Christmas Day Divine Service Our Savior Lutheran Church Westminster, Massachusetts 1 Hager Park Road Our Savior Lutheran Church
[email protected] (Junction 140, 2, and 2A) December 25, 2020 church: 978-874-2479 Westminster, MA 01473 Visitor, you are very welcome here. On the Incarnation If you have questions or spiritual needs, our pastor Incarnate means “in the flesh.” would be glad to meet with you. May our Lord’s This word confesses that our Lord Jesus Christ took on Word be a blessing to all who gather in His name. human flesh for us and for our salvation. For those caring for young children or who have We believe, teach, and confess that now, since the difficulty standing for the prayers, hymns, or other incarnation, each nature in Christ does not exist by parts of the service, please know that you are most itself. These two natures [divine and human] are welcome to sit as you find need or comfort. so united that they make up one single person, in which the divine and the received human nature are and exist at the same time. So now, since the Divine Service, Singing, and COVID-19 incarnation, there belongs to the entire person of Because of the rising number of cases locally, masks Christ personally not only His divine nature, but are required for all services. Anyone unable to wear also His received human nature. So without His a mask due to medical or health issues should divinity, and also without His humanity, the person speak with pastor.