10 June 2021

Dear All

The current spell of very fine and much warmer weather has been most welcome and I hope you have all been able to get out and about to enjoy it. However, what is rather disappointing is the news of the increase in the COVID infection figures and the spread of the Delta variant. It does put a bit of a question mark over whether the full release from restrictions can be implemented on June 21. Let’s hope we can go ahead, especially for all those businesses who rely on their summer trade.

In the meantime, this Update includes a message from the Surgery as to how they are currently dealing with appointments during this difficult time, news on the vaccination situation now & have closed and information on how to ensure you get your repeat prescription in time. I have included links to the National Data Opt-Out service which you may have heard about. I have also mentioned an award to Jenna Ayling who organised the very efficient vaccination programme in our area and you may be interested in signing a petition to the Health Secretary, Matt Hancock, calling on him to prioritise support for GP surgeries.

Stay safe and well.

Chairman, WMCPPG ______


There has been a lot in the national media recently about how GP practices are working and there is a comprehensive explanation on the Medical Centre website as to how our Practice is functioning at this current time and their commitment to making sure all patients who need help can receive it.

In brief, they continue to provide face-to-face appointments, as well as supporting people over the phone or online. Face-to-face appointments will be offered when they are medically needed and can be with a range of health professionals within the Practice depending on the support you need. Using a mix of face- to-face and phone appointments allows them to keep the number of patients on site to a minimum. This ensures they can all socially distance if you do need to come into the Surgery

They appreciate that some people have struggled to get through on the phone or had a long wait and are grateful for your patience. Calls have increased recently. In the last week they received 1616 calls – that’s equivalent to over 320 a day – but a phone conversation helps them understand what kind of support you need and how urgent it is, and means they can work out the best way for you to receive help.

To see the full message and ways to get help, go to

How the Practice is Functioning Update | Witterings Medical Centre


As reported in the previous Update, both the Selsey & Tangmere centres have now discontinued providing vaccinations, so here is where you will be able to receive your vaccination – and how to book it:

If you are aged 40 and over and need your first dose – please call 119 or visit the national booking system to arrange your appointment. If there isn’t a local centre showing please try again later.

If you are aged 39 and under and need your first dose – it is recommended that you have an alternative to the AstraZeneca vaccine. Please call 119 or visit the national booking system to arrange your appointment. Services will only show centres that have the recommended vaccine for you. If there isn’t a local centre showing please try again later.

The Westgate vaccination centre is expecting to offer the Pfizer vaccine by the middle of June, and appointments will be available on the national booking system’s website and 119 as soon as this is confirmed. Until then, vaccination centres in Portsmouth and Brighton and other GP led services will be options for you.

If you are waiting for your second dose and had the AstraZeneca vaccine for your first vaccination – please call 119 or visit the national booking system to arrange your appointment. Westgate vaccination centre will be able to offer this appointment for you.

If you are waiting for your second dose and had the Pfizer vaccine for your first vaccination – your details have been passed to the Vaccination Programme team to arrange your second dose appointment. These clinics will be taking place at Bognor Health Centre and you will shortly receive an update on how to arrange this. Transport is available for those that need it.

If you have any further questions about the Covid-19 vaccination programme, there is lots of information on the SHCP website:


Changes to second dose appointments

NHS has confirmed that appointments for a second vaccine will be brought forward from 12 to 8 weeks for the remaining people in the top nine priority groups who have yet to receive their second dose. This includes those aged 30 and over, those clinically vulnerable and unpaid carers. If people have an appointment in the next 10 days this will continue as planned. If appointments have been booked through the national booking system – online or via 119 – the central team will be contacting people in these groups who have an appointment after this time to bring forward their appointment for the second dose.

Those people with a blood clot disorder or had a bad reaction to their first AstraZeneca dose will be offered the option of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine though it may be necessary to go to a different vaccination centre.

There is a collection point in the Festival Car Park, ______


There have been comments about delays in obtaining repeat prescriptions. Repeat prescriptions are issued on a 4, 8 & 12 week cycle. The standard turnround time is 8 days from ordering to collecting your prescription. Though in the past it has been quicker, the Surgery is currently dealing with a very high volume of prescriptions.

You cannot get your repeat medication before the ‘Next Issue’ date shown on your prescription form but to be sure you do not run out of your medication you can submit a repeat request up to 7 days before the next issue date. If a prescription request is submitted more than 7 days earlier, it will only be actioned on the 7 day restriction set up on the system. If you are going away and request an 'advance' of your repeat medication, this can be approved by one of the GPs who will override the next issue date.

The new ERD (Electronic Repeat Dispensing) system which has been introduced should eventually eliminate the problems.


You may have seen all the media coverage regarding data opt out. The national data opt-out is a service that allows patients to opt out of their confidential patient information being used for research and planning. No identifiable data will be released even if patients remain opted in. Patients can opt back in at any time if they choose to opt out now. For information on this go to these websites:



Opting out must be done by the 30th June 2021.



Jenna Ayling, who is the Manager for our Primary Care Network and based at Tangmere Medical Centre, has received a Hidden Heroes award for Outstanding Performance during the Pandemic. The Hidden Heroes initiative was established by four Companies who play a key role in supporting General Practice - Dene Healthcare, Gama Healthcare, Interface Clinical Services and Practice

Jenna is pictured with Matt Taylor of Dene Healthcare, Index - to identify some of the excellent individuals who presented the award, and Dr Sandeep Mtharu, and teams to highlight their incredible work during Clinical Director for the Chichester Area Practices. All the Pandemic that too often goes unnoticed. safely masked of course! Jenna gave up her time during her Christmas break, her annual leave and during most weekends to manage and co-ordinate the local vaccination programme at the Tangmere and Selsey centres. Many of us will have benefited from the most efficient organisation and friendly way we received our vaccinations at these centres. ______


As we are all aware our GP services are under pressure, and risk being overwhelmed. The impact of the Pandemic is being felt in surgeries across the country. Doctors' leaders say what they are being asked to achieve is "undoable".

Whilst Health Secretary, Matt Hancock, says he is “totally focussed” on dealing with the Pandemic, we need to make sure that saving GP practices is at the top of his to-do list. Maybe you would like to add your name to the petition urging him to make it a priority. Around 43,000 have signed already.

Matt Hancock, Stop GPs Being Overwhelmed (38degrees.org.uk)