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1 2 3 4 5 6 BEFORE THE HEARING EXAMINER 7 IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SNOHOMISH 8 BSRE POINT WELLS,LP , NO. 11'-101457 LU 9 Appellant BSRE POINT WELLS, LP'S 10 v. WITNESS LIST 1 1 SNOHOMISH COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT SERVICES, 12 Respondent. 13 14 15 Pursuant to the Snohomish County Hearing Examiner's Scheduling Order dated April 12, ~ ti 20? 8, appellant, ~SRF p~i~,t Webs; LP (`BSRE") hereby submits its witness list. 17 I. WITNESS LIST 18 At this time, BSRE anticipates calling the following witnesses to testify in the open record 19 hearing: 20 1. Peter Busby, Principal, Managing Director of Perkins +Will. Expected to testify 21 about the site plan, design, phasing, secondary access road, fire safety, building setbacks and 22 engineering issues, ENVAC providers, and parking. 23 2. Kay Kornovich, Director, Managing Principal of Perkins +Will. Expected to 24 testify about the site plan, design, phasing, secondary access road, fire safety, building setbacks '' 25 and engineering issues, ENVAC providers, and parking. 26 27 KARRTUTfLE CAMPBELL BSRE POINT WELLS, LP'S WITNESS LIST - 1 701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3300 #1167232 vl / 43527-004 Seattle, Washington 98104 Main:(206) 223 1313 Fax:(206) 682 7100 1 3. Dan Seng, Associate Principal, Project Manager of Perkins +Will. Expected to 2 testify about the site plan, design, phasing, secondary access road, fire safety, building setbacks 3 and engineering issues, ENVAC providers, landscaping and parking. 4 4. Carsten Stinn, Senior Associate, Senior Project Designer of Perkins +Will. 5 Expected to testify about the site plan, design, phasing, secondary access road, fire safety, building 6 setbacks and engineering issues, ENVAC providers, landscaping and parking.
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