(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,631,468 B1 Von Below (45) Date of Patent: Oct
USOO6631468B1 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,631,468 B1 VOn Below (45) Date of Patent: Oct. 7, 2003 (54) BOOTABLE PACKET WRITTEN RE Unknown, “Volume and File Structure of CDROM for WRITABLE OPTICAL DISC AND METHODS Information Interchange", Standard ECMA-119, 2" Ed., FOR MAKING SAME Dec. 1987, Reprint Sep. 1998. <http://www.ecma.chd. Unknown, “Universal Disk Format TM Specification”, (75) Inventor: Alexander G. von Below, Aachen (DE) OSTA-2, Rev. 2.00, Apr. 3, 1998, Optical Storage Technol ogy ASSn., Santa Barbara, CA. (73) Assignee: Roxio, Inc., Santa Clara, CA (US) * cited by examiner (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this Primary Examiner Thomas Lee patent is extended or adjusted under 35 ASSistant Examiner Thuan Du U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm Martine & Penilla, LLP (57) ABSTRACT (21) Appl. No.: 09/464,332 The present invention provides a method and a computer (22) Filed: Dec. 15, 1999 readable medium for writing fixed packet data to create a (51) Int. Cl." ............................. G06F 9/24; G06F 9/00; bootable optical disc. Each of the fixed packets includes a Set G06F 9/445 of data blocks with a Set of link blockS Separating a pair of (52) U.S. Cl. ................................................ 713/2; 711/4 consecutive fixed packets. A first packet is written onto a (58) Field of Search ............................. 713/1, 2; 711/1, re-writable compact disc including a boot record that has a 711/4, 171, 172, 173; 360/135; 369/13.56 pair of pointers for pointing to locations of associated boot catalogs.
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