AN ADVISORY SERVICES PANEL REPORT Midtown Missoula Missoula, Montana
AN ADVISORY SERVICES PANEL REPORT Midtown Missoula Missoula, Montana Urban Land $ Institute Midtown Missoula Missoula, Montana A Redevelopment Plan October 12–17, 2003 An Advisory Services Panel Report ULI–the Urban Land Institute 1025 Thomas Jefferson Street, N.W. Suite 500 West Washington, D.C. 20007-5201 About ULI–the Urban Land Institute LI–the Urban Land Institute is a non- resented include developers, builders, property profit research and education organiza- owners, investors, architects, public officials, plan- tion that promotes responsible leadership ners, real estate brokers, appraisers, attorneys, U in the use of land in order to enhance engineers, financiers, academics, students, and the total environment. librarians. ULI relies heavily on the experience of its members. It is through member involvement The Institute maintains a membership represent- and information resources that ULI has been able ing a broad spectrum of interests and sponsors a to set standards of excellence in development wide variety of educational programs and forums practice. The Institute has long been recognized to encourage an open exchange of ideas and shar- as one of America’s most respected and widely ing of experience. ULI initiates research that quoted sources of objective information on urban anticipates emerging land use trends and issues planning, growth, and development. and proposes creative solutions based on that research; provides advisory services; and pub- This Advisory Services panel report is intended lishes a wide variety of materials to disseminate to further the objectives of the Institute and to information on land use and development. make authoritative information generally avail- able to those seeking knowledge in the field of Established in 1936, the Institute today has more urban land use.
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