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Alcohol 'policy - page 3 VOL XVIII, NO. 120 thc inJcpcnJent student newspaper ser\ing 110trt dame and saint man·., ~ESDAY, APRIL 3, 1984 :Peace Corps Director Loret Ruppe to speak at ND comtnencement By DAN McCULLOUGH Recently, Ruppe has been News Editor accused of liberalizing the Peace Corps policy on offering abortions Loret Miller Ruppe, director of· to volunteers. According to a)an. 13, the Peace Corps, will be Notre 1984, Washington Times article, Dame's commencement speaker for Ruppe was responsible for a "more 1984, The Observer learned yester permissive policy that allows volun day. teers to remain in the Peace Corps Although Assistant Director of In until after a second abortion," rather formation Services Michael Garvey than being dismissed after one abor said, "I can neither confrrm nor deny tion. anything until we have lined up all of The article further states Ruppe the honorary degree recipients." decided to continue the practice of The Observer was told by Ruppe's using federal money to fund abor secretary she will be the commence tion counseling, transportation and ment speaker and will be on campus per diem expenses of pregnant May 20. volunteers. The article continues on President Reagan appointed to say about 200 volunteers have Ruppe head of the Peace Corps on used the funds for abortions during Feb. 14, 1981. Prior to that she was the past three years. Ruppe has been co-chairwoman of the Reagan-Bush criticized for this policy because it is Committee in Michigan during the not consistent with the current ad Lewis freshman Sheila McDaniel pauses for a mo the FM dial next semester, but right now such a move 1980 election.
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