by Akiko Yamada Plant Essence Apothecary What is a carrier oil?

Carrier oils are vegetable oils with little-to-no scent that are used to dilute and carry essential oils.

In carrying essential oils into your skin, carrier oils do dilute the potency of the oil. However, this does not mean that the oil is any less effective. Rather, it means that essential oils better absorb into your skin because it does not evaporate as quickly.

Dilution is also necessary for certain “hot” essential oils, and always a good idea when using any oils with children or for those with sensitive skin.

When in doubt, always dilute.

CARRIER OILS & DILUTION Choosing a Carrier oil

Chooseing a carrier oil can be overwhelming because there are so many different types you can use. Keep in mind that it is best to use a carrier oil that is 100 % pure, unrefined, virgin, and cold-pressed. This way, the ’s chemical profile is preserved and the oil is easily dissolved. Otherwise, the carrier oil has the potential to change the results or specific benefits you desire.

Substances like butter, vegetable shortening, and petroleum jelly should not be used as carrier oils because they do not absorb into the skin at the needed level.

Here are a list of things to consider when choosing a carrier oil;

1. Odor: A few carrier oils have a slight distinct odor. When added to an essential oil, it may alter the aroma. 2. Skin type & Comedogenic scale: Highly comedogenic oils can clog pores. Anyone who is susceptible to acne breakouts and blackheads should avoid these oils, as they are likely to cause recurring acne problems. However, people with drier skin might prefer a more emollient oil toward the middle of the scale. The scale uses a numbering system of 0 to 5. (0 = won't clog pores at all, 5 = high likelihood of clogging pores) 3. Shelf life: Some carrier oils can be stored for longer periods than others without going bad.


So what are some good carrier oils? Here is a list of some of the best known carrier oils;

Fractionated (Comedogenic scale 2-3, Long shelf life, 2-3 years) Coconut oil is high in antioxidants and Vitamin E. But, the thick, unrefined coconut oil you find at the grocery store is not as useful for aromatherapy purposes because it doesn’t readily absorb into the skin. The process of fractionating coconut oil makes the fatty acid chains separate out and produces a liquid consistency. Nothing is added to the oil itself to make it this way. This gives the oil a much longer shelf life and creates an oil that is non-greasy, light, and better for absorption.

Apricot Kernel Oil (Comedogenic scale 2, Medium shelf life, 1 year) This oil is good for all skin types. It is very rich in Vitamin A and nourishes the skin by keeping it hydrated. It moisturizes dry, sensitive skin and smooths out blemishes, wrinkles, fine lines, and other symptoms of maturing skin. Those with nut allergies who want to experience the healthful properties of oils such as Sweet Carrier Oil, can benefit from substituting it with Apricot Kernel Oil.

CARRIER OILS & DILUTION Choosing a Carrier oil

Hemp Seed Oil (Comedogenic scale 0, Medium shelf life, 1 year) This oil is high in proteins and essential fatty acids. It closely matches our own skins lipids and the essential fatty acids are readily absorbed into the skin. It soothes and alleviates dry skin, moisturizing it so that the complexion looks revitalized and radiant. It also contributes greatly to protecting the skin’s moisture barrier, improving the texture of skin, and reducing the visible signs of aging.

Argan Oil (Comedogenic scale 0, Long shelf life, 2 years) Argan oil is made from kernels found inside the fruit of argan trees, which are native to Morocco. It has a nutty aroma and is rich in vitamins A and E, and monounsaturated fatty acids. It can help treat dry skin and hair, wrinkles, and skin inflammation.

Sweeet Almond Oil (Comedogenic scale 2, Midium shelf life, 1 year) Great for all skin types and topical applications, almond oil is absorbed by the skin fairly well. It does have a slightly nutty smell to it, but nothing overwhelming. It is a great oil to use in face care because it helps moisturize. Be aware, however, that it is not for those with tree nut & allergies (it's often produced in the same factories as .)

CARRIER OILS & DILUTION Choosing a Carrier oil

Jojoba Oil (Comedogenic scale 2, Very long shelf life, 5 years) Despite being called an oil, jojoba (pronounced ho-ho-ba) is actually a liquid wax. Odorless and golden yellow in color, jojoba is another popular carrier oil because it is great for hair and leaves skin hydrated without a lot of heavy shine. It is very similar to the oil that your skin produces naturally, and can be good for oily skin.

Grapeseed Oil (Comedogenic scale 1, Short shelf life, 2-3 months) This oil is high in linoleic acid and is very moisturizing, especially for delicate skin. You’ll often see it listed on the ingredients list of many cosmetics. Its aroma is light and sweet, and it is clear in color. It can be a good carrier oil to use for occasional blemishes.

Olive Oil (Comedogenic scale 2, Very long shelf life, 5 years) Though it can be heavy, oily, and have a stronger odor when compared to the others, the benefit of is that it is high in both vitamins and minerals. Note that depending on the quantity and how diluted you need the essential oil to be, olive oil can overpower the scent.

CARRIER OILS & DILUTION recommended Dilution %

Once you’ve found your carrier oil of choice, you can then begin to dilute essential oils according to the dilution ratio you need. The following dilution ratios should give you a good idea where to start:

in a 10ml roller bottle Age % (10ml = 2 teasopoons)

Babies (3-12 months) 0.25-0.5% 0.5-1 drop

Infants (1-5 years) 1-2% 2-4 drops

Children (6-11 years) 1-5% 2-10 drops

Teens (12-17 years) 1-20% 2-40 drops

Adults (regular use) 3-20% 6-40 drops

Adults (occational use) 25% 50 drops

CARRIER OILS & DILUTION When it comes to safe topical use of essential oils, dilution is one of the most important principles to understand.

Some worry that diluting an essential oil before applying will take away its benefits; however, dilution actually makes for better absorption into the skin—extending the benefits for even longer. By diluting an essential oil with a carrier oil, you slow the rate of evaporation, enhance absorption into the skin, and protect against sensitive or delicate skin.

In reality, dilution doesn’t take away from the essential oil experience. Rather, it allows for more effective topical application.

Happy Oiling! - Akiko xx