In this issue: More at » pg. 2 From the President’s Desk » Student Blog: See what students are up the » pg. 5 What has Doc Noebel to this summer been reading? » Find us on Facebook » pg. 7 Alumni Spotlight: Boehm doesn’t mind being » Check our journalJuly 2013 Volume 13 Issue 7 countercultural feed: @summitmn Why Fights Over Religious Liberty Matter Today

Cover Story n early 2012 when the Obama government’s mandate. at encroachments on religious liberties in the administration first announced Meanwhile, the rise of the same-sex United States. Though these cases usually that the Department of Health and marriage issue will continue to put private get scant coverage from mainstream media HumanI Services — as part of the Afford- citizens in an untenable position in states outlets, they represent bureaucratic postur- able Care Act (Obamacare) — would force where same-sex marriage is legal. While ing against the right to religious liberty. employers to provide contraceptive and politicians promise to protect religious rights Religious liberty has historically been drugs to employees at no cost, of clergy (promises that in a similar situation considered America’s first freedom because alarm bells rightly went off among both in Canada proved to be empty), non-clergy of its prominence in the minds of America’s Catholics and Protestants. Despite an ac- citizens are being sued for choosing to not founders and its enshrinement in the first counting gimmick the administration tried provide services to homosexual couples amendment to the Constitution. But there to pass off as a so-called exemption, federal based on their religious convictions. Non- is another reason religious liberty should be officials are still pushing business owners profits, like Catholic Charities in Massachu- put in first place: historically, when a society who object to abortive medical procedures setts, have had to close their doors for not begins restricting religious freedom, coercive to provide abortive drugs in their health placing children for adoption in same-sex- restrictions on other liberties follow. When insurance plans. Even as we write, the Chris- parented home.1 we fail to speak out against seemingly small tian owners of Hobby Lobby — a private, So it’s with good reason that Christians incursions against religious liberty we cede for-profit business — are challenging the and conservatives are collectively crying foul See religious liberty, page 3 from the president’s desk a word from dr. jeff myers

As governmental and social re- lobbied to be the officially recognized ers almost unani- strictions on religion increase, violent religion. Anglicans in Virginia actually mously believed in religious persecution and conflict result. paid priests with tax dollars. the soul’s immor- That’s the stunning conclusion of a But British efforts to increase the tality, divine judg- study of religious freedom conducted Anglican church’s influence raised an ment, providential by Brian J. Grim and Roger Finke and alarm: if parliament was willing to di- acts, sin nature, moral absolutes, the published by Cambridge University minish colonist’s religious liberty, then human capacity to bear God’s image, Press. all liberty was at risk. John Adams order in the universe, public virtue, If Grim and Finke are correct, the said this apprehension contributed “as and the general teachings of the Bible. Obama administration’s indifferent much as any cause” to the corroding America’s founders had no doubt and sometimes hostile attitude toward of America’s loyalty to Britain, leading about the relationship between public religious freedom could be setting directly to the Revolution.3 virtue and national success. This, in America on a catastrophic course. America’s founders knew that hu- turn, grounded their belief in lim- Only in America has religious man corruption would put liberties of ited government, just war, and the freedom been protected, on purpose, all kinds at risk. George Washington importance of Christian influence in from the beginning. But as this issue was realistic: “We must take human national life. They believed in religious of The Journal demonstrates, govern- nature as we find it. Perfection falls liberty because without it no liberty is ment coercion now poses a real threat not to the share of mortals.”4 To se- secure. to this first freedom. cure religious freedom from infringe- As Presbyterian pastor John Zubly The target is Christians. Michael ment our founders refused a state warned the British government in Horowitz says that historically Jews church and instead constitutionally the 1760s, “Americans are no idiots, were the “canaries in the coal mine”— guaranteed a free market of religion. and they appear determined not to be if a nation persecuted Jews, it was Religious freedom led to greater slaves.”6 Are we still so determined? more likely to deny freedoms to others freedom and also greater devotion. as well. But now, Horowitz says, the According to Grim and Finke, “the canaries are Christians.1 rate of church attendance increased Notes Religious freedom is the first from 17 percent of the population in 1. Brian J. Grim and Roger Finke, The Price of domino. If it falls, so will all other 1776 to 51 percent by 1890.”5 Freedom Denied (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011), p. 202. freedoms. This is why it is imperative A Paradox: How America’s Founders 2. Thomas S. Kidd, God of Liberty (New York: to grasp why religious freedom was so Secured Religious Freedom Basic Books, 2010), p. 39. important to our founders and how The founders believed that only 3. Ibid., p. 59. they secured it. adherence to Christian principles 4. Ibid., p. 209. Why Religious Freedom Was guaranteed religious freedom for all. 5. Grim and Finke, p. 7. Important to America’s Founders This leaves most liberal academics 6. Kidd, p. 86 According to historian Thomas quivering in indignation: “The found- Kidd, “In the medieval period, Eu- ers were not evangelical Christians!” Update on Summit: Every Sum- ropeans had simply assumed that a we’re told. It’s not true. But more mit session so far has been packed union between church and state, and important, it’s irrelevant. to the gills with enthusiastic young the persecution of those who chal- Here’s the proper question: “What people preparing to be godly, coura- lenged it, was a natural, even God- of the founders’ firm convictions are geous leaders. On behalf of our sanctioned state of affairs.”2 aligned with Scripture, derived only team, I am deeply grateful for your Initially, the same was true in from Scripture, or self-evident but jus- prayers and support. Thank you! America. Various protestant groups tified only by Scripture?” The found-

Page 2 July 2013 religious liberty continued from page one

ground, little by little, to those who would Kidd points out that deists and Christians Correlation Between like to see religious liberty curtailed. alike united around five key points when Religious Liberty Was staking out a position on religious liberty Religious Freedom, a Founding Principle of the U.S. during the revolution: CIvil Liberties, and Upon its founding, the United States Well-Being was not religiously united. Comprised of State-sanctioned churches colonies with established churches rang- 1 should be disestablished Where religious freedom is present, ing from Congregationalist to Presbyteri- these freedoms and indicators are an, Baptist to Catholic, religious freedom A creator God was guarantor of more likely to exist: and tolerance were extended only as far as 2 fundamental rights each colony’s established denomination » Political Freedom would allow. Persecution of dissenters Human sinfulness posed a threat was not unheard of. Baptist evangelist 3 to the polity (especially via the » Freedom of the Press John Leland became fast friends with power of the state) deist Thomas Jefferson in the early days » Civil Liberties of the American Revolution because A republic needed to be Jefferson advocated for religious freedom 4 sustained by virtue on the part » Lower Poverty denied to Baptists in New England. Bay- of ordinary citizens lor University historian Thomas S. Kidd » Longevity of Democracy explains: God/Providence moved in and The link between Jefferson and Leland 5 through the work of particular indicates that at the time of the found- nations4 » Lower Levels of Armed ing of the United States, deists and Conflict evangelicals (and the range of believers Nowhere else in the world has the in between) united around principles of effort to secure religious liberty been so » Economic Freedom religious freedom that were the keys to robust. success of the Revolution and that aided Modern Threats to » Lower Inlfation in the institution of a nation. The alliance Religious Liberty of evangelicals and deists was fragile and In the West governments have rarely » Higher Earned Income for hardly unanimous, but it proved strong taken up wholesale movements against Men and Women enough to allow Americans to “begin the religious liberty. In the former Soviet 2 world over again” as Tom Paine put it. Union officials routinely knocked down » Higher GDP The American founders understood, doors of religious persons, interrogated though, that important as religious liberty them, encouraged children to report their *Source: Adapted from Grim and was in itself, if a government actively parents’ religious activities, and gener- Finke, p. 206 restricted religious freedom, it ultimately ally terrified religious people or turned a would act tyrannically in other areas as blind eye to their suffering. Such stories well. Religion would be a means by which still are regularly reported in China today. Mandate — enacted by unelected of- the state would try to control the people.3 But when religious persecution comes to ficials — are so alarming. According to In other words, if the state is willing to en- America, it will more likely than not be religious freedom experts Brian J. Grim croach upon the sacred sphere of church- through choking bureaucracy.5 This is and Roger Finke, other tipoffs of gov- es, what would stop it from encroaching why bureaucratic moves like the Health ernment restriction include particular upon other spheres where it has no place? and Human Services Contraception See religious liberty, page 4

July 2013 Page 3 religious liberty continued from page 3

religions being forced to register with relations between religious liberty and (Mark 12:17), he was effectively limiting the government;6 limits on the freedom political freedom, freedom of the press, the role of the state. In order to preserve to worship; foreign missionaries being and economic freedom. Stunningly, the religious liberty, the Church will need to inhibited in some way; and regulations researchers found that religious liberty assert its responsibility to do things only against proselytizing.7 and the overall well-being of society are the Church is equipped to do. America’s And then there is the tyranny of the inextricably linked. When religious free- founders intentionally limited govern- majority. Especially with the advent of the dom is abridged, gross domestic product ment’s power in religious matters. They Internet and , nasty rumors goes down, inflation increases, fewer understood, as British political leader, spread more rapidly than they ever have foreign companies invest in that country, historian, and author Lord Acton (best before. Negative stories planted in the and democracy itself erodes.9 known for his statement, “Power tends press about controversial religious leaders Restrictions on religious liberty de- to corrupt; absolute power corrupts stroy a nation. If anything is clear from the absolutely”11), wisely noted, “Liberty of th ... all liberty means 20 century, it is that religious restrictions the Church in the State involves authority “ and state-sanctioned secularism eventu- of the Church in her own sphere — all the free exer- ally lead to tyranny and bloodshed. Even liberty means the free exercise of author- cise of authori- a nation as unconcerned with basic rights ity in whatever is its right sphere.”12 as China is now slowly acknowledging Notes ty in whatever is this: China’s Religious Affairs Bureau has 1. “New York Hospital Agrees to Protect Rights even publicly acknowledged that state- of Pro-Life Nurses,” Thomas Messner, The its right sphere. Foundry Blog, The Heritage Foundation, Febru- ” 10 sanctioned atheism isn’t working. ary 17, 2013. The American founders’ hypothesis 2. Thomas S. Kidd,God of Liberty: A Religious Lord Acton certainly appears to be right: apart from History of the American Revolution (Basic Books: its inherent value, religious freedom 2010, New York) 6. secures other liberties and enables human 3. Ibid, 51. spread like wildfire, causing a dip in pub- flourishing by checking the power of the 4. Ibid, 6-8 5. Brian J. Grim and Roger Finke, The Price lic support for religious freedom. A sturdy state. of Freedom Denied: Religious Persecution and undertaken by the First Amendment So What Now? Conflict in the Twenty-First Century (Cambridge Center in 2000 found nearly 73 percent In the U.S., at least, the conversations University Press: 2011, New York) 33. of Americans agreed that “the freedom surrounding the HHS mandate, same-sex 6. Ibid, 36. to worship as one chooses […] applies marriage, and rights of conscience seem 7. Ibid, 39. to all religious groups, regardless of how to be growing more polarizing, not less. 8. Ibid, 59-60. 9. Ibid, 207. extreme their beliefs are.” Only seven That means religious liberty proponents 10. Ibid, 203. years later, that number had dropped to — of whom Christians have the most 11. Lord Acton’s letter to Bishop Mandell 56 percent.8 Even if these dips are tem- reason to be vocal — need to discover Creighton (1887). See John Bartlett’sFamiliar porary, they give political cover to those ways to get the word out to their fellow Quotations, 13th and centennial ed. (Boston, who wish religious liberty as our founders citizens, urgently and credibly. We must MA: Little Brown and Company 1955), p. conceived it was a thing of the past. This not remain silent. Winsomely explaining 335. Lord Acton’s English name was Sir. John Dalberg-Acton (John Emerich Edward Dalberg- makes defense of the First Amendment why religious liberty is so important is a Acton, 1st Baron Acton, KCVO, DL). all the more important. mission-critical priority. 12. Correspondence between Lord Acton and Why Religious Liberty Matters Christians may be unique in our abil- Richard Simpson, October 6, 1862, quoted in Religious liberty is the key freedom ity to communicate this message. When Essays in Religion, Politics, and Morality: Selected for sustaining a free and virtuous society. Jesus said we ought to pay to Caesar what Writings of Lord Acton, Vol. II, edited by J. Rufus Grim and Finke have found direct cor- is Caesar’s but pay to God what is God’s Fears (Liberty Fund: 1988, Indianapolis), 611.

Page 4 July 2013 a look at our world news and commentary

Editor’s Note: Our President Emeri- punish] a member of the military for skim over certain tus, Dr. David Noebel, helps us with unconstitutional religious proselytizing sections of the research by sending 20-30 pages and oppression, we will never have the first president’s of clippings of each month’s news. ability to stop this horrible, horrendous, Farewell Address, To see the complete list of Doc’s dehumanizing behavior.” The potential which reads: “Of clippings, go to stakes included that worst of all possible all the dispositions and habits which resources/the-journal/, open the worlds: “a tidal wave of fundamentalists.” lead to political prosperity, Religion and PDF, and scroll to page 9, or call us at Not bomb-toting Islamic funda- Morality are indispensable supports.” 866.786.6483. mentalists, of course. Instead, the new Among our other abandoned his- Religious Liberty prohibitions would target uniformed torical beliefs: The Founders’ thoroughly President Obama’s supporters were people holding extreme beliefs — such “medieval” notion that defending the na- outraged when the actor portraying Sa- as maintaining a personal faith in Jesus tion is a common burden of citizenship. tan during the recent TV miniseries “The Christ. Even worse — adhering to Chris- But after Sept. 11, 2001, the children and Bible” had more than a passing resem- tian principles, one of which is the Great grandchildren of the Greatest Genera- blance to Mr. Obama. Now, however, Commission, “to preach the gospel to ev- tion — with bipartisan and bicameral those same supporters seem determined ery creature.” In today’s politically correct applause — effectively outsourced mili- to remove all doubt about the anti-reli- and profoundly secular American soci- tary service to the less-than-upwardly gious bigotry underlying this administra- ety, such religious “extremism” obviously mobile. With less than 1 percent of tion’s every official pronouncement. has no place, particularly with anyone in Americans serving in uniform during the uniform. Who subsequent decade of war, it suddenly The military is increasingly iso- knows — may- became easy for secular stay-at-homes to “ be including assume that spiritual solace was someone lated from the society it protects, chaplains. else’s problem. and Rep. J. Randy Forbes, Vir- It’s a good The military is increasingly isolated thing that from the society it protects, and Rep. ginia Republican, has become George Wash- J. Randy Forbes, Virginia Republican, alarmed by what he sees... ington is dead has become alarmed by what he sees ” and military his- as a military culture turning alarmingly tory effectively “hostile toward religion.” His congressio- Jerry Boykin and Ken Allard banished from nal colleagues agreed, inserting a highly our campuses. unusual provision into last year’s defense In the latest outrage, a virulently Otherwise, authorization act, aimed at protecting the anti-Christian advocacy group — with we might remember the general order moral and religious convictions of ser- the Orwellian name of the Religious Washington issued upon taking com- vice members. Mr. Forbes’ justification: Freedom Foundation — met privately mand of the embattled Continental “Our men and women in the military do with Pentagon officials to demand that Army — and in Boston, no less. The not leave their faith at home when they current regulations be expanded to make general “requires and expects of all volunteer to serve, and I am committed the proselytizing of religious beliefs officers and soldiers a punctual atten- to ensuring that they are never forced to a court-martial offense for anyone in dance at Divine services, to implore the do so.” uniform. blessing of Heaven upon the means used A revealing moment came last As reported by Todd Starnes in for our safety and defense.” In the same month during newly christened Defense a Fox News commentary, the group’s way, any assistant professor of govern- Secretary Chuck Hagel’s initial appear- ment hoping to achieve tenure will likely leader said, “Until the [armed services continued on page 6

July 2013 Page 5 a look at our world news and commentary, continued from page 5

ances on Capitol Hill. Among his most banished from America’s military. Athe- dant in the earth’s upper atmosphere, persistent questioners was Mr. Forbes, ists may be on the march, but the nation’s greenhouse gases reflect heating energy who demanded to know: defenders can be assured there will still rather than absorb it. Why were unit commanders being be none in foxholes. “Carbon dioxide and nitric oxide are prohibited from informing their units — Jerry Boykin and Ken Allard natural thermostats,” says James Russell about religious programs offered by the from Hampton University, who was one chaplain’s office? May 13, 2013, p. 26 of the lead investigators for the ground- Had Navy officials banned Bibles breaking SABER study. “When the upper from a service hospital — and if so, why? Global Warming atmosphere (or ‘thermosphere’) heats up, Why did the Air Force remove the Practically everything you have been these molecules try as hard as they can to word “God” from a unit patch? told by the mainstream scientific com- shed that heat back into space.” Why had a Department of Defense munity and the media about the alleged According to the data, up to 95 per- training directive included Catholics, detriments of greenhouse gases, and cent of solar radiation is literally bounced evangelicals and Mormons in the same particularly carbon dioxide, appears to back into space by both CO2 and NO in category of religious extremists as al be false, according to new data compiled the upper atmosphere. Without these Qaeda? by NASA’s Langley Research Center. necessary elements, in other words, the If you understand anything about As it turns out, all those atmospheric earth would be capable of absorbing Washington, you will not be surprised greenhouse gases that Al Gore and all the potentially devastating amounts of solar that Mr. Hagel hemmed, hawed and other global warming hoaxers have long energy that would truly melt the polar ice backpedaled, apologizing for not being claimed are overheating and destroying caps and destroy the planet. aware of any these issues or their an- our planet are actually cooling it, based “The shock revelation starkly contra- swers. Not to worry, though. He prom- on the latest evidence. dicts the core proposition of the so-called ised to get back soon with answers for As reported by Principia Scientific greenhouse gas theory which claims the record. Don’t hold your breath, and International (PSI), Martin Mlynczak that more CO2 means more warming don’t expect to see this dust-up headlin- and his colleagues over at NASA tracked for our planet,” write H. Schreuder and ing the evening newscast. infrared emissions from the earth’s upper J. O’Sullivan for PSI. “[T]his compelling There should be no mistaking the atmosphere during and following a recent new NASA data disproves that notion development of another front in the on- solar storm that took place between and is a huge embarrassment for NASA’s going culture war characterized by anti- March 8-10. What they found was that chief climatologist, Dr. James Hansen and religious bigotry in high season. Every the vast majority of energy released from his team over at NASA’s GISS.” American should be concerned about the sun during this immense coronal Dr. Hansen, of course, is an outspo- this pattern of attacks against the con- mass ejection (CME) was reflected back ken global warming activist who helped science and convictions of our service up into space rather than deposited into spark man-made climate change hysteria personnel. While their individual beliefs earth’s lower atmosphere. in the U.S. back in 1988. Just after the re- may differ, our soldiers, sailors, Marines The result was an overall cooling lease of the new SABER study, however, and airmen share a common acceptance effect that completely contradicts claims Dr. Hansen conveniently retired from his of combat’s uncertainties, a tradition made by NASA’s own climatology divi- career as a climatologist at NASA, and of faith under fire that Americans once sion that greenhouse gases are a cause of reportedly now plans to spend his time treasured. global warming. As illustrated by data col- “on science,” and on “drawing attention to If chaplains and other uniformed lected using Sounding of the Atmosphere [its] implications for young people.” personnel are prohibited from sharing using Broadband Emission Radiometry — Ethan A. Huff the Gospel — for whatever reason — (SABER), both carbon dioxide (CO2) then religious freedom will have been and nitric oxide (NO), which are abun- May 22, 2013

Page 6 July 2013 summit spotlight a look into the lives of summit alumni Countercultural Boehm Unafraid to be Different in D.C. Elisabeth Boehm likes being seen where she is surrounded by millions as countercultural. As a conservative trying to fast-track their careers. But Christian, she’s working in the field having given birth to her first child, of prison reform, a social issue many she now has a different sort of career seem to think is the bailiwick of liber- aspiration: to be the matriarch of her als. Her job is communications coordi- family. Boehm first got interested in nator for Justice Fellowship, the politi- the idea when she read a book — Bill cal advocacy arm of the late Chuck and Will Bonner’s Family Fortunes — Colson’s Prison Fellowship Ministries on how financially successful families in Washington, D.C. But she also has maintained both wealth and a healthy other aspirations that many would say family life for generations, as opposed run counter to the get-ahead-quick, many modern examples where wealth career-focused mentality so present in seems to destroy families. The secular the nation’s capital. book’s authors observed that the wives Boehm came to Summit ten years and mothers were key; they managed ago as one of the youngest students the affairs of the home (including in her session. At 16, she worked hard finances and most of the child-rearing just to understand many of the conver- during the day) while their husbands sations she found herself involved in. worked in their respective businesses. “Summit was the first exposure I’d had “The greatest matriarchs accept re- to an academic dealing with the issue Elisabeth Boehm sponsibility for building and preserv- of worldview,” Boehm recalled. “Even ing their family legacies,” Boehm wrote work here] because typically justice in discussions among the students last year in a blog post for her father’s reform is more of a liberal cause; — because I was younger than most financial firm. “They hold the mem- liberals come at it from a human rights of them— it was fun but challenging bers together emotionally, spiritually, standpoint,” Boehm explained. “But if taking part in these intelligent conver- and financially, so that relationships you look at it from a Christian world- sations about the issues.” are maintained, values are upheld, and view, we have such a better foundation The enjoyment of hearing articu- wealth is developed — and sustained.” for talking about this issue because we late people communicate complex Such an idea today might seem can talk about human dignity.” Two ideas stuck with her after Summit. She blasphemous in some circles, but that important areas of interest to Justice went on to attend Patrick Henry Col- doesn’t deter countercultural Boehm: Fellowship are the use of solitary lege and earned a degree in journalism. “A lot of people —especially in D.C. confinement because it dehumanizes At Justice Fellowship she edits where I am — have got to prove they prisoners and works against the goal outbound communication and website have the career and manage the house- of rehabilitation and over-criminaliza- content and manages the organiza- hold. I’m not calling that sinful, but it’s tion because the most well-meaning tion’s social media. Working there has interesting to see how it doesn’t always citizens break laws simply because too opened her eyes to the realm of prison work. And the kids end up feeling many things have been criminalized in reform, an area where many conserva- neglected,” she said. “You miss such the United States. tive Christians remain silent. Justice an opportunity to cultivate the family Boehm’s job at Justice Fellowship Fellowship aims to reform the criminal culture.” puts her right in the nation’s capital, justice system in the U.S. “I love [my

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INSIDE: What You Need to Know to Address Service Requested Stand for Religious Freedom

The Journal is the monthly publication of American Christian College (dba Summit Ministries), a non-profit, educational, religious corporation operating under the laws of the states of Oklahoma and Colorado.

PO Box 207, Manitou Springs, Colorado 80829 | Phone: 866.786.6483 | URL: | E-mail: [email protected] a look at our world from the desk of dr. david noebel

Abortion cases.” Gosnell and his wife performed sions, are almost never enforced. (Gosnell’s Prosecutors are seeking the death pen- the very late on Sundays, when is the second case we have ever heard of alty for abortionist Kermit Gosnell, who no other staff were present to see them. in the post-Roe period.) The is on trial in for doping one Gosnell destroyed those case files at his report concluded that it was the reluctance patient to death and killing seven fetuses home, leaving no record. “We may never of pro-choice state governments to moni- born alive. He doubtless seems a worthy know the details of these cases,” concluded tor clinics that allowed Gosnell’s practice to candidate for death row. Dr. Gosnell, after the grand jury. fester. One angle we would be amazed to all, is a monster. Yet his barbarity never When law enforcement officers see the press cover: President Obama has required him to venture much beyond the raided Gosnell’s office on suspicion of argued that late-term should be expansive abortion rights created by Roe drug dealing, they found some 45 fetal legal, and has argued and voted for letting v. Wade and its companion 1973 Supreme bodies. They were stuffed in “bags, milk newborns delivered in, for example, the Court decision, Doe v. Bolton. Dr. Gosnell, jugs, orange juice cartons, and even in cat- fourth month of be killed. That indeed, could argue that he had a consti- food containers.” Some were frozen in an isn’t an aspect of his record he wants to tutional right to slaughter his very young office refrigerator. Gosnell also kept “rows advertise, since he understands that these victims. If instead we insist Kermit Gosnell of jars” containing severed baby feet. issues make the public recoil from the should die, then perhaps we must reexam- Such behavior suggests that Gosnell abortion lobby. Which helps explain why ine Roe and Doe. delighted in his violent deeds. One witness journalists recoil from the story. Dr. Gosnell was a merciless killer, recalled a baby that writhed in pain from — National Review willing to perform abortions at any stage the pressure of surgical scissors around May 6, 2013, p. 6, 8 of pregnancy. He routinely induced labor its neck. Gosnell joked, “That’s what you Sociology in women more than six months pregnant call a chicken with its head cut off.” At his Previous civilizations have been and then cut the spines of their breathing trial, Gosnell listened with calm bemuse- overthrown from without by the incur- newborns. This was Gosnell’s “standard ment as prosecutors and witnesses told of sion of barbarian hordes. Christendom procedure,” according to the grand jury his devilry. One journalist reported, “He has dreamed up its own dissolution in the report. “These killings became so routine,” just calmly watched and occasionally took minds of its own intellectual elite. Our in fact, “that no one could put an exact notes with a vague hint of a smile on his barbarians are home products, indoctri- number on them.” face from time to time.” nated at the public expense, urged on by One corpse found at his clinic, named Dr. Gosnell, in short, fits the profile of the media systematically stage by stage, Baby A, was so large that Gosnell joked he a sociopathic killer. But unlike most such dismantling Christendom, depreciating could “walk me to the bus stop.” Baby A deviants, Gosnell could argue that he acted and deprecating all its values. The whole weighed 6 pounds. After Gosnell snipped within his constitutional rights. structure is now tumbling down, dethron- Baby A’s spine, he crammed the 19-inch — Jon A. Shields ing its God, undermining all its certainties. corpse into a shoebox, though arms and The Weekly Standard All this, wonderfully enough, is being done legs spilled out. Gosnell deposited another April 29, 2013, p. 22 in the name of the health, wealth, and hap- child, Baby C, on a countertop while he piness of all mankind.” attended to the newborn’s mother. There Pro-lifers browbeat the mainstream — Malcolm Muggeridge it lay, breathing and moving its arms, for media into covering the trial of Kermit The End of Christendom some 20 minutes. Gosnell’s assistant then Gosnell, a Philadelphia abortionist who p. 17 “slit its neck,” just like all the others. ran a filthy clinic where some women died Yet the grand jury found that the and newborns were murdered. Pro-choic- More than 500 people were murdered “hundreds” of abortions like those of Ba- ers argued that the case illustrated the need in Chicago last year. Yet Chicago mayor bies A and C that Gosnell performed over to relax laws against late-term abortion, Rahm Emanuel still found time to berate his long career “were not even the worst which, as a result of Supreme Court deci- the fast-food franchise Chick-fil-A for not

July 2013 Page 9 a look at our world from the desk of dr. david noebel, continued from page 9

sharing “Chicago values” — apparently, Our schizophrenic morality also marriage as Spitzer had for his purchased because its founder does not approve of affects the military. When America was a affairs. gay marriage. far more traditional society, few seemed Critics were outraged that talk-show Two states have legalized marijuana, to care that General Dwight Eisenhower host Rush Limbaugh grossly insulted with more to come. Yet social taboos carried on an unusual relationship at the birth-control activist Sandra Fluke. Amid against tobacco smoking make it nearly front in Normandy with his young female the attention, Fluke was canonized for impossible to light up a cigarette in public chauffeur, Kay Summersby. As the Third her position that federal health-care plans places. Marijuana, like alcohol, causes far Army chased the Germans across France, should pay for the contraceptive costs of greater short-term impairment than does General George S. Patton was not discreet all women. Yet in comparison to Fluke’s nicotine. But legal cigarette smoking is now about his female liaisons. Contrast that well-publicized victimhood, there has been seen as a corporate-sponsored, uncool, and live-and-let-live attitude of a supposedly a veritable news blackout for the trial of dirty habit that leads to long-term health uptight society with our own hip culture’s the macabre Dr. Kermit Gosnell, charged costs for society at large — in a way home- tabloid interest in General David Petraeus’s with killing and mutilating in gruesome grown, hip, and mostly illegal pot smoking career-ending affair with Paula Broadwell, fashion seven babies during a long career apparently does not. or in the private e-mails of General John of conducting sometimes illegal late-term Graphic language, nudity, and sex are Allen. abortions. Had Gosnell’s aborted victims now commonplace in movies and on cable What explains these contradictions been canines instead of humans — com- television. At the same time, there is now in our wide-open but prudish society? pare the minimal coverage of the Gosnell almost no tolerance for casual and slangy Decades after the rise of feminism, popular trial with the widespread media condem- banter in the media or the workplace. A culture still seems confused by it. If women nation of dog-killing quarterback Michael boss who calls an employee “honey” might should be able to approach sexuality like Vick — perhaps the doctor’s mayhem face accusations of fostering a hostile work men, does it follow that commentary likewise would have been front-page news environment, yet a television producer about sex should follow the same gender- outside of Philadelphia. whose program shows an 18-year-old neutral rules? Yet wearing provocative or Modern society also resorts to empty, having sex does not. Many colleges offer inappropriate clothing is often considered symbolic moral action when it cannot deal courses on lurid themes from masturba- less offensive than remarking upon it. with real problems. So-called assault weap- tion to prostitution, even as campus sexual- Calling a near-nude Madonna onstage ons account for less than 1 percent of gun harassment suits over hurtful language are a “hussy” or “tart” would be considered deaths in America. But the country whips at an all-time high. crude in a way that her mock crucifixion itself into a frenzy to ban them, apparently A federal judge in New York recently and simulated sex acts are not. to prove that at least it can do something, ruled that the so-called morning-after Criminal sexual activity is sometimes instead of wading into polarized racial and birth-control pill must be made available not as professionally injurious as politically class controversies by going after illegal to all “women” regardless of age or parental incorrect thoughts about sex and gender. urban handguns, the real source of the na- consent, and without a prescription. The Former New York governor Eliot Spitzer tion’s high gun-related body count. judge determined that it was unfair for — found to have hired prostitutes on a Not since the late-19th-century those under 16 to be denied access to such number of occasions during his time in juxtaposition of the Wild West with the emergency contraceptives. But if vast num- office — was given a CNN news show Victorian East has popular morality been bers of girls younger than 16 need after-sex despite the scandal. But when former Miss so unbridled and yet so uptight. In short, options to prevent unwanted , California Carrie Prejean was asked in the we have become a nation of promiscuous why isn’t there a flood of statutory-rape Miss USA pageant whether she endorsed prudes. charges being lodged against older teenag- gay marriage, she said no — and thereby — Victor Davis Hansen ers for having consensual relations with earned nearly as much popular condemna- The Washington Times younger girls? tion for her candid defense of traditional April 22, 2013, p. 30

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Atheism life, all existence, down to a bunch of atoms The way to cut through the knot, Proselytizers of atheism seem to have and molecules bumping around doesn’t according to de Waal, is to accept that concluded that if they’re big enough jerks, make much sense. He doesn’t come right morality originates from within. De Waal they will seduce the faithful into abandon- out and embrace God or anything wacky persuasively argues that morality is part ing God. It’s sort of like asking Don Rickles like that. But he says there’s just got to be of our factory-installed software. In the to run your customer-service desk. Chris- something more to things than what the chicken-or-egg argument about which topher Hitchens was a friend, but when he materialists can measure and quantify. comes first, morality or religion, de Waal talked about religion, he could be — to use Predictably, the discrediting has begun. argues it is morality by a mile. It entered a technical term — a Grade-A Schmuck. Expect Nagel to be paraded around in a our genetic software “at least a hundred Likewise, Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, dunce cap any day now. millennia” before anything recognizable as and the other champions of a soulless, an- Another quasi ally is Jonathan Haidt, modern religion manifested itself (though tiseptic world have all the charm of a tooth- the psychologist who studies, among other I’m not sure how he knows what religion ache when they lecture people to kick the things, how political attitudes are formed looked like 100,000 years ago). He believes habit of the opiate of the masses. And then and who has come to the apparently his findings refute what he calls “veneer there are their shock troops. When pastor controversial conclusion that conserva- theory” — the idea that morality is simply Rick Warren’s depressed son committed tives are not crazy. Indeed, Haidt argues a thin overlay of words and laws that we suicide recently, an army of the unfaithful that conservatives tend to be more morally need to keep us from doing terrible things. took to Twitter to assure the grief-stricken sophisticated than liberals, in part because As Ivan Karamazov says, “If there is no father that there was no heaven, God was a we are better at understanding the liberals’ God, everything is permitted.” myth, and his son was gone forever. When position than liberals are at understanding And here we have something of a USA Today wrote about the mind-bog- ours. problem, and I think it would be helpful for glingly hateful attacks, one commenter on The latest entrant to the fray, and conservatives and perhaps our newfound that article counseled that Warren should probably an unwitting one, is Frans de allies to flesh it out a bit. De Waal seems to “abandon primitive superstitions and ac- Waal, the world’s foremost primatologist think that religious people, social conser- cept the universe for what it is — a place and a heavyweight in the neo-Darwinist vatives, traditionalists, and philosophers that is utterly indifferent to us.” camp. A big chunk of his new book, The “reason [themselves] toward moral truths. One reason the atheistic horde has Bonobo and the Atheist: The Search for Even if they don’t invoke God, they’re still grown so aggressive and nasty is that they Humanism Among the Primates, is aimed proposing a top-down process in which we feel the wind at their backs. The pews are at telling the atheists to chill out. formulate the principles and then impose emptying and science is declaring, more “What good,” de Waal asks, “could them on human conduct.” He seems to and more loudly, that it has Figured Every- possibly come from insulting the many think that by demonstrating that morality thing Out. Another reason is that conser- people who find value in religion?” While comes from below, that we — and by “we” vatives, mostly conservative Christians, a nonbeliever himself, he respects people he means not just humans but all primates, have been pretty much the only ones fight- of faith and is quite simply bored by ef- and many other animals — are born with ing back. Perhaps just in time, some allies forts to disprove the existence of God. moral sentiments, he can move both sides seem to be walking onto the field. Thomas (Imagine how bored God is.) He rejects to common ground. Morality for De Waal Nagel — no Christian conservative — re- the importance of the question posed isn’t an abstraction, it is in effect a bodily cently published Mind and Cosmos: Why by Nietzsche, “Is man only a blunder of function. the Materialist Neo-Darwinian Concep- God? Or is God only a blunder of man?” I’m not sure he’ll succeed. A. C. tion of Nature Is Almost Certainly False. If forced to choose, de Waal would answer Grayling, an ardent atheist who claims to It generated an enormous controversy yes to the latter. But he thinks little will be be polite about it, has nonetheless poured because the (once) respected philosopher gained by forcing everyone to accept that scorn on de Waal. On the other hand, has come to the conclusion that boiling all God is dead. conservatives would have a short trip

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to common ground with de Waal. The tion: They know right from wrong from they help us think about and if necessary parts of his book aimed at traditionalists Day One.) And Christianity teaches that revise our immediate moral reactions. and believers are likely to elicit a “Yeah, so man has the capacity to know right from In other words, the claim that we have what?” It may be — or have been — con- wrong. He has a sense of repugnance, the moral instincts is great as far as it goes, but troversial among scientists to say that apes sense that some things are wrong, but also it doesn’t go far enough. What is fascinat- and some other animals have feelings, but has the faculty of reason. The Church tries ing about not just de Waal’s work, but I don’t think anyone at this point doubts it, to use reason to help people rightly form aspects of Haidt’s and Nagel’s as well, is the particularly dog owners. their consciences. degree to which it cries out for conserva- More important, using studies of In interviews and in the book, de Waal tives to say, “We told you so.” In the lan- chimps to prove that morality has a genetic puts a lot of emphasis on experiments guage of social science, conservatives have component in humans too, while interest- that show that primates have a sense of been saying this sort of thing for genera- ing, will have exactly zero effect on how fairness. If you feed two chimpanzees slices tions. A half-century ago, Will Herberg had most traditionalists view morality, because of cucumbers to get them to do a task — already described man as Homo religiosus most traditionalists would not object to put pegs in holes, identify the right object, in these pages and elsewhere. Similarly, the assertion that humans are endowed write Tom Friedman’s column, what- Robert Nisbet was writing about man’s by their creator with moral sentiments, ever — they will happily do it. But if you innate need for community long before although they might find it incomplete. suddenly start rewarding one chimp with the neo-Darwinists got in on the action. As far as I know, there’s nothing in Chris- grapes while continuing to pay the other And of course F. A. Hayek was warning of tianity or Judaism — never mind generic with cucumber wages, the cucumber-eater the perils of scientism — the smuggling of conservatism — that would cause adher- will throw a fit and stop working. De Waal scientific concepts and language into the ents to recoil at the news that we’re born and his fellow researchers call this “ineq- realms of politics and morality as a means with an instinct to do good. You will look uity aversion.” The same phenomenon has to claim objective authority for subjective in vain to find a Christian conservative been documented in dogs, which surprises value judgments — decades ago. denouncing Adam Smith’s assertion that me not in the least. And then there was Eric Voegelin, we are endowed with moral sentiments. But is this really about inequity? Isn’t who warned that man’s religious nature Almost 20 years ago, James Q. Wilson it more about what we traditionalists cannot be denied. But we can deny, or at wrote a wonderful book demonstrating might call “envy” (which is a sin)? Even if least forget about, the existence of God. that humans are born with a moral sense. it’s also true that the grape-eater would be “When God is invisible behind the world,” (The book was called, fittingly enough, admirably altruistic if he shared his higher Voegelin writes, “the contents of the world “The Moral Sense.”) wages? This is a nice illustration of much of will become new gods; when the symbols But saying that we are born with a what was wrong with Occupy Wall Street: of transcendent religiosity are banned, new moral instinct is not to say that we always Some of these howler monkeys were ooo- symbols develop from the inner-worldly instinctually know what is moral. Not ooo-eee-ahh-ing over not getting grapes language of science to take their place.” everyone believes in Original Sin, but most from the government; their complaints This might explain why the New Atheists traditionalists believe we are built from about bailouts were focused on how unfair behave like the old zealots of yore: They crooked timber. We are flawed creatures, it was that they didn’t get bailouts, too. are firebrands for a new faith, and their god vulnerable to temptation. Moreover, life is People and chimpanzees alike may shout is a jealous one. complicated and confusing, and as a result their version of “No fair!” when they don’t — Jonah Goldberg we sometimes need help finding our way get what they want, but that doesn’t show National Review in the darkness. Men aren’t angels, which is that they have been treated unfairly. May 6, 2013, p. 26f why, Jews believe, God gave us the Torah Of course, sometimes they have been. Ethics — so we could understand what God Which is why religion, philosophy, and I offer the single most politically wants from us. (Angels don’t need instruc- traditional morality are so vital — because incorrect statement a modern American

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-- indeed a modern Westerner, period -- It taught people not to trust the hu- moral guidance and wisdom. can make: I first look to the Bible for moral man heart, but to be guided by moral law If not from the Bible, from where guidance and for wisdom. even when the heart pulled in a different should people get their values and mor- I say this even though I am not a direction. als? The university? Christian (I am a Jew, and a non-Orthodox This is the book that taught humanity editorial page? They have been wrong on one at that). And I say this even though I that human sacrifice is an abomination. virtually every great issue of good and evil attended an Ivy League graduate school This is the book that de-sexualized in our generation. They mocked Ronald (Columbia), where I learned nothing God -- a first in human history. Reagan for calling the Soviet Union an about the Bible there except that it was ir- This is the book that alone launched “evil empire.” More than any other group relevant, outdated and frequently immoral. humanity on the long road to abolishing in the world, Western intellectuals sup- I say this because there is nothing -- slavery. It was not only Bible-believers ported Stalin, Mao and other Communist not any religious or secular body of work (what we would today call “religious fun- monsters. They are utterly morally con- -- that comes close to the Bible in forming damentalists”) who led the only crusade fused concerning one of the most morally the moral bases of Western civilization and in the world against slavery, it was the Bible clear conflicts of our time -- the Israeli- therefore of nearly all moral progress in the itself, thousands of years before, that taught Palestinian/Arab conflict. The universities world. that God abhors slavery. it legislated that and their media supporters have taught a It was this book that guided every one cannot return a slave to his owner and generation of Americans the idiocy that one of the Founding Fathers of the banned kidnapping for slaves in the Ten men and women are basically the same. United States, including those described Commandments. Stealing people, kidnap- And they are the institutions that teach as “deists.” It is the book that formed ping, was the most widespread source of that America’s founders were essentially the foundational values of every major slavery, and “Thou shall not steal” was first moral reprobates -- sexist and racist rich American university. It is the book from a ban on stealing humans and then on white men. which every morally great American from stealing property. When the current executive editor of George Washington to Abraham Lincoln It was this book that taught people the New York Times, Jill Abramson, was to the Rev. (yes, “the Reverend,” almost the wisdom of Job and of Ecclesiastes, un- appointed to that position she announced always omitted today in favor of his secular paralleled masterpieces of world wisdom that “In my house growing up, The Times credential, “Dr.”) Martin Luther King, Jr., literature. substituted for religion.” The quote spoke got his values. Without this book, there would not volumes about the substitution of elite It is this book that gave humanity the have been Western civilization, or Western media for religion and the Bible in shaping Ten Commandments, the greatest moral science, or Western human rights, or the contemporary America. code ever devised. It not only codified the abolitionist movement, or the United The other modern substitute for essential moral rules for society, it an- States of America, the freest, most prosper- the Bible is the heart. We live in the Age nounced that the Creator of the universe ous, most opportunity-giving society ever of Feelings, and an entire generation of stands behind them, demands them and formed. Americans has been raised to consult their judges humans’ compliance with them. For well over a generation, we have heart to determine right and wrong. It gave humanity the great moral rule, been living on “cut-flower ethics.” We have If you trust the human heart, you “Love your neighbor as yourself.” removed ethics from the Bible-based soil should be delighted with this develop- It taught humanity the unprecedented that gave them life and think they can ment. But those of us raised with biblical and unparalleled concept that all human survive removed from that soil. Fools and wisdom do not trust the heart. So when beings are created equal because all human those possessing an arrogance border- we are told by almost every university, beings -- of every race, ethnicity, nationality ing on self-deification think we will long by almost every news source, by almost and both male and female -- are created in survive as a decent society without teach- every entertainment medium that the God’s image. ing the Bible and without consulting it for heart demands what is probably the most

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radical social transformation since Western his articles about Islam have appeared in hand, you have a dwindling population civilization began -- redefining marriage, Investor’s Business Daily, Catholic World of Christians who are long on nurturance society’s most basic institution, in terms of Report, and other publications. He was and sensitivity but short on manpower. gender -- it may be wiser to trust the bibli- interviewed here by Jamie Glazov at Who seems more likely to prevail? cal understanding of marriage rather than FrontPage about the new book, which he Kilpatrick devotes a chapter to “The the heart’s. intended not only as a wake-up call to the Comparison” between Islam and Christi- My heart, too, supports same-sex West about Islam, but also as a practical anity, in which he points out that Chris- marriage. But relying on the heart alone is guide, especially for Christians, to push tians who buy into the concept of inter- a terribly flawed guide to social policy. And back against its spread and to countering faith unity with Muslims would do well it is the Bible that has produced all of the Islam’s Western apologists. to look more closely at our irreconcilable world’s most compassionate societies. Christianity, Islam, and Atheism differences instead of our limited common This, then, is the great modern battle: opens with a section titled “The Islamic ground; he demonstrates, for example, that the Bible and the heart vs. the heart alone. Threat,” in which Kilpatrick describes the the imitation of Christ and the imitation — Dennis Prager rise of supremacist Islam and our cor- of Muhammad lead a believer in radically The Washington Times respondingly tepid defense of Western different directions. April 8, 2013, p. 27 values. Our collapse in the face of Islam, In “The Culture War and the Ter- Islam he says, is due in large part to our aban- ror War” section, Kilpatrick notes that Now that the Boston bombers have donment of Christianity, which has led Christianity is on the losing side of the turned out, contrary to the fervent hope of to “a population vacuum and a spiritual many fronts of our own culture war, and the left, to be not Tea Partiers but Mus- vacuum” that Islam has rushed to fill. “A this doesn’t bode well for the West’s clash lims, the media are spinning the terrorists’ secular society… can’t fight a spiritual war,” with a resurgent Islam. An obsession with motive away from jihad and shrugging, Kilpatrick writes. Contrary to the multi- the shallow, ephemeral distractions of pop helplessly mystified, about the “senseless” culturalist fantasy dominant in the West culture isn’t helping to shore up our cul- attacks. And so our willful blindness about today, “cultures aren’t the same because re- tural foundations. “Our survival,” he writes, Islam continues. Nearly a dozen years after ligions aren’t the same. Some religions are “hinges not on generating a succession the 9/11 attacks, too many Americans still more rational, more compassionate, more of momentary sensations, but on finding cling to militant denial about the clear and forgiving, and more peaceful than others.” narratives that tell us who we are, where we present danger of an Islamic fundamental- This is heresy in today’s morally relativistic have come from, and where we are going”: ism surging against an anemic Western world, but it’s a critical point because “as Our ability to resist aggression – culture. What will it take to educate them? Christianity goes, so goes the culture.” whether cultural or military – depends on And once awakened, what steps can we Kilpatrick notes that Christians today the conviction that we have something take to reverse the tide? have lost all cultural confidence and are worth defending: something that ought to The vicious Boston attack makes suffering a “crisis of masculinity,” thanks to be preserved not only for our own sake but these questions and William “Kirk” Kil- the feminizing influences of multicultural- also for the sake of those who attack us. patrick’s new book Christianity, Islam, and ism and feminism. He devotes significant In the section “Islam’s Enablers,” Atheism: The Struggle for the Soul of the space to encouraging Christians to, well, Kilpatrick addresses the multicultural- West all the more timely. In addition to be- grow a pair, to put it indelicately, in order to ists, secularists, atheists, and Christian ing an occasional contributor to FrontPage confront Islam, the “most hypermasculine apologists for Islam whose intellectual Magazine, Kilpatrick is the author of other religion in history”: influences have contributed to the moral books, including Why Johnny Can’t Tell On the one hand, you have a growing decline and Islamization of the West. In a Right from Wrong and Books That Build population of Muslim believers brimming chapter with the great title “Multicultural- Character: A Guide to Teaching Your with masculine self-confidence and asser- ists: Why Johnny Can’t Read the Writing Child Moral Values Through Stories, and tiveness about their faith, and on the other on the Wall,” Kilpatrick comments on the

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indoctrinating impact of multicultural be devoting our energies to exposing its born, R-Colo., that was signed by dozens educators and their whitewashing of Islam hollowness,” relentlessly sowing the seeds of other members. and denigration of our own culture: of doubt among Muslims and encouraging It was addressed to Army Secretary [O]ur students would have been bet- them to abandon the faith. Taking that to John. M . McHugh at the Pentagon. ter served if they had spent less time study- the next level, Kilpatrick urges Christians “We call on you to rescind this ing the Battle of Wounded Knee and more to undertake the daunting task of mount- briefing and set the record straight on time studying the Battle of Lepanto, less ing a widespread evangelizing of Muslims, the Army’s view on these faith groups by time understanding the beauty of diversity luring them to Christianity with the liber- providing a balanced briefing on religious and more time understanding the misery ating message of the Gospel. He concedes extremism,” the letter said. of dhimmitude. that this is a long-term strategy and we The letter was prompted by reports Finally, in “The Cold War with Islam,” have no time to lose, but “both Islam and that soldiers were taught that evangeli- Kilpatrick is pessimistic of our desire to the left stand on very shaky ideological cal Christians are an extremist threat to win the hearts and minds of “moderate ground… Christians should take courage America along with groups such as the Muslims.” He examines at length just what from knowing that in this war of ideas, all Muslim Brotherhood, KKK, Nation of that label actually means, and then notes the best ideas are on their side.” Islam, al-Qaida and Hamas. that such a strategy isn’t an especially help- The Freedom Center’s own Robert “Men and women of faith who have ful one: Spencer calls Christianity, Islam, and Athe- served the Army faithfully for centuries The promotion of the moderate myth ism “essential reading” and “a concise and shouldn’t be likened to those who have is counterproductive because it misleads comprehensive introduction to the reality regularly threatened the peace and security the West into thinking that its problem is and magnitude of the Islamic supremacist of the United States,” said retired Col. Ron only with a small slice of Islam and because threat.” That is exactly right. This brief Crews, executive director of the Chaplain it strengthens the hand of traditional Islam, review does not do justice to the book’s Alliance for Religious Liberty. “It is dishon- which is the source of radicalism, not the breadth and compelling moral and cultural orable for any U.S. military entity to allow solution to it. arguments. It’s an important addition to a this type of wrongheaded characterization. What are his recommendations for library for educating ourselves and others It also appears that some military entities mounting a defense of our values against about, as the subtitle puts it, “the struggle are using definitions of ‘hate’ and ‘extreme’ the aggressive spread of Islamic ones? for the soul of the West.” from the lists of anti-Christian political Reviving the commitment to our own — Mark Tapson organizations. That violates the apolitical Judeo-Christian values for starters, and FrontPage Magazine stance appropriate for the military.” then, “instead of a constant yielding to Is- April 26, 2013 See what Christian really is, in “Body lamic sensitivities, it may be time for some Secularism of Divinity: The Sum and Substance of the containment. Sharia… should not be Members of Congress have expressed Christian Religion.” allowed to spread through Western societ- astonishment that the U.S. Army Reserve The U.S. Army Reserve Equal Oppor- ies.” He touches on immigration, noting would use a training brief that slams tunity training briefing, given to an Army that it’s a problematic issue but suggesting Catholics, evangelical Christians and oth- reserve unit in , was titled that it’s reasonable to question the motives ers and are demanding the practice come “Extremism and Extremist Organizations.” and agendas of immigrant groups. The to a halt – now. The material mentions neo-Nazis, message we must send? “Islam will not “Our nation needs to have an honest the KKK and other white supremacist prevail. The West will not yield. You must conversation about religious extremism organizations. Pictures are shown on accommodate to our values and way of life and what we can do to avoid religious various slides of people in Klan attire and if you choose to live among us.” violence. However, labeling these major Nazi flags. The significance of gang tattoos, As for going on the offensive, “instead world religions as extremists is wrong and racist acronyms and numbers was also of making excuses for Islam… we should hurtful,” said a letter by Rep. Doug Lam- discussed.

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While the material on gangs and racist Ander Crenshaw, Steven Palazzo, Marsha jihadists for possible attacks while serving organizations is similar to what one might Blackburn, Bill Posey, James Lankford, Pat- on a destroyer. receive from a local police briefing on gang rick McHenry, Stephen Fincher, Doug La- • Ali Abdul Saoud Mohammed, an issues, after teaching on neo-Nazis in the Malfa, Michael Burgess, Paul Broun, Frank Army Special Forces instructor at the Spe- military such as Timothy McVeigh, the Wolf, Michael Conaway, Jeff Duncan, Dan cial Ops Warfare School at Fort Bragg while material makes a remarkable link. Benishek, Virginia Foxx, Steve Stockman, simultaneously being a trainer for al-Qaida A slide titled “Religious Extremism” Ken Calvert and Jeff Miller. and traveling overseas to fight with jihadists. lists multiple organizations such as the WND reported that after the military • Sgt Hasan Akbar, who killed Muslim Brotherhood, al-Qaida, Hamas, briefing a soldier who describes himself as two of his fellow soldiers and injured 14 the Nation of Islam, the Ku Klux Klan an evangelical told the trainer he was of- others at a military base in Kuwait when he and the Christian Identity movement as fended by the material and asked for a copy threw four grenades into three tents where examples of extremist groups. of it. After receiving a copy, he forwarded soldiers were sleeping. His reasoning was to However, the first group on the list is the material to Crews. prevent the killing of his fellow Muslims. evangelical Christianity. Catholicism and The material describes religious Conspicuously missing was Muslim ultra-orthodox Judaism are also on the list extremists as those having beliefs, attitudes, Maj. Nidal Hasan, who opened fire on of religious extremist organizations. feelings or actions that are “far removed fellow soldiers at Fort Hood while allegedly The letter said the members of from the ordinary.” It then elaborates by shouting “Allahu Akbar.” Hasan’s rampage Congress were concerned to learn of the saying that “every religion has some follow- left 13 dead and 30 injured. training brief. ers that believe that their beliefs, customs The Army has gone to great lengths “This is astonishing and offensive and and traditions are the only ‘right way’ and to minimize the Hasan attack, going so we urge you to immediately rescind this that all others practicing their faith the far as to call it simply a case of workplace briefing,” said the letter. ‘wrong way.’” violence, similar to when an employee gets “Religious extremism is a very seri- Crews said it is astounding that soldiers into a fight with a co-worker. ous topic, but equating these major world were taught that a key foundation of the The Army has doubled down on its religions with violent extremist groups is Christian faith is now considered extreme decision by issuing a report to Congress simply not acceptable. As you know, the and compared to those who want to imple- claiming that recent legislation that would Army is a microcosm of our country and is ment Islamic law. label the Fort Hood shootings a terrorist filled with faithful and peace-loving Catho- “The idea of salvation being exclusively act in order to help survivors and victim’s lics, Jews, Muslims and evangelical Chris- through Christ is a key doctrine of the families would jeopardize Hasan’s chances tians who are proudly serving our country. Christian faith,” Crews said. “It is amazing of receiving a fair trial. This briefing reveals an anti-religion bias that the trainer felt they had the author- “Passage of this legislation could rather than a rational approach to religious ity and right to list evangelical Christian, directly and indirectly influence potential extremism.” Catholics and orthodox Jews alongside court-martial panel members, witnesses, or The signatories, along with Lamborn, groups like the Muslim Brotherhood.” the chain of command, all of whom exer- were Reps. John Fleming, Robert Pittenger, cise a critical role under the Uniform Code Scott Garrett, Alan Nunnelee, Tim Huel- The brief does not provide any ex- of Military Justice,” the Army said. “Defense skamp, Trent Franks, Walter Jones, Vicky amples of how evangelical Christians and counsel will argue that Major Hasan cannot Hartzler, Jack Kingston, Steve King, Gus Catholics are a danger to those serving in receive a fair trial because a branch of gov- Bilirakis, Vern Buchanan, Tim Walberg, the military. However, it offers several ex- ernment has indirectly declared that Major Michele Bachmann, Bill Nuisenga, Mike amples of Muslim extremists in the military. Hasan is a terrorist – that he is criminally Kelly, Duncan Hunter, Dan Lipinski, Lynn Among them are: culpable.” Jenkins, Ron DeSantis, Randy Weber, • Navy petty officer Hassan Abuji- Crews said the major problem with the Lynn Westmoreland, Jason Chaffetz, had, who emailed classified information to training brief is that it relies heavily on mate-

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rial provided by the Southern Poverty Law Union—prevailed. We averted a new dark silence of conservative political leaders? Center, which has claimed that WND, age. Haven’t conservatives also lapsed the Family Research Council and other But we didn’t enter a new age of into silence about the barbarians outside? pro-family groups are hate groups and enlightenment. The Soviet threat replaced Bush’s “war on terror” has been much extremists. the Nazi one. The barbarism of Mao and mocked, and not just by liberals. Of course “We’re concerned the use of the SPLC Pol Pot matched the worst of what had the idea is too abstract. Still, on the big list is not isolated,” Crews said. “The Army gone before. And the end of the Cold question Bush was right. Terror is real, and should make sure its equal opportunity War didn’t mean an end to the assaults on terrorists must be defeated. Bush’s failure officers across the military do not fall prey civilization—foremost among them the was to stop short in 2004, when he had the and use this SPLC list that identifies Chris- attacks of 9/11. terror sponsors on their heels, and to allow tian and conservative organizations as hate The bombs on Patriots’ Day in them to regain momentum. That mo- groups as the basis for their briefing.” Boston brought a fresh reminder, if any mentum has accelerated under President — WorldNet Daily were needed, that there are still those who Obama. April 21, 2013 would send us into a new dark age. And Consider the attitude of the Obama the trial of the murderer-abortionist Dr. administration, as revealed in this ex- And now, what’s going to happen to us Kermit Gosnell in Philadelphia reminds change in the White House press room without barbarians? us that other barbarous things are being last Wednesday, two days after the Boston They were, those people, a kind of solu- done in our midst. So there are still, in the terror attack. A journalist asked White tion. enlightened and progressive 21st century, House spokesman Jay Carney the follow- How many times in the last cen- barbarians at the gates—and, sadly, within ing question: tury have these concluding lines of C. P. the gates. I send my deepest condolence to the Cavafy’s famous 1898 poem, “Waiting for The barbarians within the gates victims and families in Boston. President the Barbarians,” been quoted? How many should lead us to reconsider certain un- Obama said that what happened in Boston modern intellectuals have pondered the civilized aspects of our own society—such was an act of terrorism. I would like to ask: subversive implications of that sophisti- as the unfettered abortion regime of Roe Do you consider the U.S. bombing of civil- cated question? v. Wade, which both empowered Gosnell ians in Afghanistan earlier this month that It’s an interesting question. But it and removed barriers to his barbarism. killed—that left 11 children and a woman turned out to be a hypothetical one. The It’s not fashionable today, even among killed a form of terrorism? Why, or why 20th century didn’t lack for barbarians. conservatives, to make Ronald Reagan’s not? Indeed, modern barbarism proved more pro-life arguments, or to profess concern The White House spokesman’s dangerous than the old-fashioned kind. for civic virtues, as Margaret Thatcher answer? As Churchill put it in his great House of did. Who today explains that the abor- Well, I would have to know more Commons speech on June 18, 1940, after tion regime of Roe is one unworthy of a about the incident. And obviously the De- the fall of France, rallying Britain against decent country, or that uncertainties about partment of Defense would have answers the National Socialist tyranny in Germany: how far government can and should go in to your questions on this matter. We have “But if we fail, then the whole world, in- protecting unborn children are no excuse more than 60,000 U.S. troops involved in a cluding the United States, including all that for a failure to protect them at all? Who war in Afghanistan, a war that began when we have known and cared for, will sink into points out that how we treat the unborn the United States was attacked in an attack the abyss of a new dark age made more has implications for how we treat the born? that was organized on the soil of Afghani- sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by The silence of the liberals about Gosnell is stan by al Qaeda, by Osama bin Laden, the lights of perverted science.” understandable. His deeds raise uncom- and others. And 3,000 people were killed Of course, Churchill and Britain— fortable questions for and about modern in that attack. And it has been the presi- joined by the United States and the Soviet liberalism. But what is the excuse for the dent’s objective, once he took office, to

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make clear what our goals are in Afghani- question. But it’s a real one. simple as people thought,” said Bjorn stan, and that is to disrupt, dismantle, and — The Weekly Standard Lomborg, a Danish statistician and author ultimately defeat al Qaeda. With that as April 29, 2013, p. 7 of “The Skeptical Environmentalist” who our objective to provide enough assistance Global Warming estimates that moderate warming will be to Afghan national security forces and the (Reuters) - Scientists are struggling to beneficial for crop growth and human Afghan government to allow them to take explain a slowdown in climate change that health. over security for themselves, and that pro- has exposed gaps in their understanding Some experts say their trust in climate cess is under way and the United States has and defies a rise in global greenhouse gas science has declined because of the many withdrawn a substantial number of troops emissions. uncertainties. The UN’s Intergovernmen- and we’re in the process of drawing down Often focused on century-long trends, tal Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) had further as we hand over security lead to most climate models failed to predict that to correct a 2007 report that exaggerated Afghan forces. And it is certainly the case, the temperature rise would slow, starting the pace of melt of the Himalayan glaciers but I refer you to the Defense Department around 2000. Scientists are now intent on and wrongly said they could all vanish by for details, that we take great care in the figuring out the causes and determining 2035. prosecution of this war, and we are very whether the respite will be brief or a more “My own confidence in the data has mindful of what our objectives are. lasting phenomenon. gone down in the past five years,” said Appalling. We have a White House Getting this right is essential for the Richard Tol, an expert in climate change spokesman who seems incapable of say- short and long-term planning of govern- and professor of economics at the Univer- ing: We regret any inadvertent killing of ments and businesses ranging from energy sity of Sussex in England. civilians in Afghanistan, but American to construction, from agriculture to insur- Swedish chemist Svante Arrhenius troops fighting there are not engaged in ance. Many scientists say they expect a first showed in the 1890s how man-made terrorism. We have a White House that revival of warming in coming years. carbon dioxide, from coal for instance, lacks moral clarity about the world in Theories for the pause include that traps heat in the atmosphere. Many of the which we live. Moral clarity by itself isn’t deep oceans have taken up more heat with exact effects are still unknown. sufficient to produce a successful national the result that the surface is cooler than Greenhouse gas emissions have hit security strategy, or for that matter success- expected, that industrial pollution in Asia repeated record highs with annual growth ful domestic policies. But a degree of moral or clouds are blocking the sun, or that of about 3 percent in most of the decade to clarity and candor is surely necessary. A greenhouse gases trap less heat than previ- 2010, partly powered by rises in China and political leadership that cannot speak of ously believed. India. World emissions were 75 percent barbarism with the same confidence with The change may be a result of an higher in 2010 than in 1970, UN data which medicine speaks, for example, of observed decline in heat-trapping water show. cancer, cannot understand political phe- vapor in the high atmosphere, for un- UN PANEL SEEKS nomena for what they are and cannot deal known reasons. It could be a combination EXPLANATION with the threats to civilization as they exist. of factors or some as yet unknown natural A rapid rise in global temperatures In the 19th century, liberals like John variations, scientists say. in the 1980s and 1990s - when clean air Stuart Mill could write of civilization Weak economic growth and the pause laws in developed nations cut pollution and barbarism. In the last half of the 20th in warming is undermining governments’ and made sunshine stronger at the earth’s century, as liberalism degenerated, it fell to willingness to make a rapid billion-dollar surface - made for a compelling argument conservatives like Reagan and Thatcher to shift from fossil fuels. Almost 200 govern- that human emissions were to blame. call the evil empire by its proper name, and ments have agreed to work out a plan by The IPCC will seek to explain the to stand up to it. Do we in the 21st century the end of 2015 to combat global warm- current pause in a report to be released have what it takes to confront and defeat ing. in three parts from late 2013 as the main today’s barbarians? It’s not a sophisticated “The climate system is not quite so scientific roadmap for governments in

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shifting from fossil fuels towards renew- more easily than dense salt water. perished. The indications are that this able energies such as solar or wind power, Some experts challenged the findings. winter, which has dragged on so long and the panel’s chairman Rajendra Pachauri “The hypothesis is plausible I just with such brutality, will claim 30,000 lives, said. don’t believe the study proves it to be true,” making it one of the biggest killers in the According to Pachauri, temperature said Paul Holland, an ice expert at the Brit- country. And still, no one seems upset. records since 1850 “show there are fluctua- ish Antarctic Survey. Somewhere between the release of tions. They are 10, 15 years in duration. Concern about climate change is the 1984 Band Aid single and Al Gore’s But the trend is unmistakable.” rising in some nations, however, opinion 2006 documentary An Inconvenient The IPCC has consistently said that polls show. Extreme events, such as Super- Truth, political attention shifted away fluctuations in the weather, perhaps caused storm Sandy that hit the U.S. east coast last from such problems. The idea of people by variations in sunspots or a La Nina cool- year, may be the cause. A record heatwave (especially old people) dying in their ing of the Pacific, can mask any warming in Australia this summer forced weather homes from conditions with which we are trend and the panel has never predicted a forecasters to add a new dark magenta all familiar now seems relatively boring. year-by-year rise in temperatures. color to the map for temperatures up to 54 Much political attention is still focused Experts say short-term climate fore- degrees Celsius (129F). on global warming, and while schemes to casts are vital to help governments, insurers — Alister Doyle help Britain prepare for the cold are being and energy companies to plan. Reuters cut, the overseas aid budget is being vastly Governments will find little point in April 16, 2013 expanded. Saving elderly British lives has reinforcing road bridges over rivers, for somehow become the least fashionable instance, if a prediction of more floods by A few months ago, a group of students cause in politics. 2100 doesn’t apply to the 2020s. in Oslo produced a brilliant spoof video The reaction to the 2003 heatwave A section of a draft IPCC report, look- that lampooned the charity pop song was extraordinary. It was blamed for 2,000 ing at short-term trends, says temperatures genre. It showed a group of young Africans deaths, and taken as a warning that Britain are likely to be 0.4 to 1.0 degree Celsius coming together to raise money for those was horribly unprepared for the coming (0.7-1.8F) warmer from 2016-35 than in of us freezing in the north. “A lot of people era of snowless winters and barbecue sum- the two decades to 2005. Rain and snow aren’t aware of what’s going on there right mers. The government’s chief scientific may increase in areas that already have now,” says the African equivalent of Bob officer, Sir David King, later declared that high precipitation and decline in areas with Geldof. “People don’t ignore starving climate change was “more serious even scarcity, it says. people, so why should we ignore cold than the threat of terrorism” in terms of the EXCEPTIONS AND people? Frostbite kills too. Africa: we need number of lives that could be lost. Such CHALLENGES to make a difference.” The song – Africa for language is never used about the cold, Pachauri said climate change can have Norway – has been watched online two which kills at least 10 times as many people counter-intuitive effects, like more snow- million times, making it one of Europe’s every winter. Before long, every political fall in winter that some people find hard to most popular political videos. party had signed up to the green agenda. accept as side-effects of a warming trend. The aim was to send up the patronis- Since Sir David’s exhortations, some An IPCC report last year said warmer ing, cliched way in which the West views 250,000 Brits have died from the cold, and air can absorb more moisture, leading to Africa. Norway can afford to make the joke 10,000 from the heat. It is horribly clear heavier snowfall in some areas. because there, people don’t tend to die of that we have been focusing on the wrong A study by Dutch experts this month the cold. In Britain, we still do. Each year, enemy. Instead of making sure energy was sought to explain why there is now more an official estimate is made of the “excess affordable, ministers have been trying to sea ice in winter. It concluded melted ice winter mortality” – that is, the number of make it more expensive, with carbon price from Antarctica was refreezing on the people dying of cold-related illnesses. Last floors and emissions trading schemes. Fuel ocean surface - this fresh water freezes winter was relatively mild, and still 24,000 prices have doubled over seven years, forc-

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ing millions to choose between heat and been exaggerated – by a factor of two. The him were being written a cheque, and he food – and government has found itself a natural cycle of heating and cooling, they had used it to buy a magnum of claret in major part of the problem. discovered, plays a far bigger role than they protest. He was a major philanthropist, This is slowly beginning to dawn on had imagined. Mr Davey’s fuel bill taxes but wanted to make the point to his Ed Davey, the Secretary of State for Energy may do nothing for the planet. But they lunch guests: the winter fuel payment is a and Climate Change. He has tried to will certainly lead to poorer, colder homes scandal, whose very existence suggests that point the finger at energy companies, but and shorter lives. government is not serious about helping his own department let the truth slip out Our understanding of climate science people make it through winter. in the small print of a report released on may be weak, but our understanding of No one would wear a wristband or Wednesday. The average annual fuel bill basic medicine is not. Low temperatures pin on a ribbon for the elderly victims of is expected to have risen by £76 by 2020, increase blood pressure and weaken the the cold – and yet freezing weather kills it says. But take out Davey’s hidden taxes immune system, making everyone more more than diabetes or breast cancer. The (carbon price floor, emissions trading vulnerable to bugs. For the elderly, this cause of death is perhaps too familiar, and scheme, etc) and we’d be paying an average can be fatal. People don’t actually die of the remedy too obvious, to attract much £123 less. His department has been trying frostbite, as the Norwegian video teasingly attention. If the money for winter fuel to make homes cheaper to heat, and in a suggested. They die of flu, or thrombosis, payments was instead used to help insulate saner world this would be his only remit: or other conditions they would not have homes, we might – like Norway – be able to secure not the greenest energy, but the acquired if their house had been warmer. to joke about winter. As things stand, dy- most affordable energy. Far fewer Scandinavians die in winter, be- ing of the cold remains a horribly British By now, the Energy Secretary will also cause they have worked out how to defeat disease. have realised another inconvenient truth the cold: keep the heating on; insulate — Fraser Nelson – that, for Britain, global warming is likely houses. It really is that simple. London Telegraph to save far more lives then it threatens. So what’s stopping us? For years, March 28, 2013 Delve deep enough into the Government’s various government schemes have sought Marriage forecasts, and they speculate that global to insulate lofts or upgrade boilers, but The homosexual lobby is on the verge warming will lead to 6,000 fewer deaths a nowhere near quickly enough. When MPs of a historic victory. The potential conse- year, on average, by the end of the decade. looked into this three years ago, they heard quences will be calamitous for democracy This is the supposed threat facing us: from a Mr P of Cornwall. “The offer of a and the family. It will usher in a brave new children would be less likely to have snow boiler is very much appreciated,” he said. world marked by cultural decadence and to play in at Christmas, but more likely to “We hope that we will still be alive when judicial tyranny. Traditional America will have grandparents to visit over Easter. Not we get the visit about the end of February.” be smashed — probably forever. a bad trade-off. The greatest uncertainty is With someone dying of the cold every This week, the Supreme Court heard whether global warming, which has stalled seven minutes during winter, that may not two landmark cases regarding same-sex since 1998, will arrive quickly enough to have been a joke. The modest insulation unions. The justices are expected to render make a difference. scheme has been hit by cuts, while the their decision sometime in the spring. The It’s daft to draw any conclusions from mammoth winter fuel payment scheme first case involves California’s Proposi- this freakish, frozen spring. But in general, continues untouched. The word “fuel” is, tion 8, which bans homosexual marriage. the computer-generated predictions do of course, redundant: it’s a simple bung, The other is the Defense of Marriage not seem as reliable as they did when Al paid to all pensioners – who are more Act, passed by both Republicans and D Gore was using them to scare the bejesus likely to vote. emocrats and signed by President Clinton. out of us. A few weeks ago, scientists at the I once drank a winter fuel allowance. The goal of liberals (and some conserva- University of Washington found that man’s It had been paid to a self-made million- tives) is to legalize same-sex marriage by contribution to global warming may have aire who was appalled that people like using the power of the federal government

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to redefine an institution that goes back marriage is a contradiction, an oxymo- importance. It’s not some kind of a public thousands of years. They are seeking to ron. It is an attempt to redefine reality club open to everyone. Liberal logic on the impose a social revolution from above. and human nature. Marriage is the basic issue inevitably paves the way for moral an- Their weapon: the courts.The attempt institution of society. Its very definition archy and social disintegration. If marriage to roll back Proposition 8 represents a (and essence) is the sacred union between is a civil right, then anyone — including fundamental assault on our democracy. In a man and a woman. Its fundamental aim polygamists, bigamists and pedophiles — 2008, the voters of California decided in a — and the reason for centuries it has held will demand that they be allowed to form free and fair election to retain the historic a special status in Western civilization — is unions. In fact, this is already taking place — and real — definition of marriage as the to produce, raise and socialize children. It is in Europe, Canada and Brazil, where same- union between a man and a woman. The the social conveyor belt by which one gen- sex marriage has been legalized.The push referendum passed with nearly 53 percent. eration is passed on to the next. Destroy for homosexual marriage is a symptom Blacks and Hispanics supported it by large the family, and with it goes the glue hold- of cultural decay and moral decadence. It majorities. The electorate spoke. Instead of ing society together.Homosexuals cannot reveals a civilization unable or unwilling respecting the vote, however, the homo- have children naturally. Their lifestyles and to defend its most vital institutions. This sexual lobby has sought to overturn the behaviors inevitably lead to a culture of is why many Americans innately know its will of the people. The courts then nullified death — the absence of any future human wrong. It’s why the homosexual lobby has the election pending the appeal process. It life, the fruits of a marital union. Liberal to crush dissenting voices. The cost, how- is now in the hands of the high court.This is activists have been trying desperately to ever, is the sabotaging of our democracy. a national tragedy — and shame. Democ- suppress a fundamental truth: Homo- — Jeffrey T. Kuhner racy is being subordinated to judicial impe- sexual behavior — for example, sodomy The Washington Times rialism. The right of self-government is be- — is unnatural and immoral. This is why it April 8, 2013, p. 30 ing supplanted by the rule of unelected and has been historically considered a grave sin unaccountable elites. It is liberal fascism in Christianity, Islam and Judaism. Even masquerading as judicial review. Wearing deists, such as Thomas Jefferson, believed black robes does not give judges the jus- sodomy so violated public morality that tification to repeal an election. Judges are those who practiced it should be castrated. becoming modern-day fascists, unilaterally Yet, by claiming that marriage is a “civil wielding state power to trample on legisla- right,” pro-homosexual activists are hoping tive prerogatives, democratic freedoms to portray same-sex marriage critics as in- and basic social institutions. We are slowly tolerant bigots. In fact, their objective is to ceding power not to a single dictator, but import the “hate speech” laws common in to a gang of legal oligarchs — ideological Europe. This leads to social intolerance and leftist activists who are legislating from the secular McCarthyism, whereby the Bible is bench. If five Supreme Court justices can viewed as hate literature for its opposition reverse Proposition 8, then popular elec- to homosexuality. The Catholic Church tions will be rendered meaningless. We are is demonized for its teachings. European sliding toward a post-democratic age. This Christians and traditionalists face growing is the inevitable logic of secular liberal- persecution, including denial of access to ism.Moreover, homosexual marriage has government employment and positions at nothing to do with “tolerance” or ending universities.Marriage is not a right; rather, “discrimination.” It is about legitimizing the it is a solemn responsibility and distinct homosexual lifestyle, compelling society to privilege that has been accorded a sacred embrace a radical new morality. Same-sex status because of its overwhelming societal

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