As We See It John Atkinson 've recently been rereading Mark with aunique 40-bit string, or "key." Each it becomes hard to get agreement on any- Lane's and Donald Freed's 1970s DVD-V disc includes ashort in-the-clear thing, even if it's just plain common sense. Iscreenplay cum novel, Executive Action, "disc key," which is also encrypted with And the record industry may well have which develops the theory that John E all the allowed player keys. When you more to fear than the movie industry. The Kennedy was açussinated by aconspiracy insert aDVD in aplayer, aconsiderable sheer amount of data represented by an between organized crime, expatriate Cu- amount of handshaking takes place, the MPEG-2-encoded movie makes aDVD ban Batistists, and Eisenhower's "military- player using its key to descramble the intrinsically hard to copy, but asingle cut industrial complex." Long predating Oliver appropriate encrypted disc key before off aDVD-A, even if multichannel and Stone's JFK, the book is fascinating, con- playback is allowed. (Perhaps this is the 24/96, is an easily manageable amount of vincing stuff, from authors who had done reason DVD players are so slow to load.) data for anyone with amodest computer to considerable research into what really hap- The hackers got hold of aunencrypted copy. According to Matsushita spokesman pened in November 1963. But, like all con- player key and used it to reverse engineer Yoshihiro Kitadeya, as reported in aDow spiracy theories, it falls down on the hard the system. Their program, widely avail- Jones Newswire story on December 2, rock of reality: the more people and orga- able on the Internet, allows anyone with "since music requires much less data than nizations are involved in aconspiracy, the enough computer storage space to make video, it would be easier to copy individual less likelihood there is of anything happen- decrypted copies of the files that make up songs from aDVD-A disc..
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