Photo Collection PHC Web Site List

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Photo Collection PHC Web Site List Photograph Collection PHC - 1st December 2019 Country: County Parishes Title Pub year: Box Id Wales North Wales Reggie the Driver of the PHC4424 Charabang August 1919 Wales North Wales Reggie the Driver August 1919 PHC4425 England Ambrotype Photograph c1854. Example. 1854 PHC4901 England Cabinet Card c1870 to c1900 UK, c1866 USA, PHC4903 Example. England Holidays, Seaside. 1920 PHC4911 England Preparing for Harvest, Agricultural Labourer. PHC5901 England Steeplechase. Victorian painting By Henry PHC7501 Alken. England Cycling Club Ou7ng. 1898 1898 PHC7503 England When 8ou Come Home 91: - Bam orth 2ongs PHC8101 2eries o Postcards England When 8ou Come Home 92: - Bam orth 2ongs PHC8102 2eries o Postcards England When 8ou Come Home 9,: - Bam orth 2ongs PHC810, 2eries o Postcards England God 2end 8ou Bac5 To Me 91: - Bam orth 2ongs PHC8104 2eries o Postcards England God 2end 8ou Bac5 To Me 92: - Bam orth 2ongs PHC8105 2eries o Postcards England God 2end 8ou Bac5 To Me 9,: - Bam orth 2ongs PHC8101 2eries o Postcards England Ta5e me Bac5 To Dear Old Blighty 91: - PHC8107 Bam orth 2ongs 2eries o Postcards England Ta5e me Bac5 To Dear Old Blighty 92: - PHC8108 Bam orth 2ongs 2eries o Postcards England Ta5e me Bac5 To Dear Old Blighty 9,: - PHC8109 Bam orth 2ongs 2eries o Postcards England The /ing at the Front Attending Church 2ervice PHC8110 in the Field Daily Mail War Pictures England The /ing at the Front Outside a Captured Dug- PHC8111 out Daily Mail War Pictures England The /ing at the Front A Greeting rom the PHC8112 Troops Daily Mail War Pictures England Remember Miss Edith Cavell Murdered PHC811, October 12 1915 England HMT2 Wocester 2hips Bell with date o 1948 PHC8114 Date o photo un5nown Ceylon Ceylon 2avation Army Head Quarters .ndated PHC9901 Wales Carmarthens /iddwelly Castle PHC8501 11 December 2019 Page 1 o 20 Country: County Parishes Title Pub year: Box Id Crimean Crimean War0 Christmas British o icers PHC8151 celebrate. Wales Gwynedd The Promenade and Beech Barmouth PHC850, Australia Perth City o 3ights - Perth West Australia PHC9701 England Ruchterneed Highland Railway at Ruchterneed. 1901 1901 PHC1902 Egypt 2ueA HM2 Gannet 92ueA 1894: The Quarter Dec5 PHC1909 Note 2hips Mascot Mr Williams Italy 4enice 4eneAia The Ducal Palace PHC9501 England Ber5shire Maidenhead Boulters 3oc5 Maidenhead PHC0211 England Boulters 3oc5 Maidenhead Cottage PHC0212 England Windsor Windsor Castle PHC4421 England Windsor Castle PHC4422 England Windsor Castle The 3ong Drive PHC442, Belguim Brussels-Capital Brussels Palace o Bustice Brussells 2 April 1920 1920 PHC0209 Belguim Brussells rom the Palace o Bustice 2 April 1920 1920 PHC0210 Wales Caernarvon 3lanbedrog Beech Road 3lanbedrog. 9Gwynedd ormerly PHC8501 Caerna onshire: Wales 2andy Beech 3lanbedrog. 9Gwynedd ormerly PHC8502 Caerna onshire: England Cambridgeshire Cambridge Cambridge Clare College Bridge .ndated PHC042, Budges Postcard 29,5 England Cambridge /ings College .ndated Budges PHC0424 Postcard ,111 England Cambridge 2t Bohns College .ndated Budges PHC0425 Postcard ,112 England Cambridge Queens College Bridge .ndated PHC0421 Budges Postcard ,114 England Cambridge Trinity College Great Gate .ndated PHC0427 possibly a ter 1910 Budges Postcard 9possibly ,881: England Cambridge Trinity College Great Court .ndated PHC0428 Budges Postcard 4,41 England Cambridge Bridge o 2ighs .ndated poss a ter PHC0429 1910 Budges Postcard 4,45 England Ely Ely Cathedral0 Cambridgeshire. 9Postcard: PHC0807 England Ely Cathedral0 Cambridgeshire. Octagon and PHC0808 Nave 9Postcard: England Historic Ely - Capital o the Fens 9Postcard: PHC0809 England Ely Cathedral0 Cambridgeshire 9Postcard: PHC0810 England Cheshire Chester Eastgate Chester PHC041, England /ing Charles Tower0 City Walls0 Chester PHC0414 England Marple Photo ta5en in Marple o Ada Brownlow. Post PHC4905 Card photos. 11 December 2019 Page 2 o 20 Country: County Parishes Title Pub year: Box Id Wales Conway Betws-8-Coen Betws-8-Coen Wales August 1919 1919 PHC0208 Wales 3landudno 3landudno Conway Wales Buly 1919 PHC2207 Wales 3lanwrst 3lanwrst Betws-8-Coen Wales 1919 PHC2211 Wales Pont Fawr 9Hotel: 3lanwrst Wales August 1912 PHC2212 Wales Denbighshire Denbighshire The Promenade and Cloc5 Tower Rhyl PHC8504 Wales Foryd Bridge and Harbour Rhyl PHC8505 Wales 33angollan 3langollan Denbighshire Wales 1919 9Possibly PHC2208 Horseshoe FallsC: Wales 3langollan Denbighshire Wales 1919 PHC2209 Wales 3langollan Denbighshire Wales 1919 PHC2210 England Devon Paignton Paignton Devon Beach Front Houses .ndated PHC,004 England Paignton Harbour Devon .ndated PHC,005 England Paignton Devon Paignton Promanade 2ea Wall PHC,001 .ndated England Paignton Devon Paignton Road leading towards PHC,007 the Pier Devon .ndated England Paignton Pier0 Devon. 1879 PHC5401 England Teignmouth Teignmouth. In late 4ictoria times. PHC5402 England Widecombe i Widecombe in the Moor Church o 2t Pancras PHC4421 Devon .ndated 14century 9view o outside: England Widecombe in the Moor Church o 2t Pancras PHC4427 Devon .ndated 14century 9view inside: England Dorset 2ha tsbury Gold Hill 2ha tesbury Dorset. Cobbled street PHC,147 rom Al redDs town England 2ha tesbury eaturing Gold Hill0 High 2treet0 PHC,148 Abbey Ruins0 AndrewDs 8ard England Weymouth Weymouth 9The Harbour: PHC4418 England Weymouth with small Royal Navy 3aunch in the PHC4419 oreground England Weymouth Harbour PHC4420 England Essex Dagenham 2ummer Fun. Duchess o 8or5 at Dagenham0 PHC4912 Essex England Gloucestershire Cheltenham Imperial Gardens 2howing the QueenDs Hotel0 PHC0415 Cheltenham Gloucestershire Channel Isles Guernsey Guernsey about 1914 PHC1212 England Hampshire Bramley Army 2chool o Ammunition Bramley PHC811, Hampshire 27 May to 29 May 1919 Number 2 ./ EOD Course Names in the Group on reverse o Photo England Isle o Wight Bembridge Whitecli Bay Bembridge Isle o Wight PHC110, England Culver Culver Cli Isle o Wight PHC1101 England Godshill Godshill Isle o Wight PHC1107 11 December 2019 Page , o 20 Country: County Parishes Title Pub year: Box Id England Isle o Wight 2han5lin Hydrangeas and Esplanade 2han5lin Isle o PHC1102 Wight England Dunnose Point and Appley Beech 2han5lin Isle PHC1105 o Wight England 4entor 2teephill Cove 4entor Isle o Wight PHC1104 England 2t 3awrence Old Church 9near 4entnor: Two PHC1108 copies England 2t 3awrence rom the .pper Cli s No1,0 PHC1109 England Woody Bay Cottages No1,, 2t 3awrence 9near PHC1110 4entor: IoW - Woody Bay Cottages - old coastguard cottages - with tea garden and above right The Car ax Hotel and 2t. 3awrence Inn Channel Isles Bersey Bersey Channel Isles about 1914 PHC1810 Channel Isles Bersey Channel Isles about 1914 PHC1811 Channel Isles 2t Helier 2t Helier Bersey Channel Isles about 1914 PHC1812 Channel Isles 2t Helier Bersey Channel Isles about 1914 PHC181, England /ent The Old White Hart. 9possibly Eltham: PHC0804 England May Place The Residence o Bohn Fasett 18,8 PHC240, Burnett EsE. 9sic: From the Epitome o the History o /ent. England Group o three. Bride0 Groom in Army .ni orm PHC5,01 and possibly Brides ather or Best man. On the reverse. Details o a 1982 Mini City E Austin. Photos siAe 1x4 England Bride and Groom. 2ame couple as in PHC5,01. PHC5,02 On the reverse Number 8. Photos siAe 1x4 England Bride and Groom entering wedding car. Also PHC5,0, man in .ni orm. On the reverse. Details or colouring photo No.,,/22/4.Photos siAe 1x4 England Group o our. Possible Bride and Groom and PHC5,04 two witnesses. Photos siAe 1x4 England Wedding Group o 18 in a par5. On the reverse PHC5,05 Re Number 11/22/2. Photos siAe 1x4 England Wedding Group o 20 in a par5. On the reverse PHC5,01 Re Number 17/22/2. Photos siAe 1x4 England Wedding Group. 3arge group outside a Church. PHC5,07 On the reverse Re Number 7/22/2. Photos siAe 1x4 England Wedding Group. 3arge group outside a PHC5,08 building. On the reverse note made by photographer o the date ,0/1/51. Photos siAe 1x4 England Bride and Groom in a Par5. On the reverse Re PHC5,09 number 14/22/1 and a the number 9. Photos siAe 1x4. 11 December 2019 Page 4 o 20 Country: County Parishes Title Pub year: Box Id England /ent Bride and Groom leaving the Ceremony. On the PHC5,10 reverse Re number 20/22/2. Photos siAe 1x4. England Bride and Groom standing in a doorway0 PHC5,11 possibly o a church. On the reverse Number 25. Photos siAe 1x4. England Bride and Groom standing on the steps in ront PHC5,12 o door0 possibly o a Register O ice. On the reverse Re number 8/,/,. Photos siAe 1x4. England Bride and Groom. On reverse Re number PHC5,1, 22/,/, And the number 21. Photos siAe 1x4. England Bride and Groom entering wedding car. On PHC5,14 reverse Re number 24/22/2. Photos siAe 1x4. England Bride and Groom cutting Wedding ca5e. On PHC5,15 reverse Re number 12/4/1 and the number 24. Photos siAe 1x4. England Three Bridesmaids. Head and shoulders view PHC5,11 only. On reverse Re number 8/22/2. Photos siAe 1x4. England Three Bridesmaids. Full length view. On PHC5,17 reverse Re number 40/22/2. Photos siAe 1x4. England Bride. Photo in a studio wallet with Companies PHC5,18 name o British Technishot Pictures. On reverse Re number 1/22/2. Photos siAe 1x4 England Bride and Groom in a par5. On reverse Re PHC5,19 number 21/22/2. Photos siAe 1x4. England Bride and Groom In a par5. On reverse Re PHC5,20 number 1/22/1 And the number 10. Photos siAe 1x4 England Bride. On reverse Re number 10/4/,. Photos PHC5,21 siAe 1x4. England Bride and Groom0 Best man and two PHC5,22 Bridesmaids outside a doorway. Possible 3ewisham Register O ice. On Reverse 10/22/5. Page 1 o 7 o a mortgage contract 278 2tanstead Rd0 Forest Hill. Image siAe 8 x 1. England Bride and Groom plus ive others in a par5.
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