to cancer epidemiology2,the that are involved in the complex forms of dis- using statistical methods to determine use of epidemiological principles in the selec- ease. This failure is the result of three main whether there is a correlation between those tion, analysis and interpretation of candidate features of complex diseases. First, such dis- variants and the phenotype. genes and DNA sequence variants has not eases typically vary in severity of symptoms Rather than rely on markers that are been described. and age of onset, which results in difficulty in evenly spaced throughout the genome with- defining an appropriate phenotype and out regard to their function or context in a Genetic studies and epidemiology selecting the best population to study. Second, specific gene, candidate-gene studies focus on The field of epidemiology is based on they can vary in their aetiological mecha- genes that are selected because of a priori observing and measuring disease patterns nisms, which might involve various biological hypotheses about their aetiological role in in populations, and using association and pathways. Third, and perhaps most impor- disease. Furthermore, a candidate-gene study statistical correlation to identify factors that tantly, complex diseases are more likely to be is usually conducted in a population-based affect those patterns. Epidemiology allows caused by several, and even numerous, genes, sample of affected and unaffected individuals the detection of small-to-moderate, but sig- each with a small overall contribution and (a case–control study). A candidate-gene nificant, relative risks of disease that are relative risk. study therefore takes advantage of both the contributed by several heterogeneous risk


There are many reasons for the lack of Box 1 | Epidemiological criteria for gene-association studies reproducibility seen with some candidate-gene • Biological plausibility of association and its consistency with existing knowledge about biology studies. These reasons indicate caution in both and disease aetiology are evaluated. Is the candidate gene likely to be involved in the the design and interpretation of such studies, phenotype? Are the single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) likely to have functional effects but do not condemn the approach as unreli- on the protein? able. Discrepant findings are often due to vari- • The strength of the association between the risk factor and the disease is examined. When ations in study design. For example, candidate- considering multiple SNPs in a candidate gene, the ones with strongest association are most gene studies might differ in the study likely to be causally related. population and in the definition of the pheno- • The dose–response relationship of the association is considered. For example, individuals with type (examples can be found in REFS 9,10). The two copies of a variant might be at greater risk of disease than individuals with one copy of the same candidate gene or DNA variants might variant. be associated with different relative risks in dif- • The consistency of the association across past and future studies, and across different ferent populations, and the non-replication populations, is an important consideration. Consistent replication in different populations is might result from real biological differences. strong evidence of causality. Lack of replication does not necessarily imply lack of causality, but Non-replication might also be due to the small might point to the need for more studies in certain populations or more detailed study of the magnitude of relative risks that are likely to be function of a particular gene. detected in candidate-gene studies of complex These issues are explored further in REFS 3,8,53. diseases. The aetiological heterogeneity that is inherent in the label ‘complex disease’ chal- lenges the measurement and analysis of multi- factors. Similarly, candidate-gene studies associations can also be used to indicate ple genetic and environmental components, aim to detect small-to-moderate relative molecular or biochemical mechanisms for and the interpretation of multiple and conflict- risks in the context of aetiological and the sequence variants, which allows experi- ing findings of association11. Confounding, genetic heterogeneity. ments to be designed to test their functional bias and misclassification are more likely to Association in epidemiological or candi- roles in biological processes and disease obscure small-to-moderate relative risks than date-gene studies can be defined as statisti- pathology. Such studies can provide strong larger relative risks. cal dependence or correlation between two support for causality; for example, in the Another possible explanation for non- or more events, characteristics or other recent case of identifying a gene that is replication across candidate-gene studies variables. This dependence is greatly influ- involved in Crohn disease6,7. relates to the selection of polymorphisms that enced by the characteristics of the study, are not likely to be causal. If a polymorphism including the size of the population studied Criticisms is selected because of the ease of genotyping and the number of variables analysed. The criticisms of candidate-gene and is not likely to affect the function of the Findings of association can be influenced approaches are rooted in a fundamental protein — such as a restriction fragment by problems such as SELECTION BIAS, RECALL challenge to the study of the genetics of length polymorphism in a deep intronic BIAS, MISCLASSIFICATION and CONFOUNDING (for complex diseases: in the absence of other region — then it is assumed, or hoped, that more detailed discussion, see REFS 3–5). effective methods and techniques, how can the polymorphism will be in linkage disequi- Significant associations might be causal, or investigators balance the use of available librium with a ‘disease-causing’ variant in the might simply be the result of coincidence or data about candidate genes and polymor- gene, and that this will be reflected in a find- one of the biases listed above. phisms with the desire to minimize the ing of association. Some studies have even Epidemiological principles consider the chances of false positives and false nega- genotyped different polymorphisms in the detection of association in an observational tives? This balance is the focus of epidemio- same gene, and assumed that they are in link- study as a crucial first step in understanding logical studies of multiple risk factors and, age disequilibrium with previously studied disease aetiology, rather than the key to by reviewing these criticisms from an epi- polymorphisms without examining the data determining causality. In assessing the causal demiological perspective, we hope to pro- in their own study population. If this linkage role of epidemiological associations, epi- vide insight into how this balance can be disequilibrium does not exist or varies across demiologists use several important guide- achieved for candidate-gene studies. populations, different studies might have dif- lines that can also be applied to candidate- ferent findings for the same gene12. Therefore, gene studies: biological plausibility, strength Non-replication. Because findings in associ- the use of variants that are unlikely to have of association, dose–response relationship ation studies are often not replicated in sub- functional effects and an over-reliance on and consistency (BOX 1). sequent, independent studies, there is con- to detect association From this perspective on association, a cern that any findings obtained with the might contribute to non-replication of find- candidate-gene study can be seen as a useful candidate-gene approach are unreliable. In a ings of association in candidate-gene studies. first step in exploring potential causal path- recent article, Ioannidis and colleagues car- ways between genetic determinants and ried out a meta-analysis of 379 studies Lack of thoroughness. A second criticism of complex diseases. Once a statistically signifi- addressing 36 genetic associations with dis- candidate-gene studies concerns their ability cant association is detected, the same gene eases or traits8. This analysis found that asso- to be thorough and inclusive. Until recently, and genetic variants can be explored in inde- ciation studies of the same disease are often most researchers either initiated a candidate- pendent populations. In addition, the gene inconsistent in their findings of association, gene study after linkage analyses failed to and variant(s) can be studied for association and that the first study to report an associa- identify genes, or included candidate genes as with related phenotypes that might involve tion often indicates a stronger effect than is a peripheral part of a larger epidemiological similar aetiological pathways. Significant seen in subsequent studies. study that was not originally designed to

2 | MAY 2002 | VOLUME 3 PERSPECTIVES examine genetic factors13–15. Furthermore, genotyped polymorphism. Therefore, it is disease of interest. Expression studies might most candidate-gene studies considered only important to determine whether any of the provide important information about the tis- a small number of candidate genes and vari- variants that were examined have a functional sues and cells that are involved in the disease. ants. These variants were used simply because consequence (see below). In addition, candi- For example, by examining expression studies they were the only ones that were identified in date genes that might only have been consid- of tumour tissue, investigators have identified a gene or because they were easier to genotype ered in studies of other phenotypes or that genes that might be important in the pathol- than other polymorphisms. might have not been studied at all can be ogy of certain cancers23–25. By examining The vast increase in the number of known assessed. Finally, there might be biological, potential pathogens, carcinogens or environ- and putative new genes as a result of the aetiological and pathological models of the mental factors that are involved in a disease Human Genome Project16, the identification of many polymorphisms17 and new high- throughput methods for large-scale genotyp- ing18 have markedly changed the scope and Box 2 | Database resources for polymorphisms complexity of the candidate-gene approach. Even when a variant is identified in the gene of interest using one of the resources described However, the wealth of information has cre- below, it might not be confirmed and there might be little, if any, information about its ated a need for prioritizing the selection of functional consequences. Some of this information, such as whether the single-nucleotide both the genes and variants. Below, we polymorphism (SNP) results in a missense or nonsense change, can be determined by carefully describe a strategy for prioritizing candidate- examining the sequence and structure of the gene in GenBank, if available54. gene studies on the basis of probable func- In situations in which a candidate gene has been only recently identified, it might be useful to tional significance. This approach has been sequence the functional regions of a gene to identify new SNPs. Just as epidemiologists carry out used by some groups already, either by select- pilot studies to determine population frequencies of certain risk factors of interest, investigators ing only coding single-nucleotide polymor- might choose to genotype SNPs of interest in a small representative population to confirm their phisms (SNPs) to genotype, or by using more existence at a useful frequency. Furthermore, because not all genotyping assays work effectively computational approaches to prioritizing in all genomic contexts, pilot testing can facilitate a smaller-scale evaluation of techniques. SNPs on the basis of their predicted func- It is also crucial to cross-reference information on SNPs in any of these databases with data in tional effects19–21. It balances the desire to other databases, published literature and the finished sequence of the human genome, as it maximize the chance of finding a biologically becomes available. This cross-comparison provides increased confidence in the existence and important association with the desire to min- location of a SNP and its possible functionality. imize the chance of detecting false positives or • dbSNP false negatives. The goal of dbSNP is to catalogue variations throughout the genome, regardless of their functional consequences55. It is difficult to search dbSNP by gene name. The best way to find SNPs Selecting candidate genes in a gene is to search LocusLink for the gene and select the icon ‘V’ for variation, which is linked to 56 The selection of candidate genes has many a dbSNP page that contains all the SNPs in the gene that have been submitted to the database . parallels with identifying and ranking risk • Human Genome Variation Database (HGVbase) factors in an epidemiological study. In both HGVbase is focused on documenting genotype–phenotype associations. There is extensive arenas, investigators must choose, from a very curation and review of polymorphisms before they are entered in the database, and large number of potential factors, those fac- information is included about the genetic location and functional effects of variants. HGVbase tors that are most likely to be involved in the can be searched directly with text searches for gene name and can also be searched by 57 phenotype. The first step is usually to exam- sequence . ine published studies of the phenotype of • The Human Gene Mutation Database (HGMD) interest for suggestions about the types and HGMD is a database of mutations in the coding regions of human genes that cause inherited the number of risk factors, or candidate disease. The data are obtained through computerized searches of the published literature. genes, that are involved. Family and twin HGMD is easier to search than dbSNP and is useful for identifying SNPs that are known to be studies can be useful in helping to determine associated with phenotypes of interest. However, it is less useful for information about newly identified SNPs58. the of a phenotype, the model of inheritance and possibly the penetrance, and • Disease- and gene-specific databases a range for the number of genes that are Over many years, individual laboratories and groups have established and maintained involved. In addition, linkage studies might databases that are devoted to cataloguing variations and mutations in specific genes and for provide information about genomic regions specific diseases. These databases vary considerably in their size, scope and degree of quality that can be explored further. These studies control. However, they often contain more detailed information about variations within can be evaluated from several perspectives, specific well-characterized genes. These databases are listed on the HGMD web site as ‘locus- specific mutation databases’ and at the HGVbase web site as ‘SNP-related databases’. including the population characteristics, the phenotypic definition and the number and • Proprietary databases density of the markers used22. Among several companies that collect genetic information, Celera has a database that contains Evidence can also be evaluated for the information about the SNPs that they identified through the comparison of the Celera human involvement of specific genes in the pheno- genome sequence to other genome sequence resources. There is substantial overlap between these SNPs and those that are available in dbSNP,as described in the paper of Celera’s genome type. It is necessary to consider carefully the sequence59. Genaissance also has a proprietary database, HAPTM Database, that contains genes and variants that are selected for these information on haplotypes composed of SNPs that were identified by sequencing the studies and the reasons for their selection. functional regions of genes in 93 individuals, and then typing them in individuals from Until recently, a study might have examined a different geographical and disease populations. gene solely because of the existence of an easily

NATURE REVIEWS | GENETICS VOLUME 3 | MAY 2002 | 3 PERSPECTIVES process, an investigator might be able to iden- of base pairs in size. Most of the DNA needed to assess the exact biological impact of tify genes and proteins that are involved in the sequence variation in the human genome is in each risk factor is not known. Epidemiologists processing of these agents. Animal models of a the form of SNPs17. use available data to prioritize and select those disease process can also provide important Several high-throughput technologies factors for study that are most likely to be func- information about potential candidate genes have been used to discover and genotype tional and be associated with the risk of dis- and indicate relevant human homologues. SNPs18,30,31 and, with the advent of large-scale ease. Similarly, we believe that it is most The chosen number of candidate genes sequencing projects, computational methods effective for investigators who conduct candi- and variants, like the number of environmen- have been used to identify SNPs in sequence date-gene studies to evaluate all possible poly- tal risk factors, is influenced by many consid- databases32,33 (see also BOX 2 for a list of data- morphisms and prioritize them on the basis of erations, such as the range of possible base resources for SNPs). In some cases, the whether they are likely to affect gene function. hypotheses, the size of the study population SNPs have not been confirmed by sequenc- Those polymorphisms with obvious molecular and the magnitude of the effect that the inves- ing; nevertheless, these databases provide a consequences are more likely to be involved in tigator hopes to be able to detect with statisti- very large and valuable set of potential SNPs32. influencing the risk of disease. cal significance26. These considerations mirror It is not practical or statistically feasible, at Information about the location and type those involved in the number of risk factors present, to genotype and test all SNPs in the of the sequence variants in a gene can be used that are selected for evaluation in an epidemi- genome for association with phenotypes. to prioritize polymorphisms (TABLE 1).For ological study. Therefore, it is important to select carefully a some polymorphisms, it might be obvious limited number of SNPs to genotype from the that a DNA variation changes the function of Prioritizing polymorphisms considerable number that are often available a protein — for instance, a non-synonymous A polymorphism is a variation in DNA in a particular candidate gene. In theory, it is (missense) variant that alters an amino acid in sequence that has an allele frequency of at desirable to study only those polymorphisms a protein, or a nonsense change that results in least 1% in a population27. Approximately 1 in that affect the function of a protein or its a premature stop codon. These types of poly- 1,000 bp of the human genome differ expression, because these are also most likely morphism account for most known disease between any two chromosome homologues, to affect the risk of a phenotype. However, in associations, and therefore they should be and studies that compare several individuals most situations, this proof of the effect of given the highest priority for genotyping in in a population or around the world indicate polymorphisms on function is not available candidate-gene studies. that there are polymorphisms every few hun- and is difficult to obtain. Recently, there has been increased attention dred base pairs28,29. There are several types of This dilemma is similar to that seen in on the effects of polymorphisms in transcrip- polymorphism in the genome: SNPs, repeat many epidemiological studies, when a large tional promoters and regions of DNA that reg- polymorphisms and insertions or deletions, range of possible risk factors is available for ulate the expression of genes34. It is more diffi- ranging from a single base pair to thousands testing and analysis, but the information that is cult to predict the effect of a polymorphism in

Table 1 | Priorities for single-nucleotide-polymorphism selection Type of variant Location Functional effect Frequency Predicted relative risk in genome of phenotype Nonsense Coding sequence Premature termination of amino-acid Very low Very high sequence Missense/ Coding sequence Changes an amino acid in protein to Low Moderate to very high, non-synonymous one with different properties depending on location (non-conservative) Missense/ Coding sequence Changes an amino acid in protein to Low Low to very high, non-synonymous one with similar properties depending on location (conservative) Insertions/deletions Coding sequence Changes the frame of the protein-coding Low Very high, depending on (frameshift) region, usually with very negative location consequences for the protein Insertions/deletions Coding or non-coding Changes amino-acid sequence Low Low to very high (in frame) Sense/synonymous Coding sequence Does not change the amino acid in Medium Low to high the protein — but can alter splicing Promoter/regulatory Promoter, 5′ UTR, Does not change the amino acid, but Low to medium Low to high region 3′ UTR can affect the level, location or timing of gene expression Splice site/intron–exon Within 10 bp of Might change the splicing pattern or Low Low to high boundary the exon efficiency of introns Intronic Deep within introns No known function, but might affect Medium Very low expression or mRNA stability Intergenic Non-coding regions No known function, but might affect High Very low between genes expression through enhancer or other mechanisms UTR, untranslated region.


Table 2 | Relative risk of functional changes in genes the size of the association and the frequency of the allele of interest1,26,43. SNPs with very Type of change Relative risk of change low allele frequencies would need to have very Stop codon 0.13 large relative risks associated with them to be Radical amino-acid change 0.35 detected in a candidate-gene study, and alleles Moderately radical amino-acid change 0.40 with very high relative risks would have been Moderately conservative amino-acid change 0.53 detected using linkage analysis. Therefore, Conservative amino-acid change 0.60 SNPs with frequencies of at least 5% are gen- The relative risk of each type of change was calculated as an odds ratio using the relative frequency of each erally more likely to be useful in a candidate- 39 type of change in functional genes and pseudogenes, and by comparing them with the relative frequency of gene study . Because variants with very silent changes in both types of genes. Relative risks that are closer to zero imply that the type of change is severe functional consequences are more rare, less likely to occur in functional genes than in pseudogenes. Relative risks that are closer to one imply that the kind of change is of roughly equal frequency as silent changes in functional genes and in pseudogenes. this might mean placing higher priority on Amino-acid changes are categorized on the basis of ‘Grantham values’, which are derived from slightly less severe but more common vari- 60 physiochemical considerations . Based on data from REF. 42. ants. When a SNP is given a high priority on the basis of its position and effect in a gene, it a promoter on the basis of the DNA sequence changes that result in the truncation or is advantageous to carry out a pilot study to only, but if a DNA sequence variant occurs in a absence of protein account for ~80–90% of determine its allele frequency in the popula- sequence element that is highly conserved in mutations in BRCA1 (breast cancer 1, early tion that is being tested. promoters of related genes, it is likely that the onset) that are linked to breast cancer41. polymorphism will have functional conse- Although variants in genes that are associated Linkage disequilibrium among SNPs quences. Therefore, it is reasonable to place a with Mendelian traits frequently have severe Another important consideration in selecting high priority on such a sequence variant. It is effects on a protein, it is reasonable to con- SNPs for an association study is whether there also possible to test the effects of putative func- clude that functional regions of genes are is significant linkage disequilibrium in the tional polymorphisms in promoters by gene more likely to contain variants that have aeti- candidate gene in the study population. transfection experiments in tissue culture cells; ological effects in complex diseases. Determining linkage disequilibrium in a however, this is time consuming and requires The second type of data that supports this appropriate access to laboratory resources and prioritization strategy is from polymorphism expertise (for example, see REFS 35–37). discovery studies that have evaluated the Glossary Even if a polymorphism in a coding kinds of variants and their frequency across CONFOUNDING region does not result in an amino-acid hundreds of genes. Stephens et al.42 sequenced The distortion of a measure of association, because of the change, or if it is not in a coding sequence, it the coding regions, regulatory regions and association of other non-intermediate factors with both can still affect gene function by altering the intron–exon boundaries of 313 human genes the variable of interest and the outcome of interest. stability, splicing or localization of the in 82 individuals of diverse ancestry. The rela- HAPLOTYPE mRNA38. However, except when conserved tive frequencies of each type of polymor- A combination of alleles at different sites on a single sequences in splice sites are changed, the phism in functional genes compared with chromosome. effects of non-coding polymorphisms cannot pseudogenes are listed in TABLE 2. Radical HERITABILITY be predicted. In general, synonymous changes changes are much less common than less The proportion of the phenotypic variance due to are less likely to be associated with disease, severe changes, presumably because selective genetic variance. and so should be given lower priority for pressures reduce the number of changes that genotyping than coding, promoter/enhancer affect the function of a protein, but do not do LINKAGE DISEQUILIBRIUM A population association among alleles at two or more or splice-site changes. Nevertheless, because so in pseudogenes. Two other large studies loci. It is a measure of co-segregation of alleles in a of their potential effect on mRNA stability, found that variants in coding regions — population. they should have higher priority than poly- specifically non-synonymous and nonsense morphisms that lie deep within introns39 variants, frameshift variants and variants in MISCLASSIFICATION Errors in the classification of individuals by (TABLE 1). splice sites — are the least common types of 30,31 phenotype, exposures or genotype that can lead to There are two key types of data that sup- polymorphism .However,DNA sequence errors in results. The probability of misclassification port this strategy of prioritizing polymor- variants in non-coding regions and coding- can be the same across all groups in a study (non- phisms for candidate-gene studies. The first is region variants that do not change the amino- differential) or vary among groups (differential). the evidence from mutational studies of acid sequence are more frequent in the popu- RECALL BIAS Mendelian diseases. For many diseases, the lation. These studies support the contention Bias in results due to systematic differences in the proportion of cases due to variants in differ- that it is reasonable to place the highest prior- accuracy or completeness of recall of past exposures ent parts of the gene has been calculated. ity for genotyping on variants that result in or family history. Although the intronic and regulatory regions changes to the amino-acid sequence, because of these genes are not always sequenced, most these variants are most likely to affect the RELATIVE RISK The ratio of the risk of the phenotype among cases are attributable to changes in the coding function of the protein, and to be involved in individuals with a particular exposure, genotype regions of genes. For example, in Rett syn- disease aetiology. or haplotype to the risk among those without that drome, it is estimated that ~80% of cases are In addition to considering the function of exposure, genotype or haplotype. due to changes in the coding regions of the polymorphisms, it is also important to con- SELECTION BIAS MECP2 (methyl CpG binding protein 2) sider their frequency in the population to be A bias in results due to systematic differences between gene, most of which are nonsense, missense tested for association. The statistical power to those who are selected for study and those who are not and frameshift changes40. Similarly, coding detect a significant association depends on selected.


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