All hands together to create the future Bilkent Educational Institutions Include:

● Bilkent University Music Preparatory School ● İhsan Doğramacı Foundation, Özel Bilkent Schools ● İhsan Doğramacı Foundation, Bilkent Laboratory School ● İhsan Doğramacı Foundation, Bilkent Laboratory & International School (BLIS)

The Bilkent family of educational institutions aims to create excellence in education and research. The name “Bilkent”‘ exemplifies the founder’s aim, since it is an acronym of “bilim kenti” in Turkish for “city of science and knowledge.” Bilkent University ranks 28th in Times Higher Education’s 100 Under 50 list of the world’s best young universities. The private, foundation schools run by Bilkent share values and expertise in educating young students from age 4 to 18. All hands together to create the future Welcome

Welcome to Bilkent Laboratory & International School

Bilkent Laboratory & International School (BLIS) is a proud member of the Bilkent family. Located on the rolling hills of Bilkent University high above the city of , BLIS provides a rigorous academic program from the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IB PYP) in Pre-kindergarten through the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme in Grade 12.

A school for international students and Turkish nationals, BLIS provides a unique blend of national and international education, preparing leaders of the future. Our English immersion early childhood program progresses to the bilingual elementary grades, through Cambridge standards in the transitional middle years, concluding with the mandatory international English programs of Cambridge IGCSE and IB Diploma Programme. The rich traditions of Bilkent altruism and humanitarianism are evident as our students build libraries, houses and friendships. We are proud of them as they become exemplary citizens in the community, nation and the world.

We welcome you to the Bilkent family.

Anne Akay, General Director Bilkent Laboratory & International School

1 All hands together to create the future History and Mission

Achieving the Highest International Standards

Bilkent Laboratory & International School (BLIS) offers students an educational program of the highest national and international standards. The educational activities of our school foster the development of ethical values and behavior leading to exemplary citizenship in the community, nation and world. The curriculum promotes academic, aesthetic, physical and social growth, encouraging students to inquire independently, evaluate and acquire knowledge critically and respect diversity. As a result, we anticipate exceptionally high performance from our students at university and beyond.

In March 1993, the Bilkent University Preparatory School was founded as Bilkent Universitesi Hazirlik Okulu and became known as BUPS. The first high school students graduated in June 1998. In June 2009, BUPS became Bilkent Laboratory School – Ankara. Instead of being part of the Faculty of Music at Bilkent University, the school became a lab school of Bilkent University Graduate School of Education. Together with Bilkent International School, BUPS/BIS became BLIS, the new Bilkent Laboratory & International School, with a single identity, filling the purpose and mission of the original school back in 1993.

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Respecting Diversity

BLIS recognizes international mindedness as understanding and respecting diverse cultures, backgrounds and belief systems.

We see the world with an empathetic, open-minded perspective, exploring different points of view, acknowledging individual cultures, bringing people together, and promoting unity.

We not only value international-mindedness in theory, but also actively foster it by providing students with rich opportunities to learn about world issues and to become involved in activities that encourage responsible global-citizenship. We value diversity within our own school’s community and become aware of the diversity in the world around us.

3 All hands together to create the future Students

Anticipating Exceptionally High Performance

There are approximately 1100 students enrolled in Bilkent Laboratory & International School. While the majority of our students are Turkish, many have lived abroad and have dual citizenship. Our international students come from over 40 countries around the world. The diversity of our student body creates a rich multicultural environment for learning.

The internationalism at BLIS is celebrated throughout the year. Our curriculum supports international-mindedness; all students study multiple languages and develop global perspectives. Our students make lasting friendship with classmates from all over the world.

Our students are selected and characterized by a desire to learn and to meet the challenges of a demanding academic program. Most of the students graduate from BLIS with a bilingual IB Diploma and a solid foundation for success at leading universities throughout the world.

4 All hands together to create the future Service

Fostering the Development of Ethical Values

Community service is an important focus at BLIS. Students are supported in developing the values, characteristics and culture embodied in the IB Learner Profile.

Throughout their years at BLIS, students have opportunities to volunteer, work on special projects and serve their community. Elementary school culminates in the PYP Exhibition where students work on a project that follows their passion and helps meet a global issue.

The IB CAS program also supports a wide range of service activities to organizations such as Habitat for Humanity and Ankara Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Center. The International Award for Young People (also known as the Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards) program is a voluntary and non-competitive opportunity for students who are interested in leadership service opportunities. It offers individual challenges and encourages students to undertake exciting, constructive and enjoyable activities.

5 All hands together to create the future Language

Encouraging Independent Inquiry

Bilkent Laboratory & International School is an academically rigorous school in which students prepare for internationally recognized exams in English. BLIS aims to provide all students with a strong foundation in English language and literacy. We also focus on the importance of and literature.

The Pre-kindergarten & Kindergarten program is an intensive English program. Grades 1 through 4 are bilingual, leading into fifth grade which provides an increased emphasis on English. Grades 5 through 12 are taught in English with the exception of Turkish language and literature and Turkish social studies. Language support (such as English as an Additional Language) is provided for students who need it.

Modern language instruction in Spanish, German, and French is provided for all students in grades 6 through 12. Students may choose to study an additional modern language at the IB Diploma level, if their schedules permit. Most of our students graduate with strong abilities in multiple modern languages.

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Early Years PreKindergarten/Kindergarten

Fostering Development and English Language

The mission of Bilkent Laboratory & International School and the values and beliefs of the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme framework underpin our Pre-Kindergarten & Kindergarten Programs.

We offer full-day programs, housed in separate buildings, based on the philosophy that young children benefit from developing skills of personal independence. Our program is English immersion through language-rich activities.

We promote a climate of respect, where teachers encourage students to develop self-confidence, positive relationships, independence and an enthusiastic approach to learning. Inquiry based teaching and learning, concentrating on building on prior experiences lay the foundation for the development of critical thinking skills and problem solving abilities for our youngest students.

With our international-minded approach and balanced academic program, we support children in reaching their full potential by valuing their individuality.

We strive to foster a love of learning as the early years are the beginning of the child’s life-long journey.

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Elementary School

Promoting Academic and Social Growth

Grades 1 through 4 continues the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (PYP) and demonstrates a learner-centered, inquiry-based, team-teaching approach.

Each year, students engage in challenging units of inquiry that explore the transdisciplinary themes of Who We Are, Where We Are in Place and Time, How We Express Ourselves, How the World Works, How We Organize Ourselves, and Sharing the Planet.

The programme focuses on developing strong academic English language skills. Each homeroom class has a full-time international teacher and a full-time national teacher.

Our rigorous academic program includes study in languages, mathematics, units of inquiry (science, social studies) and the arts. Specialist teachers strengthen the curriculum with instruction in physical education, visual arts, music, drama, research & action, and information communication technology (ICT).

At the end of fourth grade, students present a culminating exhibition demonstrating successful completion of their IB PYP years.

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Middle School

Guiding Social Growth

The middle school program at BLIS is designed to nurture the students’ intellectual, physical, psychological, aesthetic, and social needs during their transition from childhood to adolescence. During this time, students experience rapid growth and a dramatic shift in cognitive abilities as they move from concrete to abstract levels of thinking. We promote academic excellence, personal organization, and independence as students move through this pivotal time.

Our faculty understands and is committed to the interests and needs of the middle years learner. We strive to make all students successful, honouring their talents, challenging them to meet their potential, and encouraging lifelong learning. At BLIS, we believe that the middle school years are productive and exciting years. We strive to meet the challenges of physical change and the uncertainties of identity formation associated with the age group. We channel the energy, enthusiasm and natural curiosity of emerging adolescents with guidance and structure to make a successful transition to high school.

We deliver the world class Cambridge Secondary 1 standards in English, Math, and Science, in order for our students to become creative, critical and reflective thinkers which prepares them well for our high school IGCSE program.

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High School

Evaluating Knowledge Critically

We seek comparability with other schools throughout the world through IGCSE (The International General Certificate of Secondary Education) from the University of Cambridge International Examinations and IBDP (The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme). Grades 9 and 10 study the subjects of IGCSE to develop critical skills in multiple areas of study. This combined with the IB diploma allows a BLIS student to apply to universities in and around the world.

Our school offers much more because we center our educational program around the whole student, the world citizens in us all. We offer multiple languages, trips, sports and the arts to round off the individual to be a global citizen. This emphasis on who one is, as well as their accomplishments, makes a BLIS students stand out as someone special.

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Athletics and Activities

Encouraging Student Growth

Extracurricular activities offer our students the opportunity to learn the value of teamwork, individual and group responsibility, physical strength and endurance, competition, diversity, and a sense of culture and community. These activities reinforce lessons from the classroom, allowing our students to apply academic skills in a real world context, as part of a well- rounded education.

Physical education is an ongoing feature of all students’ schedules throughout our school. Many students participate in our school’s competitive volleyball, basketball and soccer teams. These teams compete in regional and international tournaments throughout Europe.

Field trips are an essential component of our school’s educational program. BLIS students from kindergarten through grade 12 enjoy many opportunities to travel within Turkey and abroad on curriculum-based and extracurricular trips. Elementary students visit many sites within Ankara and throughout Turkey.

Our Model United Nations club is among the many popular extracurricular activities offered at BLIS. Students play the role of diplomats from many of the United Nations member states. They participate in conferences in the Netherlands and other countries. Our own authorized MUNESCO conference is entirely organized by students and recognized by THIMUN.

11 All hands together to create the future Facilities

A Vibrant Learning Community

The school is located on our secure, landscaped grounds covering 6,000 square meters, 12 km from the center of Ankara on the East Campus of Bilkent University. The facilities are comprised of two early years buildings, and the main elementary through high school buildings. Athletic facilities include a multi-purpose sports hall, a smaller sports annex, an artificial turf pitch, an outdoor basketball court, and a green field and elementary playground.

Our performance wing in the main building includes a performance hall for music and drama productions for all ages, band practice rooms, a choir room, studio, individual practice rooms and classrooms. There is a black box theatre for drama and musical performances. The middle and high school library is a spacious, bright and well-equipped facility with studying capacity for 90 people. The main collection is over 23,000 print and non-print materials. The majority of the resources are in English with a substantial collection of works in Turkish. The elementary library contains over 10,000 books in English and Turkish. Our school has three computer labs, wireless classrooms, three cafeterias, five science labs and three art studios.

12 All hands together to create the future Alumni

Performing in the University and Beyond

All of our BLIS graduates earn IB Diplomas, preparing them for prestigious universities in Turkey and around the world.

BLIS graduates have attended some of the most prestigious universities in the world: Columbia University, Durham University, Harvard University, King’s College London, London School of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, New York University, Rhode Island School of Art and Design, Brown University, University of Cambridge, University of California, Berkeley, University of Chicago, University of Oxford, University of Pennsylvania, University of Toronto, McGill University, Bilkent University, and many others.

Following their university education, our graduates distinguish themselves in a wide variety of professions including law, finance, academic leadership, business, international relations, and the arts.

13 All hands together to create the future Faculty

Encouraging Students

The Bilkent Laboratory & International School faculty includes approximately 200 teachers from internationally diverse backgrounds. The majority of our teachers come from the United States, Canada, U.K., Australia, South Africa, New Zealand and Turkey. Many of our teachers have taught in a variety of countries throughout the world.

Many of our faculty hold Master’s Degrees and our relationship with Bilkent University allows teachers and administrators to pursue graduate degree programs. Research conducted by our teaching faculty informs and improves our pedagogical practice.

Faculty members provide academic inspiration and personal attention to our students. This is a major focus of our school. The teachers at BLIS produce integrated curricula which enable them to work with each other in a collaborative manner. In addition to their classroom duties, teachers and administrators coach sports teams, advise extracurricular activities, and give students extra help with coursework. Most importantly, every staff member takes an interest in each student as an individual

14 All hands together to create the future Leadership

Guiding the Direction

Bilkent Laboratory & International School was founded by Bilkent University, one of Turkey’s leading private universities. As an institution established by İhsan Doğramacı Foundation, it is governed by a School Board which consists of administrators from BLIS and Bilkent University. Our school is led by the General Director together with a team of Turkish and international divisional administrators.

The fundamental aim of Bilkent University is to create a center of excellence in higher education and research. Bilkent Laboratory & International School proudly continues that tradition. It is the mandate of the governance and leadership to provide a rigorous educational environment in which its students excel and develop into exemplary, well-rounded students and citizens.

The administration team manages our school’s operations and provides vision and direction for all decisions made within our school. Our administrators work closely with the teaching faculty to develop programs and curricula to achieve the goals established as our school’s mission.

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Bilkent Laboratory & International School East Campus, Bilkent University 06800, Ankara, Turkey Phone: (312) 290-5361 Email: [email protected]