Congressional Record—Senate S4894
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S4894 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 14, 2021 good military strategy for China and Cardin Johnson Romney [Rollcall Vote No. 263 Ex.] Carper Kaine Rosen YEAS—90 Russia, but the budget doesn’t support Casey Kelly Rounds that strategy. As a result, I am worried Cassidy King Sanders Baldwin Grassley Peters that deterrence will fail maybe today Collins Klobuchar Schatz Barrasso Hassan Portman or maybe 5 years from now, and when Coons Leahy Schumer Bennet Heinrich Reed Cornyn Luja´ n Shaheen Blumenthal Hickenlooper Risch it does, the cost will be much higher Cortez Masto Manchin Sinema Blunt Hirono Romney than any investment we would make Crapo Markey Smith Booker Hoeven Rosen today. Daines McConnell Stabenow Boozman Hyde-Smith Rounds Duckworth Merkley Tester Braun Inhofe Rubio We have made a sacred compact with Durbin Moran Thune Brown Kaine Sanders our servicemembers. We tell them that Feinstein Murkowski Toomey Burr Kelly Sasse we will take care of them and take care Fischer Murphy Van Hollen Cantwell Kennedy Schatz of their families. We do that very well, Gillibrand Murray Warner Capito King Schumer Grassley Ossoff Warnock Cardin Klobuchar Scott (SC) but we also tell them that we will give Hassan Padilla Warren Carper Leahy Shaheen them the tools to defend the Nation Heinrich Peters Whitehouse Casey Lee Sinema and to come home safely, but we are Hickenlooper Portman Wicker Cassidy Luja´ n Smith Hirono Reed Wyden Collins Lummis Stabenow not holding up that end of the bargain. Hyde-Smith Risch Young Coons Manchin Sullivan With this proposed budget and the Cornyn Markey Tester prospects of further cuts, we are failing NAYS—27 Cortez Masto Marshall Thune to give them the resources they need. Barrasso Hawley Paul Cotton McConnell Tillis Blackburn Hoeven Rubio Cramer Menendez Toomey We can’t simply spend our way out of Boozman Inhofe Sasse Crapo Merkley Tuberville our military problems, but we can Braun Kennedy Scott (FL) Cruz Moran Van Hollen spend too little to give ourselves a Cotton Lankford Scott (SC) Daines Murkowski Warner Duckworth Murphy Warnock chance. We have seen the high cost of Cramer Lee Shelby Cruz Lummis Sullivan Durbin Murray Warren underinvesting in the military. Under- Ernst Marshall Tillis Feinstein Ossoff Whitehouse funding in the military tempts our ad- Hagerty Menendez Tuberville Fischer Padilla Wyden Gillibrand Paul Young versaries, raises doubts in our allies, NOT VOTING—1 and makes war more, not less, likely. NAYS—8 Graham So we need to make a generational Blackburn Hawley Shelby investment in our defenses so that our (Mr. HEINRICH assumed the Chair.) Ernst Lankford Wicker Hagerty Scott (FL) children and grandchildren don’t have (Ms. SMITH assumed the Chair.) to, and we are not doing that now. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. NOT VOTING—2 We have a lot of impatient people OSSOFF). On this vote, the yeas are 72, Graham Johnson right now who want to vote. the nays are 27. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. I yield the floor. The motion is agreed to. KELLY). On this vote, the yeas are 90, f CLOTURE MOTION the nays are 8. CLOTURE MOTION The motion is agreed to. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Pursuant The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- to rule XXII, the Chair lays before the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Pursuant jority leader. Senate the pending cloture motion, to rule XXII, the Chair lays before the UNANIMOUS CONSENT AGREEMENT which the clerk will state. Senate the pending cloture motion, Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, I ask The bill clerk read as follows: which the clerk will state. unanimous consent that at a time to be CLOTURE MOTION The senior assistant legislative clerk determined by the majority leader in We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- read as follows: consultation with the Republican lead- ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the CLOTURE MOTION er, the Senate proceed to the imme- Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- diate consideration of H.R. 1652, which move to bring to a close debate on the nomi- ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the was received from the House and is at nation of Executive Calendar No. 171, J. Nel- Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby the desk, and that the only amendment lie Liang, of Maryland, to be an Under Sec- move to bring to a close debate on the nomi- retary of the Treasury. in order be the following: Toomey No. nation of Executive Calendar No. 154, Donald 2121; further, that there be 2 hours for Charles E. Schumer, Mazie K. Hirono, Michael Remy, of Louisiana, to be Deputy ´ debate equally divided between the Sheldon Whitehouse, Ben Ray Lujan, Secretary of Veterans Affairs. Jon Ossoff, Tim Kaine, Benjamin L. Charles E. Schumer, Ron Wyden, Mazie leaders or their designees; that upon Cardin, Margaret Wood Hassan, K. Hirono, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ben the use or yielding back of time, the Tammy Duckworth, Patrick J. Leahy, Ray Luja´ n, Jon Ossoff, Tim Kaine, Senate vote in relation to the Toomey Tammy Baldwin, Debbie Stabenow, Benjamin L. Cardin, Margaret Wood amendment; that upon the disposition Amy Klobuchar, Mark R. Warner, Hassan, Tammy Duckworth, Patrick J. of the Toomey amendment, the bill, as Patty Murray, Elizabeth Warren. Leahy, Tammy Baldwin, Debbie Stabe- amended, if amended, be considered The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- now, Amy Klobuchar, Mark R. Warner, read a third time; that the Senate vote imous consent, the mandatory quorum Patty Murray, Elizabeth Warren. on passage of the bill, as amended, if call has been waived. The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- amended, with a 60 affirmative vote The question is, Is it the sense of the imous consent, the mandatory quorum threshold required for passage; and Senate that debate on the nomination call has been waived. that the motion to reconsider be con- of J. Nellie Liang, of Maryland, to be The question is, Is it the sense of the sidered made and laid upon the table an Under Secretary of the Treasury, Senate that debate on the nomination with no intervening action or debate; shall be brought to a close? of Donald Michael Remy, of Louisiana, finally, that there be 2 minutes of de- The yeas and nays are mandatory to be Deputy Secretary of Veterans Af- bate equally divided prior to each vote under the rule. fairs, shall be brought to a close? in the series. The clerk will call the roll. The yeas and nays are mandatory The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The bill clerk called the roll. under the rule. objection, it is so ordered. Mr. THUNE. The following Senators The clerk will call the roll. Mr. SCHUMER. I yield the floor. is necessarily absent: the Senator from The senior assistant legislative clerk The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- South Carolina (Mr. GRAHAM). called the roll. ator from New York. The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 72, Mr. THUNE. The following Senators UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—S. 1520 nays 27, as follows: are necessarily absent: the Senator Mrs. GILLIBRAND. I rise today to [Rollcall Vote No. 262 Ex.] from South Carolina (Mr. GRAHAM) and call for every Senator to have a chance YEAS—72 the Senator from Wisconsin (Mr. JOHN- to consider and cast a vote on the Mili- SON). tary Justice Improvement and Increas- Baldwin Blunt Burr Bennet Booker Cantwell The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 90, ing Prevention Act. This bill would en- Blumenthal Brown Capito nays 8, as follows: sure that people in the military who VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:35 Jul 15, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14JY6.042 S14JYPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE July 14, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4895 have been subject to sexual assault or tary justice processes are removed from determined by the majority leader in other serious crimes get the justice their control. consultation with the Republican lead- they deserve. There were also questions about er, the Senate Armed Services Com- I know that my colleague from Okla- whether or not these changes were mittee be discharged from further con- homa, the ranking member of the Com- needed for all serious crimes. Admiral sideration of S. 1520 and the Senate mittee on Armed Services, reached out Gilday wrote that he had ‘‘seen no evi- proceed to its consideration; that there to our military chiefs for their dence that there is a lack of trust be 2 hours for debate equally divided in thoughts on this bill. While there was, among victims for all crimes for which the usual form; and that upon the use as Army GEN James McConville wrote, the punishment exceeds one year of or yielding back of that time, the Sen- recognition ‘‘that there are concerns confinement.’’ ate vote on the bill with no intervening with the way our current process pur- There is evidence. The Department of action or debate. sues justice for major crimes,’’ I under- the Air Force inspector general con- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there stand that they also have concerns ducted a survey in 2020 which found objection. about this legislation, and I would like that one in three Black servicemem- Mr. REED. Mr. President, I object. to allay those concerns today. bers said they believe the military dis- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ob- More broadly, the service chiefs’ let- cipline system is biased against them jection is heard. ters all seem to indicate a misunder- and that three in five Black service- f members believe they do not and will standing of how fundamental this EXECUTIVE CALENDAR change would be. Marine Corps Gen. not receive the same benefit of the David Berger, for instance, wrote that doubt as their White peers if they get The PRESIDING OFFICER.