Ethnography : Castes and Tribes
िव�ा �सारक मंडळ, ठाणे Title : Ethnography : Caste and Tribes Author : Baines, Athelstane Publisher : Strassburg : Verlang Von Karl J. Trubner Publication Year : 1912 Pages : 231 pgs. गणपुस्त �व�ा �सारत मंडळाच्ा “�ंथाल्” �तल्पा्गर् िनिमर्त गणपुस्क िन�म्ी वषर : 2014 गणपुस्क �मांक : 101 ^ k^ Grundriss der Indo-arischen Philologie und Altertumskunde (ENCYCLOPEDIA OF INDO-ARYAN RESEARCH) BEGRUNDET VON G. BUHLER, FORTGESETZT VON F. KIELHORN, HERAUSGEGEBEN VON H. LUDERS UND J. WACKERNAGEL. II. BAND, 5. HEFT. ETHNOGRAPHY (CASTES AND TRIBES) BY SIR ATHELSTANE BAINES WITH A LIST OF THE MORE IMPORTANT WORKS ON INDIAN ETHNOGRAPHY BY W. SIEGLING. ^35^- STRASSBURG VERLAG VON KARL J. TRUBNER 1912. M. DuMout Schauberg, StraCburg. 6RUNDRISS DER INDO-ARISCHEN PHILOLOGIE UND ALTERTUMSKUNDE (ENCYCLOPEDIA OF INDO-ARYAN RESEARCH) BEGRiJNDET VON G. BUHLER, FORTGESETZT VON F. KIELHORN, HERAUSGEGEBEN VON H. LUDERS UND J. WACKERNAGEL. II. BAND, 5. HEFT. ETHNOGRAPHY (CASTES AND TRIBES) BY SIR ATHELSTANE BAINES. INTRODUCTION. § I. The subject with which it is proposed to deal in the present work is that branch of Indian ethnography which is concerned with the social organisation of the population, or the dispersal of the latter into definite groups based upon considerations of race, tribe, blood or oc- cupation. In the main, it takes the form of a descriptive survey of the return of castes and tribes obtained through the Census of 1901. The scope of the review, however, is limited to the population of India properly so called, and does not, therefore, include Burma or the outlying tracts of Baliichistan, Aden and the Andamans, by the omission of which the population dealt with is reduced from 294 to 283 millions.
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