Report on the First Year of the Microsoft Graphics Business Unit
- - ---- . - --- Microsoft Corporation T el408 737 7070 Graphics Business Unit Fax 408 730 4807 250 Sobrante Way Sunnyvale. CA 94086 Microsoft Memo Microsoft Confidential 8 August 1988 To: Aniko Somogyi, Bob Lagier, Bob Safir, Dennis Abbe, Dennis Austin, Harris Meyers, Judy Caserta, Kathi Baker, Keith Sturdivant, Lewis Levin, Pam Miller, Rick Hawes, Robert Lotz, Sharon Meyers, Tom Rudkin.. Tuan Nguyen From: Bob Gaskins Subject: Results of Microsoft's Graphics Business Unit after Our First Year Copies: Bill Gates, Jon Shirley, Mike Maples, Jeff Raikes It is now just slightly more than one year since the beginning (last July 31st) of the new Graphics Business Unit of Microsoft in Silicon Valley. This overview of the first year's results provides a convenient summary of what we have all, together, accomplished in that period of time. Of course, everything mentioned here was really accomplished by some individual GBU person, and in reading over this history you'll be able to identify who accomplished what; but for this purpose, I have deliberately suppressed all the individual names, using "we" collectively throughout, so that we can get a view of the performance of the Business Unit as a whole, the way it might appear to an outsider who didn't know us. As will be clear, I think that we as a group have a lot to be proud of in our fi rst year's results. We have laid the foundation to continue to grow as an important part of Microsoft, and to create innovative and exciting products during our succeeding years. Over the past year, we have: -Retained
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