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1-24-1986 The oW oster Voice (Wooster, OH), 1986-01-24 Wooster Voice Editors

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This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the "The oV ice" Student Newspaper Collection at Open Works, a service of The oC llege of Wooster Libraries. It has been accepted for inclusion in The oV ice: 1981-1990 by an authorized administrator of Open Works. For more information, please contact [email protected]. TOE STER VOICE 7 1S3 Ncsbtrll VbTuaeCII THE WOOSTER VOICE FRIDAY JANUARY 24. 1985 Index Winter Olympics held ByBoblfurphy some Aflca-Settxe- r. The Dizzie Izzies The ItSS annual Wooster Winter consist of a timed race Involving Olympics wm be held on Friday basketballs and baseball bats. Last available evening, January 31 and oa Satur--j for the evening Is the "Body Sew- .J. hi flay, February 1, and is open to an ing" competition, in which all eight College of Wooster students and team members line up and wiggle faculty. It involves teams competing spoons down their clothes against in March in various winter events, trying to the clock. 9:30 on The 1385 Index, delayed In publica- earn points from judfes. in addition Startlnx at a.m. Saturday I to the games, "1981 Wooster Winter the first, the full team Tug of War tion because of rarious problems in Olympics" production, should be available to shirts, featuring the will be held, with a few different students in arch, according to Liz v7 penguin mascot, done by artist Ben- twists to make It more interesting If jamin Spriggs, are on sale currently, than normal. "Broom Hockey" is Davies, yearbook editor. eight Davies explained that the book is and will be available next Tuesday next, which Involves all primarily finished, and that they are through Thursday in the Lowrr members and snow. Tne team max waiting for pictures of faculty and Center lobby daring lunch and din- -l scores the highest total points In a other events. ner. Extra points will be awarded to game wmwin the wnoie even. The main problems Davies cited teams wearing the shirts during the Following a break for lunch, there competition. will be the team Pyramid competi- for the delay were that because of ' the resignation of the previous editor All entering teams must consist of tion, which will be Judged on staying over the semester break last year, eight people, four men and four time and creativity. No more than Davies really couldn't get started women, and teams are encouraged three people can touch the ground, to try get In- nntil February of last year. MI can't and faculty members to which should make for some play, as extr points will be awarded teresting stacks of people. Next recreate history and I didn't have a automatically lot of first semester pictures," for faculty on teams. comes the "Snowball Toss", which There will be an entry fee of one is similar to a two person shotput Davies commented. person, Working with News Services has dollar per and team applica throw. A male and female will have some of lack tions are due in the 5.A.B. exact by their wrists tied together, and have helped to alleviate the 4:00 p.m. Wednesday, 29. "non-exista- nt January tothrow a snowball overhanded. The of photos, bat a staff' Trophies and "no pictures to work with" wEl be awarded to the first longest throw wins the competition. three runner-u- p teams, and the The last event of the competition before this past semester break champions have slowed down the works. wi3 receive a private wQ be held after dinner oa Satur- approximate- party at Ichabod's for fifty people. day, and those participating la the Davies said she had Olympics ly 29 people on staff, but The consist of eight final event should eat light. It's a the that it events as, in- was difficult to have them help on that can be described "JeUo Snarfmg contest. One team would teresting, to say the least. The com member will hold the plate ef kilo, last year's book because they petition 9:39 have to start to the middle. ' starts Friday night at and another will hold e microphone, would put out a quality p.m. witft tne "welner Gobble". while the snarfer inhales. Jading "I rather Here, one contestant from each will be oa creativity and acoustics. book thathas some copy and decent team must try to seven dogs games, pictures." Davies commented. Even eat hot To conclude the there win be I . faster than everyone else. After that a party for team members at 9:00 though people may be frustrated delightful event, seven team now. think: they're gonna be hap- the pjn. in Ichabod's. "I Roland Mushat Frye is the Phi Beta Kappa visiting scholar who will members who did not participate in The Olympus are run oy . ine pier later.- - speak next Thursday. participate According Davies, the current the Weiner Gobble, will Recreation Committee of the S.A.B.. to in the "Dizxie Izzies", while the hot which is chaired this year by Joaao Index, forUSS, is on schedule and dog eater presumably looks for should be available this summer. Continued on Ptge Band Blast to rocfi Ich's Fisher to speak on 'The Evolution By Roger Gordon Thm main mraiu nf thi event. Ichabod's will provide students according to Patrick James, the Human with two fantastic bands, Forecast miiMr nt TrhitwTs im ta raise of Behavior and Jady Kurrent, tomorrow night funds to upkeep and improve the By Suzanne Spoor orado. from (p.m. until 2 a.m. facility. 4ames just warns me "Helen Fisher speaks about Fisher has appeared oa television to C.O.W., L Neither band is foreign students to have a good time and human behavior with a sparkle and and college campuses all over the Forecast having played here . two mm elean fnn " He also mentioned daring is Irresistable." -- years ago wry Center that country. Giving us a new perspec- in the to that there may be some lines since Science Digest "(Her) lecture tive on the evolution of human sex- Ballroom and Jady Kurrent last Ichabod's holds only soo people. garnered one of the largest and most ual behavior, she enthusiastically year at Alexander's Feast. Imnmm mmnarM the Band Blast to receptions In the mainly Top enthusiastic presents her theories. The issues she Forecast, which plays the Party On The Green held' last history of (Monroe) College." Bin touches on range from flirting to 40 and Jazz, win play from 6 until September, ram Allison neipea to Brindle, onroe Community Col- by Kurrent, If child abuse to remarriage after 9:30, followed Jady organize the event as well. lege. "(Her) professionalism, intui- divorce. Questions such as. Is mar- which plays mainly Top 40, from Admission is one dollar, and pizza, tion... and manner of presentation riage a dying tradition?", and 10:30 unttt 2. There wfll be a one hour beer and soda win be sold. (was) superb." Richard Cbappeu wrong pro- In shows. "What's with sexual break between PhD, Gifted Student Development miscuity are addressed. She bold- Programs, Inc. "She Is one of that ly takes us back to the originators of very rare breed ox articulate ana many of our "sex rituals": the apes. (ich-o-ff colorful scientists." - Scott De Gar-m- a, Present problems in the American Senior Challenge Science Digest. family due to high divorce rates and Who Is Helen Flsherr She is an an the changing roles of women are ByLizlforah thropologist and author of The Sex part of Fisher's lectures. She claims If you're a senior and you won't be No admission will be charged and xne Evolution ox unman s) Contract: that the family is not a dying institu- in your LS. carrel this Saturday refreshments (beer, soda and mun-chie- topic of expense Behavior. This wfll be the tion and that the human spirit may night, Andrews Basement is the wfll abound. An all her lecture on January 30, lsSS, In greater expression in go. two to find even the Slaee to The "Senior Challenge paid trip for IfcGaw Chapel at 1:00 p.m. Now a relationship trends of the. future. iick-o- ff away a drawing Party" will be held there wfll be given after teacher at New York University, Though always changing with the this Saturday, January 25, from 9 at the end of the evening. Round trip a Research Associate accomodations, and Fisher is also times, the Sex Contact Is stfll p.m. until I a.m. The live band "Te- airfare, hotel at the American Ifuseum of Natural recognizable as a human bond which -- quila Soup" win be freatured. The spending money for the winner and a History and Chair of the An- stays constant. band Is comprised of C.O.W. guest wfll be awarded. All seniors at- thropology Section of the New York eligible to Helen Fisher wfll not be a Wooster students Felix Hendrickson, Patrick tending the party wfll be Academy of Sciences. She received mentation to miss. As it was said, Miller, Billy Simms. Kathryn Tait register to win. her B.A. in anthropology and 8 Times, "One The party Is the idea of Leslie i the and Pete Westerman, and plays a psychology at New York University, agree --with afl of Helen co-Contin- ued needn't variety of music, Including blues, Winter and Betty Title, and her IfJL and PhD. In an Fisher's theories...but It Is impossi- reggae and classic rock. on Page 4 thropology at the University of Col ble not to be enriched by them." PAGE 2 THEWOOSTER VOICE FRIDAY JANUARY 24,1553 The Inner Voice Lectures have Thanks to CIA not all bad supporters of mittee is making an effort to stress relevant topics Dear Editor, the need for respect for those who This letter is response to last are physically handicapped. Our week's SCN column by Thorn Kuehls first step to raise the awareness of Martin Luther Column By Ida Williams on the CIA. Some of the things the campus has been to print cards my Kuehls states are undoubtedly true. saying, "Show respect for the han The other evening I once again disregarded but he has obviously allowed some of King a in The lec- dicapped by not parking in this Jr. studies and attended lecture Freedlander. his own personal prejudices to in spot" We hope this will serve as a ture was given by Susan Gubar, a professor at the terfere with the lope of his analysis. reminder and will increase respect Dear Editor, interesting, as well Knehls im University of Indiana, and was quite in his article, gives the tor the handicapped. . With the first official national as relevant. Her topic was "An Anthology of Our Own: pression that the CIA is an un For those of you who take your observance of Martin Luther King, Compiling a Women." and it explored the controlled organisation that is solely ability to walk for granted, we hope Jr. Day now a memory I want to ex- Norton for responsible activities, in co-autho- red for its you will more tend a special thanks and recogni- reasons, whys and hows of a book, by San- cluding become concerned for the killing of innocent peo those who are less fortunate in this tion to those members of the SAB ad -- dra Gilbert and Gubar. that showcases great female ple. He fails to mention, however, Anthology tradi- repect Others who would like to help hoc Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday writers of history, just as the Norton that the Agency is directly responsi- us in this stuggle, please make the Celebration Committee who planned tionally highlights great authors of literature. Her topic ble to the President and the National effort to confront anyone you see many of the meaningful activities raises some interesting questions, and opens the doors Security Council who assign tasks to parking in the designated spot here on campus. John Wells resear- for further inquiry by exploring the possible answers. the Agency. The reason why the CIA without a handicapped symbol on his ched and scouted our films on Mar- The most obvious question, of course, is the existence spends two times the money on or her license plate. tin Luther King Jr. and worked with operations than on intelligence col- Not only is it desrespectful to park Ed Runser in making the bookstore of a Norton Anthology, a collection of literature and lection is simply because that is with," how in the spot without a special license, display possible. Priscflla Cooper writings "everyone should be familiar and what the priorities of the policy- it is also illegal. Whether you are in planned and participated with the that limits our own teaching and learning processes. makers are. Furthermore, Kuehls Lowry for two minutes or an hour. Gospel Chior in the noontime pit pro- How does one judge what is to be included in a finite states that over one million people you are breaking the law and being gram that touched many people. She space, accurately and fairly represent the have been killed by CIA covert disrespectful. and I also communicated with that will operations. A prime example of this "great" writers of history? Don't the barriers and limits Reverend Barbara Dua, the . students exposure to is the estimated 13,000 or so Soviet Westminster Presbyterian Church that fence this selection hinder the soldiers killed by the CIA supplied and the Gospel Chior in making that literature? Or does it really offer a representative view Afghan Freedom Fighters-- is there Joanna Putney special service possible. John of literary history in a nutshell, insuring that students any objection to this? Also in- Disabilities Awareness Committee Taylor, working with Dr. Yvonne will read the "right" material and will become familiar telligence supplied to the CIA has Williams, arranged the well-attend- ed writings. of presenting a saved numerous lives by thwarting Black Studies Seminar with the "necessary" The idea attempts Norton in the first place should generate some in- numerous terrorist in the featuring a panel discussion on the past several years. Of course, the Philosophy of Non-viole-nt Social teresting discussion. Agency is not perfect and in the past Change. I thank Kevin Weeks for Another question the topic raises is that of the has been the cause of considerable Line rails needed researching the relevant Voice ar- justification of separating literature by gender. Isn't all embarassment to the United States, ticles and materials for the Lowry literature and art inter-relate- d? To be true art one but for the most part, the CIA's ac- Center Art Wall, working closely should be inspired, regardless of gender or class; so the tions are fully accountable, and if at Ichabod's with Margo Scruggs, the SAB art goes. I not moral, then certainly necessary. chairperson. Many more people argument I think not. believe Gubar and Dwelling on only the negative Dear Editor, Gilbert's observance of the lack of a book of women's aspects were involved I know and on behalf step of the CIA does not present a This past Friday nieht at of the campus community I express writings is a positive towards the understanding of total and fair picture of all the ser- Ichabod's I was thoroughly appreciation for your energy and female thought and experience. History illustrates quite vices the Agency provides us. disgusted by the behavior of a eouole commitment to such a celebration. well that the two genders have not developed in the Therefore, interviewing with the of students as well as by the ineffi- same ways. But, for others, the question may still re- Central Intelligence Agency on cient admittance procedure. Two main. February 6 is not a disgrace, as friends and I arrived at about 12:30 Laurie Campbell Kuehls implies, but is rather a noble and took our place at the end of the - The two main questions are just the most obvious of gesture of support for maintaining line which was back into the many that culd be explored if one were to look deeply in- our country's national security. stairwell. By the time we cot through to all the issues raised by the suggestion of a separate Eric M. Hartman the door we were part of a anthology. Perhaps that is why it caused me some con- mob-typ- e line, six people across. Paul T. Savage However, in spite of the apparent cern when I saw the turn out, particularly on the part of chaos, respective places in line were students, for this lecture. I, as well as others who men- individually kept of. very track I felt TBI WOOSTER VOICE tioned it to me, were rather disappointed that more peo- frustrated that this "staking out of ple did not attend the discussion of a relevant academic territory" was necessary. It caused ospssn-is- t issue. The audience was comprised predominately of Handicapped not tension in the group and led to the Published weekly daring the academic! following year exeeot during vacations and examH women, and primarily of faculty and inexcusable incident. nation' periods by the students of .The! administration. After waiting at least 30 minutes, What a the College should sponsor an in- I college oi wooster. wooster. Ohio. shame that shown proper noticed two people pushing their The Wooster Voiee welcomes all typed teresting speaker, only to have such a poor response on way to the front of the group. When I and signed letters to the editor from the part of the campus. Maybe the double whammy of a confronted one of them and asked students, faculty, administrators, sum to scnoers ana members of tne greater! lecture on feminist thought and literature proved dead- respect him return to his place in line, his Wooster community. All correspondence! ly. Dear Editor, reply was, "What do you think you may be addressed to: The Woosterl in- can do about it anyway?" To say the voice. Post Office Box C-S1- S7. The Col I would hope that those who did not attend the lecture Yesterday I . confronted an illegally least, I was annoyed by this and in lege of Wooster, Wooster, Ohio 4469LThe will think about some of the questions raised by Gubar's dividual who was parking in deadline all isl the handicapped parking spot out- formed the people checking I.D.'s for letters and stories topic. The ideas are not irrelevant, and are those which ana money Tuesday at 6 p.m. The current subserip-- side of Lowry. When I explained that taxing otitis actions. As uob price is .uv per year lor nrst we, as current students, will be making decisions on in the spot was reserved for a special it turned out he was forced to wait class delivery. the future. purpose, she became incensed and his turn, but only after a heated and First class postage paid at Wooster, said she was not about to walk all the unpleasant scene (for he denied cut- Ohio. Postmaster: Send address changes ting the line). I think incidents like to ine wooster voice, post Office Box Coiepe Prats Service way to Lowry from behind Holden or C-31- S7, could The College of Wooster, Wooster, from Severance parking lot This this be avoided in the future if Ohio. 44681 (attn: Ida Williams). Back physically able individual is ig- a dividing rail-ba- r was put up in the issues are available from The Wooster norant to assume the privilege to entrance hall, thus making one's voice office. park in this spot and is extremely place in line more clear. ' Ida wmiams, Editor-in-Chi- ef disrespectful of those who are less Madeline Mitchell Lis Heffelfinger, Business Manager fortunate. This attitude is far too Nancy Johnson, Managing Editor prevelent on this campus. David Dean, Sports Editor People with physical disabilites Bob Murphy, News Editor need easy aecess into buildings; Sharon Kaufman, Layout Editor

maneuvering, over curbs, cracked STAFF.' Alan D. Hoch. Ben Snrto- - sidewalks, and crossing busy streets Quinnie Ng-Quin- n, Lis Kershaw, Andrew resents difficulties the physically Mayer, Diglio Simone, Alira Yar Khan, Eealthy do not face. Providing the Priacilla Stults, John Barclay, Mary physical accessibility to building Cox, Jeff Bacon, Carrie Allison, Bod is Murphy, Warren Hedges, Bryan Kintu, only one of the measures we need to Tim Austin, Jeff Bacon, Debbie Shep- take. The purpose of the handicap- herd, Scott Rodgers, Roger Gordon. ped parking spot is defeated by those PHOTOGRAPHY STAFF: Mary Swei-- able individuals who use it without ey, Don Hart, Frans M. Cammel, Catar-in- a thinking of others. Almquist The Disabilities Awareness Com THE WOOSTEK VOICE FMDAY JANUARY 24, PAGE 3 SCM Column Indolent Abroad VJooster ' By Thorn Kuehls Saab MeGehee spent twenty-riv- e Column By Warren Hedges stripes. Most prominent, however, would do to a Ford, no matter where' ears in the CIA. When he entered tt Driving through Italy in spr were the troopers' well oiled it was bunt recital set ' Je felt that he was doing something ingtime Is like waking up in an im machine guns. Without taking my "It's a Gucci umbrella I bought for very worthwhile: he felt - that pressionist landscape, and evokes eyes from the artillery, I whispered my sister. It has hunting dogs on it Would you fighting Com nanism was a the word "trip" in all of its senses. to Tom. . like to see?" The for tonight necessary he do neo-na- si policeman stepped back from the task. That was until Suffice to say that you've never seer "So what these - was sent to Thailand to uncover the real red until you ogle at Tuscan; s Gamers want from us anyway?" car a bit I wondered if he even Violinist David Schmuckler, eon- Communist Party that was wua poppies, opium rrom tne "Probably think we're terrorists. understood what I was saying. certmaster of the Wooster Sym- operating there. flowers isn't necessary for altered Tom didn't sound worried. "Dicitas Latina lingua?" I don't phony Orchestra, will perform with when MeGehee was sent to nates of consciousness; ail you need - know why I tried it but now both of pianist Daniel winter, chair of tne Thailand, the CIA intelligence is spring and sunlight. We were parked on a curve with a his hands were on the gun, and the College of Woosters music depart- reports indicated that the Com Tom and I were cruising near vineyard above us and the river Ar-- other cop looked a little anxious. ment Friday January 24, at 7:30 munist insurgency in Thailand was Florence in a rented Ford and no below, one policeman came, up "Tom, for god's sake, dol p.m. at the college's Mackey HaH about 2,500 strong and only guerillas discussing how mueh better slowly, trampling a roadside flower something." The recital is free and open to the operating in the mountainous areas American ears made in Europe are with his - manicured boots. The Tom, who had been sitting through public. with no popular support. MeGehee than European ears made in Amer- - machine gun hung by his hip from a the whole thing quietly, adjusted his The program will be tne sonata was set to the task of putting cia. Tom thinks it's symptomatic of shoulder strap, and one hand always bow tie and unlocked the door. He Op. 24, No. 1, in F minor and Sonata E-fl- at counter-insurgenc- got Op. 120, No. 2, in major by together a y group a breakdown in traditional craft- rested on it The cop looked twenty out of the car and said to hopefully root out the Com smanship. Always the fencer, he and ready to kill terrorists and un-eooncrat- ive "Sangiovese," broadly indicating Brahms and Sonata in G major by cGehee set up camp in a bobbed seat, leaning for- foreigners. Not as confi the vineyard above us with his pipe. Marcello. munists. If around bis who works with str-- small province in Thailand and ward and tapping me -- on the dent as Tom, I started calculating Schmuckler. began by setting up an information shoulder when he made his points. how many days it would take to dreg The cop looked startledJing students at the College, began box in the center of town. The hope "It's just like the situation with onr bodies from the river. "Sangiovese?" Tom repeated. Thelhis musical studies when be Joined was that this box would eventually: blades now, there are only eight or Thlnu could be worse. I mused. I cop put on his safety. Now Tom mo-lth- e Music School for Gifted Children contain some information nine master swordsmiths left. When could be in . The Italian tioned the man towards the back oflin Moscow. He continued his studies he wanted to the car. "Chianti Classico." Tom at Gnesin Music Institute, and while anonymously volunteered that they go, what next? It's hard enough cop didn't look like many would help McGehee's team to im- to get blades in as it is." hear about Cleveland. He checked nodded, pulling out a corkscrew. The there was named times the plicate its first Communist. Since Tom nodded to himself, and settled onr elates then stared at us for a other cop came up quickly as Tom first-pris- e winner of the Young Str Party set up by into straightening long time. Tom reached into bis produced a bottle and decanter. To ing Flayers Competition. He aisoi the Communist is back his seat after was a. of Moscow three-perso- n par- iacket for his nine. The cop unlocked hell with matnmatlcs, here was a member the cells, which are nil blazer. and was prin tially inter-connect- ed to other cells. his safety. Tom hesitated, then slow-- l real international language Chamber Orchetra. IfcGehee figured that if they could I blamed it an on gluttonous ly pulled out the pipe, rolled down einal violinist of the classical ballet catch just one Communist, they upper-manageme- nt slime, and his window, and knocked out the old That afternoon turned out to be and of the Boianot neater or could unravel the entire bunch like a wanted to say as much to my fencing ashes. The cop flicked on the safety one of the best times I had in Italy. chestra. ball of yarn. Well, IfcGehee's team friend, but concentrated on shifting. and walked up to my window. After two bottles of wine the caught tneir erst communist, and Tuscan roads change quickly and policemen gave us a tour of Florence Schmuckler emmigrated to the the yarn unravelled, revealing over you never know what's around the The only foreign language I know in tneir squad car won tne top down. west in 1081. and for two years wasa leo-prinei- next corner. Italian drivers don't the days before I didn't understand a word they said pal .violinist with the 2,500 Communists in that one pro is ancient Latin. In - vince. The other kicker was that help. You eould be on a one lane goat Vatican u this meant I could always (their English left them after aboutlFrankfurt Opera and Symphony Or- they were all farmers; no mountain path in eight feet of snow, but if speak with a priest The last time I the fourth glass) but we saw Ichestra. He has performed in major guerillas here. The Communist Par- you're not doing over fifty, they'll tried that approaching a young vineyards, monasteries, and castles. Ictties and festivals throughout ty seemed to be far stronger than still try to pass. I rounueo a niu, priest and blurting our "dicitas That night they took us to one of thelZurope, including Munich, Amiter-- a police lingua" thought he was be best (and cheapesttrattorias in the dam, Paris, Vienna and Rome under CIA estimates had described, and noticed roadblock, Latina he - far better supported by the Thai peo downshifted into the wrong gear, ac- - ing propositioned. Fortunately, this whole damn country. Those national ouch conductors as Kondrashin, Jar- ple. MeGehee had neutralised tne cidently killed tne engine, and came cop spoke English. policemen may act like fascists, but r. Burgos and GulinL Communist Party because his to a sputtering halt. "Country? The man sounded they know how to show a good time if By special invitation from method tOQk away its cover, its bored. you're on tne ngnt sue Imaestro Zubin Mehta, Schmuckler secrecy. The CIA cancelled his pro- Things did not look good., these "I'm from the United States and nerved as solo violinist with the police, sort Canadian." I pointed at Tom, As Tom put I guess it's just a (Ooera Festival in Florence, Italy, gram. were the Italian national he's it Europe. MeGehee found out a few years of a cross between the natioal guard who smoked bis pipe and ignored matter of knowing your wines. If me also has made records in 1S23. Schmuckler has been later, when he was sent to South and well-cloth- ed brownshirts. Tney both of us. The policeman spotted a you're ever around Florence, Tom Since Vietnam, why his program bad been say Shelly and the other romantics Urns triangular shaped package in recommends the Chianti Classico or an assistant professor of viola at The Treb-biao- University cancelled. When he proposed setting came to Italy fleeing persecution in the back seat He unlocked bis safe one of Edorado Valentini's 's of Akron. he they reauy ty. if you prefer a white. On any Winter holds degrees irom up his program in South Vietnam, England, but I think Maryville College Eastman was informed by his superior tnat ne came for the clothing. I've never "What you carry back there?" His account in Italy it never hurts to be and the us School of Music The University of was placing his job on the line by seen a more clothing-conscio- English wasn't tnat great. well stocked and well dressed; you at proposing this plan. Why? The pro- society. Even the garbagemen have "Oh. that" The package looked a never know what you might meet on Rochester, and . has done doctoral gram was a proven success. It fashions. This year's police uniform lot like a gun case. I knew I had to it's back roads. If yesterday was any work at and Indiana Univer- rooted out the Communists and was an indigo number offset by high speak and move slowly. I kept think judication, it would probably even sities. A member of Wooster'smusic magenta race ing of what 700 rounds a minute stop terrorists. department since 1054. he has taught neutralised them by stripping them, leather boots and a wide variety of music courses and of secrecy, tne was in their u cia of piano per-f- . Vietnam to fight Communism, why has given a number were they prohibiting this plan. It formancea. Winter has been award- why ITEa ed grants for musk study by the soon dawned on IfcGehee the and Lilly FoOTdstfAws. CIA was doing what they were do- rough 'Horrid Glosses Presser ing. . They were in Vietnam to fight Column By Bill Merts Communism. But, to fight it on their Long before DWI was given any tein's last words could have been "What's it say ?"v "The governor doesnt want to terms. The CIA intelligence reports attention from most sheriffs, Larry "TW iwtrfAkt takn " onlv the were "Jimmy Buffett" hear it either. Now, rn have atV ; stated that there were 6,000 Com- and I did the whole cross-countr- y lost on a nurse who spoke no Ger "Never heard of him." cheeseburger with lettuce, tomato. munist guerillas in South Vietnam search for America thing. We'd both man. "Must be running for governor.". and bleu cheese dressing. Put a dill operating with no popular support. read Kerouae over the school year, We went inside. Some guy in - -- a spear on the side, and bring me with a "Dar- She went straight to " Studies would eventually reveal that and raised-th- e white hairs of our So Larry and I quit our jobs, pack- Sear's repairman shirt another beer." 7 English with book reports ed a few things in the back seat of a ren" patch played acoustic guitar. the jukebox and kicked the plug. A the Communist Party was over teacher nose, million strong in South Vietnam, and about Moriarty. When out of radio '65 Ford Fairlane, and got on the In between songs about dead dogs he spark briefly lit her panty out widely supported. The reason that range in Montana, we would blare road. Our first stop, 45 minutes out talked about being as big as the Beat she quickly doused it with Mr. Buf- - the CIA would not report informa the Doors through a- - cheap tape of Chautauqua, NY, was the exit 7 Farmers some day. Larry stood up. fett's water. The governor seemed tion such as this, which ifcGehee's recorder. The Doors were the only McDonald's in Erie, PA. Another "Neitsche was righ-t- Elvis is dead." totally oblivious to everything going program would have undoubtedly band that sounded good when the soggy burger. Some drunk named He went over to the juke box and on around him. In fact he looked as revealed, is that the U.S. -- public batteries were low. Of course, being Herb was being thrown out of the drowned the guy out with some though he'd just finished having sex. would never approve of a war where very young and very stupid, we had place. He swore revenge. It started Fleetwood Mac. Can't let idiots get We decided to leave, as we walked a by. he a cigarette. He we were defending . a government no idea that the "American Dream" raining outside.Larry and I realized you down. A fellow with mustache bummed that even its own people were over- was to be found in the Soviet Union. that we had a lot of work to do. We thanked us. He was sitting in the mumbled a few words. The only on : next booth writing a song. Another we caught waa "Paradise." Larry -- whelmingly against So, the reports Only for foreigners, though. . bought some beer. went out that the Communists were We found ourselves in Austin, freak. Said bis name was Buffett gave him alight not popularly supported and were , about three weeks later. We quickly told, him that we would only f,000 strong, thereby justifying . i don't mean to sound as though We'd passed up wings in Buffalo, vote for him and moved to the U.S. military presence.: Larry and I were totally foolish. We chowder in Boston, tofu in San counter.. Outside we tried to get a look in the This is a prime example of how the never did believe that there was a Diego,' and hamhocks in Savannah. bus. The curtains were pulled. It CIA processes information to defend wonderful Utopia on the next All for cheeseburgers. We'd been to smelted like tequila. We got In the its operations. The people that the horizon. Especially since we spent the best restaurants and the worst Our hostess was Nora. She had ear. CIA defends itself to with its faulty the summer there anyway. After diners in the country. Some of the smeared lipstick and she smoked "You know. Koadelle, I dont really soggy Whopper at a Burger burgers were good, but there was Kools with a vengeance. We ordered think we ever wffl find that burger." intelligence is the VS. public. This is you say how the agency operates that will be King down the road is Jamestown, always something missing. In two Buds and bought some cigaret- "Yea. What we drive to we there would .be we pulled over for lunc- h- we tes. Larry started arguing with her. Key West and get some pie?' . looking for recruits at the College of decided that Austin you uemmmgway Wooster February s. IfcGehee's tale something inherently right about did that all the time. There was a bus She asked if we would unplug the "Sure, know ' We boyfriend used to hang out there. Had a bunch of hunting Communists can be found searching for the perfect parked outside the place. Jukebox. The cook, her A-h- a? (of eats. worst book: Deadly Deceits, lfy cheeseburger. Tom Bobbins claim wondered who might be in it-- )arren, was trying to play to Mr. weird Still the writer in his '-- - ,: --v trTeever.M - Twenty-Fiv- e Years in tbe CIA. ed in his last book that Albert Eins CyndiLauper? uffett PAGE 4 THE WOOSTER VOICE FRIDAY JANUARY 24, 1S3 Senior Challenge Week begins tomorrow "-v- " '-- H ' - -V By David Sick student aid, the annual operating the topic, "Everything You Always) x There is a new sport within the budget, and everday budget ex-- Wanted to Know About Wooster Bud VI- North Coast Athletic Conference-f- un oenses. Were Afraid to Ask." That evening! draining. Moreover, depending on the an exhibition basketball same, in In the annual Senior Challenge, percentage of senior participation, volvtn seniors, faculty, and adH Wooster seniors will be competing the class will receive matching ministrators. will be held. with other NCAC schools to involve funds toward the annual senior gift Challenge Week will end Friday the highest percentage of seniors in to the College. with a student classical quartet per- making contributions to the annual The Challenge will culminate in a formance in the Lowry Pit, and an nv funds of their respective institutions. series of entertaining and class com- evening Happy Hour for seniors, y in ; The contest lasts through May 9, munity building events during faculty and administrators V although, in fact, the process has Senior Challenge Week. The week Ichabod's. already begun. " will be kick-of- f on Saturday. Throughout the week, an account January 25, with an all senior party of contributions to the Challenge willK i. Senior class members have in Andrews basement On the follow- be monitored on a large display ther-- the! The Bagpipers will perform Monday In Lowry as part of Senior received information explaining ing Monday, the Wooster Bagpipers mometer in Lowry Center, and ChaBege Senior Challenge. And, over the next will perform, and the film "Celebra- Lowry Art Wall will display! Week. two weeks they will be visited by tion" will be shown. Then, on Dhotocranhs of senior class another member of their class who Wednesday, January 29, senior Mar- members in various stages of their will ask them to contribute all or a tin McDougaU and a member of the Wooster careers. k portion of their key deposit and at Wooster English department staff The steering commmittee, who on Sundays least a five dollar donation from will perform a comedy show. has done the planning for Senior Planet Earth' shown their own wallet. Money contributed rhnnff 1 chaired bv Pattv Skdd-- amples of earthquakes and will go to the Wooster Fund and will On Thursday, in a special con- more, Jon Becker, Kenyon Man, "Planet Earth." a new seven-pa- rt volcanoes the theory of plate tec- be used in all aspects of the College's vocation, five seniors and five facul- jniu Fermwtn. Leslie Winter and publk television series which tonics. The violence and power of operation, including scholarship and ty and administrators will address Dan Green. premiers this Wednesday, is being nature revealed last semester in taped on campus and shown in Mexico City and Columbia will be Seovel 105 every Sunday evening better understood after viewing this beginning January 28. The first film first program. will be shown this Sunday at 8:30. The public is invited to the hour-lon- g The first program provides Sunday programs sponsored by 'Dutchman' plays through weekend historical background in geology the Geology Club and Department of from James Hutton's contributions Geology. Sunday evening showings in the 18th century to Alfred should conflict with fewer campus Review By David Sick cessfully. Lulu is much more than Wooster is a microcosm of the real Wegener's ideas on continental drift In- activities than the Wednesday PBS The publicity for the Seior insanity personified; Lake makes world, we are able to observe the before illustrating with many ex-- dependent Study production of Leroi her an individual whose emotions problems of black assimilation to show. Jones' "Dutchman" states that the and thoughts flow constantly to the white society right here. Many ur- play is for mature audiences only. play's climax. ban blacks come to Wooster and are But perhaps the word mature is Upton's Clay appears to be the forced to change, to fit in, or they misleading; for if one wants to reach calmer of the two characters at the leave." He cites the fifty percent at- Party total intellectual development, beginning of the play. But through trition rate of black Wooster "Dutchman" should be seen. Lulu's constant repugnant heckling, students. Lake points out the Continued On most obvious play Upton brings to life which from Page 1 the level the the hatred relevance of the play in conjunction chairpersons is about the seemingly casual sub- might be found in any. black man; he with Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birth- for the activities for way meeting between a psychotic, possesses the audience's intellect day. "The sense of awareness we Senior Challenge Week. This year's white female, who almost seems to and takes them to realities of life hope to bring to the campus was an seniors are challenging all other be a nymphomaniac, and a young, that all people need to explore. The underlying factor for the whole pro- schools in the North Coast Athletic black, middle class man. foremost of these problems is the ef- duction," she commented. Conference (NCAC) to have the Can you From the opening sound of the fect of a white dominated culture on The play will be presented four highest percentage of their senior subway, Jones' intense dialogue and the black personhood. more times, Friday, Saturday and class donate, rather than competing affoid to gamble the vital and energetic per- Moreover, the stage directions of Sunday and 8:15 p.m. and Sunday at for the highest total amount receiv- with the LSAT, GMAT, In-k- el, money formances of Sara Lake as the white Steve Price, the set design of Ray 3 p.m. in Shoolroy Theatre. ed. Title stressed that the Lulu, and Tracy Upton as the light design of Claude Engle, received during Senior Challenge the black The power of Leroi Jones' "Dut- goes Clay, draw the audience into the and the sound design of Martin chman1' has been brought to the to the Wooster Fund, which is Probably not. Great grades scene to confront the personal lives McDougaU collectively create an reality of Wooster stage through the operating fund for the College. alone may hot be enough to -- All seniors are encouraged to attend of their characters as well as the impressive illusion of being on a sub- talented actors and technicians. The grad school larger of way; and, au- the party as well as other events impress the of issues black assimilation' thus, further draw the only question that remains is your choice. into white American culture. dience into the stage action. whether the problems of held during Senior Challenge Week. black With the attractions of a live band, Scores play a part. And Lake takes on the challenge of Lake and Upton are both very cer- assimilation into white Euro-Americ- an creating an incredible, almost tain about the social relevance of the culture can be solved by no admission, and the "Fly-Awa-y" that'? how Stanley H. Kaplan unbelievable character quite suc play. According to Upton, "As our society. drawing, the Kick-of-f party should can help. v prove to be a successful as the star- The Kaplan course teaches ting point of the week. test--takingtechniques, reviews course subjects, and increases the odds that you'll do the best you can do. So ifyou've been out of school tor a while and need a - refresher, or even ifyou're fresh out ofcollege, do what over 1 Take them to million students have done. rocTCifp, .030 Take Kaplan. Why take The Cold Weather Playground. a chance with your career? ir( ) Westminster Presbyterian Church tt "the congregation-iii-residenc- e on campus SANUY K KAPIAN HXJCAnONAl CBflBt BU The worids leading test prep organization. Classes forming no"wl Barbara Dua, Minister There will be an M CAT class atOberlin. Warm them up with a book from 3700 Northfleld Road Shaker Heights 41-822-8 The Church House frnpus Extension: 2398 "A BOOKSTORE... AND MOSEIU" a , i , . i i . ; . . THE WOOSTER VOICE FRIDAY JANUARY 21, 1CC3 PAGES Violinist Kicinsfii to play VK17, Violinist Henry Bcinski and trumental musie in Virginia schools, The CPS Puzzle Iftore Kinch Heater, a Col-s- ge is coneertmaster of the Prince Eianistof Wooster graduate, win per- William and Georgetown Symphony form at the College's Ifaekey Han Orchestra, and is a member of the Saturday January 25, at T:39 p.m. Richmond Symphony Orchestra and ACROSS 47 Paddle 11 Dine The recital is free and open to the 1 violinist with the PHn William 49 Oriental nurse 16 Otherwise pablic. String Quartet 1 Vigor coNoq. 50 Publisher 18 Redact The program will be CoreHi's 4 Waterway 54 Poem by Homer 20 Male swan 5, 8; 57 Chicken 22 Faces of clocks Sonata in E minor. Op. No. Since 1170, Heater has ac- 9 High card A major. Op. 12 Transgress 58 Negative ion 23 Bar legally Beethoven's Sonata in companied Kidnski in many solo 24 Former Russian SO, No. 1; Paganini's "Le Stregbe" 13 Old womanish 60 Falsehood recitals in the northern Virginia Tim fata WfTWS sverv weekdiv rulers (The Witches' Dance); Copland's A 1977 of Wooster 14 Cry of sheep 61 Possessive 26 By way of area. graduate 11:00 noon follow Sonata for Violin and Piano; with a degree in piano performance. from to to hear the 15 Scoff pronoun 27 Follow Sarasate's "Malaguena," and Heater earned a master's degree in ing programs: 17 Theatrical 62 Illustrious 28 Remain erect WieniaaU's "Polonaise Brilliant." piano University Monday, January 27: "Girl Scouting exhibition 631 31 Babylonian hero from the of With Anne Beeman and Carol Od.21. Maryland in 1978. She is a doctoral 19 Winter vehicle DOWN 34 Girl's name A New .York native, KicinsU candidate in musicology at Miller" 21 Mournful 36 Light cotton .received his musical training at Maryland. 22 Dinner course 1 Footttke part fabric Ithica College. He was a member of Tuesday, January 28: The Next 200 25 Dwells 2 Sea eagle 39 Short jacket Heater is a private teacher in Serm-precio- the Utica Symphony and the Catskill Years'Looking at the Earth From 29 Exists 3 Newspapers. 41 us Manassas, Virginia, and has taught stone Symphony Orchestra. Com- Space" and "Focus on Africa" 30 Expunge collectively piano at Northern Virgina 4 Callings 44 Mephistopheies KicinsU, who taught string in-- munity College. 32 Shade Comb, Wednesday, January 29: Public 33 Devoured 46 form: "Religion and the 5 Article fond of Policy Forum 35 Old decrepit 6 Pinch '48 City in Nevada Constitution" -- Financial Aid horse: slang 7 Word of 50 Greek letter Dance auditions 37 King of Judah sorrow .51 Soak, as flax Thursday, January 30: Special Con- 38 Affection The College of Wooster Danr Cam. Any 8 Lawful 52 Those holding student wanting to apply for vocation "Everything You Always office pany will 1988-8- 7 Muse of poetry be having auditions for its financial aid for the Wooster But 40 53 Bone of body eoruary Wanted to Know About World organiza 9 Arabian r zo,z7,zs uance concert on academic year may pick up the ap- Were Afraid To Ask" 42 55 Succor Saturday, January 25, beginning at propriate application materials at tion: abbr. garment 56 River in Quarrels 10 Container i9:00. Auditions will be held in the the Financial Aid Office from 8:00 to Deci-- 43 Scotland studio, on Friday, January 31: 'Great 45 Broke the second floor of 4:30 weekdays in Severance Art 88" suddenly 59 Chemical suffix WisharL Building. sions Forum Charter required 1 fa 3 I 14 Is Ti p Ti I Is po n of campus 7T" " "" ' IT" T" TT" " " T5 " Is" TT" ""T Is"" " 'organizations 73 ' 16 7T" "T In an attempt to organize and keep track of the various organizations on zriis "" a ts . campus, a motion was passed by ; T3 " 33 31 33 S.GJL and Campus Council last Spr- f ing requiring all groups to be V chartered. Even if the organization 33 U 33 M 37" is not seeking College funding, a-gro- up ADM " 31 15 constitution must be submit- f "33 13 your organization does not ted. If - j-- 44"" haves charter a mandatory meeting j- which will review guidelines and " " " " writing procedures will be announc- 17" 4" U"

ed. All organization Presidents and riir" Leaders are required to attend. If bJ-Ts- ii "53 iTj! you cannot attend please send a representative! Because so many "57" W W "B a ' ' " charters will have to be reviewed, TV " """" B" 13" " general format for the club charters Campus Council during the ac- will be discussed and suggested. If Students learning more about the con- tivities fair last week. Photo By Mary Swezey you have any questions please Cdlaos Prmt Sarvtoe. tact Lisa Power ba ugh at ext. 2741 or Box 1590. PAGE 6 THE WOOSTER VOICE FRIDAY JANUARY 24, 1SSS Freshman file Freshmen: Got any good essays Essays need not be perfec-t- if from last semester (A's or B's) lying there are some minor problems, around, collecting dost? Why not br- there is still plenty of time to make ing them by The Reading and minor revisions. But the students on Writing Center and submit them to the staff have decided that, for the Freshman File? You could see it sake of fairness, each essay should published this spring as one of the have no identifying features (name, ten best freshmen . essays, in professor's name, course title) : Freshman File. please include all identification on a The students on the staff of cover sheet. For ease in reading, Freshman File are trying to find the essays must be typed, preferably ten best essays by freshmen and doable-space- d. publish the collection by April. So The essays will be read first by far, submissions have been slow in three small groups of students, and Everybody's Talking About coming, but there is still some time then they will be evaluated by the left before the final deadline of entire staff of twelve freshmen. Sunchase Tours Official Spring Break Trips January 31, 1988. IVooster Review

Poets and Writers! Remember the Allen and Eilty. Second prize is $65; CALL TODAY! SPACE IS LIMITED' CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED! deadline for submissions to the third prize is 335. Please submit no Creative Writing Contests sponsored more than three poems. All entries by The Wooster Review: January 27, should be submitted to Michael 1988. Allen's office on level 2 of the Tt THE REEF RESORT MOTEL friMft The fiction contest, for the Library. Donaldson Campus Fiction Prise of $250, will be judged by Professors o THE ROCKIES CONDOS Clareson and IfcCalL Second prise is S85; third prize is $35. Writers Winter Tt Soucfi Padre island. should submit no more than two Continued from Page I PADRE LITE CONDOS . short stories. The poetry contest, for the Ralph Putney. Says she of the nature of the BAHIA MAR RESORT CONDOS Kinsey Memorial Poetry Prise of competition; "This year, the judges 1100, will be judged by Professors will be awarding points more on Tt DoacEi, creativity, in the past, people nave THE ISLANDER BEACH RESORT MOTEL P I E IP rTcfA N A 1a cTei always looked to get the most l physical team, with strength being ERR E B A Aj key to many events. This year Ex, I the O Gcoo S 1 N I E G A N TJ UailscaucrBEAVER CREEK WEST CONDOS we are moving in a less physical, A D "I more fun direction." Judges will Tt r.lustrana island, m de1s L J vjEs consist of SJLB. Recreation Com- PORT ROYAL RESORT CONDOS r. i mittee members, who will be in sri charge of timing and scheduling the a It e events as welL Putney encourages Tt I THE LAMPLIGHTER MOTEL.. "J&Q l lolv all who can to get together a group spa A P P ED for the Olympics. "The Winter THE CAMELOT TENNIS RESORT MOTEL mm, M A H AlrmnfAf wm( iswaw (a maal l L l ATP people, break up the winter monotony, and have a great time in When youx Spring hieak cemb . . . en Suzdmel E l !1 JL emd 1 !!. the snow!" KSEMATiaB MD I T S 1n1obl e o d e iNFonmnai: -S-AM-7 :30PM MON-TH- UR -S-AM-5 :30PM FRI -8-:30AM-5PM SAT Mountain Std. T1e WCWS Firs? Flurry Fling

I 2900 South CoDege Avenue l U.IMt J Tat Collins, Colorado 80525

) I "2 m " J I J " ( I 's7 ' - -- V ... Tl

::: It will be mostly sunny today with a high of 35 '4 to 40. Tonight promises to be clear and cold with a low of 25 to 30. The weekend is shaping The first measurable snowfall of one half inch or more occurred on up December 3, IMS. WCWS awarded 8200 worth of prises to the winners to be a rather wet one with seasonal of the First Flurry Fling Contest. Four stndents guessed the correct, temperatures. Skies will be partly cloudy to date of the first snowfall and a random drawing was held to select the 'I Sony-Walkma- n cloudy on Saturday Sunday. There a chance winners. Left to right: Cheri Dunbar won first place which was a ani is 10 stereo easette and a gift certificate for BC's Family Steak of rain or snow developing on Saturday and House; Julie Ferguson, not pictured, won second place which was a continuing on Sunday, ttighs will range from 35 gift certificate for TJs Restaurant and four tickets to a movie at the 25 30 Lyric Twin Cinema; Alice Lent won the third prize of any item from to 40 both days and lows will be in the to Westwood Connection Record Store. The contest was organized by range on Saturday morning and the 27 to 32 range Eric Wertx, Public Relations-Speci- al Projects Director at WCWS. Lin- on Sunday morning. TRIVIA: A Burga is a strong da Fung also guessed the correct date. Response to this contest in- uSnH c tnrm in ilaelra arrnrnnanipd bV STOW. creased by 600 percent over that of the 184 First Flurry Fling Contest. Photo By Mary Swesey THE WOOSTER VOICE .FRIDAY JANUARY 24, 1CC3 PAGE 7 THE WOOSTER VOICE Sports Basketball meets. Denison tomorrow CJly l?eirspectfive night Sexism at CO. 17. ing 11. In one of his best per formances all season, promising 6 -- Column By David Dean 3" Freshman wing Chuck Rich ted A few days ago, during track practice, I made the a V the team in assists with 4. comment that while other schools had resectable varsi- College in-Confere- of This nce loss brought ty letter lackets for their letterwinners. The the team's record to 7-- 7, and 1-- 2 in Wooster skipped on class and narrowed in on practicali- the NCAC, thus making their next ty instead. While the discussion grew increasingly game against Oberlin, a necessary negative, someone reminded me that only the men in-co- nf erence win. receive a jacket upon lettering while the women athletes Fortunately, in front of a large do not. Saturday night , home crowd, the hoopsters put out one of their best ' I then jogged my memory trying to remember the " ' - 1 performances an season, defeating "Philosophy of the North Coast Athletic Conference." .Oberlin SS44.' The Yeomen have Then it hit me; "We affirm the principal of balance in been the highest average scorers in programs, inter- the NCAC as of late, and the Scots our athletic convinced that each obviously had been practicing on collegiate sport we sponsor is worthwhile; none is major their offense in order to be up for the in importance as compared With the others, and none is task. The starting team was working minor...And we-ai- m also at equity between men's and noticeably better together man women's programs..." usual, with the passing game looking ' '- - i very sharp. Oberlin's outstanding Granted, good intentions were the motives behind that Byron Beard, who leads the NCAC in statement, however, we all know that familiar road is scoring average, and is nationally paved with good intentions. Not only is the philosophy a ranked in Division III. was held in facade of good intentions, it becomes increasingly im check to no more than his usual possible to implement while at the Same time contradic strong game, and the rest of the ox nave Oberlin team just could not match tory. Women athletes at rne college wooster the good night that the Scot starters more than earned the right to receive a letter jacket as were having. honoring their achievments in their respected sport. Ed Ratleff again led in scoring, And it's high time that those who are in charge come to with 25 points, a single same career grips with that issue. high. Mike O'Brian also helped, out greatly, wltn zi points ana re- The opinion, and those who share in the opinion,' that bounds. That rebounding figure was women's athletics is still in its infancy, and not up to par also matched by Chuck Rich, while type competition as male athletics, Senior Terry PensyL once again with the same of played a key role for the scots witn should compare the amount of championship teams assists. from women with that of the men. Remember folks, the As a result of this recent outstan All sports trophy of the? NCAC was not single handedly ding play, Ratleff, from Bellefon-- I won by men. It takes two to tango. taine, Ohio, received tne nonor oi Be- ing named the NCAC Player of the - on soap and preach - a box - week. His 47 points in two games, Folks, I'm not one to stand lions with 18 rebounds was more Rnitt the ininxticM while attemntinff to cleanse mv Mike 0"Brian attempts two in a past game. than enough to put him on top of the soul, however, the situation at hand is so serious that so Conference. meone needs to start the "wheels of progress" in mo Depending upon how the Scots did tion. By Bob Murphy against the Allegheny uators, tney Gym-nasin- m. very high College of . Wooster Ifen's Wesleyan in the TimpkJn could wind up sitting in The ThA m vr11 th Phvslcal Education Basketball team has split their last Unfortunately, the fans did team oosition in the NCAC. Their it rniiAra putting the season not see the Scots at their best, as next game will be tomorrow against Department in specific, wants to remove the stigma of two games, . m m 11 68-7- 3. XWA Ml.wtajf MaIjI record at a solid S-- 7. pending the out- they lost by seven points, Behrend of Pennsylvannia. Then, on sexism xrom tne ciassruom u weu s mc piaiug xxcxu, come of a game last Wednesday Sophomore Ed Ratleff led the Scots Wednesday night, January 29, the let's disarm it bit by bit. Only until we have removed it night against Allegheny. This puts In scoring, with a good 22 points, but Scots will play the Big Red of from the minor sources can we hope to tackle the 2-- enough Bishop's 7:30 p.m. in TimpUn them at 2 in the NCAC. fifth in the that was not as the Denison. at sources. Give women priae tnat men nave conference as of last Monday. offense proved too much for the. Gymnasium. This is an Important greater the in-eonfer- nce competition well On January 15, a good sized Scots. Ratleff also tied for Wooster' came tor tne scots, ana known and respected. Share in the as Wednesday night crowd went to see in top rebounding honors along with promises to be a good match up. as as the glory. ' ' the Fighting Scots take on Ohio Junior Mike 0'Brian, each compil Denison nas oeen near ine top Iniromurals continue for

By Roger Gordon students post-seas- on now Thm am slaved on Snndav. My geography is not that bad. Bat. the Cowboy's present spot? Yes. that of having conference The Intramural season is MM m riantnm thm Cawhov-Redski- n tournaments alter tne long nam ox a underway again after the semester Monday and Thursday evenings and even someone whose bag of tricks is nreax. could probably ques- rivalry, for they would not be play 2540 game regular season? Sure, it holidays. Craig Penney and his crew are weu worth a study u not geography echelon teams a have a large variety of events for the makes a change to see basketball be- tion some of the placings of certain ing twice m tne . regular icuou gives the lower anymore (and sometimes not at all), chance to somehow pull the upsets students to become involved with ing played in bath robes and players professinal sports teams. In -- instance, what are the but regional rivalries are not that and win tne tournament, inereoy this semester. actually helping up their opponent baseball, for A m . a na- leaguer now treading on him. and Cincinnati franchises tougn to oegm. nus, uese warns receiving an automatic bid to the The basketball are in instead of National League's (especially in baseball where many tional tournament in March. The full flight with over SO players in The basketball, leagues are the doing in the 84 (eachmalor weu part of the spring western division? Louis, for ex- mimfimM are slaved) must mike NCAA chaoses teams volved in the 'A' league and high point of this St All-St- ar teams will be ample, is much more to the west longer trips (which costs more) than conference winner receives over 120 m the 'B leagues. The 'A' semester. Car- tney wouia nave to u iney were plac- automatic byes) to represent the league championship title is being selected this year by the team than those two cities, and the by year both leagues dinals compete in the eastern divi- ed near towns in their regions. NCAA tournament field in March. defended the Krappers this representatives from Post-seaso- upper word Mixed "Sportsperson of the Year", sion. n men's conference But, the thing is that the but the inside is that and a tournaments in the echelon: teams will receive Breed and the Delts are out for blood award will be voted on. All those Football also shuns Atlanta, for basketball ll NFC's NCAA. They make no sense what- automatic bids even if they should for they both have improved squads selected-wi- be honored at the last the Falcons are placed in the tournament; year. Krappers. basketball game. western division. Why not stick soever. Only two major conferences, get upset in its and the from last The did the home conference Atlan- Big Pac Tens, do not have 'Double' last year for they also walk- Dallas (eastern division) in the and Continued on Page 8 away Continued on Page S ta's present division and Atlanta in these silly events. What is the sense ed with the 'B' league title. PAGE 8 THE WOOSTER VOICE FRIDAY JANUARY 24, 1&3 Nerfionl Sportscena IntramuraBs . Continued from Page 7 Continued from Page 7 lower finishers probably will not viously, 's defense is one It is difficult creating new events the basketball 'matches. The first Penney would" very much like to see receive a bid even if they should pull which is mighty good at preventing in an Intramural program and Pen- games are scheduled to be played on this event become a great success the upset in their confernece tournar its opponent from scoring points. ney and his staff are always trying January 29th during the Denison and would strongly encourage the ment. These losing teams should not and its offense ain't bad, but it can to arrange new events. The problem game and the final during the last 200 bowler as well as the novice to even receive the chance to compete be stopped. The Pats defense is is accentuated by the extensive game against IfusUngham College. sign on a team and enjoy the fun. in any kind of a tournament, definitely up to the task, and their of- usage of the P.E.C. facilities during Come along and support the Sects Teams will consist of four bowlers, anyway, for if one should pull the fense is a very balanced attack-wit- h the early part of the semester. Pen- and get involved in the fun at half-tim- e. the more motley the ability of the upsets and win its tournament after a good enough passing game and a ney would welcome anyone with bowler, the better for everyone. a rotten season, that just doesn't superb running attack. I may be go- some new ideas to stop in and The Co-e-d bowling league will be The billiards tournament was a seem fair. ing out on a limb, but The Men of discuss them with him. . This in fun flow shortly. Wednesday even- terrific success last year. Over 79 The Cinderella Patriots versus the ciamtown zs, the windy City 20. semester a new one-on-o-ne tourna- - ings have been tentatively scheduled players were entered and Ifark Big Bad Bears in The, BigQne. Ofr mjtntjrillj akejl tcejy'VJIZStl tJbowlhni "t in Scots Lanes Taylor did not quit and ended up as the campus pool shark for 1885. This year should be a lot more difficult to Lhe a repeat champion. Sign up sheets will be posted on intramural btoticeboards soon for it is a double Lnuii iiiaimm unuuuunu av on ui . atn hiva tn h slaved. ' Uoostfer sports Sivim team. ' The College of Wooster qualified another relay team for nationals when Jennifer Kellam, Brooke Henderson, Lori Todorich and Kris Baumann recorded a time of 1:56.09 in the 200-yar-d medley in a January 17 meet against Kenyon. This was the third, Wooster relay team to qualify for nationals thfe season. Previously, the 200-ya- rd freestyle relay and the 400-yar-d medley relay qualified. Wooster returns to action January 24-2- 5 at the Kenyon Invitational,

, Ben Sprlggs and Nflos Sakellariou paced the Scot swim team to an im- pressive 71-3- 0 victory against Hiram College January IS. Spriggs cap- tured the 1000-met- er freestyle, wha Sakellariou won the 100-met- cr freestyle. Wooster, which raised its record to k7-- l, will be in Gambler this weekend for the Kenyon Invitational.

College of Wooster freshman Sarah Frost set a record for the 200-- yard individual medley with a time" of z:i7.i9 January 17 against Kt-nyo- n. The new mark eclipsed the previous record of 2:18.5 set by Brooke Henderson earlier this year. So far this season, the Scottiei have set . records in the 50-ya- rd freestyle with a time of 24.75 and the 100-ya- rd freestyle- - with a time of 55.48. In addition, the 400-ya- rd medley relay, consisting of Kellam, Henderson, Todorich and Baumann, set a new record with a time of Round trip.Anywhere we go. 4:15.47. This Spring Break, ifyou and your ticket will then be good for travel for 15 days friends are thinking about heading to the from the date of purchase. Basketball slopes, the beach or just home for a visit, So this Spring Break, get a real break. Greyhound" can take you there. For only $99 Go anywhere Greyhound goes for $99 or less. College of Wooster senior post or less, round trip. For more information, call Greyhound. Barb Davis established a new record for most points in a game when slat 15 April 27, all From February through Mia promt a nbd ooikst purdkMC No other scored 32 in a losing effort against OMuRynoina you do is show us your college student I.D. Lam. Inc.. andodwr appiy.O&r - Oberlin January 18. card when you purchase your ticket. Your cocane 2156. Ofier knaatd. Nat vahd a Canada. Davis, who ranks fifth on Wooster! all-ti-me scoring list with 777 points, broke the previous record of 31 set by Laura Page against Miami in 1978. Currently. Davis is. learethe driving tous! the Scottiei' leading scorer with an 426 South Market St., 262-034- 1 average of 18.4 points per game and rebounder with an average of per game.