December Physical Activity Challenges

11 Introduction

Welcome to the Islington Healthy Schools Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity teams' (PESSPA) Physical Activity Advent Calendar! The calendar offers children different physical activities to do throughout the advent calendar month of December. Some of the activities can be done by the children in the playground, some should be done in school time and there are also activities for the children to do at the weekends. The activities are varied and fun and there should be something for everyone, from the least to the most active. Feel free to do different activities to the ones in the calendar, the most important thing is that the children are active every day.

Please encourage the children to use the calendar. You can print them and hang them in school and you can email them to parents. Encourage the children to do the activities that are both in and outside of school time and check with the children each day to see how they are getting on. You could give a certificate to any children that do ALL of the activities on the calendar, or talk about the children that have made the most progress with the activities and mention them in assemblies. Encourage the children to keep doing the activities during the school holidays and beyond. There is no reason why the teachers can’t join in with some of the activities too! We hope you have fun doing them and would love to hear about the how the children get on and would value your feedback on it. Enjoy!

Resources in pack

Page 3: Daily Mile, Santa Dash, #WalkWith Tom (Captain Tom walk)

Page 4: Wednesday Challenges, Physical activity video links – London Youth Games and and Arsenal challenge instructions

Page 5: Active Travel, Weekend/school holiday activity information

Page 6-11 : Physical activity resources

Page 12-20 : Self-isolation activities/alternative activities

Pages 21: Activity table for activities 24th – 31st December 2020

Page 22 : Letter to parents

Pages 23-24: School advent activity calendar

Pages 25-26: Self isolation activity calendar

For more information and support on increasing the physical activity of your pupils, please visit - or contact me - Denise Lake: [email protected]

2 Daily Mile

The Daily Mile, a simple initiative that has been found to have profound effects in improving children’s fitness, concentration, behavior, mood and overall wellbeing. The initiative is simple and free; class teachers take their class outside every day for 15 minutes to run, jog or walk around a designated route. Children simply run in their school clothes and return to class feeling refreshed, energised and ready to learn.

Santa Dash

On the 11th December, the activity is the Santa Dash! Schools can do a walk, jog or run in fancy dress, a Santa outfit, a Santa hat or just wearing something red! For more information on the Santa dash - dash/

Walk with Captain Tom

Captain Sir Thomas Moore – commonly known as Captain Tom – has raised over £40 million for NHS charities. At age of 99, Captain Tom began to walk laps of his garden to thank the NHS for their hard work during their pandemic and for the care they had shown him when he had a hip operation. Captain Tom planned to raise £1000 before his 100th birthday but raised much, much more and became known all over the world for spreading his message of hope and gratitude.

The Captain Tom Foundation has launched a new campaign, #WalkWithTom to encourage people to walk to stay healthy and to talk to each other to keep each other happy. He is inviting all schools to take part in #WalkWithTom.

Schools can decide how to organise #WalkWithTom in their school – to take part they just need to share Captain Sir Tom’s story and organise a walk. They could walk in the playground, walk round the school, walk ‘round the block’ or to somewhere near the school, such as a local park or green space. It’s completely up to schools how far they walk and how many children take part – it could be a class, a year group, or the whole school. You could do a one- off walk, walk once a week, or walk every day – just like Captain Sir Tom!

Schools can also send a tweet and include #WalkWithTom to get a special message back from Captain Tom.

3 Wednesday Challenges

Every Wednesday, schools can choose an activity to do from the ’60 Active Minutes Update’ that Michael Peet will be sending out to schools on the Friday before. If you have any queries, or have not received the email, please contact Michael Peet - [email protected]

London Youth Game Challenges

Football –

Boccia -

Hockey -

Rugby -

Volleyball -

Netball Challenges

Corbin sisters netball challenge -

Corbin sisters netball tik tok challenge -

Arsenal in the Community Challenges

Challenge 1: Jumping Jacks Complete a total of 50-100 Jumping Jacks throughout today.

Challenge 2: Aerobic/Dance Complete a 10-minute high energy dance or exercise session to music.

Challenge 3: Football Kick-Ups Record how many football kick-ups you can do in 1-minute. Try not to let the football hit the ground. Complete this 3 times and try to beat your previous score each time.

Challenge 4 – Family Challenge: 25-minute Walk Go for a 25-minute walk outside and take a photo you are proud of.

Challenge 5: Playground Walk Move around the playground and listen to your teacher’s instructions. Incorporate Giant steps, Tip-toe walking, skipping, and sprinting on the spot, Lunges, Jumping jacks, Hops, Jumps into your routine.

4 Active Travel

Cycle, Walk, Scooter to school (if you go bay car, get the person driving to park further from the school so that you can walk some of the way, or get to school early and after you have parked, go for a 10 minute walk)

Weekend/ School holiday activities When you are physically active you may get warmer, breathe harder and your heart will beat faster, these are all perfectly normal things to experience during physical activity. Enjoy your month of physical activity and have fun!

Sport/Physical activities Do a sport that you like – , football, , running, skateboarding, Zumba, dancing, , … choose!

Walking Walks are a great way to be active and enjoy you’re environment and there are some lovely walks to do in Islington – Some parks in Islington even have marked routes for walking and running – click here to find out more New River Walk Junior Park Run – Highbury Fields – free 2k run, every Sunday at Highbury Fields Gillespie Park and ecology centre ecology-centre

Park life – rain or shine Play a ball game, play in the park, play hide and seek, play tag play at an adventure playground.

The largest park in Islington, Highbury Fields has a fab children’s playground with a big sand pit and water play features. If your child is into sports, there is plenty to do with a full-size pitch, a netball pitch and 11 tennis courts (most floodlit). Adventure playgrounds in Islington

5 Islington Personal Challenges Week 5: Vertical Jump Challenge

 You will need a tall wall space, a few pieces of paper and a sticker, pen or pencil.  Stand next to a wall and raise your arms above your head as high as you can. Stick the paper against the wall. Mark this spot.  Place a few more pieces of paper above the other piece.  Stand away from the wall and jump as high as you can, mark the wall at the highest point.  In centimetres measure the between the 2 points  3 attempts to jump as high as you can

The vertical jump challenge focuses on jumping for height and some co- ordination and control to land safely and touch the wall to record your jump building balance and body control.

The image to the right highlights the key coaching points for the challenge.

To take part in the Islington virtual competition submit your scores to [email protected] (children remain anonymous) For the full range of resources for the Islington Personal Challenges including the challenge poster for displays, tracking sheet for displays, score sheet for the challenges, current leaderboards across Islington, plus past challenges visit 6 Islington Personal Challenges Week 6: Football Dribble Challenge

 You will need a football and set of cones or items to use as markers  Set out the course shown in the picture  Players line up at the start and then follow the course dribbling (bouncing) the ball  Run up and around the first marker, down to the bottom the slalom  Slalom between the cones up to the top and back  Then round the cone dribbling up to the top right hand marker around that and into the finish  Time how fast you can complete the course

See here for a video demonstration

Key Coaching points for dribbling with the feet;

 Looking forward to target  Lean slightly forward to accelerate  Push the ball forward using the inside of the foot or edge toes to run on to and drive into space  Drive arms opposite to legs  Slow the ball down by getting low and using instep of the foot to control the ball  Lean slightly backwards to slow down when reaching a cone  Keep the ball close using the inside or outside of the toes to turn around the cones  Land on the ball of the foot as you run

To take part in the Islington virtual competition submit your scores to [email protected] (children remain anonymous) For the full range of resources for the Islington Personal Challenges including the challenge poster for displays, tracking sheet for displays, score sheet for the challenges, current leaderboards across Islington, plus past challenges visit 7 Islington Personal Challenges Week 7: Speed Bounce

 You will need and item such as a cone, hurdle or speed bounce mat  Participants jump from side to side over the marker  Players must jump and land with 2 feet  20 seconds to see how many times you can jump back and forth over the marker.  Each time successfully over the marker counts as 1.

See here for a video demonstration

The speed bounce challenge involves jumping side to side but is a challenge focused on balance, co- ordination and transferring weight. This will be useful in many everyday activities and sports activities where balance and shifting weight under control or quickly are important such as athletics, , , basketball and netball. The image to the right highlights the key coaching points for the speed bounce.  Arms out to side can help with balance  Keep the upper body relaxed and still  Keep both feet together  Drive up and shift hips towards the side you’re jumping to manoeuvre over the marker  Land on balls of the feet  Try to bounce back up and over the marker as soon as you land

To take part in the Islington virtual competition submit your scores to [email protected] (children remain anonymous) For the full range of resources for the Islington Personal Challenges including the challenge poster for displays, tracking sheet for displays, score sheet for the challenges, current leaderboards across Islington, plus past challenges visit 8 Islington Personal Challenges Week 8: Beanbag challenge

• You will need 5 balls and 6 cones or markers • Make a line of the cones 1 big step apart • Then 3 big steps to the side, make a line of the 5 balls • Place the 6 cone in between the 2 lines at the bottom of the course • Start behind the start cone and see how quickly you can move the balls one at a time from their spot and put them on a cone • Time yourself to see how quickly you can do it See here for a video demonstration

• Look forward and focus on your Through this challenge you practice moving at speed, target changing direction quickly and your hand eye co- • Lean slightly forward to accelerate • ordination to pick up and put down the balls as fast as Land on the ball of the foot as you run you can developing speed, agility and co-ordination. • Drive arms opposite to legs You will be bending down and getting low which will • Plant your foot close to the cone and build strength in the joints and help you to build extend the arm on the same side control of transferring your weight. These types of down as you get low to turn • Focus on grabbing the beanbag skills link closely to fielding for cricket, rounders being • Push off through the planted foot able to retrieve balls and return them. Also hand eye towards the next cone, co-ordination will be important in all sorts of everyday • Lift the knees high as you run task from writing to picking things up, plus all manner • Switch the beanbag in your hand as you run towards the cone, plant the of sporting activities. The image to the right highlights foot on the same side as the cone the key coaching points for mastering this challenge. down and extend the arm down to place the beanbag To take part in the Islington virtual competition submit your scores to [email protected] h ff l i t(children remain anonymous) For the full range of resources for the Islington Personal Challenges including the challenge poster for displays, tracking sheet for displays, score sheet for the challenges, current leaderboards across Islington, plus past challenges visit 9 Islington Personal Challenges

Examples of how you could use or fit the personal challenge into the school day

PE Lessons The beanbag challenge could be included as part of a striking and fielding lesson or unit. The challenge is a fun way of practicing fundamental skills including co-ordination and agility as well as retrieving and collecting balls linked to object control and fielding as part of the curriculum. The activity is suitable for key stage 1 and 2 providing a fun test of skills for all level of pupils. the challenge would be best used as part of a striking and fielding lesson or unit, or sport specific fielding based lesson for cricket, rounders’ or other ball sports. For example the activity could used early in a session as a way of introducing basic fielding skills as the balls are in a static position and opportunity for children to practice collecting and replacing balls. The challenge could be adapted further to use different equipment, changing the route or spreading the balls out more for more of a test. This activity could be your starting point in a lesson before progressing into more dynamic fielding and retrieval skills with rolling or bouncing balls. For example rolling a ball forward in front of you, running out, moving around the ball to collect it or linked to striking games, such as scatter ball. Practically the activity could be best managed by splitting the entire group into smaller groups of 3-5 pupils and giving them a space to setup and attempt the challenge, with those waiting their turn timing and providing feedback. Extra-Curricular: Break and Lunchtimes or clubs The challenge could be used as part of an extra-curricular club such as cricket or rounders. The activity would be a fun fielding practice and challenge for pupils that could be adapted and progressed as some option are described for PE lessons, though for a sport specific club this may link closer to skills and tasks carried out in that sport. For example introducing the long barrier for cricket or collecting balls to throw into a rounders base or scatter ball to include batting and more game like scenarios. Additionally the challenge could be used as part of a games club helping pupils to develop agility and co-ordination and progress into races and relays using different progressions or more open activities with different teams and collecting balls from different team spaces and returning to their own area.

During a break or lunchtime, staff or young leaders could be given the items of equipment and space to setup and run the challenge for an activity pupils can attempt and practice during their break times. Zoning the playground will help keep a safe space.

To take part in the Islington virtual competition submit your scores to [email protected] (children remain anonymous) For the full range of resources for the Islington Personal Challenges including the challenge poster for displays, tracking sheet for displays, score sheet for the challenges, current leaderboards across Islington, plus past challenges visit 10 Islington Personal Challenges Week 9: Target Throw challenge

• You will need a ball, beanbag or soft item to throw and a target such as empty bin, hoop or box. • To start place the target 2m from the throwing position. • Try to throw the item into the target • If successful, move the target further away, like shown. • If you miss keep trying until you can get the ball in the target • Your score is your furthest successful throw into the target in cm/metres

See here for a video demonstration

• Choose which arm you are going to through with Through this challenge you practice the • Stand with the opposite leg forward for a stable fundamental skills of object control and co- base and point the toes at the target • ordination through under arm throwing. Look and focus on the target you’re throwing towards Under arm throwing underlines all throwing • Hold the throwing object in your hand and catching skills and helps to develop • Throwing arm starts low by your side or slightly other techniques such as passing for netball behind your body • and basketball. The challenge will also help Use the opposite arm to point at the target • Have a few practice swings with your throwing with accuracy, focus and stability by arm moving from low to high working on your stance as you throw and • When you’re ready to throw, bring the arm the targets you are aiming for. The image to forward from the low position forward past the the right highlights the key coaching points body • Release the object on the way up at a suitable for underarm throwing. height you can judge to try and hit the target • If you miss you might want to try letting go To take part in the Islington virtual competition submit your scores to [email protected] (children remain anonymous) For the full range of resources for the Islington Personal Challenges including the challenge poster for displays, tracking sheet for displays, score sheet for the challenges, current leaderboards across Islington, plus past challenges visit 11 #StayInWorkOut Indoor skittles

Primary or secondary challenge card S E In action

The aim of this skill is to Space Equipment roll, chest pass or kick a • Try the activity indoors or outdoors • A round ball of any variation, ball at some plastic bottles or some socks in a ball if to knock them over. you do not have one • Plastic bottles, skittles or anything With a family member standing else that will topple over T • Add more bottles to make behind the bottles, they should a bigger target, or remove clap 3 times so the location of Task bottles if that’s too easy the bottles can be identified. Try the activity blindfolded to • Chest pass, kick or underarm roll the ball towards some make it extra challenging. empty plastic bottles • Stand further away if it’s too easy P S T T E P People 60 • Ask a family member to stand Ideas on how to adapt the T behind the bottles and clap 3 times activity in a national lockdown. • Challenge your family members to Time have a go blindfolded • Allow 5 minutes to set up and practice • Play for as long as you like 2 1 Keep your tails – at home Aim • The aim of the game is to protect your tail and see how many times you can get your partner’s

Equipment How to Play • Something to use as tags such as clean • 2 players cloths, tea towels or football socks •• Clear a safe area, inside or outside • Attach 2 tails to yourself by tucking the top of the Safety tail into the top of your bottoms, place one on each • Ensure the playing area is safe side • Be aware of other objects when moving • Face your partner and get into the ready position around so you don’t hit them (toes facing forward, knees slightly bent, back • Watch out for hitting into other players straight and hands up) when you are bending down • When the timer starts you and your partner try to catch each other’s tails. • Keep playing until both tags are removed from one Links to sport player • This game will help you with agility and Variations quick feet which are useful skills in all • Try adding more tags sports, including boxing, and • If there are enough people in your house, you could • Practicing the ready position helps you to play a team game. move and react quicker. This will help with • Limit yourself to a small playing area to work on movements such as catching in cricket. agility skills, or give yourself a bigger playing area to Tactics work on skills such as dodging. • What do you need to do to make it Making it easier difficult for your opponent to catch your • Equipment – make the tails longer tails • People – one person at time attempts to grab tails • What moves could you do to try and catch Making it harder your opponents tails • Tasks – you choose which tag to go for before Spirit of the Games starting the game • Honesty – do you play fair and make sure • Equipment – Increase or decrease the number of your tails are still easily visible not tucked tails away. • People – one person has tails and is defending • Teamwork – do you help your opponent against 2 players trying to catch tails. when replacing your tails

13 A 10-minute activity to get everyone moving! Did you know? One Piece – Wan Pīsu – is a Japanese manga about magical PIRATES pirates. It is one of the most famous 海賊 | Kaizoku comic books in Japan.





Colour me in! #TravelToTokyo

14 10 Mins PIRATES Adventure 海賊 Kaizoku

Activity type Equipment

Home Away Indoor Outdoor None How to play Variations 1 2 • Have fewer or Agree who will be the captain. The more orders. captain gives orders that the other Practise the actions • Make up you players – the crew – must follow: first. Then shout them own actions. in random order. • Add moving to the A. Scrub the deck – Who can get them sides of the space: bend down and pretend to scrub the floor. right every time? port (left), starboard (right), bow (front), B. Climb the rigging – stern (back). and pretend to climb a ropestretch ladder. up Challenge yourself C. Dance the hornpipe – • How quickly can you hopping from one leg to thedo other. a dance follow the orders? 3 • Can you put D. Bail the boat – swivel and pretend more effort into to scoop up water in a bucket. Play for 2 minutes. your actions? Swap captains and • Can you keep going E. Captain’s coming – play again. for longer? stand to attention. stop and

What next?

Try something similar Try something different , surfing, basketball, football, , rowing hockey, goalball

Log your activity and find more Tokyo Ten activities and resources at #TravelToTokyo

15 Tiddlywinks– at home Aim • The aim of the game is to score as many points as you can strike a ball at different targets.

Equipment How to Play • A variety of targets such as; • 1 or more players empty bins, boxes, shoe boxes, • • Clear a safe area to play washing baskets, bed sheets or • Set up a target using an empty bin, box, washing basket or make towels for floor targets a target on the floor using a bed sheet • A soft objects to hit such as; • Stand 2 big steps away from the target soft balls, balls of socks, paper • Using a soft object to hit, such as a soft ball, ball of socks, ball of balls string or ball of paper. • A variety of objects to strike to • Use your hand to start with, throw the ball up to yourself and the ball. For example, sports try to hit it into the target rackets, books or a spatula • Practice to start with and see how many times you can do it • Then challenge yourself against the clock, how many times can Safety you successfully get the ball into the target in 60 seconds. • Ensure the playing area is safe • Be careful when you’re playing Variations not to hit other objects or • In strike from a tee, or drop feed yourself or from partner people • Add in more targets to aim for, you can also vary the shape and size of the targets. For example using a towel on the floor, shoe box, an empty bin or anything else you can find • Make different targets worth different points and set your best Links to sport score. • This game will help you aim and • Add in obstacles to avoid when striking that take away points strike accurately which is from your score. important in sports such as • Use different objects to it the ball such as sports rackets, books rounders, cricket, or a spatula and .

Making it easier or harder Tactics • Space – change the distance of the targets, closer to be easier, • Which is the better targets to further away to be harder. aim for to score points? • Task – create a set of gates using tins, books or cereal boxes to aim for instead of specific targets Spirit of the Games • Equipment – change the size of the objects you use to hit the • Honesty – how do you keep ball or the size of the ball itself. Larger is easier, smaller will be score accurately? harder. • Self-belief- even if you miss the • People - If you have someone else to play they can help by target can you keep trying and feeding or bouncing the ball to you to hit, or also help by being keep practicing to improve your a fielder or being some you play competitively against. accuracy

16 Sea Battle – at home Aim • The aim of the game is to throw accurately into the other team’s mat. Can you sink the other team’s ship.

Equipment How to Play • Bed sheets or towels to use as • 2 or more players to make 2 teams. battleships • • Clear a safe space to play • A variety of soft objects to • Lay 2 towels or bed sheets flat on the floor, about 3 big steps throw as ‘torpedoes’. For apart. These your each teams’ battleship example soft balls, balls of • Find and share out an equal number of soft objects to use as socks, paper balls or even torpedoes for each team teddy bears • When both teams are ready, set a timer for 3 minutes Safety • Teams are trying to throw their torpedoes so that they land on • Ensure the playing area is safe their opponents’ battleship. • Be careful when you’re • The team with the most amount of torpedoes on their throwing not to hit other opponents mat at the end of the game wins. Variations • In between the battleships put a barrier of boxes or chairs to Links to sport change the type of throw you use. • This game will help you aim • Agree between players/teams on a number of torpedoes it accurately which is important in takes to sink a battleship, then play the first team to sink their sports such as and . opponents ship wins the game. Tactics Making it easier or harder • Is it better to take your time to • Space – move the battleships closer together to be easier or try to throw or be quicker than further apart to be harder your opponent? • Task – use a larger sheet or towel as the battleship to be easier • What is the best type of throw or try using multiple smaller towels, sheets or cushions as a to make your throws more collection of smaller battleships for the game for more of a accurate challenge. Spirit of the Games • Equipment – add in other targets worth extra points, such as • Respect – do you play the game water bottles to hit, or place a book in the corner of one of the fairly and aim to get your battleships to be a double point scoring zone. torpedoes on the mat and not • People – add more people to each team to work as a group throwing at other players or collecting and throwing torpedoes or make it harder by getting objects? someone between the battleships to act as the sea monster and • Passion – are you excited to play try to block throws. this game? 17 A 10-minute activity to get everyone moving!

Did you know? Traditional Japanese socks called Tabi are split at the toes. They’re WHERE’S THE PAIR? worn with kimonos for ceremonies and くつした かくした formal events. Kutsushita kaukshita

Colour me in! #TravelToTokyo

18 10 Mins WHERE’S THE PAIR? Adventure くつした かくした Kutsushita kaukshita

Activity type Equipment

Home Away Indoor Outdoor At least 1 pair of socks for each player (or other items that can match, e.g. gloves, playing cards, snap cards, coloured bricks, coins) How 1 to Each pair of socks needs to look different from the other pairs, e.g. one blue pair, one pair of knee- play highs, one adult-size. Divide the Variations pairs of socks. Put the ‘left’ socks in a container in the middle of • Create new forfeits, 2 the room. Spread the ‘right’ e.g. star jumps socks around the house, e.g. instead of hops.

Players play at the same one in bedroom, one in kitchen. • Play as a scavenger time. With eyes closed, hunt: players collect each player draws one or tick off different sock from the container. items on a list instead They hunt around the house of matching pairs. to find their matching sock. 3 • Create your own version with different items. When they have made a match, the player leaves one sock 4 where it was found and returns Challenge yourself the other sock to the container. • Can you find all The player selects another sock the socks in less and hunts for the matching time than before? one again. If they select a sock 5 • Can you be the they have found already, they first one to finish? do a forfeit of five hops before Keep repeating until all • Can you play it choosing another sock. players have matched all the socks or until time is up. outdoors in a bigger space?

What next?

Try something similar Try something different Orienteering Gymnastics, aerobics, cheerleading, street dance, Zumba®

Log your activity and find more Tokyo Ten activities and resources at #TravelToTokyo

19 Line Lunging – at home Aim • The aim of the game is to keep your balance and reach for each of the objects in a line

Equipment How to Play • A variety of objects to reach for. For • 1+ Players example water bottles, cereal boxes, •• Mark out a line of household objects, such as water tins of food, books, cups, shoes, boxes, bottles, tins, cereal boxes. Try to use a variety of colours Safety and shapes • Ensure the playing area is safe • Stand 1 step away from the line of objects, but close • Watch your balance, be careful not to enough you can still reach them with your feet or hands fall into anything • Standing still you have to keep your balance and reach out and down for the objects and touch them with your hands or feet • Have another player give you instructions to follow. For Links to sport example right hand to the run, left foot to the cereal box • This game will help you with stability or be creative and come up with a sequence to remember and balancing which are useful skills and follow yourself or create a way of deciding which in all sports, including gymnastics, object to reach for. football and tennis. • Once this becomes too easy get yourself in a more • This game will help you with your challenging balance position and try to reach for the focus and concentration as well. An objects. For example standing on one leg and touching the important skill in all sports, including objects with your right hand. golf, and swimming. Variations and challenges Tactics • Add in side to side movements to get into position quickly • Which objects do you reach for first? and then reach for the object. • What can you do to help you focus • Challenge yourself against a timer and reach for the objects? • Write down a sequence to remember, then try to Spirit of the Games complete it correctly • Determination – can you keep • Stretch the reach the objects, pick them up and place practising to reach objects and them next to you improve your balance? • Increase the distance of the objects to stretch yourself • Self-belief – can you test yourself to further or bring them closer to be easier reach more challenging objects and • Change the objects to be bigger and taller to be easier to try more challenging balance reach or smaller to be harder to reach. positions?

20 Suggested Physical Activity for after the 25th December 2020 If after you would like to continue being active every day after you have finished your activity challenge calendar on the 25th December, here is a list of suggestions for the rest of the month.

Dates 26th December – 31st December Activities

Friday 26th December 2020 Arsenal Family walking challenge or choose your favourite challenge and do it again today

Saturday 27th December 2020 Playing in the park, Daily Mile, or Arsenal star jump challenge

Sunday 28th December 2020 Sasha Corbin Tik Tok netball challenge - or LYG American Football or make up your own

Monday 29th December 2020 Arsenal star jump challenge or Cycle, scooter, swimming, walking, skateboarding, skating

Tuesday 30th December 2020 PESSPA Beanbag relay or Playing in the park or playing some form of ball game

Wednesday 31st December 2020 PESSPA Beanbag relay or Playing in the park or playing some form of ball game

21 Dear carer/parent

Your child has been given an advent calendar with a twist! This festive calendar is a physical activity calendar, designed to get children doing more physical activity. Physical activity can help your child to get fitter and stronger, feel better about themselves, feel happier and more positive, sleep better, maintain a healthy body weight, maintain friendships and support the building of new ones.

We need your support to help encourage your child to do the activities in the calendar for the month of December and beyond. Most of the activities will be done at school and there are also suggested activities for the weekend. You can take part in the weekend activities too, it will be fun for the whole family!

Here are some further ideas for family friendly physical activities that you can all do together

• Start with 5–10 minutes of easy physical activity a day (if your child isn’t usually active), then increase the time as they get fitter. You should aim for 60 minutes a day, which can be spread out over the course of the day. • When doing the school run or taking short trips, try walking, biking or scooting with your child. • Encourage your child to play outside in the fresh air as often as possible, particularly during school break times, in the park after school and including during school holidays. • Encourage your child to take part in community activities, such as using the facilities at local leisure centres, a local sports club, scouts, Mini Mermaids girls running club or dance group. • Try to do something fun and active as a family each week, such as going to the park, marsh walks, playing ball games outside, playing tag or hide and seek, basketball or tennis, going to the local swimming pool or flying a kite at the park.

Where to go to do physical activity in Islington • Breakfast, lunch time and after school activity clubs (when they reopen) • GLL Better Gyms – Highbury fields leisure centre, Sobell Centre Holloway – trampoline park and various other activities (such as ) (when they reopen) • River Walks - Camden-to-limehouse • Use active travel to get to school or to the shops – walk, scooter, cycle • Local parks - local-parks • Check out the different sports and activities that you can do in Islington - Activities for disabled people in Islington -

Physical activity is for everyone and we can all have fun getting fitter and healthier. We hope your child has fun doing the December Physical Activity Challenge. Instructions of how to put the calendar together are on the calendar.

Yours sincerely

Denise Lake Health Improvement Officer: Physical Activity Islington Council

If you would like this document in large print or Braille, audiotape or in another language, please telephone 020 7527 2000.

22 December Physical Activity Challenges

11 December Activity Challenges

Instructions: PRINT out the two printable pages, but NOT back to back. Place the two sheets on top of one another and TAPE the tops back together. On the day matching the number, CUT along the sides to lift up the number ap and reveal the physical activity for the day. When you have completed the physical activity , "X" it out. After the rst week, cut o that row of numbers and move on to the next. At the end you will have completed a month of festive physical activity!

Scan the QR codes or click the red title to play the physical activity videos.

Arsenal Family Arsenal aerobic/ Arsenal family Arsenal Football kick Arsenal aerobic/ walking challenge dance challenge or walking challenge up challenge or dance challenge or or choose your Arsenal football kick and/or Arsenal design your own LYG Volleyball favourite challenge up challenge or football kick up challenge and do it again create your own challenge QITAq0NUSjI today challenge

Netball challenge Islington family #WalkWithTom London Youth Wednesday challenge or Cycle, challenge or Daily watch?v=Ye9zRaBCJIY or games – Rugby challenge scooter, swimming, Mile challenge LYG Football walking, Challenge skateboarding, skating

Netball challenge - Daily Mile or Target PESSPA Football Islington family Daily Mile School watch?v=w4s6fW0UfkM throw challenge dribble challenge or challenge or Cycle, Games Santa Dash! or Arsenal Family walk scooter, swimming, Or #WalkWithTom Active travel challenge walking challenge

Vertical Jump or LYG Wednesday PESSPA Football Daily Mile or Arsenal Family Volley Ball Challenge challenge dribble #WalkWithTom walking challenge challenge

Islington family Speed Bounce Daily Mile, or Wednesday Daily Mile challenge or Playing #WalkWithTom Challenge in the park or challenge or LYG playing some form of ball game


1 December Physical Activity

Challenges Self Isolation Version

11 Self-Isolation calendar activities

Instructions: PRINT out the two printable pages, but NOT back to back. Place the two sheets on top of one another and TAPE the tops back together. On the day matching the number, CUT along the sides to lift up the number ap and reveal the physical activity for the day. When you have completed the physical activity , "X" it out. After the rst week, cut o that row of numbers and move on to the next. At the end you will have completed a month of festive physical activity!

Scan the QR codes or click the red title to play the physical activity videos.

Choose your Arsenal aerobic/ Line Lunging at Arsenal Football kick Arsenal aerobic/ favourite challenge dance challenge or home (see up challenge or dance challenge or and do it again Arsenal football kick resources) design your own LYG Volleyball today up challenge or challenge create your own QITAq0NUSjI challenge

Netball challenge Tokyo Ten Where’s Arsenal jumping London Youth Wednesday watch?v=Ye9zRaBCJIY , the Pair (see jacks Challenge games – Rugby challenge LYG Football resources) challenge

Netball challenge - Line lunging, PESSPA Football Sea Battle at home Arsenal Football watch?v=w4s6fW0UfkM Arsenal star jumps dribble challenge (see resources) kick ups challenge or challenge indoor skittles

Vertical Jump or LYG Wednesday PESSPA Football Tiddy Winks and Tokyo Ten Pirates Volley Ball Challenge challenge dribble Spot, Bucket Hoop Challenge (see at Home (see resources) resources)

Keep Your Tails at Line lunging LYG Boccia Wednesday Indoor Skittles Home game (see at home challenge challenge resources)