Pilot Or Passenger Head Up

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Pilot Or Passenger Head Up December 2000 Pilot or Passenger Hands*on canopy advice Head Up Flies its Pilatus Porter at Castellon de la Plana (Spain) from january 6, to february 15, year 2001 > * f -3 ^ ' UP to 15 000 ft 12 £ I K Tandem 107 £ *' Tandem + Video 138 £ AFF (7 jumps) 605 £ Team Jumps (all disciplines) 10 £ J§gpj ^ Fly Sckool jump (1 to 1) 33 £ ^ RW Team Coacking/day 134 £ (Less cost if several teams) PREPARATION , A LA CO M P E T I T I O N j g | Open to all sky divers. ssSm thjmM A A D s extremely recommended. With tke active participation of : Marco TIEZZI Maim ARS Gigliola BORGNIS Martial FERRE Tke Frick Free Fly Sckool I^O JITELO CE ;gole ®i \ FFP En« □N TP * Daniel LACROIX, FranSoise SIMONS Infos&contacts : +33 5 49 94 20 94 Mob. : +33 6 60 67 66 07 ontop.aviation@wanadoo.fr www.ontop-aviation.com i t k Skydive Mag 3 Burton Street Editorial Peterborough PE1 5HA United Kingdom I make no apologies for- this Mag being very the magazine of Tel/Fax: 01733 755 860 i\i We haw a spread on Cheryl L 'm* J f l B K Tel: 01733 380568 The British skydive.mag@virgin.net Parachute Association STl Chairman www.skydivemag.com John Saunders. Plus saying a sad farewell to Patron: His Royal Highness ADVERTISING: three of skydiving's most loved characters. The Prince of Wales Jackie Green Warners Group Publications Let's never forget the importance of the individual, as it is these people who West Street BPA. Wharf Way, Bourne, Lines PE10 9PH bring about positive change. New records, ideas and techniques are developed Glen Parva, i Tel: 01778 393 313 only by people with the capacity for original thought. Without such pioneers Leicester LE2 9TF I Tel: 0116 278 5271 \ Fax: 01778 394 748 as Olav Zipser, Patrick de Gayardon and Deanna Kent, elements of skydiving jgreen@warnersgroup.co.uk Fax: 0116 247 7662 like freeflying, skysurfing and freestyle would not be as they are. They might skydive@bpa.org.uk not even exist! www.bpa.org.uk EDITOR: Lesley Gale BPA Staff le s lo y & sKydivem ag.com Yet, it is easy to forget this and want everyone to conform. Whether this is to established FS techniques, safety systems or parachute equipment, let’s D E S IG N Notional Safety Officer John Hitchen Andy Vernum re member that if all of humankind had conformed, we would not even have Technical Officer Tony Butler Tel : 01832 280 686 aircraft, never mind skydiving. I find it inspirational to meet so many jumpers PA to above officers Trudy Kemp stylaprint@btinternef.com with fresh ideas, enthusiasm and the capacity for thinking for themselves. Financial Adminslrotor Jon Gretton EDITORIAL ASSISTANT National Adm inistrator Martin Shuttleworth Trish Jones This is so refreshing in the current society. I t ’s also understandable as, in Development Officer Glen Turnbull trisb@skyclivemag.com order to skydive, we are non-conformists. This is one of the most independent Administration Secretary SusanWaterfield activities I can think of. Once you leave the aircraft, you are completely in Membership Services Karey Goodwin Z a h e d S h a h your own hands until you reach the ground. Vital decisions must be made and Membership Services Sue Allen quickly acted on no time for faffing around like we do on the ground. So - Stock Controller Dave Brown encourage your brain to analyse things for yourself - whether about choosing your kit, how you plan your freefall or whether to ground BPA Council yourself' as you are still mashed from the night before. BPA Chairman Chris Allen skydive@ukgateway.net individual and encourage, repect and learn from other approaches. Vice Chairman Kieron Brody This will not only make you a better, safer skydiver, it will bring bradyk@fsbdiol.co.uk s k y d i y g untold benefits in other areas of your life. There are no easy STC Choirman John Saunders answers. You do have to think fo r yourself. jk@oclionairsports.co.uk Competitions Chairman John Smyth copy dates smyffy@aol.com Development Chairman Ian Midgley February 6 Jan ianmidgley@hotmail.com Communications Choirman Keiran Brady April 6.Mar bradyk@fsbdial.co.uk Riggers Chairman Paul Applegate 01869 277 469 poul.applegate@tesco.net subscribe Club Representative Midlands Mike Allum michael@allum41.freeserve.co.uk Club Representative South Mike Danby mike@odanby.lreeserve.co.uk Club Representative North Keiran Brady brodyk@fsbdial.co.uk Tim Andrewes skydivenorth@email.msn.com Tye Boughen tye@mail.com Chris Clements freefoller@bigfoot.com Dona Crum symbiosis.suits@btinternet.com Dave Hickling bpslangar@aol.com sky Lofty Thomas tse@skydiveO.demon.co.uk ■ December 2000 The MM Richard Tregaskes richard@treggers.freeserve.co.uk f p'>ot or Passenger BPA Representatives Hands-on canopy Head Un Vice Presidents Jim Crocker, John Lines 11 n , i " V . & Bob Card Treasurer Debbie Carter Pilots Committee Chairman Tony Knight Royal Aero Club Delegate John Smyth CAA Lioison Officer Tony Knight BPA, Wharf Way, Glen Parva, Leicester LE2 9TF BPA Gasco Representative Angela Hickling IPC Delegate John Hitchen sky December 2000 regulars. Photo: Mike McGowan JM's newsround 8 Council Matters 22 People in the Sport 18 Incident Reports 25 Letters 20 Kit News 54 Classified Ads 57 Puzzle 61 Club News 62 BPA Clubs and Centres 72 Advertisers Index 76 Diary IBC NOTE: Some of the photos contained in this magazine may show skydivers without helmets, in which case they were jumping abroad. In the UK it is mandatory to wear a helmet for obvious safety reasons. © skydive mag Head Up All rights reserved. No pan of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form electronic, mechanical photocopying, Flying recording, without prior permission of the Editor. The views expressed in skydive mag a-e those of the c c-v and not necessanly those of the BPA. Opinions in the editonal are those of the Editor not of the BPA The Editor retains the r.gnt to thdraw any advertisement at her discretion and does not accept Uab iity for delay in publication or for errers. although every care is taken tc avoid ^ stakes The information in this magazine was. to the best of our ability, correct at the time of going to press Reproduction, printing and mailing ta*es a total of three weeks so seme informat.on may be out of oate or superseded. Front Cover. By Marcus Heggli. shows Oliver Furrer. 2 skydive December 2000 features Go Vertical Tim Porter’s freefly pictures — I 1 / 1 ' m m Cyprus Challenge a unique concept in teamwork Micky Munn, MBE Final farewell to the top Fred AGM Round-up of what’s on Bobby Hopkins The Barking One Strato Quest High altitude venture Pilot or Passenger Learn canopy skills from Chris Lynch S r Fish Eye Centre Spread Headup Flying Part 3 44 final instalment of the Giles Fabris series STC 50 Report on keeping British skydiving safe Doc Williams 59 What’s Up Doc? s k y d iv e December 2000 Lillo, the location to left used for Go Vertical 9, is now open as a full time drop zone, run by Mike Shaw. Facilities include a G92, a newly built clubhouse, bar, showers and restaurant on the DZ. Lillo is open for tandem, AFF, teams and Christmas parties in a warm Spanish location. Tel: 0034 91523 1253 Email: mj.shaw@mad.servicom.es Sun, Spain, 97 funky freeflyers registered and 2 Super Otters: V ertical After some initial location problems following the move from Bailen,Train In Spain ran the event at Lillo, a brand new drop zone just 45 minutes south of Madrid.This proved to be an excellent new venue. Six load organisers and two additional one-on-one coaches provided many quality skydives.The variety of nationalities created an excellent ambiance and some real progression was made by all. By the end of the boogie, 3,500 skydives had been made, making sure almost everyone was jumped out.There were 155 loads flown between the two Super Otters and we only had two days of bad weather - which meant plenty of beer in the evening. See you at Go Vertical 10! Words and photos by Tim Porter porterabove@hotmail.com December 2000 Go Vertical 10:TrainIS@aol.co or skydiveportugal@aol.com Train in Spain will be located in Proenca Nova, Portugal from February 2001 s k y d i v e s December 2000 i VT T i m w J l k m 0 . 0 CL Each tim e BritlO O has met, the The organisers of team has achieved its goals d espite Brit 100 are back with a the British weather. In both ‘98 and ‘99 fantastic new concept... the conditions allowed for only three attempts at the 100-way.The quality of British CYPRUS CHALtmGe | jumpers pulled a record off each time, a comment on the mettle of UK jumpers. Now the BritlO O team is unique, exciting and may I has the idea of going somewhere with great weather, we’ve even be the biggest sport all done enough sitting around waiting fo r the clouds to clear... team event ever! THE PLACE: Cyprus. A BPA drop zone, effectively British but with I great weather! The island of Cyprus is beautiful, full of ancient history combined with I modern adventure and the charm of its people. THE TIME ! Saturday 13 - Sunday 21 October 2001.This month is traditionally warm and sunny - no rain, no clouds! r»< THE IDEA: A unique event in which teams from different countries compete to .

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