Of ,Be .I"" All Nopnbt Quill")
The Hospitals Commission fifth general report 1939, 1940 and 1941 Item Type Report Authors Hospitals Commission Publisher Stationery Office Download date 06/10/2021 13:50:08 Link to Item http://hdl.handle.net/10147/253463 Find this and similar works at - http://www.lenus.ie/hse I" vie~' orlh~ .. "",.",...... htt quon,i.yo(",.""avoilable from ,Iou ""'" "'~iT"",,,,ot be ullnwrvt'dly ....."' .. ia' ,h,,/igu'" .....od ond .hOttid I", """fi,,,,,,,1 hy (""he,.-... .. 0 .... of'ho vi ••1 fact.,.. "ft'r<:1,ng~';<>'" in ",!!""i'o.It<! , ...""'''"". ",.,,",ion of ,be .i"" All nopnbt qUIll"),. ,It<! ....."', in .he "".. ....,11 ito .10.",., 10 "",.., boffi "nif.,.....,y s-i""'" ,.... ". ... .....u .... boffi in WIO • ..-i,h , .....x"p'ioo of .......,,' ...",,010 whieh. 01> , .... , .... i<ltn<>o<l """\aMino"'o,,. This imp"ri'y"" ......., ,,'" ,0 ba,.., bto>n I""'""" in I'''''';''''' "" ........" ..mplo •• ",,11 ,be P""lI>OIJnt ••''''''il .... otO inoli ....d 10 ....rib< i~ '0 oon"'minotion of ,It<! .n'ple bot,!., or to 01100' f.",,,,,, no! di,..."lj· OMOCio.,ed ... i,b ,h... ",., .....11 """I,ly. A.o ,h... m]>!. in ,,_ion,..,.. "'ktn during ,h. """",,' wa,m w... ,h., ,.. riO<l, 'h. ('<>tnmiMion ,.,,""clo," ,h., 'ho "",",ihlli'), "f """"'mi".Iio" of'ho "'0110"1'1'1)' to)' '10" 1","'0";118 "f,ho groulld wn'", heill' ,h. "T.i"i'~' OO,mol IJ<' nl'''II''lhCT Igno".]. I r, he .it,' i. '" be J>Onnall''''''.v f't'I.i""d, 'ho {\,m,"i.. irnt "",.. id.", ,h., ,h. i".li,,,ti,,,, .ho"I,1 """trnl'ho L,,,,I wi,hi"" ""Ii". "flwo 10 ,h..,.
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