Colonial Times on Buzzard's Bay
mw fa noll mJI BRIGHT LEGACY ODe half tile IDCOlDe froID tb1I Leaaer. "b1eh .... re ee1..ed 10 .810 oDder tile "W of JONATHAN BIlOWN BIlIGHT of WoItIwo. M_hoa.tu.1oto be ellpeDd.d for bookl for tile CoU. Library. The otller half of til. IDcolDe :e:::t::d~=h.r 10 H....... UDI...nltyfortll. HINIlY BIlIGHT. JIl•• "ho cIIed at Waterto..... MaaadI_.10'686. 10 til. aboeDCD of loch deoceodootl. otller penoD' oro eUpbl. to til. ocbolanhlpo. Th.,,1U reqolreo tIIat t1110 100000_ lDeDt Ihall be ...... 10 ...ery book "ded to tile Library ....r Ito ,rorioIooo. .... ogle R FROM THE- BRIGHT LEGACY. Descendants of Henry Brifl'hl, jr., who died at Water. town,MasS., in J6S6,are entitled to hold scholarships in Harvard College, established in ,830 under the wil,-of JONATHAN BROWN BRIGHT of Waltham, Mass., with one half the income of this l.egacy. ~uch descendants failing, other persons are eligible to the scholarships. The will requires that this a.I)nOUDcement shall be made in every book added'" to the Library under its provisions. Received £ j Coogle COLONIAL TIMES ON BUZZARD'S BAY BY WILLIAM ROOT BLISS ..ThIs Is the place. Stand still, my steed, Let me review the scene, And summon from the shadowy Put The (ClI1IllI lhat once haye been.It LoKGnLLOW. / ,'BOSTON AND NEW YORK HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN AND COMPANY _fie flitl~ibe tl'rr-" ftam~ 1888 Dig; Ized by Google Copyright, .888, By WILLIAM ROOT BLISS. Tlu RirJlf',iu P...... Ca..u..itl,p: Electrotyped and Printed by H. O. Houghton 8: Co.
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