BUSINESS BULLETIN No. 280/2012 Monday 30 July 2012


The Criminal Cases (Punishment and Review) (Scotland) Act 2012 (asp 7) received Royal Assent on 26 July 2012.



The sections which appear in today’s Business Bulletin are in bold

Section A: Today’s Business - Meetings of Committees - Meeting of the Parliament Section B: Future Meetings of the Parliament Section C: Future Meetings of Committees Section D: Oral Questions - Questions selected for First Minister’s Question Time - Questions selected for response by Ministers and junior Scottish Ministers at Question Time Section E: Written Questions – new questions for written answer Section F: Motions and Amendments Section G: Bills - New Bills introduced - New amendments to Bills - Members’ Bills proposals Section H: New Documents – new documents laid before the Parliament and committee reports published Section I: Petitions – new public petitions Section J: Progress of Legislation – progress of Bills and subordinate legislation


Business Bulletin: Monday 30 July 2012 Section B – Future Meetings of the Parliament

Business Programme agreed by the Parliament on 20 June 2012 Tuesday 4 September 2012

2.00 pm Time for Reflection followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

2.05 pm Topical Questions followed by Scottish Government Business followed by Business Motions followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time followed by Members’ Business

Wednesday 5 September 2012

2.00 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions

2.00 pm Portfolio Questions Education and Lifelong Learning (for names of those Members selected for Portfolio Questions see Section D of the Business Bulletin for Thursday 28 June 2012) followed by Scottish Government Business followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time followed by Members’ Business

Thursday 6 September 2012

11.40 am Parliamentary Bureau Motions


11.40 am General Questions (for names of those Members selected for General Questions see Section D of the Business Bulletin for Thursday 28 June 2012)

12.00 pm First Minister’s Questions

12.30 pm Members’ Business

2.30 pm Scottish Government Business followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time


Business Bulletin: Monday 30 July 2012 Section E – Written questions lodged from 23 to 27 July 2012

Questions marked with a triangle (Δ) are initiated by the Scottish Government in order to facilitate the provision of information to the Parliament.

Questions in which a member has indicated a declarable interest are marked with an "R".

S4W-08812 Jim Eadie: To ask the Scottish Government how much funding was made available through the CashBack for Communities programme in each of the last three years for which information is available, also broken down by award for (a) sporting activities and facilities projects, (b) grant schemes that support small, diversionary youth work projects, (c) cultural activities involving arts, music and dance, (d) community assets programmes.

S4W-08813 Mark McDonald: To ask the Scottish Government what costs it has incurred in relation to Aberdeen City Council’s Access from the North Proposals for a third Don crossing.

S4W-08814 Mark McDonald: To ask the Scottish Government what costs it has incurred in relation to Aberdeen City Council’s proposals for the Haudagain roundabout.

S4W-08815 Mary Scanlon: To ask the Scottish Government how the Care Inspectorate ensures that the social work component of home care for older people is inspected.

S4W-08816 Mary Scanlon: To ask the Scottish Government how the pathway of care provision for older people that is provided by (a) GPs, (b) the NHS, (c) social work departments and (d) (i) integrated and (ii) individual care providers is inspected.

S4W-08817 Mary Scanlon: To ask the Scottish Government which agency is responsible for inspecting NHS care services for older people.

S4W-08818 John Lamont: To ask the Scottish Government what Scotland’s GDP per hour worked has been relative to the top 31 most productive OECD countries in each year since 2005.

S4W-08819 Claudia Beamish: To ask the Scottish Government how it will ensure that the proposed voluntary code of practice for the dairy industry is implemented in Scotland.


S4W-08820 Claudia Beamish: To ask the Scottish Government what discussions it has had with (a) ministers and (b) officials of the (i) UK and (ii) Welsh Assembly Government regarding the dairy farming industry.

S4W-08821 Claudia Beamish: To ask the Scottish Government what discussions it has had with organisations representing (a) farmers, (b) processors and (c) retailers in relation to the dairy farming sector.

S4W-08822 Claudia Beamish: To ask the Scottish Government what discussions it has had regarding the introduction of pricing formulae for the sale of dairy products.

S4W-08823 Claudia Beamish: To ask the Scottish Government what form the review of the voluntary code of practice for the dairy industry will take after the 12- month trial period and who will lead the review.

S4W-08824 Tavish Scott: To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S4W-08472 by Keith Brown on 2 July 2012, to what timescale it is referring in using the term "in due course".

S4W-08825 Tavish Scott: To ask the Scottish Government what guidance it has issued to local authorities on school reform since the Commission on the Delivery of Rural Education was established.

S4W-08826 Tavish Scott: To ask the Scottish Government what the justification is for composite secondary classes under the Curriculum for Excellence framework.

S4W-08827 Tavish Scott: To ask the Scottish Government whether there are plans to reimburse qualifying patient travel costs for counselling appointments.

S4W-08828 Tavish Scott: To ask the Scottish Government for what reason (a) double and (b) triple duty nurses are being asked to select only one area of speciality and what is being done to cover any resulting gaps in rural provision.

S4W-08829 Tavish Scott: To ask the Scottish Government what it is doing to help recruit junior doctors in (a) Shetland, (b) Orkney and (c) the Western Isles.

S4W-08830 Elaine Murray: To ask the Scottish Government what new train services will be introduced as a result of the Paisley Rail Corridor Improvements and what the timescale for these services will be.

S4W-08834 Roderick Campbell: To ask the Scottish Government how it encourages healthier levels of salt consumption.

S4W-08835 Kezia Dugdale: To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S4W-05741 by John Swinney on 5 March 2012, whether it plans to remain a living-wage employer for the remainder of the current parliamentary session.

S4W-08836 Kezia Dugdale: To ask the Scottish Government whether it considers that the living wage should be adjusted annually in line with inflation.


S4W-08837 Jean Urquhart: To ask the Scottish Government how much land is held in commonty.

S4W-08838 Jean Urquhart: To ask the Scottish Government whether it plans to repeal the Division of Commonties Act 1695.

S4W-08839 Drew Smith: To ask the Scottish Government what meetings the (a) First and (b) Deputy First Minister have held with the UK Government to discuss equal or same-sex marriage and which UK ministers attended.

S4W-08840 Elaine Murray: To ask the Scottish Government what the cost is of each component of the Glasgow Improvement Programme announced on 4 July 2012 and over what period these costs will be incurred.

S4W-08841 Elaine Murray: To ask the Scottish Government what the cost estimate was for rail electrification to Stirling, Dunblane and Alloa proposed in the original Edinburgh Glasgow Improvement Programme.

S4W-08842 Elaine Murray: To ask the Scottish Government what costs the Edinburgh Glasgow Improvement Programme had incurred before 4 July 2012.

S4W-08843 Elaine Murray: To ask the Scottish Government what costs the Edinburgh Glasgow Improvement Programme has incurred on rail improvement schemes that are not included in the programme announced on 4 July 2012.

S4W-08844 Elaine Murray: To ask the Scottish Government what components of the original Edinburgh Glasgow Improvement Programme will not be progressed before (a) 2017 and (b) 2020.

S4W-08845 Elaine Murray: To ask the Scottish Government what sections of rail track will be electrified in each year until 2020.

S4W-08846 Elaine Murray: To ask the Scottish Government whether the Scottish Futures Trust’s 2011-12 benefits statement is publicly available and, if so, where.

S4W-08847 Elaine Murray: To ask the Scottish Government whether the £131 million of savings reported by the Scottish Futures Trust in its 2011-12 benefits statement was independently verified and, if so, by what organisation.

S4W-08848 Elaine Murray: To ask the Scottish Government for which public sector organisations the Scottish Futures Trust achieved £131 million of savings in 2011-12 and how much each organisation saved.

S4W-08849 Kezia Dugdale: To ask the Scottish Government when it will provide a substantive answer to question S4W-04757, which received a holding response from Angela Constance on 18 January 2012.

S4W-08850 Gavin Brown: To ask the Scottish Government what (a) correspondence and (b) meetings it had with HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC)


regarding the land and buildings transaction tax prior to deciding not to choose HMRC for its collection.

S4W-08852 Gavin Brown: To ask the Scottish Government what discussions it has had with business and industry representatives regarding the creation of Revenue Scotland.

S4W-08853 Gavin Brown: To ask the Scottish Government what evidence supports its statement in Taking forward a Scottish Land and Buildings Transaction Tax that it "examined carefully the option of contracting the work to [HM Revenue and Customs]."

S4W-08854 Gavin Brown: To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide a breakdown of the cost of establishing Revenue Scotland’s IT system.

S4W-08855 Gavin Brown: To ask the Scottish Government what the cost will be of establishing Revenue Scotland.

S4W-08856 Gavin Brown: To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide a breakdown of the projected staffing costs for the (a) setting up and (b) running of Revenue Scotland.

S4W-08857 Gavin Brown: To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide a breakdown of the projected staffing costs for the Registers of Scotland regarding the (a) setting up and (b) running of the systems associated with the collection of the (i) land and buildings transaction tax and (ii) replacement landfill tax.

S4W-08858 Gavin Brown: To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide a breakdown of the projected non-staffing costs for the Registers of Scotland regarding the (a) setting up and (b) running of the systems associated with the collection of the (i) land and buildings transaction tax and (ii) replacement landfill tax.

S4W-08859 Gavin Brown: To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide a breakdown of the projected non-staffing costs for the (a) setting up and (b) running of Revenue Scotland.

S4W-08860 Gavin Brown: To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide a breakdown of the projected staffing costs for the Scottish Environment Protection Agency regarding the (a) setting up and (b) running of the systems associated with the collection of the (i) land and buildings transaction tax and (ii) replacement landfill tax.

S4W-08861 Gavin Brown: To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide a breakdown of the projected non-staffing costs for the Scottish Environment Protection Agency regarding the (a) setting up and (b) running of the systems associated with the collection of the (i) land and buildings transaction tax and (ii) replacement landfill tax.

S4W-08862 Gavin Brown: To ask the Scottish Government what the cost of pensions for Revenue Scotland staff will be.


S4W-08863 Gavin Brown: To ask the Scottish Government what the remuneration of Revenue Scotland’s most senior employee will be.

S4W-08864 Gavin Brown: To ask the Scottish Government how many compliance officers Revenue Scotland will have.

S4W-08865 Gavin Brown: To ask the Scottish Government how Revenue Scotland will tackle tax evasion.

S4W-08866 Gavin Brown: To ask the Scottish Government how much it will spend on recruitment for Revenue Scotland.

S4W-08867 Gavin Brown: To ask the Scottish Government what the annual property costs for Revenue Scotland will be.

S4W-08868 Gavin Brown: To ask the Scottish Government how many offices Revenue Scotland will have.

S4W-08869 Gavin Brown: To ask the Scottish Government what the budget for designing Revenue Scotland’s (a) logo and (b) other branding materials will be.

S4W-08870 Gavin Brown: To ask the Scottish Government what modelling it has carried out of the costs of Revenue Scotland.

S4W-08871 Gavin Brown: To ask the Scottish Government whether its projected (a) set-up and (b) running costs of Revenue Scotland have been verified independently.

S4W-08872 Gavin Brown: To ask the Scottish Government what the legal costs of setting up Revenue Scotland will be.

S4W-08873 Patrick Harvie: To ask the Scottish Government what changes to equality legislation it considers desirable before introducing same-sex marriage and whether the UK Government has agreed to make these changes.

S4W-08874 Patrick Harvie: To ask the Scottish Government whether its proposed bill on same-sex marriage will also provide for mixed-sex civil partnerships.

S4W-08875 Patrick Harvie: To ask the Scottish Government whether its proposed bill on same-sex marriage will provide for a period during which same-sex couples may convert a civil partnership into a marriage.

S4W-08876 Patrick Harvie: To ask the Scottish Government whether its proposed bill on same-sex marriage will ensure that married or civilly partnered transgender people are not required to divorce or dissolve their partnership before re-registering their gender.

S4W-08877 Drew Smith: To ask the Scottish Government whether it has set a date for completion of Scottish Natural Heritage’s updated wild land mapping.


S4W-08878 Drew Smith: To ask the Scottish Government how it recognises the contribution that wild places make toward promoting Scotland as a location for hill walking and wildlife tourism.

S4W-08879 Drew Smith: To ask the Scottish Government what analysis it has made of the tourism value to rural Scotland of a new landscape designation.

S4W-08880 Jamie McGrigor: To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S4W-08558 by Keith Brown on 19 July 2012, when it will publish the scoping information and in what format.

S4W-08881 Jamie McGrigor: To ask the Scottish Government what discussions it has had with the EU regarding the tendering process for CalMac ferry routes and whether these have included delaying the process.

S4W-08882 Jamie McGrigor: To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S4W-08557 by Keith Brown on 19 July 2012, whether all ministers agree that ―[Argyll Ferries Ltd] is delivering the services specified by the contract‖.

S4W-08883 John Pentland: To ask the Scottish Government what guidance it gives to the NHS regarding the timing of and intervals between meals and other refreshments provided for patients.

S4W-08884 John Pentland: To ask the Scottish Government what guidance it gives to the NHS regarding assessing patients’ needs for assistance with eating and drinking and ensuring that such assistance is provided.

S4W-08885 Stewart Maxwell: To ask the Scottish Government how much food waste is produced by schools annually.

S4W-08886 Stewart Maxwell: To ask the Scottish Government what action it is taking to reduce the amount of food waste produced by schools.

S4W-08887 Stewart Maxwell: To ask the Scottish Government what it is doing to encourage the recycling of food waste in schools.

S4W-08888 Kezia Dugdale: To ask the Scottish Government whether it has made representations to the UK Government regarding repealing the ban on HIV home- testing kits.

S4W-08889 Christine Grahame: To ask the Scottish Government how many prisoners have been identified as being on the autism spectrum in each of the last 10 years, also expressed as a percentage.

S4W-08890 Christine Grahame: To ask the Scottish Government what training is given to police officers to identify the signs of autistic spectrum disorders.

S4W-08891 Christine Grahame: To ask the Scottish Government what training is given to prison staff to identify the possibility of prisoners having an autistic spectrum disorder.


S4W-08892 Christine Grahame: To ask the Scottish Government what training is given to (a) sheriffs and (b) judges to identify the possibility of someone appearing before them having an autistic spectrum disorder.

S4W-08893 Christine Grahame: To ask the Scottish Government what provision is made in the penal system for people who are identified as being on the autism spectrum.

S4W-08894 Mark Griffin: To ask the Scottish Government whether it will receive Barnett consequentials arising from the UK Government’s recently announced investment in major rail and transportation infrastructure and, if so, how much it will (a) receive and (b) spend on rail infrastructure investment projects.

S4W-08897 Alison Johnstone: To ask the Scottish Government how many times the defence of justifiable assault under section 51 of the Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 2003 has (a) been invoked and (b) resulted in an acquittal in relation to charges of assault on a child under 16.

S4W-08899 Patricia Ferguson: To ask the Scottish Government whether it will establish an endowment fund in the name of Eric Liddell to support young people involved in sport, education and humanitarian work and, if so, whether it considers that such a fund would be an appropriate way to honour his legacy.

S4W-08901 Patricia Ferguson: To ask the Scottish Government what its position is on establishing an endowment fund to support young people involved in sport, education and humanitarian work.

S4W-08902 Angus MacDonald: To ask the Scottish Government, in light of the potential impact on the shipbuilding industry in Scotland, what representations it has made to the UK Government regarding the appointment of a Korean shipbuilder as preferred bidder for Royal Navy ships.

S4W-08903 Jamie McGrigor: To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S4W-08319 by Keith Brown on 19 July 2012, what its response is to any concerns that HGVs and other haulage vehicles will be unable to use the Old Military Road.

S4W-08911 Gavin Brown: To ask the Scottish Government what its projected figure is for the amount to be collected through non-domestic rates in 2012-13, broken down by month.

S4W-08912 Gavin Brown: To ask the Scottish Government how much was collected through non-domestic rates in (a) April, (b) May, (c) June and (d) July 2012.


Business Bulletin: Monday 30 July 2012 Section F – Motions and Amendments

Motions and amendments are normally printed the day after they are lodged. If an amendment is lodged to a motion then the original motion will appear alongside the amendment, along with any support lodged that day, in this section.

Each Monday, this section also contains all motions and amendments lodged the previous week that are still live and any motions and amendments that have been lodged for debate in the coming week. A motion or amendment is live if it has not been debated, withdrawn or otherwise deleted from the list.

Where a motion or amendment has been withdrawn, it is indicated in this section the day after it has been withdrawn. Support for motions and amendments received after they are lodged is shown at the end of this section the day after such support is received.

Motions and amendments can be published with various symbols:

 Asterisks before the motion or amendment number indicate a motion or amendment published for the first time;

 Asterisks also identify alterations to the text of a motion or amendment made since it was first published;

 A hash symbol identifies motions eligible for debate at Members’ Business;

 A diamond symbol identifies motions lodged for Members’ Business that have not yet attracted the required cross-party support;

 An "R", identifies motions or amendments in which the Member who lodged it has a registrable interest.

The Parliamentary Bureau periodically deletes motions or amendments not scheduled for debate and which are over six weeks old.

A search facility is also available on the Scottish Parliament web site at

Any questions in relation to this section should be directed to the Chamber Desk, for which contact details are provided at the end of the Bulletin.


New and altered motions and amendments

*S4M-03715♦ Christine Grahame: Bill and Ted @ Black Diamond—That the Parliament congratulates 89-year-old Bill Prentice and 87-year-old Ted Comerford, believed to be the oldest broadcasters in Scotland with their weekly show on Sunday from 5-6pm on Black Diamond, Midlothian’s community radio, broadcasting from Newtongrange on 107.8FM; notes that their show, devised by them, has been running as long as Black Diamond, five years, and can be heard from Arbroath to Edinburgh and across the Borders, and commends them for demonstrating that just because you are octogenarians does not mean that you spend your days in carpet slippers, sipping tea.

*S4M-03714 Jackie Baillie: Helensburgh’s Heading for Gold at London 2012— That the Parliament welcomes two Helensburgh sporting stars as the Olympic Games commence in London this weekend; notes that 22-year-old Luke Patience from Rhu will compete in the men’s 470 sailing event with his partner, Stuart Bithell, and was the first Scottish sportsman to be selected for Team GB; further notes that the 20-year-old Helensburgh wheelchair tennis player, Gordon Reid, has been selected to compete for Team GB in the Paralympic Games; recognises that he is currently ranked 10th in the wheelchair tennis world rankings and is Britain’s number one player; supports the efforts of these rising sporting athletes, and wishes them well as they aim for gold at London 2012.

Supported by: Drew Smith*, Margaret Burgess*, Jamie McGrigor*, Margaret McDougall*, Mike MacKenzie*

*S4M-03713# Christine Grahame: Centrica Profits an Obscenity—That the Parliament notes that British Gas Residential, which is owned by Centrica and includes Scottish Gas customers, has made £1.9 million profit per day in the most recent reporting period, fuelled in part by what the Parliament considers are inflammatory price hikes to consumers whose bills now average £1,260 per annum, £200 higher than two years ago and considers this to be obscene profiteering at a time when all household budgets are under stress, particularly those of vulnerable people, older people and young families in Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale and the rest of the country.

Supported by: Margaret Burgess*, Angus MacDonald*, Kevin Stewart*, Bill Kidd*, John Finnie*, Bill Walker*, Margaret McDougall*

*S4M-03712 Patricia Ferguson: Continuing the Legacy of Eric Liddell—That the Parliament notes the contribution by Eric Liddell in the field of sport and his commitment to education and humanitarian issues; considers that an endowment fund in his name to support the activities of young people involved in these fields of endeavour would be both a fitting tribute and memorial to a person it considers to have been a great Scot, and asks the Scottish Government to consider making an investment similar to that established by the former First Minister, Jack McConnell, when he established the Commonwealth Endowment Fund to assist young Scottish athletes competing for their country.


Supported by: Iain Gray*, Drew Smith*, Mark Griffin*, Margaret McDougall*

*S4M-03711 Kevin Stewart: Consultation on Passported Benefits—That the Parliament welcomes the Scottish Government’s consultation on passported benefits and, in noting what it sees as the Scottish Government’s commitment to supporting those who are in receipt of such benefits, urges members to advertise the consultation to charities and constituents.

*S4M-03710 Kevin Stewart: Consultation on Work Capability Assessment—That the Parliament welcomes year three of the independent review of Work Capability Assessment, which is being led by Professor Malcolm Harrington; notes the recent report by the Consultation and Advocacy Promotion Service, Fluctuating Outcomes: Work Capability Assessment & Mental Health, which concluded that the assessment system is not designed to take mental health conditions into account; understands that Professor Harrington’s consultation aims to learn from the personal experiences of claimants of Employment and Support Allowance, and calls on claimants to respond to the consultation in order to push for a system that is fair and fit for purpose.

Supported by: Bill Kidd*, Bill Walker*, Margaret Burgess*, Roderick Campbell*, Gordon MacDonald*, Mike MacKenzie*, Dennis Robertson*, Fiona McLeod*, Alison Johnstone*, Richard Lyle*, Rob Gibson*, Adam Ingram*, Jackie Baillie*

*S4M-03709 Mary Fee: World Hepatitis Day—That the Parliament recognises that 28 July 2012 is World Hepatitis Day; notes that this is an annual event that aims to provide an international focus for groups and people living with hepatitis B and C; understands that the day aims to raise awareness of and influence real change in disease prevention and access to testing and treatment; notes that it is estimated that one in 12 people in the world lives with chronic hepatitis B or C; understands that, although this figure is higher than that for those living with HIV or cancer, awareness is considerably lower and the majority of those infected are unaware; believes that 39,000 Scots have hepatitis B or C; commends the World Hepatitis Alliance, which launched World Hepatitis Day in 2008; understands that, since 2008, thousands of events regarding the condition have subsequently taken place around the world, and notes that, in May 2012, the World Health Assembly agreed that World Hepatitis Day should be recognised annually on 28 July.

*S4M-03708 Jackie Baillie: Dumbarton FC Kicks off in the First Division—That the Parliament wishes Dumbarton FC well ahead of its first match in the First Division; considers that "the Sons" had a fine run of form in the 2011-12 season and notes that, in May, the team won the play-off final against Airdrie United at New Broomfield to earn promotion; welcomes the support from fans in West Dunbartonshire, Argyll and Bute and further afield who have purchased season tickets in order to support the club; believes that being promoted is a massive achievement for Dumbarton FC, and wishes the players, fans, manager and coaching staff all the best in the forthcoming season.

Supported by: Jamie McGrigor*, Hanzala Malik*, Mike MacKenzie*, Anne McTaggart*, Margaret McCulloch*, Neil Bibby*, Richard Lyle*


*S4M-03707 Dennis Robertson: Disarming Trident—That the Parliament congratulates the Scottish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (SCND) and Scotland’s for Peace on publishing the report, Disarming Trident, on 17 June 2012, which points out how Scotland could be free from nuclear weapons within two years of becoming independent; welcomes the practical guide to de-activating and dismantling the Scotland-based Trident nuclear weapon system in days and weeks, followed by the removal of all nuclear warheads from Scotland within two years; notes that the report builds on SCND’s report, Trident: Nowhere to Go, which was published in January 2012 and which it considers proves conclusively that there is no viable alternative site that Trident could be moved to in England, Wales, the United States or France.

Supported by: Fiona McLeod*, Richard Lyle*, Mike MacKenzie*, Rob Gibson*, George Adam*, John Mason*, Angus MacDonald*, Gordon MacDonald*, Kevin Stewart*, Bill Kidd*, Adam Ingram*, John Finnie*

*S4M-03706 Bill Walker: Can-Am Pipe Band’s Jubilee Tour of Scotland—That the Parliament extends its warmest wishes to the 100-strong North American pipe band, Can-Am, on its jubilee tour of Scotland; understands that the visit of the band will include performances at Pittencrieff Park in Dunfermline and the World Pipe Band Championships in Glasgow, and, in hoping that Can-Am enjoys a successful jubilee tour, wishes the band fair skies for all of its outdoor performances.

Supported by: Angus MacDonald*, Mike MacKenzie*, Margaret Burgess*, Stuart McMillan*, Richard Lyle*

*S4M-03705 John Mason: Well Done to the Real Relay—That the Parliament congratulates the organisers of the recent Real Relay, which consisted of a group of up to 200 amateur runners following the route of the Olympic torch relay; notes that the runners reached the Olympic Park on 22 July 2012, five days ahead of the official flame, having started its relay on 28 May 2012, 10 days after the commencement of the official torch relay, and notes that, unlike the official flame, which stops off overnight and often uses transport, the athletes have run every step of the way, 24 hours a day and the flame did not spend time in the back of a van.

Supported by: Roderick Campbell*, Mike MacKenzie*, Dennis Robertson*, Kevin Stewart*, Richard Lyle*, Bill Kidd*, Hanzala Malik*, Margaret Burgess*, Anne McTaggart*, Adam Ingram*, Stuart McMillan*

*S4M-03704 Mary Fee: Erskine, Local Supermarket’s Charity of the Year—That the Parliament congratulates Erskine on becoming the Charity of the Year for Sainsbury’s Braehead store; praises the staff on what is considered its excellent choice, to reward the work of Erskine, and notes that fundraising for Erskine started on Armed Forces Day and that all funds will go to support the 1,300 ex-service personnel for whom Erskine cares.

Supported by: David Torrance*, Kevin Stewart*, Bill Walker*, Jackson Carlaw*, Jamie McGrigor*, Richard Lyle*, Gordon MacDonald*, Jackie Baillie*, Mike MacKenzie*, Neil Bibby*, Bill Kidd*, Hanzala Malik*, Hugh Henry*, Fiona McLeod*


*S4M-03703 Mary Fee: Sporting Memories of Erskine Veterans—That the Parliament notes and commends the collaboration between the charity, Erskine, and the Sporting Memories Network to launch a programme to help the lives of veterans with dementia; notes that the project aims to use the power of reminiscing to stimulate the minds of ex-service personnel with dementia by working in groups to trigger old memories of sporting tales, and calls on the Scottish Government to promote more programmes such as this.

Supported by: Gordon MacDonald*, Jackie Baillie*, Neil Bibby*, Graeme Pearson*, Bill Walker*, Jackson Carlaw*, Kevin Stewart*, Hanzala Malik*, Hugh Henry*, Maureen Watt*

*S4M-03702 Sarah Boyack: Save our Suntrap—That the Parliament supports the Save Our Suntrap campaign, which is working to preserve the Suntrap Charity Garden to the west of Edinburgh as a centre for therapeutic horticulture and education and to develop a heritage centre at Millbuies House; notes that the garden, along with Millbuies House and Suntrap House, was donated to the people of Scotland by the philanthropist George Boyd Anderson; expresses concern that the current owners of the properties, the National Trust for Scotland and Oatridge College, wish to sell the properties; expresses its belief that the garden, which has been maintained by volunteers for the last two years, has been a centre of excellence in the teaching of horticultural work for adults and children with learning difficulties and that the campaign wishes to expand this role to include a range of charities; further notes the decision by the City of Edinburgh Council to call on the current owners to delay the selling of the property to allow campaigners the time to raise funds, and calls on the Scottish Government to investigate positive interventions that it can make to keep the garden in educational use.

Supported by: Iain Gray*, Mike MacKenzie*, Claudia Beamish*, Jackie Baillie*, Alison Johnstone*, Bill Walker*, Hanzala Malik*, David McLetchie*

*S4M-03701 Anne McTaggart: World Credit Union Conference, Let’s Gdansk— That the Parliament congratulates the World Council of Credit Unions (WOCCU) on the success of its recent world conference in Gdansk; understands that the conference celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Polish credit union movement, which started as a grassroots effort alongside the Solidarity movement and has grown to become what is considered one of the most successful and respected credit union systems in the world; notes that the conference was attended by Glasgow delegates committed to the principles of solidarity, inclusive of battling financial exclusion, supporting social entrepreneurs and developing financial capability; considers that this social networking exchange of best practice in the movement was enhanced by the input of Lech Walesa, Nobel Prize winner and former President of Poland, at the opening and closing ceremonies, which took place at the birthplace of the Solidarity movement, the Lenin shipyard; believes that this conference will enhance the ethical model of lending in Scotland, which it believes should be further supported in light of the current banking crisis, and wishes WOCCU and Scottish credit unions continuous success.

Supported by: Gil Paterson*, Angus MacDonald*, Mike MacKenzie*, Neil Findlay*, Bill Walker*, Jim Eadie*, Roderick Campbell*, Drew Smith*, Ken Macintosh*, John


Wilson*, Mary Fee*, Patricia Ferguson*, Bill Kidd*, James Kelly*, Hanzala Malik*, David Torrance*, Iain Gray*, Kevin Stewart*, Jackie Baillie*, Margaret Burgess*, Jenny Marra*, Claudia Beamish*, Maureen Watt*

*S4M-03700 Humza Yousaf: Rathbone Glasgow TOPs Project—That the Parliament congratulates Rathbone in Glasgow on what it considers an excellent evaluation report on its Training Opportunities for Parents (TOPs) project; understands that TOPs helps support, motivate and encourage young mums and mums to be, aged 13 to 19, in the More Choices, More Chances group to positively progress from a chaotic and disengaged lifestyle to a supported environment to avoid falling into the poverty trap; believes that the programme allows these young mums to cope with any changes in their family life and helps combat social isolation and exclusion, and supports Rathbone in its vision to expand the project to other parts of Scotland.

Supported by: Drew Smith*, Angus MacDonald*, Mike MacKenzie*, Roderick Campbell*, Bill Kidd*, Margaret Burgess*, David Torrance*, Gil Paterson*, Dennis Robertson*, Gordon MacDonald*, Adam Ingram*, Rob Gibson*, Joe FitzPatrick*, Kevin Stewart*, Jackie Baillie*, Nigel Don*, Stuart McMillan*

*S4M-03699 Jean Urquhart: Scottish Pelagic Sustainability Group’s Seafood Champion Nomination—That the Parliament congratulates the Scottish Pelagic Sustainability Group on being shortlisted for the Seafood Champion Awards in Hong Kong; understands that the group is one of 15 finalists and that the winner will be announced on 7 September 2012; considers this nomination to be a recognition of the dedication of the Scottish fishing industry to sustainable fishing practices; recognises the importance of fishing to the Scottish economy, particularly to Shetland, where the industry is a major employer and component of the local economy; believes that continued reform of the common fisheries policy is essential for the industry to continue to play this role, and wishes the group success in the future.

Supported by: Angus MacDonald*, John Finnie*, Stuart McMillan*, Mike MacKenzie*, Adam Ingram*, Chic Brodie*, Jamie McGrigor*, David Torrance*, Dennis Robertson*, Humza Yousaf*, Gordon MacDonald*, Roderick Campbell*, Rob Gibson*, Bill Kidd*, Margaret Burgess*, Richard Lyle*, Kevin Stewart*

*S4M-03698 Stuart McMillan: PS Comet Bicentenary Celebrations—That the Parliament welcomes the PS Comet bicentenary celebrations, which are scheduled to take place on 4 August 2012 in Helensburgh; notes that the celebrations will recognise the first voyage of Henry Bell’s Comet, which took place in August 1812; notes that this was the first commercial steamship in Europe and that Henry Bell was the first recorded Provost of Helensburgh; further notes that a number of events will take place in and around Helensburgh Pier on 4 August in recognition of Henry Bell and the Comet, and considers that the celebrations will be an excellent opportunity to showcase Helensburgh and to highlight the works of Henry Bell.

Supported by: Dennis Robertson*, Jamie McGrigor*, Mike MacKenzie*, David Torrance*, John Mason*, Humza Yousaf*, Fiona McLeod*, Richard Lyle*, Kevin


Stewart*, Rob Gibson*, Joan McAlpine*, Adam Ingram*, Angus MacDonald*, Bill Kidd*, Colin Keir*, Bill Walker*, Margaret Burgess*, Neil Bibby*, Bob Doris*

*S4M-03697 Mike MacKenzie: Argyll Bands Play in George Square at Piping Live 2012—That the Parliament congratulates the pipe bands from Argyll and Bute that have been invited to take part in Piping Live 2012 at George Square, Glasgow; understands that Argyll school pipe bands have been successful in recent years; notes that the grade 1 Inveraray and District band, which it believes is having a superb 2012 season, has been invited; applauds the bands from Mid Argyll, Oban High School and Kintyre schools that are scheduled to play on 6, 9 and 10 August; understands that all of these bands have won prizes and accolades and are going from strength to strength; notes that, in 2010, Oban High School won the world championship in its grade; wishes all of the Argyll and Bute bands the best of luck at Piping Live 2012; praises these young participants for taking up a very Scottish tradition; hopes that everyone involved with the bands is proud of what has been achieved and of what it considers to be the great credit that they bring to their communities, and considers that a sparsely populated part of Scotland such as Argyll and Bute having so much success in piping is a credit to the country.

Supported by: Gordon MacDonald*, Angus MacDonald*, Stuart McMillan*, Anne McTaggart*, John Finnie*, David Torrance*, Adam Ingram*, Dennis Robertson*, Jamie McGrigor*, George Adam*, Drew Smith*, John Wilson*, Bob Doris*, Colin Keir*, Humza Yousaf*, Bill Walker*, Willie Coffey*, Bill Kidd*, Maureen Watt*, Roderick Campbell*, Margaret Burgess*, Richard Lyle*, Jackie Baillie*, Kevin Stewart*, Nigel Don*

*S4M-03696 George Adam: Bishop of Paisley Appointed New Archbishop of Glasgow—That the Parliament welcomes the news that the Bishop of Paisley, Philip Tartaglia, has been appointed Archbishop-elect of Glasgow by Pope Benedict XVI, taking over from Mario Conti; recognises his work in the Diocese of Paisley; understands that he has an interest in helping those from less advantageous backgrounds and that this played a significant part in this appointment; wishes him every success in his new role, and passes on what it believes are the best wishes of the people of Paisley, whom he represented for almost seven years and who welcomed his work.

Supported by: Dennis Robertson*, Margaret McDougall*, Mike MacKenzie*, Willie Coffey*, Kevin Stewart*, Clare Adamson*, Bill Kidd*, Adam Ingram*, Joan McAlpine*, Bob Doris*, Colin Beattie*, David Torrance*, Neil Findlay*, Roderick Campbell*, Richard Lyle*, Maureen Watt*, Rob Gibson*, Bill Walker*, Gil Paterson*

*S4M-03695 Richard Lyle: Retirement of Sharon McPherson—That the Parliament notes the retirement of Sharon McPherson, the long-serving head teacher at Mossend Primary School, and compliments Ms McPherson on what it considers to have been her 22 years of dedicated service to the school.

Supported by: Humza Yousaf*, Jim Eadie*, Mike MacKenzie*, Adam Ingram*, Dennis Robertson*, David Torrance*, Stuart McMillan*, Jamie McGrigor*, Bill Walker*, Bill Kidd*, Gil Paterson*, Bob Doris*, Kevin Stewart*


*S4M-03694 Richard Lyle: New Recycling Scheme Creates Jobs—That the Parliament congratulates North Lanarkshire Council on announcing the establishment of 36 full-time jobs in a bid to improve its recycling rate; notes that, in June 2012, the local authority approved adding food waste collections to its recycling regime and that it is hoped that this will prevent 5,000 tonnes of waste going to landfill; notes that, with the help of funding from Zero Waste Scotland, North Lanarkshire residents will be given seven-litre kitchen caddies and an initial supply of biodegradable corn-starch bags, which, it understands, will be collected weekly from kerbsides by a fleet of 10 new dedicated food waste collection vehicles; understands that 18 drivers and 18 refuse collectors will be employed to carry out this task; notes that, while an initial investment is required to set up the new service and fund the new posts, the council is working with Zero Waste Scotland to examine the most cost-efficient options and to access additional funding, and is confident that the council’s investment will be more than offset by its savings on landfill tax.

Supported by: Humza Yousaf*, Mike MacKenzie*, Adam Ingram*, Dennis Robertson*, David Torrance*, Stuart McMillan*, Gordon MacDonald*, Bill Walker*, Bill Kidd*, Chic Brodie*, Angus MacDonald*, Gil Paterson*, Bob Doris*, Kevin Stewart*, Fiona McLeod*, Claudia Beamish*

*S4M-03693 Richard Lyle: Clyde Valley Group Raises £7,000 for Mary’s Meals— That the Parliament compliments the staff of the Clyde Valley Group (CVG) on their fundraising efforts for their chosen charity, Mary’s Meals; notes that the aim of this was to raise the £7,000 needed to build a school kitchen at Sawali Primary School in the southern district of Balaka in Malawi; understands that the Scott Street workers successfully reached their goal and the kitchen is now being constructed; congratulates the staff who participated in numerous activities to raise the money, which included raffles and Christmas card donations, and notes that most of the endeavours were tied in with the Healthy Working Lives award that the company was presented with and that these included a family health walk round Strathclyde Park and participation in the Clyde Valley Golf Cup and the Glasgow 10k run, the latter alone raising almost £3,000.

Supported by: Humza Yousaf*, Jim Eadie*, Adam Ingram*, Dennis Robertson*, David Torrance*, Stuart McMillan*, Jamie McGrigor*, Anne McTaggart*, Bill Walker*, Colin Keir*, Mike MacKenzie*, Maureen Watt*, Chic Brodie*, Angus MacDonald*, Bill Kidd*, Margaret Burgess*, Bob Doris*, Rob Gibson*, Gil Paterson*, Kevin Stewart*, Fiona McLeod*

*S4M-03692 Richard Lyle: Stepping Out for Charity—That the Parliament congratulates Chris Gilmour, a trade union activist from Bellshill, who has helped raise more than £1,000 for Cancer Research UK and notes that Mr Gilmour, who is a member of the Scottish youth committee of the shopworkers’ union, Usdaw, teamed up with two colleagues to walk what is considered to be the gruelling 96 miles of the West Highland Way.

Supported by: Clare Adamson*, David Torrance*, Jackie Baillie*, Mike MacKenzie*, George Adam*, Gil Paterson*, Rob Gibson*, Dennis Robertson*, Kevin Stewart*, Hanzala Malik*, Bill Walker*, Bill Kidd*, Neil Findlay*, Stuart McMillan*, Angus MacDonald*, Hugh Henry*, Adam Ingram*


*S4M-03691 Richard Lyle: Expansion for Elimpus Ltd—That the Parliament compliments Elimpus Ltd, a Bellshill-based technology company, on moving to new premises as a result of what it understands has been a surge in the energy safety market; believes that this move will allow the founders, George McBride and Philip Moore, to create two new jobs; notes that UK Steel Enterprise has provided £50,000 to help the expansion, and understands that, in addition to the increased number of Elimpus products being deployed in the field, the company is receiving a growing number of enquiries from across the UK regarding equipment hire and site support.

Supported by: David Torrance*, Rob Gibson*, Dennis Robertson*, Angus MacDonald*, Kevin Stewart*, Mike MacKenzie*, Hanzala Malik*, Bill Walker*, Bill Kidd*, Stuart McMillan*, Adam Ingram*

*S4M-03690 Richard Lyle: John Paul II Pupils Fly the Green Flag Again—That the Parliament compliments the pupils and staff at John Paul II Primary School in Viewpark on the school’s second Green Flag award, which it understands is closely linked with the Curriculum for Excellence, and recognises that the school has also raised funds for the Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund (SCIAF) and other global warming-awareness charities.

*S4M-03689 Angus MacDonald: Inner Forth Landscape Initiative—That the Parliament congratulates the Inner Forth Landscape Initiative on receiving an earmarked first-round pass of £1,975,900, including £75,900 development funding, through the Heritage Lottery Fund’s Landscape Partnership programme; believes that this is a result of the hard work and dedication of the partnership of RSPB Scotland, Scottish Natural Heritage, Scottish Environment Protection Agency, Historic Scotland, Clackmannanshire Council, Stirling Council, Falkirk Council, Central Scotland Forest Trust, TCV Scotland and SUSTRANS, and welcomes what it understands are the intentions of the partnership to reveal the hidden cultural, historical and natural wealth of the upper reaches of the Firth of Forth, restore and conserve important features, open up access, and ultimately leave a legacy of a richer landscape and new facilities for all.

Supported by: Adam Ingram*, Mike MacKenzie*, Chic Brodie*, Rob Gibson*, Kevin Stewart*, Dennis Robertson*, Stuart McMillan*, Richard Lyle*, Joan McAlpine*, Roderick Campbell*, Jean Urquhart*, David Torrance*, Bill Kidd*, Bill Walker*, Margaret Burgess*

*S4M-03688 Gordon MacDonald: SAMH Redhall Walled Garden—That the Parliament congratulates the Scottish Association for Mental Health (SAMH) on the Redhall Walled Garden’s receipt of a Green Flag Community Award; notes that these awards, which it considers prestigious, are national recognition of public and community parks and green spaces that are managed by voluntary and community groups, and believes that Redhall is not just a leading mental health service and horticultural model, but is also a real resource and place of pleasure for all members of the community.

Supported by: Mike MacKenzie*, Adam Ingram*, Clare Adamson*, Kevin Stewart*, Dennis Robertson*, George Adam*, Jamie McGrigor*, Chic Brodie*, Angus MacDonald*, Joan McAlpine*, Bob Doris*, Stuart McMillan*, Roderick Campbell*,


David Torrance*, Joe FitzPatrick*, Fiona McLeod*, Richard Lyle*, Rob Gibson*, Bill Kidd*, Colin Keir*, Margaret Burgess*

*S4M-03687 Alison Johnstone: Tour de France—That the Parliament congratulates Bradley Wiggins on becoming the first British rider to win the Tour de France; hopes that the three-time Olympic track champion’s historic achievement will inspire others to get on a bike; supports the efforts of British Cycling, UK Sport and EventScotland to bring the opening stage of the event to Edinburgh in 2017; acknowledges what it sees as the benefits that cycling offers in terms of health, tourism, the economy and tackling air pollution, and urges the Scottish Government to seize the moment by committing serious funding to infrastructure improvements in rural and urban areas in order to support what is considered the growing appetite for cycling in Scotland.

Supported by: Graeme Pearson*, Patricia Ferguson*, Jim Eadie*, David Torrance*, Bob Doris*, Neil Findlay*, Elaine Murray*, Patrick Harvie*, Iain Gray*, Drew Smith*, Jackie Baillie*, Tavish Scott*, Liam McArthur*

*S4M-03686 Roderick Campbell: Cupar Celebrates Summer Postcode Millions Win—That the Parliament congratulates the players of People’s Postcode Lottery in Cupar, who this weekend shared a jackpot of £2 million having won the People’s Postcode Lottery’s Summer Postcode Millions; notes that this is the third time that the Postcode Millions has landed in Fife; recognises that, as it a charity lottery, players have now raised over £19.1 million for good causes across Great Britain, and wishes the winners and players of People’s Postcode Lottery every success in the future.

Supported by: Stuart McMillan*, Humza Yousaf*, Adam Ingram*, Kevin Stewart*, Joan McAlpine*, Jamie McGrigor*, Mike MacKenzie*, Dennis Robertson*, Chic Brodie*, Angus MacDonald*, Rob Gibson*, Richard Lyle*, Bill Kidd*, Margaret Burgess*, David Torrance*

*S4M-03685 Roderick Campbell: Link Between Salt and Stomach Cancer—That the Parliament notes the findings of recent research that suggest the strong possibility of a link between excessive salt consumption and stomach cancer; notes that, according to the most recent figures from Cancer Research UK, there were 750 news cases of stomach cancer in Scotland in 2009 and that the incidence is significantly higher in men; notes the suggestion from the World Cancer Research Fund that one in 7 cases in the UK could be prevented by respecting the recommended levels of salt consumption; understands that scientific research consistently shows that many Scots consume significantly more than the recommended daily intake of 6g of salt and that high salt content in processed foods is partly to blame for this; recognises the value of clear nutritional information on food packaging, and considers that there is a strong scientific case for consistent statutory nutritional information on food packaging so that individuals can make informed decisions about their diets as they shop; welcomes signs that the incidence of stomach cancer overall in Scotland dropped by approximately one third between 2000 and 2010, and considers the promotion of a diet lower in salt to be an important part of further reducing the incidence of stomach cancer and other medical conditions.


Supported by: Anne McTaggart*, James Dornan*, Adam Ingram*, Joan McAlpine*, Mike MacKenzie*, Humza Yousaf*, Stuart McMillan*, Jim Eadie*, Margaret Burgess*, Colin Keir*, Jean Urquhart*, Dennis Robertson*, Hugh Henry*, David Torrance*, Margaret McDougall*, Kevin Stewart*, Angus MacDonald*, Paul Wheelhouse*, Rob Gibson*, Chic Brodie*

*S4M-03684 George Adam: Paisley Pipe Band Championship 2012—That the Parliament congratulates everybody who was involved with the third annual Paisley Pipe Band Championship, which was held on 21 July 2012 in the town centre; notes what it sees as the work of Renfrewshire Council, the Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association and the pipe bands themselves in making the event such a success; believes that, with bands from Milngavie to Manchester taking part, it has become a key event in the lead up to the World Pipe Band Championships; considers that such a successful event is beneficial to visitors, residents and businesses in the town, and looks forward to the return of the competition next year.

Supported by: Willie Coffey*, Mike MacKenzie*, Margaret Burgess*, Jamie McGrigor*, Adam Ingram*, Anne McTaggart*, Richard Lyle*, Joan McAlpine*, Stuart McMillan*, Stewart Maxwell*, Humza Yousaf*, Colin Beattie*, Roderick Campbell*, Gordon MacDonald*, Jim Eadie*, Colin Keir*, Kevin Stewart*, Angus MacDonald*, Clare Adamson*, Dennis Robertson*, Rob Gibson*, Hugh Henry*, David Torrance*, Margaret McDougall*, Bill Kidd*, Maureen Watt*, Fiona McLeod*

*S4M-03683# Graeme Dey: Keep Scotland Beautiful—That the Parliament congratulates the Keep Scotland Beautiful 2012 National Spring Clean campaign; notes that 120,000 people in Scotland registered to participate in the event, which was supported by charities, businesses and organisations across the country; understands that a further 100,000 were estimated to have participated without registering; believes that this makes this the biggest mass mobilisation for civic purposes in Scotland since the Second World War; considers that the removal of around 1,100 tonnes of litter from Shetland to the Borders should act as an encouragement to everyone concerned to champion the cause of keeping Scotland beautiful, and wishes Keep Scotland Beautiful every encouragement in preparing and implementing its plan to involve up to one million people in the 2013 clean-up, which, it understands, would remove 10,000 to 20,000 tonnes of litter from the streets and country roads of Scotland.

Supported by: Jean Urquhart*, Adam Ingram*, Dennis Robertson*, John Mason*, Claudia Beamish*, Rob Gibson*, Chic Brodie*, Christine Grahame*, Jim Eadie*, Richard Lyle*, Humza Yousaf*, Colin Keir*, Joan McAlpine*, Kevin Stewart*, Hugh Henry*, Stuart McMillan*, Margaret Burgess*, David Torrance*, Bill Kidd*, Margaret McDougall*, Angus MacDonald*, Alex Fergusson*, Nigel Don*, Fiona McLeod*

*S4M-03682 James Kelly: Congratulations to Camglen Radio—That the Parliament warmly welcomes the announcement that the community radio station, Camglen Radio, has been awarded a five-year FM licence; believes that the station provides both a high-quality and enjoyable radio service and core skills-based opportunities for people in Rutherglen and Cambuslang; understands that it has committed to work in partnership with a range of organisations and will act as a community-information hub that will provide community groups, charities and


voluntary sector groups with free advertising to allow them to promote their services and provide opportunities and messages that could be of benefit to members of the community; applauds the staff and volunteers at Camglen Radio for what it considers to be their hard work and dedication over the last few years in helping to build up a successful and respectable station, and wishes the team every success for the future.

Supported by: Colin Beattie*, Anne McTaggart*, Drew Smith*, Stuart McMillan*

*S4M-03681 Sarah Boyack: Waverley Care and Theatre Trust, 21 Years of Partnership—That the Parliament congratulates Waverley Care and the Pleasance Theatre Trust on 21 years of partnership-working that has aimed to raise awareness of HIV or hepatitis C and funds for the support of people living with these conditions; notes that, as part of the partnership, volunteers from Waverley Care will be collecting donations at the Pleasance Courtyard for the duration of the Edinburgh festival period; understands that the partnership has raised almost £250,000 toward the support services provided by Waverley Care and hopes to break through that barrier in 2012; considers that, since the partnership began, HIV has gone from being a terminal illness to being a more manageable long-term condition and that the work of Waverley Care supports people with HIV to live a full life; believes that, despite progress, there is still significant stigma attached to having HIV or hepatitis C, and considers that, what is sees as positive initiatives such as the partnership between Waverley Care and the Pleasance Theatre Trust, are valuable in helping to increase knowledge, reduce stigma and provide vital support to people living with HIV or hepatitis C.

Supported by: Kevin Stewart*, Ken Macintosh*, Claudia Beamish*, Drew Smith*, Iain Gray*, David Torrance*, Margaret McDougall*, Colin Beattie*, Kezia Dugdale*, Patricia Ferguson*, Liam McArthur*, Margaret Burgess*

*S4M-03680 Claudia Beamish: St Abbs Market Day—That the Parliament welcomes the St Abbs market day, which was launched in June 2012; understands that this weekly market, which is held in the recently redeveloped Ebba Centre, is proving to be a big success; considers that it provides an opportunity for local producers to showcase a wide range of produce and goods, including baked items, seafood and arts and crafts; believes that it provides positive benefits in terms of attracting tourism and boosting the area’s economy; encourages other communities to showcase local skills and talent in similar ventures, and wishes the St Abbs market day every success in the future.

Supported by: John Lamont*, Mike MacKenzie*, Colin Beattie*, Kevin Stewart*, Graeme Pearson*, Paul Wheelhouse*, Richard Lyle*, Clare Adamson*, Jamie McGrigor*, Bill Kidd*, Anne McTaggart*, Patricia Ferguson*, David Torrance*, Iain Gray*, Neil Bibby*, Margaret Burgess*


Motions and amendments which have attracted additional support

S4M-03679 Big Tent Festival (lodged on 20 July 2012) Adam Ingram*, Bob Doris*, Gordon MacDonald*, Stuart McMillan*, Drew Smith*, Joan McAlpine*, Mike MacKenzie*, Sandra White*, Richard Lyle*, Maureen Watt*, David Torrance*, James Dornan*, Clare Adamson*, Margaret Burgess*, Jean Urquhart*, Dennis Robertson*, Rob Gibson*, Kevin Stewart*, Angus MacDonald*, Jamie Hepburn*, Bill Kidd*

S4M-03678 Stonewall Research into Homophobic Bullying in Schools (lodged on 20 July 2012) Adam Ingram*, Rob Gibson*, Dennis Robertson*, Bill Kidd*, Joe FitzPatrick*, Patrick Harvie*, Kevin Stewart*, Maureen Watt*, Joan McAlpine*, Jackie Baillie*, Claudia Beamish*, Roderick Campbell*, James Dornan*, Sandra White*, Margaret Burgess*, Alison Johnstone*, Mike MacKenzie*, David Torrance*, Angus MacDonald*, Jamie Hepburn*, Liam McArthur*

S4M-03677 Alzheimer Scotland’s Ardrossan Resource Centre’s 21st Anniversary (lodged on 20 July 2012) Adam Ingram*, Bill Kidd*, Humza Yousaf*, Joan McAlpine*, Jamie McGrigor*, Dennis Robertson*, Hanzala Malik*, Gil Paterson*, Rob Gibson*, Willie Coffey*, James Kelly*, Mark McDonald*, Stuart McMillan*, Margaret Burgess*, Mike MacKenzie*, Maureen Watt*, Colin Keir*, James Dornan*, Sandra White*, David Torrance*, Margaret McDougall*, Kevin Stewart*, Jamie Hepburn*, Fiona McLeod*

S4M-03676 Co-operative Banking (lodged on 20 July 2012) Neil Bibby*, Richard Simpson*, Neil Findlay*, Dennis Robertson*, Patricia Ferguson*, Maureen Watt*, Iain Gray*, Mark Griffin*, Jackie Baillie*, Jean Urquhart*, Elaine Murray*, Hugh Henry*, Mike MacKenzie*, Claudia Beamish*, John Park*

S4M-03675 Retirement of Sir Ian Wood (lodged on 20 July 2012) Adam Ingram*, Rob Gibson*, Dennis Robertson*, Chic Brodie*, Iain Gray*, Joan McAlpine*, Maureen Watt*, Bill Kidd*, Colin Keir*, Murdo Fraser*, Roderick Campbell*, David Torrance*, Mike MacKenzie*, Angus MacDonald*, Alison McInnes*, Nigel Don*, Fiona McLeod*

S4M-03674 Fire Station Fun (lodged on 20 July 2012) Richard Lyle*, Neil Bibby*, Fiona McLeod*, John Pentland*, Dennis Robertson*, Bill Kidd*, Margaret McCulloch*, Gil Paterson*, Annabelle Ewing*, Maureen Watt*, Kevin Stewart*, Jim Eadie*, Anne McTaggart*, Clare Adamson*, Jackie Baillie*, Margaret Burgess*, Mike MacKenzie*, David Torrance*, Jamie Hepburn*

S4M-03673 The 33rd Blair Atholl Jamborette (lodged on 20 July 2012) Mark McDonald*, John Wilson*, Annabelle Ewing*, Gil Paterson*, Joe FitzPatrick*, Colin Beattie*, Bob Doris*, Bill Kidd*, Neil Bibby*, Maureen Watt*, Christina McKelvie*, Margaret Burgess*, Gordon MacDonald*, Humza Yousaf*, Jamie McGrigor*, Joan McAlpine*, Graeme Dey*, Richard Lyle*, Graeme Pearson*, Adam Ingram*, John Finnie*, Stuart McMillan*, Jean Urquhart*, Rob Gibson*, Jackie Baillie*, James Dornan*, Sandra White*, Colin Keir*, Claudia Beamish*, Dennis Robertson*, Kevin Stewart*, Angus MacDonald*, Mike MacKenzie*, Jamie Hepburn*, Fiona McLeod*


S4M-03672 Youth Venturers Group Lottery Award (lodged on 19 July 2012) Adam Ingram*, Maureen Watt*, Sandra White*, Hugh Henry*, David Torrance*, Mike MacKenzie*, Angus MacDonald*, Jamie Hepburn*

S4M-03671 Future of Ardler and St Mary’s GP Services (lodged on 19 July 2012) Adam Ingram*, David Torrance*, Mike MacKenzie*, Angus MacDonald*, Jamie Hepburn*, Jenny Marra*

S4M-03670 SCIAF’s Promising Practices (lodged on 19 July 2012) Adam Ingram*, Gil Paterson*, James Dornan*, Mike MacKenzie*, Hugh Henry*, David Torrance*, Angus MacDonald*, Nigel Don*, Jamie Hepburn*

S4M-03669 Cathkin Primary School Big Lottery Funding (lodged on 19 July 2012) Neil Bibby*, Fiona McLeod*, Jamie Hepburn*

S4M-03668 Ron Churchill, 30 Years with Arbroath RNLI (lodged on 19 July 2012) Adam Ingram*, Colin Beattie*, Fiona McLeod*, Dennis Robertson*, Chic Brodie*, Joan McAlpine*, Maureen Watt*, Humza Yousaf*, Bill Kidd*, Jean Urquhart*, Mike MacKenzie*, David Torrance*, Angus MacDonald*, Nigel Don*, Jamie Hepburn*

S4M-03667 Praise for Charity Campaigner (lodged on 18 July 2012) Adam Ingram*, Neil Bibby*, Maureen Watt*, Jim Eadie*, Hugh Henry*, David Torrance*, Mike MacKenzie*, Nigel Don*, Jamie Hepburn*

S4M-03666 CANmove (lodged on 18 July 2012) Adam Ingram*, Neil Bibby*, Maureen Watt*, Jim Eadie*, James Dornan*, Jean Urquhart*, David Torrance*, Mike MacKenzie*, Nigel Don*, Jamie Hepburn*

S4M-03663 Kicking it on the Bealach na Ba (lodged on 18 July 2012) Adam Ingram*, Neil Bibby*, Maureen Watt*, Jean Urquhart*, David Torrance*, Mike MacKenzie*, Jamie Hepburn*

S4M-03662 Congratulations to Glencairn Nursery, Greenock (lodged on 18 July 2012) Adam Ingram*, Neil Bibby*, Gil Paterson*, Maureen Watt*, David Torrance*, Mike MacKenzie*, Jamie Hepburn*

S4M-03661 DECC Delays Announcement on Renewables Subsidies (lodged on 18 July 2012) Jamie Hepburn*

S4M-03660 Inaugural Gerry Rafferty Prize Won by Paisley Musician (lodged on 18 July 2012) Adam Ingram*, Gil Paterson*, Neil Bibby*, Jean Urquhart*, Elaine Murray*, Hugh Henry*, David Torrance*, Mike MacKenzie*, Nigel Don*, Jamie Hepburn*

S4M-03659 New Home Ground for Glasgow Girls FC (lodged on 18 July 2012) Adam Ingram*, Bob Doris*, James Dornan*, David Torrance*, Mike MacKenzie*, John Park*, Jamie Hepburn*

S4M-03658 Promotion of Stranraer Football Club (lodged on 18 July 2012) David Torrance*, Mike MacKenzie*


S4M-03657 Promotion of Dundee Football Club (lodged on 18 July 2012) Adam Ingram*, Jean Urquhart*, David Torrance*, Mike MacKenzie*, Bill Kidd*

S4M-03656 Working Better, Working Together (lodged on 17 July 2012) Adam Ingram*, David Torrance*, Mike MacKenzie*

S4M-03655 Coalfields Regeneration Trust £25,000 Community Challenge (lodged on 18 July 2012) Neil Bibby*, Christine Grahame*, Elaine Murray*, Hugh Henry*, David Torrance*, Mike MacKenzie*, Bill Kidd*

S4M-03653 Crown Estate Marine Assets Must be Devolved (lodged on 17 July 2012) Mike MacKenzie*

S4M-03652 Galloway and South Ayrshire, First Scottish Biosphere Reserve (lodged on 17 July 2012) Jamie Hepburn*

S4M-03651 Aberdeen’s Hydrogen Ambitions (lodged on 16 July 2012) David Torrance*, Mike MacKenzie*, Nigel Don*, Jamie Hepburn*, Bill Kidd*

S4M-03650 Burma Assist (lodged on 16 July 2012) Adam Ingram*, James Dornan*, Mike MacKenzie*, Margaret McDougall*, David Torrance*, Jamie Hepburn*, Bill Kidd*

S4M-03649 Congratulating Claire Noonan as UK and Ireland Junior Archery Champion (lodged on 16 July 2012) Adam Ingram*, Maureen Watt*, Jean Urquhart*, Mike MacKenzie*, Jamie Hepburn*, Bill Kidd*

S4M-03648 Group B Streptococcus (lodged on 16 July 2012) Adam Ingram*, David Torrance*, Mike MacKenzie*, Jamie Hepburn*

S4M-03647 Graduates in Scotland Have Best Employment Prospects in the UK (lodged on 16 July 2012) Adam Ingram*, James Dornan*, Jean Urquhart*, David Torrance*, Mike MacKenzie*, Jamie Hepburn*, Angus MacDonald*

S4M-03646 Unanswered Questions Surrounding Welfare Reform (lodged on 16 July 2012) Adam Ingram*, Bob Doris*, James Dornan*, Christine Grahame*, Jean Urquhart*, David Torrance*, Hugh Henry*, Mike MacKenzie*

S4M-03645 Peebles Primary School’s UNICEF Award (lodged on 13 July 2012) Elaine Murray*, Mike MacKenzie*, Hugh Henry*, David Torrance*

S4M-03644 Congratulating Beveridge Park in Kirkcaldy on its Green Flag Award (lodged on 13 July 2012) Mike MacKenzie*, Bill Kidd*

S4M-03643 Congratulations to The Machan Trust (lodged on 13 July 2012) Adam Ingram*, Mike MacKenzie*, David Torrance*

S4M-03642 Congratulating Carr’s Milling Industries on Kirkcaldy Investment (lodged on 13 July 2012) Adam Ingram*, Mike MacKenzie*, Bill Kidd*


S4M-03641 The Fife Bench (lodged on 13 July 2012) Elaine Murray*, Mike MacKenzie*, Roderick Campbell*, David Torrance*

S4M-03640 UK Government’s Planned Cuts to Housing Benefit (lodged on 13 July 2012) Adam Ingram*, David Torrance*, Mike MacKenzie*, Nigel Don*, Angus MacDonald*, Bill Kidd*

S4M-03639 Glasgow MSYP Success at British Youth Council’s Youth on Board Awards (lodged on 12 July 2012) James Dornan*, Mike MacKenzie*, David Torrance*

S4M-03638 Committed to Excellence Award for FRAE Fife (lodged on 12 July 2012) Adam Ingram*, Mike MacKenzie*

S4M-03637 Visit Aberdeen (lodged on 12 July 2012) Adam Ingram*, Mike MacKenzie*

S4M-03635 Westdyke Community Club (lodged on 12 July 2012) Adam Ingram*, Mike MacKenzie*

S4M-03634 Congratulations to Hamilton School for the Deaf (lodged on 12 July 2012) Mike MacKenzie*, Nigel Don*

S4M-03633 Congratulations to Dovecot Studios (lodged on 12 July 2012) David Torrance*, Liam McArthur*

S4M-03632 Congratulations to Kittybrewster Primary (lodged on 12 July 2012) Mike MacKenzie*

S4M-03631 Hall’s of Broxburn (lodged on 11 July 2012) Hugh Henry*

S4M-03630 People Living with Hepatitis C and HIV, Their Views on Welfare Reform (lodged on 11 July 2012) Jean Urquhart*, Mike MacKenzie*, Richard Lyle*

S4M-03629 Trade Unions in Turkey (lodged on 11 July 2012) Jean Urquhart*, Mike MacKenzie*

S4M-03626 David Urquhart’s Lifetime Achievement Award (lodged on 11 July 2012) Jean Urquhart*, Mike MacKenzie*, David Torrance*

S4M-03625 Congratulations to the Organisers of the 425th Maggie Fair (lodged on 11 July 2012) Jean Urquhart*, Mike MacKenzie*, David Torrance*

S4M-03624 Chariots of Fire, a Classic Re-run (lodged on 11 July 2012) Jean Urquhart*, Mike MacKenzie*, David Torrance*

S4M-03623 Frances O’Grady (lodged on 10 July 2012) Hugh Henry*

S4M-03622 Coatbridge Rovers Amateur Football Club Lottery Success (lodged on 10 July 2012) Mike MacKenzie*, David Torrance*


S4M-03621 Happy Anniversary to South Sudan (lodged on 10 July 2012) Mike MacKenzie*, Jean Urquhart*, David Torrance*

S4M-03619 Saltersgate’s Cycle Friendly School Award (lodged on 10 July 2012) Mike MacKenzie*, David Torrance*

S4M-03618 Award for Voices of Carers Across Lothian (lodged on 10 July 2012) Mike MacKenzie*, Nigel Don*

S4M-03617 Additional Funding for Lasswade Primary School (lodged on 10 July 2012) Mike MacKenzie*

S4M-03616 Award for Air Training Corps No 2466 Loanhead Squadron (lodged on 10 July 2012) Mike MacKenzie*, Richard Lyle*

S4M-03615 Mesothelioma Day Conference (lodged on 11 July 2012) Mike MacKenzie*, Jean Urquhart*, David Torrance*

S4M-03614 University of St Andrews Genetic Sequencing Breakthrough (lodged on 09 July 2012) Jean Urquhart*

S4M-03613 Rhiannon More’s World Dance Championship Success (lodged on 09 July 2012) Mike MacKenzie*, Jean Urquhart*

S4M-03611 Paisley Celebrates Sma’ Shot Day 2012 (lodged on 09 July 2012) Jean Urquhart*

S4M-03610 Johnston Press PLC (lodged on 09 July 2012) Jean Urquhart*

S4M-03608 Recognising Murray’s Achievement (lodged on 09 July 2012) James Dornan*, Jean Urquhart*, Liam McArthur*

S4M-03606 Professor Peter Higgs, the Higgs Boson (lodged on 09 July 2012) Jean Urquhart*

S4M-03605 Laid and Lochan Woods Highly Commended (lodged on 09 July 2012) Jean Urquhart*

S4M-03603 120 Years of Central Library (lodged on 09 July 2012) Jean Urquhart*

S4M-03601 Congratulations to Raw Stereo (lodged on 09 July 2012) Jean Urquhart*

S4M-03599 Retirement of John Philp (lodged on 09 July 2012) Nigel Don*

S4M-03598 MBE for Former Lord Provost of Dundee, John Letford (lodged on 09 July 2012) Mike MacKenzie*, Nigel Don*, Richard Lyle*


S4M-03596 Award for Titan Crane (lodged on 09 July 2012) Jean Urquhart*, Nigel Don*

S4M-03594 Discovery of the Higgs Boson (lodged on 09 July 2012) Liam McArthur*

S4M-03593 Dormont Passivhaus Wins Rural Development of the Year (lodged on 05 July 2012) Jean Urquhart*, Nigel Don*

S4M-03591 North East Groups Secure Big Lottery Funding (lodged on 05 July 2012) Nigel Don*

S4M-03588 National Veterinary Nursing Awareness Month (lodged on 05 July 2012) Liam McArthur*

S4M-03587 Tribute to Ken Cargill (lodged on 04 July 2012) Jean Urquhart*

S4M-03585 National Transplant Week 2012 (lodged on 04 July 2012) Jean Urquhart*

S4M-03584 Congratulations to Eilidh Child on Olympic Selection (lodged on 04 July 2012) Alison Johnstone*

S4M-03579 2nd Polmont Boys Brigade (lodged on 04 July 2012) Nigel Don*

S4M-03575 Linkes Receives Young Start Grant (lodged on 03 July 2012) Nigel Don*

S4M-03572 (lodged on 03 July 2012) James Dornan*, Mike MacKenzie*, Richard Lyle*

S4M-03570 Ayrshire Power Withdraws Application for Coal Plant at Hunterston (lodged on 02 July 2012) Jean Urquhart*

S4M-03569 Fair Access to the Legal Profession (lodged on 02 July 2012) Mark Griffin*, Elaine Murray*, Mike MacKenzie*

S4M-03567 A Fair Deal for Dairy Farmers (lodged on 02 July 2012) Jean Urquhart*

S4M-03562 Superfast Broadband Announced for Oban (lodged on 29 June 2012) Nigel Don*

S4M-03529 Congratulations to CFINE and Broomhill PTA (lodged on 27 June 2012) Nigel Don*

S4M-03488 Congratulations to Kirkwall Grammar (lodged on 26 June 2012) Liam McArthur*

S4M-03482 British Council Scotland’s World Scots Campaign (lodged on 26 June 2012) Liam McArthur*


S4M-03474 The Boyds, Better Together (lodged on 27 June 2012) Fiona McLeod*, Mike MacKenzie*, Chic Brodie*, Maureen Watt*, Hugh Henry*, Angus MacDonald*, Tavish Scott*, Kevin Stewart*, Gordon MacDonald*, Alison Johnstone*, Roderick Campbell*, Margaret Burgess*

S4M-03328 Congratulations to Haris Ansari (lodged on 14 June 2012) James Dornan*

S4M-03057 Yooz is Good News (lodged on 25 May 2012) Elaine Smith*


Business Bulletin: Monday 30 July 2012 Section G – Bills

Proposals for Members’ Bills

A member seeking to introduce a Member’s Bill must first lodge a draft proposal, together with a consultation document (or a statement of reasons why consultation is not considered necessary). Subsequently, the member may lodge a final proposal, in broadly similar terms to the draft, accompanied by a summary of consultation responses (or the statement of reasons). The member secures the right to introduce a Bill to give effect to the proposal if the final proposal secures, within one month, the support of at least 18 other members from at least half the political parties or groups represented in the Parliamentary Bureau, and provided no indication is given that the Scottish Government or UK Government is planning equivalent legislation.

All current proposals (together with associated documents) are available on the Scottish Parliament website at Proposals for Members’ Bills / Session 4 Proposals:

New or Reprinted Draft Proposal

Mark Griffin: Proposed British Sign Language (Scotland) Bill—Proposal for a Bill to promote the use of British Sign Language (BSL) by requiring the Scottish Ministers and relevant public authorities to prepare and publish BSL plans. (lodged 27 July 2012).

A consultation document, lodged with the proposal, may be viewed in the Scottish Parliament Information Centre (SPICe) or on the website page referred to above. The consultation period runs from 30 July to 31 October 2012.


Business Bulletin: Monday 30 July 2012 Section H – New Documents

Committee Reports

For further information on accessing committee reports, please contact either the relevant clerk or webpage (see end of Bulletin for contact details or access general committee webpage)


Business Bulletin: Monday 30 July 2012 Section J – Progress of Legislation

For further information on the progress of Bills and subordinate legislation, contact either the relevant clerk or webpage (see end of Bulletin for details).

Bills in Progress A list of all bills in progress can be accessed by the Scottish Parliament website at:

For each Bill, the date of the next (or most recent) event in the Bill’s passage is given. Other relevant information, e.g. about lodging amendments, is given in italics.

As soon as a Public Bill (i.e. an Executive, Committee or Member’s Bill) has completed Stage 1, amendments for consideration at Stage 2 may be lodged; and as soon as Stage 2 is completed, amendments for Stage 3 consideration may be lodged. The last lodging day for amendments at Stage 2 is three sitting days before the meeting at which those amendments will be considered (e.g. Thursday for a meeting on Tuesday); at Stage 3 it is four days before. Amendments may be lodged until 4.30 pm on any sitting day, except on the last lodging day for Stage 2, when the deadline is 12 noon.

A Hybrid Bill is subject to the same rules except in the case of Stage 2 where amendments for consideration may be lodged no earlier than the completion of any consideration of evidence at Stage 2.

Amendments to Private Bills are subject to different deadlines. These are set out in Rule 9A.12 of Standing Orders.

Members are advised to lodge amendments in good time before the beginning of a Stage and as early as possible during the day.

(Ex) = Executive Bill; (M) = Member’s Bill; (C) = Committee Bill; (P) = Private Bill; (H) = Hybrid Bill.

Criminal Cases (Punishment and Review) (Scotland) Bill (Ex) Royal Assent 26 July


Freedom of Information (Amendment) (Scotland) Bill (Ex) Introduced 30 May Lead committee – Finance

Local Government Finance (Unoccupied Properties etc.) (Scotland) Bill (Ex) Stage 1 Report (Local Government and Regeneration Committee) published 28 June

Long Leases (Scotland) Bill (Ex) Passed 28 June

Police and Fire Reform (Scotland) Bill (Ex) Passed 27 June

Scottish Civil Justice Council and Criminal Legal Assistance Bill (Ex) Stage 1 (evidence, lead committee (Justice)) 26 June

Social Care (Self-directed Support) (Scotland) Bill (Ex) Stage 1 (evidence, lead committee (Health and Sport)) 29 May

Water Resources (Scotland) Bill Introduced 27 June

Welfare Reform (Further Provision) (Scotland) Bill (Ex) Passed 28 June

Subordinate legislation in progress (date of laying) (Lead Committee)

Affirmative instruments

Lead committee to report by 3 October 2012

Property Factors (Scotland) Act 2011 (Modification) Order 2012 [draft] (21 June 2012) (Infrastructure and Capital Investment)

Lead committee to report by 24 October 2012

Population (Statistics) Act 1938 Modifications (Scotland) Order 2012 [draft] (26 June 2012) (Education and Culture)

Lead committee to report by 27 October 2012

Criminal Justice and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2010 (Incidental Provisions) Order 2012 [draft] (29 June 2012) (Justice)


Negative Instruments

Members should note that the deadline for the lead committee to report by is an administrative deadline. Lead committees normally report on negative instruments only after considering a motion recommending annulment of the instrument. Where Members have queries in relation to this deadline, they should contact the clerks to the Subordinate Legislation Committee.

Subject to annulment by 4 September 2012 Lead committee to report by 25 June 2012

Snares (Training) (Scotland) (No. 2) Order 2012 (SSI 2012/161) (23 May 2012) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)

Subject to annulment by 5 September 2012 Lead committee to report by 25 June 2012

National Health Service Superannuation Scheme etc. (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Scotland) Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/163) (24 May 2012) (Health and Sport)

Subject to annulment by 6 September 2012 Lead committee to report by 25 June 2012

Sports Grounds and Sporting Events (Designation) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2012 (SSI 2012/164) (25 May 2012) (Health and Sport)

Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/165) (25 May 2012) (Local Government and Regeneration)

European Fisheries Fund (Grants) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/166) (25 May 2012) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)

Subject to annulment by 9 September 2012 Lead committee to report by 3 September 2012

Parole Board (Scotland) Amendment Rules 2012 (SSI 2012/167) (28 May 2012) (Justice)

Subject to annulment by 12 September 2012 Lead committee to report by 10 September 2012

Adults with Incapacity (Requirements for Signing Medical Treatment Certificates) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/170) (31 May 2012) (Health and Sport)


National Health Service (Travelling Expenses and Remission of Charges) (Scotland) (No. 2) Amendment Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/171) (31 May 2012) (Health and Sport)

Individual Learning Account (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/172) (31 May 2012) (Education and Culture)

Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (Exceptions to section 14) (Scotland) Order 2012 (SSI 2012/173) (31 May 2012) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)

Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (Keeping and Release and Notification Requirements) (Scotland) Order 2012 (SSI 2012/174) (31 May 2012) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)

Poultry Health Scheme (Fees) (Scotland) Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/176) (31 May 2012) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)

Trade in Animals and Related Products (Scotland) Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/177) (31 May 2012) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)

African Horse Sickness (Scotland) Order 2012 (SSI 2012/178) (31 May 2012) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)

Animal By-Products (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Scotland) Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/179) (31 May 2012) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment) Homeowner Housing Panel (Applications and Decisions) (Scotland) Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/180) (31 May 2012) (Infrastructure and Capital Investment)

Property Factors (Registration) (Scotland) Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/181) (31 May 2012) (Infrastructure and Capital Investment)

Leader Grants (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/182) (31 May 2012) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)

Marine Licensing (Fees) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/183) (31 May 2012) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)

Subject to annulment by 20 September 2012 Lead committee to report by 17 September 2012

Energy Performance of Buildings (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/190) (8 June 2012) (Local Government and Regeneration)

Subject to annulment by 2 October 2012 Lead committee to report by 24 September 2012


Parole Board (Scotland) Amendment (No. 2) Rules 2012 (SSI 2012/197) (20 June 2012) (Justice)

Subject to annulment by 4 October 2012 Lead committee to report by 24 September 2012

Trade in Animals and Related Products (Scotland) Amendment Order 2012 (SSI 2012/198) (22 June 2012) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)

Bluetongue (Scotland) Order 2012 (SSI 2012/199) (22 June 2012) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)

Subject to annulment by 23 October 2012 Lead committee to report by 15 October 2012

Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (Exceptions to section 14) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2012 (SSI 2012/205) (25 June 2012) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)

Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (Keeping and Release and Notification Requirements) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2012 (SSI 2012/206) (25 June 2012) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)

Subject to annulment by 26 October 2012 Lead committee to report by 22 October 2012

Energy Performance of Buildings (Scotland) Amendment (No. 2) Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/208) (28 June 2012) (Local Government and Regeneration)

Building (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/209) (28 June 2012) (Local Government and Regeneration)

Subject to annulment by 28 October 2012 Lead committee to report by 22 October 2012

Green Deal (Acknowledgment) (Scotland) Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/214) (2 July 2012) (Infrastructure and Capital Investment)

Charities Restricted Funds Reorganisation (Scotland) Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/219) (6 July 2012) (Justice)

Charities Reorganisation (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/220) (6 July 2012) (Justice)


Contacts for Further Information All telephone numbers 0131 348 XXXX Web site: General Enquiries 5000 Chamber Desk (Motions and Questions) 5199 Parliamentary Business Team (Chamber, Parliamentary Bureau) 5187 Legislation Team 5277 Non-Government Bills Unit (NGBU) 6124 Committee web sites at: Economy, Energy and Tourism 5214 Contact Education and Culture 5222 Contact Equal Opportunities 5408 Contact European and External Relations 5226 Contact Finance 5451 Contact Health and Sport 5410 Contact Infrastructure and Capital Investment 5229 Contact Justice 5047 Contact Local Government and Regeneration 5223 Contact Public Audit 5236 Contact Public Petitions 5254 Contact Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment 5242 Contact Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments 5179 Contact Subordinate Legislation 5175 Contact Welfare Reform 5320 Contact

Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body

Parliamentary Bureau

The Conveners Group

Scottish Commission for Public Audit

MSP Details



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Printed in Scotland by APS Group Scotland ISBN 978-1-4061-9481-4