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000"|- (a Buelo 4) LaM US 9,365,521 B2 1. 2 NON-HYGROSCOPICSALTS OF 5-HT, this, obesity can also be defined on the basis of body fat AGONSTS content: greater than 25% in males and greater than 30% in females. This application is a 35 USC 371 National Stage Entry of Obesity considerably increases the risk of developing car PCT/US2011/049960 filed Aug. 31, 2011, and claims the 5 diovascular diseases as well. Coronary insufficiency, athero benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/402,611 filed matous disease, and cardiac insufficiency are at the forefront Sep. 1, 2010, each of which is incorporated by reference in its of the cardiovascular complications induced by obesity. It is entirety for all purposes. estimated that if the entire population had an ideal weight, the risk of coronary insufficiency would decrease by 25% and the FIELD OF THE INVENTION 10 risk of cardiac insufficiency and of cerebral vascular acci dents would decrease by 35%. The incidence of coronary The present invention relates to salts of the 5-HT-recep diseases is doubled in subjects less than 50 years of age who tor agonist (R)-8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3- are 30% overweight. The diabetes patient faces a 30% benzazepine, and dosage forms comprising them that are reduced lifespan. After age 45, people with diabetes are about 15 three times more likely than people without diabetes to have useful for, interalia, weight management. significant heart disease and up to five times more likely to have a stroke. These findings emphasize the inter-relations BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION between risks factors for diabetes and coronary heart disease and the potential value of an integrated approach to the pre Obesity is a life-threatening disorder in which there is an vention of these conditions based on the prevention of obesity increased risk of morbidity and mortality arising from con (Perry, I.J., et al., BMJ 310,560-564 (1995)). comitant diseases such as type II diabetes, hypertension, Diabetes has also been implicated in the development of stroke, cancer and gallbladder disease. kidney disease, eye diseases and nervous system problems. Obesity is now a major healthcare issue in the Western Kidney disease, also called nephropathy, occurs when the World and increasingly in some third world countries. The 25 kidney’s “filter mechanism' is damaged and protein leaks increase in numbers of obese people is due largely to the into urine in excessive amounts and eventually the kidney increasing preference for high fat content foods but also the fails. Diabetes is also a leading cause of damage to the retina decrease in activity in most people's lives. Currently about at the back of the eye and increases risk of cataracts and 30% of the population of the USA is now considered obese. glaucoma. Finally, diabetes is associated with nerve damage, Whether someone is classified as overweight or obese is 30 especially in the legs and feet, which interferes with the generally determined on the basis of their body mass index ability to sense pain and contributes to serious infections. (BMI) which is calculated by dividing body weight (kg) by Taken together, diabetes complications are one of the nations height squared (m2). Thus, the units of BMI are kg/m and it leading causes of death. is possible to calculate the BMI range associated with mini The first line of treatment is to offer diet and life style 35 advice to patients such as reducing the fat content of their diet mum mortality in each decade of life. Overweight is defined and increasing their physical activity. However, many as a BMI in the range 25-30 kg/m, and obesity as a BMI patients find this difficult and need additional help from drug greater than 30 kg/m (see table below). therapy to maintain results from these efforts. Classification of Weight by Body Mass Index (BMI) Most currently marketed products have been unsuccessful 40 as treatments for obesity because of a lack of efficacy or unacceptable side-effect profiles. The most Successful drug so far was the indirectly acting 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) BMI CLASSIFICATION agonist d-fenfluramine (ReduxTM) but reports of cardiac valve defects in up to one third of patients led to its with <18.5 Underweight 45 drawal by the FDA in 1998. 18.5-24.9 Normal 2SO-29.9 Overweight In addition, two drugs have been launched in the USA and 3O.O-34.9 Obesity (Class I) Europe: (XenicalTM) a drug that prevents absorption 35.0-39.9 Obesity (Class II) offat by the inhibition of pancreatic lipase, and >40 Extreme Obesity (Class III) (ReductiltM), a 5-HT/noradrenaline re-uptake inhibitor. 50 However, side effects associated with these products may As the BMI increases there is an increased risk of death limit their long-term utility. Treatment with XenicalTM is from a variety of causes that are independent of other risk reported to induce gastrointestinal distress in some patients, factors. The most common diseases associated with obesity while Sibutramine has been associated with raised blood are cardiovascular disease (particularly hypertension), diabe pressure in some patients. 55 Serotonin (5-HT) neurotransmission plays an important tes (obesity aggravates the development of diabetes), gall role in numerous physiological processes both in physical bladder disease (particularly cancer) and diseases of repro and in psychiatric disorders. 5-HT has been implicated in the duction. The strength of the link between obesity and specific regulation of feeding behavior. 5-HT is believed to work by conditions varies. One of the strongest is the link with type 2 inducing a feeling of Satiety, Such that a Subject with diabetes. Excess body fat underlies 64% of cases of diabetes 60 enhanced 5-HT stops eating earlier and fewer calories are in men and 77% of cases in women (Seidell, Semin Vasc Med, consumed. It has been shown that a stimulatory action of 5:3-14 (2005)). Research has shown that even a modest 5-HT on the 5-HT, receptor plays an important role in the reduction in body weight can correspond to a significant control of eating and in the anti-obesity effect of d-fenflu reduction in the risk of developing coronary heart disease. ramine. As the 5-HT, receptor is expressed in high density in There are problems however with the BMI definition in that 65 the brain (notably in the limbic structures, extrapyramidal it does not take into account the proportion of body mass that pathways, thalamus and hypothalamus i.e. PVN and DMH, is muscle in relation to fat (adipose tissue). To account for and predominantly in the choroid plexus) and is expressed in US 9,365,521 B2 3 4 low density or is absent in peripheral tissues, a selective or NDA, for lorcaserin to the FDA. The NDA submission is 5-HT, receptor agonist can be a more effective and safe based on an extensive data package from lorcaserin's clinical anti-obesity agent. Also, 5-HT, knockout mice are over development program that includes 18 clinical trials totaling weight with cognitive impairment and Susceptibility to sei 8,576 patients. The pivotal phase 3 clinical trial program Z. evaluated nearly 7,200 patients treated for up to two years, It is believed that the 5-HT, receptor may play a role in and showed that lorcaserin consistently produced significant obsessive compulsive disorder, Some forms of depression, weight loss with excellent tolerability. About two-thirds of and epilepsy. Accordingly, agonists can have anti-panic prop patients achieved at least 5% weight loss and over one-third erties, and properties useful for the treatment of sexual dys achieved at least 10% weight loss. On average, patients lost function. 10 17 to 18 pounds or about 8% of their weight. Secondary In Sum, the 5-HT, receptor is a receptor target for the endpoints, including body composition, lipids, cardiovascu treatment of obesity and psychiatric disorders, and it can be lar risk factors and glycemic parameters improved compared seen that there is a need for selective 5-HT2, agonists which to placebo. In addition, heart rate and blood pressure went safely decrease food intake and body weight. down. Lorcaserin did not increase the risk of cardiac valvul The salts and formulations of the present invention com 15 prise the selective 5-HT-receptor agonist (R)-8-chloro-1- opathy. Lorcaserin improved quality of life, and there was no methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine (Compound signal for depression or Suicidal ideation. The only adverse 1), and are useful for, interalia, weight management, includ event that exceeded the placebo rate by 5% was generally ing weight loss and the maintenance of weight loss. Com mild or moderate, transient headache. Based on a normal pound 1 is disclosed in PCT patent publication WO2003/ BMI of 25, patients in the first phase 3 trial lost about one 0863.03, which is incorporated herein by reference in its third of their excess body weight. The average weight loss entirety. was 35 pounds or 16% of body weight for the top quartile of patients in the second phase 3 trial. An immediate-release film-coated 10-mg tablet was devel 25 oped for the phase 3 clinical trials and commercial launch of lorcaserin, but there remains a need for alternative formula tions for oral use. These include formulations characterized C by their suitable flowing properties, tablettability, and stabil NH ity to moisture. 30 In view of the growing demand for compounds useful in the treatment of disorders related to the 5-HT, receptor, (R)-8- chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine has Various synthetic routes to (R)-8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5- emerged has an important new compound. Accordingly, new tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine, its related salts, enantiomers, formulations of (R)-8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro crystalline forms, and intermediates, have been reported in 35 1H-3-benzazepine, which are non-hygroscopic and show PCT publications, WO 2005/019179, WO 2006/069363, WO good solid-state stability under humid conditions are needed. 2007/120517, WO 2008/0701 11, WO 2009/111004, and in The salts and processes described herein help meet these and U.S. provisional application 61/396,752 each of which is other needs. incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. Combinations of (R)-8-Chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahy 40 SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION dro-1H-3-benzazepine with other agents, including without limitation, phentermine, and uses of Such combinations in A priori, it is difficult to predict with confidence which salts therapy are described in WO 2006/071740, which is incorpo of a particular drug will be solid, stable, and readily isolable. rated herein by reference in its entirety. A fortiori, the hygroscopicity of Such salts cannot be pre The following United States provisional applications are 45 dicted with accuracy and must instead be determined empiri related to (R)-8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3- cally. In the course of preparing the salts of the present inven benzazepine: 61/402,578; 61/403,143: 61/402,580: 61/402, tion, many counterions commonly used in the pharmaceutical 628: 61/403,149: 61/402,589: 61/402,611: 61/402,565; industry (see e.g. Berge, et al., Journal of Pharmaceutical 61/403,185; each of which is incorporated herein by refer Sciences, 66:1-19 (1977)) were investigated. Acetate, DL ence in its entirety. 50 lactate, ascorbate, D-gluconate, besylate, napsylate, tosylate, The following applications are related to (R)-8-chloro-1- isethionate, dichloroacetate, benzoate, esylate, gentisate, hip methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine and have the purate, lactobionate, Xinafoate, and sebacate salts of (R)-8- same filing date as the Subject application, a PCT application chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine were which claims priority to U.S. provisional applications prepared, but all of these failed to crystallize. By contrast, the 61/402,578 and 61/403,143, a PCT application which claims 55 salts of the present invention are salts of (R)-8-chloro-1- priority to U.S. provisional application 61/402.580; a PCT methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine which when application which claims priority to U.S. provisional appli prepared were discovered to be both crystalline, and non cations 61/402,628 and 61/403,149; a PCT application which hygroscopic. Because of their stability to moisture these salts claims priority to U.S. provisional application 61/402,589: are useful, inter alia, for preparing dosage forms of (R)-8- and a PCT application which claims priority to U.S. provi 60 chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine. sional applications 61/402.565 and 61/403,185; each of One aspect of the present invention pertains to certain salts which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. of (R)-8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benza (R)-8-Chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benza Zepine (Compound 1) and pharmaceutically acceptable sol Zepine hydrochloride (lorcaserin hydrochloride) is an agonist vates and hydrates thereof. of the 5-HT, receptor and shows effectiveness at reducing 65 One aspect of the present invention pertains to certain salts obesity in animal models and humans. In December 2009, of (R)-8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benza Arena Pharmaceuticals submitted a New Drug Application, Zepine (Compound 1). US 9,365,521 B2 5 6 One aspect of the present invention pertains to salts FIG.11: DSC and TGA of Compound 1 Hemi-oxalate Salt, selected from: (R)-8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro Form I. 1H-3-benzazepine hemi-edisylate salt; (R)-8-chloro-1-me FIG. 12: DMS of Compound 1 Hemi-oxalate Salt, Form I. thyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine phosphate salt; FIG. 13: PXRD of Compound 1 Succinate Salt, Form I. (R)-8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benza- 5 FIG. 14: DSC and TGA of Compound 1 Succinate Salt, Zepine citrate salt; (R)-8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahy Form I. dro-1H-3-benzazepine hemi-oxalate salt; and (R)-8-chloro FIG. 15: DMS of Compound 1 Succinate Salt, Form I. 1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine succinate FIG. 16: PXRD of Compound 1 Oxoglutarate Salt, Form I. salt; and (R)-8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3- FIG. 17. DSC and TGA of Compound 1 Oxoglutarate Salt, benzazepine oxoglutarate salt; and pharmaceutically accept- 10 Form I. able solvates and hydrates thereof. One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu FIG. 18: DMS of Compound 1 Oxoglutarate Salt, Form I. tical compositions comprising a salt of the present invention FIG. 19: PXRD of Compound 1 Oxoglutarate Salt Solvate, and a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. Form I. One aspect of the present invention pertains to processes 15 FIG. 20: DSC and TGA of Compound 1 Oxoglutarate Salt for preparing a pharmaceutical composition comprising Solvate, Form I. admixing a salt of the present invention, and a pharmaceuti FIG. 21: DMS of Compound 1 Oxoglutarate Salt Solvate, cally acceptable carrier. Form I. One aspect of the present invention pertains to bulk phar maceutical compositions Suitable for the manufacture of dos- 20 DETAILED DESCRIPTION age forms for weight management, comprising a salt of the present invention, and a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. It should be appreciated that certain features of the inven One aspect of the present invention pertains to processes tion, which are, for clarity, described in the context of separate for preparing bulk pharmaceutical compositions Suitable for embodiments, can also be provided in combination in a single the manufacture of dosage forms for weight management, 25 embodiment. Conversely, various features of the invention comprising admixing a salt of the present invention, and a which are, for brevity, described in the context of a single pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. embodiment, can also be provided separately or in any Suit One aspect of the present invention pertains to dosage able subcombination. forms comprising a therapeutically effective amount of a salt selected from: a pharmaceutically acceptable salt of (R)-8- 30 DEFINITIONS chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine and pharmaceutically acceptable solvates and hydrates thereof, For clarity and consistency, the following definitions will wherein the dosage form is a non-hygroscopic dosage form. be used throughout this patent document. One aspect of the present invention pertains to dosage The term “agonist” refers to a moiety that interacts with forms comprising a therapeutically effective amount of a salt 35 and activates a receptor, such as the 5-HT, serotonin recep of the present invention. tor, and initiates a physiological orpharmacological response One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for characteristic of that receptor. weight management, comprising administering to an indi The term “individual' refers to both humans and non vidual in need thereof, a therapeutically effective amount of a human mammals. Non-human mammals include but are not salt, a pharmaceutical composition, or a dosage form of the 40 limited to rodents such as mice and rats, etc. rabbits, dogs, present invention. cats, Swine, cattle, sheep, horses, and non-human primates One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of Such as monkeys and apes, etc. salts of the present invention in the manufacture of a medica The term “pharmaceutical composition” refers to a com ment for weight management in an individual. position comprising at least one active ingredient; including One aspect of the present invention pertains to salts and 45 but not limited to Compound 1 and pharmaceutically accept pharmaceutical compositions of the present invention, for use able salts, solvates and hydrates thereof, whereby the com in a method of treatment of the human or animal body by position is amenable to investigation for a specified, effica therapy. cious outcome in a mammal (for example, without limitation, a human). Those of ordinary skill in the art will understand BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS 50 and appreciate the techniques appropriate for determining whether an active ingredient has a desired efficacious out FIG. 1: PXRD of Compound 1 Hemi-edisylate Salt, Form come based upon the needs of the artisan. I. The term “therapeutically effective amount” refers to the FIG. 2: DSC and TGA of Compound 1 Hemi-edisylate amount of active compound or pharmaceutical agent that Salt, Form I. 55 elicits the biological or medicinal response in a tissue, sys FIG. 3: DMS of Compound 1 Hemi-edisylate Salt, Form I. tem, animal, individual or human that is being sought by a FIG. 4: PXRD of Compound 1 Phosphate Salt, Form I. researcher, Veterinarian, medical doctor or other clinician or FIG. 5: DSC and TGA of Compound 1 Phosphate Salt, caregiver or by an individual, which includes one or more of Form I. the following: FIG. 6: DMS of Compound 1 Phosphate Salt, Form I. 60 (1) Preventing the disease, for example, preventing a dis FIG. 7: PXRD of Compound 1 Citrate Salt Hemihydrate, ease, condition or disorder in an individual that may be pre Form I. disposed to the disease, condition or disorder but does not yet FIG. 8: DSC and TGA of Compound 1 Citrate Salt Hemi experience or display the pathology or symptomatology of hydrate. Form I. the disease; FIG. 9: DMS of Compound 1 Citrate Salt Hemihydrate, 65 (2) Inhibiting the disease, for example, inhibiting a disease, Form I. condition or disorder in an individual that is experiencing or FIG.10: PXRD of Compound 1 Hemi-oxalate Salt, Form I. displaying the pathology or symptomatology of the disease, US 9,365,521 B2 7 8 condition or disorder (i.e., arresting further development of Salts of the Invention the pathology and/or symptomatology); and The present invention is directed, interalia, to solid, stable, (3) Ameliorating the disease, for example, ameliorating a and readily isolable salts of (R)-8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5- disease, condition or disorder in an individual that is experi tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine and pharmaceutically accept encing or displaying the pathology or symptomatology of the 5 able solvates and hydrates thereof. The solid state properties disease, condition or disorder (i.e., reversing the pathology of the crystalline forms of salts the present invention are and/or symptomatology). Summarized infra. The term “treatment” as used herein refers to one or more One aspect of the present invention pertains to salts of the following: selected from: (R)-8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro 10 1H-3-benzazepine hemi-edisylate salt; (R)-8-chloro-1-me (1) prevention of a disease, for example, prevention of a thyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine phosphate salt; disease, condition or disorder in an individual that may be (R)-8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benza predisposed to the disease, condition or disorder but does not Zepine citrate salt; (R)-8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahy yet experience or display the pathology or symptomatology dro-1H-3-benzazepine hemi-oxalate salt; and (R)-8-chloro of the disease; 15 1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine succinate (2) inhibition of a disease, for example, inhibition of a salt; and (R)-8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3- disease, condition or disorder in an individual that is experi benzazepine oxoglutarate salt; and pharmaceutically accept encing or displaying the pathology or symptomatology of the able solvates and hydrates thereof. disease, condition or disorder (i.e., arresting further develop One aspect of the present invention pertains to salts ment of the pathology and/or symptomatology); and selected from: (R)-8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro (3) amelioration of a disease, for example, amelioration of 1H-3-benzazepine hemi-edisylate salt; (R)-8-chloro-1-me a disease, condition or disorder in an individual that is expe thyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine phosphate salt; riencing or displaying the pathology or symptomatology of (R)-8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benza the disease, condition or disorder (i.e., reversing the pathol Zepine hemi-oxalate salt; and (R)-8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5- ogy and/or symptomatology). 25 tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine succinate salt; and (R)-8- Whetheran individual is in need of treatment is a judgment chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine made by a caregiver (e.g. nurse practitioner, physician, phy oxoglutarate salt; and pharmaceutically acceptable Solvates sician assistant, nurse, etc. in the case of humans; Veterinarian and hydrates thereof. in the case of animals, including non-human mammals) that One aspect of the present invention pertains to salts 30 selected from: (R)-8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro an individual or animal requires or will benefit from treat 1H-3-benzazepine hemi-edisylate salt; (R)-8-chloro-1-me ment. This judgment is made based on a variety of factors that thyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine phosphate salt: are in the realm of a caregiver's expertise, but that includes the (R)-8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benza knowledge that the individual or animal is ill, or will become Zepine citrate salt hemihydrate; (R)-8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4, ill, as the result of a disease, condition or disorder that is 35 5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine hemi-oxalate salt; and (R)- treatable by Compound 1 and pharmaceutically acceptable 8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine salts, Solvates and hydrates thereof. Accordingly, Compound succinate salt; (R)-8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro 1 and pharmaceutically acceptable salts, Solvates and 1H-3-benzazepine oxoglutarate salt; and (R)-8-chloro-1-me hydrates thereof can be used in a protective or preventive thyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine oxoglutarate salt manner, or Compound 1 and pharmaceutically acceptable 40 Solvate. salts, Solvates and hydrates thereof can be used to alleviate, One aspect of the present invention pertains to (R)-8- inhibit or ameliorate a disease, condition or disorder. chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine cit The term “weight management” as used herein refers to rate salt hemihydrate; and (R)-8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tet controlling body weight and in the context of the present rahydro-1H-3-benzazepine oxoglutarate salt Solvate. invention is directed toward weight loss and the maintenance 45 One aspect of the present invention pertains to (R)-8- of weight loss (also called weight maintenance herein). In chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine addition to controlling body weight, weight management hemi-edisylate salt. includes controlling parameters related to body weight, for One aspect of the present invention pertains to (R)-8- example, BMI, percent body fat and waist circumference. For chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine example, weight management for an individual who is over 50 phosphate salt. weight or obese can mean losing weight with the goal of One aspect of the present invention pertains to (R)-8- keeping weight in a healthier range. Also, for example, chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine cit weight management for an individual who is overweight or rate salt hemihydrate. obese can include losing body fat or circumference around the One aspect of the present invention pertains to (R)-8- waist with or without the loss of body weight. 55 chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine The term “maintenance of weight loss’ or “weight main hemi-oxalate salt. tenance' as used herein refers to preventing, reducing or One aspect of the present invention pertains to (R)-8- controlling weight gain afterweight loss. It is well known that chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine suc weight gain often occurs after weight loss. Weight loss can cinate salt. occur, for example, from dieting, exercising, illness, drug 60 One aspect of the present invention pertains to (R)-8- treatment, Surgery or any combination of these methods, but chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine oxo often an individual that has lost weight will regain some orall glutarate salt; of the lost weight. Therefore, weight maintenance in an indi One aspect of the present invention pertains to (R)-8- vidual who has lost weight can include preventing weight chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine oxo gain after weight loss, reducing the amount of weigh gained 65 glutarate salt Solvate; afterweight loss, controlling weight gain after weight loss or One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu slowing the rate of weight gain after weight loss. tical compositions comprising a salt of the present invention. US 9,365,521 B2 10 One aspect of the present invention pertains to process for in an individual with an initial body mass indexe27 kg/m in preparing a pharmaceutical composition comprising admix the presence of at least one weight related co-morbid condi ing a salt of the present invention and a pharmaceutically tion. acceptable carrier. On aspect of the present invention pertains to salts of the One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for present invention, for use in a method of weight management weight management, comprising administering to an indi in an individual with an initial body mass indexe27 kg/m in vidual in need thereof, a therapeutically effective amount of a the presence of at least one weight related co-morbid condi salt of the present invention. tion selected from: hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovascu One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of lar disease, glucose intolerance, and sleep apnea. salts of the present invention, in the manufacture of a medi 10 On aspect of the present invention pertains to salts of the cament for weight management in an individual. present invention, for use in a method of weight management One aspect of the present invention pertains to salts of the in an individual with an initial body mass indexe25 kg/m. present invention, for use in a method of treatment of the On aspect of the present invention pertains to salts of the human or animal body by therapy. 15 present invention, for use in a method of weight management One aspect of the present invention pertains to salts of the in an individual with an initial body mass indexe25 kg/m in present invention, forusein a method of weight management. the presence of at least one weight related co-morbid condi One aspect of the present invention pertains to salts of the tion. present invention, for use in a method of weight loss. On aspect of the present invention pertains to salts of the One aspect of the present invention pertains to salts of the present invention, for use in a method of weight management present invention, for use in a method of maintenance of in an individual with an initial body mass index25 kg/m in weight loss. the presence of at least one weight related co-morbid condi One aspect of the present invention pertains to salts of the tion selected from: hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovascu present invention, for use in a method of decreasing food lar disease, glucose intolerance, and sleep apnea. consumption. 25 One aspect of the present invention pertains to salts of the One aspect of the present invention pertains to salts of the present invention, for use in a method of weight management present invention, for use in a method of increasing meal in combination with phentermine related satiety. One aspect of the present invention pertains to salts and One aspect of the present invention pertains to salts of the pharmaceutical compositions of the present invention for use present invention, for use in a method of reducing pre-meal 30 in a method of treatment of the human or animal body by hunger. therapy. One aspect of the present invention pertains to salts of the In some embodiments, the salts and pharmaceutical com present invention, for use in a method of reducing intra-meal positions are for use in a method of weight management. food intake. In some embodiments, the salts and pharmaceutical com 35 positions are for use in a method of weight loss. One aspect of the present invention pertains to salts of the In some embodiments, the salts and pharmaceutical com present invention, for use in a method of weight management positions are for use in a method of maintenance of weight further comprising a reduced-calorie diet. loss. One aspect of the present invention pertains to salts of the In some embodiments, the salts and pharmaceutical com present invention, for use in a method of weight management 40 positions are for use in a method of decreasing food consump further comprising a program of regular exercise. tion. One aspect of the present invention pertains to salts of the In some embodiments, the salts and pharmaceutical com present invention, for use in a method of weight management positions are for use in a method of increasing meal-related further comprising a reduced-calorie diet and a program of Satiety. regular exercise. 45 In some embodiments, the salts and pharmaceutical com One aspect of the present invention pertains to salts of the positions are for use in a method of reducing pre-meal hunger. present invention, for use in a method of weight management In some embodiments, the salts and pharmaceutical com in an obese patient with an initial body mass indexe30kg/m. positions are for use in a method of reducing intra-meal food One aspect of the present invention pertains to salts of the intake. present invention, for use in a method of weight management 50 In some embodiments, the salts and pharmaceutical com in an overweight patient with an initial body mass indexe27 positions are for use in a method of weight management kg/m in the presence of at least one weight related co-morbid further comprising a reduced-calorie diet. condition. In some embodiments, the salts and pharmaceutical com One aspect of the present invention pertains to salts of the positions are for use in a method of weight management present invention, for use in a method of weight management 55 further comprising a program of regular exercise. in an overweight patient with an initial body mass indexe27 In some embodiments, the salts and pharmaceutical com kg/m in the presence of at least one weight related co-morbid positions are for use in a method of weight management condition selected from: hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardio further comprising a reduced-calorie diet and a program of vascular disease, glucose intolerance, and sleep apnea. regular exercise. On aspect of the present invention pertains to salts of the 60 In some embodiments, the salts and pharmaceutical com present invention, for use in a method of weight management positions are for use in a method of weight management in an in an individual with an initial body mass indexe30 kg/m. obese patient with an initial body mass indexe30 kg/m. On aspect of the present invention pertains to salts of the In some embodiments, the salts and pharmaceutical com present invention, for use in a method of weight management positions are for use in a method of weight management in an in an individual with an initial body mass index27 kg/m. 65 overweightpatient with an initial body mass indexe27 kg/m On aspect of the present invention pertains to salts of the in the presence of at least one weight related co-morbid con present invention, for use in a method of weight management dition. US 9,365,521 B2 11 12 In some embodiments, the salts and pharmaceutical com that 60% formed cocrystals other than hydrates or solvates. positions are for use in a method of weight management in an (G. P. Stahly, Crystal Growth & Design (2007), 7(6), 1007 overweight patient with an initial body mass index27 kg/m 1026.) in the presence of at least one weight related co-morbid con The present invention is directed, inter alia, to crystalline dition selected from: hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovas salts of (R)-8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-ben cular disease, glucose intolerance, and sleep apnea. zazepine and hydrates and solvates thereof. The crystalline In some embodiments, the salts and pharmaceutical com forms of the salts of the present invention can be identified by positions are for use in a method of weight management in an unique Solid state signatures with respect to, for example, individual with an initial body mass indexe30 kg/m. differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), X-ray powder dif In some embodiments, the salts and pharmaceutical com 10 fraction (PXRD), and other solid state methods. Further char positions are for use in a method of weight management in an acterization with respect to or solvent content of the individual with an initial body mass indexe27 kg/m. crystalline salts of the present invention can be gauged by any In some embodiments, the salts and pharmaceutical com of the following methods for example, thermogravimetric positions are for use in a method of weight management in an analysis (TGA), DSC and the like. For DSC, it is known that individual with an initial body mass indexe27 kg/m in the 15 the temperatures observed will depend upon sample purity, presence of at least one weight related co-morbid condition. the rate oftemperature change, as well as sample preparation In some embodiments, the salts and pharmaceutical com technique and the particular instrument employed. Thus, the positions are for use in a method of weight management in an values reported herein relating to DSC thermograms can vary individual with an initial body mass indexe27 kg/m in the by about +6°C. The values reported herein relating to DSC presence of at least one weight related co-morbid condition thermograms can also vary by about t20 joules per gram. For selected from: hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular PXRD, the relative intensities of the peaks can vary, depend disease, glucose intolerance, and sleep apnea. ing upon the sample preparation technique, the sample In some embodiments, the salts and pharmaceutical com mounting procedure and the particular instrument employed. positions are for use in a method of weight management in an 25 Moreover, instrument variation and other factors can often individual with an initial body mass indexe25 kg/m. affect the 20 values. Therefore, the peak assignments of dif In some embodiments, the salts and pharmaceutical com fraction patterns can vary by about +0.2 °20. The relative positions are for use in a method of weight management in an intensities of the reported peaks can also vary. For TGA, the individual with an initial body mass index25 kg/m in the features reported herein can vary by about +5°C. The TGA presence of at least one weight related co-morbid condition. 30 features reported herein can also vary by about +2% weight In some embodiments, the salts and pharmaceutical com change due to, for example, sample variation. Further char positions are for use in a method of weight management in an acterization with respect to hygroscopicity of the crystalline individual with an initial body mass indexe25 kg/m in the salt can be gauged by, for example, dynamic moisture sorp presence of at least one weight related co-morbid condition tion (DMS). The DMS features reported herein can vary by selected from: hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular 35 about +5% relative humidity. The DMS features reported disease, glucose intolerance, and sleep apnea. herein can also vary by about +5% weight change. The deli In some embodiments, the salts and pharmaceutical com quescence relative humidity (DRH) measurements by water positions are for use in a method of weight management in activity meter are sensitive to sample quality and quantity. combination with phentermine 40 The DRH measurements reported herein can vary by about Crystalline Salts 5% RH. Polymorphism is the ability of a substance to exist as two or Compound 1 Hemi-Edisylate Salt. more crystalline phases that have different arrangements and/ One aspect of the present invention pertains to (R)-8- or conformations of the molecules in the crystal lattice. Poly chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine morphs show the same properties in the liquid or gaseous 45 hemi-edisylate salt, Form I (Compound 1 hemi-edisylate salt, state but they may behave differently in the solid state. Form I). The physical properties of Compound 1 hemi-edi Besides single-component polymorphs, drugs can also sylate salt, Form I are summarized in Table 1 below. exist as salts and other multicomponent crystalline phases. For example, Solvates and hydrates may contain an API host TABLE 1 and either solvent or water molecules, respectively, as guests. 50 Compound 1 Hemi-edisylate Salt, Form I Analogously, when the guest compound is a Solid at room temperature, the resulting form is often called a cocrystal. PXRD FIG. 1: Peaks of e22% relative intensity at 6.00, 11.98, 16.07, 19.70, 20.12, 20.99, 22.39, 22.54, 23.12, 26.77, and Salts, Solvates, hydrates, and cocrystals may show polymor 27.4420 phism as well. Crystalline phases that share the same API TGA FIG. 2: <0.1% weight loss below about 150° C. host, but differ with respect to their guests, may be referred to 55 DSC FIG. 2: extrapolated melting onset at ~298 C. as pseudopolymorphs of one another. DMS FIG. 3: Non-hygroscopic Solvates contain molecules of the solvent of crystallization DRH 99.7% RH at 25°C. in a definite crystal lattice. Solvates, in which the solvent of crystallization is water, are termed hydrates. Because water is Form I of Compound 1 hemi-edisylate salt was an anhy a constituent of the atmosphere, hydrates of drugs may be 60 drous crystalline material with a melting onset of -298°C. It formed rather easily. was non-hygroscopic by DMS analysis, picking up just Recently, polymorph screens of 245 compounds revealed 0.14% weight out to and including the 95% RH hold at 25°C. that about 90% of them exhibited multiple solid forms. Over The DRH was determined by water activity measurement of all, approximately half the compounds were polymorphic, saturated aqueous solution with excess solid to be 99.7% RH often having one to three forms. About one-third of the com 65 at 25° C. pounds formed hydrates, and about one-third formed sol Certain X-ray powder diffraction peaks for Form I of Com Vates. Data from cocrystal screens of 64 compounds showed pound 1 hemi-edisylate salt are shown in Table 2 below. US 9,365,521 B2 13 14 TABLE 2 prising an endotherm with an extrapolated onset temperature between about 285° C. and about 315°C. In some embodi Pos. (20) Rel. Int. (%) ments, the Compound 1 hemi-edisylate salt has a differential 6.OO 76.32 scanning calorimetry thermogram comprising an endotherm 10.31 S.18 with an extrapolated onset temperature at about 298°C. In 11.98 63.17 13.65 15.02 Some embodiments, the Compound 1 hemi-edisylate salt has 14.63 21.05 a differential scanning calorimetry thermogram comprising 16.07 42O2 an endotherm with an associated heat flow of about 101 joules 16.79 9.47 per gram. In some embodiments, the Compound 1 hemi 17.98 2148 10 19.70 74.89 edisylate salt has a thermogravimetric analysis profile Sub 2012 53.46 stantially as shown in FIG. 2, wherein by “substantially” is 20.64 14.33 20.99 36.94 meant that the reported TGA features can vary by about +5° 21.72 3.22 C. and by about t2% weight change. 22.39 32.48 15 22.54 49.14 In some embodiments, the Compound 1 hemi-edisylate 23.12 100.00 salt has a differential scanning calorimetry thermogram Sub 24.13 42.45 stantially as shown in FIG. 2, wherein by “substantially” is 24.97 16.43 25.51 7.48 meant that the reported DSC features can vary by about +6°C. 25.88 15.57 and by about t20 joules per gram. 26.77 22.17 In some embodiments, the Compound 1 hemi-edisylate 27.44 42.76 27.91 6.99 salt has a dynamic moisture sorption profile Substantially as 28.78 6.82 shown in FIG.3, wherein by “substantially” is meant that the 29.44 10.45 reported DMS features can vary by about +5% relative 29.70 6.33 30.18 18.52 25 humidity and by about +5% weight change. 30.85 2.77 Form I of Compound 1 hemi-edisylate salt can be prepared 31.29 3.71 32.65 3.88 by any of the suitable procedures known in the art for prepar 33.12 5.93 ing crystalline polymorphs. In some embodiments Form I of 33.74 3.51 Compound 1 hemi-edisylate salt can be prepared as described 34.32 6.72 30 35.06 5.31 in Example 4. In some embodiments, Form I of Compound 1 35.46 6.63 hemi-edisylate salt can be prepared by slurrying crystalline 35.86 11.13 Compound 1 hemi-edisylate salt containing one or more crys 36.23 7.83 talline forms other than Form I. In some embodiments, Form 37:63 2.62 I of Compound 1 hemi-edisylate salt can be prepared by 38.95 5.33 35 39.27 4.59 recrystallizing crystalline Compound 1 hemi-edisylate salt containing one or more crystalline forms other than Form I. One aspect of the present invention is directed to a Com Compound 1 Phosphate Salt pound 1 hemi-edisylate Salt having an X-ray powder diffrac One aspect of the present invention pertains to (R)-8- tion pattern comprising a peak, in terms of 20, at about 40 chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine 23.12. In some embodiments, the salt has an X-ray powder phosphate. Form I (Compound 1 phosphate salt, Form I). The diffraction pattern comprising a peak, in terms of 20, at about physical properties of Form I of Compound 1 phosphate salt 6.00. In some embodiments, the salt has an X-ray powder are summarized in Table 3 below. diffraction pattern comprising peaks, in terms of 20, at about 23.12 and about 6.00°. In some embodiments, the salt has an 45 TABLE 3 X-ray powder diffraction pattern comprising peaks, in terms of 20, at about 23.12 and about 19.70°. In some embodi Compound 1 Phosphate salt, Form I ments, the salt has an X-ray powder diffraction pattern com PXRD FIG. 4: Peaks of >15% relative intensity at 7.45, 14.87, 16.51, prising peaks, in terms of 20, at about 23.12, about 6.00, and 18.16, 19.27, 20.19, 21.05, 23.19, 25.06, 25.77, 28.61, and about 19.70°. In some embodiments, the salt has an X-ray 50 powder diffraction pattern comprising peaks, in terms of 20, TGA FIG. 5: <0.03% weight loss up to about 178° C. DSC FIG. 5: extrapolated onset temperature about 208 C.; at about 23.12, about 6.00°, about 19.70°, about 11.98°, enthalpy of fusion about 113 J/g about 20.12, about 22.54°, and about 27.44°. In some DMS FIG. 6: about 0.14% weight gain at 90% RH embodiments, the salt has an X-ray powder diffraction pat DRH 100% RH at 25°C. tern comprising peaks, in terms of 20, at about 23.12, about 55 6.00°, about 19.70°, about 11.98°, about 20.12, about 22.54, about 27.44, about 16.07, about 20.99, and about The title salt was a 1:1 salt based on stoichiometry deter 22.39°. One aspect of the present invention is directed to a mination. The melting onset by DSC was ~208°C. The TGA Compound 1 hemi-edisylate salt having an X-ray powder result for a crystalline sample prior to the n-propanol slurry is diffraction pattern comprising one or more peaks listed in 60 consistent with an anhydrous salt. It was non-hygroscopic, Table 2. In some embodiments, the salt has an X-ray powder picking up 0.14% weight out to and including the 90% RH diffraction pattern substantially as shown in FIG. 1, wherein hold at 25°C. during DMS analysis. The title salt was non by “substantially' is meant that the reported peaks can vary deliquescent; the DRH by water activity measurement of a by about +0.2 °20 and also that the relative intensities of the saturated solution in water with excess solid was 100% RH at reported peaks can vary. 65 250 C. In some embodiments, the Compound 1 hemi-edisylate Certain X-ray powder diffraction peaks for Form I of Com salt has a differential scanning calorimetry thermogram com pound 1 phosphate salt are shown in Table 4 below. US 9,365,521 B2 15 16 TABLE 4 In some embodiments, the Compound 1 phosphate salt has a differential scanning calorimetry thermogram comprising Pos. (20) Rel. Int. (%) an endotherm with an extrapolated onset temperature 7.45 30.59 between about 190° C. and about 220° C. In some embodi 10.57 1.OO ments, the Compound 1 phosphate salt has a differential 12.37 O.89 14.87 54.02 scanning calorimetry thermogram comprising an endotherm 16.51 16.28 with an extrapolated onset temperature at about 208°C. In 1816 33.52 Some embodiments, the Compound 1 phosphate Salt has a 1848 4.45 differential scanning calorimetry thermogram comprising an 1927 1OOOO 10 20.19 41.74 endotherm with an associated heat flow of about 113 joules 21.05 20.88 per gram. In some embodiments, the Compound 1 phosphate 22.29 8.70 salt has a thermogravimetric analysis profile Substantially as 22.78 2.99 23.19 24.SS shown in FIG. 5, wherein by “substantially” is meant that the 23.75 4.80 15 reported TGA features can vary by about +5° C. and by about 24.42 10.14 t2% weight change. 24.78 11.41 25.06 74.60 In some embodiments, the Compound 1 phosphate salt has 25.77 54.32 a differential scanning calorimetry thermogram Substantially 26.79 140 as shown in FIG. 5, wherein by “substantially' is meant that 27.25 S.21 the reported DSC features can vary by about +6° C. and by 28.61 15.30 28.96 11.18 about t20 joules per gram. 29.96 15.85 In some embodiments, the Compound 1 phosphate salt has 30.15 10.60 a dynamic moisture sorption profile Substantially as shown in 30.61 5.36 FIG. 6, wherein by “substantially' is meant that the reported 31.09 2.76 31.47 4.27 25 DMS features can vary by about +5% relative humidity and 31.68 4.57 by about +5% weight change. 32.22 6.36 Form I of Compound 1 phosphate salt can be prepared by 32.91 11.02 any of the Suitable procedures known in the art for preparing 33.36 4.31 33.65 3.13 crystalline polymorphs. In some embodiments Form I of 34.31 5.55 30 Compound 1 phosphate salt can be prepared as described in 34.80 1.85 Example 9. In some embodiments. Form I of Compound 1 35.34 5.8O phosphate salt can be prepared by slurrying crystalline Com 36.18 5.37 36.62 7.62 pound 1 phosphate Salt containing one or more crystalline 37.64 2.73 forms other than Form I. In some embodiments, Form I of 38.25 2.15 35 Compound 1 phosphate salt can be prepared by recrystalliz 38.48 3.15 ing crystalline Compound 1 phosphate salt containing one or 38.99 3.49 more crystalline forms other than Form I. 39.80 2.28 Compound 1 Citrate Salt Hemihydrate One aspect of the present invention pertains to (R)-8- One aspect of the present invention is directed to a Com chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine cit pound 1 phosphate salt having an X-ray powder diffraction 40 rate salt hemihydrate, Form I (Compound 1 citrate salt hemi pattern comprising a peak, in terms of 20, at about 19.27°. In hydrate. Form I). The physical properties of Compound 1 Some embodiments, the salt has an X-ray powder diffraction citrate salt hemihydrate. Form I are summarized in Table 5 pattern comprising a peak, in terms of 20, at about 25.06°. In below. Some embodiments, the salt has an X-ray powder diffraction 45 pattern comprising peaks, in terms of 20, at about 19.27 and TABLE 5 about 25.06. In some embodiments, the salt has an X-ray powder diffraction pattern comprising peaks, in terms of 20, Compound 1 Citrate Salt Hemihydrate, Form I at about 19.27° and about 25.77. In some embodiments, the PXRD FIG. 7: Peaks of e10% relative intensity at 11.93, 13.01, 17.12, 18.64, 19.11, 19.69, 20.73, 21.74, 24.05, 24.52, 24.81, salt has an X-ray powder diffraction pattern comprising 50 26.12, and 26.92 20 peaks, in terms of 20, at about 19.27, about 25.06, and about TGA FIG. 8: 2.6% weight loss up to about 110° C. 25.77. In some embodiments, the salt has an X-ray powder DSC FIG. 8: Onset of dehydration about 80° C. diffraction pattern comprising peaks, in terms of 20, at about DMS FIG. 9: 0.50% weight gain up to 90% RH 19.27°, about 25.06, about 25.77°, about 14.87°, about DRH 100% RH at 25°C. 20.19, about 18.16°, and about 7.45°. In some embodiments, 55 the salt has an X-ray powder diffraction pattern comprising TGA data for Form I of Compound 1 citrate salt hemihy peaks, in terms of 20, at about 19.27°, about 25.06, about drate, showed that it was Solvated. The mass loss matches 25.77, about 14.87°, about 20.19, about 18.16°, about closely with a hemihydrate (observed 2.6%, theoretical 7.45°, about 23.19, about 21.05°, and about 16.51. One 2.3%). The onset of dehydration is near 80° C. for the scan aspect of the present invention is directed to a Compound 1 60 rate, 10°C./min. phosphate salt having an X-ray powder diffraction pattern Form I of Compound 1 citrate salt hemihydrate lost only a comprising one or more peaks listed in Table 4. In some Small amount of its water of hydration during the drying step embodiments, the salt has an X-ray powder diffraction pat at 40°C. and ~1% RH for 1 h. It was not hygroscopic, picking tern substantially as shown in FIG. 4, wherein by “substan up just 0.50% out to and including the 90% RH hold at 25°C., tially” is meant that the reported peaks can vary by about+0.2 65 and not deliquescent. The DRH was determined by water 20 and also that the relative intensities of the reported peaks activity measurement of Saturated aqueous solution with can vary. excess Solid to be 100% RH at 25° C. US 9,365,521 B2 17 18 Certain X-ray powder diffraction peaks for Form I of Com In some embodiments, the salt has an X-ray powder diffrac pound 1 citrate salt hemihydrate are shown in Table 6 below. tion pattern comprising peaks, in terms of 20, at about 11.93. about 18.64, about 24.52, about 26.12, about 24.05°, about TABLE 6 24.81, about 13.01, about 26.92, about 17.12, and about 19.11. One aspect of the present invention is directed to a Pos. (20) Rel. Int. (%) Compound 1 citrate salt hemihydrate having an X-ray powder diffraction pattern comprising one or more peaks listed in 7.97 2.63 10.42 O.78 Table 6. In some embodiments, the salt has an X-ray powder 11.93 1OOOO diffraction pattern substantially as shown in FIG. 7, wherein 10 13.01 21.60 by “substantially' is meant that the reported peaks can vary 13.39 2.56 14.59 O.68 by about +0.2 °20 and also that the relative intensities of the 15.05 3.43 reported peaks can vary. 15.82 9.09 In some embodiments, the Compound 1 citrate salt hemi 17.12 14.71 hydrate has a thermogravimetricanalysis profile Substantially 18.11 6.66 15 18.25 9.72 as shown in FIG. 8, wherein by “substantially' is meant that 1864 48.8O the reported TGA features can vary by about +5° C. and by 1911 11.23 about t2% weight change. 1969 10.74 20.73 10.25 In some embodiments, the Compound 1 citrate salt hemi 20.90 6.24 hydrate has a differential scanning calorimetry thermogram 21.21 4.73 substantially as shown in FIG. 8, wherein by “substantially 21.74 10.41 22.05 4.67 is meant that the reported DSC features can vary by about +6° 22.61 O.89 C. and by about t20 joules per gram. 23.14 9.91 In some embodiments, the Compound 1 citrate salt hemi 24.05 22.56 25 24.52 26.69 hydrate has a dynamic moisture sorption profile Substantially 24.81 2212 as shown in FIG. 9, wherein by “substantially' is meant that 25.39 6.32 the reported DMS features can vary by about +5% relative 26.12 22.84 humidity and by about +5% weight change. 26.92 1524 Form I of Compound 1 citrate salt hemihydrate can be 27.45 2.48 30 27.69 4.21 prepared by any of the suitable procedures known in the art 28.45 2.64 for preparing crystalline polymorphs. In some embodiments 29.62 5.72 30.45 6.04 Form I of Compound 1 citrate salt hemihydrate can be pre 30.86 1.49 pared as described in Example 3. In some embodiments, 31.21 3.45 Form I of Compound 1 citrate salt hemihydrate can be pre 31.53 2.29 35 31.86 6.20 pared by slurrying crystalline Compound 1 citrate salt hemi 32.39 4...SO hydrate containing one or more crystalline forms other than 32.48 4.06 Form I. In some embodiments. Form I of Compound 1 citrate 33.12 4.OS salt hemihydrate can be prepared by recrystallizing crystal 33.46 1.21 33.80 2.09 40 line Compound 1 citrate salt hemihydrate containing one or 34.56 1.04 more crystalline forms other than Form I. 35.17 O49 Compound 1 Hemi-Oxalate Salt 35.86 1.23 One aspect of the present invention pertains to (R)-8- 36.2O 1.62 36.50 2.29 chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine 36.78 4.52 45 hemi-oxalate. Form I (Compound 1 hemi-oxalate salt, Form 37.31 1.65 I). The physical properties of Compound 1 hemi-oxalate salt, 37.8O 4.73 Form I are summarized in Table 7 below. 38.26 1.86 39.08 2.14 39.60 O.99 TABLE 7 50 Compound 1 Hemi-oxalate Salt, Form I One aspect of the present invention is directed to a Com PXRD FIG. 10: Peaks of >10% relative intensity at 6.34, 14.25, pound 1 citrate salt hemihydrate having an X-ray powder 14.51, 16.49, 21.69, 22.03, 24.06, 24.51. 24.92, 25.37, diffraction pattern comprising a peak, in terms of 20, at about 31.85, 33.49, and 33.91 20 11.93. In some embodiments, the salt has an X-ray powder TGA FIG. 11: <0.3% weight loss up to about 150° C. 55 DSC FIG. 11: extrapolated onset temperature about 212°C. diffraction pattern comprising a peak, in terms of 20, at about DMS FIG. 12: non-hygroscopic and non-deliquescent at 25°C. 18.64. In some embodiments, the salt has an X-ray powder DRH 100% RH at 25°C. diffraction pattern comprising peaks, in terms of 20, at about 11.93° and about 18.64°. In some embodiments, the salt has Form I of Compound 1 hemi-oxalate salt was anhydrous an X-ray powder diffraction pattern comprising peaks, in 60 and displayed a melting onset temperature about 212°C. with terms of 20, at about 11.93° and about 24.52. In some weight loss by TGA starting just prior to the melting onset. It embodiments, the salt has an X-ray powder diffraction pat was determined to be non-hygroscopic and non-deliquescent tern comprising peaks, in terms of 20, at about 11.93, about at 25°C. The DRH was determined by water activity mea 18.64, and about 24.52°. In some embodiments, the salt has Surement of saturated aqueous Solution with excess Solid to be an X-ray powder diffraction pattern comprising peaks, in 65 100% RH at 25° C. terms of 20, at about 11.93, about 18.64, about 24.52, Certain X-ray powder diffraction peaks for Form I of Com about 26.12, about 24.05°, about 24.81, and about 13.01. pound 1 hemi-oxalate salt are shown in Table 8 below. US 9,365,521 B2 19 20 TABLE 8 ing an endotherm with an extrapolated onset temperature between about 195° C. and about 225°C. In some embodi Pos. (20) Rel. Int. (%) ments, the Compound 1 hemi-oxalate salt has a differential 6.34 1OOOO scanning calorimetry thermogram comprising an endotherm 10.81 O.92 with an extrapolated onset temperature at about 212°C. In 1145 122 Some embodiments, the Compound 1 hemi-oxalate Salt has a 12.65 S.O4 thermogravimetric analysis profile Substantially as shown in 14.25 23.10 14.51 18.93 FIG. 11, wherein by “substantially' is meant that the reported 1543 3.19 TGA features can vary by about +5° C. and by about +2% 16.49 10.86 10 Weight change. 17.14 2.19 18.31 2.2O In some embodiments, the Compound 1 hemi-oxalate salt 18.98 4.57 has a differential scanning calorimetry thermogram Substan 1982 7.58 tially as shown in FIG. 11, wherein by “substantially' is 21.03 2.13 meant that the reported DSC features can vary by about +6°C. 21.69 51.81 15 22.03 27.18 and by about t20 joules per gram. 22.56 3.78 In some embodiments, the Compound 1 hemi-oxalate salt 23.03 1.90 has a dynamic moisture sorption profile Substantially as 24.06 22.77 shown in FIG. 12, wherein by “substantially is meant that the 24.51 13.01 24.92 13.18 reported DMS features can vary by about +5% relative 25.37 44.12 humidity and by about +5% weight change. 26.60 8.81 Form I of Compound 1 hemi-oxalate salt can be prepared 27.13 6.17 by any of the suitable procedures known in the art for prepar 27.45 4...SO 27.81 S.49 ing crystalline polymorphs. In some embodiments Form I of 28.38 4.45 Compound 1 hemi-oxalate salt can be prepared as described 29.12 3.46 25 in Example 4. In some embodiments, Form I of Compound 1 30.44 3.29 hemi-oxalate salt can be prepared by slurrying crystalline 30.84 3.95 31.85 48.33 Compound 1 hemi-oxalate salt containing one or more crys 32.76 1.74 talline forms other than Form I. In some embodiments, Form 33.49 15.33 I of Compound 1 hemi-oxalate salt can be prepared by recrys 33.91 12.30 30 tallizing crystalline Compound 1 hemi-oxalate salt contain 34.53 5.38 35.71 1.OO ing one or more crystalline forms other than Form I. 36.50 1.2O Compound 1 Succinate Salt 37.60 2.62 One aspect of the present invention pertains to (R)-8- 38.37 1.52 chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine suc 39.39 1.31 35 cinate. Form I (Compound 1 succinate salt, Form I). The physical properties of Compound 1 Succinate salt, Form I are One aspect of the present invention is directed to a Com summarized in Table 9 below. pound 1 hemi-oxalate salt having an X-ray powder diffraction pattern comprising a peak, in terms of 20, at about 6.34°. In TABLE 9 Some embodiments, the salt has an X-ray powder diffraction 40 pattern comprising a peak, in terms of 20, at about 21.69. In Compound 1 Succinate Salt, Form I Some embodiments, the salt has an X-ray powder diffraction PXRD FIG. 13: Peaks of >5% relative intensity at 12.53, 13.63, 15.64, 17.64, 20.65, 21.20, 24.35, 25.11, 26.54, 27.14, and pattern comprising peaks, in terms of 20, at about 6.34 and 27.62 oe about 21.69. In some embodiments, the salt has an X-ray TGA FIG. 14: <0.4% weight loss up to about 125° C. powder diffraction pattern comprising peaks, in terms of 20, 45 DSC FIG. 14: extrapolated onset temperature about 179° C.: enthalpy of fusion 141 Jg at about 6.34° and about 31.85°. In some embodiments, the DMS FIG. 15: 0.07% weight gain at 90% RH salt has an X-ray powder diffraction pattern comprising DRH 100% RH at 25°C. peaks, in terms of 20, at about 6.34, about 21.69, and about 31.85°. In some embodiments, the salt has an X-ray powder 50 Compound 1 succinate salt, Form I showed a melting onset diffraction pattern comprising peaks, in terms of 20, at about by DSC of 179.1° C. TGA showed no residual solvent, but did 6.34, about 21.69°, about 31.85, about 25.37, about show apparent loss of significant Succinic acid prior to the 22.03, about 14.25°, and about 24.06°. In some embodi melting onset. It was non-hygroscopic by DMS analysis, ments, the salt has an X-ray powder diffraction pattern com picking up 0.07% weight out to and including the 90% RH prising peaks, in terms of 20, at about 6.34, about 21.69°, 55 hold at 25°C. The DRH was determined by water activity about 31.85, about 25.37, about 22.03, about 14.25°, about measurement of saturated aqueous solution with excess Solid 24.06, about 14.51°, about 33.49°, and about 24.92. One to be 100% RH at 25° C. aspect of the present invention is directed to a Compound 1 Certain X-ray powder diffraction peaks for Form I of Com hemi-oxalate salt having an X-ray powder diffraction pattern pound 1 succinate salt are shown in Table 10 below. comprising one or more peaks listed in Table 8. In some 60 embodiments, the salt has an X-ray powder diffraction pat TABLE 10 tern substantially as shown in FIG. 10, wherein by “substan tially” is meant that the reported peaks can vary by about+0.2 Pos. (20) Rel. Int. (%) 20 and also that the relative intensities of the reported peaks 6.84 1.OO can vary. 65 11.58 2.35 In some embodiments, the Compound 1 hemi-oxalate salt 12.53 6.13 has a differential scanning calorimetry thermogram compris US 9,365,521 B2 21 22 TABLE 10-continued ning calorimetry thermogram comprising an endotherm with an extrapolated onset temperature at about 179°C. In some Pos. (20) Rel. Int. (%) embodiments, the Compound 1 Succinate salt has a differen 12.71 3.SO tial scanning calorimetry thermogram comprising an endot 13.63 7.75 herm with an associated heat flow of about 141 joules per 15.07 1.31 gram. In some embodiments, the Compound 1 succinate salt 1564 34.98 has a thermogravimetric analysis profile Substantially as 16.10 3.90 16.41 2.86 shown in FIG. 14, wherein by “substantially is meant that the 17.64 13.76 reported TGA features can vary by about +5° C. and by about 19.59 O.24 10 t2% weight change. 20.34 4.78 20.65 38.05 In some embodiments, the Compound 1 succinate Salt has 21.20 5.87 a differential scanning calorimetry thermogram Substantially 21.61 1.36 as shown in FIG. 14, wherein by “substantially is meant that 22.18 1.17 the reported DSC features can vary by about +6° C. and by 23.21 2.29 15 24.35 14.11 about t20 joules per gram. 25.11 24.83 In some embodiments, the Compound 1 succinate Salt has 25.51 4.64 a dynamic moisture sorption profile Substantially as shown in 26.OS 3.56 FIG. 15, wherein by “substantially' is meant that the reported 26.54 14.35 27.14 7.58 DMS features can vary by about +5% relative humidity and 27.62 1OOOO by about +5% weight change. 28.44 2.23 Form I of Compound 1 succinate salt can be prepared by 30.40 1.02 any of the Suitable procedures known in the art for preparing 31.73 4.21 32.34 O.S1 crystalline polymorphs. In some embodiments Form I of 32.88 O.89 Compound 1 Succinate Salt can be prepared as described in 33.60 O.24 25 Example 5. In some embodiments. Form I of Compound 1 34.36 O.95 Succinate salt can be prepared by slurrying crystalline Com 35.67 1.66 36.34 O.96 pound 1 Succinate salt containing one or more crystalline 36.91 2.16 forms other than Form I. In some embodiments, Form I of 37.08 1.53 Compound 1 succinate salt can be prepared by recrystallizing 38.00 1.19 30 crystalline Compound 1 Succinate salt containing one or more 38.61 2.36 38.97 O.70 crystalline forms other than Form I. 39.59 1.01 Compound 1 Oxoglutarate Salt One aspect of the present invention pertains to a crystalline form of (R)-8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3- One aspect of the present invention is directed to a Com 35 benzazepine oxoglutarate salt (Compound 1 oxoglutarate pound 1 Succinate salt having an X-ray powder diffraction salt). In some embodiments, the crystalline form of (R)-8- pattern comprising a peak, in terms of 20, at about 27.62°. In chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine oxo Some embodiments, the salt has an X-ray powder diffraction glutarate salt is Form I (Compound 1 oxoglutarate salt, Form pattern comprising a peak, in terms of 20, at about 20.65°. In I). The physical properties of Form I of Compound 1 oxoglu Some embodiments, the salt has an X-ray powder diffraction 40 tarate salt are summarized in Table 11 below. pattern comprising peaks, in terms of 20, at about 27.62 and about 20.65°. In some embodiments, the salt has an X-ray TABLE 11 powder diffraction pattern comprising peaks, in terms of 20, at about 27.62° and about 15.64°. In some embodiments, the Compound 1 Oxoglutarate Salt, Form I salt has an X-ray powder diffraction pattern comprising 45 PXRD FIG. 16: Peaks of >15% relative intensity at 7.86, 13.39, peaks, in terms of 20, at about 27.62, about 20.65°, and about 18.71, 19.10, 20.06, 21.22, 22.84, 23.18, 23.57, 24.67, 25.37, and 26.81 20 15.64. In some embodiments, the salt has an X-ray powder TGA FIG. 17: negligible weight loss below about 120° C. diffraction pattern comprising peaks, in terms of 20, at about DSC FIG. 17: extrapolated onset temperature about 115° C.: 27.62, about 20.65°, about 15.64, about 25.11, about enthalpy of fusion 114 Jig 26.54, about 24.35°, and about 17.64°. In some embodi 50 DMS FIG. 18: ~0.106% weight gain at about 90% RH ments, the salt has an X-ray powder diffraction pattern com prising peaks, in terms of 20, at about 27.62, about 20.65°, The title salt was anhydrous material by TGA with a melt about 15.64, about 25.11, about 26.54, about 24.35°, about ing onset of ~115° C. by DSC. It was non-hygroscopic by 17.64, about 13.63, about 27.14, and about 12.53°. One DMS. Compound 1 oxoglutarate salt was non-hygroscopic aspect of the present invention is directed to a Compound 1 55 by DMS analysis, picking up about 0.106% out to and includ Succinate salt having an X-ray powder diffraction pattern ing the 90% RH hold at 25° C. comprising one or more peaks listed in Table 10. In some Certain X-ray powder diffraction peaks for Form I of Com embodiments, the salt has an X-ray powder diffraction pat pound 1 oxoglutarate salt are shown in Table 12 below. tern substantially as shown in FIG. 13, wherein by “substan tially” is meant that the reported peaks can vary by about+0.2 60 20 and also that the relative intensities of the reported peaks TABLE 12 can vary. Pos. (20) Rel. Int. (%) In some embodiments, the Compound 1 Succinate Salt has 7.86 41.21 a differential scanning calorimetry thermogram comprising 10.09 6.35 an endotherm with an extrapolated onset temperature 65 10.65 3.29 between about 160° C. and about 190° C. In some embodi 1145 4.6O ments, the Compound 1 succinate Salt has a differential scan US 9,365,521 B2 23 24 TABLE 12-continued In some embodiments, the crystalline form of Compound 1 oxoglutarate salt has a differential scanning calorimetry ther Pos. (20) Rel. Int. (%) mogram comprising an endotherm with an extrapolated onset 13.39 1OOOO temperature between about 100° C. and about 130° C. In 14.30 14.50 some embodiments, the crystalline form of Compound 1 15.12 1.59 15.69 3.23 oxoglutarate salt has a differential scanning calorimetry ther 1740 2.12 mogram comprising an endotherm with an extrapolated onset 18.71 31.16 temperature at about 115°C. In some embodiments, the crys 1910 46.89 talline form of Compound 1 oxoglutarate salt has a differen 1937 5.60 10 2006 38.48 tial scanning calorimetry thermogram comprising an endot 21.22 55.23 herm with an associated heat flow of about 114 joules per 21.93 3.04 22:46 8.90 gram. In some embodiments, the crystalline form of Com 22.84 15.51 pound 1 oxoglutarate salt has a thermogravimetric analysis 23.18 48.32 15 profile substantially as shown in FIG. 17, wherein by “sub 23.57 S8.00 stantially' is meant that the reported TGA features can vary 23.82 1O.S3 24.29 9.84 by about +5° C. and by about +2% weight change. 24.67 48.09 In some embodiments, the crystalline form of Compound 1 25.12 9.S6 oxoglutarate salt has a differential scanning calorimetry ther 25.37 16.94 25.75 12.57 mogram substantially as shown in FIG. 17, wherein by “sub 26.81 32.66 stantially' is meant that the reported DSC features can vary 27.39 2.32 by about +6° C. and by about +20 joules per gram. 27.83 340 In some embodiments, the crystalline form of Compound 1 28.41 5.39 29.43 S.16 oxoglutarate salt has a dynamic moisture sorption profile 29.62 S.28 25 substantially as shown in FIG. 18, wherein by “substantially 30.62 3.15 is meant that the reported DMS features can vary by about 31.63 2.70 +5% relative humidity and by about +5% weight change. 3216 2.09 32.76 5.8O Form I of Compound 1 oxoglutarate salt can be prepared by 33.64 4.97 any of the Suitable procedures known in the art for preparing 34.30 3.31 30 crystalline polymorphs. In some embodiments Form I of 34.66 6.12 Compound 1 oxoglutarate salt can be prepared as described in 35.50 2.04 35.87 3.24 Example 6. In some embodiments. Form I of Compound 1 36.2O 2.67 oxoglutarate salt can be prepared by slurrying crystalline 36.71 1.15 Compound 1 oxoglutarate salt containing one or more crys 37.53 2.34 35 talline forms other than Form I. In some embodiments, the 38.13 2.72 38.54 4.38 crystalline form of Compound 1 oxoglutarate salt can be 38.86 4.O3 prepared by recrystallizing crystalline Compound 1 oxoglu tarate salt containing one or more crystalline forms other than Form I. One aspect of the present invention is directed to a crystal 40 Compound 1 Oxoglutarate Salt Solvate line form of Compound 1 oxoglutarate salt having an X-ray One aspect of the present invention pertains to a crystalline powder diffraction pattern comprising a peak, in terms of 20, form of (R)-8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3- at about 13.39. In some embodiments, the crystalline form has an X-ray powder diffraction pattern comprising a peak, in benzazepine oxoglutarate salt Solvate (Compound 1 oxoglu terms of 20, at about 23.57. In some embodiments, the tarate salt Solvate). In some embodiments, the crystalline crystalline form has an X-ray powder diffraction pattern com 45 form of (R)-8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3- prising peaks, in terms of 20, at about 13.39 and about benzazepine oxoglutarate salt Solvate is Form I (Compound 1 23.57. In some embodiments, the crystalline form has an oxoglutarate salt Solvate, Form I). The physical properties of X-ray powder diffraction pattern comprising peaks, in terms Form I of Compound 1 oxoglutarate Salt Solvate are Summa of 20, at about 13.39 and about 21.22°. In some embodi rized in Table 13 below. ments, the crystalline form has an X-ray powder diffraction 50 pattern comprising peaks, in terms of 20, at about 13.39°, TABLE 13 about 23.57°, and about 21.22°. In some embodiments, the crystalline form has an X-ray powder diffraction pattern com Compound 1 Oxoglutarate Salt Solvate, Form I prising peaks, in terms of 20, at about 13.39, about 23.57. PXRD FIG. 19: Peaks of >30% relative intensity at 6.29, about 21.22°, about 23.18°, about 24.67, about 19.10°, and 55 11.53, 12.51, 12.97, 14.76, 18.72, 22.65, 23.34, 23.71, about 7.86°. In some embodiments, the crystalline form has 24.83, 25.16, and 26.02 °20 an X-ray powder diffraction pattern comprising peaks, in TGA FIG. 20: about 5.2% weight loss up to about 115° C. DSC FIG. 20: desolvation extrapolated onset temperature terms of 20, at about 13.39°, about 23.57°, about 21.22°, about 91° C.; second endotherm extrapolated onset about 23.18°, about 24.67, about 19.10°, about 7.86°, about temperature about 113°C. 20.06°, about 18.71, and about 25.37°. One aspect of the DMS FIG. 21: ~1.518% weight gain at about 90% RH present invention is directed to a crystalline form of Com 60 pound 1 oxoglutarate salt having an X-ray powder diffraction pattern comprising one or more peaks listed in Table 12. In The title salt was a solvated crystalline material with a Some embodiments, the crystalline form has an X-ray powder desolvation onset of -91° C. followed closely by another diffraction pattern substantially as shown in FIG.16, wherein endotherm at ~113°C.; both determined by DSC. Compound by “substantially' is meant that the reported peaks can vary 65 1 oxoglutarate salt Solvate, had a weight loss of ~5.2% (des by about +0.2 °20 and also that the relative intensities of the olvation onset -84°C. by TGA) out to ~110°C. This weight reported peaks can vary. loss was slightly higher than the theoretical value (5.0%) for US 9,365,521 B2 25 26 a monohydrate and slight lower than the theoretical value about 22.65°, about 12.51°, about 12.97°, about 6.29, and (5.7%) for a solvate. The desolvation is followed by degra about 25.16°. In some embodiments, the crystalline form has dation. an X-ray powder diffraction pattern comprising peaks, in The title salt was non-hygroscopic by DMS analysis, los terms of 20, at about 26.02°, about 11.53, about 22.65°, ing about 1.518% out to and including the 90% RH hold at 25° about 12.51°, about 12.97°, about 6.29, about 25.16°, about C. This type of hysteresis is typically associated with dis 23.34°, about 14.76°, and about 24.83°. One aspect of the placement of an organic solvent by water and often results in present invention is directed to a crystalline form of Com a form change. However, by PXRD analysis, the crystal form pound 1 oxoglutarate salt Solvate having an X-ray powder appeared unchanged diffraction pattern comprising one or more peaks listed in Certain X-ray powder diffraction peaks for Form I of Com 10 Table 14. In some embodiments, the crystalline form has an pound 1 oxoglutarate salt Solvate are shown in Table 14 X-ray powder diffraction pattern substantially as shown in below. FIG. 19, wherein by “substantially' is meant that the reported peaks can vary by about +0.2 °20 and also that the relative TABLE 1.4 intensities of the reported peaks can vary. 15 In some embodiments, the crystalline form of Compound 1 Pos. (20) Rel. Int. (%) oxoglutarate Salt Solvate has a differential scanning calorim etry thermogram comprising an endotherm with an extrapo 6.29 43.52 7.88 6.60 lated onset temperature between about 75° C. and about 105° 11.53 84.11 C. In some embodiments, the crystalline form of Compound 11.88 24.85 1 oxoglutarate salt Solvate has a differential scanning calo 12.51 59.10 rimetry thermogram comprising an endotherm with an 12.97 44.83 13.30 20.61 extrapolated onset temperature at about 91° C. In some 1422 15.76 embodiments, the crystalline form of Compound 1 oxoglut 14.76 37.04 arate salt Solvate has a differential scanning calorimetry ther 14.87 28.42 25 mogram comprising an endotherm with an extrapolated onset 15.88 3.79 1741 3.32 temperature between about 100° C. and about 130° C. In 1847 21.06 some embodiments, the crystalline form of Compound 1 18.72 33.99 oxoglutarate Salt Solvate has a differential scanning calorim 19.08 9.33 etry thermogram comprising an endotherm with an extrapo 2003 8.32 30 20.70 17.34 lated onset temperature at about 113°C. In some embodi 21.21 12.16 ments, the crystalline form of Compound 1 oxoglutarate salt 21.50 17.72 solvate has a differential scanning calorimetry thermogram 22.25 15.99 comprising an endotherm with an extrapolated onset tem 22.65 6216 2334 38.86 perature between about 75° C. and about 105° C., and an 23.71 3216 35 endotherm with an extrapolated onset temperature between 24.83 35.84 about 100° C. and about 130° C. In some embodiments, the 25.16 38.94 crystalline form of Compound 1 oxoglutarate salt Solvate has 26.O2 1OOOO 26.47 14.65 a differential scanning calorimetry thermogram comprising 27.089 25.48 an endotherm with an extrapolated onset temperature at about 27.69 740 40 91°C., and an endotherm with an extrapolated onset tempera 28.33 9.36 28.88 8.66 ture at about 113°C. In some embodiments, the crystalline 29.54 14.13 form of Compound 1 oxoglutarate Salt Solvate has a thermo 29.82 9.78 gravimetric analysis profile substantially as shown in FIG.20, 30.66 3.22 wherein by “substantially' is meant that the reported TGA 31.30 2.74 45 features can vary by about +5° C. and by about +2% weight 31.94 6.36 33.01 8.23 change. 34.03 2.72 In some embodiments, the crystalline form of Compound 1 34:43 5.46 oxoglutarate Salt Solvate has a differential scanning calorim 36.75 3.46 etry thermogram substantially as shown in FIG. 20, wherein 37.35 3.43 50 by “substantially' is meant that the reported DSC features can vary by about +6° C. and by about +20 joules per gram. One aspect of the present invention is directed to a crystal In some embodiments, the crystalline form of Compound 1 line form of Compound 1 oxoglutarate salt Solvate having an oxoglutarate salt Solvate has a dynamic moisture sorption X-ray powder diffraction pattern comprising a peak, in terms profile substantially as shown in FIG. 21, wherein by “sub of 20, at about 26.02°. In some embodiments, the crystalline 55 stantially' is meant that the reported DMS features can vary form has an X-ray powder diffraction pattern comprising a by about +5% relative humidity and by about +5% weight peak, in terms of 20, at about 11.53°. In some embodiments, change. the crystalline form has an X-ray powder diffraction pattern Form I of Compound 1 oxoglutarate salt solvate can be comprising peaks, in terms of 20, at about 26.02° and about prepared by any of the suitable procedures known in the art 11.53°. In some embodiments, the crystalline form has an 60 for preparing crystalline polymorphs. In some embodiments X-ray powder diffraction pattern comprising peaks, in terms Form I of Compound 1 oxoglutarate salt Solvate can be pre of 20, at about 26.02° and about 22.65°. In some embodi pared as described in Example 7. In some embodiments, ments, the crystalline form has an X-ray powder diffraction Form I of Compound 1 oxoglutarate salt Solvate can be pre pattern comprising peaks, in terms of 20, at about 26.02. pared by slurrying crystalline Compound 1 oxoglutarate salt about 11.53, and about 22.65°. In some embodiments, the 65 Solvate containing one or more crystalline forms other than crystalline form has an X-ray powder diffraction pattern com Form I. In some embodiments, the crystalline form of Com prising peaks, in terms of 20, at about 26.02°, about 11.53, pound 1 oxoglutarate salt Solvate can be prepared by recrys US 9,365,521 B2 27 28 tallizing crystalline Compound 1 oxoglutarate salt Solvate related co-morbid condition selected from: hypertension, containing one or more crystalline forms other than Form I. dyslipidemia, cardiovascular disease, glucose intolerance, One aspect of the present invention pertains to processes and sleep apnea. for preparing a pharmaceutical composition comprising One aspect of the present invention pertains to crystalline admixing a crystalline salt of the present invention, and a salts of the present invention, for use in a method of weight pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. management in an individual with an initial body mass One aspect of the present invention pertains to processes indexe30 kg/m. for preparing a bulk pharmaceutical composition comprising One aspect of the present invention pertains to crystalline admixing a crystalline salt of the present invention, and a salts of the present invention, for use in a method of weight 10 management in an individual with an initial body mass pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. indexe27 kg/m. One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for One aspect of the present invention pertains to crystalline weight management, comprising administering to an indi salts of the present invention, for use in a method of weight vidual in need thereof, a therapeutically effective amount of a management in an individual with an initial body mass crystalline salt of the present invention. 15 indexe27 kg/m in the presence of at least one weight related One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of co-morbid condition. crystalline salts of the present invention, in the manufacture One aspect of the present invention pertains to crystalline of a medicament for weight management in an individual. salts of the present invention, for use in a method of weight One aspect of the present invention pertains to crystalline management in an individual with an initial body mass salts of the present invention, for use in a method of treatment indexe27 kg/m in the presence of at least one weight related of the human or animal body by therapy. co-morbid condition selected from: hypertension, dyslipi One aspect of the present invention pertains to crystalline demia, cardiovascular disease, glucose intolerance, and sleep salts of the present invention, for use in a method of weight apnea. management. One aspect of the present invention pertains to crystalline One aspect of the present invention pertains to crystalline 25 salts of the present invention, for use in a method of weight salts of the present invention, for use in a method of weight management in an individual with an initial body mass loss. indexe25 kg/m. One aspect of the present invention pertains to crystalline One aspect of the present invention pertains to crystalline salts of the present invention, for use in a method of mainte salts of the present invention, for use in a method of weight 30 management in an individual with an initial body mass nance of weight loss. indexe25 kg/m in the presence of at least one weight related One aspect of the present invention pertains to crystalline co-morbid condition. salts of the present invention, for use in a method of decreas One aspect of the present invention pertains to crystalline ing food consumption. salts of the present invention, for use in a method of weight One aspect of the present invention pertains to crystalline 35 management in an individual with an initial body mass salts of the present invention, for use in a method of increas indexe25 kg/m in the presence of at least one weight related ing meal-related Satiety. co-morbid condition selected from: hypertension, dyslipi One aspect of the present invention pertains to crystalline demia, cardiovascular disease, glucose intolerance, and sleep salts of the present invention, for use in a method of reducing apnea. pre-meal hunger. 40 One aspect of the present invention pertains to crystalline One aspect of the present invention pertains to crystalline salts of the present invention, for use in a method of weight salts of the present invention, for use in a method of reducing management in combination with phentermine. intra-meal food intake. Hydrates and Solvates One aspect of the present invention pertains to crystalline It is understood that when the phrase “pharmaceutically salts of the present invention, for use in a method of weight 45 acceptable salts, Solvates, and hydrates' or the phrase “phar management further comprising a reduced-calorie diet. maceutically acceptable salt, Solvate, or hydrate' is used One aspect of the present invention pertains to crystalline when referring to compounds described herein, it embraces salts of the present invention, for use in a method of weight pharmaceutically acceptable Solvates and/or hydrates of the management further comprising a program of regular exer compounds, pharmaceutically acceptable salts of the com cise. 50 pounds, as well as pharmaceutically acceptable Solvates and/ One aspect of the present invention pertains to crystalline or hydrates of pharmaceutically acceptable salts of the com salts of the present invention, for use in a method of weight pounds. It is also understood that when the phrase management further comprising a reduced-calorie diet and a “pharmaceutically acceptable solvates and hydrates' or the program of regular exercise. phrase “pharmaceutically acceptable solvate or hydrate” is One aspect of the present invention pertains to crystalline 55 used when referring to compounds described herein that are salts of the present invention, for use in a method of weight salts, it embraces pharmaceutically acceptable solvates and/ management in an obese patient with an initial body mass or hydrates of Such salts. indexe30 kg/m. It will be apparent to those skilled in the art that the dosage One aspect of the present invention pertains to crystalline forms described herein may comprise, as the active compo salts of the present invention, for use in a method of weight 60 nent, either a salts or crystalline form thereof as described management in an overweight patient with an initial body herein, or a solvate or hydrate thereof. Moreover, various mass indexe27 kg/m in the presence of at least one weight hydrates and solvates of the salts or crystalline form thereof related co-morbid condition. described herein will find use as intermediates in the manu One aspect of the present invention pertains to crystalline facture of pharmaceutical compositions. Typical procedures salts of the present invention, for use in a method of weight 65 for making and identifying Suitable hydrates and Solvates, management in an overweight patient with an initial body outside those mentioned herein, are well knownto those in the mass indexe27 kg/m in the presence of at least one weight art; see for example, pages 202-209 of K. J. Guillory, "Gen US 9,365,521 B2 29 30 eration of Polymorphs, Hydrates, Solvates, and Amorphous one or more pharmaceutically acceptable carriers. Some Solids in: Polymorphism in Pharmaceutical Solids, ed. embodiments pertain to pharmaceutical compositions com Harry G. Britain, Vol. 95, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, prising a salt according to any of the salt embodiments dis 1999. closed herein and a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. Accordingly, one aspect of the present invention pertains to 5 Some embodiments pertain to pharmaceutical compositions methods of administering hydrates and Solvates of salts or comprising any Subcombination of salts according to any of crystalline forms thereof described herein and/or their phar the salt embodiments disclosed herein. maceutically acceptable salts, that can be isolated and char Another aspect of the present invention pertains to methods acterized by methods known in the art, Such as, thermogravi of producing pharmaceutical compositions comprising metric analysis (TGA), TGA-mass spectroscopy, TGA- 10 admixing one or more salts according to any of the salt Infrared spectroscopy, powder X-ray diffraction (XRPD). embodiments disclosed herein and one or more pharmaceu Karl Fisher titration, high resolution X-ray diffraction, and tically acceptable carriers. Some embodiments pertain to a the like. There are several commercial entities that provide method of producing a pharmaceutical composition compris quick and efficient services for identifying Solvates and ing admixing a salt according to any of the salt embodiments hydrates on a routine basis. Example companies offering 15 disclosed herein and a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. these services include Wilmington PharmaTech (Wilming Some embodiments pertain to a methods of producing phar ton, Del.), Avantium Technologies (Amsterdam) and Aptuit maceutical compositions comprising admixing any Subcom (Greenwich, Conn.). bination of salts according to any of the salt embodiments Isotopes disclosed herein and a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. The present disclosure includes all isotopes of atoms 20 Salts of the present invention or a solvate, hydrate or physi occurring in the present salts and crystalline forms thereof. ologically functional derivative thereof can be used as active Isotopes include those atoms having the same atomic number ingredients in pharmaceutical compositions, specifically as but different mass numbers. One aspect of the present inven 5-HT-receptor modulators. The term “active ingredient” as tion includes every combination of one or more atoms in the defined in the context of a “pharmaceutical composition' and present salts and crystalline forms thereof that is replaced 25 is intended to mean a component of a pharmaceutical com with an atom having the same atomic number but a different position that provides the primary pharmacological effect, as mass number. One such example is the replacement of an opposed to an “inactive ingredient' which would generally be atom that is the most naturally abundant isotope, such as 'Hor recognized as providing no pharmaceutical benefit. °C, found in one the present salts and crystalline forms The dose when using the salts of the present invention can thereof, with a different atom that is not the most naturally 30 vary within wide limits and as is customary and is known to abundant isotope, such as H or H (replacing 'H), or 'C, the physician, it is to be tailored to the individual conditions in 'C, or ''C(replacing 'C). A salt wherein such a replacement each individual case. It depends, for example, on the nature has taken place is commonly referred to as being isotopically and severity of the illness to be treated, on the condition of the labeled. Isotopic-labeling of the present salts and crystalline patient, on the salt employed or on whether an acute or forms thereof can be accomplished using any one of a variety 35 chronic disease state is treated or prophylaxis conducted or on of different synthetic methods know to those of ordinary skill whether further active compounds are administered in addi in the art and they are readily credited with understanding the tion to the salts of the present invention. Representative doses synthetic methods and available reagents needed to conduct of the present invention include, but are not limited to, about Such isotopic-labeling. By way of general example, and with 0.001 mg to about 5000 mg, about 0.001 mg to about 2500 out limitation, isotopes of hydrogen include H (deuterium) 40 mg, about 0.001 mg to about 1000 mg 0.001 mg to about 500 and H (tritium). Isotopes of carbon include ''C, C, and mg, 0.001 mg to about 250 mg, about 0.001 mg to 100 mg. '''C. Isotopes of nitrogen include 'N and 'N. Isotopes of about 0.001 mg to about 50 mg and about 0.001 mg to about oxygen include 'O, ''O, and C. An isotope of fluorine 25 mg. Multiple doses may be administered during the day, includes F. An isotope of sulfur includes S. An isotope of especially when relatively large amounts are deemed to be chlorine includes C1. Isotopes of bromine include 'Br, 45 needed, for example 2, 3 or 4 doses. Depending on the indi 7Br 77Br, and Br. Isotopes of iodine include I, I, I, vidual and as deemed appropriate from the patient’s physi and ''I. Another aspect of the present invention includes cian or caregiver it may be necessary to deviate upward or compositions, such as, those prepared during synthesis, pre downward from the doses described herein. formulation, and the like, and pharmaceutical compositions, The amount of active ingredient, oran active salt or deriva Such as, those prepared with the intent of using in a mammal 50 tive thereof, required for use in treatment will vary not only for the treatment of one or more of the disorders described with the particular salt selected but also with the route of herein, comprising one or more of the present salts and crys administration, the nature of the condition being treated and talline forms thereof, wherein the naturally occurring distri the age and condition of the patient and will ultimately be at bution of the isotopes in the composition is perturbed. the discretion of the attendant physician or clinician. In gen Another aspect of the present invention includes composi- 55 eral, one skilled in the art understands how to extrapolate in tions and pharmaceutical compositions comprising salts and Vivo data obtained in a model system, typically an animal crystalline forms thereofas described herein wherein the salt model, to another, such as a human. In some circumstances, is enriched at one or more positions with an isotope other than these extrapolations may merely be based on the weight of the the most naturally abundant isotope. Methods are readily animal model in comparison to another, Such as a mammal, available to measure Such isotope perturbations or enrich- 60 preferably a human, however, more often, these extrapola ments, such as, mass spectrometry, and for isotopes that are tions are not simply based on weights, but rather incorporate radio-isotopes additional methods are available. Such as, a variety of factors. Representative factors include the type, radio-detectors used in connection with HPLC or G.C. age, weight, sex, diet and medical condition of the patient, the Pharmaceutical Compositions severity of the disease, the route of administration, pharma A further aspect of the present invention pertains to phar- 65 cological considerations such as the activity, efficacy, phar maceutical compositions comprising one or more salts macokinetic and toxicology profiles of the particular salt according to any of the salt embodiments disclosed herein and employed, whether a drug delivery system is utilized, on US 9,365,521 B2 31 32 whether an acute or chronic disease state is being treated or One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu prophylaxis conducted or on whether further active com tical compositions of the present invention, for use in a pounds are administered in addition to the salts of the present method of weight management further comprising a reduced invention and as part of a drug combination. The dosage calorie diet. regimen for treating a disease condition with the salts and/or 5 One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu compositions of this invention is selected in accordance with tical compositions of the present invention, for use in a a variety factors as cited above. Thus, the actual dosage regi method of weight management further comprising a program men employed may vary widely and therefore may deviate of regular exercise. from a preferred dosage regimen and one skilled in the art will One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu recognize that dosage and dosage regimen outside these typi 10 cal ranges can be tested and, where appropriate, may be used tical compositions of the present invention, for use in a in the methods of this invention. method of weight management further comprising a reduced The desired dose may conveniently be presented in a single calorie diet and a program of regular exercise. dose or as divided doses administered at appropriate intervals, One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu for example, as two, three, four or more Sub-doses per day. 15 tical compositions of the present invention, for use in a The sub-dose itselfmay be further divided, e.g., into a number method of weight management in an obese patient with an of discrete loosely spaced administrations. The daily dose can initial body mass indexe30 kg/m. be divided, especially when relatively large amounts are One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu administered as deemed appropriate, into several, for tical compositions of the present invention, for use in a example 2, 3 or 4 part administrations. If appropriate, depend method of weight management in an overweight patient with ing on individual behavior, it may be necessary to deviate an initial body mass indexe27 kg/m in the presence of at least upward or downward from the daily dose indicated. one weight related co-morbid condition. Some embodiments of the present invention include a One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu method of producing a pharmaceutical composition for tical compositions of the present invention, for use in a “combination-therapy' comprising admixing at least one salt 25 method of weight management in an overweight patient with according to any of the salt embodiments disclosed herein, an initial body mass indexe27 kg/m in the presence of at least together with at least one known pharmaceutical agent as one weight related co-morbid condition selected from: hyper described herein and a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. tension, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular disease, glucose intol It is noted that when the salts of the present invention are erance, and sleep apnea. utilized as active ingredients in a pharmaceutical composi 30 One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu tion, these are not intended for use only in humans, but in other non-human mammals as well. Indeed, recent advances tical compositions of the present invention, for use in a in the area of animal health-care mandate that consideration method of weight management in an individual with an initial be given for the use of active agents, such as 5-HT-receptor body mass indexe30 kg/m. modulators, for the treatment of a 5-HT-receptor-associ 35 One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu ated disease or disorders in companionship animals (e.g., tical compositions of the present invention, for use in a cats, dogs, etc.) and in livestock animals (e.g., cows, chickens, method of weight management in an individual with an initial fish, etc.). Those of ordinary skill in the art are readily credited body mass indexe27 kg/m. with understanding the utility of Such salts in Such settings. One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for 40 tical compositions of the present invention, for use in a weight management, comprising administering to an indi method of weight management in an individual with an initial vidual in need thereof, a therapeutically effective amount of a body mass indexe27 kg/m in the presence of at least one pharmaceutical composition of the present invention. weight related co-morbid condition. One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu tical compositions of the present invention, for use in a 45 tical compositions of the present invention, for use in a method of treatment of the human or animal body by therapy. method of weight management in an individual with an initial One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu body mass indexe27 kg/m in the presence of at least one tical compositions of the present invention, for use in a weight related co-morbid condition selected from: hyperten method of weight management. Sion, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular disease, glucose intoler One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu 50 ance, and sleep apnea. tical compositions of the present invention, for use in a One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu method of weight loss. tical compositions of the present invention, for use in a One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu method of weight management in an individual with an initial tical compositions of the present invention, for use in a body mass indexe25 kg/m. method of maintenance of weight loss. 55 One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu tical compositions of the present invention, for use in a tical compositions of the present invention, for use in a method of decreasing food consumption. method of weight management in an individual with an initial One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu body mass indexe25 kg/m in the presence of at least one tical compositions of the present invention, for use in a 60 weight related co-morbid condition. method of increasing meal-related Satiety. One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu tical compositions of the present invention, for use in a tical compositions of the present invention, for use in a method of weight management in an individual with an initial method of reducing pre-meal hunger. body mass indexe25 kg/m in the presence of at least one One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu 65 weight related co-morbid condition selected from: hyperten tical compositions of the present invention, for use in a Sion, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular disease, glucose intoler method of reducing intra-meal food intake. ance, and sleep apnea. US 9,365,521 B2 33 34 One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu tical compositions of the present invention, for use in a Increase in mass after 24h method of weight management in combination with phenter Classification at 25°C. and 80% RH mine. Slightly hygroscopic <2% and 0.2% Hygroscopicity Hygroscopic <15% and 0.2% Very hygroscopic e15% Many compounds and salts are sensitive to the presence of Deliquescent water vapor or moisture. When compounds and salts interact Forms a liquid with moisture, they retain water by wither bulk or surface adsorption, capillary condensation, chemical reaction and, in It highly desirable to have a crystalline form of a therapeu extreme cases, formation of a solution (deliquescence). Deli 10 tic agent that is neither hygroscopic nor deliquescent. Stable, quescence occurs when a solid dissolves and Saturates a thin non-hygroscopic salts facilitate the production of Solid phar film of water on its surface. It has been shown that when maceutical compositions. Hygroscopicity of active pharma moisture is absorbed to the extent that deliquescence takes ceutical ingredients can cause a number of down-stream problems including a lack of storability, agglomeration, and place at a certain critical relative humidity, the liquid film 15 Surrounding the Solid is saturated. This process is dictated by inadequate flowability during formulating and processing. vapor diffusion and heat transport rates. (Gibson, Pharma Hygroscopic formulations may exhibit poor tablettability ceutical Preformulation and Formulation: A Practical Guide which can make the manufacture of orally administrable dos from Candidate Drug Selection to Commercial Dosage Form, age forms problematic. Informa Health Care, 2001; Kontny et al., Pharmaceutical The salts of (R)-8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro Research, 1987, 4(2), 104-12.) 1H-3-benzazepine of the present invention are non-hygro The opposite of deliquescence is efflorescence, which scopic. Because of their stability to moisture they are suitable occurs when a crystal loses water of crystallization below a for active pharmaceutical ingredient storage, for preparing critical vapor pressure. For example Griesser and Burger bulk pharmaceutical compositions, and for manufacturing (International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 1995, 120(1), 25 orally administrable solid-dosage forms that are useful for, 83-93) found that hydrate lost it water of crystalliza interalia, weight management. tion even at 61% RH. It has also been observed that the three One aspect of the present invention pertains to dosage know polymorphs of oxytetracycline have different hygro forms comprising a therapeutically effective amount of a salt scopicity profiles. (Burger et al., Acta Pharmaceutica Tech selected from: a pharmaceutically acceptable salt of (R)-8- nologica, 1985, 31(4), 230-5.) 30 chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine and Moisture is also an important factor that can affect the pharmaceutically acceptable Solvates and hydrates thereof, stability of candidate drugs and their formulations. Sorption wherein the dosage form is a non-hygroscopic dosage form. of water molecules onto a candidate drug (or excipient) can In some embodiments, the salt absorbs less than about 2% often induce hydrolysis (see, e.g., Yoshioka and Carstensen, water by weight after about 2 hat about 90% RH and about Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1990, 79(9), 799-801. 35 250 C. Other properties such as crystal structure, powder flow, com In some embodiments, the salt absorbs less than about 1% paction, lubricity, dissolution rate and polymer film perme water by weight after about 2 hat about 90% RH and about ability may also be effected by moisture adsorption (Ahlneck 250 C. and Zografi, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 1990, In some embodiments, the salt absorbs less than about 62(2-3), 87-95.) 40 The influence that moisture has on stability depends on 0.6% water by weight after about 2 hat about 90% RH and how strongly it is bound, i.e., it depends on whether the about 25° C. moisture is in a free or a bound state. Generally, degradation In some embodiments, the salt absorbs less than about arises as a function of free water, which may be due to its 0.5% water by weight after about 2 hat about 90% RH and ability to change the pH of the Surfaces of drug and excipient. 45 about 25° C. (Monkhouse, Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy, In some embodiments, the salt absorbs less than about 1984, 10(8-9), 1373-412.) On the other hand, bound water is 0.4% water by weight after about 2 hat about 90% RH and not available if it is a crystal hydrate, hydrogen bonded, or about 25° C. sorbed or trapped in an amorphous structure In some embodiments, the salt absorbs less than about Hygroscopicity can be defined using various parameters. 50 0.3% water by weight after about 2 hat about 90% RH and For example, hygroscopicity may be classified as shown in about 25° C. the following table. Callahan et al. (Drug Development and In some embodiments, the salt absorbs less than about Industrial Pharmacy, 1982, 8(3), 355-69). 0.2% water by weight after about 2 hat about 90% RH and about 25° C. 55 In some embodiments, the salt absorbs less than about Class 1: Non-hygroscopic Essentially no moisture increases 0.1% water by weight after about 2 hat about 90% RH and occur at RH <90% about 25° C. Class 2: Slightly hygroscopic Essentially no moisture increases occur at RH <90% In some embodiments, the salt absorbs: less than about 2% Class 3: Moderately hygroscopic Moisture content increase s5% after water by weight after about 2 hat about 90% RH and about storage for 1 week at RH <60% 60 25°C.; less than about 1% water by weight after about 2 hat Class 4: Very hygroscopic Moisture content increase may occur about 90% RH and about 25°C.; less than about 0.6% water at RH as low as 40-50% by weight after about 2 hat about 90% RH and about 25°C.: less than about 0.5% water by weight after about 2 hat about Alternatively, hygroscopicity can be defined using the 90% RH and about 25° C.; less than about 0.4% water by parameters of the European Pharmacopoeia Technical Guide 65 weight after about 2 hat about 90% RH and about 25°C.; less (1999, p.86) which has defined hygroscopicity, based on the than about 0.3% water by weight after about 2 hat about 90% static method, after storage at 25°C. for 24 hours at 80% RH. RH and about 25°C.; less than about 0.2% water by weight US 9,365,521 B2 35 36 after about 2 hat about 90% RH and about 25°C.; or less than In some embodiments, the salt absorbs from about 0.5% to about 0.1% water by weight after about 2 hat about 90% RH about 0.01% water by weight after about 2 hat about 90% RH and about 25° C. and about 25° C. In some embodiments, the salt absorbs from about 2% to In some embodiments, the salt absorbs from about 0.5% to about 0.01% water by weight after about 2 hat about 90% RH about 0.1% water by weight after about 2 hat about 90% RH and about 25° C. and about 25° C. In some embodiments, the salt absorbs from about 2% to In some embodiments, the salt absorbs from about 0.5% to about 0.1% water by weight after about 2 hat about 90% RH about 0.2% water by weight after about 2 hat about 90% RH and about 25° C. and about 25° C. In some embodiments, the salt absorbs from about 2% to 10 In some embodiments, the salt absorbs from about 0.5% to about 0.2% water by weight after about 2 hat about 90% RH about 0.3% water by weight after about 2 hat about 90% RH and about 25° C. and about 25° C. In some embodiments, the salt absorbs from about 2% to In some embodiments, the salt absorbs from about 0.5% to about 0.3% water by weight after about 2 hat about 90% RH 15 about 0.4% water by weight after about 2 hat about 90% RH and about 25° C. and about 25° C. In some embodiments, the salt absorbs from about 2% to In some embodiments, the salt absorbs from about 0.4% to about 0.4% water by weight after about 2 hat about 90% RH about 0.01% water by weight after about 2 hat about 90% RH and about 25° C. and about 25° C. In some embodiments, the salt absorbs from about 2% to In some embodiments, the salt absorbs from about 0.4% to about 0.5% water by weight after about 2 hat about 90% RH about 0.1% water by weight after about 2 hat about 90% RH and about 25° C. and about 25° C. In some embodiments, the salt absorbs from about 2% to In some embodiments, the salt absorbs from about 0.4% to about 0.6% water by weight after about 2 hat about 90% RH about 0.2% water by weight after about 2 hat about 90% RH and about 25° C. 25 and about 25° C. In some embodiments, the salt absorbs from about 2% to In some embodiments, the salt absorbs from about 0.4% to about 1% water by weight after about 2 hat about 90% RH about 0.3% water by weight after about 2 hat about 90% RH and about 25° C. and about 25° C. In some embodiments, the salt absorbs from about 1% to In some embodiments, the salt absorbs from about 0.3% to about 0.01% water by weight after about 2 hat about 90% RH 30 about 0.01% water by weight after about 2 hat about 90% RH and about 25° C. and about 25° C. In some embodiments, the salt absorbs from about 1% to In some embodiments, the salt absorbs from about 0.3% to about 0.1% water by weight after about 2 hat about 90% RH about 0.1% water by weight after about 2 hat about 90% RH and about 25° C. and about 25° C. In some embodiments, the salt absorbs from about 1% to 35 In some embodiments, the salt absorbs from about 0.3% to about 0.2% water by weight after about 2 hat about 90% RH about 0.2% water by weight after about 2 hat about 90% RH and about 25° C. and about 25° C. In some embodiments, the salt absorbs from about 1% to In some embodiments, the salt absorbs from about 0.2% to about 0.3% water by weight after about 2 hat about 90% RH about 0.01% water by weight after about 2 hat about 90% RH and about 25° C. 40 and about 25° C. In some embodiments, the salt absorbs from about 1% to In some embodiments, the salt absorbs from about 0.2% to about 0.4% water by weight after about 2 hat about 90% RH about 0.1% water by weight after about 2 hat about 90% RH and about 25° C. and about 25° C. In some embodiments, the salt absorbs from about 1% to In some embodiments, the salt absorbs from about 0.1% to about 0.5% water by weight after about 2 hat about 90% RH 45 about 0.01% water by weight after about 2 hat about 90% RH and about 25° C. and about 25° C. In some embodiments, the salt absorbs from about 1% to One aspect of the present invention pertains to dosage about 0.6% water by weight after about 2 hat about 90% RH forms comprising a therapeutically effective amount of a salt and about 25° C. of the present invention. In some embodiments, the salt absorbs from about 0.6% to 50 One aspect of the present invention pertains to dosage about 0.01% water by weight after about 2 hat about 90% RH forms comprising a therapeutically effective amount of (R)- and about 25° C. 8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine In some embodiments, the salt absorbs from about 0.6% to hemi-edisylate salt or a crystalline form thereof. about 0.1% water by weight after about 2 hat about 90% RH One aspect of the present invention pertains to dosage and about 25° C. 55 forms comprising a therapeutically effective amount of (R)- In some embodiments, the salt absorbs from about 0.6% to 8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine about 0.2% water by weight after about 2 hat about 90% RH phosphate salt or a crystalline form thereof. and about 25° C. One aspect of the present invention pertains to dosage In some embodiments, the salt absorbs from about 0.6% to forms comprising a therapeutically effective amount of (R)- about 0.3% water by weight after about 2 hat about 90% RH 60 8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine cit and about 25° C. rate salt hemihydrate or a crystalline form thereof. In some embodiments, the salt absorbs from about 0.6% to One aspect of the present invention pertains to dosage about 0.4% water by weight after about 2 hat about 90% RH forms comprising a therapeutically effective amount of (R)- and about 25° C. 8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine In some embodiments, the salt absorbs from about 0.6% to 65 hemi-oxalate salt or a crystalline form thereof. about 0.5% water by weight after about 2 hat about 90% RH One aspect of the present invention pertains to dosage and about 25° C. forms comprising a therapeutically effective amount of (R)- US 9,365,521 B2 37 38 8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine (BMI of about 30 to about 34.9 kg/m), Class II (BMI of about Succinate salt or a crystalline form thereof. 35 to 39.9 kg/m) and Class III (about 40 kg/m or greater); In some embodiments, the dosage form further comprises see Table below for complete classifications. one or more pharmaceutically acceptable excipients. One aspect of the present invention pertains to dosage 5 Classification of Weight by Body Mass Index (BMI) forms for oral administration to an individual in need of Weight management. In some embodiments, the weight management comprises weight loss. BMI CLASSIFICATION 10 In some embodiments, the weight management comprises <18.5 Underweight maintenance of weight loss. 18.5-24.9 Normal In some embodiments, the weight management comprises 2SO-29.9 Overweight decreased food consumption. 3O.O-34.9 Obesity (Class I) 350-39.9 Obesity (Class II) In some embodiments, the weight management comprises >40 Extreme Obesity (Class III) increasing meal-related Satiety. 15 In some embodiments, the weight management comprises reducing pre-meal hunger. As the BMI increases for an individual there is an increased In some embodiments, the weight management comprises risk of morbidity and mortality relative to an individual with reducing intra-meal food intake. normal BMI. Accordingly, overweight and obese individuals In some embodiments, the weight management further (BMI of about 25 kg/m and above) are at increased risk for comprises a reduced-calorie diet. physical ailments such as, but not limited to, high blood In some embodiments, the weight management further pressure, cardiovascular disease (particularly hypertension), comprises a program of regular exercise. high blood cholesterol, dyslipidemia, type II (non-insulin In some embodiments, the weight management further dependent) diabetes, insulin resistance, glucose intolerance, comprises both a reduced-calorie diet and a program of regu 25 hyperinsulinemia, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, lar exercise. congestive heart failure, stroke, gallstones, cholescystitis and In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight cholelithiasis, gout, osteoarthritis, obstructive sleep apnea management is an obese patient with an initial body mass and respiratory problems, some types of cancer (Such as indexe30 kg/m. endometrial, breast, prostate, and colon), complications of In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight 30 pregnancy, poor female reproductive health (Such as men management is an overweight patient with an initial body strual irregularities, infertility, irregular ovulation), diseases mass index27 kg/m in the presence of at least one weight of reproduction (such as sexual dysfunction, both male and related comorbid condition. female, including male erectile dysfunction), bladder control In some embodiments, the weight related co-morbid con problems (such as stress incontinence), uric acid nephrolithi dition is selected from: hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardio 35 asis, psychological disorders (such as depression, eating dis vascular disease, glucose intolerance, and sleep apnea. orders, distorted body image, and low self esteem). Research In some embodiments, the dosage form is for administra has shown that even a modest reduction in body weight can tion in combination with phentermine. correspond to a significant reduction in the risk of developing Indications other ailments, such as, but not limited to, coronary heart Obesity is a life-threatening disorder in which there is an 40 disease. increased risk of morbidity and mortality arising from con As mentioned above, obesity increases the risk of devel comitant diseases such as, but not limited to, type II diabetes, oping cardiovascular diseases. Coronary insufficiency, hypertension, stroke, certain forms of cancers and gallbladder atheromatous disease, and cardiac insufficiency are at the disease. forefront of the cardiovascular complications induced by obe Obesity has become a major healthcare issue in the West 45 sity. The incidence of coronary diseases is doubled in Subjects ern World and increasingly in somethird world countries. The less than 50 years of age who are 30% overweight. The increase in the number of obese people is due largely to the diabetes patient faces a 30% reduced lifespan. After age 45, increasing preference for high fat content foods but also, and people with diabetes are about three times more likely than this can be a more important factor, the decrease in activity in people without diabetes to have significant heart disease and most people's lives. In spite of the growing awareness of the 50 up to five times more likely to have a stroke. These findings health concerns linked to obesity the percentage of individu emphasize the inter-relations between risks factors for type 2 als that are overweight or obese continues to increase. The diabetes and coronary heart disease and the potential value of most significant concern, from a public health perspective, is an integrated approach to the prevention of these conditions that children who are overweightgrow up to be overweight or based on the prevention of obesity Perry, I.J., et al. BMJ 310, obese adults, and accordingly are at greater risk for major 55 560-564 (1995). It is estimated that if the entire population health problems. Therefore, it appears that the number of had an ideal weight, the risk of coronary insufficiency would individuals that are overweight or obese will continue to decrease by 25% and the risk of cardiac insufficiency and of increase. cerebral vascular accidents by 35%. Whether someone is classified as overweight or obese is Diabetes has also been implicated in the development of generally determined on the basis of his or her body mass 60 kidney disease, eye diseases and nervous-system problems. index (BMI) which is calculated by dividing body weight (kg) Kidney disease, also called nephropathy, occurs when the by height squared (m). Thus, the units for BMI are kg/m. kidney’s “filter mechanism' is damaged and protein leaks BMI is more highly correlated with body fat than any other into urine in excessive amounts and eventually the kidney indicator of height and weight. A person is considered over fails. Diabetes is also a leading cause of damage to the retina weight when they have a BMI in the range of 25-30 kg/m, 65 and increases the risk of cataracts and glaucoma. Finally, whereas a person with a BMI over 30 kg/m is classified as diabetes is associated with nerve damage, especially in the obese. Obesity is further divided into three classes: Class I legs and feet, which interferes with the ability to sense pain US 9,365,521 B2 39 40 and contributes to serious infections. Taken together, diabetes anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Individuals with anor complications are one of the nation's leading causes of death. exia nervosa often demonstrate Social isolation. Anorexic The first line of treatment for individuals that are over individuals often present symptoms of being depressed, anx weight or obese is to offer diet and life style advice, such as, ious, obsession, perfectionistic traits, and rigid cognitive reducing the fat content of their diet and increasing their styles as well as sexual disinterest. Other eating disorders physical activity. However many patients find these difficult include, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating dis to maintain and need additional help from drug therapy to order (compulsive eating) and ED-NOS (i.e., eating disorders sustain results from these efforts. not otherwise specified—an official diagnosis). An individual Most currently marketed products have been unsuccessful diagnosed with ED-NOS possess atypical eating disorders as treatments for obesity owing to a lack of efficacy or unac 10 including situations in which the individual meets all but a ceptable side-effect profiles. The most successful drug so far few of the criteria for a particular diagnosis. What the indi was the indirectly acting 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) ago vidual is doing with regard to food and weight is neither nist d-fenfluramine (ReduxTM) but reports of cardiac valve normal nor healthy. defects in up to one third of the patient population led to its The 5-HT, receptor plays a role in Alzheimer Disease withdrawal by the FDA in 1998. 15 (AD). Therapeutic agents currently prescribed for Alzhe The 5-HT, receptor is recognized as a well-accepted imer's disease (AD) are cholinomimetic agents that act by receptor target for the treatment of obesity, psychiatric, and inhibiting the acetylcholinesterase. The resulting other disorders. See, for example, Halford et al., Serotonergic effect is increased levels of , which modestly Drugs Effects on Appetite Expression and Use for the Treat improves neuronal function and cognition in patients with ment of Obesity, Drugs 2007; 67 (1): 27-55; Naughton et al., AD. Although, dysfunction of cholinergic brain neurons is an A Review Of The Role Of Serotonin Receptors. In Psychiatric early manifestation of AD, attempts to slow the progression Disorders. Human Psychopharmacology (2000), 15(6), 397 of the disease with these agents have had only modest Suc 415. cess, perhaps because the doses that can be administered are (R)-8-Chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benza limited by peripheral cholinergic side effects. Such as trem Zepine hydrochloride (lorcaserin hydrochloride) is an agonist 25 ors, nausea, vomiting, and dry mouth. In addition, as AD of the 5-HT, receptor and shows effectiveness at reducing progresses, these agents tend to lose their effectiveness due to obesity in animal models and humans. In a phase 3 human continued cholinergic neuronal loss. clinical trial evaluating the safety and efficacy of lorcaserin Therefore, there is a need for agents that have beneficial for weight management, statistical significance (p<0.0001) effects in AD, particularly in alleviating symptoms by was achieved on all three of the hierarchically ordered co 30 improving cognition and slowing or inhibiting disease pro primary endpoints for patients treated with lorcaserin versus gression, without the side effects observed with current thera placebo. Treatment with lorcaserin was generally very well pies. Therefore, serotonin 5-HT, receptors, which are exclu tolerated. An assessment of echocardiograms indicated no sively expressed in brain, are attractive targets. apparent drug-related effect on the development of US Food Another disease, disorder or condition that can is associ and Drug Administration (FDA)-defined valvulopathy over 35 ated with the function of the 5-HT, receptor is erectile dys the two-year treatment period. The hierarchically ordered function (ED). Erectile dysfunction is the inability to achieve endpoints were the proportion of patients achieving 5% or or maintain an erection Sufficiently rigid for intercourse, greater weight loss after 12 months, the difference in mean ejaculation, or both. An estimated 20-30 million men in the weight loss compared to placebo after 12 months, and the United States have this condition at some time in their lives. proportion of patients achieving 10% or greater weight loss 40 The prevalence of the condition increases with age. Five after 12 months. Compared to placebo, using an intent-to percent of men 40 years of age report ED. This rate increases treat last observation carried forward (ITT-LOCF) analysis, to between 15% and 25% by the age of 65, and to 55% in men treatment with lorcaserin was associated with highly statisti over the age of 75 years. cally significant (p<0.0001) categorical and average weight Erectile dysfunction can result from a number of distinct loss from baseline after 12 months: 47.5% of lorcaserin 45 problems. These include loss of desire or libido, the inability patients lost greater than or equal to 5% of their body weight to maintain an erection, premature ejaculation, lack of emis from baseline compared to 20.3% in the placebo group. This Sion, and inability to achieve an orgasm. Frequently, more result satisfied the efficacy benchmark in the most recent FDA than one of these problems presents themselves simulta draft guidance. Average weight loss of 5.8% of body weight, neously. The conditions may be secondary to other disease or 12.7 pounds, was achieved in the lorcaserin group, com 50 states (typically chronic conditions), the result of specific pared to 2.2% of body weight, or 4.7 pounds, in the placebo disorders of the urogenital system or endocrine system, sec group. Statistical separation from placebo was observed by ondary to treatment with pharmacological agents (e.g. anti Week 2, the first post-baseline measurement. 22.6% of lor hypertensive drugs, drugs, antipsychotic caserinpatients lost greater than or equal to 10% of their body drugs, etc.) or the result of psychiatric problems. Erectile weight from baseline, compared to 7.7% in the placebo 55 dysfunction, when organic, is primarily due to vascular group. Lorcaserin patients who completed 52 weeks of treat irregularities associated with atherosclerosis, diabetes, and ment according to the protocol lost an average of 8.2% of hypertension. body weight, or 17.9 pounds, compared to 3.4%, or 7.3 There is evidence for use of a serotonin 5-HT, agonist for pounds, in the placebo group (p<0.0001). the treatment of sexual dysfunction in males and females. The In addition, the 5-HT, receptor is also involved in other 60 serotonin 5-HT, receptor is involved with the processing diseases, conditions and disorders, such as, obsessive com and integration of sensory information, regulation of central pulsive disorder, some forms of depression, and epilepsy. systems, and modulation of neuroendocrine Accordingly, 5-HT, receptor agonists can have anti-panic responses, anxiety, feeding behavior, and cerebrospinal fluid properties, and properties useful for the treatment of sexual production Tecott, L. H., et al. Nature 374: 542-546 (1995). dysfunction. In addition, 5-HT, receptoragonists are useful 65 In addition, the serotonin 5-HT, receptor has been impli for the treatment of psychiatric symptoms and behaviors in cated in the mediation of penile erections in rats, monkeys, individuals with eating disorders such as, but not limited to, and humans. US 9,365,521 B2 41 42 In Summary, the 5-HT, receptor is a validated and well selected from: hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular accepted receptor target for the prophylaxis and/or treatment disease, glucose intolerance, and sleep apnea. of 5-HT, mediated receptor diseases and disorders, such as, In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight obesity, eating disorders, psychiatric disorders, Alzheimer management has an initial body mass indexeabout 20 kg/m Disease, sexual dysfunction and disorders related thereto. It in the presence of at least one weight related comorbid con can be seen that there exists a need for selective 5-HT, dition. receptor agonists that can safely address these needs. The In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight present invention is directed to these, as well as other, impor management has an initial body mass indexeabout 20 kg/m tant ends. in the presence of at least one weight related comorbid con One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for 10 dition selected from: hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovas weight management, comprising administering to an indi cular disease, glucose intolerance, and sleep apnea. vidual in need thereof, a therapeutically effective amount of a In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight salt, a pharmaceutical composition, or a dosage form of the management has an initial body mass indexeabout 21 kg/m present invention. 15 in the presence of at least one weight related comorbid con In some embodiments, the weight management comprises dition. weight loss. In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight In some embodiments, the weight management comprises management has an initial body mass indexeabout 21 kg/m maintenance of weight loss. in the presence of at least one weight related comorbid con In some embodiments, the weight management comprises dition selected from: hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovas decreased food consumption. cular disease, glucose intolerance, and sleep apnea. In some embodiments, the weight management comprises In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight increasing meal-related Satiety. management has an initial body mass indexeabout 22 kg/m In some embodiments, the weight management comprises in the presence of at least one weight related comorbid con reducing pre-meal hunger. 25 dition. In some embodiments, the weight management comprises In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight reducing intra-meal food intake. management has an initial body mass indexeabout 22 kg/m In some embodiments, the weight management further in the presence of at least one weight related comorbid con comprises a reduced-calorie diet. dition selected from: hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovas In some embodiments, the weight management further 30 comprises a program of regular exercise. cular disease, glucose intolerance, and sleep apnea. In some embodiments, the weight management further In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight comprises both a reduced-calorie diet and a program of regu management has an initial body mass indexeabout 23 kg/m lar exercise. in the presence of at least one weight related comorbid con dition. In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight 35 management is an obese patient with an initial body mass In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight indexe30 kg/m. management has an initial body mass indexeabout 23 kg/m In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight in the presence of at least one weight related comorbid con management is an overweight patient with an initial body dition selected from: hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovas mass indexe27 kg/m in the presence of at least one weight 40 cular disease, glucose intolerance, and sleep apnea. related comorbid condition. In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight management has an initial body mass indexeabout 24 kg/m management is an overweight patient with an initial body in the presence of at least one weight related comorbid con mass indexe27 kg/m in the presence of at least one weight dition. related comorbid condition selected from: hypertension, dys 45 In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight lipidemia, cardiovascular disease, glucose intolerance, and management has an initial body mass indexeabout 24 kg/m sleep apnea. in the presence of at least one weight related comorbid con In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight dition selected from: hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovas management has an initial body mass indexe30 kg/m. cular disease, glucose intolerance, and sleep apnea. In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight 50 In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight management has an initial body mass indexe27 kg/m. management has an initial body mass indexeabout 25 kg/m In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight in the presence of at least one weight related comorbid con management has an initial body mass indexe27 kg/m in the dition. presence of at least one weight related comorbid condition. In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight 55 management has an initial body mass indexeabout 25 kg/m management has an initial body mass indexe27 kg/m in the in the presence of at least one weight related comorbid con presence of at least one weight related comorbid condition dition selected from: hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovas selected from: hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular cular disease, glucose intolerance, and sleep apnea. disease, glucose intolerance, and sleep apnea. In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight 60 management has an initial body mass indexeabout 26 kg/m management has an initial body mass indexe25 kg/m. in the presence of at least one weight related comorbid con In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight dition. management has an initial body mass indexe25 kg/m in the In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight presence of at least one weight related comorbid condition. management has an initial body mass indexeabout 26 kg/m In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight 65 in the presence of at least one weight related comorbid con management has an initial body mass indexe25 kg/m in the dition selected from: hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovas presence of at least one weight related comorbid condition cular disease, glucose intolerance, and sleep apnea. US 9,365,521 B2 43 44 In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight management has an initial body mass indexeabout 27 kg/m management has an initial body mass indexeabout 34 kg/m in the presence of at least one weight related comorbid con in the presence of at least one weight related comorbid con dition. dition selected from: hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovas In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight cular disease, glucose intolerance, and sleep apnea. management has an initial body mass indexeabout 27 kg/m In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight in the presence of at least one weight related comorbid con management has an initial body mass indexeabout 35 kg/m dition selected from: hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovas in the presence of at least one weight related comorbid con cular disease, glucose intolerance, and sleep apnea. dition. In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight 10 management has an initial body mass indexeabout 28 kg/m In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight in the presence of at least one weight related comorbid con management has an initial body mass indexeabout 35 kg/m dition. in the presence of at least one weight related comorbid con In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight dition selected from: hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovas management has an initial body mass indexeabout 28 kg/m 15 cular disease, glucose intolerance, and sleep apnea. in the presence of at least one weight related comorbid con In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight dition selected from: hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovas management has an initial body mass indexeabout 36 kg/m cular disease, glucose intolerance, and sleep apnea. in the presence of at least one weight related comorbid con In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight dition. management has an initial body mass indexeabout 29 kg/m In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight in the presence of at least one weight related comorbid con management has an initial body mass indexeabout 36 kg/m dition. in the presence of at least one weight related comorbid con In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight dition selected from: hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovas management has an initial body mass indexeabout 29 kg/m cular disease, glucose intolerance, and sleep apnea. in the presence of at least one weight related comorbid con 25 In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight dition selected from: hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovas management has an initial body mass indexeabout 37 kg/m cular disease, glucose intolerance, and sleep apnea. in the presence of at least one weight related comorbid con In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight dition. management has an initial body mass indexeabout 30 kg/m In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight in the presence of at least one weight related comorbid con 30 dition. management has an initial body mass indexeabout 37 kg/m In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight in the presence of at least one weight related comorbid con management has an initial body mass indexeabout 30 kg/m dition selected from: hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovas in the presence of at least one weight related comorbid con cular disease, glucose intolerance, and sleep apnea. dition selected from: hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovas 35 In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight cular disease, glucose intolerance, and sleep apnea. management has an initial body mass indexeabout 38 kg/m In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight in the presence of at least one weight related comorbid con management has an initial body mass indexeabout 31 kg/m dition. in the presence of at least one weight related comorbid con In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight dition. 40 management has an initial body mass indexeabout 38 kg/m In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight in the presence of at least one weight related comorbid con management has an initial body mass indexeabout 31 kg/m dition selected from: hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovas in the presence of at least one weight related comorbid con cular disease, glucose intolerance, and sleep apnea. dition selected from: hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovas In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight cular disease, glucose intolerance, and sleep apnea. 45 management has an initial body mass indexeabout 39 kg/m In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight in the presence of at least one weight related comorbid con management has an initial body mass indexeabout 32 kg/m dition. in the presence of at least one weight related comorbid con In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight dition. management has an initial body mass indexeabout 39 kg/m In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight 50 in the presence of at least one weight related comorbid con management has an initial body mass indexeabout 32 kg/m dition selected from: hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovas in the presence of at least one weight related comorbid con cular disease, glucose intolerance, and sleep apnea. dition selected from: hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovas In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight cular disease, glucose intolerance, and sleep apnea. management has an initial body mass indexeabout 40 kg/m In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight 55 in the presence of at least one weight related comorbid con management has an initial body mass indexeabout 33 kg/m dition. in the presence of at least one weight related comorbid con In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight dition. management has an initial body mass indexeabout 40 kg/m In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight in the presence of at least one weight related comorbid con management has an initial body mass indexeabout 33 kg/m 60 dition selected from: hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovas in the presence of at least one weight related comorbid con cular disease, glucose intolerance, and sleep apnea. dition selected from: hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovas In some embodiments, the method for weight management cular disease, glucose intolerance, and sleep apnea. further comprises administering phentermine to the indi In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight vidual. management has an initial body mass indexeabout 34 kg/m 65 One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for in the presence of at least one weight related comorbid con the treatment of a disorder related to 5-HT, receptor activity dition. in an individual, comprising administering to an individual in US 9,365,521 B2 45 46 need thereof, a therapeutically effective amount of a salt, a prising administering to an individual in need thereof, a thera pharmaceutical composition, or a dosage form of the present peutically effective amount of a salt, a pharmaceutical com invention. position, or a dosage form of the present invention. One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for In some embodiments, the disorder is schizophrenia. the treatment of obesity, comprising administering to an indi In some embodiments, the disorder is anxiety. vidual in need thereof, a therapeutically effective amount of a In some embodiments, the disorder is depression. salt, a pharmaceutical composition, or a dosage form of the In some embodiments, the disorder is psychoses. present invention. In some embodiments, the disorder is alcohol addiction. In some embodiments, the method for the treatment of One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of obesity further comprises the administration or prescription 10 of phentermine. salts of the present invention, in the manufacture of a medi In some embodiments, the method for the treatment of cament for weight management in an individual. obesity further comprises gastric electrical stimulation. In some embodiments, the weight management comprises One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for weight loss. inducing weight loss, BMI loss, waist circumference loss or 15 In some embodiments, the weight management comprises body fat percentage loss, comprising administering to an maintenance of weight loss. individual in need thereof, a therapeutically effective amount In some embodiments, the weight management comprises of a salt, a pharmaceutical composition, or a dosage form of decreased food consumption. the present invention. In some embodiments, the weight management comprises One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for increasing meal-related Satiety. inducing weight loss, BMI loss, waist circumference loss or In some embodiments, the weight management comprises body fat percentage loss in an individual in preparation of the reducing pre-meal hunger. individual for bariatric Surgery, comprising administering to In some embodiments, the weight management comprises an individual in need thereof, a therapeutically effective reducing intra-meal food intake. amount of a salt, a pharmaceutical composition, or a dosage 25 In some embodiments, the weight management further form of the present invention. comprises a reduced-calorie diet. One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for In some embodiments, the weight management further maintaining weight loss, BMI loss, waist circumference loss comprises a program of regular exercise. or body fat percentage loss in an individual, comprising In some embodiments, the weight management further administering to an individual in need thereof, a therapeuti 30 cally effective amount of a salt, a pharmaceutical composi comprises both a reduced-calorie diet and a program of regu tion, or a dosage form of the present invention. lar exercise. One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for In some embodiments, the individual is an obese patient maintaining weight loss, BMI loss, waist circumference loss with an initial body mass indexe30 kg/m. or body fat percentage loss in an individual following bariat 35 In some embodiments, the individual is an overweight ric Surgery, comprising administering to an individual in need patient with an initial body mass indexe27 kg/m in the pres thereof, a therapeutically effective amount of a salt, a phar ence of at least one weight related comorbid condition. maceutical composition, or a dosage form of the present In some embodiments, the individual is an overweight invention. patient with an initial body mass indexe27 kg/m in the pres One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for 40 ence of at least one weight related comorbid condition inducing satiety in an individual, comprising administering to selected from: hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular an individual in need thereof, a therapeutically effective disease, glucose intolerance, and sleep apnea. amount of a salt, a pharmaceutical composition, or a dosage In some embodiments, the individual has an initial body form of the present invention. mass indexe30 kg/m. One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for 45 In some embodiments, the individual has an initial body decreasing food intake in an individual, comprising adminis mass indexe27 kg/m. tering to an individual in need thereof, atherapeutically effec In some embodiments, the individual has an initial body tive amount of a salt, a pharmaceutical composition, or a mass indexe27 kg/m in the presence of at least one weight dosage form of the present invention. related comorbid condition. One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for 50 In some embodiments, the individual has an initial body decreasing hunger in an individual, comprising administering mass indexe27 kg/m in the presence of at least one weight to an individual in need thereof, a therapeutically effective related comorbid condition selected from: hypertension, dys amount of a salt, a pharmaceutical composition, or a dosage lipidemia, cardiovascular disease, glucose intolerance, and form of the present invention. sleep apnea. One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for 55 decreasing food cravings in an individual, comprising admin In some embodiments, the individual has an initial body istering to an individual in need thereof, a therapeutically mass indexe25 kg/m. effective amount of a salt, a pharmaceutical composition, or a In some embodiments, the individual has an initial body dosage form of the present invention. mass indexe25 kg/m in the presence of at least one weight One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for 60 related comorbid condition. increasing intermeal interval in an individual, comprising In some embodiments, the individual has an initial body administering to an individual in need thereof, a therapeuti mass indexe25 kg/m in the presence of at least one weight cally effective amount of a salt, a pharmaceutical composi related comorbid condition selected from: hypertension, dys tion, or a dosage form of the present invention. lipidemia, cardiovascular disease, glucose intolerance, and One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for 65 sleep apnea. the treatment of a disorder selected from: schizophrenia, In some embodiments, the medicament for weight man anxiety, depression, psychoses and alcohol addiction, com agement is used in combination with phentermine. US 9,365,521 B2 47 48 One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of One aspect of the present invention pertains to salts and salts of the present invention, in the manufacture of a medi pharmaceutical compositions of the present invention, for use cament for a disorder related to 5-HT, receptor activity in an in a method of inducing weight loss, BMI loss, waist circum individual. ference loss or body fat percentage loss in an individual. One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of 5 One aspect of the present invention pertains to salts and salts of the present invention, in the manufacture of a medi pharmaceutical compositions of the present invention, for use cament for the treatment of obesity in an individual. in a method of inducing weight loss, BMI loss, waist circum In some embodiments, the treatment of obesity further ference loss or body fat percentage loss in an individual in comprises the administration or prescription of phentermine. preparation of the individual for bariatric Surgery. In some embodiments, the treatment of obesity further 10 One aspect of the present invention pertains to salts and comprises gastric electrical stimulation. pharmaceutical compositions of the present invention, for use One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of in a method of maintaining weight loss, BMI loss, waist salts of the present invention, in the manufacture of a medi circumference loss or body fat percentage loss in an indi cament for inducing weight loss, BMI loss, waist circumfer 15 vidual. ence loss or body fat percentage loss in an individual. One aspect of the present invention pertains to salts and One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of pharmaceutical compositions of the present invention, for use salts of the present invention, in the manufacture of a medi in a method of maintaining weight loss, BMI loss, waist cament for inducing weight loss, BMI loss, waist circumfer circumference loss or body fat percentage loss in an indi ence loss or body fat percentage loss in an individual in vidual following bariatric Surgery. preparation of the individual for bariatric Surgery. One aspect of the present invention pertains to salts and One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of pharmaceutical compositions of the present invention, for use salts of the present invention, in the manufacture of a medi in a method of inducing Satiety in an individual. cament for maintaining weight loss, BMI loss, waist circum One aspect of the present invention pertains to salts and ference loss or body fat percentage loss in an individual. 25 pharmaceutical compositions of the present invention, for use One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of in a method of decreasing food intake in an individual. salts of the present invention, in the manufacture of a medi One aspect of the present invention pertains to salts and cament for maintaining weight loss, BMI loss, waist circum pharmaceutical compositions of the present invention, for use ference loss or body fat percentage loss in an individual in a method of decreasing hunger in an individual. following bariatric Surgery. 30 One aspect of the present invention pertains to salts and One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of pharmaceutical compositions of the present invention, for use salts of the present invention, in the manufacture of a medi in a method of decreasing food cravings in an individual. cament for inducing Satiety in an individual. One aspect of the present invention pertains to salts and One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of pharmaceutical compositions of the present invention, for use salts of the present invention, in the manufacture of a medi 35 in a method of increasing intermeal interval in an individual. cament for decreasing food intake in an individual. One aspect of the present invention pertains to salts and One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of pharmaceutical compositions of the present invention, for use salts of the present invention, in the manufacture of a medi in a method of treatment of a disorder selected from: schizo cament for decreasing hunger in an individual. phrenia, anxiety, depression, psychoses and alcohol addiction One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of 40 in an individual. salts of the present invention, in the manufacture of a medi In some embodiments, the disorder is schizophrenia. cament for decreasing food cravings in an individual. In some embodiments, the disorder is anxiety. One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of In some embodiments, the disorder is depression. salts of the present invention, in the manufacture of a medi In some embodiments, the disorder is psychoses. cament for increasing intermeal interval in an individual. 45 In some embodiments, the disorder is alcohol addiction. One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for salts of the present invention, in the manufacture of a medi weight management, comprising administering to an indi cament for the treatment of a disorder selected from: schizo vidual in need thereof, a therapeutically effective amount of a phrenia, anxiety, depression, psychoses and alcohol addiction salt, a pharmaceutical composition, or a dosage form of the in an individual. 50 present invention. In some embodiments, the disorder is schizophrenia. In some embodiments, the weight management comprises In some embodiments, the disorder is anxiety. one or more of weight loss, maintenance of weight loss, In some embodiments, the disorder is depression. decreased food consumption, increasing meal-related Satiety, In some embodiments, the disorder is psychoses. reducing pre-meal hunger, and reducing intra-meal food In some embodiments, the disorder is alcohol addiction. 55 intake. One aspect of the present invention pertains to salts and In some embodiments, the weight management is as an pharmaceutical compositions of the present invention, for use adjunct to diet and exercise. in a method of treatment of a disorder related to 5-HT, In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight receptor activity in an individual. management is selected from: an obese patient with an initial One aspect of the present invention pertains to salts and 60 body mass indexe30 kg/m; an overweight patient with an pharmaceutical compositions of the present invention, for use initial body mass index27 kg/m in the presence of at least in a method of treatment of obesity in an individual. one weight related comorbid condition; an overweight patient In some embodiments, the method of treatment of obesity with an initial body mass indexe27 kg/m in the presence of further comprises the administration or prescription of phen at least one weight related comorbid condition; wherein the termine. 65 weight related co-morbid condition is selected from: hyper In some embodiments, the method of treatment of obesity tension, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular disease, glucose intol further comprises gastric electrical stimulation. erance, and sleep apnea. US 9,365,521 B2 49 50 In some embodiments, the method further comprises related comorbid condition; and an overweight patient with administering a second anti-obesity agent to the individual. an initial body mass indexe27 kg/m in the presence of at least In some embodiments, the second anti-obesity agent is one weight related comorbid condition; wherein the weight selected from: , , phenpenter related co-morbid condition is selected from: hypertension, mine, and phentermine, and pharmaceutically acceptable dyslipidemia, cardiovascular disease, glucose intolerance, salts, Solvates, and hydrates thereof. and sleep apnea. In some embodiments, the method further comprises One aspect of the present invention pertains to salts, phar administering an anti-diabetes agent to the individual. maceutical compositions, and dosage forms of the present In some embodiments, the anti-diabetes agent is met invention, for use in a method of weight management in formin. 10 combination with a second anti-obesity agent. One aspect of the present invention pertains to uses of a salt One aspect of the present invention pertains to salts, phar of the present invention, in the manufacture of a medicament maceutical compositions, and dosage forms of the present for weight management in an individual. invention, for use in a method of weight management in In some embodiments, the weight management comprises combination with a second anti-obesity agent selected from: one or more of weight loss, maintenance of weight loss, 15 chlorphentermine, clortermine, phenpentermine, and phen decreased food consumption, increasing meal-related Satiety, termine, and pharmaceutically acceptable salts, Solvates, and reducing pre-meal hunger, and reducing intra-meal food hydrates thereof. intake. One aspect of the present invention pertains to salts, phar In Some embodiments, the medicament is used as an maceutical compositions, and dosage forms of the present adjunct to diet and exercise. invention, for use in a method of weight management in In some embodiments, the individual in need of weight combination with an anti-diabetes agent; wherein the anti management is selected from: diabetes agent is . an obese patient with an initial body mass indexe30 kg/m: Combination Therapies an overweight patient with an initial body mass indexe27 The salts of the present invention can be used in combina kg/m in the presence of at least one weight related comorbid 25 tion with Suitable pharmaceutical agents. condition; and an overweight patient with an initial body In some embodiments the salts of the present invention can mass indexe27 kg/m in the presence of at least one weight be used in combination with a second anti-obesity agent. related comorbid condition; wherein the weight related co Anti-obesity agents include, for example, adrenergic morbid condition is selected from: hypertension, dyslipi reuptake inhibitors, apolipoprotein-B secretion/microsomal demia, cardiovascular disease, glucose intolerance, and sleep 30 triglyceride transfer protein inhibitors, B3 adrenergic receptor apnea. agonists, bombesin agonists, cannabinoid 1 receptor antago In some embodiments, the medicament is used in combi nists, cholescystokinin-A agonists, ciliary neutrotrophic fac nation with a second anti-obesity agent. tors, dopamine agonists, galanin antagonists, ghrelin receptor In some embodiments, the second anti-obesity agent is antagonists, glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists, glu selected from: chlorphentermine, clortermine, phenpenter 35 cocorticoid receptor agonists or antagonists, histamine-3 mine, and phentermine, and pharmaceutically acceptable receptor antagonists or reverse agonists, human agouti-re salts, Solvates, and hydrates thereof. lated proteins, leptin receptor agonists, lipase inhibitors, In some embodiments, the medicament is used in combi MCR-4 agonists, melanin concentrating hormone antago nation with an anti-diabetes agent. nists, melanocyte-stimulating hormone receptor analogs, In some embodiments, the medicament is used in combi 40 monoamine reuptake inhibitors, neuromedin U receptorago nation with an anti-diabetes agent; wherein the anti-diabetes nists, neuropeptide-Y antagonists, orexin receptor antago agent is metformin. nists, , sympathomimetic agents, thyromimetic One aspect of the present invention pertains to salts, phar agents, and urocortin binding protein antagonists. maceutical compositions, and dosage forms of the present In some embodiments, the second anti-obesity agent is invention, for use in a method of treatment of the human or 45 selected from: 4-methylamphetamine, 5-HTP , animal body by therapy. , , , amphetamine, One aspect of the present invention pertains to salts, phar amphetaminil, , , , maceutical compositions, and dosage forms of the present , , , , , chlo invention, for use in a method of weight management. rphentermine, , , , clomi One aspect of the present invention pertains to salts, phar 50 norex, clortermine, dapiclermin, dehydroepiandrosterone, maceutical compositions, and dosage forms of the present dehydroepiandrosterone analogues, , invention, for use in a method of weight management; , dextromethamphetamine, difemetorex, wherein the weight management comprises one or more of dimethylcathinone, dinitrophenol, diphemethoxidine, ephe weight loss, maintenance of weight loss, decreased food con dra, , ethylamphetamine, etolorex, , Sumption, increasing meal-related Satiety, reducing pre-meal 55 fencamfamine, , , fluidorex, flumi hunger, and reducing intra-meal food intake. norex, , galactomannan, glucomannan, ibipina One aspect of the present invention pertains to salts, phar bant, , , L-dopa, leptin, a leptin analog, levo maceutical compositions, and dosage forms of the present , , L-, invention, for use as an adjunct to diet and exercise for weight L-, L-tyrosine, N-trans-4-(4,5-dihydrollben management. 60 Zothiepino.54-dthiazol-2-yl)aminocyclohexylmethyl One aspect of the present invention pertains to salts, phar methanesulfonamide, manifaxine, , , maceutical compositions, and dosage forms of the present metformin, , , naloxone, invention, for use in a method of weight management; maltrexone, oleoyl-estrone, orlistat, , OXyntomodu wherein the individual in need of weight management is lin, , pemoline, peptide YY. , phenethy selected from: an obese patient with an initial body mass 65 lamine, , phenpentermine, phentermine, phe indexe30 kg/m; an overweight patient with an initial body nylpropanolamine, , , propylhexedrine, mass indexe27 kg/m in the presence of at least one weight , , , ,

US 9,365,521 B2 53 54 In some embodiments, the anti-diabetes agent is a bigu One aspect of the present invention pertains to anti-obesity anide selected from the following compounds and pharma agents, characterized in that the anti-obesity agent is admin ceutically acceptable salts, Solvates, and hydrates thereof: istered in conjunction with a salt of the present invention. metformin, phenformin, buformin, and proguanil. One aspect of the present invention pertains to anti-diabe In some embodiments, the anti-diabetes agent is met tes agents, characterized in that the anti-diabetes agent is formin. administered in conjunction with a salt of the present inven In some embodiments, the anti-diabetes agent is a GPR119 tion. agonist selected from the GPR119 agonists disclosed in the One aspect of the present invention pertains to anti-obesity following PCT applications: WO2006083491, agents for use in combination with a salt of the present inven WO2008081204, WO2009123992, WO2010008739, 10 tion for use in weight management. WO201002.9089, and WO2010149684. In some embodiments, the anti-diabetes agent is 4-6-(6- One aspect of the present invention pertains to anti-diabe methanesulfonyl-2-methyl-pyridin-3-ylamino)-5-methoxy tes agents for use in combination with a salt of the present pyrimidin-4-yloxy--1-carboxylic acid isopropyl invention for use in weight management and the treatment of ester. 15 diabetes. In some embodiments, the anti-diabetes agent is 5-(4-(4- One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods of (3-fluoro-4-(methylsulfonyl)phenoxy)butan-2-yl)piperidin weight management in an individual in need thereof, com 1-yl)-3-isopropyl-1,2,4-oxadiazole. prising administering to the individual an anti-obesity agent Other anti-obesity agents, and anti-diabetes agents includ and a salt of the present invention wherein the anti-obesity ing the agents set forth infra, are well known, or will be agent and the salt are administered to the individual simulta readily apparent in light of the instant disclosure, to one of neously, separately, or sequentially. ordinary skill in the art. It will be understood that the scope of One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods of combination therapy of the salts of the present invention with weight management and treating diabetes in an individual in other anti-obesity agents and with anti-diabetes agents is not need thereof, comprising administering to the individual an limited to those listed above, but includes in principle any 25 anti-diabetes agent and a salt of the present invention wherein combination with any pharmaceutical agent or pharmaceuti the anti-diabetes agent and the salt are administered to the cal composition useful for the treatment of overweight, obese, individual simultaneously, separately, or sequentially. and diabetic individuals. One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods of One aspect of the present invention pertains to salts of the weight management in an individual in need thereof, wherein present invention, characterized in that the salts is adminis 30 the individual has been or is being treated with a salt of the tered in conjunction with a second anti-obesity agent as present invention, the method comprising administering to described herein. the individual atherapeutically effective amount of a second One aspect of the present invention pertains to salts of the anti-obesity agent. present invention, characterized in that the salt is adminis One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods of tered in conjunction with an anti-diabetes agent as described 35 weight management and treatment of diabetes in an indi herein. vidual in need thereof, wherein the individual has been or is One aspect of the present invention pertains to salts of the being treated with a salt of the present invention, the method present invention for use in combination with a second anti comprising administering to the individual atherapeutically obesity agent for use in weight management. effective amount of an anti-diabetes agent. One aspect of the present invention pertains to salts of the 40 The invention will be described in greater detail by way of present invention for use in combination with an anti-diabetes specific examples. The following examples are offered for agent for use in weight management and the treatment of illustrative purposes, and are not intended to limit the inven diabetes. tion in any manner. Those of skill in the art will readily One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods of recognize a variety of noncritical parameters which can be weight management in an individual in need thereof, com 45 changed or modified to yield essentially the same results. prising administering to the individual a salt of the present invention and a second anti-obesity agent wherein the salt and EXAMPLES the second anti-obesity agent are administered to the indi vidual simultaneously, separately, or sequentially. The following examples are provided to further define the One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods of 50 invention without, however, limiting the invention to the par weight management and treating diabetes in an individual in ticulars of these examples. The compounds and salts thereof need thereof, comprising administering to the individual a described herein, Supra and infra, are named according to the salt of the present invention and an anti-diabetes agent CS ChemDraw UltraVersion 7.0.1, AutoNom version 2.2, or wherein the salt and the anti-diabetes agent are administered CS ChemDraw UltraVersion 9.0.7. In certain instances com to the individual simultaneously, separately, or sequentially. 55 mon names are used and it is understood that these common One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods of names would be recognized by those skilled in the art. weight management in an individual in need thereof, wherein Powder X-ray Diffraction (PXRD) studies were conducted the individual has been or is being treated with a second using an XPert PROMPD powder diffractometer (PANalyti anti-obesity agent, the method comprising administering to cal, Inc.; EQ0233) with a Cu source set at 45 kV and 40 mA, the individual a therapeutically effective amount of a salt of 60 Cu(KO.) radiation and an XCelerator detector. Samples were the present invention. placed on a PXRD sample plate either as-is or ground slightly One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods of to reduce the size of large particles or crystals. Data were weight management and treatment of diabetes in an indi collected with the samples spinning from 5° to 4020. Data vidual in need thereof, wherein the individual has been or is were analyzed by X Pert Data Viewer software, version 1.0a, being treated with an anti-diabetes agent, the method com 65 to determine crystallinity and/or crystal form, and by X Pert prising administering to the individual a therapeutically HighScore software, version 1.0b, to generate the tables of effective amount of a salt of the present invention. PXRD peaks. US 9,365,521 B2 55 56 Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) studies were con A known amount of sample was dissolved in water and ducted using a TA Instruments, Q2000 (EQ1980) at heating analyzed by UPLC. The weight percent of Compound 1 in the rate 10°C./min. The instruments were calibrated by the ven salt samples was determined by comparing the UV signal to dor for temperature and energy using the melting point and that of a standard, Compound 1 hydrochloride salt hemihy enthalpy of fusion of an indium standard. drate, or Compound 1 free base. The percentage of Com Thermogravimetric analyses (TGA) were conducted using pound 1 or the percentage of the counterion determined was a TA Instruments TGA Q5000 (EQ1982) at heating rate 10° compared to the theoretical values to establish the stoichiom C./min. The instrument was calibrated by the vendor using etry. Alumel and Nickel Curie points for the furnace temperature and a standard weight for the balance. 10 Example 1 Dynamic moisture-sorption (DMS) studies were con ducted using a dynamic moisture-Sorption analyzer, VTI Cor Preparation of Form I of (R)-8-Chloro-1-methyl-2,3, poration, SGA-100, equipment #0228. Samples were pre 4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine Hemi-edisylate pared for DMS analysis by placing 5 mg to 20 mg of a sample 15 Salt (Compound 1 Hemi-edisylate Salt, Form I) in a tared sample holder. The sample was placed on the hang-down wire of the VTI balance. A drying step was run, The title salt was prepared by the dropwise addition of 0.5 typically at 40° C. and 0.5-1% RH for 1-2 h. The isotherm equivalents of aqueous 1.2-ethanedisulfonic acid dihydrate temperature is 25°C. Defined '% RH holds typically ranged (-3.7 M) to a solution of (R)-8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tet from 10% RH to 90% RH or 95% RH, with intervals of 10 to rahydro-1H-3-benzazepine free base in either acetonitrile or 20% RH. A '% weight change smaller than 0.010% over a isopropyl acetate with vigorous stirring. Immediate precipi specified number of minutes (typically 10-20), or up to 2 h, tation was observed. The solid obtained was washed with whichever occurs first, is required before continuing to the isopropyl alcohol and allowed to dry on the filter. next% RH hold. The water content of the sample equilibrated The title salt was an anhydrous crystalline material with a as described above was determined at each 96 RH hold. 25 melting onset of -298°C. It was non-hygroscopic by DMS If saturated in water with excess Solid, a deliquescing com analysis, picking up just 0.14% weight out to and including pound or salt thereof equilibrated in a closed systemata given the 95% RH hold at 25°C. The DRH was determined by water temperature produces a % RH in that closed system that is activity measurement of Saturated aqueous solution with equal to its deliquescing % RH (DRH) at that temperature. excess solid to be 99.7% RH at 25°C., which indicated that Fractional relative humidity is equal to water activity (a) in 30 the title Salt was not deliquescent. the vapor phase and at equilibrium in a closed system, the a A known amount of the title salt was dissolved in water and in an aqueous solution is equal to the aw in the vapor phase analyzed by UPLC. The amount of Compound 1 in sample above the Solution (see Equation 1). was determined to be 68.2%. This is in good agreement with the theoretical value, 67.3%. The solubility of the title salt in 35 water was determined by UPLC to be 61 mg/mL, with a final DRH % RH Equation 1 pH of 6. 100% 100% (above enclosed sat aq. Sol'n at equil) = The powder X-ray diffraction pattern of the title salt is a(vapor) = a (liquid) shown in FIG.1. Thermal analysis (TGA and DSC) of the title salt is shown in FIG. 2. DMS analysis of the title salt is shown 40 in FIG. 3. A water activity meter was used to measure DRH for selected salts described herein. The instrument used for this Example 2 study is a Decagon Devices AquaLab 4TE water activity meter, equipment #21.69. This instrument is designed with Preparation of Form I of (R)-8-Chloro-1-methyl-2,3, temperature control and a small headspace above the 45 4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine Phosphate Salt enclosed sample to establish equilibrium between solution (Compound 1 Phosphate Salt, Form I) and vapor phases quickly. Measured a values at 25°C. for samples of aqueous-saturated Compound 1 salts with excess The title salt was prepared by dropwise addition of ortho solid were multiplied by 100% to get DRH values in % RH. phosphoric acid (85%) (0.5-1 mole equivalent) to a solution Acquity ultra performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) 50 of (R)-8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benza from was used for solubility and stoichiometry deter Zepine free base in isopropyl acetate or acetonitrile with Vig mination. Instrument number is SY-EQ 1889. UPLC was orous stirring Immediate precipitation was observed in all equipped with Acquity PDA detector. UPLC mobile phase experiments. Initially amorphous material was slurried in solvent A was 0.1% TFA in DI-water, solvent B was 0.1% acetone; initially crystalline material was slurried/ripened in TFA in acetonitrile. The mobile phase gradient as shown in 55 n-propanol for 3 days. the table below: The title salt was a 1:1 salt based on stoichiometry deter mination. The melting onset by DSC was ~208°C. The TGA result for a crystalline sample prior to the n-propanol slurry is Time (min) Flow (mL/min) % A % B Curve consistent with an anhydrous salt. It was non-hygroscopic, O600 95.0 S.O 60 picking up 0.14% weight out to and including the 90% RH 2.00 O600 S.O 95.0 6 hold at 25°C. during DMS analysis. The title salt was non 2.50 O600 S.O 95.0 6 deliquescent; the DRH by water activity measurement of a 2.75 O600 95.0 S.O 1 saturated solution in water with excess solid was 100% RH at S.OO O.OOO 95.0 S.O 11 250 C. 65 A known amount of the title salt was dissolved in water and Column temperature was 40+5° C. Acquity UPLCR HSS analyzed by UPLC. The amount of Compound 1 in the T3 1.8 um, 2.1x50mm column was used. sample was 64.9%, slightly lower but in good agreement with US 9,365,521 B2 57 58 the theoretical amount, 66.6%. The solubility of the title salt, The solubility of the title salt, in water was determined by was 29.4 mg/mL, with a final pH of 4.6. UPLC to be 23.3 mg/mL with a final pH 4.6. The powder X-ray diffraction pattern of the title salt is The powder X-ray diffraction pattern of the title salt is shown in FIG. 4. Thermal analysis (TGA and DSC) of the title shown in FIG. 10. Thermal analysis (TGA and DSC) of the salt is shown in FIG. 5. DMS analysis of the title salt is shown title salt is shown in FIG. 11. DMS analysis of the title salt is in FIG. 6. shown in FIG. 12. Example 3 Example 5 Preparation of Form I of (R)-8-Chloro-1-methyl-2,3, 10 4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine Citrate Salt Hemi Preparation of Form I of (R)-8-Chloro-1-methyl-2,3, hydrate (Compound 1 Citrate Salt Hemihydrate, 4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine Succinate Salt Form I) (Compound 1 Succinate Salt, Form I) The title salt was prepared by dropwise addition of 1 mole 15 The title salt was prepared by the addition of succinic acid equivalent of citric acid in hot MeOH to a solution of (R)-8- (0.5-1 eq.) in hot EtOH to a solution of (R)-8-chloro-1-me chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine in thyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine in isopropyl isopropyl acetate. Precipitation occurred spontaneously. acetate. After overnight stirring, a Solid was recovered by Attempts to prepare a hemicitrate salt resulted in oily prod Suction filtration and washed in isopropyl acetate. uctS. The title salt showed a melting onset by DSC of 179.1° C. TGA data for the title salt, showed that it was solvated. The TGA showed no residual solvent, but did show apparent loss mass loss matches closely with a hemihydrate (observed of the salt or component thereof prior to the melting onset. The title salt was found to be non-hygroscopic by DMS 2.6%, theoretical 2.3%). The onset of dehydration is near 80° analysis, picking up 0.07% weight out to and including the C. for the scan rate, 10° C./min. 25 The title salt lost only a small amount of its water of 90% RH hold at 25°C. It was non-deliquescent: DRH was hydration during the drying step at 40°C. and ~1% RH for 1 measured by water activity determination for a saturated h. It was not hygroscopic, picking up just 0.50% out to and aqueous solution with excess solid to be 100.0% RH at 25°C. including the 90% RH hold at 25°C., and not deliquescent. A known amount of the title salt was dissolved in water and The DRH determined by water activity measurement of a 30 analyzed by UPLC. The amount of Compound 1 in the saturated aqueous solution with excess solid was 100% RH at sample was 65-69%. This is slightly higher than theoretical, 250 C. 62.4%, for a 1:1 salt, but much lower than the theoretical A known amount of the title salt was dissolved in water and value for a hemisuccinate salt, 76.8%. Aqueous solubility of analyzed by UPLC. The amount of Compound 1 in the the title salt was 27.9 mg/mL, with a final pH 4.7. sample was 53.2%. This is slightly higher than, but in fair 35 The powder X-ray diffraction pattern of the title salt is agreement with the theoretical amount for a 1:1 citrate hemi shown in FIG. 13. Thermal analysis (TGA and DSC) of the hydrate salt, 49.3%. The solubility in water was determined to title salt is shown in FIG. 14. DMS analysis of the title salt is be 33.9 mg/mL of the salt at a pH of 3.75. shown in FIG. 15. The powder X-ray diffraction pattern of the title salt is shown in FIG. 7. Thermal analysis (TGA and DSC) of the title 40 Example 6 salt is shown in FIG.8. DMS analysis of the title salt is shown in FIG. 9. Preparation of Form I of (R)-8-Chloro-1-methyl-2,3, Example 4 4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine Oxoglutarate Salt 45 (Compound 1 Oxoglutarate Salt, Form I) Preparation of Form I of (R)-8-Chloro-1-methyl-2,3, 4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine Hemi-oxalate Salt The title salt was prepared by addition of one equivalent of (Compound 1 Hemi-oxalate Salt, Form I) C-OXO-glutaric acid to a solution of (R)-8-chloro-1-methyl 2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine in ethyl acetate at 60° The title salt was prepared by dropwise addition of 1 mole 50 C. C.-Oxo-glutaric acid in ethyl acetate at 60° C. was added equivalent of oxalic acid as a solid or as a solution in MeOH dropwise with vigorous stirring. Precipitation occurred (-2.5 M) to a solution of (R)-8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tet immediately and the Suspension was allowed to cool and stir rahydro-1H-3-benzazepine in isopropyl acetate. In each case overnight. The resulting solid was recovered by filtration and the same crystal form was produced. air-dried in a fume hood overnight. The title Salt was anhydrous and displayed a melting onset 55 A known amount of Compound 1 oxoglutarate salt was temperature about 212°C. with weight loss by TGA starting dissolved in methanol and analyzed by UPLC. The percent just prior to the melting onset. The title salt was determined to age of Compound 1 in the salt sample was determined to be be non-hygroscopic and non-deliquescent at 25°C. The DRH 59.7%. This is slightly higher than but in good agreement determined by water activity measurement of a Saturated with the theoretical percentage of Compound 1 in an anhy aqueous sample with excess solid was 100% RH (non-deli 60 quescent) at 25°C. drous Compound 1 oxoglutarate salt (57.3%). A known amount of the title salt was dissolved in water and The aqueous solubility of the title salt was determined by analyzed by UPLC. The amount of Compound 1 in the UPLC to be >65.1 mg/mL, with a final pH of 3.19. sample was 74.9%. The solid was slurried in cyclohexane and The powder X-ray diffraction pattern of the title salt is then analyzed a second time. The amount of Compound 1 in 65 shown in FIG. 16. Thermal analysis (TGA and DSC) of the the second sample was 82.5%. The theoretical value for a title salt is shown in FIG. 17. DMS analysis of the title salt is hemi-oxalate salt of Compound 1 is 81.2%. shown in FIG. 18. US 9,365,521 B2 59 60 Example 7 der diffraction pattern comprising peaks, in terms of 20, at 26.02°, 11.53, and 22.65°, wherein the peaks can Preparation of Form I of (R)-8-Chloro-1-methyl-2,3, vary by +0.220. 4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine Oxoglutarate Salt 2. A salt that is (R)-8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro Solvate (Compound 1 Oxoglutarate Salt Solvate, 5 1H-3-benzazepine hemi-edisylate salt, having an X-ray pow Form I) der diffraction pattern comprising peaks, in terms of 20, at 23.12°, 6.00°, and 19.70°, wherein the peaks can vary by +0.2 The title salt was prepared by addition of a molar equiva 20. lent of C-oxo-glutaric acid to a solution of (R)-8-chloro-1- 3. The salt according to claim 2, having an X-ray powder methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine in acetonitrile 10 at 60° C. C.-Oxo-glutaric acid in acetonitrile at 60° C. was diffraction pattern as shown in FIG. 1, wherein the peaks can added dropwise with vigorous stirring. Precipitation occurred vary by +0.220 and the relative intensities of the peaks can vary. immediately and the Suspension was allowed to cool and stir 4. A salt that is (R)-8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro overnight. The resulting solid was recovered by filtration and 1H-3-benzazepine phosphate salt, having an X-ray powder air-dried in a fume hood overnight. 15 A known amount of Compound 1 oxoglutarate Salt Solvate diffraction pattern comprising peaks, in terms of 20, at was dissolved in methanol and analyzed by UPLC. The per 19.27, 25.06°, and 25.77°, wherein the peaks can vary by centage of Compound 1 in the salt sample was determined to 0.220. be 60.1%. This is slightly higher than the theoretical percent 5. The salt according to claim 4, having an X-ray powder age Compound 1 in a solvate of Compound 1 oxoglutarate diffraction pattern as shown in FIG.4, wherein the peaks can salt (54.9%). vary by +0.220 and the relative intensities of the peaks can The aqueous solubility of Compound 1 oxoglutarate Sol vary. vate was determined by UPLC to be >68.9 mg/mL, with a 6. A salt that is (R)-8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro final pH of 3.21. 1H-3-benzazepine citrate salt hemihydrate, having an X-ray The powder X-ray diffraction pattern of the title salt is 25 powder diffraction pattern comprising peaks, in terms of 20, shown in FIG. 19. Thermal analysis (TGA and DSC) of the at 11.93, 18.64, and 24.52, wherein the peaks can vary by title salt is shown in FIG. 20. DMS analysis of the title salt is 0.220. shown in FIG. 21. 7. The salt according to claim 6, having an X-ray powder Those skilled in the art will recognize that various modifi diffraction pattern as shown in FIG. 7, wherein the peaks can cations, additions, Substitutions, and variations to the illustra 30 vary by +0.220 and the relative intensities of the peaks can tive examples set forth herein can be made without departing vary. from the spirit of the invention and are, therefore, considered 8. A salt that is (R)-8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro within the scope of the invention. 1H-3-benzazepine hemi-oxalate salt, having an X-ray pow What is claimed is: der diffraction pattern comprising peaks, in terms of 20, at 1. A salt selected from: 35 6.34, 21.69°, and 31.85, wherein the peaks can vary by +0.2 (R)-8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benza 20. Zepine hemi-edisylate salt having an X-ray powder dif 9. The salt according to claim 8, having an X-ray powder fraction pattern comprising peaks, in terms of 20, at diffraction pattern as shown in FIG. 10, wherein the peaks can 23.12°, 6.00°, and 19.70°, wherein the peaks can vary by vary by +0.220 and the relative intensities of the peaks can +0.2 20: 40 vary. (R)-8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benza 10. A salt that is (R)-8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahy Zepine phosphate salt having an X-ray powder diffrac dro-1H-3-benzazepine Succinate salt, having an X-ray pow tion pattern comprising peaks, in terms of 20, at 19.27, der diffraction pattern comprising peaks, in terms of 20, at 25.06°, and 25.77°, wherein the peaks can vary by +0.2 27.62°. 20.65°, and 15.64°, wherein the peaks can vary by 20; 45 0.220. (R)-8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benza 11. The salt according to claim 10, having an X-ray powder Zepine citrate salt having an X-ray powder diffraction diffraction pattern as shown in FIG. 13, wherein the peaks can pattern comprising peaks, in terms of 20, at 11.93. vary by +0.220 and the relative intensities of the peaks can 18.64, and 24.52, wherein the peaks can vary by +0.2 vary. 20; 50 12. A salt that is (R)-8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahy (R)-8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benza dro-1H-3-benzazepine oxoglutarate salt, having an X-ray Zepine hemi-oxalate salt having an X-ray powder dif powder diffraction pattern comprising peaks, in terms of 20, fraction pattern comprising peaks, in terms of 20, at at 13.39°, 23.57°, and 21.22°, wherein the peaks can vary by 6.34, 21.69, and 31.85, wherein the peaks can vary by 0.220. +0.2 20: 55 13. The salt according to claim 12, having an X-ray powder (R)-8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benza diffraction pattern as shown in FIG.16, wherein the peaks can Zepine Succinate salt having an X-ray powder diffraction vary by +0.220 and the relative intensities of the peaks can pattern comprising peaks, in terms of 20, at 27.62°. vary. 20.65°, and 15.64, wherein the peaks can vary by +0.2 14. A salt that is (R)-8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahy 20; and 60 dro-1H-3-benzazepine oxoglutarate salt Solvate, having an (R)-8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benza X-ray powder diffraction pattern comprising peaks, in terms Zepine oxoglutarate salt having an X-ray powder diffrac of 20, at 26.02°, 11.53, and 22.65°, wherein the peaks can tion pattern comprising peaks, in terms of 20, at 13.39, vary by +0.220. 23.57°, and 21.22°, wherein the peaks can vary by +0.2 15. The salt according to claim 14, having an X-ray powder 20; and 65 diffraction pattern as shown in FIG. 19, wherein the peaks can (R)-8-chloro-1-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benza vary by +0.220 and the relative intensities of the peaks can Zepine oxoglutarate salt Solvate, having an X-ray pow vary. US 9,365,521 B2 61 62 16. A pharmaceutical composition comprising a salt an overweight patient with an initial body mass index>27 according to claim 1, and a pharmaceutically acceptable car kg/m in the presence of at least one weight related rier. comorbid condition; and 17. A process for preparing a pharmaceutical composition an overweight patient with an initial body mass index>27 comprising admixing a salt according to claim 1, and a phar kg/m in the presence of at least one weight related maceutically acceptable carrier. comorbid condition; wherein said weight related co 18. A dosage form comprising a therapeutically effective morbid condition is selected from: hypertension, dys amount of a salt according to claim 1. lipidemia, cardiovascular disease, glucose intolerance, 19. A method for weight management, comprising admin and sleep apnea. istering to an individual in need thereof, a therapeutically 10 effective amount of a salt according to claim 1. 23. The method according to claim 19, further comprising 20. The method according to claim 19, wherein said weight administering a second anti-obesity agent to said individual. management comprises one or more of weight loss, mainte 24. The method according to claim 23, wherein said second nance of weight loss, decreased food consumption, increas anti-obesity agent is selected from: chlorphentermine, clor ing meal-related Satiety, reducing pre-meal hunger, and 15 termine, phenpentermine, and phentermine, and pharmaceu reducing intra-meal food intake. tically acceptable salts, Solvates, and hydrates thereof. 21. The method according to claim 19, as an adjunct to diet 25. The method according to claim 19, further comprising and exercise. administering an anti-diabetes agent to said individual. 22. The method according to claim 19, wherein said indi 26. The method according to claim 25, wherein said anti vidual in need of weight management is selected from: diabetes agent is metformin. an obese patient with an initial body mass index>30 kg/m: k k k k k UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION PATENT NO. : 9,365,521 B2 Page 1 of 1 APPLICATION NO. 13/82O095 DATED : June 14, 2016 INVENTOR(S) : Anthony C. Blackburn et al. It is certified that error appears in the above-identified patent and that said Letters Patent is hereby corrected as shown below:

Claims: Claim 1, Col. 59, line 37, delete “hemi' and insert -- hemi Claim 1, Col. 59, line 52, delete “hemi' and insert -- hemi Claim 12, Col. 60, line 33, delete “hemi' and insert -- hemi--.

Signed and Sealed this Thirteenth Day of September, 2016 74-4-04- 2% 4 Michelle K. Lee Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office