POLICY BOARD MEETING October 15, 2019 Tuesday
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POLICY BOARD MEETING October 15, 2019 Tuesday 12:00 Noon AGENDA A Meeting of the SELACO Workforce Development Policy Board SELACO WDB Offices 10900 E. 183rd Street Suite 350 Cerritos, CA 12:00 noon, Tuesday, October 15, 2019 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call Member Rene Trevino, Councilmember, City of Artesia Member Naresh Solanki, Mayor, City of Cerritos Member Blanca Pacheco, Mayor Pro Tem, City of Downey Member Jesse Alvarado, Mayor Pro Tem, City of Hawaiian Gardens Member Tony Ayala, Councilmember, City of Norwalk Vice Chairman Sonny Santa Ines, Mayor, City of Bellflower Chairman Jeff Wood, Vice Mayor, City of Lakewood 4. Self-Introduction of Guests 5. Public Comments 6. Consent Calendar A. Approval of the Minutes of the Policy Board Meeting of Page 1 August 20, 2019 B. WDB Attendance Roster 5 C. Program Report for 07/01/19-8/31/19 7 7. Business Session A. Report from the WDB Executive Director B. Consideration of Appointments to the 20 Workforce Development Board C. Discussion Regarding Program Report/Dashboard SELACO Workforce Development Policy Board Agenda August 20, 2019 Page 2 of 2 D. Presentation on the Meeting of the Minds Conference 8. Information Items A. Governor Newsom’s Newsletter 22 B. Governor Signs AB 593 28 10. Interesting Correspondence 11. Items from Staff 12. Board Member Comments 13. Adjournment IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, IF YOU NEED SPECIAL ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS MEETING, PLEASE CONTACT THE SELACO WDB AT (562) 402-9336. NOTIFICATION OF AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING WILL ENABLE STAFF TO MAKE REASONABLE ARRANGEMENTS TO ENSURE ACCESSIBILITY TO THIS MEETING. ASSISTIVE LISTENING DEVICES ARE AVAILABLE FOR THIS MEETING. PLEASE ADVISE STAFF IF YOU DESIRE TO USE THIS DEVICE. MINUTES A MEETING OF THE WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT POLICY BOARD OF SOUTHEAST LOS ANGELES COUNTY August 20, 2019 12:00 noon SELACO WDB Offices 10900 E. 183rd Street Suite 350 Cerritos, CA CALL TO ORDER The Policy Board Meeting was called to order by Chairman Jeff Wood at 12:00 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Member Solanki. ROLL CALL POLICY BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Jeff Wood, Lakewood, Chairman; Sonny Santa Ines, Bellflower, Vice Chairman; Rene Trevino, Artesia; Naresh Solanki, Cerritos; Blanca Pacheco, Downey; Jesse Alvarado, Hawaiian Gardens. POLICY BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Tony Ayala, Norwalk. OTHERS PRESENT: Jack Joseph, Policy Board Administrator/Policy Director; Yolanda Castro, Carol Davis, SELACO WDB Human Resources Administrator; Kay Ford, SELACO WDB Director of Fund Development. PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of the Minutes of the Policy Board Meeting of June 14, 2019 B. WDB Attendance Roster C. Program Report for 07/01/18-6/30/19 Page 1 of 29 Minutes of the SELACO WDB Policy Board August 20, 2019 Page 2 of 4 It was moved by Vice Chairman Santa Ines, seconded by Member Alvarado, to approve the consent calendar. The motion was approved unanimously. BUSINESS SESSION A. Report from the WDB Executive Director WDB Executive Director Yolanda Castro briefed the Policy Board on the preparation of the SELACO newsletter, “In-the-know with SELACO”, an electronic newsletter sent out by email. She said the newsletter is designed to better inform the Policy Board and the Workforce Development Board on SELACO activities beyond what is found in the Program Report. She said the intention is to produce the newsletter on a quarterly basis. Vice Chairman Santa Ines recommended sending the newsletter to the city managers. Ms. Castro showed a video presentation regarding the Sunset Continuation program, which featured testimonials from students who were able to able to succeed in high school work after being unsuccessful in a traditional high school setting. Ms. Castro updated the Policy Board on the application to the State to add the City of Paramount to the SELACO service area. She said the application is out for public comment, and so far no negative reaction to the application has been received. She said the comment period ends on August 31st. The goal is to submit the completed application to the State by September 13th. If the application is deemed complete, it will go to the California Workforce Development Board staff for a 60-day review period. The timeline would be for the California Workforce Development Board to formally approve the addition of Paramount in January, to be effective July 1, 2020. Ms. Castro reported that the Meeting of the Minds Conference will take place in Monterey on September 3-5, and that Policy Board Member Pacheco would be attending. B. Consideration of Appointments to the Workforce Development Board The Policy Board Administrator stated that there are currently two vacancies for private sector WDB representatives from the City of Artesia. Policy Board Member Trevino reported that there are two nominations that will go forward to the Artesia City Council for appointment to the WDB: Leila Nam, who manages rental properties in the health industry; and Martin Rodriguez, a general contractor and architect. It was moved by Member Trevino, seconded by Member Solanki, to appoint Leila Nam to the WDB for a term expiring June 30, 2021; and Martin Rodriguez for a term expiring Page 2 of 29 Minutes of the SELACO WDB Policy Board August 20, 2019 Page 3 of 4 June 30, 2020; both appointments pending approval by the Artesia City Council. The motion was approved unanimously. Member Alvarado announced that Nelida Lopez is not able to serve on the WDB as a Hawaiian Gardens private sector representative and that she will be replaced. The Executive Director reported that Isabela Valencia-Tevanyan had rescinded her appointment to the WDB as a labor representative. C. Approval of SELACO WDB Budget for Program Year 2019-20 WDB Executive Director Yolanda Castro presented the Program Year 2019-20 budget as approved by the SELACO WDB. She said total operating revenues were reduced by $387,291, a reduction of 4.1% from the previous year. The largest sources of reductions are in WIOA formula allocations ($198,743) and the Employment Training Panel (ETP) grant ($221,103). Ms. Castro said total expenditures were also reduced by 4.1% ($365,762) from the previous year. In-house costs reflected an increase of $84,631(3.2%) in personnel costs, offset by a reduction of $81,429 (11.5%) in non-personnel costs. She pointed out that only $15,000 is budgeted for conferences/staff development due to the tight budget constraints resulting from the reduction in funding. She said the projected year-end unobligated balance of $713,806 is 2.8% below last year’s balance. It was moved by Vice Chairman Santa Ines, seconded by Member Solanki, to approve the Program Year 2019-2020 budget. The motion was approved unanimously. INFORMATION ITEMS The Executive Director referred the Policy Board to the letter from the California Workforce Development Board approving the SELACO WDB Local Plan Modifications. INTERESTING CORRESPONDENCE The Executive Director referred the Policy Board to two recent job seeker success stories. She shared a news release from the Employment Development Department touting May employment numbers, including the state’s overall unemployment rate of 4.2%, and Los Angeles County’s rate of 3.9%. ITEMS FROM STAFF There were no items from staff. Page 3 of 29 Minutes of the SELACO WDB Policy Board August 20, 2019 Page 4 of 4 BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS Member Alvarado thanked Member Pacheco for arranging the recent tour of the Coca- Cola facilities in Downey. Member Pacheco said she is looking forward to attending the Meeting of the Minds conference in Monterey. Vice Chairman Santa Ines reported that the widening of Bellflower Boulevard is almost completed, and that the new Bellflower In-N-Out Burger restaurant would be opening on Friday. Chairman Wood reported that Long Beach City College would be conducting a Community Job Fair on September 10th at Long Beach Veterans Stadium. ADJOURNMENT It was the consensus of the Policy Board to adjourn at 1:06 p.m. Page 4 of 29 SELACO WDB Board of Directors Attendance Roster – PY 18/19 Board Members 7/25 9/26 10/24 1/23 3/26 5/28 2019 2019 2019 2020 2020 2020 1. Butani, Dilip X Business Representative - Cerritos 2. Castellanos, Allison AE Secretary/Treasurer Business Representative – City of Lakewood 3. Cornejo, Jackie X Labor Organization 4. Dameron, Mark X Business Representative – City of Lakewood 5. Derthick, Joseph X Business Representative – City of Norwalk 6. Drake, Aaron X Chair Business Representative – City of Bellflower 7. Espitia, Ben X Vice Chair Labor Organization 8. Gomez, Belle X Education Entity 9. Gutierrez, Liza Marie A Business Representative - City of Hawaiian Gardens 10. Kucera, Kevin A Labor Organization 11. Levine, Barbara X Economic Development Page 5 of 29 Board Members 7/25 9/26 10/24 1/23 3/26 5/28 2019 2019 2019 2020 2020 2020 12. Lopez, Nelida A Business Representative – City of Hawaiian Gardens 13. Lugo, Julia AE Public Employment Service 14. Ochoa, Pete A Business Representative – City of Artesia 15. Patel, Vijay X Business Representative – City of Downey 16. Pathak, Pino X Business Representative – City of Cerritos 17. Polley, Tracy X Business Representative – City of Norwalk 18. Rapue, Judith A Labor Organization 19. Saucedo-Garcia, Cristina X Business Representative – City of Downey 20. Todd, Sharon A Education Entity 21. Turrubiartes, Maria X Rehabilitation Organization 22. Wehage, Larry X Business Representative City of Bellflower 23. VACANT Business Representative – City of Artesia 24. VACANT Labor Organization X = Present A = Absent AE = Absence Excused SP = Special Meeting ~ = No Meeting Page 6 of 29 PROGRAM OPERATIONS REPORT July 01, 2019 – August 31, 2019 The Southeast Los Angeles County Workforce Development Board (SELACO WDB) respectfully submits the second Program Operations Report for the program year 2019- 2020.