3-6-00-3122 783 0070 1


official (CD) LOGOGUIDE

1 3-6-00-3122 783 0070 1 Contact address Warning Conditions ofpublication Introduction correctly. beused must it isused, alogo If approval. Philipsfor contact must licensedproducts than other onmaterial apply wishing to CDlogo’s persons or Companies License Agreement. Disc Compact appropriate the acquiring without first player) or (disc licensed products to CDlogo’s the apply to any will person of Nocompany or beentitled guidelines. these they comply with if Disclogo Compact apply appropriate to the entitled are Agreements DiscLicense PhilipsCompact the any licensedunder of persons or Companies inquestion. carrier onthe logo the of physical the implementation specifies which guide, logo inthis wishes which user useasdefined logo the to the identified has user the only isadvised proceed if user to The indicated. objects be appliedonthe way isto the Disclogo useandthey inwhich determine Compact Disclogo the Compact for instructions allother usesupersede Disclogo Compact for instructions These areas. andentertainment professional well asfor as field electronics consumer the for logos, allrelated including logo, DISC COMPACT the of utilisation acorrect for rules of aset describes guide Disclogo Compact This Web:http://www.licensing.ph +31-40-2732113 Fax. : Netherlands The 5600 JBEINDHOVEN, P.O. Box 80002, SFF-8, Building Support Licensing &Licensing Standards Philips System pleasecontact: issuesremain, licensing concerning questions if or isrequired, artwork original if use, logo to pertaining questions are there If shown guide. inthis graphics andother logos the of resolution onthe effect hasanoticeable appliedcompression The used. printer the of limitations due to and/or viewing of platform the at sets unavailable dueto character parts/characters readable not insome couldresult This file. as.pdf will mainly document bedistributed This June1999. Royal© PhilipsElectronics. without notice. change to issubject document This guide. Disclogo Compact inthis described way inany other explicitly Disclogos than Compact the allowed distribute isnot to It Royal PhilipsElectronics. of rights the any to of available without prejudice ismade document This Royal PhilipsElectronics. from permission explicit written and/or alicense obtaining only after ispermitted guide inthis described logos the any of Use of ilips.com ilips.com 2 3-6-00-3122 783 0070 1 Use oftheCompactDisclogo Territory Object document. document. inthis asdescribed beusedcorrectly must it isused, Disclogo Compact the If document. inthis to asreferred standard within specific the Discproducts Compact respective the among compatibility the indicate andto Descriptions DiscSystem with Compact the material program CDdiscs and the the CDrecorders, CDplayers, the the compliance of the indicate to monitors) displayed ontelevision andcomputer material program of trailers or banners (e.g. images may alsobedisplayed generated onelectrically logo Disc Compact The etc. materials, printed advertising, accessories, packaging, related may only Disclogo CDdiscsand Compact beappliedon CDplayers, CDrecorders, The intended). ranges percentages/ contrast actual the reflect may not quality examples shown, printed the the in (Note: page. following allowed. examples onthe not Pleaseseethe are effects graphic Shadows and/or 100%ispermitted. 40%- of range contrast a(negative) background, the value tonal of uponthe depending inwhite, appears logo the When 40% ispermitted. 0%- of range contrast a(positive) background, the value tonal of uponthe depending inblack, appears logo the When logo. entire the across beuniform must and intensity colour background the isused, Disclogo Compact the version of negative apositive or If reproductions andpositive Negative permitted. isnot rule white colour or black the to without complying Disclogo Compact the moulding or Engraving beutilised. may not logo within same the irregularities surface or textures Different beused. may not logo within same colours the Different white or lettering. only beusedinblack must additions andits Disclogo Compact The Colour beused. to are document inthis to referred files electronic The purposes. scanning for examples shown document inthis allowed usethe isnot to It forbidden. alsostrictly any, are if additions, andits logo Disc Compact the of any to part andmodifications deletions additions, created user Any forbidden. strictly are andadditions Variations files. asshown attached inthe form and always combination must fixed beusedinthe Disclogo Compact The to. refferred files electronic andthe explained document are inthis them) of lack (or additions These words DISC”). “COMPACT besidethe and/or of underneath aslettering defined are approved “additions” (The additions. logo DISC Philips approved COMPACT andthe DISC” words “COMPACT the of isacombination Disclogo Compact The Shape by law. forbidden are where suchtrademarks beappliedincountries world cannot wide. Suchinstructions way beused the hasto specify Disclogo use, inwhich Compact the for instructions These 3 3-6-00-3122 783 0070 1 maximum size. isno There is9mm. logo the width the of size of minimum eye. The human naked isalways andeasily Disclogo with readable legible the Compact the andthat maintained are ratio) (aspect between elements respective the andproportions positions relative same the that condition onthe enlarged or may bereduced Disclogo Compact The Size own onits beutilised andfree-standing. therefore must Disclogo Compact complete The beadded. etc. may slogan, any nor text, frame, box or border, own beenclosedonits of not inany kind must Disclogo Compact The word CD). the of “D” stylised letter the DiscVideologo, Compact the case of only (and inthe word the “disc” of “d” stylised letter the of height the least andisat appear elements textual or zone inwhich graphical zone. Aclear isanarea clear noother a maintaining beutilised must exactly supplied) asshown logo, artwork inthe appropriate included with the if aPhilipsapproved addition, (including Disclogo Compact A complete zone Clear 3 examples of black and white positive contrast reproduction utilisation utilisation reproduction contrast examples3 positive black white and of 0 40% 0% 25% 40% 0% 25% 3 examples ofblack negativecontrast reproductionuse andwhite 4 3-6-00-3122 783 0070 1 have bemaintained. to by artwork asindicated the additions logo Philipsapproved andthe Disclogo Compact this of andproportions positions relative The 5%. than deviate may more not ratio aspect The Disclogo. Compact the isapplicableto value given hereunder ratio aspect The be corrected. andwhere beverified neededto hasto ratio aspect the isused, artwork caseelectronic In maintained. are ratio) (aspect between elements respective the andproportions positions relative same the that condition onthe enlarged or may bereduced Disclogo Compact The Aspect ratio 1 1 1

0.47 0.47 0.42 0.42 0.47 Min.Width = 9 mm =9mm Min.Width DiscLogo) (Compact x =0.47 Width Height Size/Aspect Ratio Min.Width = 9 mm =9mm Min.Width Logo) DiscVideo (Compact x =0.42 Width Height Size/Aspect Ratio =9mm Min.Width part) DiscLogo (Compact x =0.47 Width Height Size/Aspect Ratio 5 3-6-00-3122 783 0070 1 • • • • of: positions following applied inthe may only above inthe be sections) described (as Disclogo Compact appropriate The Appearance • • The appropriate Compact Disc logo may also only be applied on the following: may alsoonly following: beappliedonthe Disclogo Compact appropriate The manual); manual); the cover of onthe least at appear CDlogo the that isrecommended it is provided, manual the whatever (in form CDrecorder CDplayer or the of manual instruction the covering material; its and/or booklet inlay andor the card CDJewel CDholder, the the box and/or aCDDisc; of labelarea the CD recorders; CDplayers and/or panelof control the printed materials (including catalogues, posters, advertising materials, etc.). etc.). materials, advertising posters, catalogues, (including materials printed CDplayers, CDrecordersanddiscs; boxes of packing 6 3-6-00-3122 783 0070 1 Use of the wording COMPACTUse ofthewording DISCandtheacronym CD Additional information contact our office. office. our contact web or our site available. Pleasecheck are Disclogo Compact the of versions Digital • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • asshown document. text) inthis remaining asthe typeface same andinthe capitals (in abbreviations with only following the inconjunction CDmay inplainlettering alsobeusedasanabbreviation acronym The isused. Disclogo Compact may acronym alsobeusedconditionally when The beused. the not device must anew type combination logo letter this of out CDsomaking letters the for type faces isalways it onplayers providedboth anddiscs, by that Construed followed anumber. product, the of asatype indication CDmay alsobeusedinplainlettering acronym The saiddocument. once inthe least at isalsousedprominently, Disclogo Compact the that condition onthe material may beusedinwritten text) the of rest asthe typeface same andinthe capitals (in CD acronym the or DISC” “COMPACT wording the standard, or system the to refer To logo. logo. Disc Compact the may alsobeusedconditionally acronyms when of The useismade Disc. VideoCompact Super VideoCDfor Super VCDor Super SVCD, DiscReWritable Compact High-Speed for CD-RW High-Speed DiscReWritable. Compact for CD-RW DiscRecordable. Compact for CD-R Disc. Compact Photo PCDfor CDor Photo Disc. VideoCompact VCDfor CDor Disc Video. Compact for CD-V DiscInteractive. Compact for CD-i Memory. DiscReadOnly Compact CD-ROM for EnhancedMusic Disc. Compact for CD EXTRA DiscTEXT. Compact for CD TEXT DiscMIDI. Compact for CD-MIDI DiscExtended Graphics. Compact for CD-EG DiscGraphics. Compact for CD-G Audio. DiscDigital Compact for CD-DA 7 3-6-00-3122 783 0070 1 Definitions Defined logos For any questions about logo usage and validity of the artwork please contact us. us. pleasecontact artwork the andvalidity usage of logo about anyFor questions record- and/or reading of act asthe isdefined “play’ “record” or term The clarity. provided for are Comments: comments Various this useof CDrecorder(s) andor CDplayers(s) onwhich type States of Player usage: Statesonwhich may discstheassociatedlogo beusedby type refer- of Disc usage: shown pages. Disclogos onthese allowed Compact scanthe to shown with are approved isnot additions the below. Disclogos It Compact complete The

spective player(s) or recorder(s) which will logo. usethis recorder(s) or spective player(s) by re- the disc(s) respective the from or to respectively, information ing guide logo this of part discusage inthe discstated which type solely of corder, the plays back re- asaplayer or isdefined isallowed. CDrecorder ACDplayer or logo specifications. standard specific the to ring Comments Player usage usage Disc name System Player usage usage Disc name System CD-DA specifications. specifications. CD-DA which canplay totheabove discs which conform logomay only players onCD-DA This be used Book). theRED as known (also Description System Audio Digital Disc the Philips- Compact IEC60908and/or with specification: theCD-DA logo may onlyThis beusedondiscs complying Audio DiscDigital Compact both CD-G and CD-DA logo. andCD-DA both CD-G of duetothe similarity case inthis not advisable logois an additionalCD-DA functionality. Using discs doesnotimply player combination capability toplayThis di CD-G play subcodes. CD-DA discs without CD-G R-W players, byCD-G havethecapability definition, to specifications. totheaboveCD-DA conform can play discs having CD-Gfunctionality which logomay only onCDplayersThis beused which specifications. theCD-DA of R-W Channels Subcode for section in theoptions specified as mode theoptionalTV-Graphics utilise and REDBook) (the Description Audio System Digital Disc thePhilips-Sonyand/or Compact IEC60908 with specification: boththeCD-DA logo may onlyThis beusedondiscs complying DiscGraphics Compact (CD-G) (CD-DA) scs or plain CD-DA 8 3-6-00-3122 783 0070 1

Comments Player usage usage Disc name System Comments Player usage usage Disc name System logos. logos. andCD-DA CD-G CD-EG, due tothesimilarity of case inthis notadvisable logois additional CD-DA player an functionality. Using combination CD-DA discs andCD-Gdiscs doesnotimply capability toplay This plain such subcodes. W to play CD-DA andCD-Gdiscs without CD-EGR- players, byCD-EG have thecapability definition, specifications. totheaboveCD-DA conform can play discs having functionality CD-EG which logomay only onCDplayersThis beused which specifications. theCD-DA of R-W Channels Subcode for section intheoptions specified as mode TV-Graphics the optionalExtended andutilises REDBook) (the Description System Audio Digital Disc the Philips-Sony Compact IEC60908and/or with specification: theCD-DA logo may onlyThis beusedondiscs complying Graphics DiscExtended Compact CD TEXT and CD-DA logos. logos. andCD-DA CD TEXT of duetothesimilarity case inthis not advisable logois an additionalCD-DA functionality. Using DA discs doesnotimply player combination capability toplay This plainCD- such subcodes. capability toplay without CD-DA CDTEXT players, by havethe definition, CD TEXT specifications. totheaboveCD-DA which conform can play functionality discs having CDTEXT logomay only onCDplayersThis beused which specification. theCD-DA of R-W Channels Subcode for section in theoptions specified as mode theoptionalCDTEXT utilises and REDBook) (the Description Audio System Digital Disc thePhilips-Sonyand/or Compact IEC60908 with specification: boththeCD-DA logo may onlyThis beusedondiscs complying DiscText Compact (CD TEXT) (CDTEXT) (CD-EG) 9 3-6-00-3122 783 0070 1

Comments Player usage usage Disc name System Comments Player usage usage Disc name System similarity of CD TEXT, CD-G and CD-DA logos. logos. andCD-DA CD-G CDTEXT, similarity of duetothe case inthis notadvisable logo is player anadditionalCD-DA functionality. Using plain CD-DA discs doesnotimply combination capability toplay This such subcodes. R-W TEXT capability toplay di CD-DA players, by havethe definition, TEXT CD-G specifications. totheaboveCD-DA functionality which conform can play discs having bothCD-GandCDTEXT logomay only onCDplayersThis beused which specifications. theCD-DA of R-W Channels Subcode for section intheoptions specified as mode CD TEXT the well as as theoptionalTV-Graphics utilises and REDBook) (the Description Audio System Digital Disc thePhilips-Sonyand/or Compact IEC60908 with specification: boththeCD-DA logo may onlyThis beusedondiscs complying TEXT) Text with DiscGraphics Compact both CD-MIDI and CD-DA logos. logos. andCD-DA both CD-MIDI of duetothesimilarity case inthis not advisable logois an additionalCD-DA functionality. Using DA discs doesnotimply player combination capability toplay This plainCD- such subcodes. withoutto playR-W CD-MIDI disks CD-DA players,CD-MIDI by havethecapability definition, specifications. totheaboveCD-DA conform can play discs having CD-MIDIfunctionality which logomay only onCDplayersThis beused which specifications. CD-DA the of R-W Channels Subcode for section options inthe specified as theoptional MIDImode utilises and REDBook) (the Description Audio System Digital Disc thePhilips-Sonyand/or Compact IEC60908 with specification: boththeCD-DA logo may onlyThis beusedondiscs complying MIDI Disc Compact (CD-MIDI) (CD-MIDI) scs without CD-G (CD-G 10 3-6-00-3122 783 0070 1

Comments Player usage usage Disc name System logos. logos. andCD-DA bothCD-ROM due tothesimilarity of case inthis notadvisable logois additional CD-DA an Using thatmanufacturer. of the discretion being able to play CD-DA discs is entirely up to player CD-ROM of capability thatparticular of the implements playerCD-ROM manufacturer nota or player functionality. Whether combination playing functionality CD-DA discs. This implies usually players also of CD-ROM are capable application. ROM CD- toaspecific related playeror identification and/ disc of with means aneasyuser discernible whichwill the provide trademark, another logo or another physical with, adescription, proportion in ataminimum zonethe clear definition), see displayed, is toit,(please there butunrelated logo, Philips tothis thatnext suggested Itis exist. currently CD-ROM of many variants standard, theCD-ROM of opennature Due tothebasic specifications. CD-ROM which canplay totheabove discs which conform logomay only players onCD-ROM This beused Book). YELLOW the as known (also Description System Memory ReadOnly Disc Philips-Sonyand/or Compact 10149 ISO/IEC with specifications: theCD-ROM logo may onlyThis beusedondiscs complying Only Memory DiscRead Compact Multisession players CD-ROM-XA anddiscs. for beused logoshould theCD-ROM therefore and application or format self-contained or notaself-supporting is XA CD-ROM Multisession (CD-ROM) 11 3-6-00-3122 783 0070 1

Comments Player usage usage Disc name System Specification. Specification. Functional Full Interactive Disc Compact thePhilips-Sony of now part itis anintegral since anadditionallogo notrequire does extension this of theoptionalusage Book, theGreen of MotionExtension theFull of theintroduction With manufacturer. by made a optionalimplementations are but Book, theGreen player of case definition base notoutlinedinthe are capabilities where such players, combination players considered Such are and/orVideo-CDPHOTO-CD and/orCD-Gdiscs. playing of players capable CD-i are also There DA logo. CD- aseparate toinclude notadvisable therefore Itis Book). GREEN (the Specification Functional Full Interactive Disc Philips-Sony Compact the player of definition outlined inthebasecase andbeing able toplaytracks CD-DA discs, as player CD-i inadditiontoplayingparticular CD-DA capability themandatory that of implement must player player functionality. ACD-i manufacturer discs. Such functionality combination implies playing of capable players CD-DA CD-i also are specifications. can play totheabove CD-i discs which conform logomay only players onCD-i which This beused Book). theGreen as known (also Specification Functional Full Interactive Disc Compact thePhilips-Sony specification: with theCD-i logo may onlyThis beusedondiscs complying DiscInteractive Compact (CD-i) 12 3-6-00-3122 783 0070 1

Player usage usage Disc name System Comments Player usage usage Disc name System

DA logos. DA logos. CDandCD- bothPHOTO of due tothesimilarity case inthis notadvisable logois additional CD-DA an Using thatmanufacturer. of the discretion being able to play CD-DA discs is entirely up to CDplayer of PHOTO capability thatparticular of the implements CDplayer manufacturer PHOTO nota or player functionality. Whether combination CD-DA functionality discs. This implies CDplayers playing usually are of capable PHOTO Company. Kodak the Eastman of logotype” thepermission or symbol requires Company CD “Photo Kodak anEastman of usage physical Any proportion. inthesame a minimum with PhotoCDlogo,at used concurrently aPhilips tobe recommended logo type” itis or used, is Company CDsymbol “Photo Kodak anEastman If CDspecifications. above PHOTO players which can play discs which conform to the CD logomay only onPHOTO This beused PhotoCD. Description System Philips-Kodak CDspecification: with thePHOTO logo may onlyThis beusedondiscs complying Photo CD CD-V specifications. specifications. CD-V which canplay totheabove discs which conform logomay only players onCD-V This beused IEC 60856and60857. tot with reference theREDBook) as known (also Description DigitalAudioSystem Disc Compact thePhilips-Sony60908 andIEC61104and/or IEC withcomplying specifications: theCD-V logo may onlyThis video discs beusedon12cm DiscVideo Compact (P-CD) (CD-V) 13 3-6-00-3122 783 0070 1

Comments Player usage usage Disc name System Comments Player usage usage Disc name System logos. logos. bothVideoCDandCD-DA of due tothesimilarity case inthis notadvisable logois additional CD-DA an Using thatmanufacturer. of the discretion being able to play CD-DA discs is entirely up to VideoCDplayer capability thatparticular of of the implements Video CDplayer manufacturer nota or player functionality. Whether combination CD-DA functionality discs. This implies Video CDplayers playing usually are of capable Video CDspecifications. which canplay totheabove discs which conform logomay only onVideoCDplayersThis beused Book). theWHITE as known (also Specification DigitalVideo Disc Matsushita-Sony Compact thePhilips-JVC- with theVideoCDspecifications: logo may onlyThis beusedondiscs complying Disc Compact Video the similarity of these logos. logos. these of the similarity dueto case inthis notadvisable logois CD-DA or anadditionalVideoCD and/ Using manufacturer. discs is entirely up to the discretion of that being able toplayof Video CDdiscs orCD-DA thecapability of implements player manufacturer VideoCD notaSuper or functionality. Whether player combination functionality implies playing Video CDandCD-DA discs. This VideoCDplayers usuallySuper are of capable VideoCDspecifications. above Super players which can play discs which conform to the logomay only VideoCD onSuper This beused Specification. Disc Compact Video Super Philips-JVC-Matsushita-Sony the with VideoCDspecifications: theSuper logo may onlyThis beusedondiscs complying Super Video Compact Disc (Video CD) CD) (Video (SVCD) 14 3-6-00-3122 783 0070 1

Comments Player usage usage Disc name System Comments Player usage usage Disc name System CD TEXT, CD EXTRA and CD-DA logos. logos. andCD-DA CDEXTRA CD TEXT, of duetothesimilarity case inthis not advisable logois anadditionalCD-DA Using subcodes. R-W capability toplay di CD-DA players, by havethe definition, TEXT CD EXTRA specifications. andCDTEXT the aboveCDEXTRA to functionality conform which with TEXT EXTRA playersTEXT which can play discs having CD with logomay only onCDEXTRA This beused specifications. theCD-DA of R-W Channels Subcode for section intheoptions specified as mode TEXT with andcomply theoptionalCD and which utilise BLUE Book) (the specification Sony CDEXTRA thePhilips- specification: with EXTRA boththeCD logo may onlyThis beusedondiscs complying CD EXTRA Text with logos. andCD-DA bothCDEXTRA of similarity CD-DA aswell discs duetothe asCDEXTRA aplayer play incase can notadvisable is both logo by anadditionalCD-DA Using the BlueBook. defined as disc aCDEXTRA of session CD-DA players will CD-DA playBy allexisting a definition players which can play CD EXTRA discs. CDEXTRA ondedicated and/or drives CD-ROM with PC’s multimedia equipped andconfigured logomay only withThis beused properly Blue Book). the as known (also Specification Sony CDEXTRA thePhilips- specifications: with EXTRA theCD logo may onlyThis beusedondiscs complying Music) CD EXTRA (Formally called: CD Enhanced CDEnhanced called: (Formally (CD EXTRA TEXT) TEXT) EXTRA (CD scs without CD TEXT scs without CDTEXT 15 3-6-00-3122 783 0070 1

Comments Player usage usage Disc name System Player usage usage Disc name System platform specific information. information. specific platform disc's this of theuser responsibility toinform creator's thedisc itis blank, nolonger is thedisc beenwritten onto,hence has adisc Once R specifications. andCD- totheaboveCD-ROM conform recording question canrecordrecordable discs which after capabilityrecording theCD-Rplayer-recorder if in logomay only players onCD-R This beused with Yellow Book). the as known (also Description System Memory ReadOnly Disc Philips-Sonyand/or Compact 10149 inISO/IEC specified as applications ROM) data(CD- for exclusivelyand which are preset II) Part book theORANGE as known (also Once) (Write PartII:CD-WO Description, System Disc Compact Philips-Sony Recordable specifications: withcomplying andCD-ROM theCD-R logo may onlyThis beusedonrecordable discs Applications) DiscRecordable Compact specifications. andCD-R totheaboveCD-DA conform recording, question canrecordrecordable discs which, after capabilityrecording theCD-Rplayer-recorder if in logomay only players onCD-R This beused with Book). theRed as known (also Description System Audio Digital Disc the Philips-Sony Compact inIEC60908and/or specified as applications DA) audio(CD- for exclusivelyand which preset are II) Part book theOrange as known (also Once) (Write PartII:CD-WO Description, System Disc Compact Philips-Sony Recordable specifications: withcomplying andCD-DA theCD-R logo may onlyThis beusedonrecordable discs Applications) DiscRecordable Compact (CD-R) for Data (CD-R)for Audio (CD-R)for 16 3-6-00-3122 783 0070 1

Comments Player usage usage Disc name System Player usage usage Disc name System platform specific information. information. specific platform disc's this of theuser responsibility toinform creator's thedisc itis blank, nolonger is thedisc beenwritten onto,hence has adisc Once specifications. andCD-RW ROM totheaboveCD- conform recording which after recorder in question canrecordrewritable discs player- capability theCD-RW with if recording players logomay only onCD-RW This beused Book). theYellow as known (also Description System ReadOnly Disc Memory Philips-Sony Compact 10149and/or inISO/IEC specified as applications data(CD-ROM) for exclusivelyare preset andwhich III) Part book theORANGE as known (also (ReWriteable) III:CD-RW Part Description, System Disc Compact Sony ReWritable Philips- specifications: withcomplying theCD-RW logo may onlyThis beusedonrewritable discs Applications. DiscReWritable Compact specifications. DA andCD-RW totheaboveCD- conform recording which after recorder in question canrecordrewritable discs player- capability theCD-RW with if recording players logomay only onCD-RW This beused theRedBook). as known (also Description AudioSystem Digital Disc Philips-Sony Compact the inIEC60908and/or specified as applications audio(CD-DA) for exclusivelyare preset andwhich III) Part book theORANGE as known (also (ReWriteable) III:CD-RW Part Description, System Disc Compact Sony ReWritable Philips- specifications: withcomplying theCD-RW logo may onlyThis beusedonrewritable discs Applications. DiscReWritable Compact (CD-RW) for Data for (CD-RW) Audio for (CD-RW) 17 3-6-00-3122 783 0070 1

Comments Comments Player usage usage Disc name System Player usage usage Disc name System platform specific information. information. specific platform disc's this of theuser responsibility toinform creator's thedisc itis blank, nolonger is thedisc beenwritten onto,hence has adisc Once theYellow as known Book). also Description ReadOnly Disc System Memory Compact (Philips-Sony specification theCD-ROM as well PartIII)as Description, System Disc Compact (Philips-Sony ReWritable specification CD-RW and II) Part Description, System Disc Compact (Philips-Sony CD-R Recordable respective tothe conform recording after applications),which rewritable discs (exclusively preset for data well as recordable record can question capabilityrecording theCD-Rplayer-recorder if in logomay only players onCD-R This beused with Not applicable. Data Applications DiscReWritable Compact theRedBook). as known also Description DigitalAudioSystem Disc Compact (Philips-Sony specification theCD-DA as well PartIII)as Description, System Disc Compact (Philips-Sony ReWritable specification CD-RW and II) Part Description, System Disc Compact (Philips-Sony CD-R Recordable respective tothe conform recording which after applications), rewritable discs (exclusively audio presetfor well as recordable record can question capabilityrecording theCD-Rplayer-recorder if in logomay only players onCD-R This beused with Not applicable. Audio Applications. DiscReWritable Compact (CD-R/CD-RW) for for (CD-R/CD-RW) for (CD-R/CD-RW) 18 3-6-00-3122 783 0070 1

Comments Comments Player usage usage Disc name System platform specific information. information. specific platform disc's this of theuser responsibility toinform creator's thedisc itis blank, nolonger is thedisc beenwritten onto,hence has adisc Once the Yellow Book). as known also Only Description System Memory Read Disc (Philips-Sony Compact specification well theCD-ROM as as 2) 1andvolume volume PartIII, Description, System Disc Compact (Philips-Sony ReWritable specification CD-RW and II) Part Description, System Disc Compact CD respective tothe conform recording which after applications), Speed) discs (exclusively data pre-setfor well High- Speedas as (Standard rewritable well as recordable record can question capability theCD if recording logomay only onCD This beused theYellow as known Book). (also Description ReadOnly Disc System Memory Compact Philips-Sony 10149and/or inISO/IEC specified as applications data(CD-ROM) for pre-set exclusively andwhich are 2) III,volume Part book Speed CD 2:High- PartIII,volume Description, System Disc Compact Philips-Sony ReWritable specifications: withcomplying CD-RW theHigh-Speed logo may onlyThis beusedonrewritable discs DataApplications for Speed CD-RW) DiscReWritable Compact High-Speed - RW (also known as the ORANGE theORANGE as known (also RW - R (Philips-Sony Recordable R (Philips-Sony Recordable - R player-recorder in - R players with (High- (High- 19 3-6-00-3122 783 0070 1 Examples oferroneoususetheCDlogo

INVALID LOGO throughout these Logo Guides, Guides, Logo these throughout any questions about logo usage contact us. us. contact usage logo about any questions usage. invalid logo examples below of following are The

tain the same relative proportions. proportions. relative same the tain re- must logo the that which states Guide, CDLogo inthis found Guide. CDLogo inthis found All additional text is to be placed outside the the beplacedoutside isto text All additional This logo violates the violates the logo This exist These donot logos REASON(S) FORINVALIDITY This logo violates the violates the logo This isreversed. “addition” only (Photo) the Here, setting. contrast beinanappropriate must logo entire the that which states the of section violates the logo This if you youif correctly then usealogo useit must Use of the CDLogo the Use of Shape Size reproductions andpositive Negative section of the the of section in this CD Logo Guide . . Guide CD Logo in this section of the the of section DO NOT USETHEM NOT DO found in this CD Logo Guide, Guide, CDLogo inthis found Use of the CDLogo the Use of Use of the CDLogo the Use of clear zone clear . As stated Asstated . . . For

20 3-6-00-3122 783 0070 1



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