Iodine-containing drugs

Iodine-containing drugs (iodine) usually have an iodine content of >5mg/tablet or ml. The antiarrhythmic agent amiodarone, for example, contains 75 mg iodine/tablet, 10 ml betaisodona solution about 110 mg . - The administration of X-ray contrast media is another important reason for excessive iodine exposure. X-ray contrast media frequently contain > 100 mg iodine/ml. Contrast media contain almost exclusively organically bound iodine, but in vivo these compounds are partially deiodinated (deiodinase) (Mann et al. Eur J. Endocrinol 1994; 130 (5): 498). Assuming that water-soluble contrast media is eliminated within 10 to 14 days, enzymatic separation of iodine nevertheless leads to an offer of about 14 to 175 mg in the . Fat-soluble contrast media applied in cholecystograms have a much longer half time in the organism, and iodine can consequently be separated long. The table of Surks et al. (New Engl J Med 1995; 333: 1688) gives a survey of the most important iodine preparations applied in the USA.

Iodine Content of Some Iodine Containing Medications and Radiographic Contrast Agents SUBSTANCE AMOUNT OF IODINE Expectorants Iophen 25 mg/ml Organidin (iodinated glycerol) 15 mg/tablet Par Glycerol 5 mg/ml R-Gen 6 mg/ml Iodides (saturated solution) -25 mg/drop Pima syrup (potassium iodide) 255 mg/ml Lugol's solution (potassium iodide -7 mg/drop + iodine) Iodo-Niacin 115 mg/tablet Antiasthmatic drugs Mudrane 195 mg/tablet Elixophyllin-KI (theophylline) elixir 6.6 mg/ml

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Iophylline 2 mg/ml Antiarrhythmic drugs Amiodarone 75 mg/tablet Antiamebic drugs Iodoquinol 134 mg/tablet Topical antiseptic agents Poidone-iodine 10 mg/ml Clioquinol 12 mg/g Douches Povidone-iodine 10 mg/ml Radiographic contrast agents 333 mg/tablet 308 mg/tablet Intravenous preparations 140-380 mg/ml

M.J. Surks et al., New Eng J Med (1995)

Also see: Wolff-Chaikoff-effect Extrathyroidal iodine metabolism Intrathyroidal iodine metabolism Iodine excretion Iodine - induced Amiodarone - induced hyperthyroidism Amiodarone - induced Thyrotoxic crisis.

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