City of Lubbock Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System TPDES Permit
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City of Lubbock Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System TPDES Permit No. WQ0004773000 INTERIM BACTERIA REDUCTION PLAN (IBRP) Revised April 20, 2021 Table of Contents Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1 Watershed Description .................................................................................................................... 2 Watershed information ................................................................................................................ 2 Water bodies information ............................................................................................................ 2 Infrastructure description ............................................................................................................ 2 Water Quality – Sources and Trends .............................................................................................. 3 Sources of Bacteria...................................................................................................................... 3 Local Watershed Trends.............................................................................................................. 3 Regulatory Background ................................................................................................................ 10 Bacteria Reduction Elements ........................................................................................................ 11 MCM-1 – MS4 Maintenance Activities .................................................................................... 11 MCM-3 - Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination ............................................................. 12 MCM-4 - Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping ......................................................... 15 MCM-6 - Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Strategies ...................................................... 16 MCM-7 - Public Education, Outreach, Involvement and Participation .................................... 18 MCM-8 - Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting ..................................................................... 20 References ..................................................................................................................................... 23 City of Lubbock Interim Bacteria Reduction Plan Page x Introduction Every two years, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) publishes an Integrated Report of Surface Water Quality. The Texas Integrated Report evaluates the quality of surface waters in the state and provides resource managers with a tool for making informed decisions when directing agency programs. This report includes the 303(d) list, which identifies water bodies in or around Texas for which effluent limitations are not stringent enough to implement water quality standards. This list identifies bodies of water using unique segment identification values. The City of Lubbock contributes to the North Fork Double Mountain Fork Brazos River, known as segment 1241A. The 2020 Texas Integrated Report lists Segment 1241 and 1241A as impaired for bacteria. Therefore, according to Permit Part III, Section B.3, an Interim Bacteria Reduction Plan (IBRP) must be implemented into the SWMP. City of Lubbock Interim Bacteria Reduction Plan Page 1 Watershed Description Watershed information The City of Lubbock is located on the Southern High Plains of Texas. The flat topography of Lubbock, with its mild slopes, scattering of playa lakes, and limited number of drainage ways, encourages the use of surface flow of runoff rather than the use of storm sewers. Storm water in Lubbock is collected through two separate drainage systems. Most of the drainage from the City is conveyed through the City street system that discharges into the many playa lakes. The subsurface drainage via storm sewer pipes with curb inlets conveys storm water to two small dry streams (Blackwater Draw and Yellow House Draw) that converge and become the North Fork Double Mountain Fork Brazos River (NFDMF), also known as the Yellow House Canyon. Water bodies information A portion of the City of Lubbock drainage system contributes storm runoff to the North Fork Double Mountain Fork Brazos River (NFDMF) (Segment ID 1241A). This segment was listed as impaired for bacteria in water (recreation use) in the 2020 Texas Integrated Report – Texas 303(d) List (Category 5). Infrastructure description The City of Lubbock’s M84 is composed of the following components: • 1208 linear miles of paved streets • 59 linear miles of unpaved streets • 134 linear miles of paved alleys • 502 linear miles of unpaved alleys • 1353 storm sewer inlets • 126 miles of subsurface storm sewer pipe • 162 playa lakes. City of Lubbock Interim Bacteria Reduction Plan Page 2 Water Quality – Sources and Trends Sources of Bacteria Potential sources contributing to the high bacterial loads in the watershed may include but are not limited to: sanitary sewer systems; on-site sewage facilities; illicit discharges and dumping; and animal sources. By identifying the major contributing sources of bacteria, the City can implement a plan to control them and reduce their impact on the North Fork Double Mountain Fork Brazos River. Stormwater testing in the city has shown elevated e. coli and fecal streptococci contaminant levels in vaults which are contributed to primarily by playa lakes. The playas in the city are attractive to avian wildlife, including migratory geese, and many are in city parks, where citizens may take pets for recreation. Animal waste, primarily from birds and pets, may be a large contributor to bacteria loads in stormwater passing through the playa lake drainage system. Bacteria may also enter the storm drain system in the form of human waste in areas with concentrated homeless populations. Local Watershed Trends Storm water quality testing is performed as part of the SWMP at various locations. The maps below show stormwater outfalls, water bodies, testing locations, as well as the impaired water body, NFDMF. City of Lubbock Interim Bacteria Reduction Plan Page 3 FIGURE 1: CITY OF LUBBOCK PHASE 1 MS4 PERMIT WQ0004773000 MAJOR OUTFALLS AND WATER BODIES City of Lubbock Interim Bacteria Reduction Plan Page 4 C i t y o f L u b b o c k P h a s e I M S 4 P e r m i t W Q 0 0 0 4 7 7 3 0 0 0 M a j o r O u t f a l l s a n d W a t e r B o d i e s ² !. !. !. !.!.!.!. !. !.!.!.!. !.!. L e g e n d !. !.!. !.!. !. S tt o r m w a tt e r !. !. O u tt ff a ll ll s !. !. !. W a tt e r B o d ii e s !. !. !. L u b b o c k C ii tt y L ii m ii tt s Digital Orthoimagery June 2016 0 1 2 3 4 5 Miles As required by SECTION 1. Chapter 2051, SUBCHAPTER D. GEOSPATIAL DATA PRODUCTS of the Government Code, the City of Lubbock hereby provides notice that the data on this map was created by the City of Lubbock. Any data that appears to represent property boundaries is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. FIGURE 2: STORM WATER TESTING LOCATION MAP City of Lubbock Interim Bacteria Reduction Plan Page 5 INTERIM BACTERIA REDUCTION PLAN FIGURE 2: STORM WATER TESTING LOCATION 4 (! MAP KEY TO FEATURES TCEQ Testing Locations (! COL Testing Vaults River Segments Impaired Segment Flood Zone A 3 (! Flood Zone AE Flood Way Lakes Lubbock City Limit 2 (! 1 (! ¬ 0 2,500 5,000 10,000 5 Feet (! 1 inch = 5,000 feet W:\Citrix\32000s\32199\003\IBRP\GIS\MXD\IBRP_Figure2.mxd The results found from testing in locations shown in Figure 2 are reported annually in the City’s SWMP annual report. The 2020 results are shown in the tables below: TABLE 1: 2020 WET SEASON MONITORING DATA 47th & 44th & 26th & 98th & 1st & Ave J Vanda MLK Ivory Guava ANALYTE UNITS 05/05/19 05/05/19 05/05/19 05/05/19 05/05/19 004-S 001-S 002-S 003-S 005-S Temperature Deg C 9.0 22.3 19.9 21.3 10.6 BOD, 5-Day mg/L 10 13 11 3 12 Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) mg/L 72 89 78 58 58 pH Std. Units 8.42 7.02 8.11 7.80 8.58 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) mg/L 221 142 11 10 49 Oil and Grease mg/L 1.54 2.44 0.806 <4.60 <4.44 Total Ammonia Nitrogen mg/L <0.030 <0.030 0.214 0.123 0.059 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) mg/L 1.07 1.76 1.14 1.04 1.72 Total Nitrite plus Nitrate mg/L 0.674 0.665 1.261 0.931 0.12 Total Phosphorus mg/L 0.288 0.573 0.880 0.354 0.249 Dissolved Phosphorus mg/L 0.199 0.459 0.728 0.225 0.035 Total Hardness mg/L 530 230 90 360 110 Total Arsenic ug/L 0.0069 0.00303 0.00124 0.00542 0.00238 Total Cadmium (MAL 0.001) ug/L 0.00047 <0.000095 <0.000186 <0.000186 <0.000095 Total Chromium (MAL 0.003) ug/L 0.0106 0.00852 0.00138 0.00142 0.00213 Total Copper (MAL 0.002) ug/L 0.0123 0.0163 0.00765 0.00637 0.00447 Total Lead (MAL 0.0005) ug/L 0.0116 0.0147 0.00185 0.00122 0.00193 Total Nickel (MAL 0.002) ug/L 0.00891 0.00714 0.00165 0.00334 0.00308 Total Silver ug/L 0.0000635 0.0000682 <0.00011 <0.00011 <0.0000628 Total Zinc (MAL 0.005) ug/L 0.0698 0.136 0.0302 0.0227 0.0186 cfu Fecal Streptococci 58,500 5,000 42,000 7,400 11,200 MPN/100ml Atrazine ug/L <0.000521 <0.000522 <0.000548 <0.000549 <0.000515 E. coli cfu/100ml 49,000 46,500 69,000 6,800 4,450 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) mg/L 146 302 296 1130 126 City of Lubbock Interim Bacteria Reduction Plan Page 6 TABLE 2: 2020 DRY SEASON MONITORING DATA 47th & 98th & 44th & MLK 26th & Ivory 1st & Ave J Vanda Guava ANALYTE UNITS