Bronchial Mucosal Manifestations of Atopy: a Comparison of Markers of Inflammation Between Atopic Asthmatics, Atopic Nonasthmatics and Healthy Controls
Eur Resplr J 1992, 5, 538-544 Bronchial mucosal manifestations of atopy: a comparison of markers of inflammation between atopic asthmatics, atopic nonasthmatics and healthy controls R. Djukanovi6*, C.K.W. Lai**, J.W. Wilson*, K.M. Britten*, S.J. Wilson*, W.R. Roche***, P.H. Howarth*, S.T. Holgate* Bronchial mucosal manifestations of atopy: a comparison of markers of infiamma· • Immunopharmacology Group, Medi· tion between atopic asthmatics, atopic nonasthmatics and healthy controls. cine 1, Southampton University General R. Djukanovic, C.K. W. Lai, J. W. Wilson, K.M. Britten, S.J. Wilson, W.R. Roche, Hospital, Southampton, UK. P.H. Howarth, S.T. Holgate. • • Presently at Dept of Medicine, Prince ABSTRACT: We studied the role of atopy, as defined by positive skin tests to of Wales Hospital, Shatin, Hong Kong. common Inhalant allergens, In allergic bronchial inflammation. ••• Pathology, Southampton University Endobronc.hlal biopsies were taken via the fibreoptic bronchoscope ln 13 General Hospital, Southampton, UK. symptomatic atopic asthmatics, 10 atopic nonasthmatlcs, and 7 normals. Correspondence: R. Djukanovic, The numbers of mast cells, Identified In the submucosa by Immunohisto Immunopharmacology Group, Medicine chemistry using the AA1 monoclonal a.ntibody against tryptase, were no dif 1, Southampton University General ferent between the three groups, but electron microscopy showed that mast cell Hospital, Southampton S09 4XY, UK. degranulation, although less marked In atopic nonastbmatlcs, was a feature of Keywords: Allergic rhinitis; asthma; atopy In general. The numbers or eoslnophlls, ldentlfled by Immunohisto collagen; eosinophils; mast cells; chemical staining using the monoclonal anti-eosinophil cationic protein antibody, mucous membrane. EG2, were greatest In the asthmatics, low or absent in the normals and inter· mediate In the atopic nonasthmatlcs.
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