TAPE # LC006 Larry Courtney - IV JIM WHITAKER, Producer/Director PROJECT REBIRTH
Transcription by G. Tamblyn (818) 758-9171 TAPE # LC006 Larry Courtney - IV JIM WHITAKER, Producer/Director PROJECT REBIRTH 06.01.00 PICTURE UP (OFF CAMERA REMARKS) JW: How are your daughter and son? 06.03.19 LARRY : They’re doing well, they’re doing very well. Uh, my son, uh, my oldest son whom you didn't meet, uh, he was there that day, though uh, September 11th. (~I~) 06.03.30 Uh, he and his wife are expecting their first child any day now. And uh, they’re in Lake Tahoe, love it out there. And uh, so I’m going to California the last week of July. I thought let them get a little bit adjusted to this baby before I drop in. And uh, (~I~) (OFF CAMERA REMARKS) 06.04.04 LARRY : Oh, I you know, having had the three uh, it was nice to have somebody come later, so. Uh, and I’ll spend time with my daughter. She’s still in California, loves it. She just got engaged, so. Uh, I said, well, why don't you plan a wedding while I’m there so (LAUGHS) I won’t have to make another trip out here. 06.04.30 But there, I think they’re planning to get married next May. So I’ll go back to California in May. But and then uh. JW: And you know him? (SIMULTANEOUS CONVERSATION) PROJECT REBIRTH P.O. Box 901 Peck Slip Station New York, NY 10727-0910 212-346-1482 PROJECT REBIRTH: - TAPE # - JW, Pro/dir - ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 06.04.43 LARRY : When I was out there right after uh, let’s see I was out there at the end of October, 2001.
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