All in Credit Union Terms and Conditions
ALL IN CREDIT UNION 238 VIRGINIA AVENUE, P.O. DRAWER 8 DALEVILLE, ALABAMA 36332 Phone: 334.598.4411 AGREEMENTS AND DISCLOSURES THESE AGREEMENTS AND DISCLOSURES CONTAIN IMPORTANT MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION, NECESSARY TRUTH-IN-SAVINGS ACCOUNT DISCLOSURES, ELECTRONIC SERVICES AGREEMENT AND DISCLOSURES, FUNDS AVAILABILITY POLICY, AND PRIVACY POLICY DISCLOSURE, TOGETHER WITH ANY OTHER RELATED DOCUMENT AND/OR OTHER AGREEMENTS AND DISCLOSURES ALL OF WHICH, TO THE EXTENT APPLICABLE, ARE INCORPORATED INTO THIS AGREEMENT BY REFERENCE. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO READ THESE AGREEMENTS AND DISCLOSURES CAREFULLY AND NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY IF ANY PROVISION IS UNCLEAR. IMPORTANT ACCOUNT OPENING INFORMATION – Federal law requires us to obtain sufficient information to verify Your identity. You may be asked several questions and to provide one or more forms of identification to fulfill this requirement. In some instances, We may use outside sources to confirm the information provided. The information You provide is protected by our privacy policy and federal law. Throughout these Agreements and Disclosures, the references to “We”, “Us”, “Our” and “Credit Union” mean ALL IN CREDIT UNION. The words “You” and “Your” mean each person applying for and/or using any of the services described herein. “Account” means any account or accounts established for You as set forth in these Agreements and Disclosures. The word “Card” means any ALL IN CREDIT UNION Debit Card/MasterCard issued to You by Us and any duplicates or renewals We may issue. MEMBERSHIP To apply for membership with ALL IN CREDIT UNION, You must complete, sign and return an application for membership. Your signature on Your application for membership informs the Credit Union that You would like to join the Credit Union and that You agree to conform to the Credit Union’s Bylaws and Amendments and subscribe for at least one share.
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