PHYLOGENY RECONSTRUCTION AND CONSERVATION GENETICS OF Conradina AND RELATED SOUTHEASTERN U.S. ENDEMIC MINTS (LAMIACEAE) By CHRISTINE E. EDWARDS A DISSERTATION PRESENTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 2007 1 © 2007 Christine E. Edwards 2 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I thank my advisors, Pamela Soltis and Douglas Soltis, and my committee members, David Reed and Walter Judd, for support and guidance throughout my PhD program. I also thank former committee members Rebecca Kimball and Doria Gordon; current and former Soltis lab members, including Chuck Bell, Luiz Oliviera, Matt Gitzendanner, Andrew Doust, Josh Clayton, Michael Moore, Ashley Morris, Monica Arakaki, Sam Brockington and Vaughn Symonds for their interesting discussions, help with experimental design, lab procedures, and analytical methods; Kent Perkins, Norris Williams, and the FLAS herbarium staff and students for assistance with collections and loans; Phil Cantino, Jay Walker, Kurt Neubig, Richard Abbott and Luiz Oliviera for plant material; David Lefkowitz, Amber Pouncey, Zera Damji, Suneel Modani, and Aisha Goodman for assistance with lab work; Alan Prather and Rachel Williams for access to unpublished data; and Claude Bailey, Brian Wender, Eric Tillman, Gretchen Ionta, Sam Brockington, Chuck Bell, Jason Ulev, Lloyd and Mary Edwards, Ann Cox, David Lefkowitz, and Pam and Doug Soltis for assistance with field work. I thank my family, friends, and lab members for moral support and encouragement throughout my dissertation. Funding for this project was provided by the Florida Native Plant Society, Florida Division of Forestry’s Florida Statewide Endangered and Threatened Plant Conservation Program, the Garden Club of America’s Catherine Beattie Fellowship, Sigma XI Grants-in-Aid of Research, a Graduate Student Research Award from the American Society of Plant Taxonomists, and a Botanical Society of America Genetics Section Award.
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