R E V I E W EUR ANN ALLERGY CLIN IMMUNOL VOL 51, N 2, 51-61, 2019 A. RADICE1, G. CARLI2, D. MACCHIA1, A. FARSI2 Allergic reactions after vaccination: translating guidelines into clinical practice 1SOS Allergologia e Immunologia, Firenze, Azienda USL Toscana Centro, Italy 2SOS Allergologia e Immunologia, Prato, Azienda USL Toscana Centro, Italy KEYWORDS Summary vaccine; vaccination; allergic reactions; Vaccination represents one of the most powerful medical interventions on global health. anaphylaxis; vaccine hesitancy; vaccine Despite being safe, sustainable, and effective against infectious and in some cases also components; desensitization non-infectious diseases, it’s nowadays facing general opinion’s hesitancy because of a false perceived risk of adverse events. Adverse reactions to vaccines are relatively rare, instead, and those recognizing a hypersensitivity mechanism are even rarer. Corresponding author The purpose of this review is to offer a practical approach to adverse events after vaccina- Anna Radice Ospedale San Giovanni di Dio tion, focusing on immune-mediated reactions with particular regard to their recognition, Via Torregalli 3, 50143 Firenze diagnosis and management. Phone: +39 055 6932304 According to clinical features, we propose an algorythm for allergologic work-up, which E-mail:
[email protected] helps in confirming hypersensitivity to vaccine, nonetheless ensuring access to vaccination. Finally, a screening questionnaire is included, providing criteria for immunisation in spe- Doi cialized care settings. 10.23822/EurAnnACI.1764-1489.86 Introduction The gain from vaccination is not just about human health, but it is also a matter of financial resources for health systems. “Smallpox is dead” stated the magazine of the World Health It has been calculated that for every dollar spent in vaccines, Organisation (WHO) in 1980.