[email protected]) PAGE NOTES MINCHA EREV PESACH 232-254 Usual Mincha (skip Tachanun on 250-252, continue Alenu Bottom 252) 320-322 Insert if Pesach starts Friday Night (Kabbalas Shabbos) MAARIV (1st and 2nd Nights) 330-336 If praying alone, skip bold lines on top of 330; Shema (include Kel Melech Ne’eman if praying alone) 336 Say Second Paragraph (Ve’Shamru) if Friday Night; Say Grey Box 660-670 Say Shemoneh Esrei for Festivals (add grey box on 664 for motzei Shabbos; add insertions for Pesach and/or bracketed words for Shabbos) 632-642 Full Hallel (omit if praying alone) 348 Chazzan Says Full Kaddish (omit if alone) 284-286 (2nd Night only) Count Sefiras HaOmer (1st Day of Omer – delay count if daven early) 350 Alenu 12 Yigdal PESUKEI D’ZIMRAH AND SHACHARIS (1st and 2nd Day) 18-48 One should say Brachos and Korbanos as one usually does each morning 48-52 Rabbi Yishmael Omer (followed by Rabbi’s Kaddish, omit if alone) 54-56 Mizmor Shir Chanukas HaBayis (then Mourner’s Kaddish, omit if alone) 370 to bottom 402 Usual Pesukei D’Zimrah for Yom Tov (same as said Shabbos) Bottom 402-406 Chazan starts Shacharis (Both Days) 406 Barchu (skip bold lines if praying alone and start with Blessing of the Shema at bottom of page) 408-414 Follow weekday (grey box at bottom then skip to 412) or Shabbos (top of page, then 410) 414 to 420 (top 3 lines) Shema (include Kel Melech Ne’eman if praying alone) 660-670 Festival Shacharis Shemoneh Esrei (add insertions for Pesach and/or bracketed words for