Neighbourhood update – 9 August 2020 , Whalley Range and

Hello Chorlton, Whalley Range and Fallowfield Neighbourhood Partnership – I hope you are all well? This is neighbourhood update No.21, and as always it’s full of news and information to support those people most at risk from Coronavirus. Please share this update with anyone that you think it might be of interest to, and do drop me a line at [email protected] with any feedback and / or to add information about your group or organisation to the next update (due out Friday 21 August).

Coronavirus cases are increasing across . With this in mind local people are being asked to continue to follow the guidelines, announced last week, to stop the spread of the virus.

We can also help to stop this by: 1. Washing hands often 2. Wearing face coverings 3. Wiping down surfaces 4. Keeping distance from other people 5. Staying at home if you think you have the virus (signs are high temperature, or a new and continuous cough, or loss of smell or taste) and booking a test.

You can get a test and find out how long to stay at home by ringing 119 or by logging on to

There is a wealth of information about Covid-19 available in 12 of languages at the ’s online Covid-19 Community Response Hub. Please share far and wide and help to keep people across Manchester safe and well.

From Saturday 8 August you will have to wear a face covering in MORE PUBLIC PLACES, including museums, cinemas and public libraries. You can see the full list of places here

Manchester’s Covid-19 Community Response Hub is open Mon-Fri 9am-5pm and Sat 10am-2pm.If you need help freephone: 0800 234 6123 or email: [email protected] or text: 078600 22876 (messages responded to by the next working day) or visit

GP Practices in Chorlton, Whalley Range and Fallowfield remain OPEN! If you are feeling unwell or are worried about an existing health condition then please contact your GP practice by telephone or via GP online services. DO NOT VISIT YOUR SURGERY IF YOU HAVE SYMPTOMS OF COVID-19 - SELF ISOLATE AT HOME AND TELEPHONE 119 TO ARRANGE A TEST.

If you are concerned that someone you know might be at risk and in need of some practical support then you can contact:  Care Navigator Service – referrals via [email protected] (also by phone, 0300 303 9650)  Be Well – referrals now via any organisation: [email protected] or 0161 470 7120. Further information here.

Mutual Aid Groups and Volunteering

Coronavirus is still with us and there are still people across Chorlton, Whalley Range and Fallowfield that require support. Please see the links below to the mutual aid groups that are providing neighbourly support across the neighbourhood:

Chorlton Coronavirus Community Response Whalley Range Covid-19 Mutual Support Group Compstall Avenue, M14 Fallowfield Vs Coronavirus

Partner Updates

Introducing Tariq Sandhu, our new Community Care Navigator who joined Chorlton, Whalley Range and Fallowfield Integrated Neighbourhood Team on Monday 3rd August. Tariq will spend the next few weeks getting to know the groups, organisations and services in our neighbourhood and so it is likely that he will soon be in contact with many of you soon. If you have some time over the next couple of weeks to meet with Tariq, either by phone or via video call then do please drop him a line at: [email protected]. Tariq joins Charlee Fitzgerald, Primary Care Navigator (see photo opposite) in helping to keep people living in our Neighbourhood safe and well. Referrals to Care Navigator service should be made via email: [email protected] or tel: 0300 303 9650).

Whalley Range Sure Start Centre will now only be running Food Club once-a-week, on Fridays. It’s £1 to join and £3.50 a bag for approximately £15 worth of food. Please contact Pam Gallagher for further information: Email: [email protected].

Caribbean and African Health Network can provide support with emotional and wellbeing support if you have been affected by covid-19 and have any worries or concerns. Call 07710022382 or email [email protected] to access befriending or free counselling for young people and adults.

Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust (GMMH) continue to operate their 24/7 helpline. You can call their free phone number: 0800 953 0285

Urgent help and crisis support

information can be accessed here.

Self-Help Services continue to operate as normal for support with mental health needs. All assessments and therapy sessions are currently conducted over the telephone and they will now be adding video calls to their options for support. All referrals can be made via professional, GP or self by calling 0161 226 3871 or through the website. An initial assessment appointment will be offered within 1-2 weeks of referral.

Are you looking for safe Summer activities to do with children and young people this Summer? Why not sign up for Manchester City Council’s ‘Allsorts To Do’ newsletter.

Please email me with any information that you’d like to share with local residents and the neighbourhood partnership: [email protected]

In Other News…..

Fallowfield Loop Consultation Manchester City Council are looking for your thoughts and ideas to help improve safety and encourage greater and more widespread sustainable travel use on the . Have your say by 21 August 2020 here.

State of the Sector Survey Help MACC shine a spotlight on the difference the VCSE sector makes by completing their State of the Sector survey.

Funding information is available from Manchester Community Central (MACC) can be accessed via their website.

In Previous Updates….

To request a copy of a previous update please contact [email protected] or call / text or WhatsApp 07305943204.

Keep In Touch

Please send me any information, good new stories and feedback: [email protected].

Other ways to keep in touch: Twitter: @dawnhealthdev

Facebook: Chorlton, Whalley Range and Fallowfield Integrated Neighbourhood Team or

Twitter: @ChorWhalFallINT

**Please note I am now on annual leave until Monday 17th August** I will answer any queries on my return. If you have an urgent query then please contact my colleagues as per below:

Carlos Tait: [email protected]

Bethan Galliers: [email protected]