Mangal Mandir Jagrati Class Lesson 11 March 23, 2014 Shabari

Shabari was a hunter’s daughter. The night before her marriage, she saw that thousands of goats and sheep were brought by her father to be sacrificed for the marriage dinner. Shabari did not want to see so many animals die and so ran away. She lived her life in an in the forest.

Her only goal in life was to serve Ram. Every day she would go out of her ashram to collect berries for Lord Ram’s visit. Thus she grew old waiting for the arrival of Lord Ram.

After Ravan kidnapped Maa, Lord Ram and Lakshman roamed the forest in search of her. They then came upon Shabari’s ashram. Seeing her Lord in front of her, Shabari was overcome with joy. She brought out berries to serve Lord Ram. She wanted to give only the good and sweet fruits to Ram. So, she would taste it and offer it to Him if it was sweet and would throw away the bitter fruits.

Lord Ram, seeing Shabari Maa’s devotion, accepted her offering and enjoyed the fruits. Lakshman however told Lord Ram that he should not eat the fruits as they had already been tasted and were thus unworthy of eating. Lord Ram could only see the love and devotion of Shabari Maa. He found these berries extra sweet as they were laced with the love of Shabari Maa.

In Gita, Lord says, “If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, fruit or water, I will accept it.”

Pleased with Shabari Maa, Lord Ram blessed her. Shabari Maa, having served her Lord, finally told Lord Ram where to find the king of monkeys. Sugriva would be of great help in looking for Sita Maa.