Butler Creek Area Comprehensive Plan Amendment 1996
BUTLER CREEK AREA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT 1996 . ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ . · . ·. ~~<:> RESOLUTION NUMBER -~9u..7.;;;;..-0u..l:....;9......__ A RESOLUTION TO ADOPT THE BUTLER CREEK AREA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE, IN ITS FINAL FORM, AS AN AMENDMENT TO THE MISSOULA COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. WHEREAS, 76-1-604 M.C.A. authorizes the Board of County Commissioners to adopt and amend comprehensive plans; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners did adopt a comprehensive plan for the County in 1975; and, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners updated and amended this comprehensive plan in 1990 and has amended parts of it by adopting sub-area and neighborhood plans; and, WHEREAS, the Butler Creek Area Comprehensive Plan Update represents an amendment to the 1990 Urban Area Comprehensive Plan Update; and, WHEREAS, changes to the Butler Creek Area Comprehensive Plan Update were drafted by the Butler Creek Ranch property owners in cooperation with the County, and were reviewed by the Office of Planning and Grants and residents of the plan area; and, WHEREAS. the Butler Creek Area Comprehensive Plan was reviewed at three public hearing, dated 8/20/96, 10/2/96. and 10/30/96; and, WHEREAS, the Missoula Consolidated Planning Board has recommended adoption of the Butler Creek Area Comprehensive Plan Update subject to minor revisions; and, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners. based on public comment, included further modifications to the Plan Update as printed in the attached document; and, WHEREAS, such revisions have been incorporated into the final draft form of the Plan, including all adopted changes and as printed in the attached document and maps : NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of County Commissioners of Missoula County hereby adopts this resolution to adopt the Butler Creek Area Comprehensive Plan Update, in its final form.
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