PDF processed with CutePDF evaluation edition FWBO and TBMSG News: www.CutePDF.com Collected stories October-December 2007 on the web at: www.fwbo-news.org |
[email protected] About us: Previous posts by topic: The Friends of the Western Buddhist Order (FWBO) Africa, Ambedkar, Arts, Aryaloka, Australia, BBC, www.fwbo.org was founded in 1967 by Sangharakshita. Berlin, Birmingham, Bodh Gaya, Breathworks, Brighton, Bristol, Buddhafield, Cambridge, Canada, Cardiff, Carers It is now an international movement with activities in more retreats, Children, China, Clear Vision, Croydon, Death, than 20 countries, including India, where it is known as the Delhi, Dhammakranti, Dharmaduta, Dublin, Education, TBMSG, the 'Trailokya Bauddha Mahasangha Sahayaka Engaged Buddhism, France, Fundraising, Germany, Gana'. Health, Holland, Hungary, India, INEB, Interbuddhist, Interfaith, Ireland, Jobs, Johannesburg, Karuna, Kerala, At its heart is the Western Buddhist Order, a community of LBC, Malaysia, Manchester, Meditation, Mumbai, over 1,500 ordained men and women of all ages and from all Nagpur, Nepal, New Zealand, Newcastle, North London, walks of life, united by their common commitment to the Nottingham, NVC, Obituaries, Ordinations, Parents, Paris, Three Jewels of Buddhism. Pilgrimage, Poland, Preceptors, Prisons, Radio, Right Livelihood, San Francisco, Sangharakshita, Schools, The FWBO/TBMSG is a non-sectarian Buddhist movement Scotland, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudarshanaloka, Sweden, which seeks promote the practice of Buddhism in a form Taraloka, TBMSG, Tiratanaloka, USA, Veganism, appropriate to the modern world. Vegetarianism, Video, Wildmind, Windhorse, Women, Yatras, Youth… FWBO News Also including: FWBO News aims to present a selection of stories illustrating some of what is going on across our network of FWBO Jobs, Feature articles, FWBO Resources, email centres, businesses, communities, arts events, and individual subscriptions, search facilities, and extensive links.