English Churchman Fridays, 15th & 22nd April 2005

A PROTESTANT FAMILY NEWSPAPER No.7660 Fridays, 15th &22nd April 2005 40p “PRECIOUS IN THE SIGHT OF THE LORD IS THE DEATH OF HIS ” Psalm 116:15 Italy. He understood something of the should go home rather than lecture to Ely, now in Cambridgeshire. I well self, but this Bible says "Remember "Render therefore to awfulness of war. the few that were there, but he seemed remember when the first such meeting them… who have spoken unto you the all their dues: tribute reluctant to do that. However, he ulti- at Brentwood in Essex in memory of Word of God: whose faith follow, con- to whom tribute is At the end of the war, in 1945, he felt mately agreed and I took him to the the boy martyr, William Hunter, was sidering the end of their conversation." the call to Christian ministry and railway station - he had no car in those arranged. It was in 1953, 52 years ago. due ... honour to became the pastor at the High Street days. The return fare to London at that My father was extremely interested in I described him at the start of this trib- whom honour." Baptist Church in Isleham, time was six shillings and sixpence, so I this meeting and organised for a party ute as a very dear, a very good, and a Romans 13.7 Cambridgeshire. He had some happy gave him a £1 note in the hope that of people to walk to Brentwood from very great friend. I believe he was a years there, and he particularly liked would cover his expenses. To my sur- North Romford! The many meetings great man. There is so much else which by Mr Stephen Toms baptising believers in the River Lark, prise, he used that note to pay his fare of this kind were faithfully continued, could be said about him. But I finish, where the great C H. Spurgeon had home, and I could only assume that he through thick and thin, with or with- seeking to emphasise that he was to have come here today to bury been baptised. had no money and was relying on a out much support throughout subse- me, and many others, a very real friend. one whom I regarded as a very collection to get home. That certainly quent years. dear friend, a very good friend, He had, however, been brought into was the way he had to work in those Mr A.G. Ashdown's funeral was con- and a very great friend. Protestant lecturing a long while before early days. He had a great interest in the ducted by Mr Stephen A. Toms; Mr I all this. In 1936, at the 400th anniver- Waldensians and, year by year, organ- Jeremy Bailey read the Scripture; and Mr Albert George Ashdown was affec- sary of the death of William Tyndale, He continued his lectures in various ised holidays in that area of North Italy, Dr. S.J. Scott-Pearson led in prayer at tionately known by many as 'George' he had been called upon to give a lec- meetings all over the United Kingdom where these early Protestants resided. the graveside. Halland Chapel folk but I have always called him 'Mr ture upon the great Bible translator and, as far as I am aware, he was the He loved telling the history of this kindly recorded the service, and cas- Ashdown'. He was born at Walton on and martyr. And it seems obvious that only person doing such work. These people. And he wrote a book entitled, settes may be obtained from them or the Hill in Surrey on May 29th, 1914, this work of lecturing was the service lectures were mainly on historical sub- 'The General with the Wooden Leg'. from Mr Toms, 1 Donald Way, less than three months before the com- which God had determined for Mr jects and were extremely informative. Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 9JB. Tel: mencement of World War I. His Ashdown. He left Isleham and joined For myself, I was very desirous of hear- Then, of course, there was his visiting 01245-268815. mother and father had four sons. He the Protestant Truth Society. It was in ing them whenever I could, and it was of Canada in the cause of attended a Church school, and he used this Society that he had much to do a joy to listen to the same lecture over Protestantism. to say that he there acquired a good with Mr J.A. Kensit, whose father had and over again as he always brought understanding of the Romanising been murdered by Romanists in out different details on the subjects He continued working to an age when “Let God influence in the land. Liverpool. He had many interesting being considered. most men would have retired much and witty stories of his days with Mr earlier in life. That was, no doubt, Arise, Let His He often related how, when he was Kensit. For example, he made a model, But there were other things he did because he loved the work. In fact, he young, his aunt would take the boys, and on presenting it to Mr Kensit, he apart from lecturing. He more or less, used to say that he would rather wear Enemies Be with a picnic basket, up to the told him it was a 'protestant' one. with the help of Mr Gutteridge, ran the out than rust out. Protestant Martyrs' memorial on Cliffe When Mr Kensit asked what he meant, office of the Protestant Alliance for Scattered” Hill, Lewes and there set out the picnic he said it was completed on the 12th many years. For that reason, he was He had a good wit and all that knew on a tablecloth and tell the stories of July and was made from orange boxes. always reluctant to stay anywhere him personally would have heard many Psalm 68:1 the martyrs. Mr Ashdown told us that overnight as he would say that he had of the stories of incidents in his life his edition of the English that was where he learned his It was when Mr Ashdown joined the to get back to start office work early the which he considered to be highly Churchman, like all editions, is Protestantism. P.T.S. that I first came into contact with next morning. Amongst the things amusing. him. Mr Philip Rand had been asked to accomplished in the office, there was Tdedicated to the glory of God. We thank God especially for the After leaving school he became very preach at the mission hall I attended, the usual publication of tracts and So much else could be said, and some Protestants who were burned by successful at work, being employed as a but Mr Rand was just about to go to accounts of the lives of many martyrs. may feel I have omitted things that Roman Catholic Queen "Bloody" manager in a seed shop in Sussex. I Bournemouth, so he said he would ought to have been said. But it would have heard him describe seeds as 'fasci- send Mr Ashdown. I shall never forget Then there was the work at the shows, be impossible to give the history of Mary. This tribute to Mr Ashdown nating things'. In the shop there were that first time we heard him. He spoke in which he manifested an extremely such a full life in so few minutes. shows how his religion and ours rows and rows of drawers, each con- on Samuel's circuit and he brought out keen interest. In later years, I was stands in stark contrast to the blas- taining seeds of different shapes, differ- so many interesting things from his pleased to be able to join him in this After being a widower for some time, phemies of the Roman Catholic ent sorts, and different forms. knowledge of the places in the Middle work and it astounded me that he had he married Miss Pat Bell on March Church and the Pope. The biblical East. I would have loved to have heard carried on for so long on his own. He 14th 1992. The present Mrs Ashdown Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is the In private life, he became a scout that sermon again, but I never did. used to set it all up, opening up the has sought to look after him in these most precious thing in this world as it master and in this movement met Miss little trailer that he had made, and he latter years, when his physical strength is saves even the worst sinner out of Marjorie Nancy Over, who was a scout From that time our friendship grew. gave a superb display. I found that the began to wane. misery and into everlasting life. Rome mistress. They married in Brighton Mr Ashdown left the P.T.S. and joined models that he himself had made were on the other hand is an absolute Road Baptist Church, Horsham in the Protestant Alliance as their deputa- very useful, being a great attraction to Following a period of incapacity, he has misery offering no hope. It is most dis- Sussex on December 4th, 1937, less tion secretary. I had not previously children, who frequently pulled their now been received into glory, washed turbing that our people both rich and than two years before the commence- heard of the Protestant Alliance, which parents over to have a look. At these in the immaculate Blood of the poor, educated and illiterate, from the ment of World War II. I never met the indicates how the Lord used His dear county shows, he used his considerable Spotless Lamb of God, Who came to least to the greatest have become first Mrs Ashdown, but my mother and servant in the building up of this work. knowledge. He could speak to farmers save poor and needy sinners. Mr almost utterly ignorant about this. father knew her and thought highly of about seeds, and plants, and trees, but Ashdown believed the Bible to be the Furthermore, the majority of those her. When my wife and I moved to he spoke equally intelligently about the Word of God. He held tenaciously to who are not ignorant, are silent! We Chelmsford it was not long before Mr various animals - sheep, pigs, cattle, the Authorised Version of Holy pray that God will have mercy on us as When hostilities broke out in 1939, Mr Ashdown started making regular visits goats, etc. But he would always come Scripture. And he understood that the a nation and that he will once more Ashdown was called upon to serve king to the church we had joined. Our back to the gospel, and the Roman way of salvation revealed in the Bible is send forth the glorious Gospel of the and country. He was a medical orderly people gained much from his spiritual controversy, being equally a master in the only way of salvation. He trusted Lord Jesus Christ with power from on in the army during the war and wit- ministry. The first time he came to these subjects. not in his own merits or abilities, but high and with His Holy Spirit. In pre- nessed many unpleasant and disturb- Chelmsford, he spoke at our children's solely in the Person and Work of the vious dark ages He has thus dispelled ing things during that time whilst he meeting and was due to take the main He also did a tremendous amount in Lord Jesus Christ. the superstitions of Rome from our meeting later in the evening. But a ter- organising and conducting martyr served in Africa, coming up through shores and raised people up to live to rible thick fog descended and hardly memorial meetings. I understand that For that reason, he may not have Egypt to the Middle East, and later in His praise and glory. anybody turned up. I told him he the first gathering of this kind was at wished for a lot to be said about him-

1 English Churchman Fridays, 15th & 22nd April 2005 “GOD Shall Send Them STRONG DELUSION, That They Should Believe A Lie” 2 Thessalonians 2:11 to save some by dragging them out of a as campaigns to pressure MPs and Members tique is as sure and fair as could be. If a by Rev Peter Ratcliff burning house. of the House of Lords to give us better laws political party accuses another of lies or his edition of the English Churchman rather than abandoning decency and morali- deceit, even if done in the strongest of is written to the Glory of God and ty.However the death of the Pope has terms, it is never accused of hatred. Such sti- with much heartache. One has expe- The Strong shown what evangelicals really knew fling of religious debate and discussion T rienced hours of great distress and already, that the problem is not merely moral feeds anti-Protestant anti-Gospel feeling sorrow as the awfulness of the scene before Delusion of New but spiritual. and keeps people under "strong delusion". us is observed. It is tragic to watch a delud- By spiritual delusion we mean that there is This is aided and abetted by the Ecumenical ed nation that was once Great Britain Evangelicals ignorance of the Word of God.That is the Movement and now the InterFaith move- bowing her knee to the false god of the In an ambiguous statement sent to Assist root of immorality but it is also the root of ment which are liberal takeovers to destroy Roman Catholic Church. It is abhorrent that the spread of the doctrines of cults and the distinctive features of religions. It could Her Majesty the Queen's Prime Minister News Service, Billy Graham said of the Pope, "He was convinced that the complex prob- greatest cult is Rome.Technically Rome may destroys all religions but the effect on the changed the day of the announcement of be an apostate (turned away from the truth) Gospel is particularly damaging as evangeli- the General Election and that the heir to lems of our world are ultimately moral and spiritual in nature, and only Christ can set us church but effectively that is a cult. cal religion is the only religion from God throne changed the date of his marriage to that gives all the credit or glory to God for free from the shackles of sin and greed and Because of spiritual delusion when an impor- fit in with the burial of a man whose teach- the salvation of man. ings are leading more than a billion souls to violence...May his death remind each of us tant person dies, the people's dumbed down hell. that some day we too must die and enter consciences prick them a little and they go into God's presence...and may we each into a religious frenzy.As a result they grab at This edition of the English Churchman is def- commit ourselves afresh to Jesus Christ, who whatever they see and do whatever they initely not a tribute to the Pope but if it is a died and rose again for our salvation." This imagine appropriate.If it is to bring flowers The Strong tribute to men it is rather to those who was no surprise as Graham had previously they do that and if it is to fly to Rome they do have suffered at the hands of the papacy commended the Pope.Graham was suppos- that.The Roman Catholic Church feeds on Delusion of for the truth of the Gospel. It is in memory edly a great evangelist leading people out of this like pop music seduces children.The of our martyrs killed 450 years ago in the darkness but Romanism is darkness.Such scenes of adulation in the media are reminis- Silence year 1555 under the evil papist Queen contradictions are so damaging to the cause cent of Beatlemania.They once claimed to Some Evangelicals say that their actions "Bloody" Mary.Yet for such wickedness of Christ as disgruntled Romanists may be more popular than Christ but now the speak louder than words so they won't Pope John Paul II followed the pride of pre- decide that they should not make the costly Pope as antichrist is even more popular than speak out! Ask any advertising company vious Popes as a man of sin without repen- decision to leave Rome after all. the Beatles! how that will work! This strong delusion of tance.The pope claims infallibility.We there- silence means that the few evangelicals fore righteously and soberly judge that the Neither was it a surprise to hear so many who do speak out are thought to be a tiny Pope was not infallibly good but rather, like praising the minority and are ridiculed. his predecessor Judas Iscariot, infallibly Pope as they have proved themselves time The Strong wicked. and again to be thoroughly downgraded from biblical standards for ministers.Would a Delusion of While this all sounds so negative and critical real Anglican outside the Free Church The Strong it is important to remember that light or the Continuing Church please stand up! Political shines best in darkness. As one said of the Are you shepherds or wolves! The supposed- Delusion of The Protestant Reformation, it is often darkest ly evangelical Bishop of Liverpool, a sup- Correctness just before the dawn. One has felt in prepar- posed follower and admirer of the firm anti- Media ing this edition that it will either earn one ritualist Nineteenth Century Bishop of We love Roman Catholics.They live next praise or, if it was still in operation, the gal- Liverpool JC Ryle, praised the Pope! We feel door to us and in the flat above and we get Subjecting the soul to the Papacy, like sub- lows.We desire neither of these but rather to write a new verse of amazement to on well. However, political correctness mitting to Islam is a strong delusion. An that the will of God is done and we are Wesley's, "And Can it Be!" claims that the hatred of popery is religious example is that according to Roman teach- praying fervently that this will be used to hatred and therefore wicked.Therefore ing, which is the Pope's own teaching, the break the chains of ignorance that bind this However a greater tragedy, although we can many Christians are scared to speak out dead Pope is in the torment and terror of sleepy nation. hardly call it a surprise, was to receive a press about the evil of Rome or of any other false purgatory until his so-called beatification. release from the Evangelical Alliance praising religion or any other sinful belief or practice. However from the way it has all been por- The Bible reminds us that we fight not the Pope.This explains why they were so The Christian commandment is to love your trayed anyone would think he was in against flesh and blood but against spiritual pathetic in their treatment of the penal sub- enemies.The Christian prays that his unbe- heaven already.There is now total confu- wickedness, evil powers.Therefore it is in stitution hater, Steve Chalke.We do not mean lieving neighbours will be converted. He sion as to whether people should be pray- prayer that we seek not to take revenge to be unkind but we must stand for the loves them. He prays for them whether they ing for the Pope or praying to him so he will upon the enemies of the Gospel, but that truth, not merely the truth as an idea but the are atheists, Roman Catholics, unconverted pray for them.The whole thing is absurd at they might be saved. Like the Bible, our Truth as it is in the life and death of our Lord Protestants, Muslims, Buddhists, Sodomites best. Even the Independent newspaper prayer is that our brethren according to the Jesus Christ.It is impossible to stand with or worshippers of Star Trek. If he did not described it as being a cult, ie a personality flesh will be saved and become our Him and with those who degrade Him by love them he would not pray for them but cult. Have the press nearly exposed the brethren according to the Spirit by the glo- denying crucial doctrines.A 'Jesus' who did would want them to die in their sins. manipulation behind it all as the media are rious work of justification by faith alone by not suffer and die in my place to take the milked for all they are worth. But then it grace alone to the glory of God alone. chastisement or punishment that brought Any who seek evil to their neighbour are works both ways as deluded viewers are not Christians.Those who confuse sincere Chapter 2 of the Second Letter to the about my peace is not the real Jesus.Those glued to their TVs. Christians with thugs are themselves Thesssalonians refers to a certain "Man of who give us a half saviour give us no saviour wicked brainwashed deluded fools or are Sin" who traditionally and reasonably is at all.Can it really be that the EA had to keep being unkind and deceitful in order to understood to be the Papacy. Not many Chalke on board so as not to have appeared silence lawful debate in society. today agree with this because that same hypocritical in praising the Pope! God is Sovereign chapter speaks of "strong delusion" sent by So the next time you hear all the nonsense However just as God has sent strong delu- God that punishes the wicked before they about religious hatred please expose it for sion, so it is only God who can remove the are destroyed. Perhaps like never before we what it is ... another lie of the devil. scales from the eyes.We must pray fervently can say that this is a time when people are The Strong and specifically for this, like victorious Elijah under "strong delusion". However the book who was a mere man like us but was heard then says, "But we are bound to give thanks Delusion of the to the peril of false gods and to the glory of alway to God for you" and that because The Strong Almighty God. they are not deluded but rather are chosen Public by God and saved by His grace as they are Another "strong delusion" that has been Delusion of called by the Gospel and have a good and highlighted since the death of the Pope is Ecumenism Rev Peter Ratcliff is minister of St John's, comfortable hope of obtaining the glory of that of the British public in general. South Wimbledon and editor of this newspa- the Lord Jesus Christ. Christians and others have recently been Roman Catholic Religion according to its per active in opposing certain authorities such as own doctrinal statements, whether those of It is time to strike hard at the various delu- the BBC with its blasphemous programmes the 16th or late 20th Centuries absolutely sions to reprove the unfruitful works of and there are also pro-life initiatives as well always denies the pure Gospel of salvation darkness (Ephesians 5.11). It is as if we help and replaces it with its own system. Our cri-

2 English Churchman Fridays, 15th & 22nd April 2005 Give No Glory to this Rubbish! “In Understanding Be Men” By Charles Haddon 1 Corinthians 14:20

Spurgeon out that whilst ninety five percent of sermons heading is for one world religion, mainly the by Rt Rev Edward Malcolm in the land would be on the pope, we would joining up of Rome and Islam. We should (Baptist preacher CH Spurgeon look at the prophet Nahum, as what is exceed- indeed suffer were that so. along with his Anglican con- Understand the ingly big to man's way of thinking, is ephemer- temporary Bishop JC Ryle Take another example, it is a sin to preach on al and transient, just a cloud of steam, in God's say, "God, who at sundry times and in divers were two of the very few 19th ‘Mystery’ of the reckoning. What Nahum said about Nineveh Century preachers who stood manners spake...", or "I am made all things to Papacy well over 2,600 years ago, is of much greater all men..." and not to point out Rome's error up firmly and clearly against moment today, because it is God's Word. the curses of liberalism and at Vatican II, when it was said epistemology When the pope before last died, the old father Roman Catholicism. The They will say the pope was the great commu- also involved the adaptation or accommoda- of Cecil Green was ill in bed and he had following is from a nicator, who swept youth off its feet in mass tion of the Gospel to the world's wisdom: the radio or TV on, I forget which, and found it sermon entitled, rallies, brought the papacy to life again, re- "(The church) has learned to express the mes- all blocked up with the three hour funeral of "Christ the Glory invigorating it, was the great pro-life cam- sage of Christ with the help of ideas and termi- the pope, and kept saying, "bury him! bury of His People") paigner, the only one indeed who was against nology of various peoples, and has tried to him! get him out of the way! what do we want the sin of contraception. He was the one who clarify it with the wisdom of philosophers, too. with him?" That would not have been untypical las! alas! It makes a Christian's blood boil to clung to the old, conservative values. The man, Her purpose has been to adapt the gospel to see glory given to a pack of scamps who call of the attitude of that generation to the papacy, who above all others, was beaten into a sword the grasp of all as well as the needs of the Athemselves priests! as of no interest to Englishmen. By contrast, the under Stalin's brutal rule, who later, bravely, learned, insofar as such is appropriate. Indeed, present goings on have blocked up the media with gentle but effective words, freed Poland this accommodated preaching of the revealed Does it not make a man feel, when you see pictures of for days. 'his holiness' and the cardinals, and so on, scattering and Eastern Europe from Communism. The Word ought to remain the law of all evange- their benedictions at the Vatican, or at St. Peter's, while The cause of Rome is in the ascendant, in spite saintly man, the soul of humility, who was lization. For thus each nation develops the admiring crowds fall down and worship them, that it of falling numbers, the scandal of Calvi, the behind the dream of a united Europe, the ability to express Christ's message in its own were infinitely better to bow to the devil himself? financial goings on in the Vatican, and dioceses intellectual who reached out to non-Christian way. At the same time, a living exchange is fos- bankrupted by payments out to those wronged religions, especially Islam, loved by millions, tered between the Church and the divers cul- We give glory unto God, but not a particle of glory to who weep today. There, they would say, is your anything in the shape of a man, or an angel either. by her 'celibate' priests. This is indeed the tures of the people ... she must rely on those 'Mystery', of Revelation 13 and 17, that after his important subject! I reply, God's Word who live in the world, are versed in the differ- "deadly wound was healed", "all the world won- through Nahum is far more relevant here and ent institutions and specialities, and grasp their ‘I have marvelled to dered after the beast". Two hundred world lead- now. innermost significance in the eyes of both see people so ers at the funeral plan to "have one mind, and It is obvious that since the various nineteenth believers and unbelievers." shall give their power and strength unto the century Protestant Societies arose as a bulwark That is a new agenda for missions. Previously infatuated as to think beast." against Rome, she has advanced unchecked. the Roman Church added the traditions of the The truth is, the only way of withstanding church to the Scriptures as normative for that such idolatry was Pray "Lord,Open the both Rome and her twin, Islam, both rule- believers. Now: book religions, is to preach the Bible. Taught pleasing to the most King of England's Eyes". "This sacred synod affirms the legitimate people do not go off to Rome. My objection to authority of human culture and especially the That was the dying prayer of Tyndale when much Gospel preaching today is that it is high God.’ sciences". burned by the papacy for translating the Bible. simply pew-filling for Rome. There is a lack of In a mere two years Henry reversed his policy Bible teaching, the desire to get people in out- That is a call for a synthesis of the theories of and, amazingly, put a Bible in every weighing everything else. Well, you may fill science and Christianity. Hear Vatican II again: Have I not stood and seen the crowds by hundreds fall Church. your churches, but what for? The vast majority "Let them blend modern science and its theo- down and worship images and dressed up dolls? I I note that the Vatican had the choice of four of Protestantism is now busy admiring the ries and the understanding of the most recent have seen them worship bones and old teeth; I have days for the funeral, and chose the day of the pope, thus proving my contention. Contrast discoveries with Christian morality and doc- seen them worship a skeleton, dressed out in modern royal wedding. Coincidence? No, but a put- costume said to be the skeleton of a . the great living churches of the world. They trine." down for the British Crown. Were you to say have long sermons, long services, even of sev- I have marvelled to see people so infatuated as to Who rules, the Word of God, or unbelieving so, the confident, mildly-spoken reply would eral hours duration, and demand very high science? think that such idolatry was pleasing to the most high be, "Of course not, but the Church takes a firm standards of the worshippers. They are the God. moral stance against the remarriage of ones making headway against Rome and We, brethren, the people of God, who know Christ, divorcees." This is based on certain teachings Islam. Conclusion can give no glory to this rubbish, but turn away from she has on marriage as a sacrament. Yet you The next pope is likely to advance the cause of it with horror! will have seen reported in your newspaper Avoid Overstatement Rome the same way as the rest, by expediency Our glory must be given to Christ, and to Christ from time to time some prominent RC dressed up as principle, denial of the faith mas- alone! divorced, remarried and continues to be This newspaper, many years ago had corre- querading out front as perfect orthodoxy. Let accepted at the Mass. How come? It is because spondence about certain matters alleged us rise up and pray and preach, letting the light Christ and Christ only must be the grand object of the against Rome. A reply appeared saying, an Christian; the promotion of His glory must be that for Rome is two-faced. Outwardly she is orthodox, of God's Word in on Rome. Let every preacher which he is willing to live, and for which, if needs be, the most orthodox of all churches, putting us accusation is made that a man and a dog dis- find out what Rome is really like, in the way he would be prepared to die. Protestants to shame. However, when you look appeared whilst in the custody of Rome. our Reformers understood. An Irish lady con- deeper, she acts according to expediency, in this Rome produces the dog, and laughs off the Oh! down, down, down, with everything else--but up, verted from Rome said to me, "I understand case the weakening of the British Protestant accusation. up, up, with the cross of Christ! the whole system thoroughly." Monarchy. Pray this may open our Monarch's Edward Malcolm is presiding bishop of the Down with your baptism, and your masses, and your eyes, and ask, "Lord, open the future King of Church of England (Continuing) and editor of sacraments! Down with your priest-craft, and your England's eyes." Show Where Rome Has 'The Gospel Magazine'. rituals, and your liturgies! Down with your fine music, and your pomp, and your robes, and your garments, Erred and all your ceremonials! Teach the Bible The proper way is to expound the Bible. The reason is that this both shows a solid basis for But up, up, up, with the doctrine of the naked cross, Continually our opposition, and just when interest is there and the expiring Saviour! On the Sunday following the death, I pointed in the hearer, enters ear-gate, which is shut to “THE SIMPLICITY protests. You will inevitably and shortly come to a Bible statement which denies one of the THAT IS IN CHRIST” teachings of Rome. It is both cowardly and WELCOME TO THE wrong to preach, say, on the Beatitude "Blessed 2 Corinthians 11.3 83RD ANNUAL FINCHLEY BIBLE CONVENTION are the meek", and not point out the pride of BY REV GORDON MURRAY the papal pretentions; or, "I am the way, the AT KENSIT EVANGELICAL CHURCH, truth and the life", and not refer to Rome. In 104 Hendon Lane, Finchley, London N3 t is understandable that widespread Vatican II the Roman Church, for the first publicity would be given to the Thursday 16 June 2005- 8pm time, took the position that God reveals death of a man who has been so Speaker: Rev Alun McNabb(Staffordshire) Himself in all faiths: I prominent in world affairs. Friday 17th June 2005 - 8pm Speaker: Rev Peter Landy (Muswell Hill) Whatever the late Pope’s earthly acheiv- "Each branch of the human family possesses in ment, nothing has altered the Roman Saturday 18th June - 2.15pm itself and in its worthier traditions some part errors concerning the way of salvation. PUBLIC SERVICE OF THANKSGIVING of the spiritual treasure entrusted by God to All the ceremonial at the present is very CENTENARY OF KENSIT MEMORIAL BIBLE COLLEGE humanity, even though many do not know the Chairman: Rev Philip H. Eveson MA MTH source of this treasure." far from the simplicity of the New (Principal of London Theological Seminary) Testament church. Speaker: Rev Gordon Murray MA (Former Principal -Chairman of Protestant Truth Society Council) Pope John-Paul worshipped in a mosque, The need for a clear Protestant voice to Lord’s Day 19th June 11am-6.30pm according to the BBC report, a practice which, be heard in our nation is more necessary Preacher: Rev Stephen Clark (Bridgend) even by being present at such prayers, is a than ever. FREINDS DESIRING FULL BOARD ACCOMMODATION FROM THURSDAY TEA-TIME TO MONDAY BREAKFAST SHOULD BOOK NOW denial of the Faith and of the Trinity, but SENDING PART PAYMENT OF £20 TO RON PEARCE, KENSIT MEMORIAL COLLEGE, 104 HENDON LANE, LONDON N3 3SQ TOTAL Rev Gordon Murray is Chairman of the CONFERENCE FEES £85 accords with Vatican II. The way things are Protestant Truth Society

3 English Churchman Fridays, 15th & 22nd April 2005 “Having a form of godliness, “WOE unto them that call evil good, but denying the power and good evil; that put darkness for thereof: from such turn away” light,and light for darkness; that put 1 Tim. 3:5 bitter for sweet,and sweet for bitter!” by Rt Rev David N. Samuel as the truth. In Scripture it is spoken of as "the mystery of iniquity", Isaiah 5:20 e should be in no doubt which sets out to work in the as to what the papacy rep- Church in opposition to "the mys- Wresents when the titles tery of godliness". And even in the by Pastor Ralph Ovadal the right hand of the Majesty in es in our land will be further com- which belong to Almighty God are apostle Paul's day, Satan was initiat- heaven and turn Him into a wafer promised and confused. The death ascribed to a man in the Vatican - ing that apostasy which, beginning in small ways in the Church, would s I write this, Pope John and a goblet of wine. The pope blas- of Pope John Paul II is a defining 'Holy Father', 'Vicar of Christ', the in time grow to become universal. Paul II is near death. Once phemed against the Holy Spirit, moment which will reveal the hearts 'Vicegerent of God on earth'. We The mystery of iniquity is not open he draws his last claiming to displace Him as Christ's of many who present themselves as should be in no doubt as to the real sin and wickedness, but dissembled breath, a Vatican offi- born-again, blood-washed fol- character of the Roman Catholic piety, specious errors, wickedness cialA will lightly tap three times lowers of Jesus Christ but by priesthood when it arrogates to itself under the form of godliness, cun- upon the deceased pontiff's he tragedy their words will reveal that they the power to bring God down upon ningly managed, which is why the forehead with a golden hammer are either not His or that they the at the word of command apostle warns specifically against it and call his name. Upon receiv- which is upon should not publicly represent and to offer the sacrifice of Christ and gives clear instruction concern- ing no reply, the cardinal cham- Him. on Calvary to the Father. We should ing it. They will be men, he says, berlain will remove John Paul's us and which Reams of paper could be be in no doubt about the nature of a T church that binds the Word of God "Having a form of godliness, but fisherman's ring and smash it. expended documenting the denying the power thereof: from Thus begins the pagan Romish the pope’s death will in fetters of human tradition and heresy of Pope John Paul II and such turn away" (1 Tim. 3:5). Shun spectacle of choosing and enslaves the conscience with man- clearly emphasize citing the Scripture verses prov- them, have nothing to do with crowning a new pope. made laws. All these things make it ing that such a man is not a them. Christian, not a servant of God, an apostate church, an unfaithful The pope's death is the dawn of once more is the harlot church. Yet the ecumenical a defining moment for all who and will not be a citizen of David Samuel is a founding bishop heaven. But in reality, Galatians movement has succeeded in creating claim to be born-again follow- dearth of integrity, a climate in which these errors are of the Church of England ers of Jesus Christ, whether they chapter one, verses eight and (Continuing) and author of among discernment, and nine should settle that matter: regarded with equanimity by many call themselves Protestant or Protestant Christians, who even other things the excellent book evangelical or just plain courage among "But though we, or an angel consider that they are not wholly "Pope or Gospel?" which was writ- Christian. It does not take a from heaven, preach any other incompatible with their own beliefs. ten in 1982 to challenge the first prophet to state that the passing evangelical-or should gospel unto you than that which visit of a Pope to the United of Pope John Paul II will trigger we have preached unto you, let Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones described Kingdom. The above is taken from a flood of statements and dis- I say neo-evangelical- him be accursed. As we said the Church of Rome as 'Satan's his recent book "The Church in cussions among Christian pro- before, so say I now again, if any masterpiece' for this reason, that it Crisis" p. 128 - 129, and is available family leaders, talk show hosts, leaders in our nation. man preach any other gospel seeks to overthrow Christianity not from the Protestant Truth Society, and nationally known preach- unto you than that ye have by open, frontal assault, but by 184 Fleet Street, London EC4A 2HJ ers. It also does not take a received, let him be accursed." counterfeiting its doctrines and pre- for £3.95 inc. P&P. prophet to know that the dead substitute and voice on this earth. senting its own version to the world pope will have mountains of com- The pope championed the cause of pliments heaped upon him by many the Roman Catholic Virgin Mary Ralph Ovadal is pastor of Pilgrims of those same individuals. Going a goddess. He prayed to her, wor- Covenant Church, Monroe, step further, it is safe to say that the shiped her, and adored her. He con- Wisconsin, Director of Wisconsin In the multitude of presupposition underlying those secrated the nations to her. He Christians United and hosts eulogies and the recurring theme at endorsed and reveled in her demon- http://www.theheartofthematteron- the heart of them will be that the ic apparitions. He credited her with line.org/ radio programme. Counsellors there is pope was a wonderful, godly man, a saving his life. Christian who is now in heaven. safety Proverbs 11:14 There is so much which could be There is an excellent interview As I said, this is a defining moment. said about Pope John Paul II, about with ex RC priest Richard Bennet held over the period between the It is, in fact, an evangelistic moment his corrosive, damning influence on this subject at by Rev John Macleod apostolic age and the present. The catching the attention of virtually and his pagan practices. But why Westminster divines were very careful http://www.sermonaudio.com he Westminster Assembly was to define the status of the Pope of the entire world. What should any belabour the point? The truth has probably the greatest gathering true follower of Jesus say about such been apparent for all to see for Rome and they declared him to be no Tof learned and godly men ever head of the church but that Man of a man as Pope John Paul II? What twenty-six years. And simply put, Sin and Son of Perdition who exal- should one who has assumed a role the pope was a pope. The nature of teth himself in the church etc. It is a as a shepherd of Christ's flock or a popes is the nature of antichrist testimony to the strength of the delu- spokesman for His Church say because they are antichrist just as sion to which people are given over, about the pope? Plainly and simply the Roman Catholic Church is the “...one mediator and the Bible tells us they are given put, they should say that John Paul woman who rides the beast as over to a strong delusion, that we find II was a counterfeit, a minister of described in Revelation chapter 17. all this adulation on the death of Satan (2 Corinthians 11:13-15). That the pope and his church are between God and men” John Paul II. They should tell the truth that he evil is an understatement. The Word 1 Timothy 2:5 was an accursed man who deceived of God shows the pope to be an It is particularly sad that President Bush should regard him as the suc- millions. Those who cannot tell the accursed man no matter what good by Rev Dominic Stockford even at this most public of times to accept that it is Jesus cessor of Peter and that he should truth should not say anything. causes he may have championed. am appalled to see the way assign him that place in so definite a Those evangelical leaders who feel Christ alone who is our medi- The tragedy which is upon us is not that this country, a historical manner. It is also sad that Prince so compelled to express their affec- bastion of the true faith, ator, Jesus Christ alone in Charles and Camilla were present at the death of the pope, although nei- I whom lies salvation, Jesus tion and respect for Pope John Paul the Mass, as I understand it, at ther will we revel in the death nor scriptural and Godly, bends II do not seem to know or care that over backwards at the death of Christ alone by whom we can Westminster together with they are at the same time showing damnation of any man. The tragedy be justified. My prayer, forlorn all the prominent political leaders in which is upon us and which the a man. We did not respond in anything but love for the Roman this way to the death of hun- as it may be, is that the next Britain. Britain is a Protestant nation Catholic people whom the pope has pope's death will clearly emphasize pope will be an ‘accident’ and and in what is written of its constitu- once more is the dearth of integrity, dreds of thousands in tion, clearly declares the Pope to be deceived and enslaved. They are cer- Indonesia - including true will sweep away the lies and tainly not showing respect for the discernment, and courage among additions taught by Rome, the man of sin. It is difficult for those evangelical-or should I say neo- believers - why are so many who are endeavouring to adhere to Word of God which the pope, that doing this now. The sight of the turning those who misguided- evangelical-leaders in our nation. ly follow that church back to the principles and doctrines which man of sin, trod underfoot and the heir to the British throne, sup- were held by the Reformers to get blood of Jesus which he counted as Remaining silent at this time, as rep- the Gospel, back to Jesus rehensible as that is, would be a vast posedly the next defender of their voice heard. an unholy thing. the Protestant and Reformed Christ, back to truth, and into improvement to the message many Salvation. If we believe what we are preaching The pope preached the false Roman such leaders will feel the need to Faith, joining in prayers for a dead man whose denomination and agree what is the body of doc- Catholic gospel which features a proclaim. The world's impression Rev Dominic Stockford trine we are to maintain, assert and false Christ who cannot save with- that Pope John Paul II was a true does so much to lead so many astray by teaching that which is is the minister of Christ Church, defend then we must surely make out the aid of priests practicing Christian man leading the true Teddington,and describes himself as known our minds clearly as far as the pagan rituals and penitents per- Christian Church, teaching the true unbiblical and ungodly is Papacy is concerned. After all whatev- beyond belief. "now living in the freedom of the forming works and a pagan goddess Christian gospel will be strongly Gospel after 'escaping' from the er men may say now, Calvin regarded sharing her favours. The pope blas- reinforced by the accolades heaped clutches of Rome". it as "Satan's Masterpiece". phemed the Lord Jesus Christ as a upon the pope by evangelical lead- The Vicar of Rome committed way of life, most especially during ers. At the same time, the great Karol Woytyla into the hands of Rev John Macleod is a minister of the the mass when he claimed to call milling mixture of sheep and goats the 'Mother of God' - unable Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland down our Great High Priest from which fill up the evangelical church-

4 English Churchman Fridays, 15th & 22nd April 2005 “For there shall arise false Christs, things are become new. (2 Corinthians 5:17). English Churchman In fact, the Vicar whom our Saviour appointed immediately before His sufferings was no mere man, and false prophets,and shall show but the Holy Spirit Himself (John 14:16,17, 26. John EVENTS DIARY 15:26 and John 16:7, 13-15). Commenting on these verses, Bishop John Charles Ryle says, 'the Holy great signs and wonders; insomuch Ghost is most probably so called because He brings APRIL truth especially home to men's hearts, because truth is His great instrument in all His operations and that,if it were possible they shall because He bears witness to Christ as the truth ... here 2005 our Lord teaches that it is one great mark of the deceive the very elect” unbelieving and worldly that they neither receive, nor know, nor see anything of the Holy Ghost. This is Matthew 24:24 strikingly true. The indwelling of the Spirit is the true Saturday April 16th dividing point between the wicked and the godly. REMEMBERING PROTESTANT Many false professors and unconverted people receive MARTYR ROWLAND HILL OF by Rt Revd Dr J Barry The latest edition of the Roman Catholic Catechism Christ's name and talk of Him, while they know HADLEIGH (1994) states: The Pope, Bishop of Rome and Peter's nothing experimentally of the operations of the Holy Study Day including guided tour Shucksmith Royal Navy (Rtd.) Successor, 'is the perpetual and visible source and Spirit. It is written, "the natural man receiveth not the St Mary's, Hadleigh foundation of the unity both of the bishops and of things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to the whole company of the faithful. For the Roman 01449 740673 have never met Pope John Paul II. At his death, him; neither can he know them" ' 1 Corinthians 2:14 the media seem to adulate him. The politicians Pontiff, by reason of his office as Vicar of Christ, and (J C Ryle, Expository Thoughts, p82 vol 3 BOTT admire his power and influence. Many who have as pastor of the entire Church has full, supreme and Edinburgh). Furthermore, commenting on John Lord’s Day April 17th I universal power over the whole Church, a power personally met him consider him to be an outstand- 16:7, John Calvin shows the value of Christ's body 10.30am ing human being. Thousands see him as the liberator which he can always exercise unhindered.' (para 882 being removed from earth, not to identify Himself in COMMEMORATION SERVICE LED BY of former communist countries and the champion of The Episcopal College and its head, the Pope). another body (the Pope) but, 'far more advantageous THE BISHOP OF IPSWICH human rights and the cause of the poor. The only and far more desirable is that presence of Christ, by St Mary's, Hadleigh information I have to guide me is in his writings and Is the Pope the Vicar of Christ? Will the newly-elected which He communicates Himself to us through the 01449 740673 the claims of the Roman Catholic Church which he 265th Bishop of Rome be truly Christ's Vicar? If this grace and power of His Spirit, than if He were pres- has served with remarkable zeal and unremitting dili- is true it is incredible beyond words. If not, it is a ent before our eyes'. blasphemy and deceit of the Monday April 18th 8pm, gence. I have several friends and some close relatives who most wicked kind imaginable. First, there is not one text in Scripture which states MARTYR COMMEMORATION ...there is not one text What could be more serious MEETINGS are Roman Catholics. But love that the supreme authority of the Church would be than to claim direct appoint- vested in one person. Second, Scripture expressessly Faversham,The Gospel Mission, for Roman Catholics and respect for relatives and friends in Scripture which ment and authority by Christ, forbids all lording of one office over another (Luke Tanners Street, alike is no reason for remain- states that the without credibility? If it is false, 22:25,26). Third, where is it written in Holy Scripture Speaker: Mr. Chris Richards ing silent, at this present time. such must surely come top of that the other apostles subordinated themselves to Neither are threatening laws to supreme authority of our Lord's list of warnings, 'and Peter? Fourth, our Lord sent them all forth with the Wednesday April 20th religious incitement or mis- many false prophets shall rise, same commission (Matthew 28:19, John 20:21-23). 7.30pm guided ecumenical pretence. the Church would be and shall deceive many', 'for Fifth, Peter did visit Antioch where he was rebuked Indeed, what could be more there shall arise false Christs, by Paul (Galatians 2:11) but we read nowhere that he Sovereign Grace Union (Surrey vested in one person. and false prophets, and shall Auxiliary) unloving than to remain silent had been in Rome, or assumed a primacy over the show great signs and wonders; other churches. In Acts 15, it is James, our Lord's Col. DV Underwood (London) and give the impression that all religions are true and the Roman Catholic Church insomuch that, if it were possible they shall deceive brother, who takes the chair and leads the Church. Bethel Chapel is the truest of all? the very elect' (Matthew 24:11, 24). The Bars The one-sided Roman concentration on ecclesiastical Guildford In the same chapter that Jesus says, 'judge not, that ye It has always been the understanding of the security against wrong doctrines is a strange perver- Enquiries: Mr. Charles Sleeman be not judged, he also warns us, 'not everyone that Protestant churches that these claims are outrageous. sion of the Christian religion. The teaching of Christ 01428 643488 saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the king- Only in recent years have Protestants failed to bring was almost entirely on a good life, on overcoming sin. dom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my these teachings before their congregations. A new "He shall save His people from their sins." His call spirit of 'love and unity' prevails which demands Friday April 22nd Father which is in heaven' (Matthew 7:1,21). The was: "Follow Me." His main commandment was love. Apostle John, apostle of love, exhorts us, 'Little chil- acceptance of one another, of equal Christian claims, It is by love that discipleship is proved. It is not Sovereign Grace Advent dren let no man deceive you', (1 John 3:7) and again, without rigorous biblical analysis. Truth has given underrating the importance of right belief to point Testimony 'Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits way to so-called love. Historical belief is exchanged out how the chief insistence of our Lord was on a SERIES OF STUDIES CONCERNING whether they are of God: because many false for freedom to hold any belief you like. Some even right life. The regarding it as necessary that He should THE LIFE OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST prophets are gone out into the world' (1 John 4:1). dare to suggest, truth no longer matters as long as we provide a series of Vicars with "plenitude of power" 4:00pm - His First Miracle, J A Green Christians are not intended to be weak and gullible all get on together. All faiths must unite in order to "to defend the truth of faith" is utterly out of keeping 7:00pm - The Sermon on the Mount, people who accept every claim made in the name of unite the world. They forget that our Lord Jesus with His life. It is due to this fundamental misconcep- Jesus Christ. They are to test all things. They are to Christ failed to unite any religious bodies. He did not tion that the promise that the gates of hell shall not J A Green even try to bring Sadducee and Pharisee, Samaritan New Life Bible Presbyterian Church, bring all matters to the touchstone of Scripture, for prevail against His Church is deflected to the exclud- 'doctrine, reproof, correction, instruction in right- and Jew together, for true unity is not to be found in ing of heresy. "The question is whether God hates Salisbury Road, London, N.W.6. any sinful human person, or in the best of faith- S.G.A.T. Secretary: Stephen A Toms, eousness' (2 Timothy 3:16). Why? Because the time error so very much more than He hates sin, that He bodies. There can never be unity without incorpora- has taken precautions against the entrance of the one Enquiries: 01245 268815 will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves tion into Christ Himself. Rebirth of the Holy Spirit is which He has not seen fit to use in order to guard teachings, having itching ears; and shall be turned essential for entrance into the kingdom of God. against the other ... His great gift to His people, that Monday 25th April 10.30am unto fables' (2 Timothy 4:3-4). Surely, these words 'Christ is the Head of the Body, the Church: who is of the Holy Spirit, is equally their safeguard against for 11am apply to all beliefs whether they claim to be catholic, the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all sin and against error. He is equally the Spirit of Truth things He might have the preeminence' (Colossians JOHN OWEN CENTRE DAY SEMINAR evangelical, cultic, or even secular? True Christians and the Spirit of Holiness (Salmon, Infallibility of the settle for the finality of the Word of God - 'let God be 1:18). Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new Church, quoted by Bishop W S Kerr, A Handbook on "Style or Substance? - 21st Century creature: old things are passed away; behold, all Holiness" true, but every man a liar' (Romans 3:4). the Papacy). Mostyn Roberts and David Green We have to ask with great kindness, love for all men, £15 including lunch and sensitivity to our many Roman Catholic friends, Please pre-book on 020 8346 7587 to say nothing of concern for our own once- “DRUNKEN WITH THE BLOOD OF THE Protestant and more-enlightened nation, what does it Thursday April 28th 7.30pm say about a Church which claims authority for the 'Ebenezer' Chapel, Chelmsford SAINTS AND WITH THE BLOOD OF position occupied by God the Holy Spirit Himself? TRINITARIAN BIBLE SOCIETY What are we to make of any occupant of the Papal Speaker: D. Allen THE MARTYRS OF JESUS” Throne, known as His Holiness, the Holy Father, the Enquiries: 01245 268815 Vicar of Christ? Perhaps the answer is best given by Revelation 17.6 Church of England Bishop John Hooper, whose mar- tyrdom we recall this year, 'seeing that Christ doth Friday April 29th Sonnet XVIII govern His Church always by His Holy Spirit and EAST CORNWALL CHRISTIAN ‘On the Late Massacre in bindeth all the ministers thereof unto the sole Word RENDEZVOUS of God, what abomination is this that any Bishop of The Power of God Piemont’ Rome, Jerusalem, Antioch, or elsewhere, should claim to be Christ's vicar in the earth, and take upon him to Bruce Jenkins - Berkshire Avenge, O Lord, thy slaughter'd saints, whose Contact: John Hollins 01503 264062 make any laws in the Church of God to bind the con- bones science of man, beside the Word of God' (Hooper: A John Hooper 01752 843300 Lie scatter'd on the Alpine mountains cold, Peter Isaac 01503 272586 Declaration of Christ and His office, 1547, in works, Ev'n them who kept thy truth so pure of old, Vol.1, p22 cf Theology of the English Reformers When all our fathers worshipp'd stocks and Philip E Hughes 1980 Baker House Books). Saturday April 30th stones; From 10.00am - 4.45pm by John Milton (1608-1674) Forget not: in thy book record their groans We should heed the words of Jesus' favoured disciple, CREATION. Who were thy sheep and in their ancient fold the loving Apostle John, 'we know that the Son of Professor Andrew C. McIntosh he following poem was written by Slain by the bloody Piemontese that roll'd God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know Him that is true, and we are in (University of ) Milton about the massacre of Mother with infant down the rocks. Their (Bring own lunch, drinks provided) Him that is true, even in His Son Jesus Christ. This is TProtestants by Roman Catholics in moans the true God, and eternal life. Little children, keep St John's Congregational Church Italy in the 17th Century. It alludes to The vales redoubl'd to the hills, and they yourselves from idols. Amen. (1 John 5:20-21). Bensham Manor Rd Tertullian's famous phrase, "The blood of the To Heav'n. Their martyr'd blood and ashes sow Thornton Heath martyrs is the seed of the Church" and the O'er all th' Italian fields where still doth sway Rt Rev Dr J Barry Shucksmith Details: Rev Peter Taylor on parable of the sower (Matthew 13:3-9) where The triple tyrant; that from these may grow is a bishop of the Free Church of England 020 8683 0682 the seed that fell on good ground brought A hundred-fold, who having learnt thy way (Evangelical Connexion) forth as much as a hundredfold. Early may fly the Babylonian woe.

5 English Churchman Fridays, 15th & 22nd April 2005

& St. James’s Chronicle NOTES ENGLISH CHURCHMAN 1843 ST. JAMES’S CHRONICLE 1761 & Issue No. 7660 Fridays, 15th & 22nd April 2005 Editorial: 60 Dinton Road, London SW19 2AP COMMENT Telephone: 0208 417 0875 e-mail: [email protected] The Papacy's Failure is en people away, we say this, it will not frighten Administration (Subscriptions and advertisements only): the elect sheep of God, only the wolves in still the Devil's Success sheep's clothing.The sheep will realise they are 64 Ripley Road, Worthing, West Sussex, BN11 5NH lost and come to the Good Shepherd's voice Tel: 01903 505555 Fax: 01903 600019 While is appears that the Roman Catholic and the wolves will be scattered. e-mail:[email protected] Church has struggled to maintain its position under Pope John Paul II the overall result is not Annual Subscription: UK £16 including postage quite as disastrous for them as it might at first Europe £30, Overseas: £28 including postage by surface mail seem.With an ever falling number of men entering the priesthood and attendance at General Election Hopes Mass diminishing it might be thought that the We are not in the business of helping our read- papist religion was in its death throes. Countries ers to decide how to vote in the general elec- such as Ireland are now almost in complete tion.We do of course believe that you should rebellion against the Man of Sin and his pae- vote for the best people you can who you dophilic priests. It is said that popery is widely believe will be the best representative or ruler despised, not secretly as by a previous genera- under God.Yet the heart of the king and the tion of submissive people, but now openly by politician too is in the hand of God who can an assertive youth culture. turn these leaders which ever way he will.

However the picture for the papacy is not as However our hopes are not ultimately depen- grim as might be imagined. It must be remem- dant on politicians but on the life of faith which Think Again, Mr Howard bered that behind the grandeur of the Vatican gets us through all circumstances and political lies the deceit of the devil who leads this coun- regimes and brings us to our eternal haven of terfeit Christian church that swallows up ichael Howard's election cam- to be perfectly free to do this, while any public heavenly mansions prepared for us by our Lord around a billion souls.The aim of the devil is not and Saviour Jesus Christ. paign has run into trouble on figure who defends the constitutional position so much to triumph with the Pope on his shoul- two fronts. First, there is the case is immediately branded by them a bigot and ders but to destroy the true church. Here is There is now a terribly serious problem with our of Howard Flight, the inspired by religious hatred. If the term conser- where the papacy has aided him as the Roman ConservativeM candidate for Arundel and South vatism means anything at all in politics it must democracy. It is seen in the rejection by the Catholic religion has encouraged her disciples Downs, and a former party vice-chairman, surely stand for the defence and maintenance Conservative Party of Dr Hilton who stood for to flirt with Protestants not as with apostates Christian truth and against Rome.The reason is whom Mr Howard has dismissed for remarks of the constitutional position which has served but as separated brethren.The majority of about spending cuts. What Mr Flight had to this country so well. that the nation has altogether rebelled against Protestants have taken up a watered down reli- and rejected her maker and turned instead to say at a private meeting was perfectly legiti- gion with a large measure of worldliness and That the EU is a project that was inspired from idols of self and wealth.The problem is that the mate and a matter for debate. Britain is head- lack of discernment that has embraced democracy’s voters want to vote for its inception by Roman Catholics is again ing back in the direction of being a high-tax Romanism.They no longer see popery as being unashamed sinfulness and so the parties must country. Politicians will have to face these something that nobody can deny. The found- the religion of Antichrist, but as just another appeal to the sinful base nature of fallen man if issues, for they will have adverse effects upon ing fathers of the EU are at this time being denomination of the 'true' church. they are to win an election. the economy. However, we can appreciate Mr considered for beatification by the Roman Howard's point that the position stated in the Catholic Church for their contribution to the The result is that many who carry the name While some of us have been battling against Conservative Party Manifesto must be adhered EU. The late pope has frequently spoken of the Protestant or Christian are now without true the scourge of so-called political correctness we to. Secondly, there is the case of Adrian Hilton, EU and its development as infused with the saving faith and are on the road to hell.This is a have failed to grapple with the cause which is which is altogether different. Mr Hilton had spirit of Roman Catholicism. Last year the great success for the devil through his Roman the growing dominance of non-Christian ways been selected as the Conservative candidate for Times reported that the Roman Catholic Catholic slaves. Consequently the sheep of of thinking in society.While some have been Slough. He has the full backing of the Church had come out in support of the EU Christ are scattered running from one church to tricked into thinking that the residual decency Constituency Association. However, he has Constitution and that the Roman Catholic another to escape the apostasy of ecumenism in the UK was sufficient to keep us afloat and yet desperate to hear the voice of the Good been removed from that position as a conse- Bishops of England and Wales give their bless- that it did not matter on which religion or guru ing for a 'yes' vote. The Catholic Herald itself Shepherd. Here and there some have remained it was based, others have said 'live and let live' quence of two articles which he had written firm and yet the distrust of the church has got wrote in an editorial in November 2004 on the and the devil has been having a field day. for the Spectator in 2003. In those articles he so great that many have nowhere they feel at made two points: one was that the Act of EU opposing the admission of Turkey and any home. Settlement must be maintained in the face of further dilution of the spirit of Roman Now the voters will vote for anything but godli- Roman Catholic attempts to undermine it; and Catholic social teaching which informed the ness and anything but Christianity and the tac- The death of John Paul II is quite insignificant in tical voting of a few Christians, whether in coali- the second was that the EU was a Roman central structures of the EU, and itself uses the this whole process which seems quite out of Catholic inspired project which threatened the phrase "the Catholic roots of the European tion with other religions or not, will make no control in human terms as sympathies and difference.There is only one Great Commission constitutional position of this country. Union". speculation and publicity for the papacy fill the and like its Great Commissioner, the Lord Jesus However, party officials were aware of those news media. Christ, it is the same yesterday, today and forev- articles when Mr Hilton was selected for the Why, then, is it all right for the Church of Rome to make its interest in the progress and er. Christians should continue to lobby MPs and seat, and the shadow attorney general has said Thank God that the Lord Jesus reigns until He stand for office that evil may be restrained but success of the EU known, yet it is anathema for that there is nothing in either article that is makes His enemies His footstool and that all His our hope is in the Lord who fights for us and contrary to Conservative philosophy or pres- anybody else to point this out and warn of the people will be saved from their enemies and our warfare is spiritual to the bringing down of ent party policy. consequences to our nation of its involvement that the gates of hell shall not prevail as He con- strongholds.While there are particular times for in a Union which is dominated by the RC tinues to build His church in each of our towns different things, our Lord is truly a man for all It seems that John Gummer, formerly an Church? This is suppression of free speech and throughout the whole world. seasons and His Gospel is to be preached to Anglican, who became an RC at the time of with a vengeance. every creature in and out of season. the Women's Ordination Measure, and is on Meanwhile the death of the Pope presents a the board of the Catholic Herald, informed the Both the case of Mr Flight and Mr Hilton send time for true Christians to stand up and be board of that paper of these articles, which led warning signals to the nation. Liberal values counted.Who will say the Pope is a man of God to it making representations to the and the climate of open debate seem to be and of heaven and who will say he is a man of Conservative Party to have Mr Hilton removed threatened. Perhaps this is not surprising. They the devil and of hell? Christian Mosques and as the candidate for Slough, which was what were bequeathed to this nation by its Protestant constitution and history. They were There may be some surprises in heaven but Muslim the Party then proceeded to do. there will be plenty in the days ahead as the won for us by the martyrs of the Reformation; In what must be either total confusion or utter the struggle of the Puritans under Oliver Pope is spoken about by religious leaders. He In both these cases the judgment of the Party will no doubt be praised by deluded fools who deceit the ecumenical and interfaith move- Cromwell; the stand of the Bishops in the seems to have been harsh and hasty. This is do not know the difference between true ments are continuing to swallow up gullible particularly true in the case of Mr Hilton. This Glorious Revolution; and the continuing influ- Christianity and ecumenical lies.This blasphe- folk. On the one hand a new Dudley Mosque is is a free country and it ought to be possible to ence of the Protestant Reformed religion upon mous and false 'Holy Father' will be declared by due to be a place of worship for people of all express an opinion both about the Roman our nation down the centuries. But these influ- a few brave souls, who cannot deny their One religions! On the other hand Roman Catholic Catholic Church and the British Constitution. ences are now fading. The spirit of intolerance and Only 'Holy Father', to be a son of hell and Methodist Ecumenical Canons are being It is a matter of common knowledge that the is taking over. We are entering a phase of because they know that the leader of the fallen appointed to Bath and . It must Roman Catholic Church has worked ceaseless- repression of free speech. The Conservative and apostate anti-Christ Church of Rome must only be a question of time until the Cathedrals ly to repeal the Act of Settlement. Roman leaders may not be aware of what is happen- be a false teacher under the devil. go further down the road of apostasy and, as Catholic MPs like Kevin McNamara never ing, but by their actions they are contributing fully blown synagogues of Satan, appoint inter- miss an opportunity to attack it, and to call for to the growing ascendancy of intolerance. Finally in response to cosy evangelicals who faith Canons from the so called world religions its removal from the statute book. They seem claim our writing so much on all this will fright- that they hold in such high esteem.

6 English Churchman Fridays, 15th & 22nd April 2005

e are told that we cannot say that denies the absolute authority of the Bible and anything is wicked. It is very replaces it with human ideas and thoughts. We unkind to say that anyone or any- can talk about all these different ideas and reli- thing is wicked because to do so gions and the people who follow them as being isW unkind and wicked itself. Even true Christians wicked and evil. The Calendar seem to say that we must not say such things. Of course as Christians we would accept our- But "What saith the Lord" should be our posi- selves as wicked. I have no righteousness of my April 24th to May 7th 2005 tion, not as dictators but as fallible men in the own and no good thing dwelleth in me. light of God's truth. The position that anyone (Romans 7) We may from time to time look at PRAYER BOOK WORSHIP must arrive at to become a Christian is to agree ourselves and consider ourselves and be horri- PRIL TH AY ST that they are themselves wicked. To deny the fied how wicked and sinful we are, how deceit- A 24 M 1 absolute universal wickedness of mankind is to ful our hearts have been for example when we The Fourth Sunday after Easter The Fifth Sunday after Easter and deny the Bible, to deny the truth. It is to deny have been carried away to think better of our- M. Deuteronomy 4:1-22; St. Luke 18:1-30 St. Philip and St. James the Righteousness, Holiness and Glory of selves than we have done of others. We must be E. Deuteronomy 4:23-40 or Deuteronomy 5; M. Deuteronomy 6; James 1:1-12; Almighty God. It brings man up and puts God firm on this teaching. We Philippians 1 St. John.14:1-14 E. Deuteronomy 9 or down. It makes man must be clear that we Deuteronomy 10; Colossians 3:1-17 greater and are not looking down THE COLLECT. God lesser. on people. We O ALMIGHTY God, who alone canst THE COLLECT order the unruly wills and affections of Such liberal are speaking O LORD, from whom all good things do sinful men; Grant unto thy people, that come; Grant to us thy humble servants, doctrine is from the per- they may love the thing which thou com- not a spective of that by thy holy inspiration we may think mandest, and desire that which thou dost those things that be good, and by thy mer- Christian those promise; that so, among the sundry and ciful guiding may perform the same; doctrine. redeemed manifold changes of the world, our hearts through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. by the may surely there be fixed, where true joys On the blood of are to be found; through Jesus Christ our The Epistle. St. James 1. 22-27 contrary the Lamb Lord. Amen. The Gospel. St. John 16. 23-33 the bib- of God, the lical Lord Jesus The Epistle. St. James 1:17-21 view Christ. The Gospel. St. John 16:5-14 shows the per- There is none fect glorious good but God. nature of And so Jesus is not Almighty God, Jeremiah 17:9 just a good man but is His holiness, His God Himself. He is per- righteousness, and yes fect as we should be but “Buy the Truth and Sell it Not” we will come to His love, we fall short of this per- but first His wrath, the fection so we are in need of Proverbs 23:23 anger of God. God is a saviour. So we would rather he Pope's death and stage-managed countering the errors of the papacy and angry with the wicked every day with the Apostle Paul glory in our funeral have raised a wave of popular departing from them. (Psalm 7:11). He is furious with sin- infirmities (2 Corinthians 12) and glory in emotion. The general chorus of praise ners and all have sinned and come short of nothing except the Cross of Christ. What a T poses a problem for Bible-believing The surprise is that men with a sounder view the glory of God. All are sinners. None is right- wonderful thing it is that wicked people can go Christians. One does not wish to give the of the Gospel can speak with fawning respect eous, no not one. There is not one that seeketh to heaven! That is the love of God that while we impression of hardheartedness, for we can all for an institution with such false credentials. after God. See the Epistle of the Apostle Paul to were yet sinners Christ died for us! (Romans 5) be touched by the sight of a pitiable, broken- the Romans and chapters one, two and three. If Praise His glorious name! Hallelujah! The theatrical gush of the Vatican publicity- down old man's struggle to carry on until those chapters are not clear on the matter how machine, followed by the blind praise of an death. But our duty is to denounce the are we to say that we understand the Scripture Jeremiah was a no-nonsense preacher and was 'establishment' adulating a man who champi- at all! These words are very very clearly saying prepared to suffer for it but he did not want system that keeps many in spiritual darkness. oned a welter of corrupt doctrine and dubi- that man is a sinner, he is fallen, he is under the people to remain in their sin and wickedness ous dealings, was to be expected. wrath of God because of his sin and it is univer- but rather that they would turn to God and so Despite the repackaging of Rome, papal sal. he commanded them to repent. He asked methods of deception have not basically But it is a distortion for 'Evangelicals' to rhetorically who can know the heart. He wanted changed. The same boastful self-display praise the late Pope as a great Christian So when we say that someone is wicked we people to face the truth rather going around (boosted by modern communications) dis- leader, and to pray for the choice of a succes- mean that they are not a believer, they are not a saying "peace, peace" when there was no peace tracts multitudes from Christ's Gospel. sor to lead their 'Catholic' brethren! They Christian. We can say it of many things, we are but a false peace. The answer is that because the Unctuous reference to Scripture and biblical unwittingly slight their forefathers whom not just picking on one thing or one sin. We heart is deceitful and wicked it cannot know piety screens corrupt practice and popes loved to send to the stake. Why are could talk about Islam or we could talk about itself except by the sovereign grace of the living doctrine. The shocking misuse of divine titles 'Evangelical' leaders so willing to persuade homosexuality or people who are living togeth- God who is the only one who knows us so we such as 'Holy Father', and the wilful ignoring their people that this last Pope was less anti- er intimately but not married. We can talk must humbly go to Him as He is revealed to us of harassment of Evangelicals by Romanists Christian than his predecessors, less autocrat- about other religions, we can talk about Roman in Jesus Christ. in the third world give evidence of the same ic, less wedded to manipulative clerical power, Catholicism, we can talk about Atheism, we can malign spiritual power. less hostile to Evangelical churches in South talk about liberal so-called Christianity which America etc., or less devoted to the dark cult There has been no change of heart in Rome; of a mother-figure under the name of Mary? but some 'Evangelicals', duped by an illusion of reform, seem convinced that Rome has With the Vatican reeling from the exposure of changed, and so past abuses ought to be for- papal involvement in numerous scandals, the "And in hell he lift up his gotten. The wish to think well of opponents is gewgaw ceremonies are a useful distraction. laudable, but is no reason for endorsing a But 'Evangelical' leaders are helping to bury Christian veneer which disguises dark-age the grim facts, instead of exposing them. eyes,being in torments ..." superstition. Our unfashionable duty is to hold fast to the Faith once delivered to the Rev John Harding Luke 16:23 saints: that followed by our forefathers in Free Church of Scotland (Continuing) ot even John Paul II himself, during be accursed" (1:8). Then the apostle repeats the his time on earth, would claim that at solemn word: "As we said before, so say I now motto is totus tuus sum Maria (Mary, I'm all Ndeath he would be with Christ in para- again, If any man preach any other gospel unto yours). Then there are his blasphemous claims “Reserved in dise. For according to official Roman Catholic you than that ye have received, let him be to be the head of the church and the vicar of teaching, no one can know that they will go to accursed" (1:9). Christ on earth. God's Word, the standard of Heaven for You” heaven when they die, except by special direct His judgment (John 12:48), is very clear. 1 Peter 1:4 revelation. The supposed merit of masses, If apostles or angels are accursed if they preach "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not penance, prayers to the saints, fastings, pil- another gospel, how will the pope escape? As inherit the kingdom of God? Neither fornica- s many of our Roman Catholic friends grimages, indulgences and all the rest cannot the leader of over 1 billion Roman Catholics, tors, nor idolaters ... shall inherit the kingdom suffer a sense of loss because of the death bring the comfort and assurance of everlasting John Paul II preached the false gospel of salva- of God" (I Cor. 6:9-10). Outside the heavenly Aof Pope John Paul 2, it provides evangelical salvation. For who can say that their works are tion by faith and works on all continents lead- city are "idolaters, and whosoever loveth and Christians an opportunity to do at least two pure? And when have they done enough? ing millions upon millions of people to Hell. things: to show love and sympathy in the name of maketh a lie," for "idolaters, and all liars, shall Jesus Christ, and to raise the question of how we He even presided as the head of a church have their part in the lake which burneth with can be certain of going to heaven. Peter the apos- The deceased pope denied justification by faith which officially damned the gospel of Christ fire and brimstone: which is the second death" tle spoke of the certainty of an inheritance in alone in Christ alone, which is called by God and all who believe that gospel, for the Council (Rev. 22:15; 21:8). heaven (1 Peter 1:4). "the truth of the gospel" (Gal. 2:5, 14). John of Trent with all its anathemas (1545-1563) This certainty of heaven does not arise from a life Paul II lived "in bondage" (4:9; 5:1) and under was affirmed at Vatican II (1962-1965). But there is mercy with God for all Hell- lived under oppression, from living a life that has God's "curse" (3:10), for he did not obey "the deserving sinners like us who turn from the influenced others, from personal suffering or truth" (3:1; 4:16; 5:7) being "bewitched" by Think too of all his idolatries as the pontiff of "dung" of their own self-righteousnesses (Phil. indeed from serving in high office in a religious Satan and sin (3:1). God is not mocked: every the false church of Rome. John Paul II is a life- 3:8; Isa. 64:6) to God's perfect righteousness in order, but simply from faith alone in Christ alone. one who "perverts the gospel of Christ" (1:7) long worshipper of the wafer in the mass, and Christ alone! Let us at this time of the sorrow of our friends "shall bear his punishment, whosoever he be," he adores and kisses religious pictures, idols, direct them to Christ alone for the peace and including the pope (5:10). The apostle Paul crucifixes etc. He dedicated himself and his Rev. Angus Stewart comfort that they seek. proclaims, "But though we, or an angel from whole pontificate to the Virgin Mary and has Covenant Protestant Reformed Fellowship, Rev Dr heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than sought to promote Mariolatry all around the Ballymena, N. Ireland Minister of Chelmsford Presbyterian Church that which we have preached unto you, let him world. He made no secret that his personal

7 English Churchman Fridays, 15th & 22nd April 2005

every pot in Jerusalem and in Judah shall be holiness read not (in Scripture).This power they were forbidden to attempt unto the LORD of hosts: and all they that sacrifice shall or desire (Matt.10:26),and St.Paul was so far from acknowledging come and take of them, and seethe therein: and in that it,that he challenged (claimed) an equality with the rest of the day there shall be no more the Canaanite in the house of Apostles (Gal.1:15,17,) and,upon occasion,withstood St.Peter English Churchman the LORD of hosts" (ch.14:20-21). (Gal.2:11)" (A Roman Catechism with a Reply). It appears, then, that despite meeting its own objectives, Thomas Walsh,one of the early Methodist preachers,was himself the new edition of Christian Hymns has fallen short of a convert from Roman Catholicism.He wrote concerning his the Reformed understanding of worship. This has former allegiance to Rome,"I freely profess that now,since God occurred because the Editorial Committee have included hath enlightened my mind,and given me to see the truth as it is much material by writers whose view of worship is com- in Jesus,if I had still continued a member of that church,I could promised, particularly by Charismatic thinking. The argu- not have been saved".Now it was out of love that Walsh made ment is raised (as it was in the preface to the original edi- that statement,for he immediately went on to pray for his tion) that the theological background of a hymn-writer is Catholic friends,"Jesus,thou lover of souls,and friend of sinners, not important, only the words themselves. However, more send to them thy light and thy truth,that they may lead them.O, discernment is needed where an author's background can let thy bowels yearn over them,and call those straying sheep,now have such a profound effect on a hymn's underlying the- perishing for lack of knowledge,to the light of thy word,which is ology, psychology and ethos, especially with regard to its able to make them wise unto salvation" (Lives of the Early accompanying music. Methodist Preachers,ed.T.Jackson). This criticism could equally be applied to many other hymn-books published during the past few decades. preface: Although some do still exist that cater for those of Christian Hymns "The last quarter of a century has seen many changes in Reformed thinking, it seems that in the future such con- “Woe unto you when worship style and practices, not least gregations will either have to make their own compila- the world speaks well Evangelical Movement of in the sung praise of God. Consequently we have included tions, or rely on those who are willing to publish to serve Wales and Christian quite a number of more modern compositions, as well as a minority, guided by conviction rather than by consen- of you”Luke 6:26 rediscovering a few hymns from former generations... "It sus. Hymns Committee, 2004 has not been an easy task, not least because historically Paul Austen Pastor David Carson Chairman United Protestant music has been such a powerful medium amongst the Council Words edition £7.95, people of God. The hymns that poured forth from the pen of Charles Wesley had a powerful effect upon the The last days and death of Pope John Paul II has received unprece- Methodists. They learned their theology and had it con- ISBN 1 85049 207 7 dented coverage in the media. Every breath that he took and firmed to them very largely through the biblical truth New Hymn Book Set every word he supposedly uttered was recorded in minute detail. often expressed in memorable poetic forms in their I cannot recall any other person receiving such publicity. It goes to he Evangelical Movement of Wales has now pub- hymns. to Turn the Tide of lished its new edition of Christian Hymns, one of demonstrate what influence the Vatican has over the media "A veritable torrent of material continues to pour forth, the most widely-used hymn-books among worldwide. T both from pens and keyboards, no doubt assisted, it not Modernising Reformed Evangelical churches. This project involved occasioned, by the technological revolution that has consultation over a period of several years, and the Predictably the ecumaniacs have been falling over themselves to transformed the contemporary musical scene. Inevitably, Editorial Committee, wishing to produce a work of gen- Downgrade do him homage. Sadly,several leading evangelicals have being a substantial amount that has come has already gone; of uine usefulness, sought the opinions of both churches and doing likewise. Billy Graham,Pat Robertson,Gerry Fallwell,James the rest, time will tell how much is ephemeral and what is individuals. The resulting book is modern in appearance Christian Worship is the name of a new hymnbook planned Dobson and Charles Coulson were among those who were ful- of lasting value. It is the lot of editors to attempt some and presentation, comfortable to for publication in 2010.The result of a meeting of some some in their praise. Billy Graham said he was sure he was in assessment of available material, and this we have tried to handle, and of improved two-dozen ministers in Dudley on Thursday 3rd March, Heaven. Evidently he was more sure than the Romanists since do - with how much success others must judge." typeface com- Christian Worship intends to offer a traditional alternative they buried the "Holy Father" with a Requiem Mass. It should be pared to the first One of the striking contrasts between this statement and to contemporary books such as Praise! and the new edition remembered that,according to RC teaching,the mass is a sacrifice edition. However, the original 1977 preface is the increased prominence of Christian Hymns. for the living and the dead. much is retained, given to the musical aspect of the hymn-book.Whereas Christian Worship is seeking to take traditional evangelical including the origi- the former edition spoke mainly of "tunes", we now hear The late Pope,like all his predecessors,was a blasphemer,partici- worship,as represented by twentieth century hymnbooks pating in blasphemous rituals and believing in salvation by works nal order of of music as having been "such a powerful medium such as Christian Hymns,Gospel Hymns and Grace Hymns, hymns, and this amongst the people of God", of a "veritable torrent of and ritual. He incurred the apostolic malediction of Galatians forward into the twenty-first century.The book will be con- Chapter 1. feature in partic- material ... both from pens [literary or musical?] and key- temporary in its production but traditional in its contents. ular will help exist- boards", and of a "technological revolution that has trans- ing users "find their bearings". It formed the contemporary musical scene". In making Christian Worship intends to include a complete metrical There is one very simple way of telling whether a person is a gen- should be stated from the outset that this review is of these statements, the editors appear to be accepting the Psalter,and approximately 1,000 traditional hymns includ- uine Christian or not and that is how the world views them. Christ the words edition; comments about the musical aspects of modern Charismatic-led style of sung praise, in which the ing numerous paraphrases.Also,the personal pronouns said "Woe unto you when the world speaks well of you". A true the publication will therefore be of a general nature. experience of "worship" is largely dependent upon the "Thee","Thou" and "Thine" will be retained and not edited man of God,like Dr Paisley,would barely get a mention. potency of the music - the words of a song standing in away as in other modern books. The publishers state that they have added over two hun- mere partnership to its harmonies, rhythms and melodic It is very alarming,though,to see the way the whole event has dred items to the book, and that around one hundred and Christian Worship is being produced by a small committee shapes.Whereas in established hymnody, emotional been manipulated. It should serve as a warning to all true ninety "little-used" hymns from the first edition have chaired by Neil Pfeiffer and including Vernon Higham, response was to the theological truths contained in the Protestants. been omitted. Concerning the latter, one must. assume author of contemporary classics such as 'Great is the gospel words (albeit coloured and heightened by the tune), it is that wide-ranging research has been done to establish of our glorious God' and 'I saw a new vision of Jesus'.The now the case that the music itself is the provider of mood which hymns could be reasonably left out. However, some editors believe that Christian Worship will make a unique and feeling, especially when performed by a band of pieces of relatively high value are missing: examples contribution to traditional evangelical worship in the musicians (as the authors originally intend), and not Zimbabwe include Isaac Watts' "Are we the soldiers of the cross", coming years. merely by a pianist or organist.A prime example from the Charles Wesley's "Inspirer of the ancient seers", "'Tis to new edition of Christian Hymns is "Led like a lamb to the elections rigged Thee we owe allegiance" by Thomas Kelly and "For a slaughter" by Graham Kendrick, in which the musical set- season called to part" by John Newton. One might per- ting of the words is overtly dramatic.At one point, men's again haps ask: does a hymn have to be in current usage to and women's voices are used separately to portray the merit its place in a compilation such as this? “Thou Shalt Love Thy meeting of the risen Lord Jesus with Mary Magdalene The Zimbabwe election was, sadly, a foregone Many of the omissions are of hymns employing a height- (John 20:16). The seeming endorsement of this contem- Neighbour”Matthew 5:43 conclusion. Polling stations run by ZDF ened poetic language, such as "Extended on a cursed porary style of "Christian" music -- and the inclusion of a troops, CIO operatives and Zanu PF Election tree/Besmeared with dust, and sweat, and blood" and number of songs of this type in the book itself - will Rev.Peter Simpson, Minister of Penn Free officials along with some 500,000 "ghost" "From Greenland's icy mountains/From India's coral surely not be helpful in encouraging a deeper under- Methodist Church voters on the electoral register. Opposition strand" (nos. 202 and 441 in the original edition). The standing of the words being sung in worship - something MDC electoral agents at many stations were sections "Marriage, Home and Family" and "Hymns for that is much needed in our day.Neither, more important- in fact locked in while results were sent off - Children" are much slimmer in the new edition, although John Wesley wrote,"I can by no means approve the scurrility and ly,will it help to promote the true,spiritual worship of and changed. Research by NGOs (Sokwanele this aspect of the revision has been handled with sensitiv- God. contempt with which the Romanists have often been treated.I ity.One welcome deletion is John Henry Newman's "Lead, dare not rail at,or despise,any man ...But I pity them much ... and others) and MDC polling agents, the A further practical result of the Editorial Committee's kindly Light, amid the encircling gloom", which speaks so (for) no Romanist can expect to be saved according to the terms of results were almost certainly to have been 94 approach is that contemporary items are found alongside tellingly of that writer's journey into apostasy. his covenant" (Journal 27 August 1738).Here surely is the right seats to MDC, 25 to Zanu (P) and one established hymns. In fairness, it must be pointed out that balance: to point out the grave dangers of Roman Catholic teach- Independent. The inclusion of just under twenty metrical Psalms was a this has not come as a surprise; the Committee outlined ing,but to do so in a manner which is gracious towards people's There will be no "Orange" revolution because commendable and helpful feature of the original their policy as early as April 2003, when an article in an persons. Christian Hymns. The 'List of Metrical Psalms and Evangelical newspaper set out their intentions for the Zimbabwe is isolated. Mugabe is a dictator Hymns based on Psalms" now appears at the front of the revision. It has since been suggested that such inclusivity Historically speaking,Methodism has always been unashamedly who has had 40,000 murdered in 25 years of words edition, and contains around thirty more titles should not be seen as a barrier, as congregations may Protestant.Wesley listed ten doctrinal areas in which Catholicism misrule. This is no Ukraine. The withholding than its predecessor.However, some of the older Psalms, simply ignore the material they do not wish to use. has added to Scripture :"1.Seven sacraments;2. of food bears out Mugabe's own words that particularly those from the 1650 Scottish Psalter, have However, on sight of the finished product, the effects of Transubstantiation;3.Communion in one kind only;4.Purgatory, power lies in the hands of the man who can been omitted: the losses of "Give praise and thanks unto this policy become striking, as different types of composi- and praying for the dead therein;5.Praying to saints;6.Veneration feed the hungry. the Lord (Ps.106; CH 14), "Pray that Jerusalem may have tion appear side by side - even allowing for a separate sec- of relics;7.Worship of images;8.Indulgences;9.The priority and universality of the Roman Church;10.The supremacy of the South Africa's President Thabo Mbeki's peace and felicity" (Pss.122, 133 and 116; CH 356) and tion containing "Songs and Choruses". For those who dis- policy of "quiet Diplomacy" is a blatant sham. "Teach me, O Lord, the perfect way" (Ps.119:33-37; CH Bishop of Rome.All these things therefore do the Romanists add favour the work of Graham Kendrick due to its He is seen as the key supporter of Mugabe. 786) are regrettable. Conversely, among the new Psalm- Charismatic ethos, it can be somewhat disconcerting to to those which are written in the Book of Life" (Journal 27 August based items are many from the modern Evangelical see his hymns alongside those of Charles Wesley and 1738). Even against the very vocal criticism by the Anglican school, which has been so productive in this Philip Doddridge - an experience that one first remem- A vital point to stress in the ecumenical climate of today is that ANC's key political allies. Archbishop Tutu field. These writers, such as James E Seddon, Michael bers from the time of Mission Praise. there has actually been no fundamental change in Catholic doc- also criticised Mbeki and received a public Baughan and Christopher Idle, have generally sought to trine since the time of the Protestant Reformation.In the interests diatribe in return. The Washington Times, The problem here is that Reformed Churches do not wish adhere to each line of the Psalm itself, even though they of brevity we shall cite a single example :The 1994 Catechism of this week, slammed Thabo Mbeki's stand any distracting thing to be brought into their life of wor- do not aim to produce "strict" metrical versions. The lin- the Catholic Church states,"The Lord made Simon alone,whom he ship - whether it be in their preaching, prayer or praise. (South Africa being the "example" to Africa) guistic style of their hymns may not always rise to the named Peter,the rock of his church ...The Roman Pontiff,by Such a "mixed" hymn-book violates this desire, as it as a very bad sign for responsible government grandeur of authors from earlier times, but it is nonethe- reason of his office as Vicar of Christ,and as pastor of the entire introduces an element of impurity into one of their high- in Africa. less refreshing to be able to follow the Psalm itself whilst church,has full,supreme and universal power over the whole est forms of service.At the conclusion of the book of singing the paraphrase. One ought perhaps to consider church,a power which he can always exercise unhindered" Zechariah, we read of Gospel worship in these words: Andrew Hall. (UK Based human rights that this is a hymn-book, not a Psalter! (Catechism paragraphs 881 & 882). "In that day shall there be upon the bells of the horses, activist for Zimbabwe and member of Turning to the newly-introduced material more generally, Wesley wrote in contrast :"That (Christ) gave one Apostle pre- HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD; and the pots in the Christian Watch). it will be helpful to quote at length from the publisher's eminence above the rest,much less absolute power over them,we LORD's house shall be like the bowls before the altar.Yea,

8 English Churchman Fridays, 15th & 22nd April 2005

ing. Lord's Day 11.00am, 6.30pm. Rev. Peter Simpson Website: www. realchris- CLERGY tianity.org. Telephone: 01494 816202. STROUD. Eastcombe Baptist Church. Reverent worship, AV. Lord's Day: 10.30am APPOINTMENTS - Gospel Service; 6.30pm - Evening Service. Mid-week: 8.00pm, with prayer meeting. CHURCHES Rev R Mortimer: (01452) 770595. E-mail: [email protected] 31 March 2005 (same diocese). Revd Peter Murphy, formerly Vicar, Lyndhurst Revd Des Foote, Honorary Curate NSM, Twyford MINISTRY WEST MIDLANDS. Tipton, St. Paul's, (Winchester) : to be Priest [House-for-Duty], Avon & (Oxford) : to be Priest [House for Duty], Valley Partnership Team Ministry (same diocese). Owen Street. Sundays 10.30am; 6.00pm. Woolhampton w. Midgham and Beenham Valence, ABERDEEN. Free Church of Scotland Revd Christopher Peter, Assistant Curate, Burnley St Prayer Meeting, Bible Study, Wednesday and Aldermaston w. Wasing and Brimpton (same [Continuing]. Pittodrie Community 7.30pm; BCP services. Rev. John Dunn. diocese). Andrew w. St Margaret and Burnley St James (Blackburn) : to be Chaplain, Royal Liverpool NHS Centre, Golf Road. Sabbath 11.00am & 01215571902 Revd Richard Frank, formerly Curate [Senior Trust (Liverpool). Mission Curate], Cranham St Luke (Chelmsford) : 6.30pm. Prayer Meeting Tuesday 7.30pm. to be Priest-in-Charge, St Margaret's on Thames Revd Ben Phillips, Vicar, Bodicote St John the Baptist AV & Metrical Psalms. Rev David Blunt WOLVERHAMPTON. St. Silas. C of E All Souls (London). (Oxford) : to be also Area of Deddington 01224 895979. Dial-a-Message: 01224 [Continuing], St. John's Cloisters, St. (same diocese). Revd Christopher Fuller, Vicar, Stoke Newington St 897372. Website: John's Square. MP 11.00am (1st Sunday, Matthias (London) : to be Vicar, Freezywater St Rt Revd , Bishop of Pontefract www.fccontinuing.org/aberdeen HC); EP 6.00pm (3rd Sunday, HC). AV. George [Enfield St George] (same diocese). () : to be also a Canon Residentiary of 1662 Book of Common Prayer. Wakefield Cathedral (same diocese). Revd Mark Laynesmith, Assistant Curate, Tadcaster BALLYMENA, NI; Covenant Protestant Tel. 01902-656514. w. Newton Kyme (York) : to be Chaplain, Revd Anand Sododasi : to be Curate NSM, Ray Reformed Fellowship, Protestant Hall Valley (Oxford). University of Reading (Oxford). (Opposite Police Station). Sabbath:11am, Revd Lyndon North, Curate, Roxbourne St Revd Richard Steel, Communications Director, Church Mission Society, and Honorary Curate, 6pm. Expository preaching, Metrical Andrew (London) : to be Curate NSM, Sudbury St Psalms, AV. Rev Angus Stewart: (028) Andrew (same diocese). Stoke-next-Guildford St John (Guildford) : to be Rector, Kirkheaton St John the Baptist (Wakefield). 25891851 www.cprf.co.uk Revd Jonathan Still, Vicar, The Bourne and Tilford Other Appointments (Guildford) : to be also Rural Dean of Farnham CHELMSFORD. Presbyterian Church. Amanda Ford, Curate, Leicester Resurrection Team (same diocese). Sunday: 10.30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Worship Ministry (Leicester) : to be Priest-in-Charge, Revd Timothy Tunley, Vicar, Swaledale w. services (Children's instruction during Beaumont Leys Christ the King (same diocese). Arkengarthdale (Ripon and Leeds) : to be Team both services). Location: Springfield COSY GARDEN COTTAGE Virginia Thomas, Associate Vicar, Chelsea St Luke Vicar, Seacroft Ascension [Seacroft Team Ministry] Parish Centre, off New Bowers Way. (same diocese). (converted stable) and Christ Church (London) : to be Priest-in- Minister. Rev. Dr. John Scott. Telephone: Charge, St Mary the Boltons [West Brompton St 01245 399570. One twin bedroom. Gas C/H. Open Mary w. St Peter] (same diocese). Resignations and Retirements views. Ideal South downs. Joanne Thorns, Assistant Curate, Durham North EDINBURGH. Free Church of Scotland Eastbourne 10miles. Team Ministry (Durham) : to be Team Vicar, The Ven. Mark Wilson, of Dorking Durham North [with special responsibility for (Guildford) has resigned with effect from 11 April [Continuing]. 33 Barony Street. 11am Weekly/minibreaks. Reasonable. Newton Hall All Saints and Bearpark St Edmund] 2005. and 6.30pm. Wednesdays 7.30pm. AV Brochure 01323 844541 (same diocese). Revd Malcolm Anker, Vicar, Oatlands (Guildford) is and Metrical Psalms. Minister: Rev James to retire with effect from 30 June 2005. Gracie, Tel: 0131 667 4730. Revd Anthony Betts, Team Rector, Knaresborough Resignations and Retirements (Ripon and Leeds) is to retire with effect from 30 FRINTON & TENDRING DISTRICT. Revd Canon Peter Elvy, Vicar, Chelsea Old Church September 2005. Holy Trinity, C of E (Continuing) Lord's [Chelsea All Saints] (London) is to retire with Revd John Chamberlin, Master, St Mary Magdalene Day Morning Prayer 11am at Frinton EnglishChurchman effect from 31 July 2005. and Holy Jesus Trust, and Honorary Curate, Community Centre. 5pm Evening Prayer. Revd John Hess, Curate-in-Charge, Brents St John Newcastle St John (Newcastle) is to retire with effect the Evangelist and Davington St Mary Magdalene from 31 May 2005. BCP (1662) & AV. Mr Philip Lievesley Advertising Rates and St Lawrence w. Oare St Peter and Luddenham Revd Kevin Chandra, formerly Team Vicar, (01255) 679572. St Mary (Canterbury) is to retire with effect from Erdington St Chad LEP [Local Ecumenical Project] 2005 30 June 2005. (Birmingham) has resigned with effect from 31 GLASGOW. Cumbernauld, Reformed Revd Graham Morris, Rector, Northwood St John March 2005. Evangelical Church. Fleming Rd, Seafar. CLASSIFIED the Baptist, and Vicar, Gurnard All Saints Revd Martin Hughes, Vicar, Shamley Green Services: Sabbath: 11 am and 6.30pm. 12p per word; minimum charge £2.40 (Portsmouth) : to be Priest-in-Charge, Ventnor St (Guildford) is to retire with effect from 30 June 2005. Thursday: 7.30pm. Psalms only. A.V. Box number 50p extra. Catherine w. Holy Trinity and Bonchurch, and Ruth Lichtenberger, formerly Curate NSM, Contact: J. Dowson. Tel 01236 630594 Series discount 5% for six insertions. Rural Dean of East Wight (same diocese). Warrington Holy Trinity (Liverpool) has retired. Classified advertisements must be prepaid. Linda Hunter, Assistant Curate NSM, Chale, Revd Paul Rich, Vicar, Crondall and Ewshot HENLEY-ON-THAMES. Nuffield Gatcombe and Shorwell w. Kingston (Portsmouth) (Guildford) is to retire with effect from 30 September Church. 11 am Morning Prayer. 6.30 pm is to retire with effect from 6 March 2005. 2005. The Lord's Supper (3rd Sunday only). DISPLAYED Revd Ian Shackleton, Vicar, Southport St Luke Authorised Version and Book of Single column centimetre £1.25 (minimum five centimetres or two inches £6.25). Corrections (Liverpool) is to retire with effect from 31 December Common Prayer. Tel: 01491 641305 Revd Martyn Hawkes, Curate, Isle of Dogs Christ 2005. Quarter-page £40. Half-page £80. Full Church w. St John and St Luke (London) : to be Revd Colin Sowter, Assistant Curate NSM, Wonersh LONDON. London, Pilgrim Tabernacle. page £140. Associate Vicar, Brownswood Park St John the w. Blackheath (Guildford) is to retire with effect Reformed Evangelical (1689 confession of Special position 10% extra. Evangelist and Stoke Newington St Mary (same from 23 July 2005. Copy for all advertisements should be diocese). Revd George Townshend, formerly Airport Faith) Stirling Road, Wood Green N22. received two weeks before publication. Chaplain and Co-ordinator [part-time], CIGB, Lords Day 9.30am and 4pm service and 7 April 2005 Birmingham International Airport (Birmingham) is Tuesday 7pm Bible Study. Contact Pastor to retire with effect from 31 March 2005. Revd Robert Bailey, Assistant Curate, Dewsbury John Sherwood 0208 3688080/0781 Team Ministry (Wakefield): to be Associate Priest Jennifer Williamson, Priest-in-Charge, Gilling w. 4507432 NSM, Felkirk [with pastoral responsibility for Kirkby Ravensworth, and Assistant Area Dean of BE A REGULAR Felkirk], and Associate Priest of Kinsley w. Wragby Richmond (Ripon and Leeds) is to retire with effect LONDON. South Wimbledon, St Johns (same diocese). from 31 July 2005. C of E [Continuing]. Sabbath Day READER Revd Dr John Breadon, formerly Assistant Curate, Services 11am, 6.30pm. AV. Prayer Book Please send me the West Bromwich All Saints (Lichfield) : has become Corrections (1662). Phone: Rev. Peter Ratcliff 0208 Chaplain, St George's Post 16 Centre (Birmingham). Joanne Thorns, formerly Assistant Curate, Durham 417 0875. Revd Christopher Butler, Curate, Retford St Saviour North Team Ministry (Durham) : has become Team English Churchman [Retford Team Ministry] (Southwell) : to be Priest- Vicar, Durham North [with special responsibility regularly for the next: MORECAMBE. Lancashire. Emmanuel Twelve months:- I enclose £16.00p inc. postage. in-Charge, Holbeck St Luke (Ripon and Leeds). for Newton Hall All Saints and Bearpark St (Free Church of England). Marine Road Edmund] (same diocese). Six months:- I enclose £8.00p inc. postage. Revd Clive Doran, Assistant Curate, Maghull St East, Prayer Book Service, 10.30 a.m. Rt. Andrew (Liverpool) : to be Vicar, Huyton St George Rev./Mr./Mrs./Miss (BLOCK CAPITALS) (same diocese). Other appointments Rev. J. D. M. McLean 01524 412230. Revd Graham Foulis Brown, Rector, Rotherfield Judith Hampson, Rector, Allendale w. Whitfield and READING. St. Mary's Chapel. Castle Peppard and Kidmore End and Sonning Common Ninebanks (Newcastle) : to be Vicar, Haydon Bridge Street. Sundays: 11 am Morning Prayer (Oxford) : to be also Area Dean [Acting] of Henley and Beltingham w. Henshaw, and Missioner, Address: (same diocese). and to remain Chaplain, Northumberland NFU (1st Sunday, Lord's Supper); 6.30 pm Revd John Hadjioannou, Vicar, Kinsley w.Wragby (same diocese). Evening Prayer (3rd Sunday, Lord's (Wakefield) : to be also Priest-in-Charge, Felkirk Ruth Harris, Assistant Curate, Kinsley w. Wragby Supper). Prayer Book Services, A.V. Bible (same diocese). (Wakefield) : to be also Assistant Curate, Felkirk (same Study and Prayer Meeting Tuesdays 8pm Revd Canon Roger Hindley, Vicar, Hill St James diocese). (2nd Tuesday Missionary Prayer Post Code (Birmingham) : to be Team Rector, Willington Angela Weaver, Vicar, Hamstead St Paul Meeting). Rev. E. J. Malcolm 0118 959 I enclose PO./Cheque for £. Date (Newcastle). (Birmingham) : to be also Area Dean of Handsworth 5131 Revd John Lawson, Priest-in-Charge, Birchencliffe, (same diocese). and Assistant Diocesan Director of Ordinands Sarah Wright, Curate, Leicester The Martyrs SOUTH BUCKS. The Free Methodist English Churchman (Wakefield) : to be Diocesan Director of Training, (Leicester) : to be Curate NSM, Leicester The Martyrs and a Canon Residentiary of Wakefield Cathedral Church, Penn (near High Wycombe). 64 Ripley Road,Worthing,West Sussex,BN11 5NH (same diocese). Traditional worship, expository preach-

9 English Churchman Fridays, 15th & 22nd April 2005

“Thou shalt not make unto thee per, the devotee, into error. A created thing to this decline in purity of worship was the needless to say, has been sadly neglected with any graven image, or any likeness cannot represent the infinite deity. An image is a invasion of the Barbarians. This brought with it the terrible spiritual consequences which have dead, inanimate object. The Psalmist says of a decline into ignorance and illiteracy, which followed in the deterioration of doctrine, of any thing that is in heaven idols, "They have mouths, and speak not; eyes was accompanied by a plea that worshippers morals and worship in the national church. It above, or that is in the earth have they and see not. They have ears, and hear should be given pictures and images, which are was the glory of the Church of England that she beneath, or that is in the water not: noses have they, and smell not. They have "the books of the layman". But once they had laid aside at the Reformation image and idol under the earth: Thou shalt not hands and handle not; feet have they and walk gained a foothold they gradually became objects worship, as is plainly stated in the words of not: neither speak they through their throat" of worship and devotion. Article 22, which declares that such practices bow down thyself to them, nor (Psalm 115:5-7). Images cannot be similitudes are, indeed, "a fond thing vainly invented, and serve them: for I the LORD thy of the living God. To accommodate this, the Word of God was grounded upon no warranty of Scripture, but God am a jealous God, visiting the altered and adjusted. The Roman Church, in all rather repugnant to the Word of God." It is her Nor have they power to do either good or harm. its catechisms and books of devotion, elides the shame that today such practices have been rein- iniquity of the fathers upon the Elijah mocked the priests of Baal on Mount second commandment, merging it to the first; troduced. In recent years the ritual of kissing an children unto the third and fourth Carmel, for however loudly they called, Baal did and so the third commandment they call the image of the cross has been revived at Salisbury generation of them that hate me; not hear, nor respond to their prayers. How second, and so forth. Then, to make up the Cathedral on Good Friday. What is needed and shewing mercy unto then can an image represent the Lord, the number to ten they divide the tenth into two, in today is not kissing the cross, but preaching the Creator of heaven and earth? But it may be said an artificial way. And so they have committed message of the cross. But that is rarely heard in thousands of them that love me, Jesus was a man: the Son of God became incar- two great evils, in which they still persist, and such places. and keep my commandments.” nate. May we not make an image of him? But it from which they refuse to be reformed; they Exodus 20:4-6 would not, in fact, be a true representation. It is take away from the Word of God and they add II. The commandment forbids the making of Christ's Godhead united to his manhood which to his worship. any image of anything in the heaven above, or he second commandment forbids the earth beneath, or in the water under the the worshipping of false gods, and earth. The heathen nations made images of the of the true God in a false manner. sun and the moon, of animals, birds, fish, and God knows best how he should be so forth, for the purpose of worship. They wor- worshipped.T He prescribes the way in which shipped the lights of heaven but not "the Father it should be done, and we must obey him. of lights, in whom is no variableness, neither We must not presume that we know better, shadow of turning" (James 1:17). They wor- or seek to devise some other way of our own shipped the living creatures, the ox, the ele- invention. That was the sin that Saul com- phant, the snake; but not the living God who mitted. When he was commanded to go gives life and breath to all. They stopped at the against the Amalekites and destroy them, he creatures, and "worshipped and served the crea- decided to spare the best of the sheep and ture more than the Creator, who is blessed for oxen. When Samuel came down to the ever. Amen." camp, he heard the bleating of the sheep and the lowing of the oxen, and asked what it This is both a very old and yet very modern meant. Saul answered that he had spared form of idolatry. Modern man also stops at sec- them in order that they might be offered as a ondary causes and does not trace things up to sacrifice to God. But Samuel replied, "Hath the primary cause, which is God himself. He the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings speaks about the 'wonders of nature', and the and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the 'wisdom of nature', but he will not acknowledge Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, a personal God who is all-wise and all-powerful. and to hearken than the fact of rams." Natural history programmes on television are extremely popular, but they persist in stopping Clearly, to obey God's Word and to worship short of acknowledging the existence of the him in the way he has commanded is the Creator of the natural world. This is modern most fitting way to serve and honour him. idolatry making a god of the natural world, and Yet people are so often led astray in this worshipping nature. These be thy gods, O matter by what they consider appropriate. modern man! They think that by so doing they can make worship more honouring to God, and more III. Finally, what is the positive implication of attractive to those who participate in it. In THE this commandment? First, it is a mark of true fact, they dishonour God. It has been said in spiritual life to turn from idols. Paul, writing to connexion with this second commandment, TEN the Christians at Thessalonica about their con- It is not merely the image, not just the like- version reminded them of how they had ness that is prohibited, but the "making unto COMMANDMENTS "turned to God from idols to serve the living ourselves". What God so severely forbids is and true God; and to wait for his Son from the inventing or fashioning of his worship heaven" (1 Thessalonians 1:9). It is the mark of after our understanding of what is appropri- II true spiritual conversion to experience an ate or fitting. This is not the principle that abhorrence of idolatry and a cleaving to spiritu- should guide us in this matter, but what the al religion. Lord himself has commanded and required THOU SHALT NOT MAKE UNTO of us. If we seek to worship God in any other Secondly, we truly worship God not by bowing way we may know what response it will meet before images, but by hearing the Word of God with from him: "Who hath required these THEE ANY GRAVEN IMAGE and doing God's will. "God is a spirit: and they things at your hands?" And, "In vain do you that worship him must worship him in spirit worship me, teaching for doctrines the com- and in truth." (John 4:24). mandments of men." Exodus 20:3 And lastly, we beautify God's house not by I. In this commandment God strictly forbids decking it with images or by using costly vest- the making of any representation or image makes him Christ. An image cannot represent ments and elaborate ritual, but by worshipping for the purpose of his holy worship. A graven the Godhead, therefore it is only half a Christ. The second commandment is of permanent him "in the beauty of holiness"; when we image is something sculpted or carved in The chief part is left out which proves the point, obligation. Paul is quite clear as to the wrong- "rejoice before him with reverence and with wood, stone or metal. There are a number of that it is impossible to make a true image of ness of worshipping God under the form of fear"; and by having on "the ornament of a reasons why we must not do this. God the Father or of the incarnate Son of God. anything made by man's device, as stated in Acts meek and quiet spirit, which in the sight of God 17:29: "Forasmuch then as we are the offspring is of great price." (1 Peter 3:4). First, it is impossible to make a true image of Second, it is irrational and absurd to worship of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead God. God is Spirit, and as such he is invisi- images. The workman is better and greater than is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art "Then they that feared the Lord spake often one ble. He dwells in light inapproachable. Moses his work. "He who builds the house has more and man's device. And the times of this igno- to another; and the Lord hearkened and heard reminded the people of Israel as they came honour than the house" (Hebrews 3:3). Men do rance God winked at; but now commandeth all it, and a book of remembrance was written to enter the Promised Land that when God not worship the craftsman who makes the idol; men everywhere to repent." before him for them that feared the Lord, and spoke to them at Mount Horeb, in the midst why should they then worship the image? that thought upon his name. And they shall be of the fire, they saw "no manner of simili- We can see from all this how one thing can lead mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when I tude". Therefore they should be careful not Third, it is against the express commandment of to another; how the desire to accommodate make up my jewels, and I will spare them as a to corrupt themselves and make a graven God. If God's Word says that we ought not to images and false worship can lead to the cor- man spareth his own son that serveth him." image, after the manner of the indigenous worship images, then that should settle the rupting of the Word of God, and tampering (Malachi 3:16 & 17.) inhabitants of the land. Isaiah the prophet matter for the Christian. But someone may say, with the commandments of God. also says, in that great passage in chapter 40, If that is so clear, why did images appear in the Let us seek to practise spiritual religion and that the Lord cannot be represented by the churches in the first place? For the first few hun- Fourth, the teaching of the Church of England eschew all images and idolatry and outward art of the woodworker or the goldsmith. dred years, of course, there were no images in clearly forbids the adoration of images. The show for God will punish it, "for the Lord seeth God is the creator and is himself the former churches. If images were set up they were longest of the homilies is Against Peril of not as man seeth; for man looketh on the out- of all things. "To whom then will ye liken me removed or broken down. But when the Roman Idolatry and the Superfluous Decking of ward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the or shall I be equal? saith the Holy One." And Emperor was converted, the Christian religion Churches, and it especially warns: "The images heart" (1 Samuel 16:7). Let the apostle John our Lord himself declares "God is a spirit." became the state religion. Thousands of uncon- of God, our Saviour, the Virgin Mary are of all have the last word on this subject: "Little chil- verted pagans and pagan priests joined the others the most dangerous; and therefore the dren, keep yourselves from idols." (1 John 5:21). An image that purports to represent God is church and brought with them their pagan greatest care ought to be had that they stand not therefore a lie. It can only lead the worship- ways and practices. A second factor contributing in temples and churches." A warning which, Rt Rev David N. Samuel

10 Mountains of Sinai