Monthly Summary December 2020
MONTHLY SUMMARY DECEMBER 2020 Sign-up Type Contracts Farms Acres Annual Rental Payments a/ ($Million) ($/Acre) General 149,276 109,802 11,342,723 $615 $54.25 Continuous Non-CREP 341,669 202,875 6,343,231 $870 $137.13 CREP 52,160 35,659 862,383 $155 $179.87 Farmable Wetland 14,108 10,950 373,852 $60 $160.66 Total Continuous 407,863 b/ 236,710 b/ 7,579,466 $1,085 $143.12 Grasslands 6,251 3,709 1,868,352 $24 $12.71 Total CRP 563,390 b/ 319,020 b/ 20,790,541 $1,724 $82.92 a/ Approximates October 2021 payments, before adjustments for haying/grazing, non-compliance, terminations, part-year contracts, and contracts not yet recorded. b/ Number of contracts and farms not additive across signup types. CLEAN LAKES, ESTUARIES, AND RIVERS (CLEAR) PRACTICES ENROLLEDAS OF DECEMBER 2020 Practice Acres Added Acres as of Practice Code in FY 2021 /2 December Grass Waterways CP-8 10,169 111,953 Contour Grass Strips CP-15A 10,189 49,795 Contour Grass Strips in Terraces CP-15B 436 2,102 Filter Strips (Grass) CP-21 48,391 663,838 Filter Strips with Bioreactor CP-21B 41 43 Filter Strips with Saturated Buffer CP-21S 21 48 Riparian Buffers (Trees) CP-22 32,436 561,801 Riparian Buffers with Bioreactor CP-22B 0 71 Riparian Buffers with Saturated Buffer CP-22S 0 0 Wetland Restoration 1/ CP-23 95,944 1,316,529 Wildlife Habitat Buffer on Marginal Pasture CP-29 5,400 82,480 Wetland Buffer on Marginal Pasture CP-30 2,819 29,945 Bottomland Timber Establishment CP-31 18,267 157,023 Prairie Pothole Duck Nesting Habitat CP-37 27,713 438,617 Prairie Strips CP-43 7,345 9,251 SAFE Buffers CP-38 0 1,219 SAFE Wetland CP-38 637 21,245 Total CLEAR 259,808 3,445,958 Total Continuous 7,579,466 Percent CLEAR 45% 1/ Includes both floodplain and non-floodplain wetland restorations.
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