MOVIE · RADIO GUIDE: the National Weekly of Personalities and Programs
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, . ~ " :I> 0). ' .. .... ... -~ .. r .... y . AEA87B Stay Out of Hollywood and Keep Out of Trouble The Inside Story of the Record Business wit h Pictures of Your Favorite Maestros MOVIE · RADIO GUIDE: The National Weekly of Personalities and Programs Will Hays Talks to the Editor and Sends Out an Edict T HIS is good news. It concerns our own rT)odest these scenes is unnecessary. but sincere effort to eliminate unnecessary "There are some pictures, of course, in which drinking in motion pictures. On a recent after dri n ki ng is held up as a repulsive a nd d angerou s noon we received an invitation to confer with practise, and such cases may do as much good W ill H ays, head of the Motion Pictures Pro as the joyfully convivial ones may do harm. They d ucers Associatio n. Our t alk was illuminating. are, in themselves, powerful sermons against La st April, Will Hays told us , the motion drink. picture producers whom he represents became "Where necessa ry to the motivation of a f il m aware of the great number of dri nking-scenes in plot, however, the ordinary kind of social drink movies. At t hat t ime t hey took their first steps ing may be handled with a delicacy that renders t o reduce them to those required solely for plot the scene inoffensive. But, of course, this kind of o r motivation. Since then, at subsequent meet drinking should be done in strict moderation in a ings, the problem ha s been d iscussed. The recent p icture, ju st as it should be done In life itself. editorial in Movie-Rad io Guide brought the "Sincerely, matte r to the forefront. As a result of that edi " Cecil B. DeMille." torial your editor was able to show Mr. Hays approximately 4 ,500 sig natures of people op SUPER-PRODUCER Cecil B. DeMille, with As we said in t he beginning, Mr. DeMille is a posed to un necessa ry drinking on the screen. Mrs. B. D. Shreve in studio, endorses Movie g reat producer, and one of the si g ns of t hat We can report now that Mr. H ays promised Radio Guide's anti-movie-tippling drive greatness is his acceptance of the responsibility action. We can d isclose also the fa ct that, de of keeping his pictures clean. W e applaud his spite the MPPA's in terest of last Apri l, a survey good sense. of 1940 pictures shows an astounding number of drink ing-scenes. Bu t now, good intentions are YOTE!!! The directors and producers of H olly to be supple mented by action. W e hear from CONTENTS wood have asked Movie-Radio Guide to deter Holl ywood that the Hays office has sent an order mine the most popular picture of 1940. They to all studios that there must be no more drink Movies want to please the American audience and they ing-scenes. Pictures will not show li quor, drinking, Stay Out of Hollywood and Ke ep Out have expressed the belief that the readers of or drunks. Lacking official confirmation, we do of Trouble (an a.rticle). ..... .. 2 this publication are typical of the best sort of not know whether or not t hi s is a complete From Gags to Riches (an article) .. 4 American audience. You r vote, therefore, is of blanket order permitting no exceptions. We hope This Week in Hollywood ( news) ... 6 more than casual importance. Please turn to not. We are against drinking for atmosphere, Reviews (a department) . ........ 6 page 37 and fill in the coupon. Be sure to do or for comedy purposes, but there a re some " Santa Fe Trail" (Picture of the your share in Movie-Radio Guide's First Annual great stori es in which t he use of li quor is re Week) ... ..... ..... .. .. .... 8 Picture Poll. quired. Such scenes should be permitted. The Life and Loves of Queen Bette At this writing a gl'eat many movies are in ( Part II) (an article)..... .. .10 GIRL ON THE COYER: Before people knew preparation for the 1941 season. We hope they Shots in the Dark ........ .. .. .. .. 12 Virg inia Verrill 's name or her personality, they will be produced in accord with the d ictates of knew her velvet vo ice-as the si nging double of good taste and artistic rea sonableness. We shall Radio many sc reen stars. First job of this Cali fornia watch their arrival on our screens with complete This Week's Radio Events . .. .. ... 13 born, Hollywood-bred girl , at the age of thirteen, faith in Mr. Hays. Th is Week's Music . .14 in fact, was doubling in voice for Barbara Stan This Week's Drama ...... .......... 15 \'!yck. But Virginia aimed to be something more WE LIKE THIS LETTER First Families of Radio (" Mr. Dis- than a prima-donna-by-proxy; even making song " Dea r Ed itor: trict Attorney" ) .... ... 33 sh orts as herself d idn't satisfy. For her greatest " You solved my C hristmas-tag problem when 100,000,000 Records .. ... .34 success-in radio-she c redits he r vaudeville you p ublish ed that beautiful cover of Mary On the Bandwagon (a department). 36 agent mother, Mrs. Aimee McLean, and famed Martin. A pair of scissors, a few snips, and I had News From the Music Front. .... 37 radio conductor Dave Broekman. It was when the most gorgeous Movie Poll .... .............. .... .. 37 Broekman was director at KHJ , Los Angeles, that XlT'as tag ever tied to Along the Airialtos (news) . ... 38 Vi rginia made her network debut over that st a a pair of house slip O~ Short Waves (a department) . 40 tion. At the age of pe rs. I took a photo twenty-four - if the of the tag and I want Programs publicity men are you to know that I Week of January 11-17 .......... 16-32 right-Virginia is to certainly got more day a veteran of big than my dime's worth Curtis Mitchell, Editor time shows. Song out of that issue of Vol. 10, No. 14 January 11-17, 1941 stress of the revived Movie -Radio Guide. 731 P lymouth Court, Chicago, III. ;' Show Boat" current " " Yours truly, " ly heard on Mondays, --- Greer. i~ j;~~ :; 1 ~ (' 1:~ ; ;~:I~~;I;;, f ~ ;;! a1; ~. :/; I o;:~\' i C~)I'~~~l ~ll /lI~~\~:: ;1'~ll ~ ;~'/Li,' f'~i 41~' ~ ~! 1;1 she was also featured \Vil "i oll Brown ..\: l'\\' Yo!'1, : 1';"'111 " ]'ltllllIIU'r, U ()I L\'\\'oud ; ])011 Novel Christmas Tag ~: ;;'~lJ~;l . " :,:il~ ll:~'~;~ ~ 1:)1) ;]{ ir·l~l;~\ ~ll es K~~1.1 .'; Li~~\':,t'~:i ,.a ~:11:11~~·I;:;::' ; ; \/ t;~~~l~~ on the original Max CECIL B. DEMILLE Yh-:l Li t'lJl ill:!. :\1 1I ) i(', Ellitoriu/ ,\ ,o(x i xlllnl J<: .J ulill ( 'arlsoll, we ll House " Show Fnllll'is t'1i:I"c, .11'., H aymond H anlutl, ( 'h :1 I'I('" LIIC'igllo, is a great producer. ;\l1hur ,' lil ler, ('] ;11 '(' 111 '(' Heule r, :\ I c ldll S ph,:..(t:1. Boat " with Lanny Ross. She does vocals Virginia Verrill W e had seen four movies the week his letter :\I O\' II,;. H "d l l() (':1' 111 1-: ( T nlde :\( ;11'1, Hc:;!i:. tc l'('d , ', !-i, P .ll. --and is featured in came. They were " Arise, My Love," " Little Nelli e ;)! I,l:rt), 1 .;;~~II\' ~ll\~t IX ~\,~~~:~~,h~~' :t. 1 t"IC \\ f~~~l.ti):~ .I(;~II ~lll\;I"I;;\; I:/ 1 --/:1\ Kelly, " " Second Chorus," " Long Voyage Home." comedy ski ts-on " Uncle Walter's Dog House," !:ll;~~~ :: :~J\~~ (:;~~ 1 ' ~~ o!~ 11 b:~~~~, -' ~ , ~~~~~ ~~, "::: '1 ?11~~il~:1 ~.'~~ ~ : : I/~~ ~/ I~lr A ll of them showed drinking-s cenes of various J !HfI, untler t ile ;\I'll)! :\ 1011'1' 11 ::, l Ni !J, .\lItlio l'izf'( \ lI y P o.:l is un ique among radio songst~es~e.s in. ha~ing two degrees of importance. Mr. DeMille's letter was t HTi.'c Ikparllllt'nt.. O t l ;l\\'a, ('anada, ;I ,~ :-:l' l'Hlld · d a:-: ," matlt'l', major commercial shows. Virginia IS five feet ~:~I~,~ : ! : ~711,lt i " L~ t :I~i 't C~;\II ;~ : 11~ ~~, ~~ ~~~I i ~ \\o:I ' ;~:II II :~~ 1 :;~ :I'I Jl l;~ !;~ 1\ i)~J I n,~ t hree, w;ighs 1 19 pounds, has dark-brown hair a t onic. He writes: ,, 1;I IlIIlt'd, :-:(' If ' ;lddrc ~'; l'd cll\,clolll' rQI' J'ctUI"I1, '1\'11 t'e lll ,~ j) l'I' 11111 \' in the l Jlli l<'l1 :-;Iilt('~, ~ulJ s(' 1'Ij)lioll t';1tl' ,~ in tile t), R, and green eyes, and presents a lively, vivacious lind J1 1l,i.'H' ,~s i on,.; and l'O!llltriCS of the P<lIl -,\l tH' I'iI'a n POf.:la l " Dear Mr. Mitchell: j ;ni'J!I: f' ix months, ~ :L(iO; one Ha l', $-1, lilt; LWIl years, a ppearance rarely equalled in a broadcasting $0, 00; t.hrce r eal'::;, $8, 00, SulJ scl'iptioll I'illcii i n foreig n " I thoroughly agree with your editorial stand ("J1 ll1jri~ S : si x 1IIIlIIUIS, ~~, ;:iO; 011 e ,\'1'<1 1', , li,O O, H{' mit II,\' studio. Last fall she got herself a husband-young pll,"!,.;I] lIIoner ordcr, CX PI'(,S" m onel' ()I'dc l' 01' died, (\1';lwn t il on 'tippling in the talki es.' There are too many nn..lcl' 1)1' :\IO\'l Jo;- H .'\llIfI ClI ' IPI-:, ( ' U I'I't"! IH',\' :;cnl ill ," II I) ,~ t'I ' ilJ e l" ,~ Jim Breyley, band agent, lives with him now in l'i.-dL P li'a ~ c a llow 1'011 1' weeks fol' d1l1 n l!(' of ;Hl d l'e ,~,~ , Be SIJI'{, scenes in which the actors are sh own drinking, In ;.!i\'c ImtllllJd alld lIe\\' ad(!l'c:;s , PRINTED IN U , S, A.