The Chairman reminded everyone attending and who will be participating that subject to our Standing Orders they may be filmed, recorded, photographed or otherwise reported about. If anyone objects could they please sit at the back of the room and anybody filming, recording, photographing or otherwise reporting on the proceedings should avoid those who are sitting at the back, except if they take part in a public participation session.

Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 11th April 2019 at 7.30pm in Crockenhill Village Hall.

MINUTE MEMBERS PRESENT NO. Cllr R Kite (Chair), Cllr Waterton, Cllr P Riches, Cllr Jenkins, Cllr T White, SDC Cllr S Lindsay, KCC Cllr Roger Gough, three members of the public.


Cllr Stephen Lindsay (SDC), Cllr Holmes, Cllr Sutherland.


Although not present at the meeting, Cllr White reminded those present that Cllr Holmes had declared an interest in Wild Wood, 15 Green Court Road as he lives in a neighbouring property.

19/181 3. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING dated 14th March were unanimously agreed to be a correct record, as proposed by Cllr Riches, seconded by Cllr White and signed by the Chair.


19/182 a. Bulk waste collection and Great British Spring Clean

The Clerk reported that the Parish Council had organised a bulk waste collection for Saturday 13th April 7.45-8.45 Harvest Way car park. Councillors will use this opportunity to clear the rubbish at

Harvestfield – to the right of the entrance in the woodland. The Great

British Spring Clean will follow at 10am, meeting in the Parish

Council office. The list of what is not allowed has been published on the website and on facebook. Cllrs Kite, Waterton, Riches and Jenkins all said that they could help.

Litter pick starts at 10am and has been advertised on the village noticeboard, website and Facebook pages but the Clerk has only had a couple of responses so far. Details were also included also in the Spring Newsletter which went to all households and in the letters that went to all allotment holders regarding rent renewal.

19/183 b. Potholes on Rd/Wested Lane


The Clerk said that these were all reported and she had noticed when driving through that they have been chalked up so it looked as if they would soon be done. Cllr White said he thought some had been done but some had been missed at the top end of Wested Lane. Clerk to Clerk check.

c. Meeting with Crockenhill Primary School’s Headteacher 19/184 Karen Dodd re crossing patrol and parking

The Clerk reported that her and Cllr Kite had met with Karen Dodd, the

Headteacher. Mrs Dodd explained the background to the crossing patrol

(they tried recruiting a few years back, eventually found someone who did the training/ was about to do the training who then resigned). Mrs Dodd had already made enquiries in to the possibility of re-instating the crossing patrols (it comes up in their Parent Forum meetings each time.) The problem is that because it has been longer than two years since they have had one, KCC said they needed to carry out traffic surveys to establish whether there is actually a need. Cllr Gough sent some background information to the Clerk too.

We have since heard back from Roger and the Headteacher who has now received notification that KCC will not be funding the re-instating of a crossing patrol as the school has not met the criteria but would pay for training etc. KCC carried out a survey count and site review of the location. KCC reported back that this ‘has now been undertaken and the pedestrian and vehicle figures are below those set out in the national guidance. The nationally accepted intervention level set by RSGB is ‘4 Million’ PV2 (pedestrian, vehicle squared) and the site assessment score for this location was 2.4 Million with adjustment factors taken into

account, including the site environment and age of pedestrians crossing

the road.’

Cllr Kite said this was disappointing but that the school and Parish Council would continue to work together as we all feel strongly that something needs to be done. It was agreed that Cllr Gough would be RG asked to find out when and what time of day the survey was carried out as we need to ensure that this is done at the busiest time of day.

At the meeting Cllr Kite also explained about the Portable Speed Indicator signs, and Mrs Dodd likes the idea of us doing something with the school around the time that they are installed to focus on road safety within the village. It may be that we can get someone from KCC Highways to also come and do some sessions with the children so we Clerk will keep her updated on this.

We also mentioned the Youth Club that we hope to get off the ground. She was already aware of the group as she has in the past been asked whether she wants to refer anyone to this group.

Cllr Kite said that we will keep each other updated and we have opened

up a good line of communication with the school.

19/185 d. White lines in the village

The fact that many of the white lines on the roads in the village have faded and need re-painting was identified on the walkabout, Cllr Waterton and Cllr Kite sent through a list of all other roads that needed 3

re-painting and the Clerk sent these on to KCC. An Officer is now investigating and will schedule work if necessary.

19/186 e. ‘Stop’ sign on corner of Old Chapel Road

The Clerk reported that a letter had been sent to the residents to ask that their hedge be cut-back so that the ‘Stop’ sign is clearly visible to drivers approaching the junction. It was reported that this has been done.

19/187 f. Wall on corner of Cray Road

A letter was also sent to the resident with the wall that is leaning and the resident has now called and requested a meeting. This has been arranged for later in the month.

19/188 g. Mudhole sign

The Clerk reported that she has contacted the owner. He has no plans to do anything with the sign but said that if the Parish Council wanted to do something then they should send through a proposal.

19/189 h. Damaged dropped kerb on Green Court Road

The Clerk has reported this as urgent.

i. Parking Church Rd/Barnfield Close 19/190 The Clerk asked the resident to who reported the parking issues along ALL these roads to send through photos. Nothing has been received as yet

and the Clerk asked Councillors to take photos if they are passing by at

busy times. 19/191 j. Garage at Harvest Way

The Clerk has chased West about this again and they said the Clerk garage is due to be demolished. They could not give a date but the Clerk will continue to chase as Councillors are concerned about the Safety of the garage. Cllr Waterton reported that a local builder had had to fix the roof to stop it flapping in the wind.

The Clerk asked again about the possibility of putting down lines and marking out some parking bays but was told we would have to ‘request this via our Surveyors, there would be an issue of “policing” The bays, concerns are that if the bays are clearly marked out this could then impact on access for garage users, also there is the maintenance of the marked area’.


1. Correspondence/queries

19/192 a. Harvest Fayre request to use Village Green

Cllrs agreed that the village green could be used again. Usual rules apply regarding insurance etc


19/193 b. Church request to use Village Green

Cllrs agreed that the village green could be used again. Usual rules apply regarding insurance etc

19/194 c. Request to use the Cricket Meadow

A local Rugby club had enquired regarding the possibility of using the Cricket Meadow for training. The Clerk explained about the lack of toilet

and changing facilities but the team were initially still keen to meet.

However, Cllr White said that they had since found an alternative venue.

19/195 d. Digital photos

A resident requested copies of some of the old photos in the Clerk’s office. Dr Pittman has supplied these as digital images at a cost of £5 each. Money to be put towards Heritage Room costs.

19/196 e. Motorbikes at Harvestfield

The Parish Council received another report of a motorbike at Harvestfield. The PCSO advised that people should ring 101 at the time the crime was being committed. This advice was added to our Newsletter.

19/197 f. Horses on footpath alongside Dibsdall Meadow

Someone has complained about horses using this footpath and manure not being cleared. Cllr Kite went out to have a look and reported back

that the sign at one end is not clearly visible, and there is no sign at

the other. Councillors agreed to move the existing sign to a more visible

spot and add one at the other end. They also discussed the fact that this Clerk is the safest route for riders with children, to avoid the busy road and there has been an informal agreement over the years that if the local users use it, they ensure that they clean up properly. It was agreed that the Clerk would contact the people who we know may be using it and remind them to clean up after their horses.


19/198 a. Railway Bridge footpath

Cllr Gough reported that the new footbridge was due to be delivered but

high winds prevented this so a new date was being scheduled

The Clerk said that she had been contacted by the contractor who Clerk needs to cut back the vegetation as their large vehicle has struggled to get through. The Clerk to send them the names of the landowners and give approval to cut back vegetation on Parish Council land.

19/199 b. Green Court Rd residents issues

Regarding the dropped kerb, Cllr Gough reported that Geoff Bineham was not satisfied with the standard of the work carried out and had raised a defect on it. Remedial work was due to be carried out that day. 5

Cllr Gough said he was still in contact with the other residents.

19/200 c. Village Gateways

Cllr Gough reported that he had sent through costings to the Clerk, who had sent these round to Councillors. Cllr White said Crockenhill was the only village locally not to have any Gateways. He also questioned the costings as they seem very high considering the gates are not too

expensive. Cllr Waterton questioned whether the Parish Council could

pay for their own vegetation clearance to perhaps bring the cost

down. Cllr Gough said he would check whether this was allowed. Cllr RG White questioned whether there might be other location options which might reduce the need for vegetation clearance.

Cllr White said that the Parish Council wishes to put measures in place to slow traffic in case the Local Plan goes ahead.

It was suggested that a compromise might be to have one gateway – suggestions were one from Crockenhill/Swanley end or one from Wested Lane/Eynsford Rd end. Cllr Gough said that he would in principle be willing to contribute from his Members’ fund.

19/201 d. Update on progress of matters raised on walkabout

Cllr Gough reported that those things discussed and agreed during the walkabout were progressing well. As reported last month, the only problematic item was the idea of moving the 30mph gateway would be trickier as Geoff has explained that it would result in a very short 30mph


19/202 e. Double yellow lines on Harvest Way

Cllr Gough reported that this had all been agreed but it can take up to 90 days before the work is scheduled to be completed.

Cllr Gough also reported that the issue of possible parking restrictions in Tylers Green Road was moving forward.

The Clerk reported to Cllr Gough that the SID consultation had been advertised in the Newsletter and would run until 9th April.

Cllr Gough was also asked to find out the salary of a crossing patrol RG person.


19/203 Willows Farm (Darns Hill).

This is the appeal to the National Planning Inspectorate. The appellant submitted supporting evidence which contained nothing new at all. SDC submitted their statement to the Inspectorate, stating the same as before. On 8th February, the Inspectorate visited the farm accompanied

by SDC. The appellant was invited to attend but did not turn up. His door door was knocked on and a lady answering said that he was ill. The Inspectorate's decision normally takes up 1-2 months, but from the 6

above an over-turned decision becomes less likely.

19/204 Marwood House.

There are 2 parts to SDC action.

1) The easy part was the issue of an untidy site notice which had

already been issued. The owner contacted SDC to say that works has

started on this. SDC's Ian Kidd will visit before next month to monitor this.

2) Separately Ian Kidd has nearly finished a report on the various business activities on the site. He is waiting for a list to be compiled for him of all the businesses before submitting it. We will chase this for next

month. 19/205 Gables Farm

A polite letter had been written previously asking about visible buildings which do not have planning permission. There was no response. A subsequent Section 330 letter has recently been sent (demands information as to interests in land, including ownership and occupation

details. There is no right of appeal against a s330 Notice and failure to respond is an offence). No reply again. They've also sent a Planning Contravention letter (that's the start of the enforcement process). More on this promised for the next meeting.

19/206 Old Robinson Nursery

On SDC's last visit there are no breaches of planning. The owner is

thinking of making a future planning application for something else but that's for information only. SDC has closed this case.

19/207 Local Housing Plan

I attended the Scrutiny Committee meeting recently where the Head of Planning (an SDC Officer) and the Portfolio Holder for Planning (an elected Councillor) were examined.

SDC completed its third and final consultation on 3rd February. They

received 3000 responses across . I complained that many of the public (including myself) struggled to comment on-line because the website took them around in circles. They acknowledged that this had been a temporary problem.

698 new homes/year is the 20 year district plan target - they are on track

for the first 12 years delivery of this (it includes jobs, infrastructure and

retail needs). There will be a plan review after 5 years anyway, so enough has been done for now.

There was an EGM of SDC Councilors in March and following that the Local Plan was due to be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate before the May local elections. We are now in their hands. However, all


members (i.e. District Councillors) will have the opportunity to speak to the Planning Inspectorate - the timetable is not yet clear but it could be 6 months from now. I will liaise with residents, The Parish Council and in

particular will ask for help in synthesizing arguments from Dr Susan Pitman, nearer the time.

SDC's Portfolio holder for Planning made clear that they have to deliver housing whether they like it or not, and that all brown field sites have been used. One thing was made apparent to them - central

governments is obsessed with building more houses; as such we would require exceptionally strong planning arguments against the Crockenhill development site plans to stand a chance. Emotional arguments such as "Crockenhill is being spoiled as a village" are unfortunately of no use.


a. Decisions

Planning results 19/208 71 Newlands Cottages, Stones Cross Rd Demolition of outbuildings and existing side extension. Proposed double storey side extension and single storey rear extension. Change of car parking from rear to front of property. Granted.

b. Enforcements (see Cllr Lindsay’s section)

c. Appeals

19/209 Wild Wood, 15 Green Court Road Appeal against: Without planning permission, unauthorised operational development, being the erection of an unlawful outbuilding for the use as a hair and beauty salon, unauthorised change of use to mixed use for residential and hair and beauty salon and unlawful decking.

Clerk It was agreed that Councillors would find a suitable date and time to visit the property and one or two of the neighbouring properties.

19/210 Cllr White talked about new developments in Swanley that would further increase traffic in the area.


19/211 John Mullen reported that he would be clearing some of the allotment areas during the Spring Cleaning event.

FINANCE 19/212 a. Statement of current financial position – provided to members


19/213 b. Payments received and Accounts to be paid – list provided to members

The following payments were unanimously agreed, as proposed by Cllr Jenkins, seconded by Cllr Waterton.

Payments received £

VAT 4,583.90 Cheques (Castle Water & Susan Pittman books) 74.49

Accounts to be paid

£ VAT£ 836 HMRC Mth PAYE/NI 271.31 12 837 Crohns & Donation 25.00 Colitis 838 Crockenhill Transfer to 20,000 Parish another PC Council account –

risk spreading 839 KALC Subs 580.78 96.80 840 Crockenhill Room hire, 228.34 Village Hall rent , electricity 841 Richard Abel Grass cutting 247.42 41.24 842 Neil Baxter Repairs 32.80

844 Mrs Murrins Foot clinic 108.00 845 Kirsty Lane Salary Mth 1 1243.22 846 HMRC HMRC 291.33 847 Alan Hanging 32.00 Hayward baskets 848 Darenth APM 98.00 Print & Leaflets Design Ltd

849 E Davies Salary Mth 1 109.02 850 J Bradley Salary Mth 2 82.33 851 Safeplay Playground 90.00 15.00 call-out 852 K Lane Expenses 88.44 (see separate sheet)

19/214 a. Grass Cutting contract renewal

The Clerk reported that the contract had been negotiated and renewed.

19/215 b. To resolve that the Parish Clerk’s salary increases as per 9

the NALC recommendation

Cllr Riches requested that this be discussed ‘in Committee’ after the meeting.


19/216 f. Update on Cricket Meadow  Appeal for reduction in rates Clerk The Clerk reported that she continues to chase this but there is still no update.

g. Harvestfield 19/217  Allotments – renewals and work required

John Mullen reported that he would speak to a local farmer regarding the possibility of taking the centre out of the track to reduce the height. John also reported that he had removed the low branch that was noted during the recent inspection. The Clerk thanked John for his continued support.

19/218  Easter Hunt

th This has been organised for Thursday 18 April, during the school holidays. The Clerk has the clues and everything ready. Cllr Waterton will help on the day.

h. Village green

19/219 i. Noticeboards TW Cllr White said that in all the villages he has visited recently, the central focal point has been an attractive village noticeboard. It was suggested that a new one could go by the village green once the phone box has been removed. Cllr White has asked for a quote from someone in the village who makes these.

19/220 ii. Playground repairs

The Clerk reported that a swing was taken down urgently as it had worn

extensively. The swing has now gone back up and has been repaired properly. 19/221 iii. Regular playground checks Clerk The Clerk said she had received a quote for more frequent checks. Cllr Jenkins suggested that photos be taken every few months so we have proof that everything is in good order.

19/222 i. Heritage Room update Clerk The furniture has now been delivered. There is still one or two more cabinets to buy and the contractor has one more item to fit. Cllr Riches and Cllr Kite would now like to meet Dr Pittman to discuss the future plans. Cllr White said that the Parish Council was very grateful to Dr Pittman but now we would like to know how this will be made available 10

to villagers.

19/223 j. Lorry Watch update

Richard Myers sent in the following report: ‘KCC have advised me that they are looking into the use of Stones Cross Road by heavy vehicles and in particular those going to the Marwood House area. Otherwise they have no report on the vehicles I have previously advised them of.’

2. Administration

19/224 a. Uncontested election

The Parish Council election was uncontested and notices have gone up. Clerk The Clerk said she would print the relevant forms to be completed at the May AGM. 19/225 b. Spring Update Newsletter

These have been delivered to every household. TheHarvest Fayre leaflet was delivered at the same time.

19/226 c. SID consultation

Having received costings, we are now in the resident consultation phase. The Clerk has created an online survey and this has been advertised in the newsletter. It will also be advertised online and at the Annual Parish Meeting.

19/227 d. Community Lunch

th This is booked for Thursday 30 May 12-3pm. We still need to book an Clerk entertainer and decide on the menu but Sherill Baxter has agreed to help with the food and Sylvia Halls is also helping.

19/228 e. Meeting with West Kent Housing re Youth Club

Cllr Kite, Cllr Waterton, Cllr White and the Clerk met with the Youth Clerk Team that day. Unfortunately, West Kent no longer have the resources to set up a Youth Club but they offered their support in terms of advice and materials if we went ahead and set one up ourselves. It was agreed that we did not currently have the capacity to do this but it was suggested that the Parish Council looks into running some kind of activity days with external providers during the summer, aimed at this particular age group.

19/229 f. Annual Parish Meeting Agenda

Councillors discussed the logistics and running order for the meeting on th 25 April. 19/230 g. Accounts

The Clerk reported that she will start work on the end of year accounts when she returns from holiday.



19/231 The Clerk reported that there are two things to consider at another meeting:

Co-operative and interest free loan to convert lights. 19/232 It was reported that the light opposite to 34 Tylers Green Road is on Clerk day and night.


19/233 The Clerk said she would chase re the phone boxes again. Clerk

19/234 Cllr Kite and the Clerk went on a walkabout to Park Gate and Petham Clerk Court. There’s an old Parish Council noticeboard at Park Gate and the Clerk is arranging for it to be removed.

19/235 The Clerk read some information received about grants that were Clerk available to Parish Council for bus shelters. Clerk to circulate and Councillors to consider.

As there was no other business, Cllr Kite closed the meeting at
