Polysaccharide Catalogue and Handbook Table of Contents
Remove dotted spine lines before printing Carbosynth China Head Office Suite 421, Building A2, 218 Xinghu Street, Suzhou Industrial Park, 215123. China +86 512 6260 5585 The Source for Carbohydrates and Nucleosides +86 512 6260 5576 sales@carbosynth.com Carbosynth Head Office www.carbosynth.cn Axis House, High Street, Compton, Newbury, Berkshire, RG20 6NL. UK Carbosynth Beijing Laboratories +44 1635 578444 CAS - RCEES, 18 Shuangqing Road, +44 1635 579444 Haidian District, Beijing 100085. China sales@carbosynth.com +86 512 6260 5585 www.carbosynth.com sales@carbosynth.com www.carbosynth.cn Carbosynth Compton Laboratories 8&9 Old Station Business Park, Compton, Jinan Carbotang Biotech Co. Ltd Berkshire, RG20 6NE. UK Zhangqiu Industrial Development Zone, +44 1635 578444 Jinan, Shandong, 250204. China sales@carbosynth.com sales@carbotang.com www.carbosynth.com www.carbotang.com Carbosynth LLC USA Carbosynth India Suite F, 7887 Dunbrook Road, T - I. Block 2, Jains KK Gardens, San Diego CA 92126. USA Vembuli Amman Kovil Street, West KK Nager, Polysaccharide Catalogue (858)-779-9911 Chennai 600 078. India (888)-681-2933 (Toll Free) +91 44 420 16316 (858)-605-0807 and Handbook sales@carbosynth.com sales@carbosynth.com www.carbosynth.com www.carbosynth.com Metal Scavenging Solutions PhosphonicS Limited Axis House, High Street, Compton, Newbury, Berkshire, RG20 6NL. UK +44 1635 577669 +44 1635 579444 Toolbox for Polymeric sugars sales@phosphonics.com 0800-251302 www.phosphonics.com 服務專線: Inside front cover Inside back cover Carbosynt h P oly sa cc har ides Compton UK Beijing China San Diego USA Jinan China C Suzhou China e llu Chennai India lo s e P ec tin Ex ud at e G .
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