PHYSICS VIRTUAL PLAYGROUND Use Algodoo software to create a unique simulation to explain important concepts of . You should:

- Download Algodoo from Managed Software on your laptop. - Learn to use it. - Choose a concept from physics and create a simulation or series of simulations to demonstrate it. - Use screen recording software such as Quick Time Player to record the working of the simulation with either voice-over description or visible text descriptions of how it demonstrates the concept. - Make note of the values you used in the simulation (, angles, , , angles, etc.)

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Topic Concepts

Forces 1st Law, 2nd Law, 3rd Law

Motion kinematics equations, free fall

Projectiles Independence of x and y, angle’s effect on range maximum height and time angular vs tangential , forces that provide centripetal , centrifugal “force”, g’s of Circular Motion a turn

Center of / locating center of mass, toppling & stability, rotational variables depend on radius, center of Rotation mass and the laws of physics, conservation of angular

Energy conservation of energy, heat losses

Momentum conservation of momentum, elastic vs inelastic collisions GRADE ACCURACY CLARITY STYLE The voice-over or text base The voice-over or text based description provides an The simulation has been put description is detailed and extremely clear and easy to together with care, is well- A correctly explains the concept. understand explanation of the designed, tastefully colored The simulation is a valid concept. The simulation and engaging. demonstration of the concept. clearly demonstrates the concept.

The voice-over or text based The voice-over or text base description correctly explains description provides a clear The simulation is well- B the concept. The simulation is explanation of the concepts. designed and not a valid demonstration of the The simulation demonstrates unappealing. concept. the concept.

The voice-over or text based The voice-over or text base description explains the description provides an The simulation gets the job concept, perhaps with minor explanation of the concepts, C done, but could have been a flaws. The simulation is a but could be a little clearer. little better designed. valid demonstration of the The simulation demonstrates concept. the concept.

The voice-over or text base The voice-over or text based description provides an description explains the explanation of the concepts, The simulation is poorly D concept, but has errors. The in unclear. The simulation designed. simulation is not a valid does not demonstrate the demonstration of the concept. concept.