Public Document Pack JOHN WARD East Pallant House Head of Finance and Governance Services 1 East Pallant Chichester Contact: Democratic Services on 01243 534685 West Sussex Email:
[email protected] PO19 1TY Tel: 01243 785166 A meeting of the Corporate Governance and Audit Committee will be held in Committee Room 2 at East Pallant House Chichester West Sussex on Thursday 26 July 2018 at 09:30 MEMBERS: Mrs P Tull (Chairman), Mrs P Plant (Vice-Chairman), Mr J Brown, Mrs N Graves, Mrs P Hardwick, Mr F Hobbs, Mr S Lloyd-Williams, Mr K Martin, Mr S Morley and Mr P Wilding AGENDA SUPPLEMENT This agenda supplement contains the background paper to report for agenda item 10 and is available for online viewing only. 10 Section 106 and CIL Annual Monitoring Report (pages 1 to 83) Background Paper: Receipts and expenditure by service (including West Sussex County Council and the South Downs National Park) S106 Background Paper 1 - Receipts and expenditure by service 1. Affordable Housing Affordable Housing 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Balance brought forward 974,313 1,142,216 1,132,874 1,176,324 1,436,764 1,751,743 2,175,607 Total receipts 245,019 196,941 339,915 298,183 338,279 441,595 Interest received 12,076 10,474 10,682 10,281 19,741 13,629 Interest spent 0 0 0 0 0 0 Monitoring fee deduction 2,392 6,756 4,805 13,870 6,151 0 Page 1 Total expenditure 86,800 210,000 302,342 34,154 36,890 31,360 (excluding interest) Balance Remaining 1,142,216 1,132,874 1,176,324 1,436,764 1,751,743 2,175,607 In the past, the council’s registered provider partners have been very successful in attracting grants from the Homes and Communities Agency.