International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change. Volume 14, Issue 3, 2020 Samkhya Yoga Education in Bhagavadgita Ida Ayu Komang Arniatia, aProgram Pascasarjana Prodi Ilmu Agama dan Kebudayaan, Universitas Hindu Indonesia, Denpasar, Indonesia, Email:
[email protected] This paper discusses "Samhkya yoga education in the Bhagavadgita". Data collection is done through a literature study, then analysed by hermeneutics and presented in descriptive, qualitative, and interpretative forms. The study results show: First, Samkhya yoga in the Bhagavadgita contains teachings so that humans know who they and other living creatures are. If humans realise their existence comes from God, there will be feelings of affection for all beings. That love will bring people to an experience of the real truth. Secondly, Samkhya yoga education in the Bhagavadgita, includes: (a) The value of truth (Tattwa), trying to get closer to God and practicing the nature of God's truth; (b) The value of moral education and spiritual awareness that begins to develop or evolve and then practicing spiritual discipline on a regular basis so that it evolves continuously to achieve full spiritual conversion; (c) The value of religious education, the value of divinity, high and absolute spirituality, is rooted in a human belief in his Lord, namely: (1) Believing in atman, the basic reality of the inner spirit of a human or soul as a personal ego; (2) Belief in the law of karma phala, the cause and effect of human actions; (3) Belief in the existence of Samsara (Punarbhawa), repeated human births; and (4) Belief in the existence of moksa, freedom from the cycle of birth and death.