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THIS IS TE BE15IIIP,1 of IJR # 6 Zl 0 FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION % MI%stS Tt1)% D( -1040'4 THIS IS TE BE15IIIP,1 OF IJR # 6 zl_ DATE F I LMED -ATE FL fDCAMERA NO@ ....... ..... 0 6c 73 7 lt* 201 Flynn Avenue #'7 Mountain View. CA 94043 (415)-336-9135 (w) (415)-962-8412 (h) 30 October 1992 General Counsel Federal Elections Commission 0 999 E Stree NW Washington, DC 20463 Dear General Counsel: My name is Stephen A. Chessin. I am a registered voter in the city of Mountain View, Califor- nia. which is contained in the California 14th Congressional District. I wish to file a complaint against Jim Warren, Judy Eaton. and others, and the Peninsula Citizens' Advocate, if such be a legitimate business. The address I have for these people is 345 Swett Road. Kings Mountain, CA 94062. My complaint is that these people are making independent expenditures and soliciting contribu- tions in the 14th Congressional District race, without having registered as a political committee and without filing the necessary reports. I have been told by one of your analysts that this would '0 be a violation of sections 1 I CFR 100.5 (pertaining to political committee registration), and 11 CFR 109 (pertaining to independent expenditures and the reporting thereof). Tere may be viola- tions of other regulations as well. 0% Enclosed is a photocopy, at 83% reduction, of an 8-page "newspaper" I received on 27 Octoe 1992. It is titled Peninsula Citizens' Advocate, 345 Swett Road, Kings Mountain, CA 94062, with a fax number of 415-851-2814, and lists Jim Warrn as "Editor and Political Iritant", with C) an electronic mailing address of jwarra~welsfcaus. Mr. Waren's phone number is listed on both pages 2 and 6 as 415-851-7075. NYou'll note that at the bottom of page 1 is a box that says "Paid for by Judy Eason, Jim Warren C__ and everyone else who's willing to support independent, verifiable, candid information about govenmnt." On page 6 is a quarter-page solicitation of funds, and a box claiming that the PO was mailed to over 50,000 househokls, at a cost of over $9,550. No where is an indication that the mailing was done by a legitimate political committee. Over half of the piece is devoted to opposing the candidacy of Anna Eshoo, candidate in the 14th CD. Page 2 contains an "article" in support of Tom Huening, another candidate in the 14th CD, along with a disclaimer that Mr. Huening had no prior knowledge of the mailing. Anodmx state- ment of support for Mr. Huening appears on page 7. The piece also concerns itself with a local race for a seat on the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors. On page 4 is an "article" supporting Ruben Barrales, and another one opposing Bill Stangel, and there is a statement of support for Ruben Barrales on page 7. While I realize the Federal Elections Commission does not concern itself with local races, I wanted to bring to your attention that this mailer concerns both local and Federal races. While this mailing has the appearance of a newspaper. even claiming to be Issue Number 5 of the PeninsulaCitizens' Advocate, I could find no such business listed in San Mateo County. This appears to be the personal publication of Mr. Warren and others, and while they have the right to publish whatever they want, when they enter the realm of Congressional campaigns they must comply with the laws. I e F u lsm ctmar.., W O3ebsr 1992 PqP I I would ikW the daffl EIdinM Cam-islon to hs mer, determine if tam has been a violatio oa my applicable remlWom admi if so. tak ae action aaut Jmn War- ren. Jody Em, ad/o any ahen who may have violated the law in co mecina with the produc- tion and distrib t on of this political huxmm I swear that the forgoing isue to the best of my belief. I bave sworn to this, and have signed this, inthe presence of a notary. Sincerely, S hen A. Chesin Enc. 0ACKNOWLMDGMEN State of California County of Santa Clara } %0 N On this 30th day ofOctobar, 1992, befor me Magru f nimkry a Notary Public, Sme of Calfor- m6na, duly c miicmm and swax, peamuil~y appiued ftiben Alan Chemin pa iy known to me or proved to be the pemo wos nine is ucribed to witin instmntiand acknowi- od edp to me that he ezecoad *rne. C IN WITNS WHEREOF I have hmi to so my hand md affixed my offica l in de County of Santa Claa that day and yew in Wei ortili &ua above writm MyCom sion e: A 22, 1994 4a- loop#m - voe CA-RT SORT "7CR 4334 EW, CA 94C43 &&VwVIw-AN pm rYqNAV .1. 841 - - P~*dfnaa Iue I.rba. g memi fE I I.d--Ibtn 'o,uaauh ~~iad-___ ' Thpsa.; the best predictor h1Me " N"eWjaf they SAW hbvKpti QN C IoneI camnldat.Tpm HueninG:_ Eshoo opposed low-cost aa-Paimets "A ly DONE melng- big e~hfor singliearehibr families. Of -- o-l-itics... JSt~ ~ ltc . Eo'0 bSminIII~mm a pboi Lg~mbmj -'. m,- for- F b- mly WImp . ut . a M ft me lisow~. 1Cfg r pu).a h%M$ fat -D* bs69fodWY, LwM be =MauhAw H V .Mee. asa WithMaPK pini Md =A hMAWS AW6M aM NY fa 4st d " CM h" WO bhma.ft.,,.. SM I w f l in i.U.d ws .- * - t0 n h U~ by~am~m OmhA~m dqD_ 'j ~ " '"" -UP "M I*-1;," MW" &li ---Sold out Iher dimtrlctlca eowners. -. .. .. e P U -- - Fr,, w,, -, g• hm*m- I~ .. m '- - r. i~ '_ a ,ma . ) H. =mw ruma i~ oW"a n P -- b U or= iWW ON ' A tod Sm adift do *=MkM ad * ~ - C hslain ~ii r 2 P- I - ' Md-. N MM sm how LAM adSmhow ' 46 BON non. M- __- * l,~i- ,,m~3m*,m r.¢ w -,-,h . "06W bh~ d C~ ~ ~ ~ -*-~ k "h-inbw P-u"- beeo-h1 .O*-.M- b mr bsuqiu ,OW-N O , 1.O ""'-"" : " b.A"---- F._ e.... -.. ohm~ia 6W)he WL Io po_- o--S - ~1 After each el Eshoo pursued~ta vd treasuires WI~ib al $36192& Elected to'her third and finaltem Eshoo SAPmn paying $2W,4, oWd for 32% inhoftW4Sd N1,9f7 Eshoo voled $125,000 "redreSnOM~" p 11927 AiOm e A md ois amu vi 6mma Sol J7 ubY (mi a -WW Plus famlly health care for 24 -mr eggs i *smm k ap. her im bow). Sm S& t qm j si 21011014,rm dr hidmm w FondueSowv - - a-s pop- %W"m a. s p . ee Id. 17. 19110. dm TwoXd mfimdim - um mvan- - -in SMFAmMo IN bw O 0mWAB a p. tee 3w2 toy^mdOwn may m a* pWSKIntpemM1 m a a37 mid 38 m@Hne6 msa~nq~ Th miw4L 0 m 1 - m Aga - -- *.W"G %P 19K. cm"~ em u,*m for Oapuis fIA d~1iftl A cNd preton p~in wA mm a "o Sming *0 Sopalew mn ind insam wqm mAS umesv m -I ve SOW1111MI -mW"" ~ mml392dn. A we*k 3Wo.a"= -m i * Cmmi %ama w * mata I,, saw do Dmd (Ido sby win.m ow _____ him 34 e 35go &M"qMW CWMOMW & --W4 gnewms 4-W 1 DimW red by36 am we a 3omb m-n .c - p44q- . Tom No"g no-i-- "mbis mm a I bmp UmlmaAm-mm mm.15 -SW wSinmm domnodii. dS Aim iso30 1b" Me m mr saw -ata so 3411-7%pay mm .0 ftw Woman -m Imp an oft -k@4bIm Pd AhL mmy=q~oCL. tow m). ~si Him, skisnmppow They ada m am w dm EPA * pry- Int kidna Was377sM md aiig Th Comay bwh oc 54500 __ o"-, .Fqp o us him"W-. " slow .~9W% h* Wl Pinb~mOf s Wa ma a Vqw-'i-pum - in 11111 befen Hm" -me do BamL) o how mWLno - 32. i * a 1~;4ft Say Am Wfiml u a 3.4% (mnl/Ii71 d=M m .-- nowym Mov p__ma V o yo 41*b" - DiirnfE~wh pnm hfam ye C mwin on _ _ _ _ _ _ -'~- .4 Puy NNW GMVA 0" Qffcb~iuei~Eshoaj&U#sm; C~nI~~ot91 sea.dW~ -"50 C ~ IU~h~u md an UOwmlbon No n pib "room u.d i #AUs@Mm -4ppb. Hoo ww U&M le#*. -. 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