1II 1 1 1 11 1 11 1 II Control Number: 49151 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 II 1 Item Number: 206 Addendum StartPage: 0 217 - SOAH DOCKET NO. 473-19-5 855 ‘-<-Qrt,`r-- PUC DOCKET NO. 2: 34 49154-:?L / :4 ;711, JOINT APPLICATION OF ONCOR ELECTRIC DELIVERY COMPANY LLC, § BEFORE THE STATE OFFICE CITY OF LUBBOCK, ACTING BY AND § THROUGH LUBBOCK POWER AND LIGHT, FOR A CERTIFICATE OF OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY FOR § THE ABERNATHY TO NORTH TO NORTH LOOP 345/115-KV TRANSMISSION LINE IN HALE AND § ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS LUBBOCK COUNTIES DIRECT TESTIMONY OF DWIGHT ANDREWS ON BEHALF OF ANDREWS INTERVENORS Intervenors G. Randall Andrews, on behalf of himself and the entities Peacock Land Co., LLC, Restaurant Operators, Inc., and Broadway Rentals, LLC; and Dwight Andrews, on behalf of himself and the entity Candle Creek, LC (collectively, "Andrews Intervenors") hereby file this Direct Testimony of Dwight Andrews, which is attached, and stipulates that this Direct Testimony can be treated by all parties as if the answers were filed under oath. Respectfully submitted, SCOTT DOUGLASS & McCONNICO LLP 303 Colorado Street, Suite 2400 Austin, Texas 78701 512.495.6300 512.495.6399 Fax By: la-,a-e5 Catherine J. Webleing State Bar No. 21050055
[email protected] Stephanie C. Kover State Bar No. 24102042
[email protected] ATTORNEYS FOR ANDREWS INTERVENORS Direct Testimony of Dwight Andrews Page 1 of 62 September 4, 2019 On Behalf of Andrews Intervenors PUC Docket No. 49151 SOAI-1 Docket No. 473-19-5853 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that a copy of this document will be served on all parties of record on September 4, 2019 in accordance with 16 TAC § 22.74 and the governing procedural orders.